Hollow's Last Hope (Inactive)

Game Master nilesr

Darkmoon Vale Map Falcons Hollow Map Map of Andoran
Current Day 30 Lamashan 4708 AR Day 401 Loot Log
Dramatis Personae

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Male Varisian Bard 8 | HP 54 | AC 22(27/17/25) (15t 20ff)| +5(7) fort +10(13) ref +7(9) will | +8 init +10 perc | Resource Tracker

Silas heads off to Olfden with the others, a representative of Michael's forces and Kreed who is bound and gagged.

At the first opportunity in Olfden, Silas finds an outpost of the proper authorities and arranges for Kreed's arraignment on charges of treason, multiple premeditated murder, conspiracy to murder, conspiracy to supply illegal drugs, fraud and most tellingly tax evasion.

He arranges for letters to be sent to the supporters and asks Saal to set up a meeting.

Letter to Saal:
We have arrested Kreed, the price in lives was higher than I'd hoped but by the Gods we've done it. The hard work starts now. The situation on the ground is complex and I or perhaps Baleson need to speak to the council.

He then sets off to find whatever hole Baleson has crawled into and drags him out if needs be and appraises him of the situation.

OK I'm taking silence as consent here.
Finally Silas goes to ye olde magic pawn shoppe and tries to sell some stuff:

Stuff to sell:

Promisary note: 1000g
Vicious dagger: 8302g
Chain shirt +1: 1250g
Band of the Stalwart Warrior: 14000g
keen dagger of spellstoring +1: 18302g
Belt of the Weasel; 10000g

That should raise 30927g.

Silas will then attempt to buy the following things:

Stuff to buy:

Wand of CLW x2 = 750g x2 = 1500g
Wand of lesser restoration = 4500g (if available)
Wand of bless weapon = 750g
Scroll of Death Ward * 5 = 700g * 5 = 3500g
Scroll of Daylight * 2 = 700g * 2 = 1400g
That's 13050 spent.

Then there's 17877g left. Split 5 ways that's 3575.4g each to spend.

Encounter Map

There's enough downtime that all that stuff would be purchasable and sellable. We can handwave all the buying and selling.

Saal is in Olfden isn't he? Or did I say Oregent? Let's say he is in Olfden, which is the nearest city of any size to Falcon's Hollow.

Baleson meets you and looks clear headed, like he hasn't touched a drop of the firewater in weeks. However, he clearly isn't the same man you met all those months ago...leadership and taking on the Gavel have taken their toll on the man.

Saal Gudman, and his benefactor in the People's Council, are apprised and begin preparations to bring the Gavel to trial. This won't take them long, as they have been collecting evidence and have a star witness thanks to the party.

Where is Kreed going to be kept while awaiting trial?
Are you letting Saal and Beltin Gejni in on the Fey plan(the one involving the Geas)?

Male Varisian Bard 8 | HP 54 | AC 22(27/17/25) (15t 20ff)| +5(7) fort +10(13) ref +7(9) will | +8 init +10 perc | Resource Tracker

Silas buys all the stuff listed and then hands everyone 3575.4g each.

Silas claims the ring of protection +2. Who wants the ring of invisibility?

Silas's Personal transactions:
Sell ring of prot +1 for 1000g
Buy Jingasa of the Fortunate Soldier for 5000g
Sell +1 chain shirt for 625g
Buy +2 chain shirt for 4250g
Silas now has AC 22, AC 20 when flat footed and 15 touch.

Loot log updated. @Lucanor you have 18177.47g to spend. PLEASE BUY SOMETHING! :)

Silas is glad to find Baleson sober and tells him, "Deldrin, now Kreed it gone we have a once in a century opportunity to put things right and aim for a long term settlement. We need to put to put the question of Man Vs Fae to rest. I have an idea, I think it will be most profitable for the Andorann government in the long term although I think it might be a hard sell initially..." Silas fills him in.

Silas then asks Baleson, "We're going to need government buy in to make this work. I had wondered about broaching the prospect of a juicy retirement job for Beltin Gejn in the proposed forestry commission. What do you think? Would he go for it? I'm sure the terms could enrich him enormously. Not that I particularly like that outcome you understand, but we're not going to just wave a wand and fix corruption in a day. Might as well make greed work for us."

Encounter Map

Silas buys a Jingasa and now he looks completely ridiculous.

Baleson seems doubtful that any agreement can be made with the Fey, he doesn't regard them as the most honorable sort. He doubts they would follow any agreement that would be struck.

Baleson also seems doubtful about Gejni, he doesn't trust him either. You get the feeling that politics has soured on Baleson.

Saal Gudman on the other hand would enjoy such machinations.

Male Human Sorcerer (Bedrock) 8 l HP: 50/50 l AC 18 [T: 13; FF: 16] l F: +5, R: +5, W: +11 l Init: +2 l Per: +0

It does look a touch silly.

Male Human (Chelaxian ethnicity) Inquisitor-8 (Current HP 53/61)

I Plan to buy a cathedral. Got a church to rebuild

Lucanor has been rather quiet this whole time, deep in thought, and troubled. But if asked, he simply says, "Nothing that we can do anything about right now."

Male Varisian Bard 8 | HP 54 | AC 22(27/17/25) (15t 20ff)| +5(7) fort +10(13) ref +7(9) will | +8 init +10 perc | Resource Tracker

I think that's a great goal. I just wish you used the downtime rules to do it. Please gear up.

