MiniGM's Curse of the Crimson Throne E6 (Inactive)

Game Master Vuvu


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Don't wait on me I am having idea overload. I do have a couple questions.

1- Any chance on a swashbuckler's weapon.

2- Orcs are they generally accepted the same way a traditional 1/2 orc would be? Of are they socially ostracized.

Less accepted than a half Orc

I will make a rapier that is a fair request

Went and made an alias as well.

Rapier of Rapidity

This legendary +1 rapier has been wielded by some of the greatest duelists in history. It always finds its way into the hands of an unknown and allows that its champion to eventually strike first in almost any fight, and those that truly master it find themselves attack in a blur.

Here is the backstory. I tried it to make it heroic but it came out being a bit of a love story. :)

Kaegan's story:
Kaegan Fellhammer, 8th son of Gorek Fellhammer, a notable dwarf noble and warrior of his clan, knew it would be many years before he was next in line for any title of nobility, so he lived his life lazily and with reckless abandon and irresponsibility. He was a ladies’ man (as much as a dwarf could be with 8 charisma) and was an overall disappointment, much to the chagrin of his father and his clan. Kaegan the Selfish became his honorary title. However, all that changed when he met Anora Twin-Axe, a beautiful young female priestess in training of Torag. It was love at first sight, but she had no time for the spoiled rich dwarf and resisted his advances at every turn. Even when he was so desperate for her attention that he joined the priesthood! She still resisted him. Determined to win her heart at any means necessary and desperate, Kaegan turned to his father for help. Gorek smiled at his son’s decision to change his life for the love of a female. Determined to teach his son the values of responsibility, honor, and clan, Gorek suggested that Kaegan, now a junior acolyte, travel with a band of dwarves on their way to assist the warriors in Mendev. Kaegan, having never before left the clan’s mountain retreat, was shocked at the horrors he saw on the battlefield. He assisted in tending to the wounded and that was the extent of his duties until the fateful night when devils overran the dwarves’ encampment and Kaegan and the survivors were forced to retreat to the ruins of a fort, warhammers in hand, until morning when reinforcements arrived. That night, fearing it would be his last, the selfish Kaegan finally heard the voice of his god and realized that the priesthood was his calling. He inspired the troops with his magic, healed their wounds until his magic was used up, and battled alongside his brothers in arms. He learned what it meant to be a dwarf. In the morning, still alive, Kaegan came upon Grundelyr, famed Warhammer of Defense. For his heroism, Kaegan was allowed to keep the hammer, since it had chosen its champion. Shortly thereafter, the battle-tested dwarf returned to his clan to the cheers of his family and the respect of Anora. Months later, that respect turned to love and then marriage at the young age of 50. A year later, the couple was blessed with Thargrim, a son. 30 years later, Thargrim, a curious dwarf full of wanderlust, journeyed to Korvosa with his uncle, Jergen, on business. Three months later, Thargrim disappeared, said to have been lured by the wiles of a criminal named Gaedren. Upon hearing the news of his son’s disappearance, a frantic Kaegan grabbed Grundelyr and swore to Anora that he would bring their son back or die trying. He has since traveled to Korvosa, looking for his son.

@Mini you had to go and add the rapier, it was already taking every bit of self control I had not to apply for this(I loveE6). The only saving grace was I wanted to play an investigator and none of the weapons jumped out at me besides the firearm (there's an archetype that can use them) but I really liked Tim's background idea and I was having trouble with backstory ideas. But now a rapier is very tempting. I will throw my hat in the ring.

I do have a question I see that you have a staff of spells would it work for the investigators alchemy ability (I know you purposely left it vague) the only reason I ask is I have a staff build I have been playing around with.

Thanks and good luck with the AP, if I don't have anything together by this time tomorrow don't wait for me.

Ranger, no problem. The official close I think I said was Friday.

In any event. That is an interesting question about the staff. My initial thought is no. Though I have not totally figured out what it does down the road it would be looking at spell storing and metamagics, neither of which work with alchemy. At least I don't think it does.

