[PFS/Shifty] Serpents Rise (Inactive)

Game Master Nik B.

Serpents Rise
Post session player reporting

Maps & handouts

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VC - Sydney, Australia

Serpents Rise

The Ambitious (Assas/Brwl) -
The Artist (Magus)
The Experiment (Oracle)
The Leader (Enchanter)
The Professional (Rogue)
The Vengeful (Slayer)

You are Aspis Consortium operatives, hand-picked by your superiors for one of the most daring missions ever attempted against the hated Pathfinder Society. For centuries the Society has been the hyena of the archaeological world, descending upon legitimate Aspis operations to snatch whatever the Pathfinders want, kill hardworking contractors, and grow wealthy on the profits of their “historical preservation.” As they say, the victors write the history books, and the widely distributed Pathfinder Chronicles paint the Society’s piracy as heroism guided by a moral compass as true as the wayfinder each agent carries.

Despite the thick walls and heavy windows of the rented home that serves as your safe house, the passage of Pathfinders from across the Inner Sea region creates a muted rumble as they make their pilgrimage to the Society’s Grand Convocation, an annual gathering in which Pathfinders tell tales of their exploits, show off their discoveries, and celebrate another successful year. Every additional Pathfinder is another set of eyes to spot trouble and another blade ready to defend the Grand Lodge, yet every voice and footstep makes it even safer to discuss the impending attack.

Rataji (the leader), it's up to you to brief the party.


You should each find a character sheet and a handout in your respective folder.

Maps and handouts will be linked up in the campaign info header. There is also a reporting tool link so that you can provide me your details of where you would like your chronicle assigned & sent.

Dark Archive

Male Human Enchanter hp 51/51 | AC 14 | FF 13 | T 12 | CMD 14 | Fort +5 | Ref +7 | Will +9 | Init +5 | Perception +2 | Sense Motive +2 | Movement 30ft
Tracked Resources:
Dazing Touch 8/8, Staff of Acid 4/4Spells 0-4, 1st 6/7, 2nd 4/5, 3rd 2/5, 4th 3/3

As per the rules I'm supposed to let you know Shifty that I'm replaying this scenario (burning a star), I followed along and it seemed like sign-ups were going slow. Hope that's ok with you.

Five of you are sitting around a conference table having each arrived over the last few minutes and while silently eyeing each other seem to be waiting on the arrival of one last Aspis Agent. When bustling through the door arrives a slender Garundi man standing nearly 6 feet tall with dreadlocks hanging down his back. He has a smile on his face and proudly displays Silver Aspis Badge. Each of you instantly recognizes that this means he is the ranking member of the expedition and things are probably about to get interesting.

Welcome, welcome my friends. It appears we are gathered here today for a mission of great importance. Today we will finally taking to those compass-wearing murderhobos the Pathfinders, and I don't mean some mission in some far away locale. Today we strike them where they live, right in the Center of the World, in the Center of their organization *scoff*, today we go into Skyreach and take what we want. Today is their *smirking* Grand Convocation and we will use it as cover to sow a bit of chaos and enter their stronghold. There we will get into Aram Zey's notes to open a portal for our reinforcements and go onto to steal Zey's prized possession the Sky Key.

He takes a breath before continuing on.

While we won't be the only Aspis agents in attendance our role is pivotal to the Consortium moving forward. I know a bit about each of you, but it may be a good time to get acquainted and figure out a bit about how we should proceed. I assume each of you will have some idea of how to best spread some discord amongst the Compass-monkeys, but please don't forget that we can help each other to best accomplish that task.

I'll start by introducing myself. I am Rataji, Silver Agent, I specialize in talking to people and getting them to do what I want. It's been said that I have a bit of an enchanting personality. I generally prefer magic to melee but am also willing to do what it takes. If you need help, please don't hesitate to ask. And to that point we may want to consider pooling resources for any last minute purchases you feel might help.

