PFS PbP Online Gameday - 2-01 Before the Dawn pt I: Bloodcove Disguise (Inactive)

Game Master Aeshuura

Bloodcove Map

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Grand Lodge

Owlbear Rodeo | PFS Quest Tracker | Quest Slides

With a flash of light and a stomach-churning shift, the cool, saline air of Absalom collapses into the stifling, wet heat of the Garundi coast. Within moments, sweat begins to ooze from your pores as the fetid stink of the local climate envelopes you like a damp blanket.

The scroll in Aram Zey’s hands crumbles into dust, its magic spent. The Pathfinder Society’s Master of Spells removes his hat and begins fanning himself. “All right Pathfinders, welcome to the blistering hole that is the Mwangi Expanse. Any of you who bother to keep up with your Chronicles know that the Society has an archaelogical expedition working in the Terwa Uplands, about 80 miles northwest of our position. Of course, I doubt if more than half of you read anything but dirty poetry, so allow me to sum up: the Azlant Ridge site shouldn’t be there. There are no known Azlanti sights in the Mwangi Expanse, but here we are. It may be the best-preserved evidence that the Azlanti at least visited the Mwangi Expanse. A servant of Angazhan called Ruthazek the Silverback King claims the site, too. His troops have laid siege to it and our people are starving, dying from disease, and running low on ammunition and personnel, which is where you come in.”

Zey points north through the treeline, to where a ragtag city of boardwalks and wooden buildings straddles a swampy, red river delta. “Your first stop is Bloodcove.” He chokes out the word as if it insulted his mother. “The Azlant Ridge site needs supplies, and Bloodcove is the nearest trade port. They need 2 tons of food and clean water, five crates of arrows and crossbow bolts, and clean dressings for wounds. House Cartahegn is your best choice as the Society works with them occasionally.

We already arranged payment to a caravan leader named Raimondo Scevola several weeks ago. Make contact with him to carry everything north. Also, look for a man named Senzer somewhere in town. He was an alchemist funneling potions and information to our team in the Uplands, but he went silent a month ago. You need to find out why and get that stream of potions flowing again.

“Don’t think this will be a simple trip to the market. Bloodcove is a pit founded by pirates and run by criminals—scum with no sense of achievement or appreciation for arcane advancement. Even worse, it’s a stronghold of the Aspis Consortium, which loves nothing more than perverting and profiting from Pathfinder discoveries like Azlant Ridge. Keep your heads down and do nothing to attract suspicion; perhaps adopt a disguise.

"Normally I don’t give a damn if you heroic types kick in doors, make asses of yourselves, and die, but more than your lives rests on your shoulders now. If you fail and the Azlant Ridge site receives no backup, it will surely fall.”

Aram hands over a coin pouch. “As I said, we arranged payment for your caravan some time ago. This should cover the cost of supplies. If you dip into your own resources and manage to survive, the Society will attempt to reimburse you.

“Once you deal with that business, head northwest.” He presents a sealed scrollcase and an ornate, golden key on a leather thong. “Guard these with your lives. The key’s exact purpose eludes me, but the symbol it bears is repeated on a doorway at Azlant Ridge. The scrollcase contains a map to the dig site. My magics secure the case, though, and it will explode violently if opened within five miles of Bloodcove.

“Ask your questions now. I return to Absalom the moment I believe you capable of getting to Bloodcove.”

The Exchange

Male Halfling Rogue (Knife Master/Scout) 9 [ HP 75/75 | AC 25/16T/20FF (+3 vs. light blades) | Fort +5, Ref +11, Will +3 (+2 vs. fear) | Init +7 | Perception +19 ]

Holman, a halfling with a crooked smile, studded leather armor, and a brace of daggers strung on a bandolier across his chest, listens intently as the Master of Spells recites the mission objectives. Wow, you do know how to talk, old man. Barely even took a breath. After the talking stops, Holman continues to stare for a moment. Then, as if waking from a daydream, he shakes his head quickly, holds up his hand, and ticks off his fingers one by one. "So, let me get this straight. We need to", one, "buy these supplies from House Cartahegn with the gold you just gave us," two, "make contact with Raimondo Scevola and have him carry the supplies in his caravan," three, "find Senzer and get the potions flowing again, then" four, "make our way northwest to the dig site with the key and map, but don't open the scroll case within five miles of Bloodcove or we'll likely not live to regret it. Aaaand, we might be better off disguising ourselves because the lawless cretins aren't exactly fond of pathfinders."

