Man with a Pickaxe

Gaius Cornelius's page

98 posts. Alias of Jereru.


| Wounds: 21/21 | Fate: 3/3 | Kill-Team Cohesion: 13/13 | Current Mag: 28/28 |


Oath: Astartes | Squad Advance, Bolter Assault, Tactical Spacing | Active Conditions: None.


Ultramarines Tactical Marine Rank 2

About Gaius Cornelius


Gaius belongs to an important family in his home world, Urbis II. His family, the Gens Cornelia, has a long record of Generals and Tacticians, and many family members have ended serving in the Ultramarines Chapter, either as Space Marines themselves or as advisors.

Gaius entered the Ultramarines, but he was never a tactical genius. Many who knew his family expected from him a tactical mind which he didn't have, same as had happened when he was an ordinary human. The pressure has been there all his life, and after some incident with a veteran, he was recommended to take some time away from Ultramar, in a place where nobody would expect him to live up to the Cornelius name.

He thought it a good idea, and a chance to show everyone that he might not be a good tactician, but he can be a good leader.

Chapter Demeanour: Honour the Codex

Offence & Defence:

Astartes Combi-Weapon (Exceptional): 46% 100m S/4/- 1d10+12 X Pen 4
Astartes Combi-Weapon (Exceptional): (Melta Mode) 46% 30m S/-/- 2d10+14 E Pen 12 (x2 at Short)
+Fire Selector
+Motion Sensor (+10 BS in Semi or Full Auto)
-Tearing: Roll 1d10 extra, choose higher.
W/ Kraken Rounds: 150m Pen 8

Astartes Bolter Pistol: 46% 30m S/2/- 1d10+11 X Pen 4
+Fire Selector
+Red Dot Laser Sight (+10 BS in Single Shot)
-Tearing: Roll 1d10 extra, choose higher.
W/ Kraken Rounds: 45m Pen 8

Astartes Combat Knife: 41% 1d10+8 R Pen 2

Movement: 5/10/15/30
Initiative: +4

Parry: 41%
Dodge: 49%
Total Soak: Body: 18 | Rest: 16
Wounds: 21


WS: 41 +4 (30 +11)
BS: 51 +5 (30 +11 +5 Chapter +5 Adv)
Str: 59 +6 (30 +9 +Ux2 +20 Armour)
Tou: 48 +8 (30 +18 +Ux2)
Agi: 49 +4 (30 +14 +5 Adv)
Int: 44 +4 (30 +14)
Per: 37 +3 (30 +7)
Wil: 41 +4 (30 +6 +5 Adv)
Fel: 60 +6 (30 +10 +5 Chapter +15 Adv)

Renown: 20

Fate: 3




Awareness 37 Per
Carouse 24 Tou/2
Charm 60 Fel
Climb 59 Str
Command 80 Fel+20
Concealment 19 Agi-30
Contortionist 24 Agi/2
Deceive 30 Fel/2
Dodge 49 Agi
Evaluate 22 Int/2
Gamble 18 Per/2
Inquiry 30 Fel/2
Intimidate 59 Str
Logic 22 Int/2
Scrutiny 18 Per/2
Search 18 Per/2
Silent Move 19 Agi-30
Swim 29 Str/2

Cyphers (Chapter Runes) 44 Int
Drive (Ground) 49 Agi
Literacy 44 Int
L: Common (Adeptus Astartes) 44 Int
L: Common (Imperium) 44 Int
L: Common (War) 44 Int
L: Forbidden (Xenos) 44 Int
L: Scholastic (Codex Astartes) 54 Int +10
Navigation (Surface) 44 Int
Speak (High Gothic) 44 Int
Speak (Low Gothic) 44 Int
Tactics (Assault Doctrine) 44 Int
Tracking 44 Int

Talents & Traits:

Ambidextrous Ignore off-hand penalties
Astartes Weapon Training Proficient with everything but Exotic
Bulging Biceps Fire Heavy Weapons without bracing
Heightened Senses (Sight, Hearing) +10 to related tests
Killing Strike In All-Out Attack, use 1 FP to ignore parry and dodge for 1 round
Nerves of Steel Reroll Will tests to avoid or recover from Pinning
Quick Draw Ready 1-h Melee, Basic and Pistol weapons as Free
Resistance (Psy) +10 to resist Psy powers
True Grit Cut CRitical Damage taken by half
Unarmed Warrior See Unarmed Master
Unarmed Master Unarmed attacks deal 1d10+STR and don't count as Unarmed or Primitive
Deathwatch Training Auto-confirm Righteous Fury vs Xenos
Dark Sight See normally in darkness
Rapid Reload Half all reload times.
Air of Authority Use Command with 1d10+Fel subordinates. Use Command -10 with non-subordinates.
Signature Wargear Motion Sensor
Mighty Shot +2 Dmg to ranged attacks

Unnatural Strength x2 Double Str bonus, add to successful Opposed Rolls, substract from Difficulty
Unnatural Toughness x2 Double Tou bonus, add to successful Opposed Rolls, substract from Difficulty

Solo & Squad Modes:

Solo Mode: Favoured Son
Reroll Fel tests vs Space Marines & Imperial armed forces.
+1 Cohesion if Squad Leader.

Special: Tactical Expertise (Squad Mode)
Grant his Chapter's Squad Mode Abilities to rest of the Squad with a Command test.

Squad Mode: Lead by Example (Attack)
Free Action | 2 Cohesion | Sustained
Bonus to all tests = Fel Bonus.
1/Round, 1 Squad Member can use a reroll.

Squad Mode: Rally Cry (Defence)
Free Action | 0 Cohesion | Not sustained
1/session restore Cohesion = Fel Bonus.

Cohesion: 11

Honours & Deeds:

Deed: Strike Team Specialist 200 xp
-1 Cohesion cost from Codex Attack Patterns
May use Squad Members Attack Patterns at +1 Cost
Scholastic Lore: Codex Astartes +10


Astartes Power Armour
-History: +1 Cohesion
Astartes Bolt Pistol
+Fires Selector
Red Dot Laser Sight
+Kraken Rounds Clip x2
Astartes Bolter
Astartes Combi-Weapon (Exceptional)
+Fire Selector
+Motion Sensor
+Kraken Rounds Clip
+Kraken Rounds Clip x2
+X Spare Clips
Astartes Frag Grenades x3
Astartes Krak Grenades x3
Astartes Combat Knife
Repair Cement
Cingulum (+3 avoid Cohesion Damage)


Exceptional Astartes Combi-Weapon (Melta) 23
Fire Selector 2
Kraken Rounds Clip (Bolter Pistol)x2 30
Kraken Rounds Clip (Bolter)x2 30
Red Dot Laser Sight 10

Total: 95

XP Spent:

·12000: Starting XP
·200: Deed (Strike Team Specialist)
·200: Fel +5
·400: Command +10
·200: Rapid Reload
·400: Command +20
·500: Fel +10
·1000: Fel +15
·200: Wil +5
·500: BS +5
·400: Charm Basic
·500: Signature Wargear
·500: Air of Authority
·500: Agi +5
·500: Mighty Shot

Total: 18000