While I am not a RAW guy in MANY cases, I am not sure how that would work in my brain...I can be convinced though

Based on the submissions so far I think I am ready to make a couple selections. There are a few players that I am positive I want in the game, there are a couple in the running for the last slots, and I am very curious to see the last couple submissions that are coming

Don't rush on our account. Take your time, and choose me }:-P

The following players can go ahead and post] discussion

I will be asking for your assistance in selecting from the remaining candidates

Kazadarin-melee ranger
Darry-ranged cavalier
Donnen-melee rogue
Kara Miller-melle/healing warpriest

They are NOT the only players that will be selected, but I have decided I very much want them in the game. I will be selecting another 2 or 3 players from the remaining and those who are still going to submit. Several of the other players are definitely on the cusp. I am happy to take questions from those still in the running.

Anything you want me to work on?

Thanks for the opportunity!

DekoTheBarbarian PM sent

Anything I can do to improve?

Kavali Nor wrote:
Anything I can do to improve?

Currently your story is very sparse and as a result is a little generic. I think you could bone that up a little bit. I don't need an essay at all but a little more might help. You also have not added any detail about how you got the spear. All I have seen is "I claim the spear"

Perhaps I missed it though.

I knew there was something I was forgetting, I'm sorry for that, I'll fix that right away.

Glad to hear it doesn't close til Friday as I have several ideas running through my head. Also, I added the weapons with the pc that have been accepted to help me keep track

Kazadarin-melee ranger Club
Darry-ranged cavalier sling
Donnen-melee rogue dagger
Kara Miller-melle/healing war-priest sword

that is helpful ranger, I did not think about posting the weapons that are gone

Dark Archive

Updated, just check her profile.

I will withdraw application. Happy gaming.


Here's where I'm at. I got carried away with backstory intro. It turned into a 2-page scene. Also, I'm a little stuck between going 1st level bard with a 2nd level gunslinger, or just straight gunslinger. I'm happy with both builds, but I'm not sure which one feels more true to the Eugeni's character. You cool with reading a little bit?

Post it a spoiler

I suspect straight gunslinger is best for E6 just throw a rank or two in perform

Stats are in the profile.

A hundred yards west from Jeggare Circle in a mostly forgotten alleyway is a run down basement pub called "The Witch's Tit". Roughly a decade ago it was much more lively and was the focal point of the limited dwarven culture in the city of Korvosa. A quiet dwarf by the name of Bruden ran the joint, taking care of his dozen regulars with exceptionally strong and cold brews, with a much stronger flavor and effect than most non-dwarves can stand. They often talked philosophy, played chess, discussed politics and solved the world's problems. It was small, lively, and without any stupid humans. It was just the way he liked it.

Until the day, someone left a few things in there after closing that changed his life forever. At the beginning of third watch, after all the dwarves had gone their ways and Bruden was doing his customary mopping, he ran into something in a dark corner under the table that began to emit a profane sound. He pulled out the basket he found under there in which he found a hammer, a human baby, and a note written in ancient dwarven runes.

"Please take care of these for me."


The hammer was old and expensive, and a wonder to behold. The babe was smelly and loud, but for some reason he felt obligated to keep it. After all, he'd only had regulars in there that night and he wouldn't turn down a friend. He had milk that he used for some of his mixed drinks and ended up taking care of the tiny and frail looking girl. He named her Hennessy, and she became his pure delight.

As the young girl grew, she became extremely popular for the small pub, which eventually began attracting some non-dwarves. Business was good, and Bruden allowed his heart to be opened to the outsiders as they opened their purses for him. Eventually Hennessy began to help as much as she could, delivering drinks, and washing glasses. Business had life had never been better for the somewhat shy dwarf.

On her eleventh birthday, she went to the market to buy bread, and never returned. The Witch's Tit closed immediately as Bruden put his entire effort and fortune toward finding out where she had gone. Eventually he discovered her broken form, used and discarded in a heap of trash in the Shingles. He spent more money for investigators to discover who had done this, and he received many confirming reports that it was some low-life named Lamm.

Consumed with rage, he hired a dozen mercenaries, stormed his hideout and had him at his mercy. Lamm admitted his faults and actually cried out for mercy from the dwarf, as the dwarf pulled out various alchemic substances intending to let him know the kind of pain he felt from losing his only joy. Though his anger was burning hot, he couldn't follow through with his original plan and he decided to have him face justice in the system and hang publicly for what he'd done. He turned him over to the guard and within a day, Lamm was free again. The criminal had connections and had completely made a fool out of him.

