Part 1 The Hassashar Trade Route (Thunderscape PbP) (Inactive)

Game Master BinkyBo

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Looking for two or three
2nd level
25 pt buy
1 trait (any Thunderscape trait or any Paizo except an AP campaign trait), plus treat any one skill as a class skill.
1000gp starting wealth.
HP - Max first level. Half +1 for subsequent levels

Players who are familiar with Aden/Thunderscape are preferred.
Classes: any from Thunderscape are acceptable as is, classes from other sources might need tweaking.
Races: any from Thunderscape except Ilithix

The first third of the content I have planned will mostly be in and around the Badlands of the Rhanate.

Current players are an Urbanian Thunderscout and an Ossin Wyldmeld (plant race, hybrid class of Golemoid and Seer)

Hey DM,

I have been wanting to read up and play some sci-fi cross-over and Thunderscape fits that category nicely.

I want to play a 'creepy' human entomancer.

Is there some sort of background for the group of PCs? I need a good excuse to leave the Crawling Jungle.

What's the premise of the campaign?

Thanks for your time.

PS: What's Ossin Wyldmeld? I've have/read the Thunderscape Core but I don't think I came across this 'creature'.

I'd love to have an entomancer in the group.

The first third will revolve around a trading company's efforts to help a "progressive" new Rhan secure his power.

Recent background to bring the characters to the set-up is not set in stone yet. Though in the set-up you are being hired for a "paramilitary type" action, that will not be the focus of the campaign.

(Reply to PS... player-made reskin which fits the setting. Ossin is a tweak and reskin of Ghoran, and Wyldmeld is a hybrid of Golemoid and Seer. Character profile)

DM Bloodgargler wrote:

I'd love to have an entomancer in the group.

The first third will revolve around a trading company's efforts to help a "progressive" new Rhan secure his power.

Recent background to bring the characters to the set-up is not set in stone yet. Though in the set-up you are being hired for a "paramilitary type" action, that will not be the focus of the campaign.

OK, great. Did I get in then? :)

All kidding aside, what do you want to see to properly evaluate my PC?

Do you need concept, crunch, fluff, everything?

I usually like to start with a concept and then develop fluff and then crunch but fluff will be difficult as far as recent history is concerned. Is this something that we want to discuss as a group once the players are selected?

Just tell what you need.



So I'll be up front in saying I've only within the past month gotten the Thunderscape campaign book, so I'm new to its lore and such. That said, I'm highly interested in joining your game as a player. Would love to learn the new universe and play in something not your typical medieval fantasy game. If you'd like, hit me up on Skype (PM me for it) and we can banter some more about it.

EDIT: This is NOT saying I'm new to Pathfinder in general. Merely the contents of Thunderscape. I'm a bit of an old hat when it comes to Pathfinder and am slowly falling in love with Thunderscape for it's break away from the classic sword-and-spell formula. It's a bit teslapunk, it's bit steampunk, and it's certainly a broad step from another fantasy RPG.

I am a big fan of thunderscape, and would like to apply to this game. I have tried a few times to get into thunderscape games, and so far they haven't gotten very far.

thinking about what kind of character i might want to play, I like steamwright a lot, and i like golemoid as well, so i would likely shoot for one of those two.

Interested. :)

I'm considering a Magus or an Arbiter, but might depend on a question or five. :)

what is your take on the Scorpion Whip?

1) Does it require both MP: Whip and EWP: Scorpion whip?
2) Light Weapon or One-handed like the actual whip?
3) Finesseable like the Whip?
4) Would Weapon Focus (Whip) and other Whip feats apply equally to the Scorpion Whip?
5) Slashing Grace applicable?

Fabian Benavente - Concept yes, and at least a start on crunch. A long or involved background is not important to me. If you care to... raw notes of whatever "fluff" is not necessarily concept, but important to your character could be helpful.

Omikias - Yes... same here. I downloaded the core book just a couple weeks ago. I'm new to it, but it fits my preferred style of setting. Be sure to let me know when you have somethind in mind for a concept.

Tenro - Glad to hear you're interested, and looking forward to what you come up with.

Arknight - Slashing Grace on a whip is a stretch, but considering the feat investment I might allow it.

Arknight continued:
My initial thoughts are...
1)Yes (to use it as a whip)
4)Yes if proficient with both

(I have not done heavy forum research yet... if you happen to have seen a clear argument on the boards which you support, please let me know)

Thinking of playing a Steamwright as a ranged/utility. Race I'm still working on, but learning the class pretty well.

Arknight - It looks like the original AA printing will be the one.
It is a one-handed weapon. You need both proficiencies to use it as a whip.
With both proficiencies it functions as a whip other than metal components, and lethal damage. (provokes AoO from adjacent foes as a ranged weapon, 15' reach but does not threaten, affected by whip feats and weapon finesse.)
As a one-handed slashing weapon, it falls under the requirements to use Slashing Grace.

