Jacob's Old School P6 Hexcrawl

Game Master Jacob DeCourcey

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The party arrives in Swiftwater, having traveled from the civilized lands to the north and west in search of adventure, riches, and power in these frontiers.

Swiftwater is constructed on wide terraces that run parallel to the river, each terraced being connected to the others via wide stairs, ramps and pulleys. The citadel occupies a middle position in the town. It is a three-story tower keep constructed of grey stone. The town is surrounded by a tall wall of grey stone set with many towers and a massive gate flanked by statues of giants carved from green malachite. The town’s buildings are mostly constructed of red brick with sloping roofs of beaten copper or slate. The town has no temples and no high priest, but rather a hundred or so competing shrines wherein all the gods of the region are represented by argumentative priests who put on displays of their power and wealth to herd the townsfolk into their shrines to make offerings. Swiftwater is a bustling center of commerce, its people making a living on the mercenary trade, timber, livestock and the drinking and smoking establishments that line the riverfront.

You come to town with these rumors:

Gregar is a mining village far south of here. Supposedly, the men of Gregar worship a dark divinity. (Hex 0125, connected to Swiftwater by road.)
Mushroom men are harmless if offered beer.
There is a sorcerer named Kelban who lives in the mountains to the southeast. He is wise beyond wisdom.

Female Human Ranger 2

Being a little superstitious, Annie goes about procuring some beer for the road. And a little for herself now while she's at it. She'll hang out in the tavern until a clear plan of action is determined.

Male Human Cleric 1

Zander walked into pub and let his eyes adjust to the gloom. At this time of the morning, there weren't very many patrons and the hearth was cold. A serving girl was quietly sweeping the room. Zander sat down at a table and gained her attention.

"Pardon me, Miss, but could I get a cup of water?" The girl looked at him with mild disappointment, probably because he wasn't ordering something more and nodded silently before heading into the kitchen. She returned a moment later with a clay mug full of cool water and asked, "Anything else?"

Zander shook is head and she returned to her sweeping. The water was cool and refreshing after his time on road and helped clear his mouth of road dust. He reached into his tunic and pulled forth an amulet on a thong around his neck. It was a wooden carving of a butterfly; the holy symbol of Desna. He studied it for a moment, thinking back 2 weeks to the day his mentor had presented it to him and named a newdly-minted cleric of Desna, ready to spread Her teachings to all who would accept Her. Since that day, he had been on the road, headed for Swiftwater.

All who follow Desna have a bit of wanderlust in them, but Zander yearned to explore - to see things that no other person had seen - to tread where no civilized person had set foot. That was why, all along the road, at every stop, he had left word and left flyers advertising for travelling companions to meet here in Swiftwater at this pub. He hadn't promised any sort of payment, for he was hoping to meet kindred souls that wanted to explore the world as much as he did. Now, all he had to do was wait...

That's perfect, Zander. I strongly encourage players to make natural assumptions and just roll with it. No need to wait for me to say who's manning the bar, just go for it. The same applies out in the field. Have you found the out of character thread yet? It's under the "discussion" tab.


With a cough, the strange pile of leaves turned into a sleepy-looking dwarf who made no particular effort to clean the grit and grime off of himself. He stood and shook himself, something like a dog, spraying debris around, and then he shuffled across the street to the pub. Maybe NOW it was late enough to serve beer.

"Beer," he grunted, and emptied his pockets onto the bar. A startling collection of nuts, berries, bits of wood, feathers, dried leaves and more pebbles than you've ever seen in one dwarf's pocket, ever, spills out of a dirty hand, along with a few coins.

The girl sweeping sighed as she walked behind the bar and dug a pair of coppers out, and set a mug of beer down in front of the dwarf. He drank it in three long gulps, and sighed with pleasure, banging it down on the bar. The refilled it, with the air of a familiar ritual, and the dwarf began repacking his pockets with debris. He looked over at the priest and squinted at the man's amulet.

"Morning," he said. "Name's Lucky. You like bugs, too, eh?"

Male Gnome Sorcerer 1

The door of the bar opens again at first it seems the door has been blown open by the wind however a second glance shows a gnome, his hair white and wild his skin a slight blue tint to it is stood the door way looking for the bar before bounding in practically bouncing with each step.