Now broke, and defeated, having lost his faith in justice and mourning his impotence, Bruden languished in the Witch's Tit for several years slightly losing his mind. Some of his old friends come by now and again, and merely find him murmuring apologies to people no one else sees and softly weeping.

Cool. Here's the spoiler and I'll make the alias when I return from work.

Eugeni Csillagos::

Daylight was quickly fading over the crowded streets of Old Korvosa. The wheel of a handcart splashed through a puddle of wastewater accumulated in the cobblestones of the street. After it passed, a man looked up to the now cleared path, his longcoat flailing in the rush of air from the brewing storm. He pulled the collar of his coat up higher around the back his fire-maned head to ease the chill of the impending night. Steeling himself, he began forward towards the alley that was home to the old pawner and his dilapidated shop.

The bell rang as the door it hung above creaked open. Hodran looked up to see who might be looking for a quick deal at this hour. Likely one of the many spice addicts that filled the Old District. He hurriedly shuffled himself through the doorway from the backroom to peer out from behind the counter. As he looked up, he saw a familiar face. “You should be running for your life, young man,” said the old gnome. “You’re lucky to still be alive after what those thugs did to you. Count your blessings and be off.”

“Oh, I’ll leave soon enough. I’m not dumb enough to stay around until they finish me off.”

“Gene, I reall-“

“I need some things first, Hod. And you owe me for that portrait of your lady friend that time. Believe me, it wasn’t so easy to get her likeness so fair and still be believable. Now, are you going to help me, or should I let word spread that Hodran Bidgel skimps on his debts?”

The diminutive shopkeeper grumbled under his breath and looked down at his feet. Taking a moment, his gaze came back up to lock with the younger man’s. “That one didn’t turn out so well for me after all, you know. Two weeks in she said I didn’t have enough stamina for her. You believe that, Gene? Me! Not enough stamina? Well, she was annoying anyway.” He sighed, “All right, all right. I’ll help you. But after this, we’re even. Don’t come back here, ever. I mean it, kid.”

“We’ll see. I’m not sure I can agree to that last part though.”

“What do you need?” said Hod, putting on his spectacles and grabbing a writing board and a quill.

“Some travelling supplies. I can’t stay in Korvasa. Not for a while, anyway.”

“Going back to your family? To recover maybe?”

Gene nodded, “If I can find the caravan, yes. But that may be difficult. I haven’t had a letter from them in a while.” He started looking around the shop, in the cases and stacks of personal items no one ever came back to reclaim. “You have any weapons?”

“For what? I hope you’re not concocting any idiot plans for revenge.”

Gene turned his face away from Hod, lest his eyes betray him. “Of course not, Hod. But I need to be able to protect myself now that I’m on the run. And I’m no good with blades.”

“Not that I know of. But I can help with the travelling supplies easy enough. Let me go look in the back for a pack,” said the gnome while heading back through the door.

Eugeni started looking around. He was never good at sitting and waiting. The young Varisian lifted a stack of books and inspected their titles. All titles he had skimmed through while spending time here at Hod’s one day. There seemed to be countless chests and boxes out here in the main room of Hod’s pawnery. And one never knew what could be in them. He started looking through them, Hod didn’t know the contents of everything in here. And even if he did, Hod might lie to try and stop him from going after the men that ruined his life.

As he was going through a pile and finding nothing worthwhile, he randomly looked over at a dusty box on a high shelf. That one looked like it hadn’t been moved for years. He hurried over to it and pulled it down. Inside, there was something bulky wrapped in a scarf. The scarf itself was nicely made, Gene had an eye for that sort of thing after all. If nothing else, it would be cold on the road and his scarf had been lost in the fire.

Gene lifted the bundle. It had some heft to it. Being careful not to drop it, he started to unwrap the scarf. When he finished, he was looking at something he’d only heard of. The stories had called it a ‘gun’. They were extremely rare and supposedly of great power. The problem was, he didn’t know how to use it.

A sound came from the back room as Eugeni looked up to see Hod coming back into the shop proper. “What’s that in your hands, kid?”