Encounter Map

Guys, I need actions with which to respond. No one else is interested in spending any coin on anything? Luc, you can spend your coin on items if you want, we can do a narrative of what happens after the campaign. I don't foresee you rebuilding the church of Iomedae during the campaign as that is a massive undertaking. Gilmork/Jaxom did you go to Olfden? if not we can do some RP with the Fey to keep you guys into posting while Silas et al finish the politics in Olfden. I'll try and wrap up this phase of the campaign by next Monday and then we begin Hungry are the Dead. (Heavily modified because we are level 8 not level 6.)

Male retired & married fighter Fighter 8 HP 82/82 F+10/R+6/W+4 30ft AC24/14/22

Hecktor, being back in Almas with Silas, listens in on Silas' conversation with Saal.

Damn slick types like that, a necessary evil.
After that is over...."Well, things will probably take some time. Hopefully it will turn out somewhat positive. What say we head over to our regular inn to get our minds off things, eh?"

Once there, Hecktor deliberately orders his drink from the redhead, who caught his fancy a good while ago.
"Hey Cynthia, how have you been? Time no see.
Is it me, or is that pendant a new thing?"

HP: 49/49; AC: 23, T: 14, FF: 19; CMD: 22; Fort: 4, Ref: 8, Will: 8; Init +4; Perception +10
Oracle of Wood 8

Can I upgrade my +1 Darkwood composite longbow +2 to a +2 or add a special ability? Also, I should sell off my cloak of Protection as the cloak of Fangs does the same thing and more.

Encounter Map

re:Upgrades since this is the last adventure in the campaign I've dispensed with the rolling of availability or checking purchasing caps. We are handwaving purchases/selling. If its on the PRD its fair game.

Male Human (Chelaxian ethnicity) Inquisitor-8 (Current HP 53/61)

Okay, I'll try to PM a list for your approval of possible purchases then though it maybe later tonight. It's not my intent to hold things up.

HP: 49/49; AC: 23, T: 14, FF: 19; CMD: 22; Fort: 4, Ref: 8, Will: 8; Init +4; Perception +10
Oracle of Wood 8

Would an Undead Bane weapon be okay Niles? As we know about Drazmorg, can we know that it would be benficial?

Encounter Map

Yeah, Undead bane would be very beneficial.

Male Human (Chelaxian ethnicity) Inquisitor-8 (Current HP 53/61)

purchases made

Lucanor was hasty with his purchases, but it is clear some of his items have been replaced or upgraded. He also made some inroads into finding carpenters and masons to help restore a cathedral, but that will take much time

Male Human Sorcerer (Bedrock) 8 l HP: 50/50 l AC 18 [T: 13; FF: 16] l F: +5, R: +5, W: +11 l Init: +2 l Per: +0

Since Jaxom didn't trust most of the noble heroes to actually fight or work towards the good of the fey, he takes the documents and the news back to the Court. He hopes that the Queen knows what he should do and has a vassal who could decipher the code.

Encounter Map

Syntira takes the proffered Documents and studies them. She gives them to a nearby member of the Court.

Your mudman Kreed. Vile human that he is, has outstanding debts in his world. And in ours. His power, mortal and fleeting, was slipping from his hand and he grew desperate. He called on Powers that should not be. Powers that have worked against us just as he had. Will you be my Knight? Will you end this threat to us?

Male Varisian Bard 8 | HP 54 | AC 22(27/17/25) (15t 20ff)| +5(7) fort +10(13) ref +7(9) will | +8 init +10 perc | Resource Tracker

Jaxom did you decide to pass on Silas' request for a meeting about Kreed?

HP: 49/49; AC: 23, T: 14, FF: 19; CMD: 22; Fort: 4, Ref: 8, Will: 8; Init +4; Perception +10
Oracle of Wood 8

Upgrading my bow to a Undead Bane weapon it is, also selling my Cloak of Protection.

Male Human Sorcerer (Bedrock) 8 l HP: 50/50 l AC 18 [T: 13; FF: 16] l F: +5, R: +5, W: +11 l Init: +2 l Per: +0

Nope. Jaxom was very clear that his aid in that matter is contingent on help for the fey that doesn't weaken their sovereignty. From our long conversation, it seemed clear that Silas wasn't interested/didn't believe that was a workable solution. Therefore, Jaxom is not inclined to spend favor for Silas on this matter at this time as long as Silas' position remains unchanged.

Male Human Sorcerer (Bedrock) 8 l HP: 50/50 l AC 18 [T: 13; FF: 16] l F: +5, R: +5, W: +11 l Init: +2 l Per: +0

"My Queen, you have but to command me, and I will do. The noble heroes, for all their lack of perspective, understand the undead threat."

Jaxom proceeds to give the Queen a detailed report of what he has seen amongst the mudmen. He especially finds the information about Vade and the potency of the magic around's Kreed's mansion to be . . . concerning.

"Magic that powerful comes from potent source; are there players in this game, my Queen, who have yet to reveal themselves?"

Encounter Map

The man Kreed had influence and power in his mortal realm. Who knows what petty magics they ensorcelled his home with. None that might match the power of the First World. With the man Kreed disposed of, Our Vale is more secure against the mortals. Once the threat of the Undying is finished we might turn Our attention to the Winter Court...

