[PFS]GM Dennis - Heroes for Highdelve - Table 4 (Inactive)

Game Master Dennis Muldoon


  • Brialla, human ranger: PDF | BB Code
  • Meraina, human sorcerer: PDF | BB Code
  • Kiliuk, half-orc barbarian: PDF | BB Code
  • Torgen, dwarf fighter: PDF | BB Code



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    Grand Lodge

    Wheel of Monsters! || Spell Templates | Starship Roles | ◆◇↺


  • Brialla, human ranger: PDF | BB Code
  • Meraina, human sorcerer: PDF | BB Code
  • Kiliuk, half-orc barbarian: PDF | BB Code
  • Torgen, dwarf fighter: PDF | BB Code



  • Grand Lodge

    Wheel of Monsters! || Spell Templates | Starship Roles | ◆◇↺

    It’s late when your caravan arrives in Highdelve. Most of the travelers are only stopping for dinner before proceeding on to the next town, but you have business here, and so you remain when the wagons pull out again. You’ve gotten to know each other a little bit on the road from Port Ice, though you planned on going your separate ways once you reached town. When you get to the inn, however, you find it unusually crowded. The innkeeper only has one room available, what with the festival tomorrow. If you’re willing to share, though, she has some cots she can set up and there should be room enough for the four of you. As you walk down into the common room for dinner, you find it, too, is more crowded than you would expect. A four-top comes open right as you walk in, though, and almost as soon as you sit the waiter comes by with bowls of stew and mugs of ale for the four of you. While you eat, you have a chance to get to know your new roommates a little better.

    Here’s your chance to introduce your characters and get to know each other a bit.

    Silver Crusade

    Brialla sits mostly quietly as the food and ale come forward. Instead, she allows her cousin Meraina the opportunity to answer questions about their purpose and travel through Highdelve. Unless directly asked, Brialla doesn't really answer questions.

    Throughout the meal, her eyes glance up to the nearest window, peering for a moment before drawing back to the happenings inside- giving onlookers the impression of distraction, or even dissatisfaction.

    Grand Lodge

    ”Meraina” Female CG human sorcerer 1 | HP 8/8 | AC 13 T 13 FF 10 | CMB +0, CMD 13 | F +1, R +2, W +2 | Init +2 | Perc +0 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: None

    Meraina comes in, huge smile on her cheerful face. "Of course I am happy to share a room tonight." Dropping her gear off in the room she takes a moment to freshen up before dinnertime.

    At dinner she laughs at all the jokes, telling a few of her own, and enjoys the ale and food.

    FAZGYN" | Male Kobold (Small humanoid reptilian) Unchained rogue 4 | HP: 29/29 | AC: 20 (15 Tch, 16 Fl) | CMB: +1, CMD: 15 | F: +2, R: +8, W: +1 | Init: +5 | Perc: +9 | Speed 30ft |Active conditions: light sensitivity.

    Torgen is unusually quite this evening. Not that he would talk a lot but it seems as if the crowded atmosphere is not to his liking.

    "Hmmmm ... sharing a room with you. Not really my style anymore. I do not know if I have told you this before but I come from an artisan family and lived most of my life in Port Ice - that is not far from here. Ha, ha, ha ..." the dwarf suddenly starts laughing.

    "... ha, ha, I grew up alongside six brothers and sisters and life was more hectic than this inn here so I should get a grip on myself! I have been on the quite road for so long that a crowd gives the creeps."

    "Now tell me! What are you here for?" the dwarf asks.

    Grand Lodge

    ”Meraina” Female CG human sorcerer 1 | HP 8/8 | AC 13 T 13 FF 10 | CMB +0, CMD 13 | F +1, R +2, W +2 | Init +2 | Perc +0 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: None

    "Me? I've just been wandering around, aimless really, but just enjoying life."

    Sovereign Court

    ”Zakzak” | Male CG Small Goblin Gunslinger (Way of the Pistelero) 3 Race: note the space at the start, very important to leave it in | HP 36/36 | AC 20 | F +9 R +11 W +7 | Perc +7 (Darkvision) | Default Exploration (????) | Speed 25ft] | Active Conditions: None

    The large but young half orc enters into the room. He looks around and seeing a meal he sits down to enjoy watching the room as he eats.

