PbP Gameday VI: GM Thunderspirit's 4-05: The Sanos Abduction [Standard] (Inactive)

Game Master thunderspirit


Current Characters

Animal Lord
Scarab Sages Dunia Mbani

Female Oread Spiritualist (Ectoplasmatist) 11 | HP 80/91 | AC 25(29), T 14, FF 23(27) | Fort +13(15), Ref +9(11), Will +15(17) | Init +3 | Perc +14(16) | Sense Motive +17(19) | Spells Remaining: level 1 4/6, level 2 4/5, level 3 1/4, level 4 0/2 |

played by Cwethan (562 posts)
Hound of Tindalos
GM thunderspirit

Five-star Hound of Tindalos. Er, GM. Whatever. | RoW Encounter Map | A Fistful of Flowers slides

played by thunderspirit (5,143 posts)
Lion Blade
Silver Crusade Jorah

57/57 HP, AC: 20, T: 11, FF: 19, CMD: 17, F: +6 , R: +5, W: +7, Init +4, Perception +19, NG Male Aasimar Oracle 7, Spell slots used: 3: 3/5 2: 2/8 1: 1/8

played by ckelley83 (316 posts)
Winter-Touched Sprite
Jorah's Familiar

28/28 HP, DR 5/Evil AC: 20, T: 16, FF: 16, CMD: 12, F: +3 , R: +7, W: +8, Init +8, Perception +13, CG Female Azata, Constant: Detect Evil, Detect Magic, Truespeech, Freedom of Movement

played by ckelley83 (7 posts)
pregen Crowe

male human air elemental bloodrager 7 | HP 74/74 (95/95), bloodrage 12/18, elemental strike 1/3 | AC 18 (16), T 12 (10), FF 17 (15) | F +8 (+11), R +4, W +5 (+7) | CMB +13, CMD 24 | Spd 40' | Perc +10 | Init +1

played by heavydisking (147 posts)
Abra Lopati
Dark Archive Ragnar Northman

Male Human (Ulfen) Ranger (Shapeshifter) 7 HP 39/60; AC 20; TCH 15; FF 16; F +7; R +10; W +4; CMB+9; CMD 24; Speed 30FT; Init +6; Perception +9; Boomer HP 26/26

played by Baerlie (158 posts)
Silver Crusade Shonne

Female Elf Ranger 2/Transmuter 5/Eldritch Knight 3 | hp ¯\_(ツ)_/¯/79 | AC 23 T 16 FF 18 | CMD 27 | F +9 R +10 W +7 (+2 v Ench) | Spd 30' {60'} (Run x5) | Init +6 | Kn(Arc, Geo, His, Loc, Nat, Pla, Rel) +8*, Perc +14* (low-light), Scrft +10 (+12 ID), SensM +1* | Arcane Bond 1/1 | boots of spd 10/10 | wand of clw 14/50 | wand of cmw 9/11 | *Favored Enemy (human) +2 | bless, haste 7rds, life bubble 18hrs

played by Great Green God (1,127 posts)

played by heavydisking (323 posts)