[PFS] 2-13: Murder on the Throaty Mermaid (Inactive)

Game Master Deane Beman

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After fifty days at sea, the Pathfinder lodge at Heidmarch Manor in Magnimar is a welcome place to spend the night on dry land. In the shade of the gazebo on the shore of the manor’s exotic carp pond, the resident venture-captain, Sheila Heidmarch, speaks to the assembled Pathfinders in a low, breathy voice.

“I hope you’ve found your brief stay here in the City of Monuments relaxing. The Pathfinder Society owes you a debt of gratitude for engaging in such an important and lengthy mission. When you set out from Absalom nearly two months ago, I’m sure you never anticipated the monotony of a life at sea, but I’m happy we can put you up as the ship restocks before the final leg of the journey to the Mordant Spire.

“Thus far, you have done an excellent job of representing the Society as the escorts of the Mordant Spire’s envoy, the distinguished Sephriel, whom we hope had a productive meeting with the Decemvirate regarding the Azlanti ruins over which the Mordant Spire elves hold such a protective position. If he was pleased with the meeting and doesn’t find you too reprehensible, perhaps we can launch full expeditions into the lost continent of Azlant from this very lodge in the near future.” She winks, and her eyes glance around the assembled agents. With a wry smirk, she continues.

“Keep up the good work, and ensure that Sephriel’s final two weeks on the Throaty Mermaid are as pleasant and event-free as they can be on as disreputable a smugglers’ ship as it is. Thus far, it’s provided an unassuming cover for such an important dignitary. Let’s hope the unscrupulous crew delivers their current cargo on time and in pristine condition. When you arrive at Riddleport after dropping Sephriel at the Mordant Spire, a chartered boat will be waiting to take you back to Absalom. May Desna’s blessings be upon you.”

Scarab Sages

Ouroboreia | Female Human (Varisian) Wizard 5 Magaambyan Arcanist 5 | HP 67/67 | AC:16 T:12 FF:14 CMD: 14 | F+10 R+10 W+12 (+3 vs. Spells, Spell-like abilities, +1 Death)| Initiative +3 | Perception +14 |

A young woman of otherworldly looks stands in the room, her gaze lost in the vague as if she was contemplating something invisible to the eye. She doesn't acknowledge your presence at once. Her physical appearance is weird to say the least. Despite her typical Varisian traits, her skin is ebony black. Her hair is medium-length and white with purple shades and wisps of longer hair. Yet the strangest thing about her is her eyes - purple iris surrounded in pure black. The young woman's clothes are Varisian in style, despite a few Mwangi lucky charms around her neck or wrist. A small dinosaur can be spotted in the folds of her kapenia scarf, curious and much more wary of the surroundings than her mistress.

Suddenly snapping out of it, the wizardess stutters briefly at first, uneasy with words not cleverly thought of and chosen. "Why... th-thank you, Lady Heidmarch... a p-p-pleasure, really." She quickly retreats back into her silent stance, letting other deal with the Venture-Captain's praise.

Silver Crusade

Male Half Orc | HP 10/10| AC15 | T15 | FF10 | Fort 3| Ref 1| Will 4 | CMD 13 | Init 5| Per 2 Inquisitor (FC)/1

Thanagar stands tall in the room. He is six foot five tall for his size. His skin is the ashe color showing his Orc heritage, yet he dressed in cleric vestments of Torag. His hair is red truly unique among his kind, his eyes are a deep green. His human heritage looks good on him, until he smiles showing his teeth.
As he listens to the VC he finds himself excited to serve Torag in this mission. It will be an honor to serve and to help those we can Thanagar says in deep voice.

Silver Crusade

Male Human (7.0A) Clrc 3/Wiz (Evoker) 3/ Mystic Thuerge 1 | HP 44/44; AC 19(22 w/ faith);TCH 12; FF 17; F +6; R +5; W+12; CMB +5; CMD 17; INIT +6;
Force Missile 6/6; Firebolt 6/6; CPE 3/3; Wands: CLW 42/50; MM 46/50; Prot from Evil 45/50 | Pearl of Power(1) 1/1 | Metamagic Rods Lesser Piercing 3/3; Lesser Empower 3/3

Tyraneus slowly draws his fingers through his short and stubbly beard as he listens intently to the VC's instructions.