Jaxom knows that this is what Syntira devotes most of her time and energy to combating. She is feuding with her sister who rules the analogue First World Darkmoon Vale. Some of this was made a little more clear in the Carnival of Souls module (when Dark Fey from the First World, aided by some vengeful Fey from this one, invaded Falcons Hollow)

Male Human Sorcerer (Bedrock) 8 l HP: 50/50 l AC 18 [T: 13; FF: 16] l F: +5, R: +5, W: +11 l Init: +2 l Per: +0

Jaxom bows humbly to his queen acknowledging her point.

"My queen, where one weed sprouts -- another can also -- I have seen mudmen eager to his place. Would it be wise to discourage outside mudmen from seeing your realm as profitable? All they seem to care for is their greed. The Winter Court has but one front in this contest. Your Court has two . . . might it be wise to either turn one of our enemies against the other, or at least reduce the influx of more mudmen? What if the men with iron axes stumbled and found the Winter Woods instead?"

He is imagining some border stones or enchantment that would lead/shift those who would log the Vale into the First World. That would make logging Darkmoon Vale supremely unprofitable and put two enemy factions into closer relation.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Encounter Map

That kind of power might be beyond Syntira (Who's statblock does not do her justice imho) that and allowing the Mortals into the First World might invoke the wrath of something much more dire than her sister....the Eldest don't take kindly to organized incursion into the Fey Realms.

Syntira nods at Jaxom but her thoughts are elsewhere

You have my blessings Knight of the Summer Court. Go and combat the Undying. Return with my favor, and we will discuss more.

She deftly weaves a strand of her golden hair through Jaxom's holly crown

Syntira's Inspiration:

Inspiration (Su) A nymph can choose an intelligent creature to inspire and serve as a muse by giving that creature some token of her affection (typically a lock of her hair). As long as the nymph retains her favor for this creature and as long as the creature carries the nymph's token, the creature gains a +4 insight bonus on all Will saving throws, Craft checks, and Perform checks. A bard who has a nymph for a muse in this way can use his bardic performance for an additional number of rounds per day equal to his nymph muse's Charisma modifier. The nymph retains a link to her token and its carrier as if she had cast a status spell on the carrier. The nymph can end this effect at any time as a free action. A single nymph may only inspire one creature at a time in this manner. Syntira, being an especially powerful Nymph, adds the following Bonuses: Once per day the inspired character can cast Eagle's Splendor CL 14, 1/day the inspired can teleport (as Dimension Door) CL 14

Male Human Sorcerer (Bedrock) 8 l HP: 50/50 l AC 18 [T: 13; FF: 16] l F: +5, R: +5, W: +11 l Init: +2 l Per: +0

Fair enough. The Girdle of Melian after all was probably some epic level nonsense after all. It would be terribly amusing though . . . until Ng or Shyka took exception. Count Ranalc would probably find it very amusing.

Male Human Sorcerer (Bedrock) 8 l HP: 50/50 l AC 18 [T: 13; FF: 16] l F: +5, R: +5, W: +11 l Init: +2 l Per: +0

"Be it unto me according to your will, O Queen of Summer."

Male Varisian Bard 8 | HP 54 | AC 22(27/17/25) (15t 20ff)| +5(7) fort +10(13) ref +7(9) will | +8 init +10 perc | Resource Tracker

Oh she's Titannia now is she? ;)

Silas walks with Baleson and tells him, "We're going to have to fight the root of the evil at Droskar's crag. Kreed may have started things but something was puling his strings towards the end. To be honest the thought of fighting yet more undead terrifies me, and I don't know if we'll survive."

He's quiet for a while and listens to anything Baleson has to say before letting him know more about Silas's plan. "We need to figure out what to do with Kreed. We obviously can't take him with us, but I'm worried that a man so exorbitantly wealthy might sweet talk his way out of where ever we put him. I'm tempted to hand him over to the eagle knights, or maybe a paladin of Iomade if we can find one."

Silas wracks his brains to see if he can remember a suitable Paladin guardian in the area.
Kn:Local: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12

With a sigh he mutters darkly, "It would be so much easier just to kill him and be done with it, but that would make us no better than him. No we need to get him a fair trial. I think that's really important. What happens after well that's going to be difficult. The forest needs to me managed properly or it will disappear and more than likely we'd have a major incursion of fae. I'd like to think we could get all the stake holders in a room to talk, but that's going to be an up hill battle. None of them respect each other. I have a contact with the fae, but he seems to want major concessions. I'm hopeful we can find some middle ground somewhere but first I need to convince Almas to send a diplomat.'

Silas grins at Baleson, "Would you mind sending a letter? Lets explain the situation - or at least enough to get their attention and ask them to send a diplomat? The Fae are proud and fickle but they love flattery and gifts. I think Kreed will make a fine gift but one both worlds can share. What do think, will you write the letter?"

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (12) + 15 = 27

Afterwards Silas goes to find the eagle knights and he tries to establish if there is a paladin in the area. If there is, he will deliver Kreed into his or her custody.

Male retired & married fighter Fighter 8 HP 82/82 F+10/R+6/W+4 30ft AC24/14/22

About Hecktor's earlier suggestion, of making a lumber yard of fast growing trees, will that be viable to accomplish in the nymph's court, or will we wave that away?