He looks to the others in the group. "Does that just about cover it?"

Grand Lodge

Owlbear Rodeo | PFS Quest Tracker | Quest Slides

The Master of Scrolls smirks at the halfling's response, "Ah, so you do know how to listen. There may be hope for you yet! Any other questions?"

Silver Crusade

Male Tengu Monk 3 -- HP: 21/21 | AC: 18 | T: 17 | FF: 14 | CMD: 17* | Fort: +3 | Ref: +6 | Will: +6* | Init: +3 | Perc: +10L

As the Master of Scrolls begins to fan himself, the orange-robed tengu nearby begins to worry. 'Caw! Kuaizi has no sweat glands like others, this heat will be too much!' But Kuaizi regains inner control almost immediately, 'Must remain focused, grasshopper! Mind over matter. Still the mind, and body will follow!'

After the halfling summarizes, and the Master confirms, Kuaizi gives in a little... he begins to fan himself with his bamboo hat. He then assures Aram Zey of his comprehension, confidence exuding from his crow-like visage, perfect standing posture, and planted bo staff held in one taloned hand. With his hat in his other taloned hand, Kuaizi raises it up with his last few words to emphasize and further convince Aram Zey the mission is in good hands.

"Honorable Master of Scrolls, I understand orders completely. It will be done, do not fear. For I foresee we will be most fortunate in our endeavor. Caw!"

An air of mild indignation then comes across in his voice, as Kuaizi addresses something he finds the need to clarify, "But Aram Zey-san! Know well that as an avowed monk, student of Sangpotshi, and practitioner of the ways of Irori the Perfected One, I most certainly engage NOT in the reading of dirty poetry."

Grand Lodge

Owlbear Rodeo | PFS Quest Tracker | Quest Slides

The Master of Spells smirks, "Perhaps, but then it is not my care what you spend your time studying. My only care is that you do not embarrass the Society."

Sense Motive DC 15:
Aram Zey is pleasantly surprised at the response. The barest hint of a smile barely noticeable under his false exasperation.

The Exchange

Male Halfling Rogue (Knife Master/Scout) 9 [ HP 75/75 | AC 25/16T/20FF (+3 vs. light blades) | Fort +5, Ref +11, Will +3 (+2 vs. fear) | Init +7 | Perception +19 ]

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20

Dark Archive

HP 41/42, AC/T/F 21/14/18, Intimidate +3, Perception +11, Initiative +2 , F/R/W: 7/5/3 (5 v fear) Halfling Fighter (Rondelero Duelist) 5.2

Ryskovich's stomach churns slightly, as this is the first time he has traveled via spell, let alone a great distance such as Absolom to the Expanse.

He wears slightly tattered studded leather with a heavy wooden shield strapped to his back. On his right hip is a rapier, a dagger hilt is protruding from his boot and a light mace hangs from his left hip.

When he starts to sweat, he 'adjusts' himself and takes a swig from his waterskin. He listens closely to the job given to him by Aram and when his fellow halfling respondsm he simply nods in reassurance.

If this is our job, then it will get done one way or another, especially since the Aspis is involved. he says with a slight smile.

sense: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 1 = 17

Silver Crusade

H.Summoner 2 HP 15/15 | AC17/T13/FF14 | CMB+2/CMD15 | F+1/R+3/W+3(+2) | Init +3/Conc. +4 | Perc +0, SM +0, DK vis.
HP 15/15 | AC20/T12/F18 | Perc. +4 SM +4 - CMB+5, CMD17(21trip)

I've seen Aram Zey before, I'm just not sure if it was with Ralk.
Sense Motive: 1d20 ⇒ 3
A slender man wearing a chain shirt (with a tiny arrow hole in the middle of the chest) and a bandana hears everything patiently, but looks at the tiger accompanying him for a second after Aram is finished.
You, you do like to read dirty poetry don't you useless tiger?