As the VC is talking he can not help but to look around at his current companions attempting to not be intimidated by the half-orc, that I until Thanagar smiles at him with his razor sharp teeth.

The meer mention of Riddleport draws Tyraneus's attention back to the VC.
"Hmmm this shall be my first time visiting the city. If even a small margin of the rumors hold true then we had best be on our guard at all times when we get within vicinity of the city."

Dark Archive

Alchemist (grenedier) 2 | HP 15/15 | AC:19 T:13, F:16 | CMD:17, CMB:+4 | Save (F+4, R+6, W-1) | Init:+5 | Perc: +4 | Bombs 6/7

"Pleasant may be a stretch, I fail to see how anyone can enjoy sea travel, it is blastedly inconvenient," Silas grumbles, the twisted and malformed tiefling unable to enjoy his normal privacy aboard ships and having endured the crews unfriendly eyes and barely civil behaviour with poor grace.

Despite his practice of covering himself with a cowl the whole group has now seen enough of him to have an idea of his true unpleasant appearance. A twisted hunched figure with blotchy red skin that seems threaded with throbbing veins and a sickly pale worm-like tail that occasionally emerges to snatch some small item or twitch in agitation.

"But we shall do as well as circumstances will allow I am sure. You need not fear Venture Captain," even his voice is ugly, a whining irritated thing that seldom holds any warmth.

Scarab Sages

Female Half-Elf Rogue 2
HP 15/15 | AC 17 | T 13 | FF 14 | CMD 15 | Fort +1 | Ref +6 | Will +2 | Init +3 | Perc +10 | Sense Motive +6 | Sneak Attack +1d6 | Evasion | Trapfinding +1

Lia stands off to one side, one hand flipping a dagger end over end. She seems to have weathered the sea voyage reasonably well. Her violet eyes are bright, and her body is long and lean, despite being almost a foot shorter than the half-orc.

As the Venture-Captain mentions Riddleport, Lia's eyes light up. "I don't suppose there will be time between the ship reaching Riddleport and our departure for, say, some recreation? Once this is all finished, it would be nice to be able to stretch for a day or two before the return trip."

Silver Crusade

Male Half Orc | HP 10/10| AC15 | T15 | FF10 | Fort 3| Ref 1| Will 4 | CMD 13 | Init 5| Per 2 Inquisitor (FC)/1

Thanagar feeling the desire for adventure looks at Lia and smiles. I would love to get some stretching in. How do you feel about a spar? He says with a glimmer in his eyes. His hand rests on his hammer.

Scarab Sages

Female Half-Elf Rogue 2
HP 15/15 | AC 17 | T 13 | FF 14 | CMD 15 | Fort +1 | Ref +6 | Will +2 | Init +3 | Perc +10 | Sense Motive +6 | Sneak Attack +1d6 | Evasion | Trapfinding +1

"I'm game, if we have time before the Mermaid leaves. Always good to know what an ally can do in a fight."

Sovereign Court

will save reroll 1/1 | Heroic Defiance 1/1 Human (Taldor) Fighter (Unbreakable) 10.2 | HP 137/137 | AC 28 | TCH 12 | FF 27 | Perc +0 | Initiative +2 | Stealth -4 | CMD 21 | F/R/W: 14/9/10 (+2 vs compulsion/charm, +2 vs mind affect)

Chasik's mind, to say the least is nowhere near the current location of the VC office. His mind is still on the events that transpired months ago.

That place...that place. It took so much from me. I gave everything, but so did the others. Others gave up themselves, just like I had. I didn't see him go down, just the carnage aftermath of that thing. That thing from wherever it came from, it still haunts my dreams. Rellen, he..he..I still can say it. He gave up his life, and then his possessions so I may have another chance at life. Chaomski and the others, gave up what they worked so hard to obtain so that again, I may live. I must enjoy the second chance I have, for all of them.

Chasik's mind wanders from thought to thought, only to be brought back to reality by the VC mentioning the downtime before departing on the ship. He was a longshoreman with his father, so he knows a thing or two about ships, at least unloading them anyways. He wonders how long it will take, as he scans the room, looking at the fellow pathfinders he will be joining up with.

Chasik is tan-skinned, due to the copious amounts of sun he had gotten. His full plate is shined up, with an array of weapons draped across his body.

