[PFS] 2-13: Murder on the Throaty Mermaid (Inactive)

Game Master Deane Beman

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As Thangar rocks Mallick's head with his hammer, Silas sends Killik to the ground encased in a thin layer of ice. Seeing his cohort fall, Mallick nervously retaliates against Thangar and opens up a nasty wound in his shoulder.

Attack: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18, Damage: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9

Mallick is at -10hp and everyone is up.

Sovereign Court

will save reroll 1/1 | Heroic Defiance 1/1 Human (Taldor) Fighter (Unbreakable) 10.2 | HP 137/137 | AC 28 | TCH 12 | FF 27 | Perc +0 | Initiative +2 | Stealth -4 | CMD 21 | F/R/W: 14/9/10 (+2 vs compulsion/charm, +2 vs mind affect)

Give up, your outnumbered and are bound to fail. Stop this needless violence and just surrender

If he does surrender: Chasik will disarm him and gag and tie him up.

If he makes a hostile action: Chasik will move if needed and take a swing.

silver hammer PA: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 191d8 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7

Scarab Sages

Ouroboreia | Female Human (Varisian) Wizard 5 Magaambyan Arcanist 5 | HP 67/67 | AC:16 T:12 FF:14 CMD: 14 | F+10 R+10 W+12 (+3 vs. Spells, Spell-like abilities, +1 Death)| Initiative +3 | Perception +14 |

Ouroboreia conjures from the void a sparkling shower of stardust to blind Mallik.

Casting glitterdust, Will DC 18 negates the blinding effect.

Silver Crusade

Male Human (7.0A) Clrc 3/Wiz (Evoker) 3/ Mystic Thuerge 1 | HP 44/44; AC 19(22 w/ faith);TCH 12; FF 17; F +6; R +5; W+12; CMB +5; CMD 17; INIT +6;
Force Missile 6/6; Firebolt 6/6; CPE 3/3; Wands: CLW 42/50; MM 46/50; Prot from Evil 45/50 | Pearl of Power(1) 1/1 | Metamagic Rods Lesser Piercing 3/3; Lesser Empower 3/3

Tyraneus moves in for a better vantage point at Mallick and throws another burst of fire from his palm.

Move south of Tharangar and use another Firebolt.

Ranged Touch Attack Firebolt: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6
damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7

Silver Crusade

Male Half Orc | HP 10/10| AC15 | T15 | FF10 | Fort 3| Ref 1| Will 4 | CMD 13 | Init 5| Per 2 Inquisitor (FC)/1

Thanagar grips his hammer and attempts to strike down the fiend. Yelling in pain he finds the fury within.

To hit 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21
Dmg 2d8 + 2 ⇒ (8, 7) + 2 = 17
To crit 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21

Scarab Sages

Female Half-Elf Rogue 2
HP 15/15 | AC 17 | T 13 | FF 14 | CMD 15 | Fort +1 | Ref +6 | Will +2 | Init +3 | Perc +10 | Sense Motive +6 | Sneak Attack +1d6 | Evasion | Trapfinding +1

If Killik is out-of-the-fight down:

Lia will move to attack Mallick, assuming he hasn't surrendered.

If Killik is still a potential combatant:

Lia will move to finish off Killik's ability to re-enter the fight.

Rapier: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17 +2 if there's still flanking, and his AC is -4 if he's prone against the attack.
Damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
Sneak Attack: 1d6 ⇒ 5 if applicable.

Dark Archive

Alchemist (grenedier) 2 | HP 15/15 | AC:19 T:13, F:16 | CMD:17, CMB:+4 | Save (F+4, R+6, W-1) | Init:+5 | Perc: +4 | Bombs 6/7

Silas waits watching to see if his help is needed.

Mallick roars in unbridled rage as the Pathfinders continue to pummel him. Raising his weapon once again at the badly injured Thanagar, glittering dust flies out of nowhere, robbing him of his vision. He continues to swing his scimitar blindly but does not find purchase.

"Mallick....stand down!" the captain's voice bellows across the deck; a grinning Snig standing behind him. Mallick drops his weapon and puts his hands behind his head. "Someone care to explain what is going on here?" the captain asks of no one in particular, but clearly expects an answer.

