Kill Team Epsilon Zeta (DeathWatch) Mission 1 -- Final Sanction

Game Master Radavel

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Male Space Wolf Devastator

Awareness (55-20+30/+10) - 1d100 ⇒ 91FAIL

Viluf grins at the Blood Angel, "I'm starting to like you kid..."

Dark Archive

Viluf Irontooth wrote:

Awareness (55-20+30/+10) - 1d100FAIL

Viluf grins at the Blood Angel, "I'm starting to like you kid..."

A genestealer emerges from beneath you and immediately attacks you.

attack 1d100 ⇒ 59 Hit unless you dodge or parry it.

Dark Archive

Leonadist wrote:
Leonadist nods to Viluf, then to the genestealer Lets destroy that abomination

No awareness check

A genestealer emerges from the ground to attack you.

Attack 1d100 ⇒ 86 You are lucky it is a miss

Dark Archive

Round 2 actions from Viluf, Leonadist and Reinald, please. Plus Viluf reaction to the attack against him.

Male Speciality:Deathwatch Assault Marine| Chapter:Blood Angels | Rank 1 | XP Spent: 16950 | Xp Left:50

Leondist looks off to his side as the genestealers claws hit thedirt beside him. With a snarl, Leonadist stabs out with one sword and slashes across with the other.
Attack, 56, chainsword: 1d100 ⇒ 17 3dos
Dmg, if hit: 2d10 + 3 + 4 ⇒ (8, 8) + 3 + 4 = 23 15
Attack, 56, Ceremonial Sword: 1d100 ⇒ 89 3 dof
Dmg, if hit: 1d10 + 3 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 3 + 4 = 17

Male Space Wolf Devastator

AG 44-1d100 ⇒ 18

With reflexes as sharp as the wolf with which he shares his name, Viluf leaps backwards away from the genestealer before swinging the barrel of his Heavy Bolter up and grinning.

"Be f~@$ed!"

BS60+20+101d100 ⇒ 692dos
DMG-2d10 + 10 ⇒ (4, 10) + 10 = 24DMG 20, Pen 6

Dark Archive

The chaos battle further separate the team members from each other.

You guys are now effectively in solo mode, unless you make an active effort to reestablish contact.

Your attacks kill rebels soldiers easily but the full-blooded genestealers slowly regenerate their wounds.

Then the rebel soldiers and genestealers combine to hammer each of you.

Attack vs. each of you

Attack vs. Gaius 1d100 ⇒ 76 1d100 ⇒ 83

Attack vs. Einar 1d100 ⇒ 19 1d100 ⇒ 83

Attack vs. Leonadist 1d100 ⇒ 37 1d100 ⇒ 73

Attack vs. Reinald 1d100 ⇒ 49 1d100 ⇒ 26 2d10 + 12 ⇒ (10, 1) + 12 = 23 3 DoS

Attack vs. Viluf 1d100 ⇒ 67 1d100 ⇒ 99

Ultramarines Tactical Marine Rank 2 | Wounds: 21/21 | Fate: 3/3 | Kill-Team Cohesion: 13/13 | Current Mag: 28/28 | Oath: Astartes | Squad Advance, Bolter Assault, Tactical Spacing | Active Conditions: None.

-Regroup! All Brothers regroup!

Half: Aim. Half: Standard Attack (Bolt Pistol).