"No questions? Excellent!" Sheila closes her chronicle book and begins to leave you to each other. "Your next leg should take around 10 days, barring any...situations. I trust you will be prepared for anything. Report back to the ship and let Captain Veane know you have returned. God speed, Pathfinders."

Feel free to make any last minute purchases if need be...

A week out from Magnimar, and you are on the open waters of the Arcadian Ocean. It is a clear night, and the deck is empty of every member of the crew save the Pathfinders. Ouroboreia and Tyraneus glance at each other, it is clear that both noticed the sound of grappling
hooks clinking against the railing of the aft deck as a small band of aquatic elves attempts to board the ship.

Surprise Round

The elves will spend the surprise round climbing aboard the ship. Ouroboreia and Tyraneus may each take a standard or move action during the surprise round.

Round 1
Thanagar Hol

Everyone but Lia and Chasik may act in any order before the elves. Feel free to act in any order and I'll resolve in initiative order. Click on 'The Throaty Mermaid' just above my avatar picture for the map...everyone should have the necessary permission to edit; if you're on a device that prohibits that just describe your actions as best as possible and I can move you.


Ouroboreia: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (12) + 10 = 22
Thanagar Hol: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12
Tyraneus: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21
Silas: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13
Lia: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16
Chasik: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (1) + 0 = 1


Ouroboreia: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19
Thanagar Hol: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23
Tyraneus: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18
Silas: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25
Lia: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14
Chasik: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 1 = 11
Elves: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16

Dark Archive

Alchemist (grenedier) 2 | HP 15/15 | AC:19 T:13, F:16 | CMD:17, CMB:+4 | Save (F+4, R+6, W-1) | Init:+5 | Perc: +4 | Bombs 6/7

Silas moves forward and hurls a tiny vial at one of the central elves the vial exploding with a torrent of crackling frost.

"Really? Underwater elves, do you come in any other varieties - dead preferably. Why don't you piss off back under the sea."

If 13 hits touch AC Elf 3 takes 8 cold damage and must make a DC 16 fort save or be staggered for their next turn. If that was a hit elves 2 and 4 take 7 cold damage reflex DC 16 for half.

Ranged Touch Frost Bomb: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13 Damage: 1d6 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8

Scarab Sages

Ouroboreia | Female Human (Varisian) Wizard 5 Magaambyan Arcanist 5 | HP 67/67 | AC:16 T:12 FF:14 CMD: 14 | F+10 R+10 W+12 (+3 vs. Spells, Spell-like abilities, +1 Death)| Initiative +3 | Perception +14 |

Ouroboreia immediately reacts. "We're under attack!" With a swift move of the hand, a wand appears in the palm of her left hand, which she waves in an intricate pattern, causing a transluscent armor of sheer force to appear.
Surprise round - Draw wand of mage armor with her spring-loaded wrist sheath (swift), use wand, 47 charges remaining.

Reacting before the elves can move onto them, she closes on them and utters words of arcane. A burst of colorful light bubbles springs forth from her hands, covering three of the four elves.
Round 1 - Moving into position and casting color spray on elves 2, 3 and 4. Will DC 16 negates.

Silver Crusade

Male Human (7.0A) Clrc 3/Wiz (Evoker) 3/ Mystic Thuerge 1 | HP 44/44; AC 19(22 w/ faith);TCH 12; FF 17; F +6; R +5; W+12; CMB +5; CMD 17; INIT +6;
Force Missile 6/6; Firebolt 6/6; CPE 3/3; Wands: CLW 42/50; MM 46/50; Prot from Evil 45/50 | Pearl of Power(1) 1/1 | Metamagic Rods Lesser Piercing 3/3; Lesser Empower 3/3

Tyraneus would like to purchase a Wand of CLW before departure using Prestige Points

Tyraneus is surprised by the sudden and unexpected clanging of hooks on the side of the vessel and quickly reacts to the firm grasp of his scimitar.

Quickly moving next to Ouroboreia a set of flames flicker from the clerics fingertips.

"By the goddess Sarenrae you will be purged from this vessel."

Surprise round- Draw scimitar

Main round- move 5 feet next to Ouroboreia and cast Burning Hands domain spell to hit Sea Elf 1,2&3

Burning Hands Damage: 2d4 ⇒ (4, 4) = 8

As the elves begin to make their way onto the deck Ouroboreia and Tyraneus make their preparations for battle. Suddenly a burst of color appears from Ouroboreia's hands just as flames fly forth from Tyraneus's.