Mallick Will: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 1 = 13

Scarab Sages

Ouroboreia | Female Human (Varisian) Wizard 5 Magaambyan Arcanist 5 | HP 67/67 | AC:16 T:12 FF:14 CMD: 14 | F+10 R+10 W+12 (+3 vs. Spells, Spell-like abilities, +1 Death)| Initiative +3 | Perception +14 |

Ouroboreia states in a matter-of-fact tone: "Mallick and Killik here have just admitted to have committed the crime and to pinning it on us, then attacked to silent us. Moreover, Killik attempted to frame Snig earlier. Besides, have you considered the following elements? Firstly, Sephiriel was assassinated in Mallick's quarters, a place your First Mate could most easily access. Secondly, have you considered who would benefit the most from the murder? Frankly, we don't as we wouldn't benefit from this sabotage of our budding relationship with the Mordant Spire. Your First Mate, however, may want you to take the blame. It wouldn't be far-fetched to imagine him wanting to replace you as Captain of this ship once you were out of the picture. Mallick even revelled in front of us from your "late slippings", to use his own words. Lastly, Snig told us that Mallick has the ambition of replacing you. Are you convinced yet? I can keep going all day." finishes the Varisian girl with a fierce mettle in words she didn't previously show.

The captain is clearly taken aback but the suddenly vocal Varisian. He glances at Snig who nods at the woman's words, and the captain seems satisfied with the explanation. "Mallick has been getting a little too big for his britches as of late. I guess he figured if such a high ranking official was murdered on my watch that he'd be able to use that to cause the crew to question my ability to command." He gives Mallick a tap from his boot and starts giving orders to his crew. "Tie him up and see if you can't revive the other one and tie him up as well. We'll turn them over to the authorities once we dock."

In the morning two days following the Throaty Mermaid arrives at the Mordant Spire as planned. An enormous, extravagant elven galleon meets the smugglers’ vessel a mile from the shore, sending a smaller boat between the ships as an envoy. Captain Veane explains the events of the journey since Magnimar to the small band of masked elves who come aboard. They nod solemnly, and seem unusually calm given the cold-blooded murder of one of their diplomats. As Veane ends his story, another figure climbs over the ship’s rail onto the deck...to everyone's surprise it is Sephriel.

He explains to the captain that he never leaves the Mordant Spire for human lands without ensuring that a clone awaits him in safekeeping. He thanks you for hunting down and uncovering his murderer and says that he now has a better idea of who the Mordant Spire’s enemies are and who can be trusted. After a lavish elven meal for the entire crew and the Mordant Spire envoys, Sephriel and his retinue depart for their island home, and the Throaty Mermaid sets sail for Riddleport, where the Pathfinders and Snig disembark, the latter giving a knowing nod to Thanagar and Tyraneus as he does so.

Scarab Sages

Ouroboreia | Female Human (Varisian) Wizard 5 Magaambyan Arcanist 5 | HP 67/67 | AC:16 T:12 FF:14 CMD: 14 | F+10 R+10 W+12 (+3 vs. Spells, Spell-like abilities, +1 Death)| Initiative +3 | Perception +14 |

The wizard doesn't let any emotion show as Mallick is put into custody for his crimes, only a satisfied nod that a wrong has been righted. During the end of the journey, Ouroboreia makes sure to meet the slain elf's bodyguard to offer him a gift on the Ruby Prince's behalf.

Later when they reach the Mordant Spire, she is unable to suppress her surprise to see Sphiriel alive and breathing.

The clever man... so for all our guile, he was always one step ahead of us. I must remember this and thrive to accomplish the same one day.

As the boat leaves them at Riddleport, she curteously nods to her fellow Pathfinders goodbye, and prepares to embark for her trip back to Osirion.

Dark Archive

Alchemist (grenedier) 2 | HP 15/15 | AC:19 T:13, F:16 | CMD:17, CMB:+4 | Save (F+4, R+6, W-1) | Init:+5 | Perc: +4 | Bombs 6/7

Silas is wryly amused by the whole proceeding and offers his compliments to Sephriel on his foresight, hoping he one day possesses such resources.

Silver Crusade

Male Human (7.0A) Clrc 3/Wiz (Evoker) 3/ Mystic Thuerge 1 | HP 44/44; AC 19(22 w/ faith);TCH 12; FF 17; F +6; R +5; W+12; CMB +5; CMD 17; INIT +6;
Force Missile 6/6; Firebolt 6/6; CPE 3/3; Wands: CLW 42/50; MM 46/50; Prot from Evil 45/50 | Pearl of Power(1) 1/1 | Metamagic Rods Lesser Piercing 3/3; Lesser Empower 3/3

Tyraneus stands slack jawed and in awe over the whole procession. For the next few days he is still trying to piece together exactly how this whole elaborate operation was set in place by Serephil.