Bolt Pistol 46+10=56%: 1d100 ⇒ 91

Male Speciality:Deathwatch Assault Marine| Chapter:Blood Angels | Rank 1 | XP Spent: 16950 | Xp Left:50

Seeing Gaius call for the rest of the Space Marines to regroup, Leonadist swings twice more with his swords, and begins to move back towards the tactical marine.
Attk, Chainsword: 1d100 ⇒ 90 Total Fail, 3 dof
Attk, Ceremonial Sword: 1d100 ⇒ 22 3 dos
Dmg: 1d10 + 3 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 3 + 4 = 14
Gritting his teeth, and seeing his chainsword miss, Leonadist attempts to strike the enemy with his Ceremonial Sword

Ammo Sniper= 3full+4, Bolter= 3Full+28+ 25 Hellfire, Stalker pistol=2Full +13, 2Full Stalker, 1Full +10 Metal Storm. Space Wolf Wolf Scout 1, Wounds=15/20, Fate=2/3

Attack 47: 1d100 ⇒ 73 2dof Dmg roll 2 pick 1: 2d10 + 3 + 6 ⇒ (3, 4) + 3 + 6 = 16

Continuing his fight with the genestealer, determined to bring it down, Einar swings again. However this time it is easily parried by the genestealer 's claws.

Sorry for the delay

Male Space Wolf Devastator

Viluf howls loudly, throwing his head back as he swings his heavy bolter down at the genestealer.

1d100 ⇒ 82d10 + 10 ⇒ (3, 1) + 10 = 147DOS for 13 DMG

Dark Archive

The devastation that you deliver upon the rebels and the genestealers embeds itself in the collective memory of the surviving members of Bravo-Niner. Indeed, years later, they will continue to recount how the God-Emperor's Angels saved them from a fate worse than death. But such deeds do not come without cost. For in the midst of battle, explosions rock the battlefield where the Space Marine Apothecary fought.

Gaius, Leonadist, Einar and Viluf suffer 1d5 ⇒ 5 damage

Combat ends; you may now pick up the pieces/

Male Speciality:Deathwatch Assault Marine| Chapter:Blood Angels | Rank 1 | XP Spent: 16950 | Xp Left:50

Leonadist begins to wander through the battlefield, surveying the battlefield with a slight limp in his leg. .....Where is the apothecary?

Ammo Sniper= 3full+4, Bolter= 3Full+28+ 25 Hellfire, Stalker pistol=2Full +13, 2Full Stalker, 1Full +10 Metal Storm. Space Wolf Wolf Scout 1, Wounds=15/20, Fate=2/3

The dead piled around them, Einar salutes the space where Reinald had fought. This duty done he checks his weapons and reloads. Happy that he is ready for the next encounter, Einar rummages in his webbing, applying salves to the various claw marks that are already beginning to seal up, however he unable to reach the worst of them.
His wounds patched as best he can, Einar moves to his pack brother Viluf and does the same although with much greater success.

Medicae 1st aid, 44+20: 1d100 ⇒ 68 simple fail

Medicae Viluf 44+20: 1d100 ⇒ 7 5dos

I am away from my books so I'm not sure how much that will heal Viluf.

Dark Archive

Roll 1d5, Einar

The Apothecary's transponder is not transmitting nor is there any sign of him as the place where he last fought is now a massive hole. You don't know how deep the hole is but you have heard of sinkholes reaching for miles into a planet's crust.

Ammo Sniper= 3full+4, Bolter= 3Full+28+ 25 Hellfire, Stalker pistol=2Full +13, 2Full Stalker, 1Full +10 Metal Storm. Space Wolf Wolf Scout 1, Wounds=15/20, Fate=2/3

Healing: 1d5 ⇒ 4

Ultramarines Tactical Marine Rank 2 | Wounds: 21/21 | Fate: 3/3 | Kill-Team Cohesion: 13/13 | Current Mag: 28/28 | Oath: Astartes | Squad Advance, Bolter Assault, Tactical Spacing | Active Conditions: None.

Random Damage: 1d5 ⇒ 2

Gaius feels the helplessness of witnessing his Kill-team fall apart. Now, the apothecary...

But, in the end, the mission has to be done. He gathers the remaining forces and tries to get some news about the city. Gaius removes his helmet and faces the Bravo-Niners.

-Good job, guys. Now catch your breath. Tell me, what's the situation in the city? Can you lead us to the Governor's quarters?