Rataji will through a bag of gold containing 210 gp into the center of the table if anyone wants to pool resources and/or take advantage of Absalom's marketplaces on our way.
Willing to share the gold for whatever you all decide or take it back and keep it.

Then he will motion for each of you to introduce yourselves.

All your introductions here

As a final note, once we reach the Pathfinder lodge there is the possibility that we split up, when you here their Master of Swords Marcos Farabellus start to give a speech, that will be our signal to meet and enter Skyreach itself.

Female NE Halfling Magus(eldritch scion)7 | HP: 56/59| AC: 20( 15Tch, 16 Fl) | CMB: +4, CMD: 18 | F: +10, R: +9, W: +7(+2 vs. Fear) | Init: +4 | Perc: +1, SM: -1 | Speed 20ft | Spells: 3rd-1/2 2nd-2/4 1st-2/5 |Eldritch Pool 5/7 |Active conditions: None

The leader my teacher mentioned...

Stepping forward is a black haired halfling with a smile on her face almost as wide as Rataji's.

"I am called Joliryn. While I'm probably not as well-versed as our leader here in magic, I am well-trained in it's use in combat, as well as frustrating other magicians."

"As for the call for pooling resources.... She tosses a bag of 184gp onto the table. "I'm in. We're striking the spider in it's web, so we might as well be prepared for that."

It might not be much, but I'm willing to pool resources. The human female throws in a pouch with 54 gold pieces inside.

Unchained Rogue 7 HP: 28/45 AC:19 FF:19 T:15 F:+3 R:+10 W:+6 Perception +12 Effects:

"Zurnzal." The large toothy half orc replies as he eyes the others. Which one was evaluating him? Who did he have to impress? "This might help." He says throwing a coin purse with only 15 gold. "I beat people up and I fight dirty. I'm also good at making myself look like someone else."

VC - Sydney, Australia

Thanks Rat/Barton - noted. :)

Great start guys! Hopefully the rest check in shortly. They have all been messaged :)

Ah, another master of disguise? A good trait to have. Of course, fighting dirty is the best way to fight.

The Exchange

Human Male Human Slayer hp 67/67 | AC 18 | FF 16 | T 12 | CMD 24 | Fort +9 | Ref +9 | Will +7 | Init +2 | Perception +11 | Sense Motive +11 | Speed 30

"Oi, I'm Marnarius," pipes up the vagabond when he feels it's his turn. He taps his sheathed longsword, hanging from his belt. "Pretty handy with this - and the bow." He glances around, before continuing casually, "As for my bonafides? Well, you may have heard about that business with a bunch of agents getting stuck in the Hao Jin Tapestry - you know, that little demiplane? Yeah, got trapped there by some society feks and we were stuck there until about two months ago." Marnarius reaches into his satchel and tosses a bag of coins on the table. "Got 607 gold, there. Let's put it to good use."

40/59 HP, AC: 12 [18], T: 12, FF: 10 [16], CMD: 19, F: +6 , R: +7, W: +10, Init +2, Perception +2, CN Female Elf Oracle 7, Dagger +8 (1d4+2, 19-20 x2)

Dotting for now

VC - Sydney, Australia

Cheers - all coming together now :)

VC - Sydney, Australia

Once you have all had a good chance to purchase goods and finish the brief, I will move you forward...

Dark Archive

Male Human Enchanter hp 51/51 | AC 14 | FF 13 | T 12 | CMD 14 | Fort +5 | Ref +7 | Will +9 | Init +5 | Perception +2 | Sense Motive +2 | Movement 30ft
Tracked Resources:
Dazing Touch 8/8, Staff of Acid 4/4Spells 0-4, 1st 6/7, 2nd 4/5, 3rd 2/5, 4th 3/3

So it looks like we have just over a 1000 gold at the moment, any suggestions for purchases.