“I found this in a box up on that shelf over there,” said Eugeni, pointing to the place he’d taken it down from.

“That’s very old, very expensive, and very broken. Put it away and let’s get you ready to leave,” Hod instructed as he started to put things into the pack he’d brought out front.

“Tell me about it, Hod. What is it and where’d you get it?”

Hod stopped a moment and looked at the young man with bruises and cuts decorating his face. “All right, I suppose it can’t hurt. That is a ‘pistol’. I bought it from a sailor who said he traded for it with some shark people. Of course that’s utter nonsense. Most likely, he was diving for scallops or oysters and found it in a wrecked ship. I paid him just enough gold for a night full of food, drink, and company. Probably overpaid, too. Damn thing’s rusted over. One day I’ll get to scraping the barnicles off and cleaning that rust. Maybe I’ll make a few coins on it.” He took a breath and shook his head. “Now put it back and we’ll get back to getting you ready.”

Eugeni spent a few extra seconds looking at the pistol. Then he returned his eyes to his friend. “What about clothes? I can’t wear these. They’ll recognize me,” he said as he put the gun back in the box.

“Good point, stay here. I’m sure I have something in your size in the back. Give me a moment…” Hod’s voice trailed off as he went to the back again.

As soon as he was out of view, Eugeni stuffed the pistol into his pocket and started taking off the little jewelry that wasn’t taken from his unconscious body a few nights before. He left the two rings and earring on the counter and grabbed the bag. “Sorry, Hod. But I have to do this,” he muttered softly. He grabbed the pack with the little it had in it and darted out the door. I’ll get them, ‘Dana. I’ll make them pay for taking you from me.
Eugeni left the city that night for two years, returning to his people to recover from near death and to learn to use the pistol. And now he is returning for some Payback!

Dark Archive

How will leveling and health work?

Medium progression

NenkotaMoon wrote:
How will leveling and health work?

Hp is max at first level, and then half max +1 at each level afterwards. Was answered upthread.

Tim. To answer your question about levels, I would say do whatever is more fun for you. I do think that a single level of Bard might be a disadvantage since we stop at level 6 then only get feats, and I don't think it is necessary with the story.

I think you could get away with putting a skill rank in profession painter, or craft painting.

I look forward to seeing the crunchy-bits

ty for the submission Bruden

Yeah, I might take a level in something else at level 6,but i think you're right about starting out both levels with gunslinger. And i changed things around to get enough skill points to cover everything i want initially.

Dark Archive

Thank you.

My pleasure, thanks for your consideration. If you have any questions or concerns about my character, just let me know.

TimFrie wrote:
Yeah, I might take a level in something else at level 6,but i think you're right about starting out both levels with gunslinger. And i changed things around to get enough skill points to cover everything i want initially.

Personally, I'd make sure to end up with +6/+1 BAB. +5 is not much greater than +4, but that extra attack really makes a difference. That was by far the biggest consideration for me in going Warpriest as opposed to Paladin.

If you want something Bard-like, a level dip into Freebooter Ranger is pretty good.

Hello. After a lot of thinking I wanted to try a Magus Card Caster that uses the Rapier. He would be a switch hitter between the rapier and the cards. For your consideration Bazzle Blasthazzard.

Its late I will finish the Alias. Another day.

