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Thanks for your interest, PeteZero.
This module has to be played with the pregenerated goblins in the module. But you can apply the character sheet to any character in the tier 1-2.
This are the pregens goblins:
retA BiGBAd - Goblin female fighter
Reta likes to torment small, harmless animals and usually
has a pocket full of such creatures in case she gets bored.
She finds it hard not to shout when she speaks, and loves
taking risks in combat to scare her enemies.
chuffy lickWound - Goblin male Rogue
Sadistic Chuffy is horrible indeed. He loves to sneak up
on his enemies and stab them. If he gets the chance, he
also likes to light fires—lighting fires is Chuffy’s idea of
great fun, almost as enjoyable as causing big explosions.
Poog of ZAronGel - Goblin male cleric
Poog is a frightening little cleric of the goblin deity
Zarongel, the sacred god of dog-killing, fire, and
most holy mounted combat. That Poog isn’t very
good at mounted combat is his not-so-secret shame,
so he funnels most of his energy into attempts to
overachieve at his god’s other sacred teachings—
killing dogs (although he hasn’t yet killed one,
he hopes to do so some day) and lighting fires
(something that Poog is already pretty good at).
moGmurch - Goblin male alchemist
Ten-year-old Mogmurch is deranged. Mogmurch lives
with his mate Rempty, who has an irritating habit of
licking his face clean in public (especially when he leaves
the village). She thinks his use of alchemy is very clever,
and while she loves the flavor Mogmurch’s experiments
leave on his face, she worries that he’ll some day blow
himself up when she’s not around to watch.

Javell DeLeon |

This is an absolute blast. I myself played Reta. She truly was quite funtastic! We had one player who ran "Old Foofelah", who couldn't hear what you were saying unless you were yelling at her. Obviously, the perfect storm for Reta. It was great. We ran with 6 goblins in ours and we still almost got our rearends handed to us. We only used 3 of the pregens, Mogmurch being left out.
Now, let me tell you as to WHY we got our butts handed to us...DO NOT FORGET ABOUT THE WAND OF CURE LIGHT WOUNDS IN POOG'S BACKPACK. (Obviously that doesn't keep up us from getting hit, BUT, it sure would have been nice to get a little help along the way.)
Yep, he completely forgot about it. It's probably gonna be more important with 4 than with 6, but still, we still had one of our goblins 1 hp away from dying. He got a lucky stabilization roll. His Con was only an 8! (Also NOT recommended) Did I also mention the stup... I mean the great and all powerful Poog ;) busted out with some channel neg energy while the aforementioned goblin was sitting at -5 hp's. Oh yeah! No joke! Fortunately, the almost dead goblin saved, taking only 2 damage instead of 4.
You all have a great game!
(Hopefully, you all will get along better than we did.) ;)

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Email sent Ravenath.
Quick question, how does the pathfinder society tier stuff tie in? I don't have a Pathfinder Society character (yet), but I do have a number. I'm a bit new to that stuff though, so not sure how it works.
EDIT: Ok went and looked it up, so I can use the chronicle card (XP point + gold/items) from this and apply that to a tier (level?) 1 or 2 character made under Pathfinder society rules ?

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Ok, we need one more goblin. I have only received 3 confirmation emails:
-PeteZero as moGmurch
-AussieGrimm as Reta
-Roger Gilbert as Poog of ZAronGel
The next one that sends me the confirmation email to ravenath at gmail dot com will have the slot.
Come on! I'm pretty sure there is plenty of bored goblins around this boards!