PbP GameDay 3: The Confirmation (Inactive)

Game Master cuatroespada

Explore. Report. Cooperate.
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Male Arrancar

Okay, before we use this for anything else, I need some basic reporting information (for later). So, for now, please only post the following here using your character alias. Once I have everyone's information, we can use the thread for normal discussion.

1.) Player Name/Nickname (for the Chronicle Sheet)
2.) Character Name
3.) PFS and Character Number
4.) Faction
5.) Starting Fame/PP
6.) Day Job Roll (or type "No Day Job")
7.) Any purchases you wish to make. Though for now you can just note that you wish to make purchases and I can get a list from you later.
8.) Anything else you think I should know.

Grand Lodge

Investigator 1 | HP 0/10 | AC 15 T 13 FF 12 CMD 12 | F +2 R +5 W +2 | Speed 30ft | Init +5 | Perc +4 Darkvision 60

Robert H
Oswald Blackthane
Grand Lodge
Day Job: Craft Boyer Take 10 = 15 => 10gp
Starting equipment is good
I have both played and GMed the Confirmation previously. Also I'm the VC of the SF Bay Area.

Grand Lodge

Half Elf PT Occultist/1 | HP 11/11 | AC: 12/16 /T: 12 /FF: 12 | F: +4 /R: +2/ W: +2 | CMB +2 | CMD +15 | Speed 30 | Init. +2 | Perc. +6 | S.M. +0 |

Ian Shannon
Ghost Blight
Grand Lodge
No Day Job
Starting Equipment should be good

Scarab Sages

Human Warpriest (Sacred Fist) 1 | HP: 8/8 | AC: 16 | T: 16 | FF: 13 | CMD: 19 | Fort: +2 | Ref: +3 | Will: +5 | Init: +4 | Perc: +7 | Sense Motive: +7 | Speed 30 ft.

Thomas Clegg
Ther'al Valias
Liberty's Edge
No Day Job
Starting Equipment is good.

Grand Lodge

M Half-Orc
Warpriest 1 | HP 11/11 | AC 16 (12t 14ff)| +4 fort +4 ref +6 will | +4 init ,+3 perc, -1 stealth, +6 Kn:Religion, +6 sense motive, +6 survival |

1.) Charles J
2.) Targrim Rockbreaker
3.) # 146422-2
4.) Grand Lodge
5.) 0/0
6.) No Day Job
7.) Starting Equipment is good.
8.) Other than new to PFS, not that I know of

Silver Crusade

Human (Taldan) Mediator 7 | HP: 66/66 | AC: 24 | T: 12| FF: 23 | CMD: 14 | Fort: +11 | Ref: +6 | Will: +11 | Init: +1 | Perc: +3 | Sense Motive: +7 | Speed 20 ft.
Tracked resources:
Spells: 0 - 4 ; 1st - 4/5+1 ; 2nd - 2/4+1 ; 3rd - 1/3+0 ; 4th - 1/1+1 ; Channel (DC 19): 7/9 ; Touch of Glory (+9): 5/6

1.) Sylvain Corbaz
2.) Pierre Viret
3.) 93583-4
4.) Silver Crusade
5.) 1/1
6.) No Day Job. Well announcing the glory of Iomedae is a full time job, kind Sir.
7.) With 2pp: a CLW wand
8.) Already played confirmation once and noob to pbp (also not of english mothertongue, but that should not be a problem) :)

Male Arrancar

The others still have a little bit of time, but it might just be the five of you.

Grand Lodge

Half Elf PT Occultist/1 | HP 11/11 | AC: 12/16 /T: 12 /FF: 12 | F: +4 /R: +2/ W: +2 | CMB +2 | CMD +15 | Speed 30 | Init. +2 | Perc. +6 | S.M. +0 |

Since we have two other healers, any suggestions for a main summon?

Male Arrancar

honestly, w/o Augment Summoning, SMI isn't worth much, but the eagle is your best damage and the pony is your best bet if you think you need a meat-shield.

edit: also, are there two other "healers"? while Pierre seems built and prepared for the support role, I wouldn't assume Targrim will be doing much healing.

Grand Lodge

M Half-Orc
Warpriest 1 | HP 11/11 | AC 16 (12t 14ff)| +4 fort +4 ref +6 will | +4 init ,+3 perc, -1 stealth, +6 Kn:Religion, +6 sense motive, +6 survival |

He's more martially intended, he had a hard time paying attention in healing classes. Sorry Ghost

Grand Lodge

Half Elf PT Occultist/1 | HP 11/11 | AC: 12/16 /T: 12 /FF: 12 | F: +4 /R: +2/ W: +2 | CMB +2 | CMD +15 | Speed 30 | Init. +2 | Perc. +6 | S.M. +0 |

Shrug really. It is just that my healing and summoning use the same resource.