Bazzle Blasthazzard
Chaotic Good Small Humanoid
Magus level 1 (Card Caster)
Init +3; Senses Darvision 60ft (Alt Gnome Racial Ability); Perception +2
AC 14, Touch 14, flat footed 11 ( No Armour, Shield, none)
(+3 Dex, +1 size)
hp 9 (1d8+1);
Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +1
Resistance (Su)
Speed 20
Single Attack Rapier +4 (1d4/18-20)
or Dart +4 (1d3)
Full Attack
Rapier +4 (1d4/18-20)
or Dart (Card) +4 (1d3) range 20
Space 5ft.; Reach 5
Special Attacks
Hatred +1 bonus on attack rolls against humanoid creatures of the reptilian and goblinoid subtypes due to special training against these hated foes.,
Other +1 difficuly DC with illusionary spells
Arcane Pool -1(Su) At 1st level, the magus gains a reservoir of mystical arcane energy that he can draw upon to fuel his powers and enhance his weapon. This arcane pool has a number of points equal to 1/2 his magus level (minimum 1) + his Intelligence modifier. The pool refreshes once per day when the magus prepares his spells. Current Arcane Pool 4
Arcane Pool -2(Su) A magus can expend 1 point from his arcane pool as a swift action to grant any weapon he is holding a +1 enhancement bonus for 1 minute. For every four levels beyond 1st, the weapon gains another +1 enhancement bonus, to a maximum of +5 at 17th level. These bonuses can be added to the weapon, stacking with existing weapon enhancement to a maximum of +5. Multiple uses of this ability do not stack with themselves.
Arcane Pool Focus (Su) A card caster's arcane pool can be used to augment only ranged weapons. At 5th level, a card caster can use his arcane pool to add the following weapon special abilities to ranged weapons: brilliant energy, distance, flaming, flaming burst, frost, icy burst, returning, seeking, shock, shocking burst, and speed. He can use his arcane pool to augment an entire harrow deck as if it were ammunition. All cards from a deck enhanced with a special ability, such as flaming, must share the same bonus. This ability modifies arcane pool.
Spell Combat (Ex) At 1st level, a magus learns to cast spells and wield his weapons at the same time. The magus must have one hand free, while wielding a light or one-handed melee weapon in the other hand. As a full-round action, he can make all of his attacks with his melee weapon at a -2 penalty and can also cast a spell with a casting time of 1 SA. Can decide to take an additional penalty on his attack rolls, up to his INT bonus, and add the same amount to the concentration check.
Deadly Dealer (Su) At 1st level, the card caster gains Deadly Dealer as a bonus feat, even if he does not meet the prerequisites. A card caster can invest cards with enough magic to deal lethal damage even without the Arcane Strike feat so long as he has at least 1 point in his arcane pool.

Spell-like Abilities
Spell-like Abilities 1/day—dancing lights, flare, prestidigitation, produce flame. The caster level for these effects is equal to the gnome's level; the DCs are Charisma-based. This racial trait replaces gnome magic and illusion resistance. (Pyromaniac Gnome Replaces Standard Gnome spell like abilities).
Spells Known:

Magus Spells
CL 1 Concentration 3
Level 0 (3) DC 12
Detect Magic(Divination)[ ] X 1
V,S rng: 60ft CT: Dur: Concentration, up to 1 min./level (D)
SV None Area: Cone-shaped emanation Book:
Description: You detect magical auras. The amount of information revealed depends on how long you study a particular area or subject

Light(Evocation)[Light ] X 1
V,M/DF rng: Touch CT: Dur: 10 min./level (D)
SV None Area: Object touched Book:
Description: Object shines like a torch.

Read Magic(Divination)[ ] X 1
V,S,F rng: Personal CT: Dur: 10 min./level
SV N/A Area: You Book:
Description: Read scrolls and spellbooks.

Level 1 (2) DC 13
Color Spray(Illusion)[Pattern Mind-Affecting ] X 1
V,S,M rng: 15ft CT: Dur: Instantaneous; see text
SV Will negates Area: Cone-shaped burst Book: CRB
Description: A vivid cone of clashing colors springs forth from your hand, causing creatures to become stunned, perhaps also blinded, and possibly knocking them unconscious. Each creature within the cone is affected according to its HD. 2 HD or less: The creature is unconscious, blinded, and stunned for 2d4 rounds, then blinded and stunned for 1d4 rounds, and then stunned for 1 round. (Only living creatures are knocked unconscious.) 3 or 4 HD: The creature is blinded and stunned for 1d4 rounds, then stunned for 1 round. 5 or more HD: The creature is stunned for 1 round. Sightless creatures are not affected by color spray.