One of the elves drops to the deck in a fit of seizures while a few of the others find themselves dancing in flames trying to avoid being burned. No sooner does one of the elves move out of danger of the flames than he is staggered by a frost bomb courtesy of Silas.

Elves 1 and 4 advance on Tyraneus and Ouroboreia respectively and score nasty hits!

Round 1 update
Thanagar Hol
Elf 1 - (-8hp)
Elf 2 - (effectively out of commission)
Elf 3 - (-12hp, staggered)
Elf 4 - (-7hp)

Lia & Chasik are up...then everyone else can start Round 2.

Will Saves:

Elf 2: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
Elf 3: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20
Elf 4: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 = 17

Reflex Saves:

Elf 1: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7
Elf 2: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6
Elf 3: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16

Fort Save:

Elf 3: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8

Elves Attack!:

Elf 1 vs. T: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27, Crit Check: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15, Damage: 1d8 + 2 + 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 + (4) + 2 = 16
Elf 4 vs. O: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23, Damage: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6

Dark Archive

Alchemist (grenedier) 2 | HP 15/15 | AC:19 T:13, F:16 | CMD:17, CMB:+4 | Save (F+4, R+6, W-1) | Init:+5 | Perc: +4 | Bombs 6/7

Elves 2 and 4 also need to make reflex saves vs Silas's splash damage, which is 3 if they make their DC 16 Reflex and 7 if they do not.

Doh...I knew I forgot something. I rolled an awful lot of dice for someone who only attacked with 2 NPCs!

Elf 2: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20
Elf 4: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4

Dark Archive

Alchemist (grenedier) 2 | HP 15/15 | AC:19 T:13, F:16 | CMD:17, CMB:+4 | Save (F+4, R+6, W-1) | Init:+5 | Perc: +4 | Bombs 6/7

Lol, bad day to be an aquatic elf! Frost bomb is just nasty, glad I had a chance to pick it up since throwing fire bombs on a ship seemed a bad idea!

Silver Crusade

Male Half Orc | HP 10/10| AC15 | T15 | FF10 | Fort 3| Ref 1| Will 4 | CMD 13 | Init 5| Per 2 Inquisitor (FC)/1

Thanagar pulls his hammer & seeks to strike another elf.
to hit: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 = 17
dmg: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9
not able to see the map on my iPhone

Sovereign Court

will save reroll 1/1 | Heroic Defiance 1/1 Human (Taldor) Fighter (Unbreakable) 10.2 | HP 137/137 | AC 28 | TCH 12 | FF 27 | Perc +0 | Initiative +2 | Stealth -4 | CMD 21 | F/R/W: 14/9/10 (+2 vs compulsion/charm, +2 vs mind affect)

Chasik, steps forward, while grabbing his silver warhammer, and takes a mighty swing at the enemy before him.

PA on elf 1: 1d20 + 7 - 1 ⇒ (2) + 7 - 1 = 81d8 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 + 2 = 6

Scarab Sages

Female Half-Elf Rogue 2
HP 15/15 | AC 17 | T 13 | FF 14 | CMD 15 | Fort +1 | Ref +6 | Will +2 | Init +3 | Perc +10 | Sense Motive +6 | Sneak Attack +1d6 | Evasion | Trapfinding +1

Lia moves along the rail, drawing her rapier as she approaches one of the Elves. Diving forward to roll beneath a cut, she pops up and stabs with her rapier at the elf.

Acrobatics: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14 vs. CMD to avoid AoO
Rapier Attack: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10
Rapier Damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6

Lia attempts to tumble by the elf but winds up catching the business end of a trident, causing her own attack to miss. Distracted by the wily rogue, Thanagar manages to move in and land a solid strike on the elf. A furious Chasik lets his anger get the better of him…putting all of his strength into a menacing blow, sacrificing just enough speed to allow his target to jump out of the way.

AoO vs. Lia: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26, Damage: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8

Round 2
Thanagar Hol
Elf 1 - (-8hp)
Elf 2 - (effectively out of commission)
Elf 3 - (-12hp)
Elf 4 - (-16hp)

Back to the top of the order.