Current Total = 1070gp, Assuming 322's gold Total = 1365gp

40/59 HP, AC: 12 [18], T: 12, FF: 10 [16], CMD: 19, F: +6 , R: +7, W: +10, Init +2, Perception +2, CN Female Elf Oracle 7, Dagger +8 (1d4+2, 19-20 x2)

Sorry for the delay, couldn't get on at all last night with the site issues. Will watch up this afternoon.

VC - Sydney, Australia

No worries! Jump in, have fun!

40/59 HP, AC: 12 [18], T: 12, FF: 10 [16], CMD: 19, F: +6 , R: +7, W: +10, Init +2, Perception +2, CN Female Elf Oracle 7, Dagger +8 (1d4+2, 19-20 x2)

Finally the lean elf with dark sunken eyes begin to speak, in a montone, almost robtic voice. "I am 322....my master bid me join you... as a test. I am to be her experiment....and you all will be mine." She looks at each companion, tilting her head in turn.

"My powers are....unique. The darkness calls me....and grants abilities in return for service." She draws one of the daggers from it's sheath on her chest and cuts her hand deeply, causing dark blood to spew forth. Before it reaches the table, the drops come together, seemingly forming a tentacle reaching back to the wound, stitching the gash back together and absorbing back into the skin.

"I am here to serve....all my resources are yours...including myself."

Adding 295gp to the pot

Female NE Halfling Magus(eldritch scion)7 | HP: 56/59| AC: 20( 15Tch, 16 Fl) | CMB: +4, CMD: 18 | F: +10, R: +9, W: +7(+2 vs. Fear) | Init: +4 | Perc: +1, SM: -1 | Speed 20ft | Spells: 3rd-1/2 2nd-2/4 1st-2/5 |Eldritch Pool 5/7 |Active conditions: None

"Extra healing, either in potions or a wand."Joliryn volunteers as an answer to Ratiji's question, obviously trying (and failing) to ignore the creepy elf after that.. unique demonstration of her powers. "Any extra vitality we can get a hold of gives us more time to wreak havoc."

Unchained Rogue 7 HP: 28/45 AC:19 FF:19 T:15 F:+3 R:+10 W:+6 Perception +12 Effects:

Zurnzal is unfazed by the elf's demonstration, he'd seen worse. He'd caused worse to people. "Yea, or something to help us get away. Like stealth magic."

Dark Archive

Male Human Enchanter hp 51/51 | AC 14 | FF 13 | T 12 | CMD 14 | Fort +5 | Ref +7 | Will +9 | Init +5 | Perception +2 | Sense Motive +2 | Movement 30ft
Tracked Resources:
Dazing Touch 8/8, Staff of Acid 4/4Spells 0-4, 1st 6/7, 2nd 4/5, 3rd 2/5, 4th 3/3

Both Sound like good ideas, let's see a Wand of Cure Light Wounds and 6 Potions of Vanish should run us 1050gp leaving us with 315gp. Any other suggestions or should we be off to have our fun? Also, this would be a good time to put away any Aspis gear we may be wearing.

With that Rataji will remove his silver badge and leave it on the desk where he plans to reclaim it as soon as the mission is completed.

VC - Sydney, Australia

Noted so far. Let me know when you are ready to move forward (don't want to cut anyone short!)

Unchained Rogue 7 HP: 28/45 AC:19 FF:19 T:15 F:+3 R:+10 W:+6 Perception +12 Effects:

I'm good to go.

Not quite having his badge yet, he just follows the leader out.

The Exchange

Human Male Human Slayer hp 67/67 | AC 18 | FF 16 | T 12 | CMD 24 | Fort +9 | Ref +9 | Will +7 | Init +2 | Perception +11 | Sense Motive +11 | Speed 30

The elf's strange display held the slayer's attention. "What in blazes..." he thinks to himself before coming to and agreeing with the purchases.

"Oh, yeah," Marnarius mutters, seeing Rataji put the silver badge on the desk. He removes his own bronze badge and places it next to Rataji. "Inconspicuous, right?" He falls in line with the rest.