Grand Lodge

M Half-Orc
Warpriest 1 | HP 11/11 | AC 16 (12t 14ff)| +4 fort +4 ref +6 will | +4 init ,+3 perc, -1 stealth, +6 Kn:Religion, +6 sense motive, +6 survival |

I only have two spells a day right now(lvl 1) so its either 2 CLW's or the Divine Favor(self buff)/Bane(-1attack&saving throws). Will be using as best works for the group right now.

Scarab Sages

Human Warpriest (Sacred Fist) 1 | HP: 8/8 | AC: 16 | T: 16 | FF: 13 | CMD: 19 | Fort: +2 | Ref: +3 | Will: +5 | Init: +4 | Perc: +7 | Sense Motive: +7 | Speed 30 ft.

Ther'al is also not always much of a healer as he typically keeps Shield of Faith (x2) prepared. He can convert to CLW if necessary, but he's definitely more the melee brawler type.

Silver Crusade

Human (Taldan) Mediator 7 | HP: 66/66 | AC: 24 | T: 12| FF: 23 | CMD: 14 | Fort: +11 | Ref: +6 | Will: +11 | Init: +1 | Perc: +3 | Sense Motive: +7 | Speed 20 ft.
Tracked resources:
Spells: 0 - 4 ; 1st - 4/5+1 ; 2nd - 2/4+1 ; 3rd - 1/3+0 ; 4th - 1/1+1 ; Channel (DC 19): 7/9 ; Touch of Glory (+9): 5/6

I guess as we don't have CLW wands, the more we have, the better.

Male Arrancar

Sorry, guys. long night at work and apparently I open today, so I'll update tonight. Also, I just got a PM from someone I'd contacted about joining us. It's up to you guys though if you want to let him jump in. We've only just started.

Grand Lodge

M Half-Orc
Warpriest 1 | HP 11/11 | AC 16 (12t 14ff)| +4 fort +4 ref +6 will | +4 init ,+3 perc, -1 stealth, +6 Kn:Religion, +6 sense motive, +6 survival |

I'm fine with it. First society game for me so I'm game for most anything.

Silver Crusade

Human (Taldan) Mediator 7 | HP: 66/66 | AC: 24 | T: 12| FF: 23 | CMD: 14 | Fort: +11 | Ref: +6 | Will: +11 | Init: +1 | Perc: +3 | Sense Motive: +7 | Speed 20 ft.
Tracked resources:
Spells: 0 - 4 ; 1st - 4/5+1 ; 2nd - 2/4+1 ; 3rd - 1/3+0 ; 4th - 1/1+1 ; Channel (DC 19): 7/9 ; Touch of Glory (+9): 5/6

No problem for me.

Grand Lodge

M | HP 106/106| AC 18 (12t 16ff)[21(15t) vs traps]| +9 fort +9 ref +3 will | +0 init +12 perc(+16 vs traps) +14 stealth | Loot Tracker

DM any problem with me adding chalk to my inventory. Thought I had some but that was another PC of mine.

Male Arrancar

Not a problem.

Grand Lodge

M Half-Orc
Warpriest 1 | HP 11/11 | AC 16 (12t 14ff)| +4 fort +4 ref +6 will | +4 init ,+3 perc, -1 stealth, +6 Kn:Religion, +6 sense motive, +6 survival |

Thank you

Grand Lodge

M Half-Orc
Warpriest 1 | HP 11/11 | AC 16 (12t 14ff)| +4 fort +4 ref +6 will | +4 init ,+3 perc, -1 stealth, +6 Kn:Religion, +6 sense motive, +6 survival |

FYI, Friday and Saturday will be in the mountains with sketchy data availability for my phone and no internet for my laptop.

Male Arrancar

cool. thanks for the heads up.

Grand Lodge

Male Human Fighter/4

hey guys wasup

Grand Lodge

M Half-Orc
Warpriest 1 | HP 11/11 | AC 16 (12t 14ff)| +4 fort +4 ref +6 will | +4 init ,+3 perc, -1 stealth, +6 Kn:Religion, +6 sense motive, +6 survival |

Welcome Decado, waiting on round one to get started.

Male Arrancar

hey Decado. Can you get a character sheet into your profile for me?

Grand Lodge

Investigator 1 | HP 0/10 | AC 15 T 13 FF 12 CMD 12 | F +2 R +5 W +2 | Speed 30ft | Init +5 | Perc +4 Darkvision 60

As a note I will be away this Friday-Sunday for a convention.

Male Arrancar

noted. thanks for the heads up.

Currently in Puerto Rico on vacation with intermittent access to posting :) should be able to post here and there though....

Grand Lodge

M Half-Orc
Warpriest 1 | HP 11/11 | AC 16 (12t 14ff)| +4 fort +4 ref +6 will | +4 init ,+3 perc, -1 stealth, +6 Kn:Religion, +6 sense motive, +6 survival |

I'm back in town and have access again w/ full sized keyboard. My actions for round one are already posted DM do you want me to re-post as one since you posted your bard song after I originally posted.

