[PFS/Shifty] Serpents Rise (Inactive)

Game Master Nik B.

Serpents Rise
Post session player reporting

Maps & handouts

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Female NE Halfling Magus(eldritch scion)7 | HP: 56/59| AC: 20( 15Tch, 16 Fl) | CMB: +4, CMD: 18 | F: +10, R: +9, W: +7(+2 vs. Fear) | Init: +4 | Perc: +1, SM: -1 | Speed 20ft | Spells: 3rd-1/2 2nd-2/4 1st-2/5 |Eldritch Pool 5/7 |Active conditions: None

CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6
CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8

So, 4 uses of the wand for 21 HP healed.

The Pro also suggests that they get on with the main task. Bind and gag her... and tell her to go to sleep or something.

VC - Sydney, Australia

The woman is easily bound and gagged.

Seeing the time is at hand, the ritual is begun, and involves around five minutes of reading and chanting...

A thin slit appears down the middle of the tapestry, and then its whole center tears open in a deafening rip and a crack of thunder.

Planar winds whip out from the frayed fabric for several seconds as purple lightning dances in the tattered wound. The gusts die suddenly, and the fabric stretches painfully to create an aperture nearly 10 feet wide, revealing a peaceful woodland occupied by a growing army.

A woman bedecked in chainmail and scars steps through into the room and then motions for those behind her to remain still. She surveys the chamber for a moment before a broad, genuine smile cracks her tough expression. “By Hanspur’s soggy hide, I never thought I’d see this world again.” She shakes her head and wipes away a tear before it can quite form. “The name’s Wolona, bronze rank. We’ve got good news and bad news on the other side. The good’s that everyone we expected to show up did, plus some more besides. The bad news is that some of them are starting to believe we’ve set them up.” Wolona clears her throat loudly as though no more need be said. “The only thing keeping them from just killing each other and the rest of us is my promise that there would be a welcoming committee who might prove this place exists and that it’s not all a trap.” She starts to turn back to the portal. “Think you can give them a little pep talk?”

Dark Archive

Male Human Enchanter hp 51/51 | AC 14 | FF 13 | T 12 | CMD 14 | Fort +5 | Ref +7 | Will +9 | Init +5 | Perception +2 | Sense Motive +2 | Movement 30ft
Tracked Resources:
Dazing Touch 8/8, Staff of Acid 4/4Spells 0-4, 1st 6/7, 2nd 4/5, 3rd 2/5, 4th 3/3

Why yes, Wolona, I think we can do just that.

Standing there awaiting the arrival smiling and content is Rataji with his companions, when the "friends" come through the portal. He gestures them welcome and introduces himself.

Welcome my friends, I'm Rataji, rank silver badge, as you can see we've gotten you out of the portal as promised. And into the center of the blasted Pathfinders stronghold, no less. We have kept our word to this point and intend to continue to do so. We are here to welcome you with open arms that you may take revenge upon these compass wearing freaks as we will do the same. So what say you? Will you continue down this path with us? Will you continue this fight?

And as he concludes his speech he motions for any of his teammates present to say their piece if they wish.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (10) + 12 = 22

VC - Sydney, Australia

Wolona smiles at Rataji, but with some grimness to it muttering, “I hope they haven’t killed each other already” and stepping back into the demiplane.

She returns a moment later leading an eclectic entourage of about 15 delegates and war leaders, including humans, a halfling covered in bright war paint, a hag, a wyvaran, a yeti, a pony-sized green dragon, and more. They jostle one another while inspecting the room and prodding the dead Pathfinders.

The wyvaran sneers, looks to you all, and asks, “So which of you is the Aspis king?”

Rataji speaks his case, but the newcomers don't seem completely convinced, perhaps if someone added more weight to the speech...!

40/59 HP, AC: 12 [18], T: 12, FF: 10 [16], CMD: 19, F: +6 , R: +7, W: +10, Init +2, Perception +2, CN Female Elf Oracle 7, Dagger +8 (1d4+2, 19-20 x2)

As the varied delegates enter through the tapestry, 322 silently walks around the room, inspecting them with curiosity. She deftly plucks a hair from the yeti as she passes it, before slowly rolling it between her fingers. As she approaches the hag, she leans in slightly and inhales deeply for some odd reason. Despite her peculiar behavior, she never mutters a sound to their guests.

Not actually being Aspis, she will stay quiet for now.