Besides him there is a clearly non-natural tiger, black with white stripes, and has a shining eye-shaped rune at his forehead. He looks up at Ralklain.
Oh so now I am the useless, is it?!

The man takes a look at his sleeves, where Silver Crusade emblems have been embroidered in the chain shirt. I'll cover this later.
He speaks to Aram Zey:
"Sir, how is the siege on the Azlant Ridge going? If they are on alert the caravan with supplies will never get there. Should we accompany it or try to draw the enemies attention?"

Grand Lodge

Owlbear Rodeo | PFS Quest Tracker | Quest Slides

The Kelesh wizard looks at Ralklain, "It is going poorly. We lose more Pathfinders every day. Worry about the approach later. Right now, you should be concerned with securing the supplies, because if you fail to do that, there is no sense that you head to Azlant Ridge."

Dark Archive

Shandor Arvandru, Male Human (Varisian) Sorcerer (Tattooed Sorcerer) 11 | HP 93/93 | AC:18 T:12 FF:16 CMD: 15 | F+14 R+10 W+11 | Init +13 | Perception +17 (+2 dim light, +2 haunts) | Darkvision 60 ft.

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 1 = 15

A Varisian man in his early fifties, wrinkles starting to cover his bald head. He has a large rune tattoed on his forehead. Many other tattoos, either written in Varisian or ancient Thassilonian, cover his body, including a large rune on his chest. The man is often seen with his chest bare, a red varisian scarf around his waist and breeches covering his legs.

Grunting at the heat, anticipating a surge of beastlike sweat, the Varisian doesn't look too happy right now. A fierce blood-red gaze crosses the Master of Spells', unafraid of confrontation. Maybe reading dirty poetry is your idea of time well-spent, Master of Spells. Yet it is not mine. Shandor pauses, then calms down a little. Very well, we shall do what you ask. Who knows, maybe Azlanti ridge will provide information about the superior civilization that begot mighty Thassilon.

How are orcs and monstrous races treated in Bloodcove? One might think that a pirate haven would welcome these no less than any other sentient race.

Turning away from the group, the sorcerer puts his hands into the palms of both hands. When he faces the group again, his face is one of an elderly orc bearing the same tattoos.

Taking 20 on the disguise check, so the result is 20 + 4 cha + 3 boon = 27

How's that for a disguise?

Grand Lodge

Owlbear Rodeo | PFS Quest Tracker | Quest Slides

The Master of Spells sighs, fanning himself, I have no doubt that they have an orc or two in their employ for muscle, but they are by no means common. Your goal here is to NOT stand out. Be subtle, and try not to draw the eye of the Consortium.

Knowledge (geography)

DC 15+:
Bloodcove lies on the western edge of the Mwangi Expanse. The local culture blends Cheliax with The Shackles and native Mwangi traditions.

Bloodcove sits on the headwaters of the Vanji River. Much of the wealth from the jungle interior flows through it, making the dingy city surprisingly wealthy.

Retired Shackles pirates founded Bloodcove to enjoy their ill-gotten fortunes. As a free trade port, the only laws genuinely enforced are those that keep trade flowing.

Knowledge (local) or Diplomacy (gather information)

The local elite elect a Grand Admiral, who rules Bloodcove for life. The Admiral enforces a strict handsoff economic policy and very little else.

Fiercely competitive trading houses wield the genuine power behind Bloodcove politics, with the Aspis Consortium currently dominating the political and economic scene. House Cartahegn fiercely opposes its rivals in the Consortium, and makes an acceptable fairweather friend in this area.

The trading houses brutally crush any criminal organizations that interfere with their business. As a result, most of Bloodcove’s criminal activity revolves around exports (such as the drug trade) or else focuses on the poorer citizens. The local guard only investigates crimes if well paid for the service, leaving most of the city subject to vigilante law.

The Aspis Consortium watches the local Pathfinder chapter house constantly. Foreign Pathfinders who visit it frequently disappear.

