
Aldras Vayne's page

122 posts. Alias of Theorythmus.

Full Name

Aldras Vayne

About Aldras Vayne

the story:

Aldras Vayne was born and raised in the bustling city of Korvosa. Being the son of Dorian Vayne meant he lived a privileged life. His father had a good running trade business which kept slowly expanding. Being his only son, Aldras joined his father on many a business trip to some of his trading partners. One of these places was Janderhoff. Here Aldras learned the value of precious metals and how to tell real from fake, which was a very important skill for someone trading in large quantities of these items.

One day Dorian took his son to see a performance by Myrro, Magician of Mystery. It was there and then that Aldras fell in love with the art of "stage magic". Aldras went to many more of Myrro's performances and even learned a few tricks himself and performed them with great glee for his friends. He also had a knack of getting out of the family manor to roam around when he should be sleeping.

When Aldras reached the age of 15, his father came down with a serious illness, which meant that Aldras had to become the head of the Vayne Trading Company until his father could recover. Although he got support from his father's accountants and some other members of the Vayne family, being trust in such a position at his age had its toll. Aldras needed to focus all of his attention on running the business, which meant he had no time for his hobby, nor his friends. This focus payed off, for in the next decade he had expanded the business with several extra warehouses and new trade partners. In this time his Dorian Vayne had grown more ill. One evening, he had called for his son. "Aldras, you have done much for our family and made me a proud man." He paused for a moment, sitting up straight to get a better look at his son. "But it seems you have lost something along the way. Promise me you find it again when I am here no more."

These words, which were to be his last, stuck firmly in Aldras' mind. And while he was occupied with arranging his father's funeral he looked back at the past and what it was his father had been talking about. It dawned on him that he had been busy with nothing but the family business forsaking his childhood joys. Wanting to honor his promise, he went to work, trying to reclaim what he had lost.

Firstly, he promoted his cousin, Sylas Vayne, up in the business, teaching him everything he knew. Grooming him to become the general manager of the company. Secondly, he went back to going to performances of stage magicians. Thirdly, he reconnected with some of his childhood friends talking about old times and catching up on what they had done in the past years. Finally, he started training his tricks again. He then approached Myrro under the guise of Damiano, an up-and coming stage magician, hoping he could mentor him. Myrro accepted and Damiano started doing small performances in the inns and on the streets of Korvosa, slowly growing his act and gaining fame. Not wanting to get the magic act tied to the Vayne name in order to not spoil the family name if something would go wrong, he furthered his plans.

He announced that he would step down as the head of the Trading Company and would take on a more advisory role. Which meant he would mostly spend his time either at the family manor or traveling around Golarion to look for potential trade venues. After doing this for a short while he approached Merric Adano, one of his old friends and an accomplished bard, with a very interesting business offer. To take Aldras' place at public appearances and when traveling abroad, so Aldras could focus on other, more personal affairs.

Damiano build the Mercurial Magic Market in the North Point district. It is a place for would-be stage magicians and other enthusiasts, through a substantial loan he acquired from Myrro and some of his personal money.

The shop also houses a secret area where Damiano can stay the night after his performances. He continued training under the tutelage of Myrro and through his growing fame, he payed of the loan for the Magic Market in a short time. He also adopted the moniker “Duke of Deception” to add some extra flair to his persona and his performances.

Around this time Aldras found a new and exhilarating way to train and hone his skills further. He started breaking into places. He started small, but he quickly broke into more and more secure places. At first it was just for the thrill and training, but then it grew into something more. A private viewing of a new exhibit in one of Korvosa’s musea, reading an old tome in the University of Korvosa after hours to stealing art objects from nobles who mainly had them as a status symbol and not to appreciate its beauty as a piece of art.

Knowing he couldn’t store these things in the Vayne manor, nor keep them in the small quarters he had under the Magic Market, he hired several teams to construct a manor for him, complete with several secret rooms and training grounds, so he could practice his act with his stage hands away from prying eyes.