Bounding up to the bar he pulls himself up to it to try and get the barmaids attention she stares at him for a few minutes trying to discern whether he is another one of the village children trying to buy beer again before eventually settling on him infant being a gnome "What will it be?". The gnome looks around the bar and then back to her again then "Beer I think mat be a good idea" his voice staring to trail off at then end. The barmaid shrugs pouring the gnome his beer and handing it over the gnome carefully place his coins on the bar and then starts to scan the bar.

Looking over he spots a dirty dwarf talking to human cleric he stares at the two talking before deciding that it looks like fun so still holding his beer he bounds over to the two of them and stands between them "Afternoon fellows what are you two up to?".

M Gnome Rogue 1

A second gnome snuck into the pub following close in the wake of the first gnome. His wavy shoulder-length hair was reddish brown like autumn leaves, his blue eyes seemed keen and alert, and his olive skin had no distinguishing marks, tattoos, or piercings. He wore leather armor over typical peasant’s garb, carried a backpack, and was armed with a shortbow and a dagger.

This second gnome tiptoed gingerly and quietly through the shadows and behind the bar where he poured himself a nice frothing mug of beer from the tap. Taking his prize, he stealthily made his way toward the back of the common room and found himself a seat in some dark corner where he could see more than be seen. He took a swig from his mug, then unfolded the flyer that had drawn him to the pub, wondering if its author was already present or soon to arrive.

Stealth: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (8) + 11 = 19 sneak into tavern unseen
Sleight of Hand: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12 steal a beer
Barmaid's Spot Guesstimate: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (11) + 0 = 11

Male Human Fighter 1

The morning was bright and clear as Sven wandered lazily about the streets of SwiftWater, his dusty mail clinking and clanking as he sauntered along. He hummed an elvish tune to himself, searching for the tavern that a minstrel told him of a few days back. Supposedly some unnamed party had put a call out for travelling companions, and Sven liked to consider himself something of a companion.

In a tightly packed corner of a loud and chaotic Market-alley the sickeningly sweet smell of fresh pies filled Sven's nostrils, he followed his nose to the baker's stall and bought himself a hefty slice. After a few more minutes of aimless wandering, and being forcibly doused in incense smoke by a rotund dwarven clergyman, Sven conveniently found himself at the tavern the minstrel had mentioned. Taking a few seconds to gather his gumption and pack a bowl into his pipe, Sven took a deep breath.

"Well, here goes nothing..."

The floorboards creaked as he stepped inside, his eyes falling upon a Probable priest, feral Dwarf, bouncing Gnome, and...a scrappy looking young lady, off in the corner. He nods to the patrons and steps up to the bar, hailing the sweeping girl.

"Barkeep, tall mug of hot wine, if you'd be so kind."


perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16

Lucky nods to the first gnome that walks in.

"Just trying to engage long-legs here in a discussion of our six-legged friends," he says.

He notices a second gnome helping himself to a pint and scowls towards his own empty mug. "Not that I've anything against theft in principle, mind," he says, for no reason that is apparent to anyone who didn't notice Gulver. "But thirsty people are terrible at keeping secrets."

M Gnome Rogue 1

Sleight of Hand: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14
Barmaid's Perception: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (18) + 0 = 18
Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13 notice barmaid noticing me

Gulver heaved a gentle sigh upon overhearing Lucky Leafcoat's subtle request for a refill. He snuck back behind the bar and was attempting to snag a mug of ale for the good dwarf when he noticed the barmaid noticing him with a hand on the tap. Gulver smiled and forced an awkward half laugh from his lips. When the mug was full he made a show of placing a couple of his few remaining coins on the counter. He winked at the barmaid and strutted over to the dwarf's table to give him the fresh mug. "Hi ho. The name's Gulver. I'm new to Swiftwater. Are you a townie or a traveler like me?"

Male Gnome Sorcerer 1

"You mean like spiders?" he says before blinking for a moment then laughing "Oh they have eight don't they? So more like ants or beetles?" he says still giggling to himself about the spiders.

Before noticing the gnome now standing before the table and turn to gnome "Afternoon I am Tondbert and I am a traveler as well" before switching to gnomish and saying "these tall folk really are odd but they seem nice enough".

Male Human Cleric 1

Zander smiles weakly at the dwarf while taking in his appearance and replies, "Not as much as you seem to, friend. No, this is the holy symbol of Desna, my Goddess." Sipping his water, he looks around when the Gnome walks in.

Hearing the gnome's inquiry, he responds, "Well, my friend, I am awaiting the arrival of possible travelling companions. I have left word and posted handbills inviting those who like travel and adventure to join me on a trip into the wilderness beyond Swiftwater."