DM Bloodgargler wrote:
Fabian Benavente - Concept yes, and at least a start on crunch. A long or involved background is not important to me. If you care to... raw notes of whatever "fluff" is not necessarily concept, but important to your character could be helpful.

OK, thanks for the prompt response.

So recent history should be that we are hired by a 'progressive Rhan for a paramilitary operation'; this is fine.

A couple of more questions?

How much time do we have to submit a character?

Since it seems that you will have more applicants than the two or three you are looking for, what will be your criteria for selecting characters?

Thanks again,


Well, i reread things and see there is already a Thunderscout and a Golemoid.

Someone else beat me to Steamwright, which is just as well since i kinda always try to play that.

So, in an attempt to move into a new direction, I will put together a Mechamage. Likely Goreaux, gotta love 'em.

Tenro - If you wanna give Steamwright a shot, I won't stop you. One of the unique things about them is their versatility. If we both got picked, it'd be interesting to see how we'd each build their invention suite differently.

It's all good, I am already building a Mechamage. Steamwright appeals to me mostly to have some fun inventions with a powered-up thundershot, but I figure it is time for me to try something else. Entomancer, Arbiter, and Fallen don't really appeal to me, so i was drawn toward Mechamage or Thunderscout (signature vehicle and golem are both really cool to me).

I figure it'll be good to have a full arcane caster in the party as well.

It is a tough choice between metal golem and stone golem, though.

I had debated between Mechamage and Steamwright very thoroughly. I only sided with Steamwright because of my inherent suck with playing Mages in general. Dunno what it is about having a spell list that causes me to have a terrible time... lol

hah, i am similar. i tend to either try to horde spells, or tear through them and have nothing left. at least with mechamage, i can have a golem to beat things up when i am out of spells.

my favorite part about Steamwright is that you can spend an hour in the morning and swap out whatever wacky devices you want for the day.

I was looking for a game I could use the Tinker, by Interjection Games, in. Instead I found a Thunderscape game and I'm very happy with having a class with wacky inventions. ^^

i played a machinesmith but i think Steamwright/Mechamage blow it out of the water. I was in a game with someone who was playing a Tinker, but it was high level and the game burnt out quickly, so i didnt see it in action much.

I own the complete set of the Tinker books, all well worth it (when I can find a GM thats OK with 3PP) for the fun mix of the Steamwrights inventions and the Summoners wide array. Interjection recently released the Iron Clad archtype that replaces the Automata with essentially Iron Man suits. DQ's you out from going Mechgineer (giant robots) and Mechromancer (cyberzombies), but it seems rightfully suited for mixing with the Innovator Prestige class, with all it's wacky custom weapons.

EDIT: Just realized we're going a bit off topic. Betting our hopeful-GM-to-be would appreciate us taking our convo off the thread. Got skype? lol

nah, i don't skype. i barely even answer my regular phone, hahaha

back on topic, my character will be able to ride his golem! i am thinking some kind of mecha-crab

Hey all, I'm the golemoid/seer Hybrid with the reskinned plant race.

Currently we have the following prospective characters:

Fabian Benavente: Human Entomancer

Arknight: Magus or Arbiter, Spiked Chain fetish

Omikias: Steamwright

Tenro: Goreaux Mechamage, mecha-crab golem

@ Tenro - nice to see you again! Yessai and Kree say hi! And you had me at mecha-crab...

@ Arknight: I do love the spiked chain…you might want to check out RGG's Shadow Assassin or if you and the GM want to spring for it as the content is not also up on d20PFSRD the Shadow Warrior which apparently focuses quite heavily on the spiked chain to make it….useful.

@ Omikias and Fabina - looking forward to what you guys come up with...

Looking at a rough-idea of a "combat engineer," using some kind of ranged weapon as my Primary invention (it between the Grenade Cannon and Thundershot) alongside the Turret and Portable Bulwark for suppression and support. I'm planning later on to get other items of course, but for level 2, splitting my Mod pool evenly between the 3 inventions, I'll have a mobile battle-wall with turret.

I'm stuck on the decision for Primary, as the Grenade Cannon would be good with Proximity Mines for AoD (Area of Denial), but the Thundershot with Custom Stock gives a more versatile firearm. The main decision lays in their initial value, though I have looked at their advanced Mods, including the Grenade Cannons Mortar mod and the Thundershots Deadly mod. As a new player to this class (and universe) opinions are appreciated.

This is Tenro's submission, re-using an alias that used to be a Steamwright in a campaign that died quickly (GM disappearance).