Now at the blessed age of 45, Aldras, under the guise of Damiano, can be found browsing a book shop while looking back at his life. The Vayne Trading Company is still growing its business and is as strong as ever. While from his magic shop and act he gets a great sense of accomplishment and happiness. And most people are none the wiser that he leads such a varied and interesting life. So it came as a surprise to him, when he read the note tucked into the book he had just bought.

"Greetings Master Aldras. The city of Korvosa needs yours and Damiano's abilities. Please ask for me at the Romani's music shop at Bridgefront tomorrow at dawn. Me, and the city, will be always be in your debt. Alika."

Vayne Family:

Ignacius Vayne deceased + Alina Myrano deceased
--> Dorian Vayne deceased + Lydia Nilaso deceased
----> Aldras Vayne

--> Merryc Vayne deceased + Irena Nilaso
----> Sylas Vayne + Anna Thomsen
------> Braham Vayne
------> Johanna Vayne
------> Miranda Vayne

----> Morgan Vayne + Helena Schmid
------> Natalya Vayne

--> Adele Vayne


Aldras Vayne/Damiano, Duke of Deception:

Male Human
Rogue 10 (Burglar/Underground Chemist) / Shadowdancer 6
NG Medium humanoid (Human) Middle-aged (accounted for in stats)
Init +5; Senses Perception +20(+25 vs traps), darkvision 60 ft
AC : 20 | T : 16 | F : 14 (+4 Armor +5 Dex +1 Dodge)
HP 128 (16d8)
Fort +5, Ref +15, Will +7
Speed 30 ft.
Melee +1 Merciful Rapier +17 (1d6+3 18-20/x2 | P)
. . Sap +13 (1d6+2 20/x2 | B) [non-lethal]
. . Silversheen Rapier +17 (1d6+1 18-20/x2 | P)
Ranged Darkwood Hand crossbow +17 (1d4 19-20/x2 | range 30 ft | P)
(Ammunition: Adamantine Grappling bolts)
STR 14 DEX 20 CON 11 INT 14 WIS 14 CHA 14
BAB +11; CMB +13; CMD 29
Feats Dodge, Skill Focus (Stealth), Mobility, Combat Reflexes, Quick Draw, Skill Focus (Acrobatics), Deft Hands, Deceitful, Extra Rogue Talent --> Face in the crowd, Weapon Finesse, Skill Focus (Bluff)
Rogue Talents Trap Spotter, Scavenger, Fast Stealth, Quick Disable, Fast Picks, Hide in Plain Sight (Urban), Expert Leaper, Ninja Trick --> Undetected Sabotage
Traits Coincunning (Janderhoff), Stealthy Escape
ACP -0
FCB lvl 1 till 4 Skills, lvl 5 till 10 1/6 rogue talent
Class Skills: Acrobatics (Dex), Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disable Device (Dex), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (dungeoneering) (Int), Knowledge (local) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Perception (Wis), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Stealth (Dex), Swim (Str), and Use Magic Device (Cha).
[ranks]+CS bonus+Stat Bonus+ACP+other=Total
*Acrobatics [16]+3+5+6=30
*Appraise [10]+3+2=15
*Bluff [10]+3+2+6+4=25
*Climb [3]+3+2=8
*Craft(Cloth) [1]+3+2=6
*Craft(Alchemy) [1]+3+2+5=11
*Diplomacy [1]+3+2=6
*Disable Device [10]+3+5+6+4+2(+5²)=30(35²)
*Disguise [11]+3+2+4+2=22
*Escape Artist [1]+3+5=9
Handle Animal
Knowledge(Arcana) [2]+0+2=4
*Knowledge(Dungeoneering) [1]+3+2=6
Knowledge(Engineering) [2]+0+2=4
Knowledge(Geography) [2]+0+2=4
Knowledge(History) [1]+0+2=3
*Knowledge(Local) [8]+3+2=13
Knowledge(Nobility) [2]+0+2=4
*Linguistics [1]+3+2=6
*Perception [15]+3+2(+5²)=20(25²)
*Perform(Dance) [2]+3+2=7
*Perform(Oratory) [2]+3+2=7
*Profession(Merchant/Trader) [2]+3+2=7
*Sense Motive [5]+3+2=10
*Sleight of Hand [16]+3+5+4=28
Spellcraft [1]+0+2=3
*Stealth [16]+3+5+6=30
*Swim [3]+3+2=8
*Use Magic Device [7]+3+2=12