    Grand Lodge

    Wheel of Monsters! || Spell Templates | Starship Roles | ◆◇↺

    You spend the evening getting to know each other. When you rise in the morning and head out the door to attend to your business, you find an unexpected scene.

    Beams of sunlight stream past the snow-capped mountains as a joyous scene spreads before you. Overnight, the town's staid and utilitarian main square sprouted colorful tents, a pop-up theater, a spinning contraption made of barrel bottoms, some manner of race course, and more unexpected delights. Laughter and boisterous shouts echo from all the square's corners as its quaint cobblestone streets teem with villagers sporting festive clothes and wide smiles. Throughout it all, the smell of fried foods weaves through air laced with the warmth of a summer that's just begun.

    Activities in view:
    A1. Youths stand on and around tall wooden storage boxes, playing some sort of game.
    A2. Lanes have been drawn and sack races are being run.
    A3. A large, gilt statue of a dragon.
    A4. A Barrel-Go-Round ride has been erected.
    A5. A small puppet theater has gathered a crowd.
    A6. A stand sells delicious-smelling fried food on sticks.

    Where would you like to go? You may split up or stay together, your choice.

    Grand Lodge

    ”Meraina” Female CG human sorcerer 1 | HP 8/8 | AC 13 T 13 FF 10 | CMB +0, CMD 13 | F +1, R +2, W +2 | Init +2 | Perc +0 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: None

    Seeing the puppet theater, Meraina walks over, grabs a seat, and begins to watch.

    Sovereign Court

    ”Zakzak” | Male CG Small Goblin Gunslinger (Way of the Pistelero) 3 Race: note the space at the start, very important to leave it in | HP 36/36 | AC 20 | F +9 R +11 W +7 | Perc +7 (Darkvision) | Default Exploration (????) | Speed 25ft] | Active Conditions: None

    He will go first to get meat on a stick and then go look at the dragon.

    Silver Crusade

    Brialla sighs when she sees the festival and the crowds. This is reason enough not to travel for me. Deliberatly dragging her feet, she slowly follows her cousin toward the puppet theater, claiming a seat next to Meraina.

    She whispers to her cousin in a hushed tone, "How does this help us find the jeweler that made NaNa's ring? I would prefer to return to Port Ice sooner rather than later. I miss the woods and have already grown weary of all these crowds"

    Perception, Just because: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25

    Grand Lodge

    Wheel of Monsters! || Spell Templates | Starship Roles | ◆◇↺


    Buzzing about the multicolored tents here are townspeople eating fried dough and meat skewered on thin sticks. Rich, delicious smells permeate the air as a tall, broad-shouldered man works the crowd, telling snappy jokes and offering friendly handshakes.

    ”Well hi there big fella! You must be a visitor to our fair town! Eh, get it? FAIR town?” He chuckles as he rushes off to greet the next group walking up. The next time he passes by, he says ”Anyway, welcome! What can I getcha? Funnel cake? Corn dog? Fortifies the bones, only one silver!”


    @Meraina and Brialla:

    Strange voices and exaggerated accents ring from the front of a small performance stage, which is framed with a drawn-back velvet curtain. On the stage, elaborate puppets enact a melodramatic scene of confusion and betrayal. All the while, a rapt audience sits on rows of stools pulled close to the action. After a few moments, an elegant man acting as the lone puppeteer behind the stage holds up an "Intermission" sign, and the crowd begins to murmur.

    Sovereign Court

    ”Zakzak” | Male CG Small Goblin Gunslinger (Way of the Pistelero) 3 Race: note the space at the start, very important to leave it in | HP 36/36 | AC 20 | F +9 R +11 W +7 | Perc +7 (Darkvision) | Default Exploration (????) | Speed 25ft] | Active Conditions: None

    Deep fried twinkies and a turkey leg please he asks.

    Grand Lodge

    ”Meraina” Female CG human sorcerer 1 | HP 8/8 | AC 13 T 13 FF 10 | CMB +0, CMD 13 | F +1, R +2, W +2 | Init +2 | Perc +0 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: None

    "Interesting, I best sit here and watch the remainder of this play, if only for a greater understanding." Meraina thinks to herself.

