Posting a ton of intrest, as a Soulbound Doll! Not sure what I'll combine it with, but I'm interested in this! A lot! So consider me here! I'm probably going to play a soulbound Doll Psion//Wizard//Something Int-based, maybe Alchemist or Investigator.
Do you have access to the Factotum class, from Dungeonscape?
Do you have access to the Magic in the Blood feat, from some 3.5 sourcebook I don't remember? May I apply the Phernic and Half-Fey template to my Soulbound Doll if that's the case?
I know she's not going to be a frontline combatant, but I'm not sure what she'll be.
For the purpose of having a reference for the future, I'm going to post the class as it is currently here:
Conductor Hybrid Class (Indev 1.00):
Alignment: Any
Hit Dice: d6
Starting Wealth: 3d6 x 10
Class Skills:
Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (all) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Perception (Wis), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), and Use Magic Device (Cha).
Skill Points: 4+Int mod
BaB: 1/2 level
Fortitude and Reflex saves: Poor
Will Save: Good
Moments per Round: 2 until level 4, where it increases by one, and increasing by one every five levels after.
Conductor Skill:
Upon your first level of Conductor, pick the mental stat of your choice. This is your conductor stat. You use that stat in place of Wisdom for Profession (Conductor) checks, and all perform checks.
Depending on your mental stat, you’ll gain a certain bonus-
Intelligence- You can perform an additional 1 round per level.
Wisdom- Increase the range of all your choir music by five feet.
Charisma- Treat yourself as another choir.
Summon Choir (Su)
As songs of choirs race through your mind, you are filled with a desire to weave these songs into existence- and, through your love and ideas, you weave choirs from your dreams.
As a Standard Action, you can summon a number of Choirs as on the table. Choirs are incorporeal, and do not attack, but sing as you direct them to. A choir can be attacked by anyone on the field who can hit it as a swift action. These are considered Eidolons for all effects that specify an eidolon. They can be passed through without effect. A Choir uses your saves and AC, and has a 3 hit points per conductor level you possess. Summoned Choirs have any musical instrument that they might need to perform (Such as a keyboard for perform (Keyboard)).
Choirs, despite being called Choirs, can actually use any perform for their performance. You designate the type of performance the Choir uses, and they use your modifier for their performance rolls.
When a Choir dies, you may bring your choirs back by expending a move or standard action, where you will regain a number of choirs equal to half your Conductor Stat each round. Choirs must be within 60 feet of yourself or another choir, or they will peter out of existence the next round. Choirs act on your initiative.
Choir Music (Su)
As Move, standard, or swift action, you may begin to conduct a summoned choir to begin a song or choir music. Upon beginning the songs, you can use half your moments. To maintain conducting is a full round action to use all your moments, or a standard action to use only half of your moments (Rounded down), with a DC (20+Choirs conducted+Squares Moved) Profession (Conductor) check to maintain the performance.
Conducting provokes an AoO unless you make a DC (15+Choirs conducted) profession (Conductor) check. If you take damage, you must make a DC (10+Damage taken) profession (Conductor) check. Armor that provides Arcane Spellcasting Failure run the risk of making you incapable of conducting- double the arcane spellcraft failure for the armor, and roll arcane spellcraft failure. If you fail the roll, your performance immediately ends.
This is considered a bardic performance for all abilities that affect bardic performances.
Maintaining a song is a tedious, and difficult task, but one that is powerful- You can only conduct for only 4+ Your conductor stat rounds each day. At each level after 1st a conductor can conduct for 2 additional rounds per day.
All Songs are assumed to have a save of DC of (10+ 1/2 conductor level+ Conductor stat). If a save type isn’t listed, assume it’s a will save.
Choir music is made up of three parts- A Melody, a Harmony, and moments.
A melody is exactly that- The melody to the song, and the primary effect of the song. When you begin a performance, pick one melody you know- That melody comes into effect to those who can hear it (Usually your performance modifier times ten feet.). Melodies are channeled through only one choir at a time, unless the conductor makes a DC (10+Choirs on field) profession conductor check, to add another choir to the melody (Increasing your effect Conductor level by 1).
Harmonies- Harmonies are akin to melodies, but augment melodies by adding a secondary effect. As with melodies, they end when the choirs singing them are dead.
Melody (Su)
A melody is the core of a song, keeping things together. It’s what keeps things strong and together, and you gain a Melody at level 1, 3, and every odd level thereafter. To change a melody is a move action on the conductors part. Melodies, however, need people to sing them- You must devote a choir to a melody in order to perform Harmonies or moments. You may only have one melody up at a time.
Moments (Su)
Moments are moments of great strength, a punctuation to your song. They fill you with great strength, causing a secondary effect to everyone who hears the song. You gain a new moment every level. You do, however, have a maximum amount of moments you can use in one turn- See Moments per round table. Moments generally have a range of 45 feet- Meaning a choir must be within 60 feet of the subject of the moment in order for it to take effect. Moments, however, don’t last long- They end at the end of the conductor’s next turn, unless they use that moment again. If a choir is killed during a moment, that moment immediately ends. If a moment requires more than one choir, then they must all be within range of what the moment is affecting.
Songs (Su):
Songs are powerful performances, taking up all of your choir to perform in whole- By making Perform and Profession (Conductor) checks, you can make extremely powerful bardic effects! At level 1, 5, and every 5 levels after, gain a new Song known.
The strength of the song is determined each round by a perform or Profession (conductor) check on your part- The strength of the song is determined by the table below:
Check Result | Song Strength
20 or below | 1
21-30 | 2
31-35 | 3
36-40 | 4
40 + | 5
Harmony (Su):
At the second level, a conductor has learned to weave a secondary effect into his melodies- By directing two Choirs to sing harmony, you can cause a secondary effect, with a bonus for using more choirs. You gain a melody known at level 2, 4, and every two levels after.
Bonus Feats
At level 2, 5, and every 5 levels thereafter, gain a bonus feat selected from the following list that you meet the prerequisite to:
Extra Performance, Harmonic Sage, Leaf Singer, Stone Singer, War singer, or a Bardic Masterpiece.
Choir Evolution (Su)
At level 4, You may grant your choirs a 1 point evolution from the Eidolon Evolution List, chosen at this time. At level 8, and every four levels thereafter, increase the evolution pool by one for your choir. You may change your evolutions upon leveling up.
Healing Hymn:
All spells that heal hit points add your ranks perform (Sing) to the amount healed upon casting the spell.
Melody of Combat:
+1 Competence bonus to attack and damage rolls, plus one for each 5 perform (Percussion) you have.
Melody of Sorrow:
Enemies who hear this song takes a -1 penalty to will saves, plus one per five ranks in perform (Keyboard Instrument).
Melody of Speed:
Allies gain a +10 enhancement bonus to move speed, increasing by 5 every 4 ranks in perform (Dance)
Melody of Endurance:
+1 circumstance bonus to fortitude saves, plus one for every 4 Conductor level you posses.
Melody of Rage:
+2 morale bonus to strength and constitution, increasing to +4 with 8 ranks in Perform (Sing), and +6 with 16 ranks in Perform (Sing). -1 to AC. Allies cannot use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills (except Acrobatics, Fly, Intimidate, and Ride) or any ability that requires patience or concentration.
Melody of Trickery:
Take a -1 penalty to Enchantment and Illusion saves, plus one per 5 ranks in perform (Oratory), and any target that fails their appraise check on any item considers the item 10% cheaper per 5 ranks in perform (Act)
Melody of Magic:
Allies of the conductor gain a +1 bonus on caster level checks, concentration checks, and attack rolls with spells and spell-like abilities. This bonus increases by +1 at 5th level and every six levels thereafter.
Song of accursed casting:
Spellcasters casting stat is considered one lower, plus another one per four ranks in perform (Any), in addition, they take a penalty of 1 to caster level dependent effects (Such as Fireball). They can still cast spells if their caster level is lower than the minimum to cast the spell.
Melody of fascination:
Cause people within 60 feet of the choir singing melody to become fascinated with the object of your choice. The Distraction of a nearby combat or any other danger (Such as a Moment) prevents the ability from working. You can affect 1 person per 3 conductor levels.
Melody of the Unyielding:
Prerequisite: Conductor level 3
A conductor can use choir song to inspire his allies to move faster without suffering from fatigue. By expending 1 round of choir song, the conductor invigorates allies within 60 feet, who may hustle for the next hour; this movement counts as a walk (not a hustle) for the purpose of accruing nonlethal damage and fatigue. The choir must continue to perform the song for the remainder of the hour, otherwise its effects end, but only 1 round of choir song is expended for that hour. Maintaining this performance, with no moments or harmonies otherwise, is a swift action.
Dance of Fire:
Prerequisite: Conductor level 3
Gain the ability to see through fire, fog, and smoke without penalty as long as the light is sufficient to allow anyone affected by the performance to see normally, as with the base effect of the gaze of flames oracle revelation.
Melody of Armaments:
Prerequisite: Conductor level 3
Add a +1 enhancement bonus to weapon damage and attack rolls, plus one per five ranks in perform (Wind instrument) to all allies within 60 feet of a choir. You can add other weapon effects, such as dancing, defending, distance, flaming, frost, ghost touch, keen, mighty cleaving, returning, shock, seeking, or speed, by replacing this enhancement bonus.