I give you Korbinian, cantankerous goreaux Mechamage


Korbinian is a goreaux, small in stature but big in ego. Bald head, green-grey skin, and his eyes hidden behind goggles, proof against the blowing sand and silt. His right arm is clearly a prosthetic, albeit well-articulated. Under a billowing white lab coat, he wears plain robes with metal plates in a few choice areas for added protection. Layered on top of that are several harnesses, belts, and pouches for the quick retrieval of a number of items. On his back, a nondescript rifle is slung, a departure from the pistol that most doctors would keep for protection.

Odd for a doctor, but par for the goreaux course, he stands upon a golem made primarily of quartz. The golem is generally crab-shaped, with a disc-like body four feet in diameter, eight legs that grant it locomotion, and two claw-appendages for slamming and grabbing. On top of the body, a chair has been incorporated into the design behind a control panel of some sort, and above this, a canopy to protect the rider from the sun.


Korbinian has lived much of his life in Urbana, although he has spent a good amount of time in Arasteem and Kyan as well. Aside from a business-related venture into Yzeem, he has seen little reason to cross the mountains into the sun-blasted lands of the Rhanate. Adventurer, businessman, doctor, engineer... all of these titles have been his at one time or another. His foray into the world of merchant trading fared poorly, and after suffering the loss of his right arm, he decided to stick to more familiar territory. For a time, simply repairing machines, stitching lacerations, or sterilizing wounds was enough for Korbinian to pay the bills. Hell, gratitude for services rendered was even enough to get a rich merchant to fund the replacement of his lost arm. However, it was not enough to fund his side projects, and he once again sought to step away from the simple life and collect riches and materials for his own projects.

Though he would rather not head to the badlands, much less the Rhanate, this latest job offer was just juicy enough to entice him in that direction.

@Oceanshieldwolf - hello once again! interesting setup, golemoid/seer... along with the other colorful submissions, the end party ought to be a sight to see!

Omikias wrote:

Looking at a rough-idea of a "combat engineer," using some kind of ranged weapon as my Primary invention (it between the Grenade Cannon and Thundershot) alongside the Turret and Portable Bulwark for suppression and support. I'm planning later on to get other items of course, but for level 2, splitting my Mod pool evenly between the 3 inventions, I'll have a mobile battle-wall with turret.

I'm stuck on the decision for Primary, as the Grenade Cannon would be good with Proximity Mines for AoD (Area of Denial), but the Thundershot with Custom Stock gives a more versatile firearm. The main decision lays in their initial value, though I have looked at their advanced Mods, including the Grenade Cannons Mortar mod and the Thundershots Deadly mod. As a new player to this class (and universe) opinions are appreciated.

I would saaaayyy that i would take the grenade cannon, since guns are cheap in the setting. that said, i have historically always picked thundershot, along with fun secondary inventions like the grappling hook and/or a turret.

Yea, I'm leaning towards the Cannon, despite the fact Steamwrights do not start with Firearm Proficiency (though I am still reading around about that) and like the idea of fighting more tactically and less brute-force. Toss the Turret out a distance to provide distracting fire, then hide behind the Bulwark to utilize that Cover bonus. Level 3 will open up more options for the pair, but that's not a worry right this nanosecond. I should focus on looking at the Races and less on fiddling with Class details. lol

Hey DM,

Please consider Yatin for inclusion in your game.

Yatin is a creepy, quick to anger, entomancer. He was somewhat of a loose cannon and was sent away to gather information about the world.
He provides excellent melee power (innate weapons) and decent ranged support. He will be able to ride into battle (ground and air) by 4th level.

He can be a part-time healer. His social skills will likely be intimidation. He has good knowledge nature, survival (create water), and handle animal skills. He’ll also be good at perception (both him and telepathic verminous scout).

Whenever possible, I’ll ‘color’ his actions to mimic insect-like functions. For example, his cure light wounds spell will entail coating the wound with maggots that eat away the damaged flesh and coat it with a soothing salve, etc.

I have provided full stats, appearance, background, and personality in the alias.

Please let me know if you have any questions at this time.

Thanks for hosting a game.



Tenro - Looks great... golem hp?

Fabian - Fun... I'm sure the thought of maggot-healing would keep most allies from taking unnecessary risks.

I will close interest for the campaign in 12 hours. The four who've posted interest and/or characters so far can keep working on their characters. Anyone who posts interest in the next 12 hours will be considered as well - though having at least the core Thunderscape book to draw from is highly preferred.

Out of curiosity DM, what races are already in the team? You mentioned a plant-like race, but I can't seem to find it.

It is Oceanshieldwolf's altered version of a Ghoran. Less magical, less delicious.

May as well ask the dumb question of allowing player-made races. lol Will of course use a standardized point-buy and provide the math for.