Shocking Grasp(Evocation)[Electricity ] X 1
V,S rng: Touch CT: Dur: Instantaneous
SV None Area: Creature or object of up to 1 cu.ft./level touched Book: CRB
Description: Your successful melee touch attack deals 1d6 points of electricity damage per caster level (maximum 5d6). When delivering the jolt, you gain a +3 bonus on attack rolls if the opponent is wearing metal

Str 10, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 8, Cha 14
Base Attack 0 CMB -1 ; CMD 12
Armour Prof Light,
Martial Weap Prof,
Simple Weapon Proficiency,
Weapon Finesse: Use DEX mod instead of STR mod for melee attack to hit
Drug Addict- Addicted Friend- +2 to knowledge local.
Bladed Magic- You gain a +1 trait bonus on Craft checks made to craft magic or masterwork weapons. In addition, when you use your arcane pool class ability to grant a weapon an enhancement bonus, that bonus lasts for 2 minutes instead of 1.
Friends in Low Places- Gathering information in lower quarters, such as vice dens and poorer districts, takes you 1d2 hours (instead of 1d4 hours). In addition, the attitudes of any destitute or impoverished NPCs you interact with begin one step closer to helpful.
Acrobatics 3 (1 rank + 2 Dex)
Climb 4 (1 rank + 3 Class Skill)
Diplomacy 2 (Cha 2)
Intimidate 2 (Cha 2)
Know Arcana 7 (1 Rank + 3 Int + 3 Class Skill)
Know Local 7 (3 Int + 2 Academaician + 2 Drug Addict)
Perception 3 (1 Rank -1 Wis +3 Class Skill)
Sense Motive -1 (-1 Wis)
Slight of Hand 4 (1 Rank + 3 Dex)
Spellcraft 3 (3 Int)
Stealth 7 (Size Bonus 4 + Dex 3)
Use Magic Device 2 (Cha 2)
Languages Common, Gnome
Defensive Training +4 dodge to AC against giant type
Academician Some gnomes are more academically inclined than their kin. Gnomes with this racial trait gain a +2 bonus on any single Knowledge skill. This racial trait replaces the obsessive racial trait.
Darkvision Some gnome strains have lived in the underground depths for so long they have given up on light entirely and gained darkvision with a range of 60 feet. This racial trait replaces low-light vision and keen senses.

Born 43 years ago Bazzle Blasthazzard was born in whistle down. Bazzle's father Whick was an alchemist and his mother Feri was a jewler. As family name implies the have a strong connection to fire just as most gnomes have a connection to illusion. Tales of his family involve sorcerers whose spells are supercharged with flames, alchemists who push the envelope of mundane fire to the limit, dancers that move like flame and the occasional explosive disaster.

While he was still a young boy Bazzle's family took the opportunity with a small contingent of gnomes to move from Whistledown to Korvosa hoping to make a better living, see their work sold in wider markets and learn from Korvosan artisans. Bazzle did not have the head for business but he did have an affinity with his natural spells and as such was taught magic as he got older. His tutor was an elven instructor who was once a professor from the academe but from what the local gossip says was some sort of scandal. The elf, Relias, noticed Bazzle's excess energy and quickness and found teaching him tedious spells went much better if the gnome exercised as well. At first this was gymnastics and as Bazzle grew he was also taught basic elven fighting techniques. The elf did not have the patience to see Bazzle master the bow (something that takes an elf decades) he had Bazzle throw cards. Relias hoped would improve Bazzle's focus he was amused when Bazzle was able to fling the cards and imbue them with arcane fire and they could strike like darts.

Bazzle grew older his family returned to Whistledown but Bazzle could not leave the city. So much life and so much to learn. One thing began to trouble him. Bazzle realized that Relias was dealing with a drug problem. The academe kept things hushed after all they don't want bad press but it was clear after knowing Relias for a long while that there was a pattern to his behavior and periods where he was gone for days Bazzle decided that he would find out what was really going on. Relias never seemed the one to know his way around the Shingles but he did. Bazzle remembered he and his friends growing up running and climbing about the shingles there was a strange freedom to the Shingles like people would not just accept poverty but they built with almost nothing, homes of junk, and debris atop the old city. But Bazzle was not chasing other kids or psuedodragons, common to Korvosa, or pretending to be the peoples hero Blackjack, not that night.

He tried to shadow the elf moving quietly over the loose boards and rickety structure of the shingles. The elf turned down an alley and waited. After a few moments two men came up the alley from the other direction they spoke for a moment with Relias. He watched as Relias sampled the product. He felt a little betrayed someone he looked up to hiding something like this. He shifted his weight and the silence was broken. The two men looked up into the darkness above the alley. There were muffled threats, the sounds of a scuffle. Relias was already feeling the effects of the drug and was easy prey for the two. Bazzle threw a card at one of the thugs who had drawn a weapon. The thug seemed to move with a blur. The blur stopped and the sound of his blade hit the ground. The other thug closed in on Relias but the elf was casting a spell the two attackers were terrified and one of them badly wounded when a lightning bolt flashed between them.