Dance of Firefall:
Prerequisite: Conductor level 7
Grant 15+Ranks in dance resistance to Fire.
Melody of Desecration:
Prerequisite: Conductor level 7
Create an aura of Desecration, as the spell of the same name.
Medley of Consecration:
Prerequisite: Conductor level 7
Create an aura of Consecration, as the spell.
Inspire Greatness:
Prerequisite: Conductor level 9
A conductor of 9th level or higher can use his performance to inspire greatness in himself or a single willing ally within 30 feet, granting extra fighting capability. For every three levels a bard attains beyond 9th, he can target one additional ally while using this performance (up to a maximum of four at 18th level). To inspire greatness, all of the targets must be able to see and hear the bard. A creature inspired with greatness gains 2 bonus Hit Dice (d10s), the commensurate number of temporary hit points (apply the target’s Constitution modifier, if any, to these bonus Hit Dice)
Hymn of the Undying:
Prerequisite: Conductor level 15
A conductor with 14 or more ranks in Perform (Percussion) can temporarily revive dead allies to continue fighting, with the same limitations as raise dead, besides the casting time. The Conductor selects a dead ally within 60 feet and brings that ally back to life. The revived ally is alive but staggered for the duration of the melody. The ally automatically dies if the conductor ends this performance or is interrupted.
Moments (Indev 1.00)::
Raising moment:
Raise a 5x5 area per choir used, 5 feet upward (Granting a +1 to rolls from height advantage to folks standing on it). With each choir used, you can either increase the size of the area raised, or the height of the area raised.
Greater Rising Moment:
Prerequisite: Raising Moment.
Raise a 10x10 area per choir used 10 feet into the air, as if creating a wall with Wall of stone. With each choir used, you can either increase the size of the area raised, or the height of the area raised.
Launching Moment:
Prerequisite: Greater Rising Moment:
Upon a activating a raising moment (Or the greater version), you can choose to have activate a launching moment, without using another moment, only one choir. A launching moment launches the person standing on the area that’s raised, ten feet per five feet raised. A character can make a reflex save to step off the area, and avoid being launched. This moment does not use any choirs. They can control their landing, and land on an opposing creature by making a fly check equal to it’s hit dice.
Landing Moment:
Prerequisite: Launching Moment
You can choose to allow those launched by launching moments to not take fall damage, by using one Choir’s actions.
Stumbling Ground:
Turn a 5x5 area per choir used into difficult terrain.
Greater Stumbling Ground
Prerequisite: Stumbling Ground.
Turn a 10x10 square per choir into difficult terrain, or turn a 5x5 square per choir into a layer of slippery grease. Any creature in the area when the moment is in effect must make a successful Reflex save or fall. A creature can walk within or through the area of grease at half normal speed with a DC 10 Acrobatics check. Failure means it can't move that round (and must then make a Reflex save or fall), while failure by 5 or more means it falls (see the Acrobatics skill for details). Creatures that do not move on their turn do not need to make this check and are not considered flat-footed.
Good Fortune:
Gain a +1 luck bonus per 4 choirs used to any d20 roll, or +1 luck bonus to any other roll per 6 choirs used.
Moment of Swiftness:
Grant an extra attack (As the Haste spell) by having 3 choirs sing to an individual within 30 feet (Prerequisite: 5 ranks in perform (Oratory))
Moment of Fire:
Cause 1d6 fire damage per two Choirs used to someone within 30 feet of a choir, with a DC (10+Conductor Stat) reflex save for half.
Moment of noise:
With 6 or more ranks in perform (Any), roll 1d6 damage per choir used, to someone within 100 feet of a choir. DC (10+Conductor stat) reflex save for half.
Moment of Confusion:
Cause someone to be for confused by using 2 choirs actions, with a will save (DC 10+ choirs used + Conductor stat) to negate the confusion.
Moment of Binding:
Prerequisite: Conductor Level 9
A Conductor can bind another creature's promise to the conductor with a geas. This acts as lesser geas, except the creature must have Hit Dice equal to or less than the negotiator's level plus the number of choirs used (Minimum one). The target can negate this effect with a successful Will save (DC = 10 + 1/2 the conductor level + Conductor modifier);. The geas is discharged if the negotiator breaks his end of the bargain. Using this ability requires 3 rounds of continuous performance, and the target must be able to see and hear the bard throughout the performance. At 18th level, this effect acts as geas/quest (no HD limit, and the target cannot attempt a saving throw). Moment of binding is an enchantment (compulsion),mind-affecting, language-dependent ability that relies on audible components.
Moment of Knowledge:
Pick a combat feat: You can grant this feat to one individual per 2 choirs used until the start of your next turn.
Moment of Teamwork:
Pick a teamwork feat- By using 1 choir, you can grant one teammate this teamwork feat for 1 round. You can use more choirs to grant it to more people.
Moment of doom:
Prerequisite: Perform (Any) 9
Cause your opponent to become shaken for one round per choir used.
Moment of terror:
A conductor with 14 or more ranks in perform (Act and Oratory) can use this moment to cause fear in his enemies. To be affected, an enemy must be able to hear a choir perform and be within 30 feet. Each enemy within range receives a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 the conductor’s level + conductor stat modifier) to negate the effect. If the save succeeds, the creature is immune to this ability for 24 hours. If the save fails, the target becomes frightened and flees for as long as the target can hear a choir’s performance. Frightening tune relies on audible components.
Moment of suggestion:
A choir with 6 or more ranks in Perform (String instruments) can use his performance to make a suggestion (as per the spell) to a creature that he has already fascinated (see above). Using this ability does not disrupt the fascinate effect, but it does require a standard action to activate (in addition to the free action to continue the fascinate effect). A bard can use this ability more than once against an individual creature during an individual performance. This affects a number of creatures equal to the number of choirs used.
Moment of magical failing:
With 9 or more ranks in perform (Keyboard Instruments), a magician can use performance to counter the spells of his foes. While maintaining a performance, and with at least 1 choir unused for any moment, as an immediate action, he can attempt to counter any spell that he can identify using Spellcraft, so long as that spell’s level is equal or less than the number of choirs unused. The attempt to counter the spell is made as if using dispel magic, using the conductor’s ranks in perform (String instrument) as the caster level.
Moment of slumber:
By using a number of choirs equal to half your opponents hit dice (Minimum 3 choirs to use), you may inflict sleep upon your opponents, as with the sleep spell, without the hit die limit.
Dance of Befriending:
Make a humanoid creature regard you as its trusted friend and ally (treat the target's attitude as friendly), with a will save equal to (10+Choirs used)
Moment of the dead:
Animate a creature (As if using Animate Dead) with a hit dice equal to the number of choirs used.
Moment of Magic:
Grant a +1 enhancement Bonus on attack and damage rolls by using one choir, plus 1 per 4 choir used after.
Moment of Size:
Increase a creature’s size category by one, The target gains a +2 size bonus to Strength, a -2 size penalty to Dexterity (to a minimum of 1), and a -1 penalty on attack rolls and AC due to its increased size. This uses 1 choir. It does not stack with itself, or enlarge person. If you spend 6 additional choirs, this power increases your size by two size categories instead of one. You gain a +4 size bonus to Strength, a –4 size penalty to Dexterity (to a minimum effective Dexterity score of 1), a –2 size penalty on attack rolls, and a –2 size penalty to Armor Class due to your increased size. For every choir you go beyond this, increase the duration by one round.
Moment of discomfort:
Create a 5x5 area per two choirs used, to create an area as with the Black Tentacles spell, treating your Conductor level as your caster level.
Moment of the time:
Grant one ally per four choirs used the ability to take an standard action as a immediate action by dazing themselves the following turn. Even if you are immune to daze, you are dazed.
Moment of Metamagic:
If you have Melody of metamagic and Harmony of Metamagic active, she can instead apply the Maximize Spell or Widen Spellmetamagic feat to a spell at least 3 levels lower than the highest-level spell she can cast.
Cry to the sun:
Prerequisite: 5 ranks in Perform (Wind instrument)
When two choirs dedicate themselves to this moment, they create a area of pure light in a 10x10 area, functioning as light from the sun. In addition, for every choir beyond one that sings, it’s size increases by one square, up to a 50x50 area, or you may inflict 1d8 fire damage per choir dedicated to this performance to everyone in the area of light.
Cry of descent:
Prerequisite: 4 ranks in perform (Comedy)
Make a 10x10 pit, as with the pit spell. This uses up two choirs actions, plus another one per ten feet deep the pit is (To a maximum of 5). With 8 ranks in Perform (Percussion), it function as spiked pit, dealing 2d6 piercing damage upon falling down, and 1d6 each round they climb up. With 12 ranks in perform, the bottom contains acid instead of spikes, in addition to the spikes on the wall, dealing 2d6 acid damage, along with secondary effects as with Create Pit. with 16 ranks, you add the effect of Hungry pit, dealing 4d6 bludgoning damage each round to everyone in the pit, in addition to the 2d6 acid damage upon falling in. Upon the ending of this moment, they are released from this pit, and returned to the space they would be before.