Vanish and healing. Good plan. I'm good with that.

VC - Sydney, Australia

Will shift us to the next part in about 6 hours

40/59 HP, AC: 12 [18], T: 12, FF: 10 [16], CMD: 19, F: +6 , R: +7, W: +10, Init +2, Perception +2, CN Female Elf Oracle 7, Dagger +8 (1d4+2, 19-20 x2)

"I am here to assist you....but am not Aspis. I belong to a higher power." as she continues to play with her dagger.

I have a question about my first mission and was wondering if you were able to clarify. Am I looking for a body or an inanimate object? Or is it just something I will know when we come across it?

As long as your higher power doesn't get us killed I don't care what your association is. Let's get the job done.

VC - Sydney, Australia

You believe you will be given some sort of lantern, and with it you must capture Aram Zeys soul...

The heart of the Pathfinder Society is a sprawling campus in Absalom’s Foreign Quarter. Behind its white walls, Pathfinders train for upcoming expeditions, academics study priceless relics recovered from across the globe, and the Decemvirate charts the course for the entire organization from the towering keep Skyreach.

Map up - Rataji can name all the buildings on it

You have now entered the front yard, slipping in the frnt gate in the hustle and bustle of the crowd.

The heart of the Pathfinder Society is a sprawling campus in Absalom’s Foreign Quarter. Behind its white walls, Pathfinders train for upcoming expeditions, academics study priceless relics recovered from across the globe, and the Decemvirate charts the course for the entire organization from the towering keep Skyreach.


The time you have is limited, broken into two main phases; these phases represent roughly an hour of activity each and serve as “turns”, allowing each of you to investigate a particular site or enact a certain plan. You may decide where you want to go, then resolve any actions at those locations in turn. You can travel to up to three locations during a single turn, but you can only gather information or enact a plan in one of these locations.

You may Gather Info (General) during a turn, or Gather Info (specific issue) during a turn. Gathering specific info involves finding out a particular fact - such as 'where can I locate X?'

Turn 1
The Ambitious
The Artist
The Experiment
The Leader
The Professional
The Vengeful

Unchained Rogue 7 HP: 28/45 AC:19 FF:19 T:15 F:+3 R:+10 W:+6 Perception +12 Effects:

Zurnzal will disguise himself as a pathfinder.

Disguise with kit!: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (1) + 13 = 14

He will then try to find out where the sky key is. By bullying weaker pathfinders.Gather Info(specific issue)

Intimidate: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (16) + 9 = 25

VC - Sydney, Australia

What does a Pathfinder look like? ;p

Turn 1
The Ambitious - Gather Info (Specific)(Intimidate)
The Artist
The Experiment
The Leader
The Professional
The Vengeful

Unchained Rogue 7 HP: 28/45 AC:19 FF:19 T:15 F:+3 R:+10 W:+6 Perception +12 Effects:

Apparently Zurnzal doesn't know with a roll like that. He'll probably just get a fake wayfinder and brandish it.

Female NE Halfling Magus(eldritch scion)7 | HP: 56/59| AC: 20( 15Tch, 16 Fl) | CMB: +4, CMD: 18 | F: +10, R: +9, W: +7(+2 vs. Fear) | Init: +4 | Perc: +1, SM: -1 | Speed 20ft | Spells: 3rd-1/2 2nd-2/4 1st-2/5 |Eldritch Pool 5/7 |Active conditions: None

There are alot of people here....I wonder how many actually belong..., Joliryn muses as she blends a little into the crowd.

Stealth: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10
I guess 'little' is the keyword there.

Slipping away from the crowds, she heads toward the Wall of Names. After all, that's where her contact is supposed to be.

