JZ's Carrion Crown - (Wake of the Watcher) (Inactive)

Game Master JamZilla



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Male Ulfen Bloodrager 9 | 94/94 HP | AC 19 T 11 FF 19 (AC 26 currently) | Fort +10 Ref +4 Will +8 | Initiative +0 | Perception +15, Sense Motive +0
Rage 9/23 | Spells: 1st 2/3, 2nd 1/1
Zelda | 47/47 HP (0 nonlethal) | AC: 21

After snapping off the arrows embedded in his shoulder at the haft, Vermundr scowls and glances back in the fiend's direction. "I can weaken her but not enough to finish her off. Vala, can you conjure another one of the lightning blasts?"

I could potentially hit her with a ray of enfeeblement but I don't know how much it would ultimately help.


"We have to force her to come to us. Get behind cover or get deeper into the castle to some place where she must come inside to constrained territory to attack us."

Actions then?


"Right...let's fall back then, where she can't shoot at us," Hazel pants, stowing her bow and drawing her starknife once more. "Back further into this room or even into the main building!"

Since I guess we're still in initiative, Hazel switches weapons and falls back from the doorway leading out onto the bridge.

Male Ulfen Bloodrager 9 | 94/94 HP | AC 19 T 11 FF 19 (AC 26 currently) | Fort +10 Ref +4 Will +8 | Initiative +0 | Perception +15, Sense Motive +0
Rage 9/23 | Spells: 1st 2/3, 2nd 1/1
Zelda | 47/47 HP (0 nonlethal) | AC: 21

Not disagreeing, Vermundr retreats with the others.

I'm not sure how far back is back enough to be out of line of sight of the she-devil.

Moving toward the back of the destroyed building will take you out of line of sight for this round. However, if she floats down to the doorway then she can target any of you anywhere in this open room.

I have moved Vermundr and Hazel according to their posts but remember you should be able to move your own tokens on the map so you can be positioned exactly where you intended.


Constantin Ionescu! the devil exclaims, seemingly in genuine pleasure. I can feel you pathetically rattling around in my brain, even if you can't feel it yourself. Like a boy groping at a woman for the first time.

The accidental voyeur! Haha! Peeping through the window of the mind. Well remember that a window looks both ways, psychic! she screams, using an archaic phrase. Oh I have wonderful, awful things to show you!

Male Ulfen Bloodrager 9 | 94/94 HP | AC 19 T 11 FF 19 (AC 26 currently) | Fort +10 Ref +4 Will +8 | Initiative +0 | Perception +15, Sense Motive +0
Rage 9/23 | Spells: 1st 2/3, 2nd 1/1
Zelda | 47/47 HP (0 nonlethal) | AC: 21

Sorry, I was being lazy. I moved Vermundr to what should be a good spot if she follows the party inside.

Who is up now?

Well I think only you and Hazel explicitly moved. Shall I assume everyone falls back to the farthest end of the room in order to get out of sight and draw her in?


Constantin grits his teeth and his hands tighten around the haft of his spear. "I can't stem the tide," he says gruffly. "I'm trying to keep her out, but my control is limited."


I'd say that should work, JZ. Also sorry, I'm still posting from mobile so manipulating the map is a challenge!

Round 3 - Enemy

The group backs off further, tucking behind what cover they can find in the destroyed lab. Vermundr twists his grip eagerly on his blade as he hopes the devil will fly in through the door and leave itself vulnerable.

Instead it swoops around onto the narrow stone bridge connecting the manse to the lab.

Kazamir turns with a look of surprise in time to see a single flaming arrow streaking toward him through the still open door.

Longbow, Kaz: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (7) + 14 = 21 Hit
Damage: 1d8 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14

Round 4 - Heroes


Male Dhampir Inquisitor 12 | AC 28, Touch 14, FF 26 | HP 69/99 | F +13, R +9, W +15 (+2 vs disease/mind-affecting, -1 vs ability score damage/drain) | Init +7 | Perc +25
Buffed Stats:
AC 32 (+ Lastwall Phalanx), Touch 17, FF 29 | HP 69/99 | F +13, R +10, W +15 (+ Lastwall Phalanx)| Init +7 | Perc +25, See Invisibility | Freedom of Movement

Yes that is the plan. Is the creature down far enough that we can reach her in melee?

