Keolin's Reign of Winter Campaign, Table 2 (Inactive)

Game Master Keolin Portara


Gadak Simiryin

Male Drow Fighter 4 / VMC Magus: Init +3; Senses Low-light vision, Perception +9; AC 19 (+3 Dex., +3 armour, +2 shield, +1 natural); hp 22/32; Fort +5, Ref +4, Will 0/+2
(647 posts)

Alice Margatroid

Tsadok Goldtooth
Damir Maresk

Male Half-Orc Oracle (Winter) 1
HP: 11/11 || AC: 16, touch: 11, flat-footed: 16 || CMD: 13 || Fort: +3, Ref: +2 (+4 in winter), Will: +4 || Init: +1 (+3 in winter) || Perception: +1

(18 posts)


Angvar Thestlecrit
Caelus Oklir

Male Human (Sarkorin Kellid) Summoner 3, AC 14/10/14, Hp 21/21, Init +0, Frt+1,Rfx+0,Wil+4
(186 posts)
Sandpoint Cleric
Kohr Norland

Human Witch 1*Init+2*Ac/FF/Tch 10/10/10*Fort+1,Ref+1,Will+1*CMB0,CMD10*hp 8/8
(31 posts)
The Rake
Tarchinis Verance

Male Chelaxian Human Rogue 2, Fighter 2 AC16/Tch12/Flt14, Fort+4/Rflx+5,Will+0, Init+2, Bab+3,CMB+5, CMD17 hp29
(192 posts)


Grand Lodge Ragnok Ulsun

Male Human Ranger
HP 12; AC 17; T 12; FF 15; Ini+4; Per+6; F/R/W 4/4/2 ; CMD 16

(18 posts)

Vanulf Wulfson

Magnus Olafson

Male Human (Ulfen) Magus (Hexcrafter) 2
Character Information:
[HP: 17/17]; [Armor Class: 16; Touch: 12; Flat Footed: 14]; [BAB: +1; CMB: +4; CMD: 16]; [Saves: Fortitude: +5; Reflex: +2; Will: +3]; [Initiative: +2]; [Perception: +2]

(21 posts)


Priestess of Pharasma
Hyporia Stardust

{HP 9/9 | AC15 T12 FF13 CMD12 | F/R/W 1/2/2 | Inish +2 Per +0 SM +0} Female Human Flame Oracle
(26 posts)