VC - Sydney, Australia

Turn 1
The Ambitious - Gather Info (Specific)(Intimidate)
The Artist - Wall of Names
The Experiment
The Leader
The Professional
The Vengeful

The Professional will quietly try to determine where the halfling named Janira could be telling one of her stories, thinking she'll likely be there now. She will then observe her movements, looking for a place to be able to complete her own personal mission. While doing this, she prefers not to be seen.

Fast Stealth: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (14) + 15 = 29
Specific Info - Know Local?: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (10) + 11 = 21
Perception?: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (5) + 14 = 19

Not really sure how else to go about this phase.

Dark Archive

Male Human Enchanter hp 51/51 | AC 14 | FF 13 | T 12 | CMD 14 | Fort +5 | Ref +7 | Will +9 | Init +5 | Perception +2 | Sense Motive +2 | Movement 30ft
Tracked Resources:
Dazing Touch 8/8, Staff of Acid 4/4Spells 0-4, 1st 6/7, 2nd 4/5, 3rd 2/5, 4th 3/3

Rataji will spend finding out what is happening at the different locations on the map and making sure his crew knows what's going on in different locations so the can best sow their seeds of havoc. He'll also go through what every location is on the map with everyone Already labeled on map, and offer his services to any who think they might need some help or company, with a final reminder that the Master of Swords speech is the meet up time.

Gather Info (general): 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (11) + 15 = 26 I used Kn.(local) here, it's a +12 if only Diplomacy is allowed

He'll also put message up on everyone, though he fully expects it to break off a number of people as people split up.

VC - Sydney, Australia

To re-summarise the phases - you have three real options:
Gather specific information (What time is the XYZ, Where is Waldo?)
Gather general info (What is happening and the general gossip)
Visit up to three map locations and carry out activities at one of them

Hope that helps.

At this point you do not require stealth rolls, as you are generally moving with the crowds - unless you are doing something particular. It would probably start drawing attention if you failed a roll :)

@Rataji - Diplo works

Turn 1
The Ambitious - Gather Info (Specific)(Intimidate)
The Artist - Wall of Names
The Experiment
The Leader - Gather Info (General)
The Professional - Gather Info (Specific)
The Vengeful

40/59 HP, AC: 12 [18], T: 12, FF: 10 [16], CMD: 19, F: +6 , R: +7, W: +10, Init +2, Perception +2, CN Female Elf Oracle 7, Dagger +8 (1d4+2, 19-20 x2)

I was referring to the homonculi type mission she has. I didn't know if she is aware if it is a person she is to use the object on or something inanimate.

322 is imediately drawn towards Starhall, sensing the dark void. She seeks any clues or gossip relating to a magical lantern.

VC - Sydney, Australia

Ahh THAT one - in summary - find something that might make a decent 'large scale construct', like a big statue or something...

The Exchange

Human Male Human Slayer hp 67/67 | AC 18 | FF 16 | T 12 | CMD 24 | Fort +9 | Ref +9 | Will +7 | Init +2 | Perception +11 | Sense Motive +11 | Speed 30

Marnarius gives his note another glance before folding it up and stuffing it back in his pocket.

"The menagerie - that's another word for like a zoo, right? I think I'm going to check that out. I was thinking," the vengeful one pauses to check for anyone that might overhear before lowering his voice, "maybe I could set some of the animals free - you know, create a diversion? What do you think?" His eyebrows arched upwards in mischievous glee.

Without waiting for any real confirmation - he's too excited by his plan - Marnarius takes off for the menagerie.

Once there, the slayer will take quick stock of the situation - taking a look at what animals are on display at the menagerie, seeing if he recognizes any of the beasts on display.

Knowledge (Dung): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6
Hmm, not great.

He walks up to the cage of whatever animal he feels would be most dangerous, and does his best to open the cage without bringing too much attention to himself.

