[PFS] Your Black Waters (Inactive)

Game Master Yours is mined

Current Characters

Grey Maiden
Yours is mined

(3,548 posts)
Liberty's Edge "Dr." Carl Zigmund

Eyebiter AC:19 T:13 F:16| HP17/17 | CMD:11 | F:+2 R:+5 W:+8 | Init:+3 | Perc: +5, Dark
Session Resources:

played by Grandlounge (48 posts)
Jakaw Razorbeak
Grand Lodge The Black Crow

Skald 2 - HP 16/16,- AC 16/Rage: 15/T: 13/FF: 13 - Perception +7 - F: +4/ R: +4/ W: +3 - CMB: +3 - CMD: 16, Speed: 30, Init. +3

played by djpika (182 posts)
Man in Mask
Liberty's Edge Hullric Torsol

Male CN Human Warpriest of The Lantern King 4.0 | AC 22 (T 12/FF 20) | CMB +5 CMD 17 (FF 15) | HP 39/39 | Init +4 | Fort +6 Ref +3 Will +6 | Perception +2 | Speed 20' | Blessings 5/5 | Fervor 4/4 | Channel Energy 2/2 | Active Conditions:

played by Banesama (369 posts)
Radi Hamdi
Silver Crusade Jinath

AC 16, touch 16, flat-footed 12 (+2 def. insticnt , +4 Dex) hp 20 (2d10+4) Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +2

played by JASON RODARTE (303 posts)
Iron Dragon
Silver Crusade Raskorro Nightscale

LG Nagaji Ectofractmatist 3| HP: 26/26| AC 24 T14/FF20, CMD:21, Fort:+7*(9vs poison), R0, Will:+5*(11 vs mind effecting), Init:+6, Percep:+0 | Conditions: Can't act in surprise round. If no surprise round, staggered 1st round of combat. | Active effects: Uncanny Dodge, Shield(2min),

played by Greymore (31 posts)
Dark Archive Roushe Decou'lette

Male Chaotic Good Staff Magus 3 | HP 24/24 | AC 11 T 11 FF 10 | Fort 5 Ref 1 Will 2 | CMD 16 | Speed 30ft| Perception -1 | Initiative +1 | Arcane Pool 4/4 | Spells 1st 3/3 | 4 Star GM Reroll Used 0/1

played by Kyle "Worg" H (67 posts)

Previous Characters

Grand Lodge Grandlounge

(2,930 posts)
Shag Solomon
Scarab Sages Kenji Haru

| Male LG follower of Irori | Wolfscarred Ifrit | Outsider (Native) | Paladin 2, Ninja 2, Oracle 1 | HP 54/54 | AC 17 T 8 FF 17 / AC 19 with heavy shield | CMB +8 | CMD 15 | F: +12, R: +7, W: +9 | Init: +2 | Perc: +2, SM: -2, Dipl: +8 | Ki Pool 3/6 | Oracle 1st 5/5 | LoH 6/6 | Smite 1/1 | Reroll 1/1 | Darkvision 60 ft | Speed 20ft | Active conditions:
played by noral (644 posts)
Corvin Tergsvor
Scarab Sages Kioshi' Katsu

played by noral (378 posts)
Grand Lodge Oli Oliver

Half-Orc Sanctified Slayer | AC18 T12 F16 | HP 11/11 | CMD:16 | F:+6 R:+4 W:+5 | Init:+4 | Perception: +5, Darkvision 60f
Session Resources:
Damage: CLW Charges

played by Grandlounge (51 posts)
Grand Lodge Veres Sol

NG half-elf Bard 4 | HP 27/27 | AC:17 T:12 FF:15 CMD: 15 | F+3 R+7 W+4*(+2 vs enchant,+1 morale vs charm/fear,+4 vs bard,lang dependent, sonic)| Init +3| Perc +8, SM+14| Speed 30| Bard Perform: 14/17 | Conditions: | Active effects: Inspire Courage

played by Greymore (230 posts)