About GrigoriiYou never thought you’d call a half-orc attractive, but there is no other word for the man standing before you. The tattoos and scars across his broad shoulders, muscled arms, and back draw your eyes towards areas at which you really shouldn’t stare. You miss what was said as he laughs heartily, combing back his dark, wavy hair with one hand. A deep, rich sound. Relieved to find yourself looking at his face, you can’t help but notice his eyes, shining from below his pronounced brow. They are a bright piercing blue that stand out in contrast with his grey-tinged complexion; so different from the dark eyes natural to his race. As your gaze strays down his face, you notice his tusks. Small and white, accentuating his easy smile. They peek out of his mouth as if he were perpetually biting his lip. As you take it all in, he draws the lyre from his back, strums a chord, and begins a song. Grigorii was never the strongest fighter in his youth, but when you grow up in the fighting pits of Ostenso you learn to win or you die. He learned to keep strong friends around and to ...encourage them to fight they're best. Despite his smaller stature, he had quite the fearsome reputation. It must have caught the attention of the local shaman, because he took young Grigorii in and taught him the ways of spirits and magic and battle. Now, he uses what he was taught to aid his comrades in battle as he seeks dangerous magical artifacts to study and control. "I say everyone has a little anger inside. I merely inspire them to let it out!" "Fear is the path to the Dark Archives. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to rage. Rage leads to suffering... for our enemies." ~Master Zahta PFS# 93593-3
AC:24 T:11 FF:23*(Uncanny Dodge)
Stat Lines:
Heroism | AC: 24 (12 Tch, 22* Fl ) | DR: 1/- | CMB: +11, CMD: 21 | F: +14 , R: +10, W: +12 | Init: +2 | Perc: +10, SM: +20 (GM: +5) | Speed 30ft Heroism, Inspired Rage
Haste, Heroism, Inspired Rage
heroism, haste, rage +1 furious battleaxe +18/+18/+13 (1d8+14/x3) raging +1 furious battleaxe +15/+10 (1d8+14/x3) +1 battleaxe +11/+6 (1d8+8) attack bonus: 8(BAB)+3(Str)+3(+1 furious)+2(rage)+1(WF)-2(PA) = 15 damage: 1d8 + 3(Str) + 3(+1 furious) + 2(rage) + 6(PA) = 1d8 + 14 javelin +8 (1d6+3)
[dice=Atk +1 furious battleaxe]1d20+17[/dice] rage, heroism
[dice=Atk Bite]1d20+7[/dice] if only attack, +5 to hit, +2 damage
[dice=Atk Spirit]1d20+12[/dice]
[dice=Atk Glorymane]1d20+8[/dice]
=== Skills (+2 luck singing)(+2 morale heroism) ===
Acrobatics: +6 (-2, -1 ACP) (+5 to jump) Appraise: +6 Bluff: +18* Climb: +6 (-2 ACP) Craft(alchemy): +6 Diplomacy: +18* Handle Animal: +18* Intimidate: +21 (+2 MW tools(Dazzling Display))(+2 orc rations) Know(local): +15 Know(planes, religion): +13 Know(arcana, geography, history, nature): +12 Know(dungeoneering, engineering, nobility): +11 Linguistics: +9 Perception: +8 Perform(sing): +18 Perform(wind): +18 Sense Motive: +18* Spellcraft: +12 Use Magic Device: +10 *Versatile Performance Spells:
===== Spells =====
0-level known: light detect magic read magic prestidigitation resistance mending 1-level (6/day) DC 15:
2-level (5/day) DC 16:
3-level (5/day):
4-level (3/day):
Feats and Traits:
Intimidating: +2 Intimidate Sacred Tattoos: +1 luck bonus on saves Skilled: +1 rank/level City-Raised: +2 Know(local) ===== Feats =====
===== Traits =====
Special Abilities:
=====Special Abilities=====
Bardic Knowledge Raging Song (30 rds/day) Inspired Rage (+4 Str/Con, +3 Will, -1 AC) Song of Marching Song of Strength Dirge of Doom (30ft shaken) Improved Uncanny Dodge Spell Kenning (1/day) Lesser Spirit Totem (spirits attack an adjacent enemy) Spirit Totem (20% concealment v. ranged and reach attacks ) Guarded Life (10pts converted to non-lethal when drop below 0hp) Lore Master Skills you can't use in rage: Appraise, Bluff, Craft, Diplomacy, Disable Device, Disguise, Escape Artist, Handle Animal, Knowledge(any), Linguistics, Perform, Sleight of Hand, Spellcraft, Stealth, Use Magic Device Gear:
+1 hero's hauberk ( +1 adamantine chain shirt ) Glorymane (lion's shield (bite +6 2d6 3/day), Intelligent item) +1 furious battleaxe, javelin(5), morningstar, alchemist's fire(4) =====Magic=====
Bot Me!:
Grigorii advocates for straightforward, direct action. Daily: Grigorii uses two uses of his Extend Rod to keep heroism active for almost eight hours each day.
Combat: Grigorii will start singing and cast support spells
"♫ Song Song Song ♫" Full Attack (rage and heroism included): [dice=Atk +1 furious battleaxe]1d20+17[/dice] rage, heroism
[dice=Atk Bite]1d20+8[/dice]
[dice=Atk Spirit]1d20+12[/dice] does not benefit from buff/debuff
[dice=Atk Glorymane]1d20+8[/dice] 3/day, can benefit from [i]haste[i]