NG Male Human Investigator (Psychic Detective)9 lvl 1 spells 6/7 lvl2 5/5 lvl3 4/4 Insp: 10/12 HP 48/48 Init +0, Per +16 AC 18/14/18 Frt3,Rfx6,Wll8

IS there sufficient detritus in the room to block a door? Can the door by which Kaz is standing be closed?

Zed Ulmin wrote:
Yes that is the plan. Is the creature down far enough that we can reach her in melee?

Yes she has effectively Landed on that bridge

Kazamir Rhuul wrote:
IS there sufficient detritus in the room to block a door? Can the door by which Kaz is standing be closed?

You certainly can close that door and also barricade it with sufficient time

Male Dhampir Inquisitor 12 | AC 28, Touch 14, FF 26 | HP 69/99 | F +13, R +9, W +15 (+2 vs disease/mind-affecting, -1 vs ability score damage/drain) | Init +7 | Perc +25
Buffed Stats:
AC 32 (+ Lastwall Phalanx), Touch 17, FF 29 | HP 69/99 | F +13, R +10, W +15 (+ Lastwall Phalanx)| Init +7 | Perc +25, See Invisibility | Freedom of Movement

Zed sees the creature get within range and quickly bolts out the door. As he gets close he leaps in the air and brings his tetsubo down with a snarl!

Attack: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26
Damage: 1d10 + 11 ⇒ (9) + 11 = 20

Confirm: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25
Crit Damage: 3d10 + 33 ⇒ (6, 4, 3) + 33 = 46

That poor creature.

Male Ulfen Bloodrager 9 | 94/94 HP | AC 19 T 11 FF 19 (AC 26 currently) | Fort +10 Ref +4 Will +8 | Initiative +0 | Perception +15, Sense Motive +0
Rage 9/23 | Spells: 1st 2/3, 2nd 1/1
Zelda | 47/47 HP (0 nonlethal) | AC: 21

I assume the bridge is wide enough accommodate Zed and Vermundr. If not I'll need to rework his actions.

Following on the vampire's heels, Vermundr slashes at the fiendish woman.

Attack: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (6) + 11 = 17
Damage: 2d6 + 6 + 2 ⇒ (2, 6) + 6 + 2 = 16

Zed delivers an utterly sickening blow with his tetsubo. The weapon fairly crushes the skull of the devil, leaving it an almost unrecognisable mass of blood and smashed bone.

Remarkably... incredibly... whether through sheer force of will or pure muscle memory, the thing remains standing - though barely.

Vermundr dashes up but squeezing past Zed his slash is cramped and he misses with what surely have been the killing blow.

Man when those x4 crits land they land hard


Constantin takes several sharp breaths, then lets out the final one in a slow, smooth cadence before he focuses and his hands stretch into an odd-claw like position on the haft of his longspear. Once again he launches etheric manifested force at the devil.

Caster level check: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24
Magic missile damage: 3d4 + 3 ⇒ (2, 2, 4) + 3 = 11

Its done

Before the devil is able to react, Constantin puts an end to it.

Pain. Searing pain from the ily blackness of the devil's power.

Blood. Running in his eyes.

Water. The roar from below.

Voices. Emotions. Constant in his mind.


He blocks it all out.... and breathes.... and holds that breath.

The balls of force glisten in the fading rays of the evening sun and streak like shooting stars across the gorge. They thuds into what is left of the Erinyes' head. The Devil's hand moves to the wound instinctively and she slaps her forehead as if she had had a sudden idea or realization. But the only realization is her imminent return to the depths of Hell.

She tumbles like a bird, blood and feathers drifting down and getting lost in the waters of the falls.

There is a small eruption of Hell Fire as she falls and with a final whiff of sulphur - the Devil is gone.

Combat Over

Nice, that could have been a very tricky encounter


Constantin sags and slides down his spear to fall to his knees, with sweat beaded onto his forehead. "I... I think we should get some rest," he finally says. While in the trial he looked like an image of Professor Lorrimor speaking at lecture, now he's like the Professor in his old age, wearied and weakened.