Dark Archive

Alchemist (grenedier) 2 | HP 15/15 | AC:19 T:13, F:16 | CMD:17, CMB:+4 | Save (F+4, R+6, W-1) | Init:+5 | Perc: +4 | Bombs 6/7

Silas pulls his extract of true strike free from his bandolier and gulps it down, at the same time swiftly retrieving a vial of acid using his tail.

Scarab Sages

Ouroboreia | Female Human (Varisian) Wizard 5 Magaambyan Arcanist 5 | HP 67/67 | AC:16 T:12 FF:14 CMD: 14 | F+10 R+10 W+12 (+3 vs. Spells, Spell-like abilities, +1 Death)| Initiative +3 | Perception +14 |

Ouroboreia takes a step back, then casts another spell in a strange a guttural voice. A small area of the deck under two of the elves' feet is instantly covered in grease.

Five-foot step, then casting grease, Ref DC 17 to avoid falling for elves 3 and 4.

Silver Crusade

Male Half Orc | HP 10/10| AC15 | T15 | FF10 | Fort 3| Ref 1| Will 4 | CMD 13 | Init 5| Per 2 Inquisitor (FC)/1

Thanagar calling for insight from Torag Guidance then swings his might hammer to the elf standing before him. As the hammer swings the air, the power of Torag's justice is demonstrated in the power of the impact the elf feels.
to hit:1d20 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 2 + 1 = 19
dmg:1d8 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6

Silver Crusade

Male Human (7.0A) Clrc 3/Wiz (Evoker) 3/ Mystic Thuerge 1 | HP 44/44; AC 19(22 w/ faith);TCH 12; FF 17; F +6; R +5; W+12; CMB +5; CMD 17; INIT +6;
Force Missile 6/6; Firebolt 6/6; CPE 3/3; Wands: CLW 42/50; MM 46/50; Prot from Evil 45/50 | Pearl of Power(1) 1/1 | Metamagic Rods Lesser Piercing 3/3; Lesser Empower 3/3

Tyraneus takes a step back from the mighty blow that he just received in an attempt to catch his wind and recover from the ringing sound that is all around him.

Take a 5 foot step back and Cast CLW

CLW: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9

Ouroboreia casts another spell, sending one elf flat on the deck while the other manages to maintain its footing. Thangar continues his assault on the now prone elf while Tyraneus and Silas work some magic of their own. The prone elf attempts to stand while the other two conscious elves futility strike out at Chasik and Lia.

Lia and Chasik are up. Thangar gets an AoO vs. Elf 4.

Round 2 update
Thanagar Hol
Elf 1 - (-8hp)
Elf 2 - (effectively out of commission)
Elf 3 - (-12hp)
Elf 4 - (-22hp)

Reflex Saves:

Elf 3: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20
Elf 4: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9

Elves Attack!:

Elf 1 vs Chasik: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16
Elf 3 vs Lia: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15

Dark Archive

Alchemist (grenedier) 2 | HP 15/15 | AC:19 T:13, F:16 | CMD:17, CMB:+4 | Save (F+4, R+6, W-1) | Init:+5 | Perc: +4 | Bombs 6/7

Silas hurls a bomb with pinpoint precision - though only thanks to his earlier infusion - striking the rear elf, somehow angling the ensuing blast at an angle which sends the splashing icy spray everywhere but onto his own allies!

"When guests come uninvited they should expect the cold shoulder!" He cackles.

Elf 3 takes 11 Cold damage, and must make a DC 16 Fort save of be staggered for his next turn. Elf 4 takes 7 cold damage, or 3 if he makes a DC 16 Reflex save. Using the Precise Bombs ability to exclude Lia from the splash.

Frost Ranged Touch: 1d20 + 6 - 4 - 4 + 20 ⇒ (2) + 6 - 4 - 4 + 20 = 20 Damage: 1d6 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11

Sovereign Court

will save reroll 1/1 | Heroic Defiance 1/1 Human (Taldor) Fighter (Unbreakable) 10.2 | HP 137/137 | AC 28 | TCH 12 | FF 27 | Perc +0 | Initiative +2 | Stealth -4 | CMD 21 | F/R/W: 14/9/10 (+2 vs compulsion/charm, +2 vs mind affect)

Chasik watches as the Elf's attack glances harmlessly off his stawlwart armor. He retaliates with a strike of his own.

silver PA hammer: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 191d8 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12

Scarab Sages

Female Half-Elf Rogue 2
HP 15/15 | AC 17 | T 13 | FF 14 | CMD 15 | Fort +1 | Ref +6 | Will +2 | Init +3 | Perc +10 | Sense Motive +6 | Sneak Attack +1d6 | Evasion | Trapfinding +1

No AoO for Lia?