VC - Sydney, Australia

The Experiment gets the very clear impression that she is moments away from being attacked...

Female NE Halfling Magus(eldritch scion)7 | HP: 56/59| AC: 20( 15Tch, 16 Fl) | CMB: +4, CMD: 18 | F: +10, R: +9, W: +7(+2 vs. Fear) | Init: +4 | Perc: +1, SM: -1 | Speed 20ft | Spells: 3rd-1/2 2nd-2/4 1st-2/5 |Eldritch Pool 5/7 |Active conditions: None

Ugh, They expected a king? Joliryn mentally grumbles as she feels the tension in the room spike, and get even worse with 322's odd behavior.
"Our employer sent us to deal with this nest of busy-bodies that we're in right now. Outside this building, however, our forces are currently contesting them for their own grounds. With your help, we can most certainly overpower the guards they have left in the building that they treat as the base of their power, and take that power for own collective use. "

Diplomacy(aid another): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8


VC - Sydney, Australia

Things aren't looking any better, the situation is still balancing on a knifes edge!

The Exchange

Human Male Human Slayer hp 67/67 | AC 18 | FF 16 | T 12 | CMD 24 | Fort +9 | Ref +9 | Will +7 | Init +2 | Perception +11 | Sense Motive +11 | Speed 30

Marnarius looks around and gives a slight shrug of his shoulders. Alright, I hope this works, "Ah, my dear Wolona," the slayer bows, "I'm sorry that I must comport myself this way. I am the Aspis King and greet you warmly." Marnarius feigns embarassment, "Oh, my appearance? Yes, well - in order to maintain our subterfuge I had to don more... humble decor so as to remain unrecognized by our foe."

Bluff: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16


Dark Archive

Male Human Enchanter hp 51/51 | AC 14 | FF 13 | T 12 | CMD 14 | Fort +5 | Ref +7 | Will +9 | Init +5 | Perception +2 | Sense Motive +2 | Movement 30ft
Tracked Resources:
Dazing Touch 8/8, Staff of Acid 4/4Spells 0-4, 1st 6/7, 2nd 4/5, 3rd 2/5, 4th 3/3

Under his breath through message...Umm, guys a little help here, we're supposed to be working together with these new arrivals after all.

The Pro replies just as softly, I thought that you, as a "leader", might step forward and take command of this situation.

I had just assumed this would be a spot for The Leader to shine. It seems someone else has tried to step up, however.

The King is correct! Do not let appearances deceive you. As one who can take many forms I know how a simple disguise can achieve many things.

Bluff?: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (5) + 11 = 16

Dark Archive

Male Human Enchanter hp 51/51 | AC 14 | FF 13 | T 12 | CMD 14 | Fort +5 | Ref +7 | Will +9 | Init +5 | Perception +2 | Sense Motive +2 | Movement 30ft
Tracked Resources:
Dazing Touch 8/8, Staff of Acid 4/4Spells 0-4, 1st 6/7, 2nd 4/5, 3rd 2/5, 4th 3/3
Shohiraj, The Pro wrote:

The Pro replies just as softly, I thought that you, as a "leader", might step forward and take command of this situation.

I had just assumed this would be a spot for The Leader to shine. It seems someone else has tried to step up, however.

The King is correct! Do not let appearances deceive you. As one who can take many forms I know how a simple disguise can achieve many things.


I did at the beginning, and then was trying to suggest some aid another actions would be helpful. As my roll was not particularly good

Unchained Rogue 7 HP: 28/45 AC:19 FF:19 T:15 F:+3 R:+10 W:+6 Perception +12 Effects:

"Yea, he's our king." Zurnzal says nodding to Sho.

Bluff to Aid: 1d20 ⇒ 3

VC - Sydney, Australia

On the bodies you find the following:
potion of cure moderate wounds
mithral chain shirt
+1 musket with 20 paper alchemical cartridges (bullet)
ring of protection +1

+1 breastplate
+1 greatsword
+1 composite longbow (+2 Str)
20 arrows
10 cold iron arrows
10 alchemical silver arrows
silver holy symbol

potion of cure moderate wounds
scroll of fly (2)
masterwork falchion
masterwork heavy crossbow
10 bolts
amulet of natural armor +1
ring of protection +1,


The words are enough to tip the balance, The crowd looks like it is swayed - the Green Dragon turns its serpentine neck to gaze at your group "Wolona spoke of a group that would neutralize the Pathfinder powerful mage - the one who commands the tapestry and owns all of the arcane books. I was promised I would feast upon the Pathfinder mage!"