Male Dhampir Inquisitor 12 | AC 28, Touch 14, FF 26 | HP 69/99 | F +13, R +9, W +15 (+2 vs disease/mind-affecting, -1 vs ability score damage/drain) | Init +7 | Perc +25
Buffed Stats:
AC 32 (+ Lastwall Phalanx), Touch 17, FF 29 | HP 69/99 | F +13, R +10, W +15 (+ Lastwall Phalanx)| Init +7 | Perc +25, See Invisibility | Freedom of Movement

ILF: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 71d8 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8

"Yes, we've had some difficult fights today." Zed quickly blows through some of his healing spells, watching the area for any other threats.


Man! Awesome job, guys. Shoot.

Vala sighs in relief as the devil vanishes in a cloud of malice and brimstone. "A wise idea. If this Auren Vrood is powerful enough to bind devils to his service and leave them in his wake to waylay us, then we'll likely need all our strength for whatever other surprises he's left behind."

She glances back over her shoulder to the first portion of the estate they'd already cleared. "Let's double back. We can secure ourselves in some of the guest chambers we visited earlier. We'll at least be putting them to their proper use that way."

She touches Zed's shoulder at this, offering him another small burst of restorative magics.

Inflict Light Wounds: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7


"Good job guys," Hazel smiles weakly, giving Constantin and Zed each a pat on the shoulder. "Sorry I wasn't much use there," she sighs. "At least I can help patch everyone up a bit."

With that she sees first to Vermundr and then to Kaz, using what's left of her magic to mend their wounds...then her own.

Cure Moderate Wounds (Vermundr): 2d8 + 6 ⇒ (2, 2) + 6 = 10
Cure Light Wounds (Vermundr): 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7

Cure Moderate Wounds (Kaz): 2d8 + 6 ⇒ (5, 4) + 6 = 15

Cure Light Wounds (Self): 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12
Cure Light Wounds (Self): 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7

Channel Energy: 2d6 ⇒ (6, 3) = 9

Hazel uses the rest of her spells and uses of Fervor to heal everyone; the channel is done clear of Zed, of course.

Male Dhampir Inquisitor 12 | AC 28, Touch 14, FF 26 | HP 69/99 | F +13, R +9, W +15 (+2 vs disease/mind-affecting, -1 vs ability score damage/drain) | Init +7 | Perc +25
Buffed Stats:
AC 32 (+ Lastwall Phalanx), Touch 17, FF 29 | HP 69/99 | F +13, R +10, W +15 (+ Lastwall Phalanx)| Init +7 | Perc +25, See Invisibility | Freedom of Movement

Although I appreciate you not channeling on me, normally when a cleric channels they choose to either heal the living or harm undead (or vice versa for negative energy channelers). So unless you channel with the intent to harm undead, Zed will be fine.


Whoops, that's right...shows I don't play channel-capable characters very often! Still suffering some cleric burnout from all those years of playing clerics in AD&D 2nd edition...

Male Ulfen Bloodrager 9 | 94/94 HP | AC 19 T 11 FF 19 (AC 26 currently) | Fort +10 Ref +4 Will +8 | Initiative +0 | Perception +15, Sense Motive +0
Rage 9/23 | Spells: 1st 2/3, 2nd 1/1
Zelda | 47/47 HP (0 nonlethal) | AC: 21

"Some rest couldn't hurt", Vermundr admits as Hazel mends the wounds left by the she-devil's flaming arrows. "It would give me time to mend what's left of my poor armor."

The team retreats back to the safety and undeniable comfort of the manse. With the fire perpetually burning, the ingenious plumbing that seems to draw water from the falls to provide running water and the abundance of food - albeit mostly dried - in truth the manse is a far cry from the alternative of camping in the gatehouse or on the road.

The night will pass without incident. However, let me know if you want to move on directly or if you want to take time to RP or discuss what's going on etc


At some point during the evening Hazel makes her way over to Constantin at a moment when the young man is alone and they can speak in relative privacy.

"Hey, um...the way that devil was taunting you earlier...are you holding up okay? Or was she just trying to rattle you?" she asks quietly.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Constantin sits in one of the chairs in the dining room, with his spear left leaning against the wall. He gives Hazel a wan smile. "It's a bit... complicated," he says. He sighs and tries his best to explain.

"When I developed this, ah, mental sensitivity, I found that I could expand my mind to do things - to pull on the ether to create forces, sense the emotions of people around me, and so on. But it's, um, it's like when you're in a room and you can hear conversations through the walls. Sometimes it's just this murmured noise; sometimes people yell and you can hear everything. And when you get up and move around or say things, they can hear you too. So... when I focus I can control things, but in the background it's always there, this... pressure that my presence puts on the astral plane."