² only to find/disable traps

Sneak Attack +5d6
Chemical Weapons (Ex): An underground chemist is able to retrieve an alchemical item as if drawing a weapon. She adds her Intelligence modifier to damage dealt with splash weapons, including any splash damage. She adds 1/2 her level to Craft (alchemy) checks.
Trap Sense (Ex) +3
Careful Disarm: Whenever a burglar attempts to disarm a trap using Disable Device, she does not spring the trap unless she fails by 10 or more. If she does set off a trap she was attempting to disarm, she adds double her trap sense bonus to avoid the trap.
Distraction: Whenever a burglar is detected while using Stealth, she can immediately attempt a Bluff skill check opposed by the Sense Motive skill of the creature that spotted her. If this check succeeds, the target assumes that the noise was something innocent and disregards the detection. This only functions if the creature cannot see the rogue. This ability can only be used once during a given Stealth attempt. If the same creature detects the rogue’s presence again, the ability has no effect.
Hide in Plain Sight (Su)
Evasion (Ex)
Darkvision (Ex) 60 ft
Uncanny Dodge (Ex)
Shadow Illusion (Sp) 3/day
Summon Shadow (Su)
Shadow Call (Sp) 2/day
Shadow Jump (Su) 80 ft
Defensive Roll (Ex)
Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex)
Heart of the Streets: Humans from bustling cities are skilled with crowds. They gain a +1 racial bonus on Reflex saves and a +1 dodge bonus to Armor Class when adjacent to at least two other allies. Crowds do not count as difficult terrain for them. This racial trait replaces skilled.
Focused Study: All humans are skillful, but some, rather than being generalists, tend to specialize in a handful of skills. At 1st, 8th, and 16th level, such humans gain Skill Focus in a skill of their choice as a bonus feat. This racial trait replaces the bonus feat trait.

Languages Common, Dwarven, Gnome, Korvosan(Common)

Mythic Path: Trickster Tier 1
General Mythic Abilities
Hard to Kill (Ex)
Mythic Power (Su) 5/day
Surge (Su) 1d6
+4 HP/Tier

Path Attack
Fleet Charge (Ex)

Path Abilities
Unwavering Skill (Ex)

Mythic Feats Deft Hands(Mythic)

Umbræ, Damiano' Shadow:

Shadow Companion
Male shadow
NE Medium undead (incorporeal)
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +8
AC 15, touch 15, flat-footed 10 (+2 deflection, +2 dexterity, +1 dodge)
hp 64 (8d8)
Fort +7, Ref +12, Will +6; +4 bonus vs. channeled energy
Defensive Abilities channel resistance +4, incorporeal; Immune undead traits
Speed fly 40 ft. (good)
Melee Incorporeal Touch +13 (1d6 Strength)
Str —, Dex 14, Con —, Int 6, Wis 12, Cha 15
BAB[b] +11; [b]CMB +13; CMD 26
Feats Dodge, Skill Focus (Perception)
Skills Fly +11, Perception +8, Stealth +8 (+12 in dim light, -4 in bright light); Racial Modifiers +4 Stealth in dim light, -4 in bright light
SQ Strength damage, Cannot be turned or commanded, Can communicate intelligibly with Shadowdancer
Gear none
Special Abilities
Channel Resistance +4 +4 bonus to save vs. Channel Energy.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
Flight (40 feet, Good) You can fly!
Immunity to Ability Drain Immunity to ability drain
Immunity to Bleeds You are immune to bleeds.
Immunity to Critical Hits You are immune to Critical Hits
Immunity to Death Effects You are immune to death effects.
Immunity to Disease You are immune to diseases.
Immunity to Energy Drain Immune to energy drain
Immunity to Exhausted You are immune to the exhausted condition.
Immunity to Fatigue You are immune to the fatigued condition.
Immunity to Mind-Affecting effects You are immune to Mind-Affecting effects.
Immunity to Non-lethal Damage You are immune to Non-Lethal Damage
Immunity to Paralysis You are immune to paralysis.
Immunity to Physical Ability Damage Immune to ability damage to your physical abilities.
Immunity to Poison You are immune to poison.
Immunity to Precision Damage You are immune to Precision Damage
Immunity to Sleep You are immune to sleep effects.
Immunity to Stunning You are immune to being stunned.
Incorporeal (Ex) You aren't quite here.
Strength Damage (Su) A shadow's touch deals 1d6 points of Strength damage to a living creature. This is a negative energy effect. A creature dies if this Strength damage equals or exceeds its actual Strength score.
Undead Traits Undead have many immunities and use Cha in place of a Con for all effects.