Stealth: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (8) + 11 = 19

Disable Device, mwk. tools: 1d20 + 11 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 11 + 2 = 20

VC - Sydney, Australia

Turn 1
The Ambitious - Gather Info (Specific)(Intimidate)
The Artist - Wall of Names
The Experiment
The Leader - Gather Info (General)
The Professional - Gather Info (Specific)
The Vengeful - Menagerie

Once the Experiment confirms location/action I can reveal outcomes/situations :)

40/59 HP, AC: 12 [18], T: 12, FF: 10 [16], CMD: 19, F: +6 , R: +7, W: +10, Init +2, Perception +2, CN Female Elf Oracle 7, Dagger +8 (1d4+2, 19-20 x2)

Already posted my action, you must have missed it. Going to the Starhall

VC - Sydney, Australia

@322 - OK cool, was allowing space to re-confirm actions based on the further information :)

(The Experiment)

This keep has a high, domed tower on its east end, and it holds much of the Society’s knowledge about worlds beyond Golarion and the Material Plane. 322 is admitted to the librbay and the study areas, all of which are inhabited by scholastic Pathfinders brushing up on their legends and lore. Nothing in particular resonates for her here.

Over to you


The Menagerie
(The Vengeful)

Broad pavilions and awnings shade segmented pens containing animals from around the world, ranging from harmless rodents and fowl to hulking dinosaurs from Tolguth, a giraffe mutated by the Mana Wastes, and war beasts from the Hold of Belkzen. A few heavily reinforced cages hold even stranger creatures, such as an immense two-headed vulture, a ram-headed sphinx, and an armor-plated serpent with fangs the length of a broadsword.

In anticipation of the Grand Convocation, there is an especially high concentration of beasts from the far corners of Avistan and Garund, and a constant parade of sightseers walk past the fenced enclosures. More than a dozen handlers patrol the fences, explaining to onlookers where each creature comes from and other trivia. Each enclosure’s fence is thick enough to prevent the creature inside from breaking out before handlers might calm it. The enclosures all have heavy padlocks keeping them closed.

Over to you! Still carrying out the same action?


Wall of Names:

Trees surround the small hill that bears a curving wall of black glass, providing visitors some privacy as they read any of the thousands of Pathfinder names inscribed on the surface. More trees grow in tight formation to the west, where the copse abuts the Grand Lodge’s wall.

Despite the huge number of visitors at the Grand Lodge, the Wall of Names has relatively few visitors; most Pathfinders visit the site either before or after the Grand Convocation’s main festivities—the better to reflect in peace. Even with the numerous trees that shield the monument, the dull roar of agents testing each other’s wits, theories, and strength invades this solemn space.

The Artist notes a fellow as he slowly walks up and down the length of the monument, reading names and nervously touching a leather portfolio. At an opportune time, the Artist sidles up to the man and remarks to no one in particular “The wall slithers like a snake through grass,” to which the man responds, “None would step on so great a serpent.” After a moment’s hesitation, he then adds, “But perhaps it is a fool who invites the viper into his home.”

Over to you!

Gather Info (Specific)

The Professional learns that Janira will be conducting another round of storytelling at the Statue of Gest in about an hour, also that Janira is very perceptive and usually surrounded by a crowd of onlookers – making it hard to get in contact with her person unnoticed – however the halfling is a natural raconteur who often becomes so engrossed in telling an accurate and engaging story that she loses track of her surroundings. Goading Janira into a storytelling competition is easy enough, but she always insists on the challenger spinning the first tale.

Turn complete


Gather Info (General)
The Leader

The Grand Convocation is particularly crowded this year. In addition to agents from all over Golarion, several dignitaries from Absalom are in attendance.

Although both Kreighton Shaine and Marcos Farabellus have made appearances, nobody has spotted the Master of Scrolls Aram Zey. It’s not especially surprising, given Zey’s dislike of crowds and dealing with the public.

Several dozen Pathfinders have begun unloading kegs from carts on the Center House lawns, likely in anticipation of Marcos Farabellus’s big speech. It’s an open secret that he intends to announce that the longawaited reconstruction of the Sky Key has concluded.