Male Varisian Bard 8 | HP 54 | AC 22(27/17/25) (15t 20ff)| +5(7) fort +10(13) ref +7(9) will | +8 init +10 perc | Resource Tracker

I think that is a good idea.

Encounter Map

Baleson agrees to write the letter but grumbles that Gudman or Gejni would be better suited.

There aren't any Eagle Knights or Paladins in the area, there is however a contingent of Golden Legionaires very close by....

Michael Stamford volunteers to guard Thuldrin Kreed if no one else will do it.

Male Varisian Bard 8 | HP 54 | AC 22(27/17/25) (15t 20ff)| +5(7) fort +10(13) ref +7(9) will | +8 init +10 perc | Resource Tracker

Silas thanks Michael, "Thanks for stepping to the plate man. It could be difficult because he's still very wealthy and people might get ideas. Anyway if you need anything just ask and we'll do what we can. If you want Saal's help then sure, but I'm not sure our other friend needs to know anything more at this stage."

By the way, about the hat. Silas think's it's awesome and he'd make a good desperado in a sergio leone movie...

Encounter Map

Other friend you mean Beltin?

Michael says I'll need to take Kreed out of Olfden...too many eyes here.

Baleson writes the letter to Almas asking for a diplomat. He's pretty sure that the plan won't work. (Isn't he just a big ball of fun now?)

Everyone can go ahead and post a few? weeks worth of downtime activities, if not in a narrative then just in a few bullet points of things you'd like to do. I'll try and wrap everything up and introduce the next adventure by Monday-Tuesday if I can

HP: 49/49; AC: 23, T: 14, FF: 19; CMD: 22; Fort: 4, Ref: 8, Will: 8; Init +4; Perception +10
Oracle of Wood 8

Gilmork will spend his downtime to check up on the Darkmoon Vale, if he can he will ask Syntira for a blessing/ home among Darkmoon Vale when all these events are done with.

He'll also visit the tree the group has planted where the dryad and her companion keep watch now and where they rejuvenate the land, trying to get ahead on news about Drazmorg's plans and possible dangers to the Vale and the group when they go out hunting for him. As well as trying to get more acquainted with the different fey in the Vale.

He'll ask Jaxom to come with him on all those visits.

If Gilmork hears anything disturbing he'll try to look into it, by taking 20 on stealth and searching around.

Male Varisian Bard 8 | HP 54 | AC 22(27/17/25) (15t 20ff)| +5(7) fort +10(13) ref +7(9) will | +8 init +10 perc | Resource Tracker

Silas will use his time to try and set up the legal foundation of the forrestry comission idea. He'll ask Saal to draw up the legislation and find some way to make the enterprise worth the slimy lawyer's time without compromising the wider goal. Of course much of Kreeds wealth will be siezed by the commission if found guilty.

The rest of the time Silas will be using to chase up the prosecution of Kreed. He wants to make sure the man is given a fair trial and that nothing interfears with justice.

Finally if opportunity presents itself, he'll talk to Jaxom and try to find out if he'll accept a more realistic proposal:

1. The boundaries of Falcon's Hollow will remain unchanged
2. The forest will be enlarged back to its original size if not location
3. The perifery will be logged sustainably with a quota system run by the forrestry commission. Illegal logging will be a capital offence
4. The deep woods will be off limits to humans

Male retired & married fighter Fighter 8 HP 82/82 F+10/R+6/W+4 30ft AC24/14/22

Hecktor doesn't have much on the agenda of plans, likely least of the group.

However, he'll try to find out of the redhead is spoken for and what the things are, that she likes.

Perhaps put some funds in the bank to grow a tad bit in his wallet.
In the best outcome, he'll have some money to provide, if not a place to call his own when between adventures.

Probably also a potential social call with Michael, if the guy's got a spare spot of time to catch up on things.

With his employer, he calls in to say he's close to finishing the promise he made.

Encounter Map

Waiting on Jaxom and Lucanor to chime in....

Male Human Sorcerer (Bedrock) 8 l HP: 50/50 l AC 18 [T: 13; FF: 16] l F: +5, R: +5, W: +11 l Init: +2 l Per: +0

Jaxom will spend his time in the following pursuits:

1. Searching for signs of his sister.
2. Look for mystical means to keep the mudmen out of the Vale.
3. Begin researching a spell to transfigure him into a Fey. The Fey template says that ordinary creatures may become Fey either through the blessing ancient natural powers or arcane magic. Jaxom wants to begin researching the arcane path. What level would the spell be, etc. I know this transformation is likely outside the limited scope of what remains of the campaign, but this is Jaxom's motivating goal so he will put in effort towards it.

Male Human (Chelaxian ethnicity) Inquisitor-8 (Current HP 53/61)

Lucanor sends word to the temples of Iomedae further out, letting them know of the fall of the high priestess here, and seeking another church member to take the position....

To the Clergy of Iomedae,
Regarding Falcon's Hollow and the need it faces for a new high priest or priestess and minor clergy to aid.