    Grand Lodge

    Wheel of Monsters! || Spell Templates | Starship Roles | ◆◇↺


    "A man of good taste!" He drops two small cakes into a pot of bubbling oil, then grabs a large drumstick from a covered platter and places it into a paper tray. When the twinkies are done he drains the excess oil on a towel before placing them on on their own paper tray and handing both to you. "Enjoy the rest of the festival!"[/b] On to the statue? Or something else?


    @Meraina and Brialla:

    The man leans against the side of the stage, taking a breather from the exertion of running the puppet show alone.


    Torgen, where would you like to be?

    FAZGYN" | Male Kobold (Small humanoid reptilian) Unchained rogue 4 | HP: 29/29 | AC: 20 (15 Tch, 16 Fl) | CMB: +1, CMD: 15 | F: +2, R: +8, W: +1 | Init: +5 | Perc: +9 | Speed 30ft |Active conditions: light sensitivity.

    Torgen walks to the large, gilt statue of a dragon. This looks very finely crafted. He assumes that this is dwarven work. And even if a human did this then he probably had a dwarven tutor. And then he starts laughing noticing how proud he actually is of being a dwarf.

    Sovereign Court

    ”Zakzak” | Male CG Small Goblin Gunslinger (Way of the Pistelero) 3 Race: note the space at the start, very important to leave it in | HP 36/36 | AC 20 | F +9 R +11 W +7 | Perc +7 (Darkvision) | Default Exploration (????) | Speed 25ft] | Active Conditions: None

    Statue please

    As he munches on his turkey leg he looks around and heads towards the dragon statue.

    Grand Lodge

    ”Meraina” Female CG human sorcerer 1 | HP 8/8 | AC 13 T 13 FF 10 | CMB +0, CMD 13 | F +1, R +2, W +2 | Init +2 | Perc +0 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: None

    Meraina walks over to the man. "Hello! Great show! I didn't understand all of it, but great show nonetheless. You look rather exhausted. Can I help you in some way?"

    Grand Lodge

    Wheel of Monsters! || Spell Templates | Starship Roles | ◆◇↺

    @Torgen and Kiliuk:

    Perception DC 13:
    You notice some loose papers blowing around bearing some sort of notice. Examining one, you see that it bears sketches of a scowling human boy and girl, each about 17, along with the following message: ”Be advised: Richelle and Tolwin, apprentices to Carth Garenth and Yarla Bowhammer, are not permitted at the jubilee. If seen, please turn them away from your events.”

    Fully 10 feet high and twice as long, the centerpiece of the square is a gilt statue of a gold dragon with outstretched wings. A plaque at the base reads: "Highdelve dedicates this statue and all of Protectress Square to Aurelliax, Our Gilded Lady. Long may her golden wings envelop us, and may we never fail her when she calls."

    Standing next to the statue watching a group of children play is a cheerful-looking woman with white hair and ruddy cheeks. She greets you heartily when she spots you approaching. ”Welcome to Highdelve, travelers! My name’s Winette, Winette Qarl. I’m the mayor of this town. Are you having fun at the festival?”



    "Oh, thank you! Well, I was supposed to have my apprentice here with me, but the fool got herself banned from the festival, so here I am putting on the show by myself. I don't suppose you have any experience performing?"

    Grand Lodge

    ”Meraina” Female CG human sorcerer 1 | HP 8/8 | AC 13 T 13 FF 10 | CMB +0, CMD 13 | F +1, R +2, W +2 | Init +2 | Perc +0 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: None

    "Puppetry, no. However, I've been told I'm a fair comic."

    Grand Lodge

    Wheel of Monsters! || Spell Templates | Starship Roles | ◆◇↺

    "Great! You tell the jokes, I'll work the puppets!"

    Please give me two Perform (any) checks. Brialla, if you're here you can assist with these or make your own checks if you'd like.