Grand Lodge

Owlbear Rodeo | PFS Quest Tracker | Quest Slides

Low Profile: Lying low and sticking to side streets requires no special skills or preparation. Most of Bloodcove’s merchants close up shop at sundown, disappointing any of you that hope to operate under cover of darkness. You can maintain a low profile must make a Knowledge (local) or Stealth check whenever you move from location to location within Bloodcove to avoid drawing the attention of the Consortium. These checks represent the difficulty of you going about your business without alerting the Aspis Consortium to your presence.

Mercenaries/Pirates: Most people naturally confuse adventurers with mercenaries, bandits, pirates, and other violent sellswords. The distinction is subtle, and in this situation, readily exploitable. Bloodcove teems with undesirables of every stripe, and you may be able to blend in with the masses by taking care to be rude, unwashed, and irritable. If you disguise yourselves as mercenaries, pirates, and other sellswords you must make a Disguise or Intimidate check whenever you move from location to location within Bloodcove to avoid attracting notice.

Merchants: As a trade port, Bloodcove grants merchants more freedom and access than any other profession. Disguising yourselves as merchants or other trade professionals requires more preparation than most covers, but provides special benefits. Merchants should not appear heavily armed (it frightens clients), and so will likely want to discard or conceal any weapons you are carrying, as well as any obviously magical gear. If you disguise yourselves as merchants must make an Appraise or Diplomacy check whenever you move from location to location within Bloodcove to avoid drawing attention.

Tribesmen: Mwangi tribes of humans, elves, and halflings regularly send caravans and envoys to Bloodcove, trading animals, exotic plants, and ancient artifacts for manufactured goods from the north. All but invisible, these small-time visitors drift in and out of the city without anyone taking notice. If you disguise yourselves as natives from the interior you must make a Knowledge (nature) or Survival check whenever you move from location to location within Bloodcove to avoid tipping someone off.

Turncoats: As a final option, you may opt not to hide your identities, instead posing as Pathfinders gone rogue looking to bargain with or join the Aspis Consortium. While suspicious, the Consortium employs many Pathfinder exiles (especially recently with all the Shadow Lodge drama that occurred in the past) and will not immediately dismiss the claims. Instead, they may allow you to go about their business in Bloodcove, albeit under constant, covert supervision. If you pose as defectors must make a Bluff or Diplomacy check whenever you move from location to location within Bloodcove to avoid arousing suspicion.

Dark Archive

HP 41/42, AC/T/F 21/14/18, Intimidate +3, Perception +11, Initiative +2 , F/R/W: 7/5/3 (5 v fear) Halfling Fighter (Rondelero Duelist) 5.2

diplomacy to gather info: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10

The Exchange

Male Halfling Rogue (Knife Master/Scout) 9 [ HP 75/75 | AC 25/16T/20FF (+3 vs. light blades) | Fort +5, Ref +11, Will +3 (+2 vs. fear) | Init +7 | Perception +19 ]

Diplomacy (Gather Information): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20

Silver Crusade

H.Summoner 2 HP 15/15 | AC17/T13/FF14 | CMB+2/CMD15 | F+1/R+3/W+3(+2) | Init +3/Conc. +4 | Perc +0, SM +0, DK vis.
HP 15/15 | AC20/T12/F18 | Perc. +4 SM +4 - CMB+5, CMD17(21trip)

Gather Info: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21
Ralklain shares his DC20 gather info knowledge with everyone.
"Regarding myself, to go disguised as a mercenary would be the best option, since I have a medium-sized tiger following me. He points at Exitium, the Eidolon. You see the rune at his forehead is the only problem keeping us from telling it's a 'rare animal' in a Tribesmen disguise. One versed in the arcane arts could easily identify that. Keeping a low profile also sounds like a good option, but we're a large party.

Silver Crusade

Eidolon HP 15/15 | AC20/T12/F18 | CMB+5, CMD17(21trip) | Attacks +5/+5/+5 | 1d6+3/1d4+3/1d4+3

"Oh yes, now the problem is the tiger, isn't it?" The tiger speaks, in a guttural voice.