The towns people have been whipped again and again by the selfish, the cruel, and the greedy! Many of the citizens have been beaten down so long that they now feel that honor is an excuse other men use to bind them,that Justice is what you pay for and that he or she who stands against what is right stands alone and dies for it. Yet I have seen honor rise like flickering candle flames in a dark wind, daring to try to stay alight. I see a hunger for true justice in the eyes of those who still seek it. And I know of brave souls who have risked all to show their sons and daughters that evil must be opposed even if one can only do it with small gestures.

This will not be the first time I have asked for aid to be sent to this town. This would not be the first time deaf ear was turned to it. It is a challenge, the place where worship of the goddess seems most hard to cultivate. And yet, for those same reasons, this is where her hand is most needed. Please, do not turn a deaf ear to cries of need again.

-Lucanor, Inquisitor of Iomedae.

That letter sent by the fastest messengers he can afford, he cleans and repairs the Cathedral in his spare time. If he can't be in town, he arranges to pay men more than the consortium pays to do it.

If at the Hollow, he acts in the uncomfortable role (for him) of Priest. He gives sermons, offers his own minor healing and counsel. It's not what he's suited for, but at least few will get by him with lies.

And he moves to purchase Bloodeye's old place if that hasn't already been done. Perhaps he even found the deed for it? He'd surely search.

He is not a believer in prostitution, per se, but he will not have a new blood eye arise to run it and abuse these women either.

Encounter Map

The party splits up with Lucanor, Hecktor and Silas heading to Olfden and Gilmork and Jaxom heading into the Wood.

The Fey Touched Wood
Jaxom receives his boon and speaks with his Lady. He intercedes with Syntira on Gilmork's behalf and Gilmork receives permission to live in the Wood. (Gilmork is automatically treated as Friendly by all the Fey loyal to Syntira.) The two heroes then split up with Jaxom searching for his sister and Gilmork heading to the Dryad Elene and the former Cold Marrow.

What Jaxom discovers
His sister, ever more concerned with vengeance, has crossed to the Winter Court and now holds the ear of Rhoswen the Winter Queen. Jaxom is disturbed by this development but there is naught he can do now. Jaxom studies the magic of the Fey and discovers an Arcane method of transforming himself...that or the power of a Fairy Queen can accomplish his goal. Aside from the normal fey tricks Jaxom discovers no permanent method to dissuade the mortals from trading in the Darkmoon Wood.

What Gilmork discovers
The Dryad Elene still stands, and she grants Gilmork an audience for she remembers the service he provided. Gilmork tours her lands and sees that the cold marrow is in full retreat, perhaps this is why the Trolls and Hags came to Falcons Hollow, their land is shrinking and soon there will be nothing left for them in the Darkmoon Wood. Gilmork makes friends with a blessing of Unicorns, especially the Matriarch Celestia. The Unicorns have taken to staying in Elene's grove as they travel throughout their section of the Darkmoon Wood.

Encounter Map

Olfden, Will Justice be served?
Silas, Lucanor and Hecktor leave Kreed in the care of one Michael Stamford, not a Paladin but just as honorable. Michael leaves with his remaining men and heads to his Monastery retreat to keep Kreed safe until his trial. Saal Gudman arrives and will act as the Prosecutor for the State. Beltin Gejni will not be attending, but the People's Council now has word of Kreed's Arrest by the Golden Legion and there are political maneuverings at work in Almas.

Gudman's case is air tight and he is confident that once a trial date is given that Kreed will dance at the Gallows. He doesn't believe that anyone in Almas will listen to Silas' plan to curse the Gavel.

Silas finds that Almas is most resistant to anything that will curb the harvesting of the largest and most majestic of the Darkwood trees. Darkwood is most valuable in creating a powerful Navy, and Andoran is kept free with its Navy.
Hecktor finds a bride????
Hecktor takes some time to relax and develop a relationship with a certain redhead. He pleasantly discovers that she is single and the big man regales her with stories of his career and the last year of adventuring.
Lucanor, more grim news.
Lucanor keeps busy filling in for the fallen Cirthana. He holds the Services and finds that the townsfolk are much more likely to attend now that they have witnessed the nobility and justice of Iomedae via Cirthana's actions. Sadly ironic that only with her death fighting injustice did Cirthana convince many townsfolk of Iomedae's worth.

Lucanor receives a tersely worded letter giving him official sanction over Falcons Hollow's small church until a "suitable replacement" could be found. The letter gives no indication when that will be and Lucanor is made less than happy by the reply referencing " reckless crusading".

Lucanor buys a Brothel!?
Luc's purchase of the Rouge Lady raises quite a few eyebrows. The previous "workers" who ran away that fateful evening return and beg for their jobs back. And the mercenary that Lucanor spared and hired offers to run the place for the Church man, he finds the entire circumstance ironic and hilarious.

I'll let you guys respond to these posts and then tomorrow afternoon (unless you all post before then) I'll set us up for Hungry are the Dead. Also, question would anyone want to do Realm of the Fellnight Queen after we finish Hungry are the Dead. I struck inspiration while writing these little vignettes and I think I can weave that module into the campaign pretty easily.

Male retired & married fighter Fighter 8 HP 82/82 F+10/R+6/W+4 30ft AC24/14/22

Hey Luc, looks like we got the juiciest parts.

Hecktor was happy to hear the tavern maid, Cynthia, was single.
Coming back regularly during his stay in Almas, getting to know her was a good passing of time.

Eventually he even, despite not being knowledgeable about shows, took her to the theater, followed by a dinner.