Attack of Opportunity:
As the elf tries to stand in the slick spot on the deck, Lia stabs out as Thanagar brings his hammer down.
Rapier: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18
Damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

Lia stabs out at the elf before her. "Down, fool. What do you want from us?"
Rapier: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16 vs. Elf 4 if still conscious, otherwise vs. Elf 3
Damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10
Sneak Attack, if applicable anywhere: 1d6 ⇒ 6

Right you are…Lia does indeed get an AoO.

As Lia, Chasik get their licks in a volley of arrows pierces the armor and skin of the remaining elves…it appears as though the crew of the Throaty Mermaid don't take kindly to being ambushed by elves in the dead of night. While three of the elves are slaughtered and tossed overboard by the crew, the one rendered unconscious from the color spray is tied up and dragged below deck by Marzack Mallick, the ships first mate.

"We should just toss that bastard into the ocean with the rest of his kind." Captain Veane, the ships master and commander decrees. "But I suppose you Pathfinders are the type who'd want to question him…consider it my thanks to you for stopping that lot from taking us unawares in the night." The captain turns to return to his quarters as Mallick reappears. "Mallick…when they're finished questioning the prisoner, be sure to throw him overboard."

"Aye captain." the first mate replies. "Follow me…Pathfinders." He spits out that last word as if attempting to eliminate a bad taste from his mouth. He brings you below deck where the aquatic elf is bound and gagged, a fresh slash splits his right cheek and a trickle of blood can be seen dripping from Malick's dagger.

Silver Crusade

Male Half Orc | HP 10/10| AC15 | T15 | FF10 | Fort 3| Ref 1| Will 4 | CMD 13 | Init 5| Per 2 Inquisitor (FC)/1

Thanagar looks at the aquatic elf that is bound and gagged. He then removes the gag so the elf can speak. Then begins to question the prisoner.
Why did you attack us and what was your mission?
Thanagar says in a threating tone to the elf. Smiling with his teeth barred and his voice loud.
Intimadate: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13.

Scarab Sages

Female Half-Elf Rogue 2
HP 15/15 | AC 17 | T 13 | FF 14 | CMD 15 | Fort +1 | Ref +6 | Will +2 | Init +3 | Perc +10 | Sense Motive +6 | Sneak Attack +1d6 | Evasion | Trapfinding +1

Turning to the first mate, Lia gives him a withering look. "You may leave, Mr. Mallick." Her tone makes it clear it's not just permission.

After the Pathfinders and the prisoner are the only ones left in the room, Lia will go and listen at the door. "Just wanted to make sure we were alone. No need to let them have any of the fun. And when we're finished, well, surely we can come up with something more interesting than just throwing him overboard."

Perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (14) + 10 = 24

Mallick leaves the room, muttering something about him giving the orders on his ship. When the door slams closed the elf speaks.

"I won't answer any of your questions you stupid lowbloods."

Scarab Sages

Female Half-Elf Rogue 2
HP 15/15 | AC 17 | T 13 | FF 14 | CMD 15 | Fort +1 | Ref +6 | Will +2 | Init +3 | Perc +10 | Sense Motive +6 | Sneak Attack +1d6 | Evasion | Trapfinding +1

Lia looks after the First Mate for a moment. "I don't like him. I expect he'll be trouble."

She then walks up to the elf, and circles behind him, putting her face next to his ear, and says in a low voice,

"You'll answer the questions we ask, and truthfully, or I'll make sure that you beg us to let him throw you overboard."

Bluff: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15

She then looks up at the others, trying to see which ones understood the words she had said.

The elf does not respond. Diplomacy/Intimidate to change attitude...

Silver Crusade

Male Half Orc | HP 10/10| AC15 | T15 | FF10 | Fort 3| Ref 1| Will 4 | CMD 13 | Init 5| Per 2 Inquisitor (FC)/1

Thanagar once again asks why did you attack us ? intimadate 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24 Thanagar raise his voice this time.

The elf spits at Thangar's feet and responds once again in Elven.