Bank Balance:

300000 GP
- Main Warehouse & docks in Korvosa (32780 GP)
- Janderhoff Warehouse (9720 GP)
- 3 other warehouses (7740 GP/warehous --> 23220 GP)
- 3 Trading vessels (15970 GP/vessel --> 47910 GP)
- 6 Caravans (2640 GP/caravan --> 15840 GP)
- The Mercurial Magic Market (11830 GP)
- Vayne's Family Manor (26970 GP)
- Damiano's Manor (38570 GP)
- Vayne's Double (7290 GP)
- Manager expenses (5870 GP)
80000 GP
- equipment (54106 GP)
- clothing (5942 GP)
- books (1505 GP)
- alchemical consumables (1625 GP)
- magical consumables [potions/wands/one use magical items]) (9700 GP)
7122 GP in disposable income / savings at start of adventure


The VTC (Vayne Trade Company) and its holdings. The main warehouse and docks are located in the Midland district.

Vayne Trade Company Main Warehouse & Docks:

Managers: General Business Manager (10 GP/day) [Sylas Vayne]
Accountant (3 GP/day)
Organization 1 (Day Shift): 2 Bureaucrats (200 GP), 16 laborers (70 GP), 1 Elite guards (170 GP), 1 Elite Archers (380 GP), 2 craftspeople (200 GP)
Organization 2 (Night shift): 1 Bureaucrats (200 GP), 4 laborers (70 GP), 1 Elite guards (170 GP), 1 Elite Archers (380 GP)
Rooms: 3 Animal Pens (250 GP), 6 Docks (320 GP), 2 offices (510 GP*), 4 Scriptorium (320 GP) , 54 Storage (220 GP**), 12 Vault (370 GP***), 1 Storefront (190 GP), 7 Furnishings (office x 2, scriptorium x 4, storefront x1) (300 GP), 4 Defensive Walls (520 GP****), 1 Gatehouse (1200 GP*****), 8 Lavatories (120 GP), 1 Sewer Access (680 GP******), 1 Courtyard (180 GP), 2 workstation (300 GP)

Janderhoff Warehouse:

Managers: Accountant (3 GP/day) [Ingra Jorthvall]
Organization: 1 bureaucrats (200 GP), 7 laborers (70 GP), 2 Elite Guards (170 GP)
Rooms: 2 Animal Pen (250 GP), 1 Office (510 GP*), 1 Scriptorium (320 GP), 12 Storages (220 GP**), 4 Vaults (370 GP***), 1 Defensive Walls (520 GP****), 1 Gatehouse (1200 GP*****), 2 Furnishing (1 Office, 1 Scriptorium) (300 GP), 1 sewer access (680 GP******), 2 lavatory (120 GP)

3 other warehouses:

Manager: Accountant (3 GP/day)
Organization: 1 bureaucrats (200 GP), 4 laborers (70 GP), 1 Elite Guards (170 GP)
Rooms: 1 Animal Pen (250 GP), 1 Dock (320 GP), 1 Office (510 GP*), 1 Scriptorium (320 GP), 10 Storages (220 GP**), 1 Vaults (370 GP***), 1 Defensive Walls (520 GP****), 1 Gatehouse (1200 GP*****), 2 Furnishing (1 Office, 1 Scriptorium) (300 GP), 1 sewer access (680 GP******), 1 lavatory (120 GP)

Warehouse Room Upgrade Legend:

* All locks (1 on door, 2 on drawers) upgraded to superior locks from simple lock 130 GP x 3
** Average lock upgraded to Superior lock 100 GP
*** Good luck upgraded to Superior lock 70 GP
**** Stone Walls of 20 ft in height (double the normal price)
***** Iron door (500 GP) with superior lock (upgrade from good lock 70 GP), tower layout
****** Iron door (500 GP) with superior lock (upgrade from good lock 70 GP)

3 Trade Vessels:

Manager: Captain (5 GP/day)
Organization: 7 Sailors (90 GP), 2 Elite Guards (170 GP)
Transportation: Sailing Ship (10000 GP), Broad Rudder (500 GP), 2 Increased Cargo Capacity (1500 GP), Silk Sails (1500 GP)

6 Caravans:

Manager: Caravan Master 5 GP/day)
Organization: 3 Driver (90 GP), 1 Cavalry (400 GP), 1 Cavalry Archers (470 GP)
Transportation: 6 Heavy horse (200 GP), 3 Wagon, Heavy (100 GP)

A magic shop, located in the North Point district. It's mostly visited by would-be illusionists, street magicians and other such people.
The Mercurial Magic Market:

Manager: Master Crafter 4 GP/day (also the mage in the organization costs) [Archibald]
Organization: 1 bureaucrats (200 GP), 4 craftspeople (200 GP), 1 Mage (960 GP)
Rooms: 1 Artisan's Workshop (Novelty Magician’s items (fireworks, …)) (360 GP), 1 Workstation (puzzles/…) (300 GP), 1 Clockwork shop (360 GP), 1 offices (510 GP*),1 Alchemy Lab (390 GP), 2 Lavatory (120 GP), 2 Storage (220 GP**), 1 Storefront (190 GP), 1 sewer access (680 GP ***), 1 Secret Room (passage way) (870 GP****)³ connecting to : 1 Bedroom (300 GP)³, 1 Storage (220 GP**)³, 1 Escape Route (1010 GP*****)³

* All locks (1 on door, 2 on drawers) upgraded to superior locks from simple lock 130 x 3
** Average lock upgraded to Superior lock 100 GP
*** Iron door (500 GP) with superior lock (upgrade from good lock 70 GP)
**** Secret door DC 30 to spot, superior lock on the other end of the hallway.
***** Secret door DC 30 to spot, superior lock on the other end of the hallway.

³extra cost for warding against detection/scrying (base room x 4), bedroom = 1200 GP, Escape route = 1440 GP, Secret room = 880 GP, storage room = 480 GP → Total = 4000 GP

Vayne's Decoy:

Manager: "Aldras Vayne’s Double" (also the mage in the organization costs) (10 GP/day) [Merric Adano]
Organization: 1 Mage (Bard) (960 GP), 1 bureaucrats (200 GP), 1 driver (90 GP), 2 lackeys (120 GP), 1 Elite Guard (170 GP)
Transportation: Carriage (200 GP²), heavy horse (200 GP)
Specific equipment: 4 Noble’s outfit (75 GP), 4 Accesories (265 GP), 2 Reversible cloak (100 GP), Wig 500 GP, other items (high end make-up, prosthetics, ...) 500 GP, Hat of Disguise (1800 GP), Silvesheen Rapier (770 GP + 100 GP for ornamental scabbard)

² Fancier carriage

Vayne Family Manor:

Manager: Steward (2GP / day) [Andros Thorsen]
Organization: 1 bureaucrats (200 GP), 6 lackeys (120 GP), 3 drivers (90 GP), 4 Elite Guards (170 GP)
Rooms: 1 Bar (250 GP), 1 Bath (130 GP), 3 Bedrooms (300 GP), 1 Bedroom (300 GP)³, 2 Courtyards (180 GP), 4 Defensive Walls (520 GP*), 1 Escape Route (1010 GP**), 9 Furnishings (1 Bar, 4 Bedrooms, 2 Offices and 2 Sitting Rooms) (300 GP), 1 Garden (180 GP), 1 Gatehouse (2280 GP***), 1 Kitchen (160 GP), 1 Labyrinth (370 GP), 1 Laundry (120 GP), 2 Lavatory (120 GP), 2 Lodging (430 GP), 2 Offices (510 GP****), 2 Secret Rooms (720 GP*****), 2 Sitting Rooms (480 GP), 2 Stall (250 GP), 1 Statue (410 GP ******), 2 Storages (220 GP*******), 1 Trophy Room (4250 GP********), 1 Vault (370 GP *********), 1 sewer access (680 GP **********) ,Consecrated Crypt (Family grave) (690 GP***********)
Transportation: 3 Carriage (200 GP²), 3 heavy horse (200 GP)

* Stone Walls of 20 ft in height (doubled the price)
** Secret door DC 30 to spot, superior lock on the other end of the hallway.
*** Iron door (500 GP) with superior lock (upgrade from good lock 70 GP), tower layout, Iron portcullis (1000 GP), Gauntlet (80 GP)
**** All locks (1 on door, 2 on drawers) upgraded to superior locks from simple lock 130 x 3
***** Secret door DC 30 to spot
****** Statue area with Marble and Gold Statue worth 350 GP
******* Average lock upgraded to Superior lock 100 GP
******** Paintings and other assorted art worth 4000 GP
********* Good luck upgraded to Superior lock 70 GP
********** Iron door (500 GP) with superior lock (upgrade from good lock 70 GP)
*********** Payed 200 GP to make the Crypt grounds holy ground.

² Fancier carriage
³warding against detection/scrying (base room x 5), bedroom = 1200 GP

Damiano's Manor:

Manager(s): Steward (2GP / day)
Stage Manager (2GP / day) [Enrico Beneso]
Organization 1 (House Staff): 3 lackeys (120 GP), 1 driver (90 GP), 2 Elite Guards (170 GP), 1 Elite Archers (380 GP)
Organization 2 (Damiano’s Show Entourage): 5 Apprentices (520 GP), 2 craftspeople (200 GP), 1 laborers (70 GP), 2 drivers (90 GP), 1 lackeys (120 GP)
Rooms: 1 Bar (250 GP), 1 Bath (130 GP), 2 Bedrooms (300 GP), 1 Bedroom (300 GP)³, 2 Courtyards (180 GP), 4 Defensive Walls (520 GP*), 1 Escape Route (1010 GP**), 8 Furnishings (1 Bar, 3 Bedrooms, 2 Offices and 2 Sitting Rooms) (300 GP), 1 Garden (180 GP), 1 Gatehouse (2280 GP***), 1 Kitchen (160 GP), 1 Labyrinth (370 GP), 1 Laundry (120 GP), 2 Lavatory (120 GP), 2 Lodging (430 GP), 2 Offices (510 GP****), 1 Secret Room (720 GP*****), 2 Sitting Rooms (480 GP), 2 Stall (250 GP), 2 Storages (220 GP******), 1 Trophy Room (2250 GP*******), 1 Vault (370 GP ********), 1 Sauna (120 GP), 1 sewer access (680 GP *********), 2 book repositories (460 GP) [Engineering, Local], 1 Dojo (to train for performances) (310 GP), 1 Alchemy Lab (390 GP)³, 1 Secret Rooms (passage way) (870 GP**********)³ connecting to : 1 Storage (220 GP******)³, 1 Trophy Room (4250 GP***********)³ 1 Escape Route (1010 GP**)³
Transportation: 2 Carriage (200 GP²), 3 heavy horse (200 GP), 1 Heavy Wagon (100 GP)