Cliché, but blame him the guy for trying to have a good time ;)

Male Human Sorcerer (Bedrock) 8 l HP: 50/50 l AC 18 [T: 13; FF: 16] l F: +5, R: +5, W: +11 l Init: +2 l Per: +0

I'm cool with continuing this campaign as long as you are enjoying creating new story opportunities. I feel like Jaxom is coming into his own, slowly but surely.

At least in the privacy of his own thoughts, Jaxom is less than surprised by Jessa's defection to Rhoswen's Court. Her magic was death, shadow, and winter's gale. It was tied to the Unseelie, just as his sprung from star and stone. His dismay -- such as it is -- comes from his complete lack of desire to vie with his twin. Though as the Summer Queen's knight, it was not outside the realm of possibility.

What crooked path led her from a mission from the Summer Queen to the service of the Winter Queen?

Jaxom resolved to ask for the boon of transformation once the noble heroes have defeated the Undying. Nevertheless, traveling with them over the last few months had taught him to not only have one plan for success. So bit by bit, Jaxom begins to gather the components for the ritual of transformation. He knew the rite would need be performed on a time of change -- the equinoxes or the solstices -- but the other components . . . .

Male Varisian Bard 8 | HP 54 | AC 22(27/17/25) (15t 20ff)| +5(7) fort +10(13) ref +7(9) will | +8 init +10 perc | Resource Tracker

Bitterly disappointed by the bone headed politicians, Silas walks despondently around Almas. It felt pointless, and Saal's 'I told you so' didn't exactly help. In the past Silas would have gotten drunk and probably followed Hector to some brothel or other but none of that held any appeal. There was nothing to celebrate, a bunch of people he'd cared for had died and they had been powerless to stop them. Oh they'd caught the hated gavel and the cased seemed airtight, but the bard reflected bitterly, 'No doubt the courts and justice will find a way of letting us down too. No doubt freed on a technicality, or whatever the polite name is for a fat envelope of cash.'

He sat morosely for time, on the edge of the docks watching the ships come and go. 'This is all pointless, in a few dozen years the last of these ironwood masts will have been felled and then they'll be in trouble. Hmm maybe that's the angle. The politicians won't care but maybe the navy will. What was the name of that Admiral?'

Kn:Local: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (16) + 15 = 31
Silas wracked his brain before it came to him, 'Oh Admiral Haskell Whaley. That's the man. He has a seat on the council but is usually absent. I must find him'

Silas spends a frustrating couple of days trying to track him down, nobody in town has any idea where he is.
Diplomacy - Gather Information: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (1) + 15 = 16

In the end Silas had to ask Saal. Of course the slimy knew where Whaley likely was, he prided himself on such things after all. Although as aways Silas had to toss the man a bag of gold. Saal told him, "Cause you won't find him here. He's in Augustana's Arsenal Island. I suspect you can sweat talk your way in there, but since your gold is so good I'll write you an introduction if you like." He looks at Silas expectantly and reluctantly the bard tosses him another bag.
Lets say that was 200g spent.

Several days later Silas find himself in Augustana. Not a place he'd visited before, but needs must as they say. He overnights in an inn and sets out to try and obtain a visitors pass to Arsenal Island. This proves to be difficult, the navy are busy and don't take kindly to civilians traipsing around sensitives ares. Still persistence and Saal's letter pay off and eventually he's granted a shot audience with Consul Admiral Haskell Whaley.

Silas enters and makes the expected pleasantries and draws the Admiral's attention to a rather fine map of the realm on his wall. "This really is a very good map Admiral, but there's a problem. You see the outline of Darkmoon Vale? That's about 50 years out of date, it's less than a third of the size now. The lumber is still flowing, but you know for every tree that goes into ironwood mast there are twenty that are wasted on houses, tables and other nick-nacks. It might take twenty, maybe thirty years but the forest will go. All Cheliax has to do is wait." He lets that sink in for a moment before adding sadly, "It is possible to secure indefinite supply for naval use, but there has to be quotas. I tried to explain this to the good councilors in Almas but I think you can guess how well that went... I'm hoping you might have a say in the matter,"
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (16) + 15 = 31

Male Human (Chelaxian ethnicity) Inquisitor-8 (Current HP 53/61)
GM Niles wrote:
Olfden, Will Justice be served?

Silas, Lucanor and Hecktor leave Kreed in the care of one Michael Stamford, not a Paladin but just as honorable. Michael leaves with his remaining men and heads to his Monastery retreat to keep Kreed safe until his trial. Saal Gudman arrives and will act as the Prosecutor for the State. Beltin Gejni will not be attending, but the People's Council now has word of Kreed's Arrest by the Golden Legion and there are political maneuverings at work in Almas.

Lucanor thanked Michael for watching Kreed, and warned him to be extra careful. Kreed is not in his prime, but he's still very dangerous.


Gudman's case is air tight and he is confident that once a trial date is given that Kreed will dance at the Gallows. He doesn't believe that anyone in Almas will listen to Silas' plan to curse the Gavel.

Lucanor is not surprised, if he's told of this, but looks to Silas sympathetically, "I'm sorry, my friend. I know what it is like to have walls put up in front of you at every turn. It seems a less legendary form of justice may have to be. At least he won't hurt anyone further."


