Gulver Gobbstopp |

Arrow Recovery: 1d2 ⇒ 2 (2=recovery)
Gulver gave up his search and walked over to the door to check on Annie's progress. "Do you see the goblins? No? I agree with Zander. We should kill them before they alert the rest of the tribe. Shall we open the door and give chase or try to shoot them from the clifftop above us?"

Gulver Gobbstopp |

Stealth: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (11) + 11 = 22 (approach bridge)
Trap-finding: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28 (examine bridge)
Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10 (look for goblins)
"I will let you know in a jiffy." Gulver tiptoed from shadow to shadow toward the bridge and searched this end of it thoroughly for traps.

GM_Jacob |

Gulver examines the bridge which extends about 40' across the gully. The anchors that hold the bridge to the walls are ancient and well-forged, but the bridge is clearly a recent goblin construction. It seems sturdy, but probably slow going for larger users as the handholds are low.
You can't see anything on the other side of the gully because the goblins have disappeared into another dark doorway, made opaque by the sunlight.

Gulver Gobbstopp |

Stealth: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (1) + 11 = 12 (for use on other side)
"It seems safe enough. Let's go!" said Gulver. With his bow slung over one shoulder he was able to place his hands on the support ropes on either side of him. He hastened across the bridge. Once across, Gulver would make a feeble attempt to hide in the shadows of the dark doorway of doom.

Sven Langrebe |

Stowing his axe Sven swallows nervously, looking out over the gully. The handholds seemed infinitely far away from his grasp, and the entire structure made him nervous. Stepping out onto the rickety bridge he stooped down, his mail rattling as he plodded across.
Upon reaching the other side Sven falls against the wall outside the doorway, readying his axe once again.
"I've been told that some magicians can create light from magic alone, are any of you capable of this feat?"

Zander Gulea |

Zander nervously makes his way across the bridge, holding his breath the entire way. Once on the other side he pauses to adjust his gear and peers into the darkened doorway, looking for some indication of what lies within.
"I did not ask Desna to gift me with that spell today. However, I do have some torches and candles should we need them."

GM_Jacob |

The room at the end of the bridge is uncannily quiet, and, as your eyes adjust to the darkness, you see that the room is, in fact, empty of goblins. This room is long and narrow, extending only 5' to the left and right, but 40' to the opposite end from the bridge. In the far, right corner is the top of a spiral staircase leading down.

Gulver Gobbstopp |

Trap-finding: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14
Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27 (Search for murder holes, etc.)
Empty? thought Gulver. This could be a trap. The gnome drew his bow and nocked an arrow. He walked warily through the narrow room toward the spiral staircase, keeping his expert eyes open for traps.

Sven Langrebe |

Following Gulver's lead across the desolate room Sven prepares to take the lead once the party is ready to descend the stairs, hurrying along with a wary haste. If the way becomes too dark he will light a torch, resolving to wielding his axe with one hand.
"No doubt the archers have warned the remainder of their nest..

GM_Jacob |

Gulver notices, in the center of the room, there is a chute leading up through the ceiling. There is no ladder or other way to reach the chute. It's nearly 10' off the ground and appears completely smooth from your point of view.
There does not appear to be any light source further in, so before you descend the stairs, a torch will likely be necessary.

GM_Jacob |

You proceed about 2 floors down the spiral stairs and find yourselves in the center of 30' square floor, walled in on the north, south, and west. To the east, the floor drops off abruptly and continues another 15' or so. You can't see the bottom of the lower area, so you can't tell how deep it is.
However, you can immediately see that this room once served as some sort of laboratory, as there are tables, instruments, broken flasks, and various oddities laying about. There are also several sets of rusted, old manacles attached to the walls and tables, suggesting that the participants in these experiments were not all consensual.
There are goblin footprints all over the dusty floor, but they are so mixed up that you can't tell which are fresh. You can tell, though, that most of them lead towards the drop-off.

GM_Jacob |

Sven can see that, after the drop-off, the room continues for another 20' or so. The drop appears to be about 10' down, and there are more manacles down below.
Also found are the goblins you were chasing. And some friends. 4 friends.
As soon as Sven see the goblins down below, they spring into action, rushing towards two ladders leading up to the top level where the party is.
Goblin init: 1d6 ⇒ 4
Party init: 1d6 ⇒ 2
The little beasts get a head start in the dim light. They rush to the ladders on either side of the ledge, and one lets out a wretched wail and hurls a glass bottle up onto the higher floor. When the bottle hits the ground, it shatter, and the liquid inside bursts into flames.
1/9 chance to hit a PC.
1d9 ⇒ 4
Roll for location
1d36 ⇒ 18
The fire lands in the dead-center of the room, covering the bottom of the stairs in fiery liquid.
The dots represent goblins. They are lined up at ladders, and the first two have reached the tops of the ladder by the time you can act.

Zander Gulea |

Zander moves to the ladder in front of Annie, placing himself to the side and back a bit, so as not to spoil her shots, not to be next to the ledge and still have a free shot with the reach of his lobgspear as each goblin comes up.
As he gets into position, he makes a powerful thrust at the goblin who just reached the top.
Power Attack: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12
Damage: 1d8 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9
After the first goblin is down, Zander will ready an action each round to power attack a goblin as soon as they pop over the ledge. If they move out of the square in front of the ladder and are still in range of my longspear, I will make an attack of opportunity (still power attacking) takinbg the -1 to hit on all my attacks after the first one each rd.
My router died at home. I apologize for not posting sooner. Will be fixed tomorrow.