    Sovereign Court

    ”Zakzak” | Male CG Small Goblin Gunslinger (Way of the Pistelero) 3 Race: note the space at the start, very important to leave it in | HP 36/36 | AC 20 | F +9 R +11 W +7 | Perc +7 (Darkvision) | Default Exploration (????) | Speed 25ft] | Active Conditions: None

    Perception 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10 he notices nothing, much too engaged in his treats.

    Sovereign Court

    ”Zakzak” | Male CG Small Goblin Gunslinger (Way of the Pistelero) 3 Race: note the space at the start, very important to leave it in | HP 36/36 | AC 20 | F +9 R +11 W +7 | Perc +7 (Darkvision) | Default Exploration (????) | Speed 25ft] | Active Conditions: None

    Greetings Lady Mayor. I am Killiuk. I like this town, this party and the food

    Silver Crusade

    Brialla sighs as her cousin goes up to the front of the crowd. Of course she would volunteer to do something like this.

    As Brialla gets up to join her, she notices the crowd, and quickly becomes uncomfortable. Giving her cousin "one of those looks" she heads off to find something, anything, else to avoid being in front of the crowd with Meraina.

    She sees the children playing a game on a box, away from the rest of the festival crowd, and approached.

    Perception, Determine the game: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17
    Knowledge Local, Determine the game: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7

    After watching several rounds, she approaches the kids:
    "What is that, that you are playing?"

    Grand Lodge

    Wheel of Monsters! || Spell Templates | Starship Roles | ◆◇↺


    Tall wooden storage boxes are haphazardly arranged everywhere here except for a grouping of four, which form a diamond. Rowdy youths pump their fists and cheer on four kids who each stand atop one of these boxes. The standing youths kick a bean-filled sack back and forth. Each time a youth kicks the sack, they all shout a word of the following phrase: "The! Devil! Man! Knocks! Don't! Let! Him! In!"

    "We call it kick-sack. wanna try?"



    "Oh well thank you! The Brightbloom Festival is the highlight of the year for us. What brings you to our little town, anyway? Did you come for the festival?"

    Silver Crusade

    Finding the option of participation here infinitely more agreeable than standup comedy, Brialla relents to the children asking her to play.

    "You'll have to tell me what to do, I don't want to look like a fool!"

    Grand Lodge

    Wheel of Monsters! || Spell Templates | Starship Roles | ◆◇↺

    "It's easy! Just stand up here on one of these boxes, and when the sack gets to you you kick it to the next person and say the next line in the rhyme." One of the children hops off the box to make room for you, and they start again, chanting as they kick the small leather bag around the circle. "The! Devil! Man!..."

    The sack has gone around the circle and is now flying back to you. Please make me an Acrobatics check to successfully pass it along.

    Silver Crusade

    Acrobatics: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12


    Grand Lodge

    Wheel of Monsters! || Spell Templates | Starship Roles | ◆◇↺

    A little hesitant perhaps, but Brialla manages to keep the game going as she kicks sack around back to the first person. "Don't! Let! Him!..." All eyes are on Brialla as the sack makes it's way back to her to finish the game.

    One more Acrobatics check to finish it off, please.

    Silver Crusade

    Acrobatics: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21


    She steps off the box, giggling with the children- feeling fortunate to have not made a fool of herself.

    Grand Lodge

    Wheel of Monsters! || Spell Templates | Starship Roles | ◆◇↺

    The children laugh, then clap. "Good job! Thanks for playing with us. My name's Cole, that's Frieda and Dabriel. What's your name?"

    Grand Lodge

    ”Meraina” Female CG human sorcerer 1 | HP 8/8 | AC 13 T 13 FF 10 | CMB +0, CMD 13 | F +1, R +2, W +2 | Init +2 | Perc +0 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: None
    GM Dennis wrote:

    "Great! You tell the jokes, I'll work the puppets!"

    Please give me two Perform (any) checks. Brialla, if you're here you can assist with these or make your own checks if you'd like.