Dark Archive

Male Human Enchanter hp 51/51 | AC 14 | FF 13 | T 12 | CMD 14 | Fort +5 | Ref +7 | Will +9 | Init +5 | Perception +2 | Sense Motive +2 | Movement 30ft
Tracked Resources:
Dazing Touch 8/8, Staff of Acid 4/4Spells 0-4, 1st 6/7, 2nd 4/5, 3rd 2/5, 4th 3/3

Well then my friend you've come to the right place. I believe that is the very next thing on the agenda. Would you accompany us?

VC - Sydney, Australia

"Then I shall be a part of this expedition!". Upon hearing this, Wolona steps in - "No! I can’t spare specialists like Gazwyr in taking my objectives; if he is going to abandon my crew, I need someone from your team to pick up the slack"

This is an opportunity to play a Green Dragon for the remainder of the adventure - if there are multiple expressions of interest I will roll for it. If you take this up, your current character will leave the group.

If people wish to play as Gazwyr the dragon, please indicate. I will be pushing the scenario to its next step in ~12 hours which will give people time to respond, and any last minute rp and item redistribution

Female NE Halfling Magus(eldritch scion)7 | HP: 56/59| AC: 20( 15Tch, 16 Fl) | CMB: +4, CMD: 18 | F: +10, R: +9, W: +7(+2 vs. Fear) | Init: +4 | Perc: +1, SM: -1 | Speed 20ft | Spells: 3rd-1/2 2nd-2/4 1st-2/5 |Eldritch Pool 5/7 |Active conditions: None

Sure, that sounds like fun to me.

I'll let someone else do it as I'm in the midst of moving.

VC - Sydney, Australia

Final boarding call for Dragon Air?

Unchained Rogue 7 HP: 28/45 AC:19 FF:19 T:15 F:+3 R:+10 W:+6 Perception +12 Effects:

I would but Zurnzal still has a job to do.

VC - Sydney, Australia


The directions you have lead you to a set of heavily reinforced wooden double doors that bow outward slightly, one of which has a small mail slot roughly three feet off the ground. Listening at the door you can hear a buzzing hum from within the room.

As an FYI, this is the suspected room in which the Sky Key should be located, as well as Aram Zey. So any buffs?

Buff status
The Ambitious
The Experiment
The Leader
The Professional
The Vengeful

40/59 HP, AC: 12 [18], T: 12, FF: 10 [16], CMD: 19, F: +6 , R: +7, W: +10, Init +2, Perception +2, CN Female Elf Oracle 7, Dagger +8 (1d4+2, 19-20 x2)

As they approach the door and prepare, 322 mutters a few chants in Aklo. The darkness that surrounds her intensifies, and soon black tendrils appear on her back. As more appear, they slither outwards and start to take on the shape of skeletal wings. After solidifying, the space between the now hardened tendrils turns dark as the void. She then takes out a small pouch, and sprinkles it over herself, causing the darkness to look as if it were constantly shifting.

Using another iteration of Cloak of Darkness, as well as Wings of Darkness and Dust of Darkness. She has another pouch of the dust if anyone else would like it.

Dust of Darkness:
For one minute, a creature coated in
this shimmering black dust gains concealment
(20% miss chance) in normal light, and total
concealment (50% miss chance) in dim light.
Creatures with darkvision treat this effect as
normal darkness. The dust counters and dispels
the outlining effects of glitterdust, and glitterdust
counters and dispels dust of darkness.

VC - Sydney, Australia


The Pro indicates that she wouldn't mind trying out the dust that 322 has offered.

Certainly can't seem to hurt.

VC - Sydney, Australia

We ready then? Who's going first? Anyone doing anything with the door?

Unchained Rogue 7 HP: 28/45 AC:19 FF:19 T:15 F:+3 R:+10 W:+6 Perception +12 Effects:

I'll go second. Someone should check it for traps.

The Pro will do the honors of checking out the door for nasty surprises.

If I can take 20 I'll do so.

