Vailis |
Vailis continues checking the basin over the table with his detec magic spell.
Spellcraft: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20
qwerty71 |
Vailis |
"Ah! This is definetely the source of the pox. You better don't drink from it or even touch it." says the half-elf alerted.
He then takes a bag and places it into the floor next to the table. At a word, the basin starts to fly in the air thanks to the summoner mage's hand spell, and peacefully places the basin inside the bag.
"Let's see what can we do now... it's time to talk with Syntira and end this mission all in all." and so, Vailis picks up the bag with the basin, and after looting Vondrella and the others, he sets foot with the others towards Syntira in order to finish the mission.
"That was quite a fight guys. Let's see if the fey are more reasonable now."
Alek Stormcrow |
Alek thanks Vailis for handling the basin in such a manner that he would have been unable. "Yes, let us go find Syntira. Afterward I would like to return to my home and see my family. Though hopefully that will be after I am cleansed of this disease. Let us travel!"
Knowledge: Local: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22 Hoping to see if Alek might know any specific areas we could locate Syntira.
Sekhmet the Explorer |
On the march to Syntira's, Sekhmet asks Vailis what he learned about the magic basin. "What do you know of it? It seems that more than one person should have some awareness of the basin, in case something happens to you."
Vailis |
Vailis answers to Sekhmet "Not much. I was simply able to ascertain this is the source of the pox. How it works exactly, I am not sure. But we better keep us far from it. I guess we probably want to destroy the artifact. But I am hesitant to do so before talking with Syntira. She shall check the object first so she knows what is it and that it was this and not the humans the source of the problems."
qwerty71 |
The party secures the fountain statue in a bag and makes their way towards what Alek remembers is the direction to the Fey lands. Along the way they encounter a large and armed body of Fey warriors (+30) on their way to the town. The Fey party halts when they see the party, although their bows are drawn and spears are at the ready. A few Fey walk towards the party to speak.
Welsey Wigglesbee |
"Ummm.... one of you silver tongued folks should let them know we mean no harm...and then once that is settled we can all go to the tavern cause Sekhmet is buying..."
Sekhmet the Explorer |
Sekhmet is telling Vailis, "Your methods would be so clumsy. Would you destroy any artifact that might do some harm in the wrong hands? Would you destroy a beautiful sword, because it had been used to lop off the wrong head? when the fey appears.
She does her best to look non-threatening, and indicates that, [b]"We seek no confrontation, and simply wish to return this artifact to Syntira, as the rest of the group can affirm."[b]
Diplomacy to Aid Another: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5, hoping that one of the others will speak up more forcefully.
Vailis |
Vailis shows the warriors the document the party was previously given in the Satyr encounter "We have been send by the Pathfinder Society to solve the disease, and we think we have succeeded on that, taking down Vondrella, the plotter behind the pox. Can we talk with your leader?"
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19
qwerty71 |
A stout satyr armed with a large sword speaks..."My name is Erlathan. I am a Captain in the Queens guard. I lead here. If it is true what you boast then we do not have to take precautionary measures against the town. My lady Syntira will not receive visitors who still possess whatever evil object befell this land nor does she wish it to stay any minute longer in these woods. Begone with it and she shall send an official envoy to the Pathfinders as a sign of friendship."
Alek Stormcrow |
Alek stops in his tracks and lets his axe lower to his side as the fey approach. He looks down at Cinderpaw who is sniffing the air, sensing the sudden tension. "Down, boy." The wolf looks up at his master and nudges Alek's leg with his snout.
Aid Another Diplomacy: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (2) - 1 = 1 I guess disregard that, just updated and saw your post, qwerty lol.
Alek nods at the satyr. "Thank you, I also ask that you send someone to Falcon's Hollow so that they are aware it was not the Darkmoon fey who plotted the destruction of the town. I believe the woman in charge of this plot was attempting to turn the town and fey against each other."
Sekhmet the Explorer |
Sekhmet nearly glows with uncharacteristic joy as she announces to the rest of the group, "Perfect; if the half-breeds don't want the bowl, we can return it to the Pathfinder Society, where it can be studied appropriately."
She turns to Wesley, "If this goes according to plan, then the first round will be on Emuishere and me."
Welsey Wigglesbee |
"wow half breeds....seriously....I think you should lower your voice just in case.... there are 30 of them.... I can take the 29 on the left but methinks you will have trouble with the one on the right...."
Orwynn Duskscale |
"It would seem to me that our task is done, we return the artifact for study, the town and fey can begin negotiating, Syntira can contact the Pathfinders once again. It appears our mission is a success.
Orwynn says going back and forth from Sailis and Sekhmet, clearly sensing the tension between them both.
Vailis |
There is something not fitting properly here...
"That should not be a problem, I will be gone now with this terrible basin. That way, my friends here gathered will be able to visit your Queen. Can you accept the deal? Will you take my companions to the Queen if I leave with the artifact?" Vailis says this very serious in a way that doesn't accept a 'No' as answer.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20
Sekhmet the Explorer |
Sekhmet sees this as a direct assault on the direction provided by the Pathfinder Society. "Look, you bunch of goons, the Society directed us to return the basin, and establish relations with Syntira. That is accomplished. If you think you know better than the Society, then perhaps you should voice that when we return to the lodge." As she says this, she keeps a careful eye on Vailis. She has no intention of letting him escape with the artifact, knowing that he might intend to destroy it.
qwerty71 |
Erlathan thanks you all for your endeavors on behalf of their Queen and melts back into the forest with his people. You have helped the Fey get a cure with your assisting the town hedge herbalist Laural, you defeated the mad cultists spreading the pox and secured the evil artifact. You journey back to town to replenish supplies you will need on your journey back to the Pathfinders Lodge, recount your story to the locals. Alek meets with old family and friends. I will leave the round of drinks at the tavern up to you all to decide.
scenario complete
Welsey Wigglesbee |
"Open Tab at the Lodge Tavern under Sehkmets name! Drinks on her! I am getting me the expensive stuff! Then I shall depart for a new mission."
was fun, thanks to all, I liked the rp. didn't know if that last bit was part of the scenario or the GM tidying the storyline up. Would have been a nasty fight.
Alek Stormcrow |
Very fun! This was a great tie in for Alek and his backstory for me. Thanks for running this, qwerty. Great RP to be had by all.