The Exchange

Male Halfling Rogue (Knife Master/Scout) 9 [ HP 75/75 | AC 25/16T/20FF (+3 vs. light blades) | Fort +5, Ref +11, Will +3 (+2 vs. fear) | Init +7 | Perception +19 ]

"I would imagine we could each avoid notice in the way we are best suited, no? I can sneak around, for example, but I'd imagine none of you are quite as adept at that as me." He grins at this last point, then continues. "Still, I suggest that, whatever you are best at, that's what you should do to do avoid....undue attention."

Dark Archive

Shandor Arvandru, Male Human (Varisian) Sorcerer (Tattooed Sorcerer) 11 | HP 93/93 | AC:18 T:12 FF:16 CMD: 15 | F+14 R+10 W+11 | Init +13 | Perception +17 (+2 dim light, +2 haunts) | Darkvision 60 ft.

As for me, I'll do what I do best - keep others away from me. I'll wear a cowl to hide the runes, and play the beastly mercenary. I shouldn't have to force myself too much.

I'll use intimidate to pass for a mercenary.

Dark Archive

HP 41/42, AC/T/F 21/14/18, Intimidate +3, Perception +11, Initiative +2 , F/R/W: 7/5/3 (5 v fear) Halfling Fighter (Rondelero Duelist) 5.2

I could pass as a pirate or merchant. I prefer pirate simply because I prefer to keep my armor on

Intimidate for me as well

Grand Lodge

Owlbear Rodeo | PFS Quest Tracker | Quest Slides

It is looking like the Mercenary option is the one that most of you are going for. So if you are going as a mercenary band, then it will be Disguise of Intimidate checks from each of you as you pass from one area to the next.

The Exchange

Male Halfling Rogue (Knife Master/Scout) 9 [ HP 75/75 | AC 25/16T/20FF (+3 vs. light blades) | Fort +5, Ref +11, Will +3 (+2 vs. fear) | Init +7 | Perception +19 ]

Oh, so this isn't a personal choice, we all do the same thing?

Silver Crusade

H.Summoner 2 HP 15/15 | AC17/T13/FF14 | CMB+2/CMD15 | F+1/R+3/W+3(+2) | Init +3/Conc. +4 | Perc +0, SM +0, DK vis.
HP 15/15 | AC20/T12/F18 | Perc. +4 SM +4 - CMB+5, CMD17(21trip)

I don't believe so, but, may we take 20 on the disguise check?

Silver Crusade

Male Tengu Monk 3 -- HP: 21/21 | AC: 18 | T: 17 | FF: 14 | CMD: 17* | Fort: +3 | Ref: +6 | Will: +6* | Init: +3 | Perc: +10L

Kuaizi returns his hat-holding taloned hand to his chest, making half a prayer mudra and bowing politely to the Master of Scrolls, "Rest assured, this humble monk will not embarass the Society."

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9

As the discussion topic switches to how to get around in Bloodcove, Kuaizi is slightly excited by the tiger-like creature's speech. "Caw! Tiger speaks, very auspicious sign! It means we have great courage."

The monk then speaks in turn next. "Hmmm. I would prefer to lay low, keep to the shadows..."

Stealth: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15

Kuaizi would prefer the Low Profile option via Stealth checks. If he can, Kuaizi will lay low as the others feign being pirates or mercenaries, observing for anything of interest in the side streets, and he'll keep in contact with the others via a preselected location, perhaps outside of town.

Otherwise, if the group must do one option together, read on - Kuaizi continues speaking.

"...But for the sake of our mission, I will go along... and perhaps it is best I not speak at all since I have taken a vow to always speak the truth, or not at all. Perhaps I should find an alternate set of clothing..."

Kuaizi looks down at his very noticeable orange robes.

"I wonder where I might buy them and not attract any attention..."

If going the mercenary route, Kuaizi will look more the part (Disguise) by changing his attire to something less... bright. A brown or gray set of robes, or simple and loose-fitting commoner's pants and shirt, for instance. He'll investigate the (less noticeable) outskirts to find a new set of such attire and pay for it, unless someone suggests or offers something.

