Motteditor's Superstar 2012 Round 4 playtests (Inactive)

Game Master motteditor

Playtesting a Round 4 encounter from Superstar 2012

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Human Metal Oracle/6

harrumph! It nearly killed you all! There are some fates worse than death. shudders at the thought. *Pet* indeed!

I thought the same about the parachutes, how could we know what those were without ever seeing one opened and used.

I'm all for continuing the adventures, both as the round 4 play testing and after that.

mmmmm, flaming honey, that delicious, scalding flaming honey

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Once all the playtesting is done, I might see about figuring out some bee people something or other -- and the nymphs of course.

I agree the parachutes felt very anachronistic. Not part of the scenario I liked, but I loved the motion aspects (the gnomes were all seated, which was mentioned specifically in the encounter and in one of my posts, I think, though perhaps not cleared up enough).

I think the ship could easily be ruled to be disintegrating enough that it would not be useful once it got back to the chalet.

And now I'm off to bed. Will start the next scenario tomorrow as soon as I can.

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Welcome to Eightfinger's Tomb, lady and gentlemen. I hope you DON'T survive the experience! Mwahahaha!

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Just FYI, I'll be around for a few hours, but then I'm meeting the Girlfriend's Mother (CR ???) for the first time tonight and then she (girlfriend, not the mother) is spending the night, so probably won't be posting much more until tomorrow.

Male Human (Tian-Min) Ninja 6

Oh la la~

Diplomacy check! (If I advise against wearing Dragon Noir cologne is that an assist?)

Male Human (Tian-Min) Ninja 6

Ah damn! I just realized: wouldn't an arrow in the heart work just as effectively as a wooden stake to incapacitate a vampire?

Hey Jacob, I remember seeing a post about vacation on the 6th, so if we don't get a chance to finish Eightfingers' Tomb I wanted to say 'Thanks' for the introduction to PBP and for the chance to participate in the play testing, I've had a great time. Enjoy your vacation! Cheers, Adam

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Thanks. we can still finish up tomorrow (Tuesday) when I'll be around all day. Then I'm traveling Wednesday (and will be in sporadic contact through the end of the week).

I thought this was a fun group, though, so I'd definitely be up for doing something more with you all when I get back. (It also looks like I'll be having an opening in my Realm of the Fellnight Queen game, which I'll probably post about tomorrow.)

Grand Lodge


Ack! I didn't realize vacation was coming up. Thanks for running us through this. I've had a blast.

I would really enjoy continuing the adventures with this group, it's a great dynamic we have going. I'll be looking for the post about the Realm of the Fellnight Queen game as well.

Male Human (Tian-Min) Ninja 6

Yeah Jacob, thanks so much! I'm pretty busy myself lately, but maybe we can meet up at some point in the next few months.

I like our group dynamic too! It's neat how we all fell into character roles pretty naturally (especially Kyson).

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Sounds good. I'll be trying to come up with some fun Pollen Island and the ZomBees adventure while I'm traveling.

Chris, that'd be fun. I know it's probably too far for regular trips, but if you're interested, my real-life group's recruiting a couple new players. We're currently playing Saturday afternoons (noon to 4 p.m. or so), though we don't always meet all that regularly.

The Exchange

Male Humanoidish Yahoo 4/Painlord 6/Punk 2/Cleric of Happiness & Sunshine 1

Hey All--

Chris, Adam: Nice to meet you both. I hope we can game again.

Jacob: Thanks for running, organizing, and rocking.

Verdigris: You already know you rock, duh.

I've enjoyed this playtest and I'm honored to be included in the endeavor.


RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Hey guys, think I'm going to call this one as I've got to finish getting ready. (Plus just realized I forgot the mummy's fear aura, which should've affected you the previous round and it's a little too much backtracking/not fair if you get paralyzed right next to it.)

Like I said, I'll see if I can't come up with something for this amazing bee people adventure we've been talking about. I've already got some ideas. Any thoughts on what level you'd like to play -- it'll probably be higher, as the lowest level Thriae (bee people) is CR 4, with the queen going up to 18... Though I suppose ZomBees could certainly be lower, betwen 4 and 10. It'll let me get some practice making monsters...

Thanks again Jacob. Any level for the Bee People adventure is good for me.

Chris, Pain, Verdigris, I feel fortunate to have joined this group and I look forward to future adventures with you.

Cheers, Adam

Male Human (Tian-Min) Ninja 6

It was wild, everybody. Thanks! It'll be nice when we're not on a time limit.

Do zombees come from beeple?

Human (Taldan) - Scribe 13
HP:109/109 AC 21;F13/R9/W17;Kn (arc) +19 Kn (his) +15 Kn(pl) +19 Kn(rel) +19 Per +20 Sen Mot +17 Spellcraft +19
Kuri Seiharu wrote:
Do zombees come from beeple?

Stop with the bee puns! I'm breaking out in hives!

Grand Lodge


Ack! Beehive, both of you!

Human (Taldan) - Scribe 13
HP:109/109 AC 21;F13/R9/W17;Kn (arc) +19 Kn (his) +15 Kn(pl) +19 Kn(rel) +19 Per +20 Sen Mot +17 Spellcraft +19
verdigris wrote:
Ack! Beehive, both of you!

Lolz. All these bee puns are giving me a buzz.

Grand Lodge


Agreed. They at least take the sting out of a long day.

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Hey, haven't forgotten you all. I think I'd be up for doing the Pollen Island adventure once my Fellnight Queen campaign wraps up. I think three really is my limit.

On the other hand, if someone else wants to run a game, I'd be happy to try to come up with a character to play with.

Hey Jacob, I hope the vacation was enjoyable. I'm still looking forward to the Pollen Island/Bee People/Flaming Honey Cauldron adventure. I'm not sure my skills are up to snuff for running the game, I probably need a little more PBP XP before taking on that role. If you need another person for the Fellnight Queen game please let me know, I'd bee glad to join.

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