Although nearly every Pathfinder at the Grand Lodge is allowed to wander about and relax, several dozen are on guard duty on the walls and in Skyreach. Most of these assignments are punishments for debts incurred to the Society or bungled expeditions. Part of the reason that Aram Zey hasn’t been seen yet is because he is supervising these patrols.

Turn complete


Gather Info (Specific)
The Ambitious

2d4 + 2 ⇒ (1, 4) + 2 = 7
7d20 ⇒ (11, 1, 1, 9, 2, 18, 10) = 52

Leaning on several junior Pathfinders eventually has them reveal the Key is in the Library in Skyreach, but just as he's about to congratulate him he notes he is surrounded by a group of 'very interested' looking Pathfinders who clearly have something in mind. He notes one of the bullied Pathfinders pointing at him "That's the guy, he was the one menacing us" the biggest looks closely at The Ambitious, "He's no Pathfinder".

Swords are drawn, around seven Pathfinders are surrounding the lone half-orc.

Bluff or Diplo to get out of this without combat initiatiing

Over to you

40/59 HP, AC: 12 [18], T: 12, FF: 10 [16], CMD: 19, F: +6 , R: +7, W: +10, Init +2, Perception +2, CN Female Elf Oracle 7, Dagger +8 (1d4+2, 19-20 x2)

Not finding anything of interest at the Starhall, 322 decides to try her luck at the Statue of Durvin. Perhaps having the chance to turn a statue of a Pathfinder hero against them. When she arrives she inspects the statue like a tourist, feigning interest. And when the opportunity presents itself she discreetly attaches hexagonal pad to the statue.

After the website eating this post twice and becoming lazier with each one...

VC - Sydney, Australia

[ooc[If only that simple...[/ooc]


Already carved in larger-than-life proportions, the stone statue of Durvin Gest towers over the surrounding lawn on a pedestal flanked by angelic figures and carved with elaborate friezes depicting some of his most famous voyages.

Several dozen Pathfinders are gathered around the statue, swapping stories and participating in improvised competitions of braggadocio. Among them is Janira Gavix, an aide to Master of Scrolls Kreighton Shaine.

As you approach, Janira is just finishing up a story about Selmius Foster— one of the first Pathfinders published in the Pathfinder Chronicles—and his fabled race against a marid and an efreeti, whom he cleverly tricked into distracting one another while he sped across the finish line. The story earns polite applause, and Janira hops down from the bench she had used as a speaking platform.

The crowd also makes it difficult to properly install 322’s cosmic conduit, which she must place somewhere on statue of Durvin Gest’s body. Reaching the statue requires clambering atop the pedestal. Simply clambering over the installation is considered uncouth, and would draw a lot of negative attention. Actually installing the device takes 3 rounds of focused work—more than enough time for someone to notice and either inquire or detach the device later for study. Come up with your plan of action with all of that in mind...

Over to you!

Unchained Rogue 7 HP: 28/45 AC:19 FF:19 T:15 F:+3 R:+10 W:+6 Perception +12 Effects:

Diplo?: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (18) - 1 = 17

"You don't wanna do this."

Female NE Halfling Magus(eldritch scion)7 | HP: 56/59| AC: 20( 15Tch, 16 Fl) | CMB: +4, CMD: 18 | F: +10, R: +9, W: +7(+2 vs. Fear) | Init: +4 | Perc: +1, SM: -1 | Speed 20ft | Spells: 3rd-1/2 2nd-2/4 1st-2/5 |Eldritch Pool 5/7 |Active conditions: None

Assuming that her teacher's name is probably well known to most upper level Pathfinders, Joli decides to try to a little bit of subtlety.

"Our ...mutual acquaintance asked me to pick up the latest letter for him, she says quietly, slowly moving near her contact, in hopes of a quiet data retrieval.