Disguise: 1d20 ⇒ 17

Grand Lodge

Owlbear Rodeo | PFS Quest Tracker | Quest Slides

Essentially, to take different approaches would require you to be be separated, and splitting up could be... problematic, at best.

You can take 20 on the first check, but after that it is upkeeping the disguise or intimidating them into minding their own business, etc.

Silver Crusade

H.Summoner 2 HP 15/15 | AC17/T13/FF14 | CMB+2/CMD15 | F+1/R+3/W+3(+2) | Init +3/Conc. +4 | Perc +0, SM +0, DK vis.
HP 15/15 | AC20/T12/F18 | Perc. +4 SM +4 - CMB+5, CMD17(21trip)

So let's keep together people. Can we choose on the do the main roll and the others to aid in that?

Dark Archive

Shandor Arvandru, Male Human (Varisian) Sorcerer (Tattooed Sorcerer) 11 | HP 93/93 | AC:18 T:12 FF:16 CMD: 15 | F+14 R+10 W+11 | Init +13 | Perception +17 (+2 dim light, +2 haunts) | Darkvision 60 ft.

I'll aid another on the disguise or intimidate check, if that's allowed?

The Exchange

Male Halfling Rogue (Knife Master/Scout) 9 [ HP 75/75 | AC 25/16T/20FF (+3 vs. light blades) | Fort +5, Ref +11, Will +3 (+2 vs. fear) | Init +7 | Perception +19 ]

Disguise (Take 20): 20 + 6 = 26

Grand Lodge

HP 21/21 AC 19(18)/12/17(16) F+5 R+2 W+5 (+2 vs magic and poison) Init+4 Perc+7/+9 darkvision 60 ft SenseMotive+8 CMB+4 CMD16

Investigator Stonewall's Report: Sweat rolled down my back like ale down a souse's throat. I had been sent to the muggy Garundi coast to investigate the Aspis Consortium. Rumor had it they were villainous scum, but I had to see it with my own eyes. My only consolation was that whatever passed for the Law in this town was unlikely to require paperwork should, as was almost certain, my allies leave dead bodies in their wake.

Taking 10 Sense Motive on Aram Zey for 18, and Taking 10 Knowledge (Local) for 16.

'Investigator Morgrim Stonewall, Priest of Abadar,' a tallish dwarf in armor, grasps his holy symbol and states, "Whatever we choose, I am not hiding this." He continues with a mirthless chuckle, "Not that a mercenary or merchant follower of the god of wealth would look out of place, mind you."

I'm also in favor of the mercenary angle, since I've got a decent Intimidate.

Morgrim hits Aram Zey with all of his Detect Evil/Chaos/Law/Good SLAs. What auras, if any, does he note? He also does the same for his fellow team members and gets nothing (I think).

I should probably warn you that Morgrim, as befits his Lawful nature, Takes 10 often. That said, what does a T10 = 18 (10+6 +2 from Monster Lore) Knowledge (Local) tell me about the races and racial abilities of the rest of the party? And is a T10 = 16 Knowledge (Local) or T10 = 14 Knowledge (religion) enough to know whether Bloodcove has any Abadaran temples or clergy?

Grand Lodge

Owlbear Rodeo | PFS Quest Tracker | Quest Slides

Sorry, individual rolls. It's to simulate remembering to stay in character, (or intimidating them into minding their own business) in the case of surprise interaction with a local. Rather than having to roll every time, you just have to once per location in the town. So the best thing is to make sure you have the best chance that everyone can make the checks.

The Exchange

Male Halfling Rogue (Knife Master/Scout) 9 [ HP 75/75 | AC 25/16T/20FF (+3 vs. light blades) | Fort +5, Ref +11, Will +3 (+2 vs. fear) | Init +7 | Perception +19 ]

So, just to confirm, we can take 20 initially, for the physical disguise aspect? Then we have to roll while we're in the town, once per section, to keep up the facade?