A movement behind the bar gets Zander's attention. He watches as a mug lifts itself to the tap while a hand pulls a pint and then vanishes back beneath the bar shortly before a gnome, he hadn't noticed before trots out and takes a table in the corner. He hadn't been there but a moment when the dwarf across from him announces, ""Not that I've anything against theft in principle, mind, but thirsty people are terrible at keeping secrets."

Zander sighs inwardly as the gnome hops back up and goes to fetch another beer. Just as he is about to say something to the serving girl, he sees her stop sweeping and glance over in time to see the gnome pulling another beer. Zander lets out a relieved sigh when he sees the gnome put some coins on the bar before joining the growing group at his table.

"Greetings Gulver. My name is Zander. I am glad you remembered to pay for your beer. For a moment I thought it had slipped your mind. Although, I am pretty sure that this is not a self-serve establishment." He pauses for a moment before answering the gnome's question. "I am a traveller. I intend to set out into the wilderness beyond the town to see the wonders Desna has in store for me. I am looking for companions if you are interested."

Turning his attention back to Tondbert, Zander holds up his holy symbol for him to see, saying, "More like butterflies. I am afraid this is to what Lucky was referring." Lowering it again, he continues, "My offer is open to you as well, should you wish to join me. 'The more the merrier...' and so on."

Perception: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 = 17 Doesn't see Gulver com in.
Perception: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22 Sees Gulver get his beer.

Female Human Ranger 2

"Those bills were yours?" The scrappy young woman asks. "I've been itching for an expedition myself. If you're game, brother Zander, you've got yourself a guide. I'm Annie." She spits on her palm and thrusts it out to the priest.

As you make introductions and steal/purchase beverages, a red-haired soldier walks into the tavern and nails a poster to a column.



By the authority of Lord Mayor Tarset, let it be hereby known that any man presenting proof of the death of the goblin chieftan residing southwest of Swiftwater will be rewarded with 500 gold pieces. His tribe of goblins has caused loss of life and property to our logging outpost. His tribe is believed to contain approximately 15 fighting goblins and resides along a dry stream gully.

Alright, lets get rolling. Where are you headed?

Male Human Cleric 1

Zander hesitates for a moment before taking Annie's hand and shaking it firmly, saying, "Well met, Annie. I have to admit that a guide would be quite useful. Glad to have you along."

He is cut short by the sound of hammering nearby. After the soldier leaves, Zander walks over to the poster and considers it for a moment before asking, "Annie? Do you know anything about the location of this goblin tribe? That might an interesting start to this adventure."

M Gnome Rogue 1

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Tondbert, and you, Zander." said Gulver, giving a slight bow toward his new acquaintances. "Adventure sounds like just the thing for me. In fact, your flyer is what brought me here." After Annie introduced herself, Gulver added, "I can help you scout. I have other skills that may prove useful to you. I am good with traps and with locks."

Responding to Tondbert's comment, he said, (Gnome)"They do seem strange, and they smell like, well, it would be rude to say. But they are tall and strong and I have no doubt that they will make great shields when the time comes."(/Gnome)


"Oh," Lucky says to Zander, sounding just a little disappointed. "Desna. Nothing wrong with a butterfly, though, right? Or a good beetle. I've a mind to join you on your journey, or at least, let our paths run together for a time."

"I came out of the hills north of here a few days past. All that rain flooded the cave I was sleeping in, so I suppose it's time for me to find a new one."

He smiles at Gulver and drinks deep. When he sets the cup down, he fishes a few more coins from his pocket to pay the thief back. "Thanks to you for trying, friend," he says.

"We'll have to bring the message this goblin, eh?" he says. "Let him know his services are no longer required."

Male Human Cleric 1

Zander looks a bit uncertain at the dwarf's statement that he intended to join the expedition. "Still," he thought to himself, "it is obvious that he is comfortable in the wilderness and another sword (axe?) would be welcome if they were going to be tackling the goblins."

"No, nothing wrong with butterflies or beetles. Desna has shown me the beauty of both. I suppose there is no harm in keeping an eye out for a nice, dry cave on our way to see the goblins."