Call of vines:
Prerequisite: Perform (Wind instrument) 7 ranks
You create and direct the rapid growth of vines, spreading thirty feet from the choir who is performing this moment. When you cast the spell, choose one of the following effects: Climbing aid (treat as knotted ropes), Bind helpless targets (Escape Artist DC 25 to escape), Hamper movement (as heavy undergrowth), Camouflage (add +4 competence bonus on Hide checks). One choir is required to sing this.
Moment of Illusions I:
Create a silent image, as with the spell silent image, with a size equal to 4 5x5 cubes per choir used.
Moment of Illusions II
Prerequisite: Perform (Act) 5, Moment of Illusions I
Increase the size of the illusion to 4 10x10 cubes per choir used. In addition, it can create sounds, as with Minor image.
Moment of Illusion III
Prerequisite: Perform (Act) 10 ranks, Moment of Illusion II and I
Increase the size of the illusion to 5 10x10 cubes per choir used. Choose one 5-foot square within the area of your illusion; that square threatens the target as long as it is adjacent. Thus, if you or an ally is on the opposite side of the target, it is considered flanking. Normally the area must contain an illusory creature of Small or Medium size. However, you can select one square of a larger illusory creature to threaten the target. For example, an illusory Large ogre takes up four 5-foot squares; you select one square to be the source of the threat, and its other three squares do not threaten anyone. In addition, your image can now produce smells and thermal illusions, as with Major image
Moment of trappings:
Create a 5x5 foot square of caltrops per choir used. With 6 or more ranks in perform (Dance), the caltrops are instead vicious caltrops.
Entangling Moment:
Pick a 10x10 area. Creatures of Medium Size or smaller are entangled upon a failed reflex save. For every two choirs that participates beyond the first choir, increase the maximum size category it can effect by one.
Harmonies (Indev 1.00):
Harmonies:Harmony of combat:
+1 competence bonus to attack and damage rolls per 5 conductor levels (Minimum 0).
Harmony of rage:
+1 morale bonus to strength, +1 morale bonus to constitution, increasing by one every 5 levels. -2 to AC. Allies cannot use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills (except Acrobatics, Fly, Intimidate, and Ride) or any ability that requires patience or concentration.
Harmony of vision:
+1 morale bonus on saving throws against charm and fear effects per 4 levels.
Harmony of Awe:
Upon beginning the performance, make a perform check. All enemies within 20 feet of a choir must make a will save, or become shaken for 1 round per every five you pass their will save. This effect does not stack with other fear effects.
Inspire Will:
+1 to will for every 4 choir levels.
Dance of the untouchable:
Gain a dodge bonus to AC equal to your conductor level divided by three.
Harmony of Striking:
Add your conductor stat modifier as a bonus to rolls made to confirm critical hits.
Harmony of War:
Add your conductor stat modifier as a bonus to disarm, trip, bull rush, and sunder combat maneuvers.
Harmony of Fortitude:
Add your conductor stat modifier as a bonus to Fortitude saves.
Harmony of Magic:
Add your conductor stat modifier as a bonus to rolls to overcome spell resistance.
Harmony of Will:
Add your conductor stat modifier as a bonus to Will saves.
Harmony of Opportunity:
Add your conductor stat to Armor Class against attacks of opportunity.
Harmony of Tactics:
Add your conductor stat modifier as a bonus to damage rolls when flanking.
Harmony of [Physical stat]:
Add your conductor stat modifier as a bonus to an ability score check of your choice, and any skill checks that use that stat. This applies only to one stat- Pick that stat upon picking this ability.
This harmony can be taken multiple times, but does not stack: Pick another stat every time you take this harmony
Harmony of quick response:
Add your conductor stat modifier as a bonus to Reflex saves.
Harmony of Continued Living:
If you have Hymn of the Undying as your melody, you make keep up to your conductor modifier alive at once.
Harmony of Metamagic:
Prerequisite: 7 ranks in perform (String Instruments), Melody of Metamagic
If you have Melody of metamagic active, an ally can instead apply the Empower Spellmetamagic feat to a spell at least 2 levels lower than the highest-level spell she can cast.
Harmony of Binding:
A conductor with 12 or more ranks in perform can prevent people from teleporting, as the Dimensional Anchor spell. Will save DC (10+1/2 conductor Level+conductor Stat)
Songs (Indev 1.00):
Inspire Courage
Add your song strength to attack, will saves, and damage rolls as a morale bonus. Add 1d6 sonic damage per song strength.
You can create a 10x10 silent image each round, lasting for a number of rounds equal to your chord strength, or remove all fear effects. In addition, those hearing don’t take attacks of opportunity when performing combat maneuvers.
Raging song
At 1st level, affected allies gain a morale bonus to Strength and Constitution equal to your song strength plus one, and a +1 morale bonus on Will saving throws equal to your song strength, but also take a -1 penalty to AC. While under the effects of raging song, allies other than the conductor cannot use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills (except Acrobatics, Fly, Intimidate, and Ride) or any ability that requires patience or concentration.
For every 4 conductor levels you possess, pick a rage power, treating your barbarian level as your conductor level minus one. Once chosen, these cannot be changed. Your companions can use a number of rage powers equal to your Chord strength, which you pick.
Inspire Glory
Prerequisites: 10 ranks in perform (Voice), Perform (Percussion Instruments), and Perform (String)
To inspire glory, all of the targets must be able to see and hear choir. This affects a number of people equal to your chord strength. A creature inspired with greatness gains bonus Hit Dice (d10s) and the commensurate number of temporary hit points (apply the target’s Constitution modifier, if any, to these bonus Hit Dice) equal to your song strength, a competence bonus on attack rolls equal to half your song strength minus one, and a bonus to fortitude equal to half your song strength. The bonus Hit Dice count as regular Hit Dice for determining the effect of spells that are Hit Dice dependent. Inspire greatness is a mind-affecting ability and it relies on audible and visual components.
Once per round, you can do any of the following:
Add 2 to the caster level of any effect for any one caster in the area.
Change the weather conditions of a 300 foot sphere, or 600 foot cone to severe wind speed. At level 15, the wind speed in the area goes from severe to Windstorm.
Deal a number of d6 sonic damage equal to your chord strength times four.
Change the weather condition into either clear weather, or rain.
Grant an ally a morale bonus on attack rolls equal to your song strength.
Grant your ally temporary hit points equal to it’s song strength times four.
Song of heroics
Prerequisite: 20 ranks Perform.
Add your chord strength to saving throws, ability checks, skill checks, and to AC as a morale bonus.
The song blares so loud, that all spellcasters must make a concentration check every round.
Once per round, for a number of round equaling your chord strength, grant the following bonus:
+Chord luck bonus to one roll
Allow an ally to act immediately during someone else's turn. Pick an ally that is not yourself.
Song of Timelessness
Prerequisite: 10 ranks in Perform.
A number of enemies equal to the song’s strength must make a Will save or be affected as though by a slow spell for a number of rounds equal to the chord's strength.
Every round, pick one enemy- He is instead frozen in time— they cannot take actions, but they cannot be affected by any force. Weapons cannot reach it, spells that target it automatically fail, and if the ground it is standing on is somehow taken away, it would not even begin to fall. When you cease performing, the creature is unaware that time has passed. You can pick a maximum number of enemies every round equal to your song strength. This effect lasts until the end of your next turn.
Song of calling:
Summon a monster from the summon monster I list. It gains 1 temporary hit point each round. It gains fast healing equal to it’s hit dice times your chord strength. At level 4, and every three levels after, the monster is summoned from a list one spell level higher.
It is considered to have the Haste effect on it, with a bonus to attack and damage equal to the song’s power. When it takes damage, the damage is distributed across your choirs- Your choirs take half the damage the summoned monster has.
Spellbreaker Song
When opposing spellcasters cast a spell, a number of times equal to your chord strength each round, your opponent must make a concentration check against a Conductor Stat check, with half of your choirs as a bonus on the roll. If your roll is higher, the enemy fails to cast their spell, and the spell is lost.
Song of the Cold Winter Night:
Prerequisite: 12 ranks in perform (Sing)
Immediately upon the song beginning, the temperature drops to below freezing and a powerful blizzard erupts in the area in a 100 feet radius circle from each choir. Visibility is reduced to zero, making Spot, Search, and Listen checks and all ranged attacks impossible. Unprotected flames are automatically extinguished and protected flames have a 75% chance of being doused. Creatures unprotected from the cold must make a Fortitude save or take 1d6 points of nonlethal cold damage. One foot of new snow falls each round the song is maintained. Movement within the area is impeded, depending on the creature's size and depth of snow. You can make a number of creatures equal to your song strength immune to cold damage, and increase their visibility to thirty feet. Half of these must be opponents.
Song of the forever moment
Prerequisite: 18 ranks in perform (Sing)
This spell seems to make time cease to flow for everyone but yourself, your choirs, and one other person. In fact, they speed up so greatly that all other creatures seem frozen, though they are actually still moving at their normal speeds. The person you pick is free to act for a number of rounds equal to half your chord strength of apparent time. Normal and magical fire, cold, gas, and the like can still harm you. While the song of the forever moment is in effect, other creatures are invulnerable to his attacks and spells; you cannot target such creatures with any attack or spell. A spell that affects an area and has a duration longer than the number of rounds song of the forever moment has been active have their normal effects on other creatures once the song ends. This uses up twice as many bardic performance rounds as performed.