"I was afraid that this might happen - that we'd encounter something that could feel my presence like that. I can't always keep things out. Remember when that hostile spirit was trying to possess one of us? I could feel it clawing at my mind. The more these talents develop, the more it, ah... distorts astral space. The old analogy of throwing a rock in the pond and making ripples? As my... power grows, the rocks get bigger. More things see the ripples. And some things don't like it when you make waves."

Constantin glances back over at Hazel and says, "It's really hard... you saw how angry Vala got when I mentioned knowing what she was feeling. But I can't help it, any more than you can help hearing someone having an angry argument next door. Anything sensitive to psychic impressions, like spirits and devils and such, well, to them I'm a giant beacon, like a lighthouse, and I can't shutter the light."

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Vala stiffles a chuckle from the door and sighs, a soft and genuine smile on her face. "I got angry because you told me how I was feeling instead of asking me, Constantin. People don't like that, you know. Especially women." She pats him lovingly on the arm, in a reassuring way as she winks at Hazel.

"Sometimes it's a kindness to ask a question even when you already know the answer, dear. I am sorry, though, for snapping like I did. That was beneath me and you deserved better." She then takes a seat beside Constantin and waves one of the invisible servants off as it brushes the seat before she can sit down. Settling into the chair with a steaming mug of tea, she looks at the pair and offers a small grin.

"There's tea if either of you care for some. Dark and earthy, like I've never had before. It's quite good."

2 people marked this as a favorite.

"Some tea would be just the thing. Thank you," Constantin says. "I'm sorry that I upset you, Vala. It's... it's like if someone's wearing a red shirt and I say, 'Oh, your shirt is red,' instead of 'Is your shirt red?'. Sometimes when something catches me off-guard it just blurts out - in that case it's like seeing that your friend is on fire and just saying, 'Oh, you're on fire!' instead of 'Uh, hey, are you, um, on fire there?' Sensing things that other people don't means that sometimes I wind up just... reacting to things that other people don't see. It's not because I'm trying to hurt anyone or make anyone angry. It was just... a bad moment."

He sighs and says, "I keep hoping I will figure out how to control this, how to tamp it down and make it manageable, but it seems like the more I expand my knowledge, the more it sort of... bleeds out and spirals out of my control."

2 people marked this as a favorite.

"If someone's shirt is on fire, dear, I think it's a fair bet to say they don't want to be told or asked if they're on fire. They want to be helped. Asking, 'are you ok?' is one way you can help people who are hurting. Then again, sometimes saying anything at all is as likely to get you in trouble as insulting them to their face. But, I do think it's safe to say, when dealing with people and feelings, it's always going to be better to ask then tell, sweetie."

"That reminds me of the time I first really met Petros. I mean, we'd been cordial and civil prior to this, but after we were the fastest of friends. I'd thought I'd done quite well after my first year at the school but I'd crossed one of the uppity-ups above me at some point, probably by correcting them in front of a crowd no doubt. I was a prideful devil in my youth, I'm afraid. Anyway, instead of the shining marks for my first year review, the headmasters were instead particularly harsh with me, going so far as to read a nasty letter. They didn't say who it was from, but I knew all the same."

"That was a hard day. I wondered, seriously and deeply, if I'd made a horrible mistake coming to Leipstadt. Petros was there during the review though and saw how it crushed me." She pauses at this as a wistful smile drifts across her face and her eyes glaze over with memory. "All he did was put one arm around my shoulder and offer in that impish voice of his, 'Let's go get some dinner, shall we?' He didn't press or dig, he just somehow knew that I needed a friend more than I needed any kind of verbal encouragement he might have offered to counter those of that silly little letter."

She chuckles and shakes her head briefly before taking another sip of tea. Turning her eyes back to Constatin, she smiles. "He'd have been proud with how you're adapting, Constantin. I know it's difficult though. Is there anyway we can help you? Perhaps exercises or something of the like?"


For once Hazel sits quietly, listening as Constantin and Vala talk and sipping thoughtfully on her tea. "I think Vala's right," she agrees. "I don't think any of us can really completely understand what you have to deal with every day but I think the Professor would be really proud of how strong you are." She shakes her head. "I don't think I'd be able to handle always having voices and whispers in my mind - they'd have had to lock me up somewhere like Dr. Brada's Sanctuary."