Male Gnome Sorcerer 1

Start to laugh again Gulver's comment before stopping just as suddenly [gnome]"Yes well I am not exactly a pugilist"[/gnome]
Hmmm how do you want to handle drunkenness because raw say 1 drink plus your constitution modifier? So assuming I have gone for a human sized mug I'll class it as two so I am drunk for next hour once I finish my drink
Jump up and down starting become quite animated "Adventure? Ooo, oo mind if I follow along? I may be of some use.Finish my drink and start to tug at Zander's sleeve "Ok lets start thinking about how we will handle this I am quite apt with magic

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Drunkenness would be a prime example of something I don't care enough about to follow the rules. If you get hammered during an adventure or something I might pick on you a little, but we're ignoring those rules. We're ignoring lots of rules.

Male Human Fighter 1

Sven takes a moment at the bar to lay down his gear, spark his pipe, and drink a fair amount of wine. Listening in on the conversations behind him he lets out a sigh of relief, thanking the party gods that he has been guided to the proper tavern. Rising to his feet Sven toddles over to the party, smiling shyly and stooping a bit. A very tall young man, Sven measures up 6'5" inches, his broad muscular shoulders are contrasted by a thin torso glued onto a set of wiry, spindly legs. His matted hair is deep brown, and a greasy beard covers most of his unweathered face. His battered scale mail clanks quietly, muffled by a heavy cloak.

Beggin' your pardons, sirs, but I noticed them fliers of yours as well. Something of an expedition sounds fine by me if a slot's still open for another swordarm. The name's Sven, it's a real pleasure to be makin' your acquaintances.

Puffing on his pipe, Sven smiles down on his new found companions

Female Human Ranger 2

"Not specifically," Annie replies. "Goblins are hardly subtle creatures, I'm sure if we head down South, I'll be able to pick up a trail however."

Leaving town and heading south tomorrow unless I hear otherwise. Not trying to be pushy, but pace is everything in PbP.

Male Human Cleric 1

Zander turns to Sven and replies,"Nice to meet you Sven. Of course you are welcome to join us! Another sword arm will probably be very useful if we manage to locate the goblins."

Zander turn to take in the rest of the group, saying,"Well, I guess we head south tomorrow. Gather any supplies you think we might need, get a good night's sleep and we will see each other here in the morning!"

After making his goodbyes, Zander motions to the serving girl and negotiates a room for the night. Reluctantly parting with a few coins, he pays her and then heads up to his room where he reoganizes his pack, checks his weapon and then lies on the bed and begins a meditation.

Several hours later, he is awoken by the rumbling of his stomach. Heading back to the common room, he grabs a bowl of stew and some more water, making him another few coppers poorer.

After the brief meal, he returns to his room and tries to get the sleep that he recommended to the others. His mind awhirl with the possibilities of the upcoming expedition, sleep is long in coming.

M Gnome Rogue 1

Gulver listened to all that Zander had to say and responded by saying, "Until the morning!" When night came, he found himself a nice, warm spot by the fire and settled down to rest, keeping one hand on the hilt of his dagger in case he awoke to any mischief.

In the morning he broke his fast with a cup of tea and a bowl of porridge with cream and honey. Gulver reluctantly paid his bill in full so as not to raise the ire of his priestly acquaintance. He said to Zander, "Good morning, your excellency. I hope you slept well."

Male Gnome Sorcerer 1

Watching Zander leave shrug and wander back over to the bar then purchase another mug of ale and some cold meats and watch the pubs patrons go about their business. Before asking for a room, paying for it then wander up ahead of the new days adventure.

Upon waking wander the centre of the room start to stretch then began to meditate preparing for whatever the day may bring. After an hour of clearing his head he gets dressed and bounds downstairs and start to eat as much bacon.

When he finishes eating he bounds over to the priest and rogue to see how they slept. "Hey guys hope you both slept well, ready for what the day may bring?"


Lucky greets the others as they appear, and finally stumbles out into the night to bury himself in his pile of leaves. He is up slightly before the sun, and sits just outside the inn's door to await the others. Strapping on a gauntlet of boiled leather at least three times the thickness of the rest of his armor, he whistles sharply, and a moment later, a bird nearly as tall as he is lands on his arm, inch long talons clenching the thick leather.

Male Human Cleric 1

After a long night, dawn finally arrives and Zander performs his morning prayers and meditations, asking Desna for his spells. Afterward, he gets up and goes downstairs. A bowl of porridge and a cup of coffee later, he starts to feel somewhat human and looks around the common room in time to see the two gnomes greet him.

Sighing at the gnome, Zander says, "Gulver, please. I am just a servant of Desna. Call me Zander. As for sleep... well, I have had better. Hopefully the others will arrive soon and we can get underway."