Grand Lodge

Owlbear Rodeo | PFS Quest Tracker | Quest Slides

You know the general knowledge of each of your teammates, though you are not certain about Shandor. He is generally human, though he has some orcish traits. You can easily identify Ralklain and Exitium as a Summoner/Eidolon combo. Aram Zey does not ping on any of your detects. This either means that he is hiding his alignment, or he is true Neutral.

Aram Zey, looks at Morgrim, speaking sharply, "Have care, Pathfinder. It could be construed to be quite insulting to be scrutinized as such! Mind your place. Your standing in your church has no influence on you place in the Society."

Holman, yes. That is correct.

Grand Lodge

Owlbear Rodeo | PFS Quest Tracker | Quest Slides

Let's take a vote: Mercenary/Pirate route? Ayes v. Nays

Silver Crusade

H.Summoner 2 HP 15/15 | AC17/T13/FF14 | CMB+2/CMD15 | F+1/R+3/W+3(+2) | Init +3/Conc. +4 | Perc +0, SM +0, DK vis.
HP 15/15 | AC20/T12/F18 | Perc. +4 SM +4 - CMB+5, CMD17(21trip)

Aye! Do what you want cause a pirate is free!

Dark Archive

HP 41/42, AC/T/F 21/14/18, Intimidate +3, Perception +11, Initiative +2 , F/R/W: 7/5/3 (5 v fear) Halfling Fighter (Rondelero Duelist) 5.2

Ate matey lol

Dark Archive

Shandor Arvandru, Male Human (Varisian) Sorcerer (Tattooed Sorcerer) 11 | HP 93/93 | AC:18 T:12 FF:16 CMD: 15 | F+14 R+10 W+11 | Init +13 | Perception +17 (+2 dim light, +2 haunts) | Darkvision 60 ft.

With a rasping voice Aye

Grand Lodge

HP 21/21 AC 19(18)/12/17(16) F+5 R+2 W+5 (+2 vs magic and poison) Init+4 Perc+7/+9 darkvision 60 ft SenseMotive+8 CMB+4 CMD16


The Exchange

Male Halfling Rogue (Knife Master/Scout) 9 [ HP 75/75 | AC 25/16T/20FF (+3 vs. light blades) | Fort +5, Ref +11, Will +3 (+2 vs. fear) | Init +7 | Perception +19 ]

Sure - Holman can probably pull it off. Not as well as stealth, but better than most.

Silver Crusade

Male Tengu Monk 3 -- HP: 21/21 | AC: 18 | T: 17 | FF: 14 | CMD: 17* | Fort: +3 | Ref: +6 | Will: +6* | Init: +3 | Perc: +10L

Kuaizi will go along with it as well, for the sake of accomplishing the greater goal of our mission (as well as to avoid halting the game, lol). Kuaizi will just not be very vocal on account of vowing never to lie, and has forewarned everyone of his position... for both his own peace of mind and to avoid mistakes caused by the others not realizing his limitations in advance.

Grand Lodge

Owlbear Rodeo | PFS Quest Tracker | Quest Slides

Ok, we are unanimous! Let us begin... So, what do you want to deal with first?

Silver Crusade

H.Summoner 2 HP 15/15 | AC17/T13/FF14 | CMB+2/CMD15 | F+1/R+3/W+3(+2) | Init +3/Conc. +4 | Perc +0, SM +0, DK vis.
HP 15/15 | AC20/T12/F18 | Perc. +4 SM +4 - CMB+5, CMD17(21trip)

"Fellows, I think we should find Senzer and get a grip on the potion business first. Somehow I believe this is going to be our hardest task, whether it be diplomatic or martial. That way we will avoid crossing the city with the supplies. Next we should find Raimondo, buy the supplies and follow them. What do you think?"

Grand Lodge

Owlbear Rodeo | PFS Quest Tracker | Quest Slides

Not knowing quite where to go, you decide to discreetly ask around. Diplomacy (gather information) checks please.