When Vala inquires if there's anything that the rest of them can do to help their troubled friend, Hazel nods her head vigorously. "Yeah, anything that we can do to make things easier - just say the word! We're all friends here, you know...or at least, I think we are."

Eventually the sun creeps over the horizon, bringing with it the most spectacular rainbow that stretches dramatically across the waterfall like a halo.

Thick black clouds sit on the horizon like giant spiderwebs though, threatening ill weather to come.

Let me know when you're ready to move on

Male Ulfen Bloodrager 9 | 94/94 HP | AC 19 T 11 FF 19 (AC 26 currently) | Fort +10 Ref +4 Will +8 | Initiative +0 | Perception +15, Sense Motive +0
Rage 9/23 | Spells: 1st 2/3, 2nd 1/1
Zelda | 47/47 HP (0 nonlethal) | AC: 21

With a bit of cordage, some patience, and time Vermundr is able to patch his mail together well enough to absorb half a blow again. With his armor serviceable again he moves on to cleaning and sharpening the edge of his mighty blade.

Vermundr is ready to move on. I'm actually at Paizocon until Tuesday so I will be slackish for the near future. Feel free to NPC me as necessary.

Actually, since you are resting, this seems like an opportune moment to have you LEVEL UP!

It's probably a little earlier than intended but why not, it's a Holiday Weekend :)


Constantin sips at the tea and says, "This really is quite good."

He thinks for a moment about the question posed to him, then says, "I seem to be able to just... tune everything out and focus when I'm reading. I focus all of my thoughts on whatever I'm reading and it blocks out everything else. Just uh... I appreciate your patience and your friendship. I know things have been difficult and we've all been on edge lately. I don't want to make more problems... I'm glad to have friends in spite of all of this."


"Well, you know yourself best - so if you say so, then I'll take your word for it," Hazel replies. "But you're not making any problems, you know. Not any more so than any of the rest of us," she chuckles. Then she finds herself stifling a yawn.

"As nice as it is to have time to sit and talk, I think I'd better get some sleep," she says apologetically as she rises from her seat. "Don't stay up too late, okay you two?"

After bidding her friends goodnight, Hazel settles down in one of the small guest rooms and quickly begins to drift off to sleep. However, one last idle thought does roll through her mind before her eyes finally close.

Reading, huh? I'll have to remember to stop by a bookstore or something whenever we get back to the city...

Previously... on Carrion Crown:

In case anyone doesn't remember the previous mention of Auren Vrood's name

Volkstag's Study wrote:

A secret compartment in Volkstag's bed contains a ledger detailing customers who have purchased stolen cadavers and anatomical parts from Volkstag and Grine. Many of the names are local doctors and scholars, but two names stand out due to their frequency: Doctor Brada of Sanctuary, and someone named Auren Vrood.


You fall into a deep sleep, your muscles more weary from the journey and the battles you have fought than you recall.

Images swim through your mind; the sewers, the ghoul that bit you that fateful day, your brother entering that warehouse only to be caught and beaten so badly he was unrecognisable when your mother came to identify the body. And then her too, the sickness that set into her bones and took her that winter, your father lying crushed beneath that beam...

Then there is a figure standing beside the beam. You watch as the figure, somehow desperately familiar, slowly bends down and with no effort whatsoever raises the beam and then, incredibly, offers a hand to your father who reaches up and takes it. Standing shakily but alive. From out of the shadows your mother and brother step.

You cannot see his face but know that somehow he is smiling at you as he raises his hands and one by one the radiant, glowing spirits of your mother and siblings rise from their bodies. They glow like moonlight and look at you with a fearsome love.

Why did they have to die Constantin? the figure says, though it is impossible to determine race or gender. Why does your mind fracture so? But there is another Way, Constantin. What if you could be shown the deepest secrets of your mind? What if all the pain you and they suffered in life need not ever happen to anyone else you cared for...?

Slowly you watch as time reverses itself, the spirits of your family are drawn back into their bodies, which in turn sink back into the shadows. And as you wake the last words of the figure are the ones that stay with you...

For everyone else, back to the rope bridge?