Good question. I usually don't allow player-made races. Oceanshieldwolf sold me on his before I could tell him that.
I'm not saying don't do it, but I might have trouble accepting another player-made race.

Golem HP: i placed it in the melee line (not very intuitive, i guess, but i didnt want to make another alias) and in the bottom of the GOLEMS spoiler.

=10 (1st HD)
+ 6 (2nd HD)
+20 (size)
+ 3 (goreaux racial)
+ 5 (stone golem bonus @ 1st HD)
+ 5 (stone golem bonus @ 2nd HD)

Ahh ok gotcha ty. I'd missed the size bonus.

DM Bloodgargler wrote:

Good question. I usually don't allow player-made races. Oceanshieldwolf sold me on his before I could tell him that.

I'm not saying don't do it, but I might have trouble accepting another player-made race.

Hence it being a dumb question. Still, thought I'd ask just to ask. Gonna be going with the Goreaux for their INT bonus. I'll have a MythWeavers sheet up later today when I have time to punch it up.

DM Bloodgargler wrote:
Ahh ok gotcha ty. I'd missed the size bonus.

yeah, it's pretty sizable, but only comes once. and those +5s only come for the first few levels. after that, it is just 6 per level plus by +1 goreaux racial bonus, so it'll even out in the long run.

reminds me when summoner first came out, and i played one. we weren't an optimized party, and the eidolon came in hitting like a freight train compared to the rest of us. got quite ridiculous, then the DM killed me because i was too powerful, so i played an alchemist.

luckily the golem is just durable, and doesnt hit super hard. plus, since i will be riding it, i don't plan on it actually getting into melee too much. if things get hairy, i suppose i will hop off of it and send it forward.

DM Bloodgargler wrote:
Fabian - Fun... I'm sure the thought of maggot-healing would keep most allies from taking unnecessary risks.

"It is most certainly NOT disgusting. Besides, the salve left behind by the maggots will prevent the formation of scars."

He extended his hand, "Now, just let me see that wound before it festers and I then have to introduce a different type of maggot. You don't want those maggots because they may 'sting' a little."

Yeah, I think he'll be fun to play with.

Game on!

Love my life... XP I have to drop out due to work deciding NOW to extend my shifts. Shot me down all of last month, but the second I stop asking they want to give me more hours...

swapped my feat to make room for my crab to be able to grapple without provoking an AoO.

Omikias - Sorry to hear you will not have the time. Feel free to PM me sometime if your schedule lightens up.

Arknight - still around?

Yatin and Korbinian feel free to join discussion.

Still here.

I think I've done a 180 with my concept though. :)

Will be going with a Rogue (Knife Master, possibly Scout).

Cool... sounds good. Send me a PM once you've got something, if you would please.

Is this still open? Room for a Tiefling necromancer?

Alynthar42 wrote:
Is this still open? Room for a Tiefling necromancer?

Hey Alynthar, thanks for your interest!

Are you familiar with the Thunderscape Campaign Setting at all? I only ask as there aren't really any specifics for Tieflings in the CS, and the fairly negative nature of Nocturnals and the oppressive Darkfall would make an Infernal...problematic. Not to say the right character with a strong thematic verisimilitude couldn't fit...

I see you've shopped this character around a *LOT* of Recruitment threads...

I'm a little desperate. My current DM disapproves of necromancy, and he keeps making really annoying rulings. Such as "You can't sneak anywhere, because the bones of your skeletons rattle too much," and s#+& like that. He basically makes crap up to inconvenience me just because we disagree on the nature of necromancy.

And no, I'm not familiar with Thunderscape. I'm actually relatively new to Pathfinder. I'm currently playing Rise of the Runelords, and have just reached level seven. However, I take my roleplaying seriously, and consider the setting to be part of the character. Plus, I always enjoy reading about the world, so I would be willing to do research.

Nice to hear. And I feel you regarding the necromancer hate. I'm a strong and vociferous advocate on these boards of "undead does not have to be evil". I for one would welcome any necromancy. ;)

As for the Campaign Setting:

Try hitting Kyoudai Game's website:

THUNDERSCAPE - you can find basic information here.

You can find the actual product here on Paizo:


Thanks. So the recruiting is still open, then? Because, to be honest, this is one of the better options of the campaigns I've looked at.

I have no idea - we have begun the game, but have yet to embark on our mission.

During recruitment there was interest from one other player, Arknight, but they disappeared.

And if it is, do you want me to provide full stats, or just a summary of the character's background, or what? Also, if Tiefling is problomatic, I could play an elf. I'd have to come up with a whole new character, mind you, but I can live with that.

Well. I'll get to work. I've gotta modify my character to your starting rules, obviously, but he's mostly built (at least, the tiefling is).

Note I am merely a Player, and not the DM. I would wait to see if the DM is amenable to another character...

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