Silver Crusade

H.Summoner 2 HP 15/15 | AC17/T13/FF14 | CMB+2/CMD15 | F+1/R+3/W+3(+2) | Init +3/Conc. +4 | Perc +0, SM +0, DK vis.
HP 15/15 | AC20/T12/F18 | Perc. +4 SM +4 - CMB+5, CMD17(21trip)

Since we are in dangerous lands I believe I could buy a map. Is one available? (and does it provide any help by the way?)
I wanted to get everyone's opinion first, but...

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22

Dark Archive

Shandor Arvandru, Male Human (Varisian) Sorcerer (Tattooed Sorcerer) 11 | HP 93/93 | AC:18 T:12 FF:16 CMD: 15 | F+14 R+10 W+11 | Init +13 | Perception +17 (+2 dim light, +2 haunts) | Darkvision 60 ft.

Shandor, half-hiding his orcish traits beneath a cowl and covering his torso with a tunic, nods in agreement at Ralklain's proposal. He seems to accept the man's lead ... for now.

Diplomacy (gather information): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15

Grand Lodge

Owlbear Rodeo | PFS Quest Tracker | Quest Slides

From the rise, before entering town, you can see the lay of town and can sketch a map. See top for a link to the map.

Grand Lodge

HP 21/21 AC 19(18)/12/17(16) F+5 R+2 W+5 (+2 vs magic and poison) Init+4 Perc+7/+9 darkvision 60 ft SenseMotive+8 CMB+4 CMD16

Diplomacy: 1d20 - 1 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (19) - 1 + 1 + 1 = 20 Using Silver-Tongued Haggler (4 uses remain)

"We know nothing about how long it will take for each of them to ready things for the trip, so it should not matter what order we choose. I say we find the closest one and go there."

I understand most of the map, but what are the large circular areas? Giant trees? Invading tentacled monsters?

Grand Lodge

Owlbear Rodeo | PFS Quest Tracker | Quest Slides

They don't say, I think they are large trees that the town is built around. The tentacle looking things would then be root systems. It's the only thing that makes sense to me.

Silver Crusade

H.Summoner 2 HP 15/15 | AC17/T13/FF14 | CMB+2/CMD15 | F+1/R+3/W+3(+2) | Init +3/Conc. +4 | Perc +0, SM +0, DK vis.
HP 15/15 | AC20/T12/F18 | Perc. +4 SM +4 - CMB+5, CMD17(21trip)

Wiki: Bloodcove is unique in appearance as the entire city is built into and around the roots and trunks of one of the gargantuan mangrove trees that are found only along the Mwangi coast. The whole city is perched atop boardwalks and scaffolding that keep it out of the Fever Sea. The name Bloodcove comes from the reddish colour of the water that pours from the Vanji River into the Fever Sea.

It's a weird map you have there, since there are many trees... THIS ONE shows the city in only one tree...

Grand Lodge

Owlbear Rodeo | PFS Quest Tracker | Quest Slides

Thanks Ral!

Silver Crusade

Male Tengu Monk 3 -- HP: 21/21 | AC: 18 | T: 17 | FF: 14 | CMD: 17* | Fort: +3 | Ref: +6 | Will: +6* | Init: +3 | Perc: +10L

Kuaizi nods in agreement on finding the missing alchemist first. He is now wearing a less conspicuous dark brown hooded robe.

'How fortunate I find this robe made from thin material, in this heat! I must breathe in cooling qi whenever I get the opportunity...'

Kuaizi humbly accompanies one of the others, allowing them to take the lead. Every so often, when in a less noticeable part of town, one might catch him panting for short bursts (to cool off... no sweat glands!). But he provides mostly helpful suggestions and commentary privately, concerning things like who might be good to question and why.

"Big tree. But red waters... how ominous."

Kuaizi is probably better off aiding another on their gather information check. Taking 10, for 10 result... so someone willing to have Kuaizi tag along gets +2 to their roll. He's avowed to speak truthfully, but he's not stupid either - he's too concerned about blowing the group's cover and therefore keeps silent for the most part here.

Grand Lodge

Owlbear Rodeo | PFS Quest Tracker | Quest Slides

Upon entry of Bloodcove, you set to getting your bearings. After an hour or so, you figure out the general region that your various mission objectives are. Map updated.

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