* Stone Walls of 20 ft in height (doubled the price)
** Secret door DC 30 to spot, superior lock on the other end of the hallway.
*** Iron door (500 GP) with superior lock (upgrade from good lock 70 GP), tower layout, Iron portcullis (1000 GP), Gauntlet (80 GP)
**** All locks (1 on door, 2 on drawers) upgraded to superior locks from simple lock 130 x 3
***** Secret door DC 30 to spot
****** Average lock upgraded to Superior lock 100 GP
******* Paintings and other assorted art worth 2000 GP
******** Good luck upgraded to Superior lock 70 GP
********* Iron door (500 GP) with superior lock (upgrade from good lock 70 GP)
********** Secret door DC 30 to spot, superior lock on the other end of the hallway.
*********** Secret Trophy Room filled with Stolen art worth 4000 GP

² Fancier carriage
³warding against detection/scrying (base room x 5), bedroom = 1200 GP, alchemy lab = 1560 GP, trophy room = 1000 GP, Escape route = 1440 GP, Secret room = 880 GP, storage room = 480 GP → Total = 6560 GP


Sylas Vayne Aldras' cousin. A good man with an eye for business. After being personally groomed by Aldras for several years, he gladly took over the reins of the company when Aldras decided to step down as head of business. His family has lived with Aldras in the Vayne Manor since his father died. Is aware of Aldras' life as Damiano

Andros Thorsen The Steward of the Vayne Family Manor. An older gentleman who started working for the Vayne family as a young lad. Over the years he rose through the ranks of servants to his current position. He's a very reliable man and trusted by the family. Is aware of Aldras' life as Damiano

Archibald The Gnome manager of the Mercurial Magic Market. He's a crafter first and a wizard second. He runs the shop and manages the crafters who make the various items that get sold. He often comes up with new ideas for Damiano's shows and how to implement them. unaware of the link between Damiano & Aldras Vayne

Merric Adano One of Aldras Vayne's old childhood friends and a retired performer and bard. Currently has quite the cushy job posing as Aldras Vayne's double while traveling to various locales. Is aware of Aldras' life as Damiano, but for obvious reasons (friendship and his pay) he stays quiet about it.

Antonio & Ricardo De Luca Childhood friends of Aldras who he came in contact with after several years of silence. Both have a family and live in Korvosa. Aldras only sees them sparingly. unaware of the link between Damiano & Aldras Vayne

Ingra Jorthvall Dwarven Accountant and manager of the Janderhoff warehouse for the Vayne family. She's a local and ensures that the VTC gets the best wares and materials that can be found in Janderhoff. unaware of the link between Damiano & Aldras Vayne

Enrico Beneso Damiano's stage manager. He arranges when and where he performs and other details like that. Enjoys the rich lifestyle that comes from being the "manager" of such an accomplished performer. Could get him into trouble one day. unaware of the link between Damiano & Aldras Vayne

Myrro, Magician of Mystery Retired Stage Magician and shadowdancer, Damiano's idol, mentor and teacher. Myrro is a regular at Damiano's performances and Damiano visits him at his home when he can to talk about old times and dicuss the new tricks he has learned. unaware of the link between Damiano & Aldras Vayne

Gregory Lindholm a young lad, who is one of Damiano's biggest fans. Reminds Damiano/Aldras of himself when he was that age. Obviously unaware of the link between Damiano & Aldras Vayne