    Perform(Comedy): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17

    Perform(Comedy): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13

    FAZGYN" | Male Kobold (Small humanoid reptilian) Unchained rogue 4 | HP: 29/29 | AC: 20 (15 Tch, 16 Fl) | CMB: +1, CMD: 15 | F: +2, R: +8, W: +1 | Init: +5 | Perc: +9 | Speed 30ft |Active conditions: light sensitivity.

    perception dc 13 at the statue: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11

    Torgen looks at Winette and smiles. "You really have a nice town here ... very cheerful! Well, to your question: I am on the trail of a crate of expensive ceremonial axes that never made it to its destination in Silverhall. I have confirmed that the crate made it out of Port Ice, and now I am in Highdelve, which is the crate's next stop. Do you have any information on that?." Torgen asks.

    Sovereign Court

    ”Zakzak” | Male CG Small Goblin Gunslinger (Way of the Pistelero) 3 Race: note the space at the start, very important to leave it in | HP 36/36 | AC 20 | F +9 R +11 W +7 | Perc +7 (Darkvision) | Default Exploration (????) | Speed 25ft] | Active Conditions: None

    I come from the land of the Crusades he says. The help of good dragons would be of immense aid to us

    Grand Lodge

    Wheel of Monsters! || Spell Templates | Starship Roles | ◆◇↺


    "Hmmm," the mayor considers "I don't personally, but I may know who does. Do you see that dwarven woman running the sack races over there? Her name's Yarla Bowhammer. She runs a mercantile company that handles a lot of the cargo that comes through here. If anyone in town knows about your crate of axes, it'd be her."



    "Oh my, I've heard stories from those lands. Is that what brought you to Highdelve?"



    The crowd laughs and cheers as you and Carth finish the puppet show. "Thank you so much for helping" he says, as the crowd starts to disperse. "So, what brings you to our little town? Did you come for the festival?"

    Sovereign Court

    ”Zakzak” | Male CG Small Goblin Gunslinger (Way of the Pistelero) 3 Race: note the space at the start, very important to leave it in | HP 36/36 | AC 20 | F +9 R +11 W +7 | Perc +7 (Darkvision) | Default Exploration (????) | Speed 25ft] | Active Conditions: None

    He nods That and I want to sing he says shyly.

    Grand Lodge

    Wheel of Monsters! || Spell Templates | Starship Roles | ◆◇↺

    Remember that Kiliuk is here searching for his mother, Gilda (as described in the backstory of the pregen). Most of this first act is tied in to the motivations listed in the character backgrounds.

    Sovereign Court

    ”Zakzak” | Male CG Small Goblin Gunslinger (Way of the Pistelero) 3 Race: note the space at the start, very important to leave it in | HP 36/36 | AC 20 | F +9 R +11 W +7 | Perc +7 (Darkvision) | Default Exploration (????) | Speed 25ft] | Active Conditions: None

    That and I am looking for me mum

    Grand Lodge

    ”Meraina” Female CG human sorcerer 1 | HP 8/8 | AC 13 T 13 FF 10 | CMB +0, CMD 13 | F +1, R +2, W +2 | Init +2 | Perc +0 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: None

    @Carth "I am just passing though right now, but I am staying for the festival, because, well, its fun. Thank you for allowing me the honor of joining you in your puppet show." Meraina gives a little polite bow and heads off to grab a bite to eat from the fried food vendor.

    FAZGYN" | Male Kobold (Small humanoid reptilian) Unchained rogue 4 | HP: 29/29 | AC: 20 (15 Tch, 16 Fl) | CMB: +1, CMD: 15 | F: +2, R: +8, W: +1 | Init: +5 | Perc: +9 | Speed 30ft |Active conditions: light sensitivity.

    "Thank you very much mayor! You truly are a kind woman!" Torgen says and moves to Yarla Bowhammer.

    He approaches Yarla Bowhammer and waits to see if there is an opening to engage with her "Ahhemm ... hello lady Bowhammer. I am Torgen, I am working for the Skyforgers, and help in tracking down errant shipments. I am on the trail of a crate of expensive ceremonial axes that never made it to its destination in Silverhall. I have confirmed that the crate made it out of Port Ice, and now I am in Highdelve, which is the crate's next stop. Do you have any information on that?"

    Grand Lodge

    Wheel of Monsters! || Spell Templates | Starship Roles | ◆◇↺


    "Oh, does she live in Highdelve? What's her name?"