The elf reveals that he belongs to a group opposed to the Mordant’s Spire’s recent diplomatic relations with the “low-bloods” of Absalom. Their superiors dispatched them to board the Throaty Mermaid and assassinate Sephriel for his betrayal of his people.

Silver Crusade

Male Half Orc | HP 10/10| AC15 | T15 | FF10 | Fort 3| Ref 1| Will 4 | CMD 13 | Init 5| Per 2 Inquisitor (FC)/1

Thanagar looks at Lia. What did he say?Thanagar says to her. His blood is rising. I should smash this elf, for his attack. It would be just He thinks to himself.

Scarab Sages

Female Half-Elf Rogue 2
HP 15/15 | AC 17 | T 13 | FF 14 | CMD 15 | Fort +1 | Ref +6 | Will +2 | Init +3 | Perc +10 | Sense Motive +6 | Sneak Attack +1d6 | Evasion | Trapfinding +1

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9

Lia looks around at the others, gauging them. "He says they were sent to sabotage the diplomatic talks by killing Sephriel."

Dark Archive

Alchemist (grenedier) 2 | HP 15/15 | AC:19 T:13, F:16 | CMD:17, CMB:+4 | Save (F+4, R+6, W-1) | Init:+5 | Perc: +4 | Bombs 6/7

Silas tuts, "Now then isn't that interesting. Let us see if we can procure some names, who did the sending? Some personage, some faction. If you understand the common tongue elf let me present you with a brief analysis of the facts. If you are not sufficiently cooperative you will be slain, not out of malice, but out of practicality - one must be willing to carry out threats or they are naught but wind. You have another few centuries of life ahead of you. The Pathfinder Society has legions of earnest fools wishing to become heroes, or enrich themselves, and their sights are fixed upon the tower. Even should we fail - which I think unlikely - more will be sent, more elves will die, and the result will be the same. The best course for the people of Kyonin is to allow us to confront the head of your faction and resolve matters with the smallest loss of elven life - indeed we have no interest in killing elves at all if we can avoid doing so expediently. By telling us you may avoid pain, be able to serve your people's interest for centuries, and in all reasonable probability you will steer a course that offers less harm to the elven people."

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22

The elf doesn't appear to have much more to say; he just sits with a gruff and determined look on his face; an odd combination with is elven features.

"Everyone on deck, this instant." The captain's voice booms "That means you especially...Pathfinders" Mallick yells down to you. You're beginning to get the impression that he doesn't like Pathfinders much.

Once you are gathered with the crew the captain nods to Mallick, who immediately begins speaking. "Once the scuffle above deck was contained and the prisoner secured, I made a sweep of the ship to assess the extent of the attack. That's when I found him. It's Sephiriel. He's dead in his bunk."

The First Mate's quarters had been used by Sephriel as his quarters. As the captain heads below deck he beckons you to follow closely behind.

The door to the room is wide open revealing a finely decorated cabin containing a brightly colored Qadiran rug, a small bookshelf, several storage trunks and barrels, and a modest bed. Lying face down on the ruffled, blood-soaked sheets rests the body of a tall, golden-haired elf in elegant bedclothes, his face covered in an intricately carved wooden mask.

Veane leaps toward the bed, turning Sephriel over and feeling for signs of life. Finding none, the captain shakes his head and looks downtrodden at the corpse.

"You’re the only ones on this ship I don’t know well," the captain directs his comments toward you. "I’m not taking the rap for this, by Besmara, and neither is my crew. It might not be fair, but when we get to the Mordant Spire in three days if you can't provide evidence that one of my crew did this, it’s you who’ll have to answer for Sephriel’s death!"

With that, he storms out of the cabin and up the stairs to the main deck, Mallick close on his heels, leaving the party alone with Sephriel’s lifeless body.

Dark Archive

Alchemist (grenedier) 2 | HP 15/15 | AC:19 T:13, F:16 | CMD:17, CMB:+4 | Save (F+4, R+6, W-1) | Init:+5 | Perc: +4 | Bombs 6/7

Shaking his head Silas moves forward eyes narrowing suspiciously, and cautiously reaches out to begin examining the elf for wounds.