Song of Wind:
Prerequisite: 15 ranks in perform (Strings)
You alter wind force in the area surrounding you. You can make the wind blow in a certain direction or manner, increase its strength, or decrease its strength. The new wind direction and strength persist until the spell ends or until you choose to alter your handiwork, which requires concentration. You may create an “eye” of calm air up to 80 feet in diameter at the center of the area if you so desire, and you may choose to limit the area to any cylindrical area less than your full limit. You may choose one of four basic wind patterns to function over the spell’s area.
A downdraft blows from the center outward in equal strength in all directions.
An updraft blows from the outer edges in toward the center in equal strength from all directions, veering upward before impinging on the eye in the center.
A rotation causes the winds to circle the center in clockwise or counterclockwise fashion.
A blast simply causes the winds to blow in one direction across the entire area from one side to the other.
You can increase or decrease wind strength by your song strength. Each round on your turn, a creature in the wind must make a Fortitude save or suffer the effect of being in the windy area.
Song of a Shifting World.
Prerequisite: Conductor level 18
This function as the Wish spell, except taking up 30 rounds of Bardic Performance to perform. The material component is a number of instruments, total value equaling to 20,000 gp. You require two thousand people to watch the performance.
A Word of Note- At time of posting, the Conductor Class is very much a Work in Progress, and is in need of playtesting. I'm simply posting it here for folks to comb through and point out any incredibly foolish flaws, and for reference. It's still very WIP (Has yet to be playtested)- However, the linked pages are the most current version of the Conductor Base Class, including the new Music subsystem.
I've had an idea for a while now, though it might be of some contention-
A young noble girl, adventurous and roudy- And yet... Longing for something. Something that nobody would teach to a little girl of eight years old.
Now, you must understand, this girl wasn't dumb. She wasn't dumb at all- She was probably the smartest girl you'd ever meet. But she wasn't SMART smart- smart in the way a hardened vertan is smart. she was smart in the way of books, of formulas, and theoeticals.
She left. She walked off, and ended up, walking to the side of a field, her stomach growling, her feet aching, until she just couldn't walk anymore. She fell, into the ground by the road.
She was helped, by an old wizard riding down the side of the road, to a township. He picked her up, and brought her back to her family. But they talked, in that carriage, as he did a bit to bring her back to health.
He then showed her magic.
Hoo boy.
She loved it. She wanted it. And she badgered the wizard to teach her.
And she was quick to learn.
Hoo boy was she quick.
Every day, it seemed, she was trying new things- She did in days what take many wizards months to do. In weeks, she would have thought up a new spell, and made a small mimic of it.
In years? She was a Wizard. A fully fledged Wizard, in a mere five years time of learning.
Yet she was mocked. Ridiculed. She was young, she was foolish, and she was mocked. Few liked her, for her brash personality, and boastful ideology.
They told her she wouldn't survive a day in the outside world.
Well abyss be damned, she would do so.
Note: This will require a small thing- Primarily, not limiting me to NPC classes (No Arcane casting class avalable, unfortunately).
The primary reason I like this idea is because, if I remember correctly, this will end up going on for years, rather than months- As such, I'll be able to spread her character growth over the course of several years. Will be intresting to see how she'd play out.
Hey! I have to admit, while I'm DMing a Iron Gods game (So I'm spoiled, unfortunately), I'd still like to play a character, though I do suffer a minor issue: She's somewhat reliant on something of a homebrew archetype and spell:
The spell:
Least Animate Dead (Wizard 1):
This is exactly the same as Animate Dead, except You can animate 1 hit die worth of undead per caster level.
The Archetype in Question::
Prerequisite: A wizard must be a Necromancer to take this archetype.
Spellcasting Slowment (Su):
You are considered one level lower per five wizard levels for the purpose of spells per day and spells known.
Play with that in Nature (Ex):
You can spend thirty minutes with your undead to add Evolutions to your undead equal to half your Wizard level. To do so requires a corpse of a creature of equal or greater hit dice.
Undead Minion:
A 1st-level necromancer using this variant can begin play with an undead minion (a human warrior skeleton). Obtaining this minion takes 24 hours and uses up magical materials that cost 100 gp.
This creature is a loyal servant that follows the necromancer's commands and accompanies her on adventures if desired. If the skeletal minion is destroyed, the necromancer suffers no ill effects and may replace it by performing a ceremony identical to the one that allowed her to obtain her first servant.
At 1st level, the skeleton is completely typical, but it gains power as the necromancer gains levels. The skeleton has a number of Hit Dice equal to the necromancer's class level. Add one-half the necromancer's class level to the skeleton's natural armor bonus. Add one-third of the necromancer's class level to the skeleton's Strength and Dexterity scores.
Early Access:
You may add Animate Dead and Lesser Animate Dead at the cleric level, rather than the Wizard level.
This replaces the Life Sight ability.
Animator (Su): You can animate and control 6 hit dice of undead when you cast Animate Dead at the fifth level
This replaces the fifth level bonus feat.
Enhanced Undead (Ex)
Any time a necromancer using this variant creates an undead creature (such as with animate dead, create undead, or create greater undead), all undead creatures created gain a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength and Dexterity, and two additional hit points per Hit Die. This ability does not affect the number or Hit Dice of animated creatures that the necromancer can create or control.
A necromancer using this variant does not gain additional spells per day for being a specialist wizard.
Just a concept I've had in my mind for a while. A neutral necromancer Wizard of Nethys, seeking to use her necromorphic minions to the utmost use. She views necromancy as just a tool to get stuff done.
And here is the OOC thread for iron gods. Post yourself in character, and if you have your separate sheet there, post it there. If you desire to speak in color, state your color, and all those other things. The OOC thread will be posted in 30 minutes.
Also, roll 1d20.
Stat block and things on the profile. I didn't put up a backstory since I'm keeping it vague, but it's mostly the classic scholar-wants-to-actually-put-his-knowledge-to-use and find-out-the-truth-for-himself type.
Also, I'm still unclear as to whether the bonus feats every level means in addition to the ones we get every odd level (meaning 1 feat every even level and 2 feats every odd level).
If I trade away Damage reduction once with invulnerable rager, do I get to keep my old damage reduction stack with the new one?
I'm probably going to go Superstitious regardless of the answer, but I thought it'd be nice to know.
Nope! They come from the same source ("Class Bonus") and, as such, do not stack.
Kerin Blacksmith wrote:
Anyway, on to the "problem". I'm wondering if I pack enough damage? If we're expected to fight constructs at level one, or even two, I don't rightly know if I can punch through their DR. Even fairly low-level construct stuff can often have DR10/adamantine. Raging and power attacking, I can swing 1d12+10 damage, but that could end up being 1d12 only in half the encounters.
So I guess what I'm asking you guys is if you think I should switch Running Hunter's Stance for Primal Wrath? I like the stance because it adds +10ft move speed and scent, which is very nice utility, but Primal Wrath can add +6 damage whenever I have a standard action to spend on attacking. I'm worried if it might end up being neccesary, even though it's boring.
Edit: GM, you never did say if it was all right for me to use Running Hunter's Stance. I might have ninja-edited the request in, so here we go again.
Can I use the Primal Fury stance from Path of War "Running Hunter's Stance"
Can I use the Primal Fury strike, Primal Wrath?
I'll tell you that you'll be level 3, maybe 4 even, before you even meet one with hardness. For the most part, you're not going to have to pierce any until later on. I'll be looking over your sheet. Also, I'd love to see it in character sheet format, if you desire.
... Alright, I'm gonna play Sam Vimes. Silly, stupid idea, and one that oddly fits (Heavens knows, he's slowly bordering on that.)
If not, then someone heavily based on Vimes.
Requesting to play a Avatar//Fighter(Or something else?) of Good, Law, and Protection, treating my favored weapons as the longsword, sap, and improvised weapons. He has no god ('Bloody unreliable), and is divine from sheer force of will, and, annoyingly, from all of his worshipers, who are slowly raising him to the point of being God of Watchmen (Yes, I read that fanfic, hence this whole thing).
Edit: Alright, Divine Source, being one of Good and Protection (His core tenants, and what is at his core), domains for his cleric levels being Community, Liberation, and Law. Favored weapon is either/are all Sap, unarmed, Longswords, and improvised weaponry.
Racial build would as follows: Skilled, Linguist, Darkvision 60, Blindsight 30, Stubborn, and 4 static bonus feats- Caught off Guard, Throw Anything, Combat Expertise, Improved Dirty Trick.
Yes, the deadline I shall now set. This deadline is Friday, the twenty first, high noon, estern standard time. Meet upon the open field, and draw your pistols. Turn your backs to one another, and walk ten paces. Then kill who tries to kill first. (Basically, I'll require a roll call on the twenty first. Really wish one could edit the first post of this thread.)
Witness-of-Unity's-Truth wrote:
Vagabonds, I have another question of some relevance. What is your ruling on the Spellslinger archetype for the Wizard? I know a few GMs house rule that it gains a medium BAB, since it gives up 4 whole schools of magic with no subsequent benefit and the other abilitys are nearly equal trades. If you will allow this house rule, I would very much like to play a Spellslinger Wizard, but if not, I have some other ideas.