Silver Crusade

Male Half Orc | HP 10/10| AC15 | T15 | FF10 | Fort 3| Ref 1| Will 4 | CMD 13 | Init 5| Per 2 Inquisitor (FC)/1

Thanagar is a upset at first about the false hood. Then he remembers on of the teachings of Torag Better to draw out evil with its own game then suffer from it. Thanagar is pleased that justice has been done and that the mission went well.

Sovereign Court

will save reroll 1/1 | Heroic Defiance 1/1 Human (Taldor) Fighter (Unbreakable) 10.2 | HP 137/137 | AC 28 | TCH 12 | FF 27 | Perc +0 | Initiative +2 | Stealth -4 | CMD 21 | F/R/W: 14/9/10 (+2 vs compulsion/charm, +2 vs mind affect)

Chasik, can't hide his surprised look on his face when the Elven diplomat appears over the guardrail, that was very sneaky of him, well played. Chasik is happy the man is safe and the Society was able to prevent it from happening...well sort of. He eats and drink at the lavish get together and parts eats with the others and heads back to Faldo for a family visit.

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Community / Forums / Online Campaigns / Play-by-Post / [PFS] 2-13: Murder on the Throaty Mermaid All Messageboards

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While on a routine mission to escort a dignitary to the mysterious Mordant Spire aboard a disreputable smuggler's ship, the Pathfinders find themselves embroiled in a murder mystery that could jeopardize the Pathfinder Society's relationship with the isolationist elves who call the citadel home. Can the cunning Pathfinders discover who among the ship's crew of scum and villains is responsible for the crime in time to clear their own names?

I'm looking for 4 to 6 Pathfinders to sail upon The Throaty Mermaid. This will be a sanctioned Pathfinder Society game; please ensure you download and read the Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play. Please post your interest using the alias of the character you intend to use for this scenario. I'd prefer to run this scenario at the lower tier (1-2) but will run it at the higher tiers (4-5) if that's where the interest lies.

This scenario is a murder mystery with more roleplay than combat. I expect a minimum of one post per day from each player, and preferably one post during the weekend. I reserve the right to either take an action for your character or assign another player to do so in order to maintain forward progress. With consistent posting we should be able to finish two to three weeks.

Scarab Sages

I'd love to join with Ouroboreia - an investigation scenario sounds exciting! My character is level 4 but I don't mind playing the scenario at lower tier. PFS #76446-4

Sovereign Court

Submitting Chasik. I love a good mystery "dun, dun, dunnnn"...xouldn't resist. He is level 3.67 so this would put him to 4, and I don't mind playing out of tier to get that final 1xp to bump to 4th.

As long as I don't die aagin like I did in Thornkeep III then I am game lol ;)

PFS 63386-4 i think

Silver Crusade

I would like to take part in the scenario as this lvl 2 cleric of Sarenrae.

Dark Archive

I have a 1st level Alchemist who I can bump to 2nd if the party feels the need - got some GM credit I'm about to register.

Silver Crusade

Thanagar Hol at your service to play at whatever tier!

Scarab Sages

Lia Galanodel (Rogue 2) available at level 2. I can try to play up if needed.

Figuring Silas as 2nd level our APL is 2.5 which rounds up to 3. Since we'll be a 6 member party that will put us at the higher tier. If that's OK with everyone we can get started on Monday.

Dark Archive

Works for me, looking forward to it! Also hey to Chasik and Lia - Rellen and The Broken GM here :)

Scarab Sages

Great! Looking forward to it!

Game play and discussion threads are open...all aboard!

Scarab Sages

Strange... I posted something in the discussion thread, but nothing appears. I wanted to know whether you'd issue the faction missions (even if it's just for fun) or not?

Sovereign Court

I hate the enigma vaults lol. The BBEG is soooooo OP

Dark Archive

Sheesh, don't remind me! If I ever run it I'll ensure the group is on the top end of the level spectrum I don't think we stood a chance.

Community / Forums / Online Campaigns / Recruitment / [PFS] 2-13: Murder on the Throaty Mermaid All Messageboards

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