Wow. Just realized that I said that the goblin hideout is southwest. There is no southwest. The map only goes east. Not the end of the world, of course, but geez, I thought I was better than that. :p

Date: 34th day of spring (90 days per season)
Time: 9a
Temperature: Cool
Weather: Thunderstorms

The newfound party heads south along the road from Swiftwater, seeking adventure, riches, and glory. This area is said to contain a tribe of goblins, which can be defeated for a reward. Much further to the south on this road is a mining village, supposedly the site of dark religious practices. The mighty river is a few miles to the east, and it travels southeast.

You are on the road in hex 1.02. There were no encounters this morning. Where shall you proceed?

M Gnome Rogue 1

"I will call you Zander just as you command, your excellency." said Gulver with a roguish glint in his eyes. Once the posse got underway, he walked near the head of the party with Annie. His bow was in hand and at the ready. He kept alert and on the lookout for goblins, apple trees and berry bushes.

Male Human Cleric 1

With the party assembled, Zander says a quick prayer to Desna and then falls in behind Annie and Gulver, keeping his eyes open for anything resembling food along the road. Survival(untrained): 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10

Once away from Swiftwater, he asks Annie,"So what are we looking for that will lead us to the goblins? I am afraid I have not had much experience at this sort of thing."

Female Human Ranger 2

"Refuse, lots of little footprints, and their victims of course. Goblins are not subtle creatures. They're vicious and cruel which is no doubt why a bounty is being offered on the little buggers."

Male Human Fighter 1

Sven readies his things and joins up with the group, picking up a few days worth of Hardtack bread on the way out of town. He packs his pipe, staring up at the cloudy sky with displeasure. Falling into step with the group he pulls his hood up.

Perhaps one of the local farmers has been paid a visit recently...we oughta ask about..

I'm assuming that you are actively looking for the goblins here. In the future, go ahead and specify what your intentions are using the out of character mechanics. For example, "we travel two hexes SE, fully searching each one as we go," or, "we go one hex south and try to find the goblin hideout as quickly as possible, looking for tracks and asking farmers and ignoring other minor observations." It's easier to track that way.

Date: 34th day of spring (90 days per season)
Time: 1p
Temperature: Cool
Weather: Cloudy

From the path, and occasionally venturing into the forest a bit, the party seeks signs of goblins. In the early afternoon, the storms clear up, but the sky remains dark and cloudy, hinting at more to come. Around 2pm, the first sign of goblin tracks appears. A pattern of footsteps leads to the beginning of a shallow gully. As the gully extends deeper into the forest towards the river ENE of here, it quickly grows deeper until it is easily 50' deep, but only 20' across at the bottom, with very steep sides, likely un-climb-able without equipment. The goblin tracks grow thicker along the top, north edge of the gully, but not in it. Eventually, you reach a clearing in the forest about 100' in diameter along the northern edge of the gully. A large, dead tree stands in the clearing about 40' away from the edge of the gully. Even from a safe distance along the treeline to the SW, it is clear that the tracks lead directly up to the tree. Also, about halfway down the gully, at the same spot as the tree stands, there is a very rickety wooden bridge extending from one side to the other. From a safe distance, to can see that both sides of the bridge lead into the gully's face.

We're on the honor system here. Read this at your own peril.

Perception DC 14:

Two goblins are hiding in the branches of the dead tree. Your position makes it so that they don't see you but, once you move into the clearing, it will be almost impossible to hide.

Male Gnome Sorcerer 1

Follow the others allowing the more combat qualified members at the front whilst bounding along behind them. "I wonder if we'll have any sun soon? I am ready for summer.

Female Human Ranger 2

Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23

Annie throws up a fist for the party to stop before the edge of the clearing. She then points at the dead log, followed by throwing up two fingers and finally puts her index finger to her mouth.

After this series of gestures, she draws her bow, nocks an arrow and begins sneaking around the right edge of the clearing to get a better angle at her prey.

Stealth: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9

And promptly steps on a dry twig.

Hmmm...this would be a good time to mention that we're using common sense/party initiative. If you took an initiative feat that you want to exchange, do it now.

Upon hearing Annie's footfall, the two goblins leap up and prepare to attack with shortbows.

Since the party was aware of the goblins first, you may take the first turn. However, this is not a surprise round.

You are 50' away from the goblins for range purposes. They have light cover, making their AC 18. The bigger one has 1d10 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7 HP and the smaller one has 1d10 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6 HP.