Dark Archive

Male Human Enchanter hp 51/51 | AC 14 | FF 13 | T 12 | CMD 14 | Fort +5 | Ref +7 | Will +9 | Init +5 | Perception +2 | Sense Motive +2 | Movement 30ft
Tracked Resources:
Dazing Touch 8/8, Staff of Acid 4/4Spells 0-4, 1st 6/7, 2nd 4/5, 3rd 2/5, 4th 3/3

Rataji will give himself displacement and use his pearl of power to regain his second magic missile. Otherwise, yes I feel ready. Right before opening the door he'd also like to drop Haste on the party
Sorry it was a con weekend here

40/59 HP, AC: 12 [18], T: 12, FF: 10 [16], CMD: 19, F: +6 , R: +7, W: +10, Init +2, Perception +2, CN Female Elf Oracle 7, Dagger +8 (1d4+2, 19-20 x2)

322 takes out another pouch and sprinkles the powdered darkness onto Shohiraj.

Female NE Halfling Magus(eldritch scion)7 | HP: 56/59| AC: 20( 15Tch, 16 Fl) | CMB: +4, CMD: 18 | F: +10, R: +9, W: +7(+2 vs. Fear) | Init: +4 | Perc: +1, SM: -1 | Speed 20ft | Spells: 3rd-1/2 2nd-2/4 1st-2/5 |Eldritch Pool 5/7 |Active conditions: None

Because I asked....

Joliryn tosses the two scrolls of fly from the Pathfinder guards to Rataji. "You'll probably need those, wizard and all. Also, there are two things to note from my patsy, who worked with Zay. First, His door is abjured to a ridiculous degree... unless you're invited in. So, knocking, getting a smarmy 'enter', and then charging in and beating the shit out of him is a good idea. Secondly, Keep him away from his bookcase. He has a potent spell scroll hidden on there for emergencies. You all will be one. Kick his ass, and tell me all about it over ale, okay?"

And with that, she'll turn to Wolona. "Okay, What do you need me to do?"

Male LE very young green dragon | HP: 4/66 | AC: 18( 11Tch, 17 Fl) | CMB: +10, CMD: 21(25 vs. trip) | F: +7, R: +6, W: +8 | Init: +1 | Perc: +13, SM: +3 | Speed 40ft (150ft Fly, 40 ft Swim) || Active conditions: none

And now...

Gazwyr crouches, waiting for the door to be opening so he can charge in and get first taste of this wizard.

VC - Sydney, Australia

...so who is doing what?

The Exchange

Human Male Human Slayer hp 67/67 | AC 18 | FF 16 | T 12 | CMD 24 | Fort +9 | Ref +9 | Will +7 | Init +2 | Perception +11 | Sense Motive +11 | Speed 30

"So, Joliry, you're saying we should just knock and be invited in?" Marnarius whispers, incredulous. He gives a shrug of his shoulders and steps up to the door. "Yeah, I can knock. Just let me know when we're ready to go."

Marnarius stands at the ready.

Unchained Rogue 7 HP: 28/45 AC:19 FF:19 T:15 F:+3 R:+10 W:+6 Perception +12 Effects:

Zurnzal patiently waits for someone to knock.

40/59 HP, AC: 12 [18], T: 12, FF: 10 [16], CMD: 19, F: +6 , R: +7, W: +10, Init +2, Perception +2, CN Female Elf Oracle 7, Dagger +8 (1d4+2, 19-20 x2)

322 adds Entropic Shield to her buffs as well

VC - Sydney, Australia

Ok this is turning into the slowest door opening ever :p Who's going to do the honours? No one keen on Aram Zey?

Male LE very young green dragon | HP: 4/66 | AC: 18( 11Tch, 17 Fl) | CMB: +10, CMD: 21(25 vs. trip) | F: +7, R: +6, W: +8 | Init: +1 | Perc: +13, SM: +3 | Speed 40ft (150ft Fly, 40 ft Swim) || Active conditions: none

Shifty: I've have worse in my short PbP career already.

Marnarius: Joliryn stayed back with Wolona to assist her in wrangling the army in the Tapestry, so that Gaz here could come and eat Zay. That's why she told you those things, and stripped the fly scrolls off the Pathfinders to give to Rataji. She would have kept them and used them herself if she came.

40/59 HP, AC: 12 [18], T: 12, FF: 10 [16], CMD: 19, F: +6 , R: +7, W: +10, Init +2, Perception +2, CN Female Elf Oracle 7, Dagger +8 (1d4+2, 19-20 x2)

322 focuses her mind on the door

Detect Magic
Kn Arcana: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6
Spellcraft: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (14) + 9 = 23

VC - Sydney, Australia

There is the strong trace of abjuration magic on the far side of door...around the height of the mail slot.

