Troubleshooting |

Hojo sweeps the spent leaves into his mouth, rises, bows deeply to the honored samauri and pays for his tea.
He turns to the other ronin. We’re continuing east if you care to join us. In these troubled times, there is safety in numbers. As we entered town I saw a willow grove that we could reach before nightfall. It could provide shelter from the rain.

Troubleshooting |

Hojo gathers his things, strapping his quiver and bow to his back and wrapping his now mostly dry oilskins around him to make a barrier from the driving rain. You only get a quick glance at the bow, but it's very well cared for, especially for something owned by a starving Ronin. It'd certainly trade for more food than he could catch shooting game.
Despite the rain and his obvious hunger, Hojo has a cheerful disposition. He indicates Nakadai. My friend and I are followers of the great Sun Tao and decided to seek better opportunity for food. How is it that you all came to be traveling together?

Storyteller-sama |

As the party has not taken the proffered room, and Dadoji finally deign to take notice of their presence. One very large man dressed in crane blue stumbles over with a bottle of saki and a goofy grin, smiling as if he had just heard the funniest story just seconds ago. He wanders up to the samurai-ko that accompanies Hikonaga and attempts to make conversation in his be Doji impression.
"Your beauty blinding, my vision clouded by wine, I seek out your heart."
Senno does not seem amused at the attention she is now receiving.

Storyteller-sama |

Sesno clicks her tongue, readying a response to the inebriated man... but, it seems the Fortunes have their own response as a peel of thunder cracks directly over head. In seconds the room begins to fill with flames as a portion of the upper section collapse to meet the ground floor, the timber now pinning the large Dadoji. From somewhere upstairs you hear the scream of a child for its mother.

Storyteller-sama |

Inoue beseeches the excited kami to quit their action, and with much grumbling the kami within the building quit their action. Inoue gets the distinct feeling that the kami were not happy to listen to him, something that has never happened to him before. Usually the kami are at least respectful of a request.
Nakadai rushes to the stairs and up them only to find the hall above a torn mess. A large portion of the roof is now open to the sky, and angry storm clouds march across the sky hurling lightning at the ground below.

Troubleshooting |

Hojo rushes to the fallen timber, calling out to Hokonga. Help me lift this!
Whats the roll for lifting something heavy?

Troubleshooting |

Athletics, 3k2: 3d10 ⇒ (2, 6, 7) = 15 13. What’s the TN for my side?

Troubleshooting |

Is there an incentive to lift vs. Roll? If not, we should roll because we’ve met that requirement.

Storyteller-sama |

Up to you, if you think speed is of the essence roll away. If you are worried about rolling it over him, lifting would might be better. I am a big proponent of giving choice of action with hidden consequences either way. You do have someone with medicine who could make an educated guess, but that too may take more time than the dadoji has. It is a heavy timber and the crane is not conscious but is breathing in shallow gaps if that helps your decision.

Troubleshooting |

Devious. Is there anyone else nearby who can help lift? Otherwise I’ll wait until tonight for intervention and then roll.

Storyteller-sama |

Nakadai pushes through the door, literally as the soaked paper does not hold up to the force of sliding it open. Inside a sad sight, a young boy covered in burns. A slight gurgling noise comes from the boy, and it looks like he is trying to raise his hand to you as he notices your presence.
I need to know if you are approaching the boy. If not, I will need an awareness roll.