M Gnome Rogue 1

Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24
Init: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7
Attack w/ shortbow: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 1 = 17 (18 including +1 for racial animosity)
Damage: 1d4 ⇒ 1
Sneak Attack: 1d6 ⇒ 6

Gulver also spotted the goblins while stalking along at the head of the party with Annie. Rather than try to sneak around the clearing as Annie had done, Gulver took aim with the shortbow that was already to hand and fired at one of the goblins immediately.

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M Gnome Rogue 1

Attack w/ shortbow: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21 (22 including +1 for racial animosity)
Damage: 1d4 ⇒ 4
Sneak Attack: 1d6 ⇒ 6 (if still applicable)

Confirm Critical?: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21 (22 including +1 for racial animosity)
Critical Damage: 2d4 ⇒ (4, 4) = 8 (Added to damage rolled above)

Having heard the satisfying sound of arrow in flesh with his first attack (surprise attack round), Gulver took aim and fired at the remaining goblin (regular attack round). "Keep your eyes open for goblins. There may be more of them."

Good grief. You'd better watch out, you used up all your good rolls on the guards.

With the two goblins dispatched and toppling out of tree without even the chance to yell, the party is free to explore the area unabated.

Male Human Cleric 1

Zander had barely begun to process what Annie's hand signals meant when Gulver made his shots. He stares in disbelief as the 2 goblins fall to the ground with a thud.

"Good shooting Gulver! That was amazing. I hadn't even seen them. Do you think there might be more around?" Zander peers about him,long spear at the ready, waiting for goblins to erupt out of the trees and bushes.

"I think we should have a look around and see if they left any clues that could lead us back to thier camp."

Perception: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12


Lucky looks suspiciously at Gulver, as if the gnome might have hidden the goblins in that tree the previous day, just to show off. After a moment, he shakes his head and grins.

"Better practice some," he says. "You got lucky on that first one." With his advice dispensed, he strolls into the clearing, following the goblin's tracks and scanning the ground for anything dangerous.

Male Gnome Sorcerer 1

Perception: 1d20 ⇒ 12

Watch in amazement as Gulver takes out the two goblin scouts he hadn't even noticed exclaim in gnomish Wow I have never seen hunting like that, especially of old enemies"
Tondbert begins to loosen up his arms and breathes deeply "There could be more out there how do we handle this?"

Male Human Fighter 1

Sven's jaw drops ajar slightly before morphing into a goofy smile. He readjusts his cloak, gripping his glaive tightly.

"Ah-ha! Damn fine shootin', boy! I could stand to learn a few things from ya'! Now then..."

Toddling out into the clearing Sven leers off into the surrounding foliage, prodding the goblin corpses with his weapon. Receiving no response he quickly frisks the creatures, looting and clue-hunting.

Perception Roll To Notice Things: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20

M Gnome Rogue 1

Trapfinding: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22 (in the clearing)
Trapfinding: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15 (in and around the tree)
Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27 (general perception)

"Lucky has the truth of it. I am sad to say that it was more luck than skill," said Gulver in response to the praise. "Garl Glittergold loves a fool." He advanced cautiously toward the tree with Sven and searched for traps and clues. He asked Sven in a hushed voice, "Did you find anything?"

M Gnome Rogue 1

Arrow Recovery (1s = recovery): 2d2 ⇒ (2, 1) = 3

Gulver recovered one arrow from the dead goblins.

The tree has an very crude bit of brush camouflage covering what is surely a small passage leading underneath. There are no traps, and the goblins are equipped only with shortbows and leather armor suited for their size, along with some unpleasant snacks and trinkets. The passage under the tree is just big enough for one medium creature to squeeze through and it is dark underneath. A careful listen at the base of the tree allows you to hear goblin chattering, but it's muffled and dull, as if the noise is coming from a distant room.

Male Human Cleric 1

Zander looks at the opening and then at his longspear and sighs. "I don't think this is going to be very useful down there." He starts hunting around the clearing for a fallen branch that he can use as a club. Finding a stout branch, he breaks it until it is a useful size.

"I am ready when you are," he says to the rest of the party.

Female Human Ranger 2

Annie draws her knife "Likewise"

M Gnome Rogue 1

Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19 (+1 to find traps)
Stealth: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (16) + 11 = 27

Gulver lit a torch and offered it to Sven if he wanted it. "Goblins often protect their lairs with traps, if the tales my parents and grandparents tell be true. Be careful." With his trusty bow in hand, Gulver was ready to follow Sven and Annie into the tunnel.

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