[ooc] Lucanor, more grim news.
Lucanor keeps busy filling in for the fallen Cirthana. He holds the Services and finds that the townsfolk are much more likely to attend now that they have witnessed the nobility and justice of Iomedae via Cirthana's actions. Sadly ironic that only with her death fighting injustice did Cirthana convince many townsfolk of Iomedae's worth.

If not for this, Lucanor might just give up the town for lost himself. It does bring some balm to his heart to know that Cirthana did not die in vain as Iomedae's worship finally flowers a little.

"I will try to get a worthy successor to shepherd you good folk. You've shown true courage just by believing that justice can happen, even here in the Vale. Remember, Iomedae's followers are mortal, they stumble, and they make mistakes. Yet she still cares for the least of us who tries to do what is right."


Lucanor receives a tersely worded letter giving him official sanction over Falcons Hollow's small church until a "suitable replacement" could be found. The letter gives no indication when that will be and Lucanor is made less than happy by the reply referencing " reckless crusading".

Bureaucratic fat heads, He thinks indelicately.

He pens more letters...
One, to the knights of Ozrem

Your champion in Falcon's Hollow has fallen. That which is sought is sought by darkness. If you wish to know more, then bring clergy of Iomedae willing to station themselves here. The town is in sore need even without the darkness that seeks the lesser key.
Sincerely, Lucanor Inquistior of Iomedae

And he will try to find out Cirthana's relations, to pass on the sad news, assuming she has any family who are not openly evil or the like...

I regret to inform you that Lady Cirthana, has fallen in service to her god and the small town of Falcon's Hollow. While she had few goods to will to anyone, I feel it is only right you , her blood kin, should know.... and he relates the tale, minus some of the details about the seal. The church currently suffers her loss with both pain and pride, and she has brought many to the light. Alas, I fear her works maybe undone through time and neglect, but will try to hold onto the church despite its dwindling resources.

Lucanor, acting high priest of Iomedae in Falcon's Hollow.


Luc's purchase of the Rouge Lady raises quite a few eyebrows. The previous "workers" who ran away that fateful evening return and beg for their jobs back. And the mercenary that Lucanor spared and hired offers to run the place for the Church man, he finds the entire circumstance ironic and hilarious.

Lucanor doesn't laugh as much, but he agrees on the irony, he places the man as supervisor for the place and allows it to continue in the short term, but with some caveats...

1)The women keep a great deal more of their money, though a percentage is still insisted upon. That percentage pays for upkeep, the manager's and security's services, providing check ups and cures for the ladies, and, though he does not tell them of this last part, a small part of that percentage goes to create accounts at the Church of Abadar (Sp?) for each woman so that when she must retire, she will leave with funds to continue onto a healthier life.

2) The Brothel reserves the right to refuse any clients, and those who wish to the use a worker there may find themselves looked over for signs of disease and refused until they recover to a healthy state. Similarly, any prostitute working there will have to face frequent health checks herself, and if found sick, she will be taken off duty (Though she still might be allowed jobs like cleaning or the like) until she too recovers. Any sex worker caught lying about this maybe subject to dismissal. Any would be client who knowingly lies about his health may find himself permanently banned.

3) The various games of chance are to be completely honest. There are to be no rigged games. Any cheaters who come in are to be turned over to Lucanor, and then to the authorities (They'll likely get a brandspell on their hand as a reminder). The house itself , and those who work for it, will win or lose only be honest means, though the odds will favor the house, that fact should be obvious.
The profits from gambling will also help pay for security, upkeep, and the like, with a percentage of it going to the orphanage and other projects to aid the town.

4) The name of the brothel/Gaming hall is now to be changed, from hence forth, it will be called The Bishops' Blindspot

If all these are accepted, Lucanor rather than hide his ownership, will confess to it, "Good folk. You may think it odd that the acting priest of Iomedae in the Hollow is running a house of gambling and ill repute. You may find it hypocritical, and shameful! And I cannot say you might not have a point. But shaming is part of my point. I love Iomedae, and honor her ways. Husbands, do not cheat on your wives. Wives? There are more honorable ways to live than giving up your bodies to a stranger's lust for coin even in these hard times. Now some single women need coin, and if they must give into despair and sell themselves as they should not, at least this will be a cleaner place to do it, a healthier place than it was, where no woman will be forced, and health shall be looked after. Yet my true reason for taking up this once horrid place and changing the name is this: this town has been far too long neglected by bureaucrats who claim to work in Iomedae's name in towns like Almas. They say they will send a cleric, a 'suitable' one to lead you, but do not say when. So be it. When they send a suitable replacement for Cirthana, not just an ass to fit a seat either, then, and only then, will I change the name of this place. Then and only then will I think of doing something else with it. May the Inheritor forgive me if she is dipleased by my actions, but I believe this is right and may stir the indolent in the South cities to action. Should I have lost any of your respect, I am sorry. I am open to any other suggestions on how better to handle the situation. Goddess shield you and your loved ones in dark times."

HP: 49/49; AC: 23, T: 14, FF: 19; CMD: 22; Fort: 4, Ref: 8, Will: 8; Init +4; Perception +10
Oracle of Wood 8

Gilmork rather enjoys the comapny of Elene, Celestia and the blessing of unicorns around the former Cold Marrow. He stays there for several weeks, ranging around discovering all the new growth and changed surroundings. In the evening he returns for a chat with Elene, talking about the fey, the stars, his and her history before Elene and Gilmork met and her animal companion.