Gaius will check the bodies and see if he can get some spare grenades.

Dark Archive

Roll 1d5, Gaius

The barely alive, almost dead members of Bravo-Niner emerge from the soup that is the fog of war. Pain, fear, sadness give way to relief as these soldiers realize they are alive. They see you and words cannot express their gratitude. They stand at attention and salute you.

Ultramarines Tactical Marine Rank 2 | Wounds: 21/21 | Fate: 3/3 | Kill-Team Cohesion: 13/13 | Current Mag: 28/28 | Oath: Astartes | Squad Advance, Bolter Assault, Tactical Spacing | Active Conditions: None.

1d5 ⇒ 5

Male Speciality:Deathwatch Assault Marine| Chapter:Blood Angels | Rank 1 | XP Spent: 16950 | Xp Left:50

Leonadist makes the sign of the Aquila, and moves back towards Gaius, patting him on the shoulder.

Dark Archive

Gaius Cornelius wrote:

5 frag grenades, 5 krak grenades were found among the dead. No bolter ammo though.

Male Speciality:Deathwatch Assault Marine| Chapter:Blood Angels | Rank 1 | XP Spent: 16950 | Xp Left:50

Leonadist moves towards the member of Bravo-Niner and begins speaking. Hello faithful servants of the Imperium and of the God-Emperor. You have proven yourselves to be courageous in battle. He moves toward the sergeant. You are a great commander... Removing his helmet, he says Keep it up, winks, and walks away, putting his hlmet on his head once more

Male Space Wolf Devastator

Viluf grins as his brother patches him up before gripping the smaller Wolf by the shoulders and jostling him around playfully. "Yeh kept the others alive while I was busy I see? Good lad good lad!" He turns and begins to examine the hole in the ground.

"Well that is another of us gone. Do ya ever feel like we are losin Spacemarines like flies here? Two in less than a day just up and POOF disappear. And then the Blood Angel pops out o nowhere like a jack in the box. This planet is weird!"

Ultramarines Tactical Marine Rank 2 | Wounds: 21/21 | Fate: 3/3 | Kill-Team Cohesion: 13/13 | Current Mag: 28/28 | Oath: Astartes | Squad Advance, Bolter Assault, Tactical Spacing | Active Conditions: None.

-Alright,- says Gaius after everyone has caught their breaths, -You've done fantastic. Now, we need to get to the Governor's quarters. But the city is far from safe. Even when we free a zone from the infestation, we need to keep it safe. Now you, having proven to be fierce and tenacious fighters... will you do a last effort for your fellow citizens? Will you carry on with your duty to this planet, to humanity and to the Emperor? Will you help us secure the future of your children, your brothers and sisters? I bet you will! Come with us and help us keep this city free!

Gaius raises his fist.

-For the Emperor!

Then he sets ready to keep on the mission.

Dark Archive

The rest of the kill-team proceed to the Governor's mansion.

After some time, you find it. So far, its adamantium walls seem to be proof against the violence that has afflicted this planet.

You notice PDF troopers guarding the walls at regular intervals, while the gate is closed.

Male Speciality:Deathwatch Assault Marine| Chapter:Blood Angels | Rank 1 | XP Spent: 16950 | Xp Left:50

Leonadist begins to walk up, towards the gate. He asks one of the Pdf Guards Where is the Governor?

Dark Archive

The PDF troopers' awe and surprise at your unexpected appearance is plain for you to see. One who appears to be in-charge, can barely stifle his stammer. With a gesture he points you to the mansion within.

Suddenly an alarm goes off and the automated defense systems start firing.

The PDF troopers are too late in closing the gate and a troop of genestealers barrel through gate, they make straight for you, Space Marines.

A total of 12 genestealers are present; 4 attack the PDF and the remaining 8 attack you; that's 2 each.

Roll Initiative.