Other ideas include: Elf ninja who will definitely be trying to go full cyber ninja trope, Android paladin (How do you work paladin codes, by the way?) or Cavalier (Can I, if I purchase one, use one of those robot horses as my mount?), Kasatha ranger or monk (Predator, anyone?) if Kasatha are an option, and... several other ideas lol.
Eh, I'll allow you to either bar 4 schools for a medium base attack bonus, or simply bar 2 with a poor BAB. Paladin codes are fairly by the book, with the exception that a paladin can fight dirty, if the goal is to end combat as quickly as possible.
bejan paknia wrote:
Huh. You posted this in another thread, also. Strange. Was this intentional? Are you also applying here with your character? Because, if so, realize it's starting at level 1, so no multiclassing.
Also, something of note:
My preferences are that folks tend not to go above spending half of their skill points on feats, and to have a rouge/rouge equivilent, a Cleric, a frontline fighter, and a wizard of some sort, and to have only one android.
Cam James wrote:
Nice! I am hoping to get into 2 PBPs (and i think i might have gotten into one so far...) and am liking the looks of this one so far, especially the houserules :)
Would you be ok if i built something to revolve around the houserules?
Sure, I will permit it.
Cam James wrote:
First thought is something like a crit-fishing rogue with lots of different skills to have lots of different options when he lands a crit :) like critting then tumbling away or critting then using the houserule to gain improved steal and stealing his weapon, random, situational and funny things like that :)
As for your your houserules about feats and skills, let me see if i got this right.
Everyone gets +5 skill points/lvl, 1 is a "flavor" skill point.
Everyone gets 1 extra feat every lvl.
Every casting level beyond lvl 1 costs a feat to utilize.
You can spend skill points to gain other benefits (i assume they are lost for all future levels? Aka a permenant reduction to all future levels of any class?) or extra feats.
So a lvl 1 human rogue with 14 int could potentially have 10 feats at lvl 1? (1 base, 1 human, 1 freebie, (skills=8+4+2/2) 7 from skills) Wowzers! But then you wouldnt have any skills, and i like skills too much :) [ooc]plus you probably wouldnt choose that guy :p
Most of this is fine. And no, it's just a one time cost for the feat at the level you buy it (If you are, let's say, level 5 rouge with 0 int, and spent a feat to buy Improved Initiative, you end up with 38 skill points (Not counting the bonus skill points). And yeah, I probably wouldn't choose him.
Wilmannator wrote:
Thanks Vagabonds! What about your expected posting speed? I just want to make sure things will be moving relatively briskly. If you expect to be posting about twice a day, I'll go ahead and make a character for you to approve.
I expect once-per day posting, maybe twice a day if we're lucky. Probably twice a day on the weekends (School gets in the way durring the weekdays. Might be able to post in the morning and in the afternoon, EST)
Dragoncat wrote:
Okay then!
One more question:
Would you allow android PCs to choose Androffan as a bonus language for high INT or points in Linguistics?
EDIT: I'm shifting my android from a rogue to a cleric--specifically, an Iron Priest.
I'll allow both.
Witness-of-Unity's-Truth wrote:
So, I presume the rerolling was allowed, Vagabonds?
And no, this is not my character I am submitting. It was a character for a game that, sadly, died. It had a huge sci-fi theme, so I was posting with it mainly as a flavor thing for my own sense of nostalgia.
Ooh, this looks interesting. The large number of skills and feats available and the fact you can use skill points for other things.
Plus, it looks like there's no reason not to have archetypes.
To clarify, if the archetypes conflict on a specific class feature (modifying instead of replacing), does one of them take precedence or is the character considered having both and being able to choose between them?
For example, the Alchemist's bombs and its archetype Crpyt Breaker's alkahest bombs. Can this character use only one type of bomb, or can they choose freely between the two?
Finally, what level do we start?
** spoiler omitted **
Level 1, you start at. And you may choose.
Dragoncat wrote:
Alright... I'm interested.
Just a couple of questions, though...
1) How are you going to handle PCs who want to craft tech weapons and armour?
2) Are you going to permit android PCs to take android racial feats found in the back of Fires of Creation? Specifically, the ones in the ecology article on androids?
1) Crafting works as it is in the technology guide.
2) Aye, I will permit it.
Wilmannator wrote:
I'm interested. How often do you need players to post? I'm of the 2-3+ posts per day variety, and I'd really prefer to play with a GM who is able to post twice daily.
I know you said core races preferred, but I'd really like to give one of the Advanced Race Guide races a go. Specifically, catfolk or samsaran. If they don't work for you, I'm happy to take an android. I've picked up the Technology Guide and quite like the idea of an Android Technomancer in this campaign!
Alright, so I plan on romancing the old woman, taking the childhood crush trait with her. What do I need to know about her background before the age of 16?
Why stop there? Why not place your hands, fingers, knees and toes in there while you're at it? Knees and Toes?
If you are saying that there is no rule preventing you from doing this, then it is completely under your GMs discretion, and I highly doubt this would be allowed more than once (more than likely not even that). However, if your GM is fine with it, all the power to you.
Although, if your GM is somewhat mean he/she may end up accommodating you by having the tuba form there alongside your feet, inside the creatures mouth. This would more than likely relieve you of those pesky walking aids many call feet since it would crush them against the rough of the monster's mouth.
The thing is, I am the DM. Hence why I am asking for any rules on the subject. However, that's a brilliant idea, your latter part, and that will most likely happen.
You cannot summon things in spaces they cannot normally occupy.
Actually, if specifics trumps general is to be believed, this is limited to only monsters. To quote the SRD
The things in question:
Summon Monster I wrote:
This spell summons an extraplanar creature (typically an outsider, elemental, or magical beast native to another plane). It appears where you designate and acts immediately, on your turn. It attacks your opponents to the best of its ability. If you can communicate with the creature, you can direct it not to attack, to attack particular enemies, or to perform other actions. The spell conjures one of the creatures from the 1st Level list on Table 10–1. You choose which kind of creature to summon, and you can choose a different one each time you cast the spell.
A summoned monster cannot summon or otherwise conjure another creature, nor can it use any teleportation or planar travel abilities. Creatures cannot be summoned into an environment that cannot support them. Creatures summoned using this spell cannot use spells or spell-like abilities that duplicate spells with expensive material components (such as wish).
When you use a summoning spell to summon a creature with an alignment or elemental subtype, it is a spell of that type. Creatures on Table 10–1 marked with an “*” are summoned with the celestial template, if you are good, and the fiendish template, if you are evil. If you are neutral, you may choose which template to apply to the creature. Creatures marked with an “*” always have an alignment that matches yours, regardless of their usual alignment. Summoning these creatures makes the summoning spell's type match your alignment.
Summon Nature's ally wrote:
This spell summons to your side a natural creature (typically an animal, fey, magical beast, outsider with the elemental subtype, or a giant). The summoned ally appears where you designate and acts immediately, on your turn. It attacks your opponents to the best of its ability. If you can communicate with the creature, you can direct it not to attack, to attack particular enemies, or to perform other actions as you command.
A summoned monster cannot summon or otherwise conjure another creature, nor can it use any teleportation or planar travel abilities. Creatures cannot be summoned into an environment that cannot support them. Creatures summoned using this spell cannot use spells or spell-like abilities that duplicate spells that have expensive material components (such as wish).
The spell conjures one of the creatures from the 1st Level list on Table 10–2. You choose which kind of creature to summon, and you can change that choice each time you cast the spell. All the creatures on the table are neutral unless otherwise noted.
When you use a summoning spell to summon a creature with an alignment or elemental subtype, it is a spell of that type. All creatures summoned with this spell without alignment subtypes have an alignment that matches yours, regardless of their usual alignment. Summoning these creatures makes the summoning spell's type match your alignment.
This spell summons one handheld musical instrument of your choice. This instrument appears in your hands or at your feet (your choice). The instrument is typical for its type. Only one instrument appears per casting, and it will play only for you. You can't summon an instrument too large to be held in two hands. The summoned instrument disappears at the end of this spell.[/quote wrote:
SRD wrote:
Note, most specifically, this line [Emphasis mine]:
A summoned monster cannot summon or otherwise conjure another creature, nor can it use any teleportation or planar travel abilities. Creatures cannot be summoned into an environment that cannot support them. Creatures summoned using this spell cannot use spells or spell-like abilities that duplicate spells that have expensive material components (such as wish).
As such, there's nothing saying you can, and, since specific trumphs general, and it's specific in Summon Monster, that means I can summon a tuba in someone's skull. This was brought upon by a player in a recent game I've been DMing, who shoved his feet into someone's mouth and summoned a tuba in their skull. I find this entertaining, but I want to figure out if there's anything that I can do to actually model it.
Primarily, I had a silly idea. A character shoves it's feet into someone's mouth, and they cast summon instrument at their feat. How the heck does one handle that? It doesn't have the same note that you can't summon an instrument if there's no room. If it's large, does the guy begin to choke? If it's medium, does it's head explodes by the sudden appearance of a tuba in it's skull?
Alright, so, primarily in case I end up with a large party, I want to see how the following method of PBP initiative rolling would work:
In a party of eight, have initiative run in four "Chunks," the lower two being in chunk 1, the higher two being in chunk four, ect. If it's a party of six, it's in three chunks.
Now, between the two players, they may post whenever they wish within 12 hours.