Heal: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14

Silver Crusade

Male Human (7.0A) Clrc 3/Wiz (Evoker) 3/ Mystic Thuerge 1 | HP 44/44; AC 19(22 w/ faith);TCH 12; FF 17; F +6; R +5; W+12; CMB +5; CMD 17; INIT +6;
Force Missile 6/6; Firebolt 6/6; CPE 3/3; Wands: CLW 42/50; MM 46/50; Prot from Evil 45/50 | Pearl of Power(1) 1/1 | Metamagic Rods Lesser Piercing 3/3; Lesser Empower 3/3

Tyraneus looks around the room with the corpse to see if he might be able to see anything suspicious.

Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9

Silver Crusade

Male Half Orc | HP 10/10| AC15 | T15 | FF10 | Fort 3| Ref 1| Will 4 | CMD 13 | Init 5| Per 2 Inquisitor (FC)/1

Thanagar decides to see if magic was involved in this murder. detect magic. He also makes the following suggestion, we need to post a guard with prisoner, the last thing we need is another dead elf. He says this to the group.

Scarab Sages

Ouroboreia | Female Human (Varisian) Wizard 5 Magaambyan Arcanist 5 | HP 67/67 | AC:16 T:12 FF:14 CMD: 14 | F+10 R+10 W+12 (+3 vs. Spells, Spell-like abilities, +1 Death)| Initiative +3 | Perception +14 |

The stuttering, shy voice can yet be heard once again. "A... m-m-murder? Surely you c-c-can't think we have anything to do with it? However, you d-d-don't give us much of a choice. We shall p-p-prove our innocence!"

When they are alone in the cabin, Ouroboreia throroughly searches the cabin for clues. Taking 20 in perception, for a total of 30.

An examination of Sephriel’s corpse reveals over a dozen deep gashes in his back most likely from a dagger. A check of the cabin door shows no signs of forced entry, the lock was either unlocked to begin with or was opened with a key, not picked. Sephriel’s belongings consists of a collection of fine clothes, several works of elven literature in ornately bound books, and a scrimshaw pipe and empty sac smelling of tobacco.

GM Dice:

1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26
1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12
1d20 + 10 ⇒ (4) + 10 = 14
1d20 + 10 ⇒ (4) + 10 = 14
1d20 + 0 ⇒ (20) + 0 = 20

Scarab Sages

Ouroboreia | Female Human (Varisian) Wizard 5 Magaambyan Arcanist 5 | HP 67/67 | AC:16 T:12 FF:14 CMD: 14 | F+10 R+10 W+12 (+3 vs. Spells, Spell-like abilities, +1 Death)| Initiative +3 | Perception +14 |

"Strange, the tobacco is missing. I can't imagine this elf leaving Magnimar without any in his pouch. It could be interesting to find the dagger that was used to commit the crime, or to see who had access to a set of keys to this cabin."

Strangely enough, the stutter and shy voice seem to have entirely disappeared now that the Varisian mage is focused on the task at hand and reflecting on the clues.

Silver Crusade

Male Half Orc | HP 10/10| AC15 | T15 | FF10 | Fort 3| Ref 1| Will 4 | CMD 13 | Init 5| Per 2 Inquisitor (FC)/1

Let us begin interviewing the crew. We were all together. So lets start with whoever is bunks cloeses to this room Thanagar says to the group.

Dark Archive

Alchemist (grenedier) 2 | HP 15/15 | AC:19 T:13, F:16 | CMD:17, CMB:+4 | Save (F+4, R+6, W-1) | Init:+5 | Perc: +4 | Bombs 6/7

Silas grunts, "Seems sensible, I would like to test the body for poisons, I am curious as to why he apparently made no attempt to defend himself. Elves are renowned for their keen hearing so it seems unlikely someone could enter without him being aware, unless they had been drugged. I will set my lab up here and test the tobacco pouch and the body for poison, if there is none it becomes more likely his killer was someone close to him. Unless any of you has magic on hand that can detect poison, or cares to do some dangerous and unpleasant licking."

If there are no objections he sets up a few pieces of equipment, taking great pains to ensure they are well braced against the motion of the ship.

"Let us proceed, it will likely take a few minutes to see if there is a reaction I shall pop back every now and then to check."

CSI Golarion! I don't think its anywhere in the rules, but it kinda makes sense as you can make poisons with Craft Alchemy. Same DC as to make the poison if there is one?

Craft Alchemy: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (10) + 12 = 22
Craft Alchemy: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (18) + 12 = 30*

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