The two men fled into the shadows. Bazzle climbed down into the alley. Relias had been wounded. Bazzle started to help him limp from the alley but his foot hit a rapier on the ground. He picked it up and as he did the rapier he expected would be human sized as he thought the two thugs were men. But the rapier in his hand seemed a good size for him. Perhaps it is adrenalized memory but he swears the rapier changed its size. He remembers even swinging it slowly in his hand to check the balance watching it move in a blur, there is something special about this blade. Bazzle helped the elf back to his apartment he remembered feeling the elf shake as they walked the 'shiver' was working. Even in this state the elf winced at the wound he had taken. He was mumbling about taking more for the pain. When he made it back the elf's home the elf was nearly delirious. The elf half collapsed half fell into his bed Bazzle offered to get the elf medical help trying to figure where he can get a healer without paying the exploitative healers of the church of Abadar. He looked at the elf starting to pass out and went out in search of aid. By the time he found someone from the Desnan church willing to come help Relias was gone. While he was out he was convinced that the elf took more of the drug perhaps hoping to fight the pain perhaps he was ashamed his student saw him at his weakest and worst.

The Desnan priest mentioned such sights are common in the Shingles even here on the other side of the river the drugs pedaled by some of the street gangs hurt so many lives. Bazzle in the weeks that followed took so the streets. He befriended local guards buying them drinks and showing them card tricks and getting an education on the Shiver trade from their side of things. His then took the next step and met more dangerous characters people who he knew were up to know good trying to figure out how the Shiver business worked. His heart broke for the poor and exploited and as he tried to learn what he could he also helped who he could. Sometimes this was simple tricks for kids, or a meal here or there. He knew he could never stop all the gangs or all the fools who would throw their life in the otluygh infested sewers but he might find two thugs he might find who profiteered off his mentor's misery. He got a tip one of the dealers for a local small time crime boss Gaedren Lamm lost a special sword. Apparently the dealer got himself beat for it but now Bazzle had a lead.

Bazzle is friendly, kind and a bit naïve. He has a good sense of humor but is not the raging prankster that many gnomes are known for. He is a little flashy, rakish in dress and fancy in combat.

Damn that is cool Gnome

Gnomezrule wrote:

Hello. After a lot of thinking I wanted to try a Magus Card Caster that uses the Rapier. He would be a switch hitter between the rapier and the cards. For your consideration Bazzle Blasthazzard.

Its late I will finish the Alias. Another day.

** spoiler omitted **...

Cool. Remember start at level 2. Not familiar w card caster so not sure if ou get anything fancy then

2 people marked this as a favorite.

@Gnomez: Great choice!

@Mini I was accepted into a kingmaker campaign yesterday and will have to withdraw. Good luck with the AP and your final selections; you have some really good PCs to choose from.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I will pump him up.

Card Caster

Basically it lets you throw cards like darts.

Also it adjusts Spellstrike to work only with cards so I could cast it and use it on a card and throw it rather than deliver with a melee weapon.

@gaming ranger thanks.

You too @Kavail Nor

Okay, I finally fully submit Eugeni Csillagos, Varisian Pistolero ready for revenge.

Aright folks, I think I am prepared to make my selection. I believe everyone that has said they want to submit has done so.

I will leave this here for a couple hours, and if I don't get any posts to please wait, I will close recruitment early.

Right now I will be taking 2, MAYBE three more

Alright. That is a wrap for this recruitment. Tough choices at the end, but below are the stories that I think need to be told. I have decided to take 3 more because in general I expect at least 1 person to drop out. This has always been the case in most of my PbP's I have run, as well as in most that I have played in.


Please make a post in Discussion. Please read from the beginning so you get all the instruction that you will need to get into the game ASAP

To those that did not get in. Thank you for submitting. I apologize if you are disappointed. There were several characters that I liked that are not getting in.

Grand Lodge

Sorry I missed this good luck

Good luck all

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