If they do not post for 12 hours, then the non-posting player is moved into the next chunk. They, and anyone else in that chunk, can post whenever in the following 12 hour period. Repeat this until the round is over, then go into the next round. If someone has not acted in 4 rounds, they make make either add the amount of rounds absent in terms of move actions, or half of the rounds absent in standard actions (Minimum 1), or a third in full round actions.
The goal is to allow for a high density of players without bogging down combat too much.
It's a lot easier for a caster to make a concentration check than it is for a martial to never ever roll a 1 when it's possible to be attacking three+ times per round in very short order.
Oh, I think you might have missed the part where he also rolls 1d100 per class level. So, a level 5 fighter who always full attacks would have a near zero percent chance of fumbling.
Thinking about it, my current method may be too lenient... Maybe have it be based upon your BAB, rather than your CL, so that a wizard is more likely to fumble with a falchin than a fighter. So, with that, a level 4 fighter would roll 4d100s, and if all rolled 1, then he would draw from the fumble deck. A rouge would roll 3, and a wizard would roll 2.
Though, yeah, it is kinda a stupid idea, fumbles. Maybe just have the option of having really bad things happen to you in exchange for a hero point.
It would be easier to respond to this if the rules were numbered, but i'll answer as if they were. Also, it's always hard to critique house rules without having played at your table, and those at your table are the most important people to okay the house rules with.
1. This doesn't sound bad, though I wouldn't have them take an injury if they spent a hero point.
2. I'd be wary of this, you might see a lot of crit-fishing maneuver builds. I'd swap it to "if you roll a natural 20 and confirm the critical".
3. I don't understand what is meant with this. What is a feat attack?
4. With the buff of skill points this doesn't seem unreasonable. Count on every melee character using a falcata, though.
5. Sounds reasonable. Note that before they get magical shields, they will use mending to have a fresh shield every fight. Not that this is problematic, just better to be aware beforehand so you're not caught by surprise and feel it's cheesy.
6. Fumbles tend to be more annoying than fun, at least in my experience. This is something you should double and triple check with your group that they will enjoy it.
7. This doesn't sound like a horrible quick'n'easy remedy for the m/c disparity, if you encounter a lot of it. When you say one bonus feat per level, do you mean they get one feat per level or one feat on even levels and two on uneven levels?
8. This seems overly complicated. I just wouldn't bother with it. The bonus feats for low- to non-casters should already do a good job at evening out the playing field.
9. What is an "out of combat feat" and how is that defined? Not a fan of that kind of loose ruling. Also, can they take 10 from level 1? Then count on a lot of dipping. Also, "any action in combat" seems far to vague - if the cleric gives them a smack, can the fighter then take 10 on the bluff check? It's better in that case to say that they can take 10 on attack rolls, for example.
10. Good rule. I'd not give it to wizards, that's nitpicking.
11. Also a very good rule. I'd add Craft...
Well, cheat death costs 2 points, so taking a injury would be reducing the price by half.
2: That is very valid, so let's have it work like that.
3: Attacks that can only be done by taking a feat.
4: Well, I suppose I should probably just not give out falchions, though.
5: Oh, yeah, I completely understand this.
6: Oh, I will, I was just checking to see if this was more bearable than the usual fumble rules. And the goal of it is to make combat more interesting than it would normally be. And I added an option to face my wrath and gain a Hero point, so that's a indirect buff to them. And it also applies to skills, too. Not to mention, as you level up, it becomes almost negligible, so only the option remains to gain a hero point for letting bad stuff happen.
7: Thanks, just want to make sure. It's primarily to grant mundanes more options. And, to be frank, I'm not entirely sure, myself. Whichever one is more balanced, I suppose, the issue is, I'm not sure which is. Though if it's the latter, though, then it's going to be 2 feats per whole spell level.
8: It's primarily to function as the Caster equivalent of a critical fumble. And it makes more sense in action, you basically confirm your critical fumble, then roll 4 d10s. So if you roll a 4, a 10, a 5, and a 6, then you nab the effect from the list. In this case, #4056. So all attacks he makes next turn deal only half damage. Not that difficult.
9: An Out of Combat feat is a feat that is not on the Combat feat list on the OGC. And you're right there, hm... How about, they can take ten, with a penalty equal to how many non-fighter class levels they have. They can take 10 on skill checks, yes. Though how does treating your class level as your roll sound? Not that great, I take it, if a wee bit overpowered.
10: Very valid point, was probably going to do that anyway.
11: Yes, that's a very good idea.
Cyrad wrote:
Vagabonds. wrote:
Cyrad wrote:
Your house rules should depend on what your goals are.
The goal is to buff melee characters, and somewhat nerf-casters, but not particularly heavily.
In that case, don't do critical fumbles. They really hurt martials. If you want to buff martials, why not allow the maneuvers from Dreamscarred Press's Path of War?
Well, I did add a caster equivalent, and critical fumbles are not exactly that common.
You may either roll 1d100 for a 40% chance to prevent death, and instead simply suffer some sort of permanent injury, or spend a hero point to cheat death and take a injury.
If you crit, you can make a skill/ability check to do something awesome and/or make a Combat Maneuver, instead of dealing double damage.
Combatants can perform feat attacks but with the critical fail being 1-5. If you take a Improved Combat Maneuver feat, you pick two instead.
You may spend 2 skill points to get a proficiency. Likewise, you may spend 4 skill points to get a Improved Combat Maneuver feat.
You may shatter your shield to ignore a single attack.
If you roll a 1, you can either have a optional very bad thing happen to you (My choice) and gain half a hero-point, have a attack of opportunity to you, or roll an amount of d100s equal to your class level, and if you roll 1 on all of your die, then you’ll suffer a critical fumble, and I will draw from my Critical Fumble deck.
You get a bonus feat per level, but must spend a feats to gain any level of spellcasting beyond one (So a wizard must spend his fourth level feat to gain second level spellcasting, sixth for third, and so on.)
If you are attacked at any point after you cast a spell, you must roll concentration, and if you fail, you may make three choices: Spend a hero point, have your effective CL be reduced by half next spell you cast, or roll concentration again, and if you fail, you roll 4 d10s (Treating 10s as 0s), then a effect from this list happens, or you may spend a hero point to avoid it. The effect lasts 2 hours unless specified otherwise You may spend a hero point to have this happen to an opponent spellcaster, or to yourself, rolling 5 d10s and taking whichever combination of numbers you prefer.
Fighters, after level 5, gain 1 out of combat feats every even class level. Fighters may take 10 on any action in combat.
Every classes default skill points are increased by 2.
Everyone gains 1 “Flavor” Skill point, to be put in a profession, a perform (If not bard).
I'm thinking on using a Zen Archer monk. A wise guy in a robe shooting arrows. The backstory at the moment is something on the lines of the last of his clan - struggling with a chaotic world, to keep his honor and monastic traditions. Probably a half-elf worshipping Erastil. :)
Could you list what feats won't be feats? What if they are prereqs for other feats, like Point Blank Shot?
Point Blank Shot, Combat Expertise, and Power Attack. If they are prerequisites, treat them as if you have them.
david barker wrote:
I am interested, how do you feel about the psionic rules?
I don't have much knowledge of them, but probably should learn them. As it is, I have heard little but good things about it.
However, you appear to have forgotten to put in a comma. I have put one into your sentence.
I like the original home rules you stated in your first post. They already give a enough of a boost for martial types that you don't need to add gestalt (too ridiculous IMO for Pathfinder). DM Aron has some good points about low magic campaigns. I love them also, but you have to realize that certain creatures suddenly become way more powerful than their CR. Incorporeal creatures and swarms especially, the first is completely immune to non-magic sources and the second is only really effected by AOE spells and attacks. It is just a balancing act, but one to keep in mind.
As to character creation, you said Pathfinder, but what sources? How much material do starting characters have available for creation? All Paizo stuff, any 3PP, etc?
Oh, anything Pazio on the OGL, I am willing to have. Otherwise, I'm good with anything. As for wealth, we'll go with about the standard Wealth by Level...
And I forgot to set a level. Let's go with level 6.
...most of players time is spent dealing with encounters. Either combat with enemies, or a social roleplaying interaction with an NPC, or a skill-challenge to navigate a wooded valley... these will be the lived experience of the game. If the encounters are fun, players will have fun, and so should the DM! Campaigns stitch encounters together in a compelling story, and worlds provide a rich background for that story. But if the encounters aren't fun, the game won't be fun.
A good module provides a well-designed set of fun encounters that fit together into a reasonably interesting framework. If you want to jump in at the deep end of course that's fine, but if money is the only issue I believe that there were some reasonably short D&D 3.5 edition adventures that were released for free by Wizards of the Coast (though I just looked and I couldn't find the link). From memory, they were pretty flexible so they could be dropped into pretty much any setting you fancied - homebrewed post-apocalyptic ones included.
Alright, I already have one in mind (You have to fight Cultists to depower a ancient golem as tall as a modern day skyscraper, or at least delay it so that it doesn't cause too much damage. The other ancient golem, which for a hundred years has been ofline, goes online, and you have to figure out how to move the combat outside the city walls, where hopefully the clockwork monsters will finish them of somehow.
