Race |
Race: note the space at the start, very important to leave it in | HP 36/36 | AC 20 | F +9 R +11 W +7 | Perc +7 (Darkvision) | Default Exploration (????) |
Classes/Levels |
| Speed 25ft] | Active Conditions: None |
Gender |
”Zakzak” | Male CG Small Goblin Gunslinger (Way of the Pistelero) 3 |
Zakzak - Level 3
Goblin gunslinger 3 (Advanced Player's Guide)
CG, Small, Goblin, Humanoid
Heritage razortooth goblin
Background junk collector
Perception +7; darkvision
Languages Common, Goblin
Skills Acrobatics +9, Crafting +5, Deception +7, Engineering Lore +5, Intimidation +9, Stealth +9
Str 12 (+1), Dex 18 (+4), Con 14 (+2), Int 10 (+0), Wis 10 (+0), Cha 14 (+2)
Other Items leather armor, +1 flingflenser, firearm cleaning kit, grappling hook, holly bush feather tokens (2), minor healing potions (2), rope (foot)s (50), rounds (20), thieves' tools, purse (13 gp; 9 sp)
AC 20; Fort +9; Ref +11; Will +7 (On first failed save vs. controlling effect, roll second save at start of next turn)
HP 36
Speed 25 feet
Melee [1] jaws +9 (finesse), Damage 1d6+1 P
Ranged [1] +1 flingflenser +12 (backstabber, fatal (1d10), goblin, scatter 5 ft., magical, range increment 30 feet, reload 1), Damage 1d6+1 S +1 S splash
Ancestry Feats Goblin Weapon Familiarity
Class Feats Blast Lock, Risky Reload
General Feats Incredible Initiative
Skill Feats Cat Fall, Crafter's Appraisal
Other Abilities singular expertise
Special Abilities:
Blast Lock
Crafter’s Appraisal
Raconteur’s Reload[url]
[url=https://2e.aonprd.com/Feats.aspx?ID=3163]Risky Reload
Ten Paces
Growing up on the streets of Absalom, Zakzak was raised on stories of the heroic goblins of the Crookedtoes tribe. Zakzak relentlessly pestered anyone who might tell him more about those fabled goblins who bravely battled the undead hordes of the Whispering Tyrant. These goblins rescued the hapless humans of Lastwall and escorting them to Absalom, where the humans gratefully rewarded the goblins by giving them the glorious Puddles district, a region of the city already filled with sturdy houses and even a castle for the goblins and their newly proclaimed king. Surrounded by such stories of goblin glory, Zakzak pushed himself constantly, crafting a firearm of unparalleled might in the form of his flingflenser, forged from scraps he scrounged himself from Absalom’s back alleys.
But even a mighty goblin with an even-mightier weapon needs an adventure before he can make his name. Hearing the stories of the gunslingers of Alkenstar, Zakzak boarded a ship for the port of Quantium, hoping to find passage from there on to Alkenstar. During the journey, Zakzak made an unlikely friend: an elven sniper named Zindarel. Despite the Jinin elf’s best efforts to discourage the goblin, Zakzak knew a loner in need of a friend if ever he saw one. By the time their ship reached port the two had forged a bond that Zakzak knew was a lifelong friendship and that Zindarel found surprisingly tolerable. Together, the two traveled on to Alkenstar in search of adventure and opportunity.
Skills Ride +6, Spellcraft +3, Stealth +10
Languages Goblin
Gear padded armor, club, chewed stick, half a banana, handfuls
of dirt (3), square of burlap, wooden goblin doll, wooden holy
symbol of Zarongel (has some teeth marks)
Goblin Bravery You have a worrying propensity for
overconfidence in combat. When you're facing an enemy
that’s larger than you, if you have no allies in any adjacent
squares, your posturing, bravado, and cussing grant you a +1
trait bonus on attack rolls with non-reach melee weapons.
Special Challenge Talent Poog has a special talent that
provides an unexpected boon while attempting to win
Licktoad badges. His bravery means he’ll dig deep and
hurl out insults other goblins might be afraid to during the
Blistering Words challenge, granting him a +2 bonus on
corresponding Intelligence checks.