Silversheen Rapier 770 GP + 100 GP for ornamental scabbard [Vayne’s blade]
+1 Merciful Rapier 8320 | 2 lbs
mithral shirt 1100 GP | 10 lbs
sap 1 GP | 2 lbs
Darkwood Hand crossbow 420 GP | 1 lbs
with Durable adamantine grappling bolts [range increment of 30 ft] 62 GP | ½ lb / bolt x 10
and silk rope 10 GP | 5 lbs / 50 ft x3
Pathfinder Pouch 1000 GP | 1 lb
Muleback cords 1000 GP | ¼ lb
backpack, MW 50 GP | 4 lbs
MW thieves’ tools 100 GP | 2 lbs
Diguise kit 50 GP | 8 lbs / kit x 4
Adamantine wiresaw 150 GP | - (replacement wire 145 GP x 5)
glass cutter 5 GP | -
glue paper 1 SP | - / paper x 20
spyglass 1000 GP | 1 lb
bandolier x 2 5 SP | -
concealing pocket 1000 GP | -
Spring loaded Wrist sheaths 5 GP | 1 lb x 2
Iron Vial 1 SP | 1 lb x 20 (to put potions in)
Bag of holding type I 2500 GP | 15 lbs (to transport items between the MMM & the Damiano Manor)
Amulet of proof against detection and location 35000 GP | -


“Aldras Vayne” clothing:
4 Noble’s outfit (75 GP), 4 Accesories (265 GP), 2 Reversible cloak (100 GP) → 1560 GP
“Damiano disguise” : Wig 500 GP, other items (high end make-up, prosthetics, ...) 500 GP
“Damiano’s work attire” : “Damiano disguise” +
2 Darkleaf Cloth Entertainer’s outfit (503 GP), 2 fire-resistant boots (20 GP) → 1046 GP
“Damiano’s private attire” : “Damiano disguise” +
4 Noble’s outfit (75 GP), 4 Accesories (150 GP), 2 Reversible cloak (100 GP) → 1100 GP
“Damiano incognito attire” : “Damiano disguise” +
Explorer’s outfit (10 GP) | 8 lbs (with scarf & hat)
“Hobby clothing” x 2 (one in the secret bedroom of the MMM & one in the Damiano Manor) :
Darkleaf Cloth Pickpocket's Outfit 505 GP | 1.5 lbs
Pocketed Scarf 8 GP | ½ lb
Reversible cloak 100 GP | 1 lb


Information list
Adventurer’s chronicle 50 GP | 1 lb / Knowledge subject (All subjects [Arcana, Dungeoneering, Engineering, Geography, History, Local, Nature, Nobility, Planes, Religion]) = 500 GP
Blue book (Korvosa) 5 GP | 1 lb
Book of puzzles 50 GP | 1 lb / book (10 puzzles) x 20 = 1000 GP

Alchemical consumables:

Information list
Antiplague 50 GP | - x 2
Antitoxin 50 GP | - x 2
Bloodblock 25 GP | - x 2
Clear ear 15 GP | - x 2
Smelling salts 25 GP | - x 1
Soothe syrup 25 GP | 0.5 lbs x 2
Twitch tonic 45 GP | - x 2
Smokestick 20 GP | 0.5 lbs x 4
Thunderstone 30 GP | 1 lb x 2
Quick freeze oil 50 GP | 1 lb x 4
Acid 10 GP | 1 lb x 5
Air crystals 50 GP | - x 2
Alchemical Glue 20 GP | 0.5 lb x 2
Alchemical Glue Accelerant 25 GP | - x 2
Alchemical solvent 20 GP | 0.5 lb x 2
Impact Foam 25 GP | 1 lb x 4
Deodorizing Agent 30 GP | - x 2
Incense, scentbane 80 GP | - x 2
Flash powder 50 GP | - x 4
Scent cloak 20 GP | 2 lbs x 2

Magic consumables (potions/wands/1-use items):

Potion of Cure Serious Wounds (CL5) 750 GP | - x 5
Potion of Water Breathing (CL5) 750 GP | - x 2
Potion of Invisibility (CL3) 300 GP | - x 1
Potion of Disguise Other (CL3) 300 GP | - x 2
Wand of Comprehend Languages (50 charges) 750 GP | -
Key of lock jamming 400 GP | 0.5 lb x 4
Snapleaf 750 GP | - x 2
Universal Solvent 50 GP | - x 2