Something set in a small but dense location. So a whole adventure in a city and it's surrounding areas would be pretty cool. Doesn't have to be post apocalyptic. My issue with post apocalyptic is that a lot of cool options in terms of higher end equipment are restricted or not available.
Alright, so, I think I have a basic idea for the game, and how to build your characters:
25 point buy
House rules as above.
Setting is a Low Magic, Post apocalyptic setting. You may either be from the setting, or from it pre-Apocalypse.
The world:
It's been Two thousand years since The Event. What the Event was has been lost to time, but what is known is that it has left most of the world inhospitable. Now, there are three cities, the rest of the world plagued by undead shades, clockwork monsters, and things man was never meant to know. The three cities are linked together by ancient portals made in ages past, and the people subside on gruel brought into existence by ancient machines, the method of their creation lost to time. Magic is a rare talent, and legends that one who wields arts from ages long ago will bring about another reckoning, ending the world as it remains, causes suspicion on all who wield magic.
How does this sound?
DM Aron Marczylo wrote:
As an experienced DM I have been around a bit. I'd personally suggest running a few published adventure paths for practice and to get a good idea of the rules as home brewing can be very difficult as there is a lot to note down, plan ahead and so on as well as balancing the PCs and CR, though your homerules to help fix some of these on your end by making them more powerful. Plus higher point buys will make the PCs tougher too.
I don't agree with the 5th option as it does cause a issue with those who live over sear or are in other games or even DMing games like myself. A usual limit we have on the forum is 24 hours. If someone hasn't posted and it's combat time, it's best to bot them.
For maps a great system to use is Maptools and the creators have things like token makers to build your own tokens and links and suggestions to import thousands of tokens and images that you can use to represent everything from backgrounds to monsters.
Hopefully that'll help you a little, we're always after DMs here :D
Also something I've discovered (yet still not done myself) is make a Campaign journal. A place to note down what characters have done. this is a great way to turn back and look at something important that was mentioned in the past, but you forgot about it or as a way to do some sick karma on characters by having something that happened earlier on in the adventure have a sudden significance. Plus it can give you ideas too.
Minor issue is, I can't afford many adventure paths yet. As it is, it'll be sink or swim, for me, and if I fail, I shall hopefully learn from it. And yeah, you have a point with the Initiative thing, so I might drop it. Sounds like a fairly decent idea. As it is, making a new world shouldn't be too difficult, in my eyes. Planning ahead sounds pretty decent, and I shall try my best to do so. Question: Would allowing Gestalting help? How about maxing HD? How about 30 point buy?
We could try the Obsidian Apocalypse thing, or maybe an adaptation of Ravenloft... It'd be cool. I have some ideas in mind for something in these lines... I'll start to draft something of a story for a character, but I'll wait for you to confirm the campaign story and world to better finish it.
I'm afraid to say I don't own Obsidian Apocalypse, however, a somewhat homebrew setting might be fairly decent in this regard. Maybe a post-apocalyptic version of Golarion.
Del Azast wrote:
I'm a DM as well still fairly newbish compared to most so I can help answer those first time questions, would be very excited to play a Martial class in this setting so I'll make something up for you to see.
Gamewise I'm cool with a post apocalyptic game.
Alright, so, sounds like we're doing a fairly low-magic, Post Apocalyptic game.
Darksmokepuncher wrote:
As an experienced GM, I rarely get to play, so this would be fun and I can help if you get stuck.
I'll almost anything, but I love low magic, gritty games.
Numenera would be fun. I could also be interested in a city based campaign.
Afraid I don't have the system, sorry. Pathfinder only, I believe I posted this in the origional post.
Galahad0430 wrote:
By Combat maneuvers do you mean the Improved and Greater feats, or the maneuvers themselves (which are already combat options, not feats)?
Crap, I'm sorry, I ment combat expertise, can't edit it now, however.
adsapiens wrote:
I might be interested :) tell us more about the campaign itself. Also, what about races, classes, etc?
I'm gonna probably be allowing anything on request. As it is, featured. The campaign so far is pretty much what you guys want, which, so far, sounds like a city-based campaign based in the post apocalypse.
Traskus wrote:
I would be willing to apply and by extension join. But I would like to know more about the story that you have in mind to tell. As a player I'm in it for a good story and a good time. I have fun no matter how I'm playing so I can roll with any story. I like the good ole fashioned high adventure grand-quest type long campaigns but thats just one type of game and it doesn't always work for everyone.
I'm up for anything, it depends on what you guys want.
So, I've decided to throw my hat into the DMing ring, and as such, I come here to offer to DM a game. Know that it MUST be pathfinder (Since that's the only gaming system I have).
However, I do request that it be in PbP format, and not an adventure path (Since I don't actually own any), and that you all permit me to have a few small house rules:
1: Everyone gets a bonus feat per HD (So, 2 feats at level 1, 1 at level 2, 2 at level 3, and so on)
2: Power Attack, combat Maneuvers, and point blank shot are combat options, not feats. Anyone can do any of those things.
3: Casters must spend a feat to get their next level of spells (So, going from level 3 to level 4, you must spend a feat to gain the next level of spells.
4: Fighters, after 4th level, get a flexible bonus feat every third time they level up. Every morning, they may swap out their flexible bonus feats.
5: Initiative is, outside of surprise rounds, meaningless, so that whoever posts first, goes first.
Otherwise, I'm up for DMing a game. Just post what type of game you all want to play.
Currently, I'm going to be playing a Gestalt game, however, there's going to be a houserule that on one side, there must be no Su abilities, and on the other side, there must be one. As such, I need help deciding on what to take. Currently, I'm leaning to Cavileer//Bard, though contemplating taking Skald instead (There's a lot of melee in our group). Though, if there are any other decent mundane classes that help buff, I'd like to know.
1 : a throwing of a person or thing out of a window
2 : a usually swift dismissal or expulsion (as from a political party or office)
My question is, is there any method to boost my capacity to do both?
If you take the undersized mount feat, you could ride a diminutive creature.
Ride a bat. That's where it's at.
"Cower now... For I am a batwizard. I am like batman, only I ride a bat."
Oakbreaker wrote:
Archeraptoryx because bird dinosaur
That is so very tempting. Riding a bird-dinosaur sounds so freaking amazing.
David knott 242 wrote:
I think you should work towards the Mammoth Rider prestige class. I thought it would be amusing to try to talk our Halfling paladin into working up to that class, but it would be even funnier for your character, whose main problem with the mount would be getting it to notice that you are there.
What's that?
*Looks it up*
Thank you for showing me that glorious post. That was freaking amazing. I see if I can get it (I'm a wizard, so probably not.) Because that's amazing. I shall seek myself a method to get that, so I might ride into battle on my glorious tyrannosaurus rex.
Oh, @Vagabonds: Yeah, not the biggest fan of necromancy...
Yeah, don't really blame you, necromancy can be annoying, assuming you don't dump your HD into a singular large creature (As is my personal intention). As such, I completely understand your disapproval.
Well, she was born the princess of a kingdom, died, and was brought back as a lyrakien with the child template. And mostly I'm trying to figure out how to boost my damage so I don't have a 50% chance of dealing zero damage.
For those asking what the problem is: he has created a lusty character, and is now in a situation where that lusty character is surrounded by temptation. Based off of either past experiences, exposure to stories, or intuition, he is now at a point of potential discomfort, as he doesn't want (for various social reasons) to potentially cause awkward moments between himself and the other players by creating romantic tension between the PCs, or creating awkward moments between characters due to romantic entanglements in general.
The best way to handle things, in such a context, is as Ciaran has stated: be polite, let the other indicate through clear social cues whether or not the character's nature is welcome.
If this is a little out-of-character, that's fine: just have it be a form of internalized character growth. Something about being part of this crew, maybe.
Either way, relax, have fun, and goid gaming!
If he wants, he could ask the GM for a coustom item, a cursed glove of sexlesness, which removes the wearers lust and gender. Somewhat silly answer, but still one.
So, currently, I'm going to be playing a race that's diminutive, and I'm wondering what familiar I should get. I want to be able to ride it, and I can already fly. Is there any recomendations?
So, currently, I'm thinking about how to make Isaac from The Binding of Isaac in Pathfinder, currently, I'm thinking of a Synthesis Summoner, but I'd love your suggestions.
The young woman nods, a slight look of worry on her face, "Alright... Apologies, you just strike me as being smart enough to outclass me with working with money, as such, I kinda worry that he'll leave you in the job, instead of putting myself into it, since you really do seem really, REALLY smart, and are even smarter thanks to that crown you're wearing." she says, pointing to the crown on the young woman's head, "Which, if my guess is correct, pardon me if I'm wrong, might boost your intelligence? I'm honestly not sure, myself, but I figure I might as well try to ask. If so, no way in the abyss I have a chance of outdoing your ability in your job, and, admittedly, it kinda shows. in your city. It’s doing fairly well in the economic sense."
She sits down, idly bringing lights into existence, and watching them dance.
“You know, my father was an adventurer. Rather good one, was the party wizard. Wasn’t very good with people, though, or children, and my mother sorta threw me out the window, so I was kinda raised by his familiar, since, you know, she was actually pretty good at it, though I was actually larger than her. Don’t know why I’m telling you this, but I figure I might as well.”