Dark Archive

Male Human Enchanter hp 51/51 | AC 14 | FF 13 | T 12 | CMD 14 | Fort +5 | Ref +7 | Will +9 | Init +5 | Perception +2 | Sense Motive +2 | Movement 30ft
Tracked Resources:
Dazing Touch 8/8, Staff of Acid 4/4Spells 0-4, 1st 6/7, 2nd 4/5, 3rd 2/5, 4th 3/3

With nothing much to do except for look for information his compatriots might find useful, the leader will follow 322 around at a distance keeping an eye on her after the display she made in the mission briefing.

If the GM will allow it I may at least be able to talk to some people and make a distraction for you

40/59 HP, AC: 12 [18], T: 12, FF: 10 [16], CMD: 19, F: +6 , R: +7, W: +10, Init +2, Perception +2, CN Female Elf Oracle 7, Dagger +8 (1d4+2, 19-20 x2)

Are the angleic figures on the pedestal as well?

VC - Sydney, Australia

Gather Info (Specific)

"Yeah we do, can't come to the home of the Pathfinders and threaten us in our homes. Get 'im boys" They seem set on delivering a sound beating.

Z 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 2 = 13
Pathfinders 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21

They rush Z, swords drawn... a small bunch surround him as the others cut off an exit.
Attack 1d20 + 10 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 10 + 2 = 32
Damage 1d6 + 3 + 4d6 ⇒ (3) + 3 + (5, 4, 1, 3) = 19
Crit? 1d20 + 10 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 10 + 2 = 31
Damage 2d6 + 6 ⇒ (6, 5) + 6 = 17

Attack 1d20 + 10 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 10 + 2 = 32
Damage 1d6 + 3 + 4d6 ⇒ (4) + 3 + (6, 6, 1, 6) = 26
Crit? 1d20 + 10 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 10 + 2 = 30
Damage 2d6 + 6 ⇒ (3, 2) + 6 = 11

Attack 1d20 + 10 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 10 + 2 = 14
Damage 1d6 + 3 + 4d6 ⇒ (4) + 3 + (5, 3, 4, 3) = 22

Attack 1d20 + 10 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 10 + 2 = 15
Damage 1d6 + 3 + 4d6 ⇒ (3) + 3 + (1, 4, 5, 1) = 17

Attack 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 23
Damage 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5

...things do dark for Z.


Wall of Names:

"Perhaps I do, but I think I might have been misguided" a trickle of sweat makes its way down the mans brow - he looks very stressed... he seems very hesitant.


@322 - Yes, but not as attractive/effective a target...

@The Leader - not this turn, but certainly in Turn 2.

Female NE Halfling Magus(eldritch scion)7 | HP: 56/59| AC: 20( 15Tch, 16 Fl) | CMB: +4, CMD: 18 | F: +10, R: +9, W: +7(+2 vs. Fear) | Init: +4 | Perc: +1, SM: -1 | Speed 20ft | Spells: 3rd-1/2 2nd-2/4 1st-2/5 |Eldritch Pool 5/7 |Active conditions: None

Joliryn sighs. "Which is why you came to our acquaintance in the first place, no? Of course, as he likes to put it, One cannot take without giving. Is there something that you want 'retrieved', as per your argeement with him?"

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12

VC - Sydney, Australia

Wall of Names:

He stares at the Wall of Names once again, not taking his eyes off it - "No, so many more deaths if I co-operate...so many more names on the Wall" he seems even more hesitant, his nerves rattled.

40/59 HP, AC: 12 [18], T: 12, FF: 10 [16], CMD: 19, F: +6 , R: +7, W: +10, Init +2, Perception +2, CN Female Elf Oracle 7, Dagger +8 (1d4+2, 19-20 x2)

322 strolls around the statue area nonchalantly, waiting for just the right moment when the crowd seems distracted. She mutters to herself in Aklo and the light immediately around her begins to darken as if she is always in shadow.

Activating an increment of Cloak of Darkness for +6 AC and +4 stealth.

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