Ultramarines Tactical Marine Rank 2 | Wounds: 21/21 | Fate: 3/3 | Kill-Team Cohesion: 13/13 | Current Mag: 28/28 | Oath: Astartes | Squad Advance, Bolter Assault, Tactical Spacing | Active Conditions: None.

-Fire at will! For the Emperor!

Initiative: 1d10 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11

Will activate Bolter Assault

Male Speciality:Deathwatch Assault Marine| Chapter:Blood Angels | Rank 1 | XP Spent: 16950 | Xp Left:50

Init: 1d10 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13
Leonadist draws his bolter in one hand, switches to Hellfire Rounds, and draws his chainsword in the other hand.

Ammo Sniper= 3full+4, Bolter= 3Full+28+ 25 Hellfire, Stalker pistol=2Full +13, 2Full Stalker, 1Full +10 Metal Storm. Space Wolf Wolf Scout 1, Wounds=15/20, Fate=2/3

As they had approached the bastion, Einar had holstered his weapons, readying his bolter to defend the walls. Now as the genestealers race through the gate he drags his chainsword out and flicks his bolter to hellfire rounds.

Initiative: 1d10 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12

Male Space Wolf Devastator

"The good thing about Deathwatch...? We get to kill so many interesting people!"

Viluf howled as he span up his Bolter with a litany of prayers, following his brother Wolf and the Blood Angel and clicking to Hellfire rounds.

1d10 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11

Dark Archive

The PDF troopers are slow in reacting hence the killing began with them. On the other hand, being Space Marines, you are faster, no, expected to go first.

Declare action and rolls etc and I will resolve them. Remember, each marine is facing 2 genestealers. Make it count.

Male Speciality:Deathwatch Assault Marine| Chapter:Blood Angels | Rank 1 | XP Spent: 16950 | Xp Left:50

Leonadist pulls out his bolter and fires at the nearest genestealer, and seeing that the shells flew right past the creature, charges in with both swords.
Attk, Bolter, 42: 1d100 ⇒ 62 2 dof
Attk, Chainsword, 56: 1d100 ⇒ 35 2 dos
Dmg: 2d10 + 3 + 4 ⇒ (5, 3) + 3 + 4 = 15 12 damage
Attk, Ceremonial Sword, 56: 1d100 ⇒ 82 2 dof

Ultramarines Tactical Marine Rank 2 | Wounds: 21/21 | Fate: 3/3 | Kill-Team Cohesion: 13/13 | Current Mag: 28/28 | Oath: Astartes | Squad Advance, Bolter Assault, Tactical Spacing | Active Conditions: None.

Bolter Assault with Bolt Pistol (Kraken Rounds), then switch to Assault Shotgun and Full-Auto (and hope we're at point blank after the advance from BA).

Bolter Assault (Point Blank) 46+30=76%: 1d100 ⇒ 86 Really...

Full Auto (Assault Shotgun, Point Blank) 46+20+30=96%: 1d100 ⇒ 89 Really...
1 fp => 1d100 ⇒ 99 Really...

Ammo Sniper= 3full+4, Bolter= 3Full+28+ 25 Hellfire, Stalker pistol=2Full +13, 2Full Stalker, 1Full +10 Metal Storm. Space Wolf Wolf Scout 1, Wounds=15/20, Fate=2/3

With 2 approaching him, Einar, takes the opportunity to catch both (and any others within range) with a grenade, before straightening and loosing a short burst of fire at the most wounded genestealer.

Bolter assault frag 50: 1d100 ⇒ 53 simple fail
FP reroll: 1d100 ⇒ 47 simple pass
dmg: 2d10 + 2 ⇒ (3, 2) + 2 = 7 7x
dmg 2: 2d10 + 2 ⇒ (4, 7) + 2 = 13 13x

semi-auto 50+10: 1d100 ⇒ 501dos
Dmg (tearing): 2d10 + 9 ⇒ (7, 8) + 9 = 24 Pick the 8 for 17x pen 4, ignores natural armour.

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