Also, a description of her character:
A young woman of about 19 years of age, somewhat short at 5 ft tall, she appears to be slightly scarred in several places, though actions were taken to make these scars less prominent. Her skin is actually rather vibrant, as is her outfit, a blue vest over a fine, overly, gaudy bright purple dress, and bright red earrings. All of this is, quite obviously, new, and designed to make herself look more sophisticated, while failing miserably due to not really understanding fashion. Her hair is a ragged mess, she appears to be someone who the concept of “Bath” is still fairly new, and is still not as competent as she probably should be at it. Her arms are thin and lack muscle, but her eyes burn with energy and a willingness to try anything. Her stance bears the mark of someone who is used to adventuring, rather than someone who's used to sitting around all day. In many ways, she has a alluring rugged charm, like a wild dog or a druid. Her eyes are brown, and her hair is the color of the dirt she usually ends up sleeping in. Her demenour is casual, and welcoming, almost never being really negative. Though, if she wants something bad enough, she is completely unafraid of threatening major injury with her giant undead monster death minion.
And, what I have of her character down so far, a link to her Mythweavers sheet, though note it's not complete.
F N Human Cleric [Evangelist] 3/Wizard 1, Level 4, Init +0, HP 30/30, Speed 30
AC 15, Touch 10, Flat-footed 15, CMD 11, Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +6, CMB +1, Base Attack Bonus +3
Longsword 0 (1d8-2, 19-20)
Crossbow +3 (1d8, 20)
Breastplate, Buckler (+4 Armor, +1 Shield)
Abilities Str 7, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 17, Cha 18
Condition None
"Simple: Improve the lives of the citizens. Currently, I'm trying to figure out how to make my undead minions adept at farming, though that isn't anywhere near easy, as, you know, they don't have brains. Another is to ensure that people live happily, though this means having some minor annoyances, like taxes, since, as is fairly known, a life of pure joy isn't pure joy, but normality. I generally find, myself, that magic is fairly useful in doing so, though certainly not the best. Though all that is secondary to improving infrastructure to grant further increases to prosperity, because, face it, infrastructure is simply far, FAR more useful to prosperity than magic or undead minions, and regulation ensures that you don't end up with a single company ruling over the entire country, instead of someone who's job it is to listen to people."
*You hear mild screams in the distance, before they eventually quiet down*
Note: The following relies on two things. As such, I've made two versions of what goes on. Primarily, I desire the Child and Half-Dragon template, and being allowed a fairly powerful creature, as such, I made two versions of it.
If allowed, Then it splits into what I may start off with as my undead minion.
If allowed a Flaming Bloody Gargantuan Dire Croc, then this:
The little girl sits in the chair, obviously gleeful to be here. She sits up tall, a look of confidence on her. If they beat her disguise check ( 1d20+10 ) he'll notice that she has scales on her neck, her nails look... Somewhat toned down. Like someone slowly shaved claws down into something resembling nails. All in all, she looks disguised. A little disguised half-dragon girl.
"Defence. And money-management." the little girl said, smiling in her seat.
"My daddy taught me how to praise a god so that he gives me spells. I didn't like his god, though, so I found another from one of the dead raiders. I followed him, and he eventually gave me magic." "As for what I can do, if you show me the data on the kingdom layout, I'll be able to increase the amount of gold you get a week tenfold." Olivebranch said, gesturing in a 'THIIIS BIIIG' Fashion.
"Also, I have a flaming skeletal crocodile as big as a house."[spoiler]"Defence. And money-management." the little girl said, smiling in her seat.
"My daddy taught me how to praise a god so that he gives me spells. I didn't like his god, though, so I found another from one of the dead raiders. I followed him, and vowed to go and spread magic in his name, so he granted me magic." "As for what I can do, if you show me the data on the kingdom layout, I'll be able to increase the amount of gold you get a week tenfold." Olivebranch said, gesturing in a "THIIIS BIIIG" Fashion.
"Also, I have a flaming skeletal Tigre and Ogre. If that helps."
A bit of background...
Vagabond wrote:
TL;DR, Little half-dragon is saved by a group or people, goes with them, adventures, get's an onix, befriends them, they die, she summons giant death croc to kill their killers.
"It's a Little girl."
"What do ya mean it's a little girl?"
"I said, it's a little girl."
"Well why the hell is there a little girl here!"
I don't know! She's bearly alive, by the looks of her! Cure light wounds."
The old Dwarven Cleric healed the little girl.
"So... What do we do with her?" The Half-Orcish barbarian said.
The wizard, usually a quiet type, sighs, "Look, how about I take her on, how does that sound?"
Olivebranch looked in fright at the party, crawling further back.
"Oh look, now ya got tha little thing scared! Alright, look, I'm sorry, I'm John."
"... O-olivebranch... D-Don't attack o-or I'll bring my dad back!"
The Wizard looks over to the little girl in surprise.
"What do you mean, bring your dad back?"
"W-Well... I have scrolls! Of Bringing Dead Back! And I'll use them on my papa!"
The three looked at each other, then to the girl.
"Ya a cleric?"
Olivebranch nodded, still obviously frightened.
"Did you like your drag-on of a father?" The half-orc laughs, at his pun.
"... No... He was cruel..."
"Well, why don't ya come with us? We need a new cleric."
The little girl silently nods, and begins to follow.
Olivebranch wrote:
I'm apperantly not a good Cleric. My father didn't like my worshiping of Nethys, and neither does my new Party. They said that they would teach me their ways. And they did teach me, and I do know their ways now. It's an odd way, one of... Killing more often than I would like, but it's not that bad. My father showed me the corpses from the adventurers who tried to kill him, so I'm used to it.
"Well, we're nearing that new kingdom I keep hearing about. I wonder what it's bars are like."
"Myself, I'm more worried about the women!"
"Hey, what about their religion! We ooot to see if we can get ourselves a job in governin, I heard it was REAAAAL easy, ya know! Four hour work days for sittin round on mah ass sounds nice! Hahaha!"
Olivebranch smiled.
The Wizard nudged the little girl, "And you know something! Olive has been with us for half a year now! So you know something!"
The group huzzahs, while Olive looked around, lost.
"I'm sorry, what?"
They all began to pull stuff out.
"Hey, Olive! I know you like numbers, so I got you something!" Isaac the Wizard calls to her.
He hands her a Abacus, and Olive looks in elation.
"I've been meaning to get one of these!"
"Ah, well, we all know how much you like math and stuff, so I figured, why not?"
Olive hugs the wizard in joy, while the Wizard just shrugs, embarrassed.
"I got ya a Onix necklace." the Half-Orc barbarian said, handing her the Necklace, the little girl entranced by the shiny thing.
"Aw... Thank you." the little girl said, "I'll treasure it forever."
"I Gotcha ah silver symbol of ya god, if ya want it."
Olive smiles, and silently takes the amulet, sliding it around her neck with the necklace.
"Thanks... All of you..."
So. It's been decided that we're going to get ourselves job, settle down. We've got enough gold to last us nearly a lifetime in relative comfort, and maybe get a job in the government. I'm holding out for Treasurer. I like working on the group funds, numbers are entertaining.
"What happened..."
The little half-dragon slowly rose, looking around silently.
Lots of death.
"Wh... What happened?..." She asked, looking around slowly.
She saw the corpses of a dire croc on the ground.
She saw a man, ressurecting her fallen allies.
She saw her anger in her chest.
She began to slide out of sight, behind the giant croc corpse.
She finds a altar of a god she does not know.
So she desecrates it.
She silently stands up to it, and stares at the croc.
She pulls out a scroll. And begins to speak.
She watches as the flesh on the dire croc rose up in fire.
And she caught glimses of the necromancer in terror.
She looks at the croc.
And, finally, a minor argument for the Template:
Primarily, I personally think it's not that bad. Keep in mind, I lose 9-10 HP, am behind a level, lose spellcasting levels, have to wait an extra level. Also, since I have no Racial HD, I don't get a breath attack. I'll be dumping str, so the natural attacks will do nothing for me but make disguise very, VERY necessary. And may I make the following changes to the template? Primarily, remove natural armor, reduce strength bonus to 6, and make it so that you'll need to figure out how to regrow limbs if you want your wings (have them be cut off until she can restore them, or thinks to).
Alright, version two is without the templates.
A young woman stares at him, a smile across her face.
"Good morning! I'm here with an offer. You see, outside, I have a minion I feel like will help incredibly when you go and clear things up. He is a sizable range outside the city walls, so nothing to worry about there. I understand it is terrifying, so all I ask of you is that you place me in your treasury job location, then I, and, by connection, he, will be under your control. How does that sound?"
She pauses for a moment.
"Wow that sounded evil. Apologies. The point is, I want a job. May I have one?"
Note: The monster may be any of the following, your choice (Though they will all have the Bloodied and Flaming modifiers:
Purple Worm, Roc, Cloud Giant, or any combination of the following (Preferably one humanoid, bestial is up for debate) Hill Giant, Dire Lion, Night Hag, Satyr, and pretty much any two things with 8 HD, or a combination that reaches 16 HD.
Well, you could run in in two threads, if you really wanted :P
Though that's apparently very difficult to manage, so yeah, makes me sad I didn't get in, but understandable (I was probably among the weakest characters)
Still, here's to the future of your game! If you need a replacement, I'm available.