NG Male Human Investigator (Psychic Detective)9 lvl 1 spells 6/7 lvl2 5/5 lvl3 4/4 Insp: 10/12 HP 48/48 Init +0, Per +16 AC 18/14/18 Frt3,Rfx6,Wll8

Re: Previously...

Oh, yes...that elusive name is VERY much on Kazamir's mind...

IN the morning...

"Shall we see what further surprises our elusive M- Vrood has left for us today?"

Kaz is ready for the rope bridge.

"Why don't I take the first walk out onto the bridge? I'll see if I can sniff out any more surprises like yesterday's "

If no-one objects...

perception: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (9) + 14 = 23 +3 for traps, magical included.
26 total


"So...what this Vrood's stake in all this anyway?" Hazel asks the next morning as the group prepares to delve deeper into Schloss Caromarc. "It sounds like he's the one that left the two traps but why? Who was he expecting to pass through here?"


Vala shakes her head, "Who knows, dear. First warden Hawkran's spirit and now this seasage effigy? Whatever his game, I have the feeling it's one we need to stop him at."

Sick and tired of all these dang summons. That holiday level-up has left Vala with a dismissal at her disposal =P

Would you guys prefer Vala switch back to her life spirit for all the extra heals or stick with Heavens with that heaven's leap ability?


HP: 45/45
Negative Energy Resist 5
AC: 14 (10 T / 14 FF)
CMD: 15
F/R/W: +5/+2/+9 (+2 vs death effects, energy drain, negative energy, & necromancy)
Monstrous Insight used: 0/7
Healing Hex targets:
Current Wandering Spirit: ???

Prepared spells
Orisons (4) | DC 14: dancing lights, disrupt undead, identify, read magic
Level 1 spells (4+1+1*) | DC 15: inflict light wounds [ ], know the enemy* [ ], magic missile [ ] [ ] [ ], produce flame (CL7) [ ]
Level 2 spells (3+1+1*) | DC 16: glitterdust [ ], lesser restoration* [ ], spiritual weapon [ ] [ ] [ ]
Level 3 spells (2+1+1*) | DC 17: fly [ ], lightning bolt [ ], locate object* [ ], spiritual weapon (extended) [ ]
Level 4 spells (1+1+1*) | DC 18: dismissal [ ], legend lore* [ ], greater magic weapon [ ]

Ongoing Effects

Also, Vala's got a greater magic weapon in her pocket now. It's a +1 that lasts for 7 hours; would anyone like to have it cast at the start of the day? Zed? Vermundr? Who'll benefit most?


"I can get on board with that," Hazel responds with a grim smile.

Up to you re: which spirit as either option is useful! As for the spell usage I'd say give it to Vermundr or Zed as they do most of the melee damage.


Constantin seems a bit rough in the morning, as if he's had a terrible night.

"Um. Vrood may be involved in the body business because of Bland? Connecting him to the castle? Random guess," says Constantin as he wipes bleariness out of his eyes. "Kaz, you're the detective - how do you think these puzzle pieces fit together?"

Male Ulfen Bloodrager 9 | 94/94 HP | AC 19 T 11 FF 19 (AC 26 currently) | Fort +10 Ref +4 Will +8 | Initiative +0 | Perception +15, Sense Motive +0
Rage 9/23 | Spells: 1st 2/3, 2nd 1/1
Zelda | 47/47 HP (0 nonlethal) | AC: 21

Both are super useful. Seeing how much this castle loves its rickety bridges you might want to keep the heaven's leap.

Despite the intense day prior, Vermundr wakes feeling and looking stronger than ever.

He follows closely as the party approaches the bridge that marked the end of their exploration yesterday. "I hope there's no more surprises like yesterday's. Those flaming arrows f$@&ing hurt."

NG Male Human Investigator (Psychic Detective)9 lvl 1 spells 6/7 lvl2 5/5 lvl3 4/4 Insp: 10/12 HP 48/48 Init +0, Per +16 AC 18/14/18 Frt3,Rfx6,Wll8

"Vrood has a goal, and I feel it is incidental or tangential to our involvement. I cannot think that we have not come to his attention, particularly in the wake of Bland's trial...but if his goal was the acquisition of the warden's shade and the effigy, we have not stopped him. They are obviously a part of a larger picture, but what that may be..." he shakes his head in frustration. "We need more clues."

Having just had my a@@ saved by heaven's Leap, I am not exactly unbiased...

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