Purple Mountain

Game Master Paizo Fan

Map of Level 1 - Updated 24/04/2012

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M Half-Elf Sorcerer (Arcane) 1

"It might be best if we get Rab back to town to rest up. He can't continue, and we can't leave him here."

male--hp =12/28--AC19/touch 15/ff14 Appears as small human youth Rogue 4(burglar)/Init: +10--Perception: +10(+11 traps)/F +2; R+7; W+2 CMD 15

"I have poison in me too. Let's celebrate being alive and return hale and hearty."

Samduc easily slings Rab over his back and aids him back to town.

"Any fight you can walk away from is a good one."

Sam beams at his companions.

"Gruul, you were a lifesaver. Thanks for your help. I'll hold the line and you keep me standing. A great combination"

"I simply do as I can."

Gruul stares down at Rab and chuckles.

"Let us get you out of here, vinur."

Halfling Rogue

Back in town, Rab regails all who listen with greatly exaggerated tales of his comrades and his own bravery, more than once stopping at a pivotal moment due to his parched throat. Many free drinks and a liberated purse or two later, he retires to his room.

male--hp =12/28--AC19/touch 15/ff14 Appears as small human youth Rogue 4(burglar)/Init: +10--Perception: +10(+11 traps)/F +2; R+7; W+2 CMD 15

"Let's see how we all fare recovering from our hangovers and the poison tomorrow. Let's at least get on the road by noon."

Halfling Rogue

Tomorrow I'll have an effective 6 str. I'll need long-term care. Gruul?

Other than random heal checks..., CLW and Resistance you're s.o.l. until i gain a few levels...

Halfling Rogue

Random heal check is the plan.

Halfling Rogue
PRPGPRD wrote:
"Long-Term Care: Providing long-term care means treating a wounded person for a day or more. If your Heal check is successful, the patient recovers hit points or ability score points lost to ability damage at twice the normal rate: 2 hit points per level for a full 8 hours of rest in a day, or 4 hit points per level for each full day of complete rest; 2 ability score points for a full 8 hours of rest in a day, or 4 ability score points for each full day of complete rest."

Just eight hours oughtta do it. DC is 15, and my aid 1d20 ⇒ 10narrowly provides a +2.

male--hp =12/28--AC19/touch 15/ff14 Appears as small human youth Rogue 4(burglar)/Init: +10--Perception: +10(+11 traps)/F +2; R+7; W+2 CMD 15

At breakfast, "I am much better, Rab, you recovered? I want another crack at that place. I want to smite me some evil."

Alrighty then. Adding Rab's +2, my heal check-> 1d20 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 5 + 2 = 10

I agree with your eagerness Samduc. Let us attack further this time.

M Half-Elf Sorcerer (Arcane) 1

"I am ready, if everyone is feeling up to moving ahead."

male--hp =12/28--AC19/touch 15/ff14 Appears as small human youth Rogue 4(burglar)/Init: +10--Perception: +10(+11 traps)/F +2; R+7; W+2 CMD 15

"Rab, you still look a little peaked, wanna wait another day?"

Halfling Rogue

The halfling looks aghast. I would ne'er dream of it, good sir!
He may look a bit pale and wobbly on his feet, but he hops down from his chair after breakfast with gusto.
Let us off to find riches and glory!
Mostly riches.

male--hp =12/28--AC19/touch 15/ff14 Appears as small human youth Rogue 4(burglar)/Init: +10--Perception: +10(+11 traps)/F +2; R+7; W+2 CMD 15

"We'll keep you safe, Rab." Sam packs up.
And we are off, hoping to get to the entry room.

Okay, so what do you guys want to do? Explore the room that the scorpions were in?

male--hp =12/28--AC19/touch 15/ff14 Appears as small human youth Rogue 4(burglar)/Init: +10--Perception: +10(+11 traps)/F +2; R+7; W+2 CMD 15

Sam goes straight to the scorpion room.

The Exchange

Mithven follows Sam, and takes a look around.

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7

Halfling Rogue

Rab whistles all the way to the cave, skipping some of the way. As the mouth of the cave comes into view, he grows deathly silent and alert. As the group enters the scorpion room, he lights his lantern and holds it aloft, his footsteps silent as his shadow.
perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9

Gruul steps through the doorway cautiously, last to enter, and keeps a keener eye out for more foes.

Perception-> 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

or not...

Halfling Rogue

A glitterdusted dire elephant with thunderstones for feet could sneak up on us right now.

Don't give me ideas!

male--hp =12/28--AC19/touch 15/ff14 Appears as small human youth Rogue 4(burglar)/Init: +10--Perception: +10(+11 traps)/F +2; R+7; W+2 CMD 15

"Rab, want to listen at another door?"

The group open a door on the back wall of the vermin's room to find a square room stacked with barrels, crates and kegs. Large sacks are piled almost everywhere.

Any searching you guys want to do here?

Other than that, there seems to be nothing of interest.

Halfling Rogue

Sounds pretty clear, The halfling says, tugging at the door. His futile efforts, while comical, are interrupted as Samduc pulls it open.
perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23

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male--hp =12/28--AC19/touch 15/ff14 Appears as small human youth Rogue 4(burglar)/Init: +10--Perception: +10(+11 traps)/F +2; R+7; W+2 CMD 15

Sam helps unload and search every container.

Which door are you looking at?

male--hp =12/28--AC19/touch 15/ff14 Appears as small human youth Rogue 4(burglar)/Init: +10--Perception: +10(+11 traps)/F +2; R+7; W+2 CMD 15

if we find nothing we will try the room across the entryway.

male--hp =12/28--AC19/touch 15/ff14 Appears as small human youth Rogue 4(burglar)/Init: +10--Perception: +10(+11 traps)/F +2; R+7; W+2 CMD 15

Sam leads the orderly search of the goods in the closet. After opening every barrel, crate, keg and sack we move on to the door across the way.

male--hp =12/28--AC19/touch 15/ff14 Appears as small human youth Rogue 4(burglar)/Init: +10--Perception: +10(+11 traps)/F +2; R+7; W+2 CMD 15

"What is there, Rab?"

Halfling Rogue

Rab lights a torch, having gruul hold it up as he pours through the various crates and barrels.

M Half-Elf Sorcerer (Arcane) 1

Mithven keeps watch as the others inspect the contents of the room.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
male--hp =12/28--AC19/touch 15/ff14 Appears as small human youth Rogue 4(burglar)/Init: +10--Perception: +10(+11 traps)/F +2; R+7; W+2 CMD 15

Samduc has his second breakfast, a delicious muffin with ham, sausage and cheese.

Halfling Rogue

Rab has a smigeon of difficulty as he falls headfirst into an empty barrel he was delving into, but Samduc pulls him out easily by his ankle.

male--hp =12/28--AC19/touch 15/ff14 Appears as small human youth Rogue 4(burglar)/Init: +10--Perception: +10(+11 traps)/F +2; R+7; W+2 CMD 15

"Heard any good jokes lately Rab?"

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