    "Hi there! Welcome to our fair town! Fair town, get it? Anyway, what can I getcha?" He offers a variety of carnival treats, such as funnel cake and corndogs.



    The cobblestones here are marked with four lanes drawn in chalk. Two men and two women hop like mad in separate lanes, their legs covered with heavy burlap sacks. The crowd waves scarves and paper flowers in the air as they cheer the competitors toward the finish line. The onlookers offer a respectful berth to a well dressed dwarven woman standing confidently at the finish, her hands on hips as if she's overseeing the race.

    "I'd love to chat, but I've a job to do! I could spare a moment for my competitors, though, if you're inclined. Care to take part in a race?"



    Don't forget to keep your character's goals/reasons for coming to Highdelve (from the character sheets) in mind while you're interacting with townsfolk.

    Sovereign Court

    ”Zakzak” | Male CG Small Goblin Gunslinger (Way of the Pistelero) 3 Race: note the space at the start, very important to leave it in | HP 36/36 | AC 20 | F +9 R +11 W +7 | Perc +7 (Darkvision) | Default Exploration (????) | Speed 25ft] | Active Conditions: None

    The last I heard, when I was in Port Ice, is that she was either here or on her way here he says.

    Silver Crusade

    Brialla continues to laugh with the kids around the game. Kids are so much more friendly than adults for these types of things

    "My name is Brialla, but you can call me Bri if you want. What are your names?

    She takes the time to look into each kids face as they introduce themselves, mouthing their names and doing her best to remember each and every one of them.

    "Who came up with this game? Do you invent it she askes directly to one of the children in the group.

    Grand Lodge

    Wheel of Monsters! || Spell Templates | Starship Roles | ◆◇↺


    "I don't know who invented it, it's just a game we play. We call it Kick-Sack, 'cause you kick the sack. Sometimes we say different rhymes while we do it, but we've been using this one since we saw him."



    "What's her name? If she's in town, I probably know her."

    Silver Crusade

    "Well, you are all very good at it! Who was it that taught you this particular rhyme?"

    Grand Lodge

    Wheel of Monsters! || Spell Templates | Starship Roles | ◆◇↺

    The youths laugh, though there's a bit of fear evident in their eyes. "We made it up after we all saw him; he had skin as pale as a sheet and these freaky little horns!" Frieda says. "He was skulking around until the watch came and scared him away. Now people pretend like he was never here - don't want to scare away visitors, I guess. Oops!"

    FAZGYN" | Male Kobold (Small humanoid reptilian) Unchained rogue 4 | HP: 29/29 | AC: 20 (15 Tch, 16 Fl) | CMB: +1, CMD: 15 | F: +2, R: +8, W: +1 | Init: +5 | Perc: +9 | Speed 30ft |Active conditions: light sensitivity.
    GM Dennis wrote:
    @Torgen:"I'd love to chat, but I've a job to do! I could spare a moment for my competitors, though, if you're inclined. Care to take part in a race?"

    "Oh, I apologize! What race are you referring to? I am always eager to compete in an honorabel race!" Torgen says with some confidence in his voice.

    Silver Crusade

    Children are quite perceptive when they need to be...

    Not wanting to raise alarm, she attempts to reassure the children.
    "Well don't you worry, stuff like that wont scare me away. Besides, I am sure the Watch is very capable of taking care of stuff like that. It is their job afterall!

    She leaves the kids to their game, and wanders back over to the 3-legged race.

    Grand Lodge

    Wheel of Monsters! || Spell Templates | Starship Roles | ◆◇↺
    Noral's Pregen wrote:
    "Oh, I apologize! What race are you referring to? I am always eager to compete in an honorabel race!" Torgen says with some confidence in his voice.

    "Why, the one you see right in front of you, of course! Care to give it a go?" she says, gesturing to lanes marked on the ground, empty now that the last race has completed. "How about you, young lady?" she adds, seeing Brialla arrive. "Care to join in a sack race?"

    Silver Crusade

    Looking over at the dwarf that had accompanied her last night, Brialla reluctantly agrees to the race. At least, I hope I am faster than a dwarf

    "I mean. I guess so?"

    She looks around for a sack, immediately aware of how silly she is about to look in front of everyone else.

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