Male Arrancar

alright, it doesn't look like Decado is going to keep up. back to our regularly scheduled programming.

Male Arrancar

My bad. Ther'al said he was out of town, but he used another alias so I forgot who it was. :p Moving on.

Scarab Sages

Human Warpriest (Sacred Fist) 1 | HP: 8/8 | AC: 16 | T: 16 | FF: 13 | CMD: 19 | Fort: +2 | Ref: +3 | Will: +5 | Init: +4 | Perc: +7 | Sense Motive: +7 | Speed 30 ft.

Sorry... missed that I'd posted that under my main id.... I do apologize though, because I thought I would have more access while away. Unfortunately, I blinked and days flew by.... LOL

I'm back now, and about caught up... :)

Male Arrancar

Glad to have you back.

Grand Lodge

M Half-Orc
Warpriest 1 | HP 11/11 | AC 16 (12t 14ff)| +4 fort +4 ref +6 will | +4 init ,+3 perc, -1 stealth, +6 Kn:Religion, +6 sense motive, +6 survival |

BTW beginning Mon am thru Wed pm, I will be in the mountains hunting. I will have access but it is REALLY slow, so limited posting for me. Easy to read but tends to time out if I spend too long thinking about it.

Male Arrancar

thanks for the heads up.

Male Arrancar

sorry guys... got hit with a long and unexpected conversation about race, racism and current events, and it was extremely draining and gave me a bit of internet aversion.

Grand Lodge

Half Elf PT Occultist/1 | HP 11/11 | AC: 12/16 /T: 12 /FF: 12 | F: +4 /R: +2/ W: +2 | CMB +2 | CMD +15 | Speed 30 | Init. +2 | Perc. +6 | S.M. +0 |

caustroespada, is there any way that I will be able to use this playtest char after we finish?

Male Arrancar

yes, the only condition on playtest characters is that you can only change, but must change, the things that are directly affected by the final product's updates. i believe... someone else speak up if i'm wrong.

Male Arrancar

sorry guys. i've been having a rough time recently. real life has been quite distracting.

Male Arrancar
cuatroespada wrote:
yes, the only condition on playtest characters is that you can only change, but must change, the things that are directly affected by the final product's updates. i believe... someone else speak up if i'm wrong.

also, apparently there was a boon to allow you to keep playing playtest characters. i was unaware and i believe it might be too late. i'm really not sure since i didn't bother, but you might not be able to play this character again until the book is released.

Male Arrancar

sorry, i was about to make a post when i remembered something i forgot about this part of the scenario. i'll fix it after i get some sleep.

Grand Lodge

Investigator 1 | HP 0/10 | AC 15 T 13 FF 12 CMD 12 | F +2 R +5 W +2 | Speed 30ft | Init +5 | Perc +4 Darkvision 60

I will be out of town from Thursday 11th - Sunday the 14.

I should have at least some internet access but I'm sure my posting will be slower than normal.

Grand Lodge

Half Elf PT Occultist/1 | HP 11/11 | AC: 12/16 /T: 12 /FF: 12 | F: +4 /R: +2/ W: +2 | CMB +2 | CMD +15 | Speed 30 | Init. +2 | Perc. +6 | S.M. +0 |

When I was going back over the rules, I just realized that I built this char illegally. What do you want me to do?

Male Arrancar

*shrug* fix it.

Male Arrancar

apologies for not telling you before. i left town to get a new car yesterday and just got back home. i work in the morning, but will update after.

Grand Lodge

M Half-Orc
Warpriest 1 | HP 11/11 | AC 16 (12t 14ff)| +4 fort +4 ref +6 will | +4 init ,+3 perc, -1 stealth, +6 Kn:Religion, +6 sense motive, +6 survival |

No worries figure everyone is a little distracted by family obligations and the holidays for the next couple of days. Merry Christmas to everyone in the group.

Silver Crusade

Human (Taldan) Mediator 7 | HP: 66/66 | AC: 24 | T: 12| FF: 23 | CMD: 14 | Fort: +11 | Ref: +6 | Will: +11 | Init: +1 | Perc: +3 | Sense Motive: +7 | Speed 20 ft.
Tracked resources:
Spells: 0 - 4 ; 1st - 4/5+1 ; 2nd - 2/4+1 ; 3rd - 1/3+0 ; 4th - 1/1+1 ; Channel (DC 19): 7/9 ; Touch of Glory (+9): 5/6

Yep. Don't worry about it. Merry Christmas :)

Male Arrancar

thanks. and happy holidays!

Male Arrancar

sorry, it's been a really busy week. hope everyone enjoyed their holidays. i expect everyone should be able to post regularly again by monday.

Grand Lodge

M Half-Orc
Warpriest 1 | HP 11/11 | AC 16 (12t 14ff)| +4 fort +4 ref +6 will | +4 init ,+3 perc, -1 stealth, +6 Kn:Religion, +6 sense motive, +6 survival |

Holidays have been good and posting normally shouldn't be a problem.

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