The Dragon |

Well, you and I live in Torch, and have done so for a while. Although his main source of people contact is selling his produce, going down to the inn after work, and paying taxes, Kerin has been out and about enough to if not know, then at least know of such exiting new arrivals as a girl that acts as though she's undead or something, and then all up and sudden turns into a real person, and joins the priesthood.
He might've turned up to a cermon or two to get a look at Sarona for himself.

Tazwell Bladenkurst |

Sarona and Tazwell should know each other through their connection to Khonnir Baine.
Tazwell probably doesn't take Sarona particularly seriously because of her obvious connection to the technology that has interfered with his life.

Fist the Halfling |

Fist would likely be new to the area though his usual behavior would probably be noticed or commented upon. It's hard to miss a Halfling flying off into a rage and starting a fight with some local who made the mistake of trying to make a joke about how short he is.

Fist the Halfling |

Fist probably wouldn't be bothered by another short person saying something like that. However steering him away from a member of the thecnic league is definitely something that could happen. Either stopping a fight or breaking one up. I've read about them in the players guide and fist most definatly dosnt like them.

Caimor Bleddyn |

And Caimor would be the outlier, having formed a party with him but not really knowing much about him.
He's new in town and has introduced himself as a scholar. It might be assumed he was here for Khonnir, but he doesn't talk much about his business.
Also, how are we handling spell preparation? In any case, Caimor will be preparing the following extracts for today:
1st: Cure Light Wounds, Enlarge Person, Shield, [Open Slot], [Open Slot]

Joseph the Shepherd |

Hey all, this is Joseph, the country bumkin dotting in :)
I am a late entree into this game but i cleared it with the GM, also since we just started hopefully it wont be much of a problem :)
As for in game and connecting up, Joseph could meet you guys in the tavern, a lost country bumkin who is trying to figure out whats going on.
By the way, Joseph is a halfling hunter and a bit of a melee buffer. If you want to check his stats to make sure they are good id appreciate it (expecially with all the house rules :p)
Mysterious die, if it applies to me: 1d20 ⇒ 6

Caimor Bleddyn |

Hey there! Welcome to the game.
Would you have been hired beforehand so the rest of the party knows to expect you?
Nothing wrong I can see in your profile from a quick once-over, except that your skill points gained per level is off by 4 (supposed to be 11). You've spent 4 skill points on combat feats, I think, so you don't need to actually adjust your character but it's a good idea to put it down as 11 anyway.
I also notice you didn't take any archetypes, which I recommend you try looking around. You get two sets of your class skills so you can get an archetype without losing anything.
Oh, and you might want to add an 'h' in the Sheperd in your name to turn it into the more proper 'Shepherd'. Thought I'd mention it before it's too late to change it. =]

Sarona Epsilon |

That's kinda why I'm walking back to the Foundry--I'm trying to give our newbie a way into the group. :)
Welcome to the game!

Joseph the Shepherd |

Hias and thankyou :)
Ya i bought 2 combat feats, so thats where the 4 points went.
I thought about the evolution based archetype but i didnt want to lose the main classes benefits, but i think i might add it.
Thanks for the catch on the name! Ill change it right away! thats what i get for writing it when im super tired >.> didnt want to be later then i already was...

The Dragon |

Hias and thankyou :)
Ya i bought 2 combat feats, so thats where the 4 points went.
I thought about the evolution based archetype but i didnt want to lose the main classes benefits, but i think i might add it.
Thanks for the catch on the name! Ill change it right away! thats what i get for writing it when im super tired >.> didnt want to be later then i already was...
Note that due to super special secret houserules, you count as having two copies of each class feature for the purpose of archetypes.
I'm trading away damage reduction twice, for example.
Have more info in th recruitment thread.

Caimor Bleddyn |

Yeah, that means you don't actually lose your main class's benefits because you have two copies of your features.
So if you did take the Primal Companion Hunter archetype, you'd have one copy of animal focus left and also have the nifty new primal transformation.
Looking at the archetypes, you can also gain the Blight Scout or Divine Hunter archetypes without losing any of your base class features. Though Blight Scout is a ??? for your backstory in how the heck did you get demon-fighting skills, and Divine Hunter implies active worship of a deity.

Tazwell Bladenkurst |

Is there any readily available information on the town of Torch?
(more than what is included in the player's guide? maybe a key to that map they included in the players guide?)

Iron Vagabond DM |

Apologies, I'll give somewhat concise versions:
Iven's livery stable is a stable that sells horses.
Silverdisc Hall is a gambling house. They're assisted by theives called the Ropefist.
The Merryaid is a house of questionable entertainment.
The copper coin is a tavern.
Otterbie Manor is is a manor of the oldest family in the city.
Weeping Pond: A placid shaped pond.
To be frank, there isn't much you really need to know.

Tazwell Bladenkurst |

Joseph -> Undersized Mount

The Dragon |

When we level up at some point I'll get a rage power. I'm thinking of taking superstition, but I kind of feel that that might be shooting Kerin in the foot, since he'll have to stop raging to benefit from friendly spells (+7+base save vs spells means buffs would be likely to go to waste).
It fits the concept though.

Joseph the Shepherd |

When all those hps are gone? Thats generally when you need to heal people ^_^
Its generally when a character gets low that the clutch heals are nesasary :)

The Dragon |

Cam James, could you please explain to me what bothered you about Kerin killing the Blindheim?
If I know where you're coming from, I might be able to have Kerin act in ways that doesn't make you have to ignore queasy feelings from my in-game actions.
He might've seemed a tad too nonchalant about taking its life. But that's just my thought; I don't actually know what you thought, and I'd like to :)

Cam James |

Oh, nothing at all :)
Some people feel that murder and theft and such in the game is really bad because its bad in real life and thrus, realistic.
I dissagree. In this game world murder (especially if you are one of those notorious "Adventurers") is perfectly normal, kinda like feudal age japan, and killing that thug that gave you a hard time and looting his corpse then leaving him to rot is nothing out of the ordinary.
I like that break from realsim (i was originally the one that advocated killing it) as i dont have to worry about the moral and dire concequences of killing Thuggy and his pet Blindy (his buddy Thuggy Jr might have something to say tho...)
Others might care tho, so i figured i would address it early.
My stance is it doesnt bother me, Joseph the Kind Shepherd will kill when needed, im mot worried and im going to have fun with Stumpy the soon-to-be-cypork :)
seconed on the campaign map

Caimor Bleddyn |

Wow, that mold is positively lethal at level 1. 3d6 nonlethal only means instead of possibly dying in one round, you get to fall unconscious in the first round and then die in the second.

The Dragon |

Wait a sec, isn't there a cantrip that deals ranged cold damage? What do you say we clear the dungeon to the metal wall, and then go back up for rest and hire an evoker or something to clear out the fungus?
It shouldn't be expensive, we just want him to cast a cantrip a hundred times or so in a cleared, safe dungeon, and then walk back out again. An hour of work, tops.
We could offer the guy 20gp with 100gp hazard pay if something attacks us. That seems pretty fair, no?
Of course, it's contingent on there being a first-level caster in town who can cast the thing.

Caimor Bleddyn |

There is indeed and it's called Ray of Frost.
Alternatively, we can get some Liquid Ice and either pour it carefully down the cliff or throw it around strategically.
But let's clear out the dungeon first. :P
Healing Fist is a simple matter of casting cure light wounds. You heal an equal amount of non-lethal damage whenever you heal lethal damage.