Perhaps knocking might be the simple way... The Pro will try to determine if this trace of magic is part of a trap. With Trapspotter, if there is one within 10' I get to make a Perception check, with you rolling in secret or something.

Perception: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (4) + 14 = 18

If one is there, The Pro will try to disable it.

DD: 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (19) + 22 = 41

VC - Sydney, Australia

AZ 1d20 ⇒ 17

The Professional can't locate an actual trap or mechanism. The whole affair seems centred around the mail slot.

Dark Archive

Male Human Enchanter hp 51/51 | AC 14 | FF 13 | T 12 | CMD 14 | Fort +5 | Ref +7 | Will +9 | Init +5 | Perception +2 | Sense Motive +2 | Movement 30ft
Tracked Resources:
Dazing Touch 8/8, Staff of Acid 4/4Spells 0-4, 1st 6/7, 2nd 4/5, 3rd 2/5, 4th 3/3

So knowing there is a spell on the door, Rataji will look for it. Detect Magic and attempt to identify it. Spellcraft: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (16) + 15 = 31

If the spell is harmless or he can't identify the spell, he'll non-nonchalantly go up to the door and knock. Otherwise he may take a second to see if the team has a better way through.

Sorry I seem to have lost a post to the ether.

VC - Sydney, Australia

Rataji can't see the source, but his detection and skill senses that it is a faint Abjuration effect.

Dark Archive

Male Human Enchanter hp 51/51 | AC 14 | FF 13 | T 12 | CMD 14 | Fort +5 | Ref +7 | Will +9 | Init +5 | Perception +2 | Sense Motive +2 | Movement 30ft
Tracked Resources:
Dazing Touch 8/8, Staff of Acid 4/4Spells 0-4, 1st 6/7, 2nd 4/5, 3rd 2/5, 4th 3/3

Hmm, seems rather faint and behind the door. Not sure it's worth the worry.

Rataji will motion for Marnarius to step forward that they should make their way in.

Be on your toes everyone, you don't get to Zey's position by being a total imbecile.

VC - Sydney, Australia

Marnarius opens the door...

This tall library is ringed by a walkway around its perimeter, which provides access to a second level of towering bookshelves. A broad Qadiran rug leads to a short pedestal within a tall glass case that itself sits within an inscribed circle—all cordoned off by a velvet rope suspended by brass poles.

A strange armillary pulses with energy from atop the pedestal. Several plush chairs and a few low tables bearing curiosities and curios line the lower floor, and two decorative suits of armor stand at attention, each with a crossbow resting against its shoulder. Heatless torches blaze with remarkably even light in sconces throughout the room, and a tall pendulum clock on the eastern wall ticks each passing second.

Aram Zey sneers at you all dismissively.

"Is this it?" he gestures at you as though expecting more.


init,Shohiraj: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21
init, Rataji: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8
init, DRAGON!: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9
init, 322: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22
init, Marnarius: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
Init, Ambitious: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22
Init, AZ: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8

Bold up!
Gazwyr the Dragon


I just noticed I have a potion of invisibility, The Pro will use that just before the door opens.

The Pro uses her wand of True Strike and then moves into the room, hoping to get a clean shot at the enemy after her team moves in.

Unchained Rogue 7 HP: 28/45 AC:19 FF:19 T:15 F:+3 R:+10 W:+6 Perception +12 Effects:

"This is all we need." Zurnzal says before moving next to Aram.

Male LE very young green dragon | HP: 4/66 | AC: 18( 11Tch, 17 Fl) | CMB: +10, CMD: 21(25 vs. trip) | F: +7, R: +6, W: +8 | Init: +1 | Perc: +13, SM: +3 | Speed 40ft (150ft Fly, 40 ft Swim) || Active conditions: none

There! The target of my rancor!

Upon immediately upon the door opening, Gazwyr launches himself into the air. He circles around the library before coming at Zay from the opposite side of the other raiders, dropping onto him in an attempt to prevent him from spell casting.

Move action-single move(flight)
Standard action-Grapple a hopefully still Flat-footed Aram Zay.

Grapple attempt: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (18) + 10 = 28

VC - Sydney, Australia

Gaz, make a will save :)

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