Part 1 The Hassashar Trade Route (Thunderscape PbP) (Inactive)

Game Master BinkyBo

>combat map rd1<

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Ah. I missed that tiny little detail in my eagerness.

How many characters are there currently?


Yatin, Human Entomancer
(me) Ommka, Ossin (plant race) Wildmeld Golemoid/Seer Hybrid)
Herman Schultz, Human Thunderscout
Korbinian, Goreaux Mechamage

Alynthar42 - I have another game same level which is a similar setting which will be recruiting in the next week or two. If you would like to PM me with your character (idea or fleshed out), we can determine if either/which campaign would be a good fit.

I might be up for that too DM! Let me know. No plants this time... ;)

Mister Bloodgargler, sir? Did you get it?

Yes. I will send a PM.

Looking for one or two more

2nd level
25 pt buy
1 trait (any Thunderscape trait or any Paizo except an AP campaign trait), plus treat any one skill as a class skill with a +1.
1200gp starting wealth.
HP - Max first level. Half +1 for subsequent levels

Players who are familiar with Aden/Thunderscape are preferred.
Classes: any from Thunderscape are acceptable as is, classes from other sources might need tweaking.
Races: any from Thunderscape except Ilithix

The first third of the content I have planned will mostly be in and around the Badlands of the Rhanate.

Current players are a Goreaux Mechamage, Human Entomancer, and an Ossin Wyldmeld (Ossin=plant race, Wyldmeld=hybrid class of Golemoid and Seer). They are east of Blackport on the eastern border of Urbana.

Are you still gonna do that post-apocalyptic campaign?

Yes. I will recruit for that soon, and PM you.

Coolio. In that case, I'll refrain from this one.

DM Blood-G - you mind linking me to that too when it happens? A few of my PbPs seem to be dropping players…or DMs… or both… :(

Oceanshieldwolf - Will do.

Back on topic. So this is Steampunk... I also own Pure Steam if any potential applicants care to draw from that. (their classes and archetypes for paizo classes are available on d20pfsrd.)

The players are currently part of a hastily assembled strike team... en route to a coordinated mission against "bandits" who've taken control of an airship manufacturing facility. They are coming up on an establishment known to have a clientele of guides, guards, and thugs looking for work. This would be the likely introduction for an accepted character.

I will say this looks to be quite an exciting mission to start the game, and DM Bloodgargler seems to have a head for interesting setups, good maps and a compelling narrative so if you are interested in some steam/magic punk action, sign up for recruitment.


I have Jimara Simultina a Drowess Arbiter

oh hi GMEDWIN!

Hi tenro!!!!

Jimara Simultina wrote:


I have Jimara Simultina a Drowess Arbiter

Hi Jimara. Glad to see an Arbiter - haven't seen one of those in action yet.

There is no mention of Drow in the Thunderscape setting that I am aware of - that isn't to say DM Bloodgargler couldn't make it so...

Yeah... dark elves maybe would be elves that did not accept the prophecy, and many turned evil... embraced corruption. A spiritual leader Draenichtylvis led a good number to the deepest reaches of Sylfanus the other elves had abandoned when joining Aden's greater society. There they lived as shadows of the previous denizens, and assimilated much of their culture.
When elves of Aden returned to Sylfanus to reconnect with the far reaches of their homeland, though at first antagonistic... they were soon moved by what the drow had added to their history of storytelling, and other high arts.
(Anti-heroes, tales of redemption, new forms of cathartic tragedy....)

Unfortunately many drow took an adversarial stance - claiming the others had abandoned the homeland, and the drow were the only pure/true elves remaining. (Many of these returned to the dark elf lands to become leaders "elevating the evil degenerates".) To this day when an elf and a drow come upon one another, whether they attack on sight or offer a hand of kinship depends on how similar encounters have played out in the past.

Nice work DM Bloodgargler. Probably the finest exposition of elves admiring drow for adding the shadow side to culture I have yet seen. I heartily approve.

Ommka - Nice... thanks!

Jimara - I don't do math on Saturdays, but the stats look in need of adjustment for the 25 point buy. Otherwise looks good to me. Feel free to use, adapt, reject or ignore what I've proposed for drow history, and join discussion whenever you care to pop in. I expect it'll be the end of the week before we reach a point where your character would likely enter.

Sorry Easter is a bit wacky this year... My girlfriend is Orthodox and my family Protestant so I have to celebrate twice... I should get the math done soon if its ok.

Looking for one or two
2nd level
25 pt buy
1 trait (any Thunderscape trait or any Paizo except an AP campaign trait), plus treat any one skill as a class skill with a +1 trait bonus.
1000gp starting wealth.
HP - Max first level. Half +1 for subsequent levels

Players who are familiar with Aden/Thunderscape are preferred.
Classes: any from Thunderscape are acceptable as is, classes from other sources might need tweaking.
Races: any from Thunderscape except Ilithix, other Paizo considered.

The first third of the content I have planned will mostly be in and around the Badlands of the Rhanate.

Current players are...
A humanoid plant Wyldmeld (hybrid class of Golemoid and Seer)
Drow Arbiter
Goreaux Mechamage
and a Human Fallen on the way

Dark Archive


I have the campaign setting book, although I don't have any of the class books. I'd be interested in playing a Ferran - either a Seer or Golemoid. I'm interested in Wyldmeld, though. Is that your homebrew class?

The Wyldmeld hybrid class was put together by Oceanshieldwolf... his Wyldmeld character in the game is Ommka.

I'll propose an option as a suggestion for the sake of variety.
There are several Archetypes for Paizo core and base classes which switch out features for the True Golemoid class feature. Some have the same number of implants by level, some (shining knight + mechanized ranger) have a slower progression.
Feel free to propose your own...

For example...
Lose Martial Flexibility, gain True Golemoid (full progression) + Steam Reserve equal to 1/2 class level + Con modifier.

Lose Trapfinding and Trap Sense, gain True Golemoid (slow progression) + Steam Reserve equal to 1/2 class level + Int or Cha modifier.

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