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With the assistance of Eadie and Jarlgur, they remove the chains and propping him up. After some calming words, the minotaur tries to regain his senses.
"What? Where am I? Who are you? This is not my beautiful house. You are not my beautiful wife. My god, what have I done?"

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Mella solemnly gathers what she can of the elf's remains, after Jarlgur and Eadie have taken care of the minotaur she sheepishly asks Eadie for her sword back. "Thanks for picking that up for me."
"Your Highness, if you are well enough to travel we should begin the track back to the surface of Absalom with all haste!"

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Eadie avoids direct contact with the Minotaur’s pink eyes, as she addresses him.
“I’d say you have been discovered by the kind of Pathfinder group that comes along once in a lifetime, Your Highness.”
A bit of flattery never hurts when speaking with royalty I’d say.
“I can’t believe you navigated under the rocks and stones by yourself, while avoiding all of the water flowing underground.”
“Do you know a short-cut out of here? We just need to secure an item that our superiors are interested in, if you could please let us have the time.”
"Maaarv and Mik, sing out if you want a hand."
Eadie mouths No Problem as she hands over Mella’s longsword.

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You are in something called the Tangle, the Delirium's Tangle. It's a maze under Absalom. I believe Grandmaster Torch called on your assistance to explore this maze.

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Mikhaere leaves consoling the minotaur to people that were better at that thing (i.e., they actually cared) and instead starts working on getting Izyren's Hourglass down from the mass of clockwork it is attached to.
"Maaarv, come over here and give me a hand, would ya?"

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With Rackle apparently interested in helping out, Mikhaere chats cheerfully with the tengu in their native tongue about nothing in particular.
"I don't really get it, but apparently it's quite valuable to a certain person who would like to run tests on a bit of the sand inside. Just a bit missing can't hurt it, eh?"
If Rackle seems predisposed to helping, Mikhaere will rather nonchalantly pull out his long-handled spoon and the iron vial he procured before they left. "Just need a couple of spoonfuls, really."

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Rackle carefully removes the inner locking mechanisms that hold everything in place. Rackle then unscrews the top of the hourglass to the left while holding on to the very slick glass. Mikhaere then dips in with his long-handled spoon to fill it with grands of blinding white sand. After a pinch has been procured, Rackle again centers the hourglass into position and locks all parts back into place with a sigh of relief.
As Naur gathers himself, he snorts at Jarlgur suggestion.
"Torch, you say? Poppycock. He wouldn't let me go in here without my honor guard. I won't hear any more of this. But if you say we are in a maze, then I will show you the way out. It has been awhile but I am always up for a good labyrinth."
Gathering up everybody's gear, the party follows Naur through the tangle and a very rapid pace. Naur nearly runs down each corridor with barely a moment's thought if he is to go left or right at any fork.
It is the middle of the night when our group of Pathfinder reach Absalom's streets. Tired from the days long march through the Tangle, the group finds themselves back at Skyreach. Upon entering Drangle's office, they find it empty.
"Hey, is this some kind of joke?" Prince Naur snorts.
There on the table is a simple letter.
Thank you once again. Considered your debt repaid.
Next to the letter is the cause for the minotaur's exclamation: a plate with cookies and milk.