Gilmork seems to loosen up around the calm serenity of this now rejuvenated place, feeling at peace. The unicorns do him much good as he rarely has seen any of them, and now he is as curious as one might be, asking Celestia and the others so amny questions it might becoming a bore to them.

And for that he apologizes when he realizes his suddenly youthful enthusiasm.

Encounter Map

Silas' involvement of the Admiral is a master stroke and the Admiral appears thoughtful before saying Have you thought of a career in politics? You'd be great at it.

Lucanor's various letters get no reply for several weeks until a small handwritten note is sent, the postage marker is from Oppara, Taldor.

Dearest Priest Lucanor,
We received your message this very morning. Our Sister Cirthana Favela was estranged from us for matters that do not bear repeating. Still, we mourn her passing and we wish fervently that those responsible pay the price of justice. We have not spoken to our Sister in some time and it is our great Shame to admit so. Please use these funds to establish the church in Falcon's Hollow in her name.

Lord Augustin Favela, Peer of Taldor

The Knights of Ozem, being a fairly secretive organization do not reply at all. The Church of Iomedae in Almas also remains close lipped. The "funds" that were sent are enough to keep the church going for several years, if not longer.

Lucanor's public proclamation is the talk of the town, and he has somewhat of a reputation now. (You sure Luc isn't CG?)

The Mercenary (Did we give him a name? If not you can make one up) seems to think that the Brothel won't turn a profit with all these changes, but lo and behold it does turn a small one. He is quite surprised, and also very impressed with Lucanor's faith and conviction. Luc sees him attending services regularly at the Church.

Gilmork's relationship with the Dryad and her Blessing lead to one of the Unicorns gifting a molted Unicorn horn to him. Consider it a Metamagic Rod that can Empower 3x Healing spells per day of 1-3rd level.

Encounter Map

Sometime between 3-6 weeks after the Arrest of Thuldrin Kreed

A wan boy, perhaps 12 years of age enters town....bite marks cover most of his body. He collapses near the gates to the High Market, his only words are Vade. The Heroes are summoned...

Male Human Sorcerer (Bedrock) 8 l HP: 50/50 l AC 18 [T: 13; FF: 16] l F: +5, R: +5, W: +11 l Init: +2 l Per: +0

By seeming chance, Jaxom was in town. Months of leal service did he yet owe to the noble heroes.

By star and stone, root and bough, I do not look forward to contending with that man. If he has the power to create that staff, then his magic outstrips my own.

Once the boy has been revived and has a bit of food in him, Jaxom will try to winkle out where Vade is.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (9) + 19 = 28

"What can you remember? How do you know the name Vade?"

Male Human (Chelaxian ethnicity) Inquisitor-8 (Current HP 53/61)
GM Niles wrote:

Lucanor's various letters get no reply for several weeks until a small handwritten note is sent, the postage marker is from Oppara, Taldor.

Dearest Priest Lucanor,
We received your message this very morning. Our Sister Cirthana Favela was estranged from us for matters that do not bear repeating. Still, we mourn her passing and we wish fervently that those responsible pay the price of justice. We have not spoken to our Sister in some time and it is our great Shame to admit so. Please use these funds to establish the church in Falcon's Hollow in her name.

Lord Augustin Favela, Peer of Taldor

He immediately sends off a letter of thanks, and goes to work with those funds to repair, and improve the church. If it can be afforded, he will also look towards having a life sized statue of Cirthana erected, but the priority is on improving things for the building and the worshipers who use it.


The Knights of Ozem, being a fairly secretive organization do not reply at all. The Church of Iomedae in Almas also remains close lipped. The "funds" that were sent are enough to keep the church going for several years, if not longer.

The sheer amount of funds sent does surprise him, once more he puts them to work. He plans to fortify the temple a bit, in case the town should ever come under attack, this might be a safer place to seek haven.


Lucanor's public proclamation is the talk of the town, and he has somewhat of a reputation now. (You sure Luc isn't CG?)

Pretty sure. A CG with his skills would have killed Kreed in his sleep months ago ;)

Lucanor seems to pay little heed to his reputation, but those that frequent the Bishops' Blindspot will find that while he does go there, he rarely plays the games, and he never sleeps with the working girls. He does enforce the rules though, darn firmly.


The Mercenary (Did we give him a name? If not you can make one up) seems to think that the Brothel won't turn a profit with all these changes, but lo and behold it does turn a small one. He is quite surprised, and also very impressed with Lucanor's faith and conviction. Luc sees him attending services regularly at the Church.

The name you gave for him was Rithelm Waltin.

As Waltin turns out to be a honest supervisor and manager on his behalf, Lucanor , despite checks on the place once a week, leaves most of it to him. It would appear the Inquisitor holds no grudge for the man's once being hired to kill them.

But it does surprise the acting priest when he sees Rithelm attending services at the church. He doesn't mock or tease the man, indeed, he simply welcomes him with an understanding nod. Living for money alone is kind of empty, and while he makes sure Rithelm gets every copper coming to him and doesn't begrudge him his share, Lucanor is glad to see the man is also finding his spiritual side.

Lucanor also noses around to learn what might have happened to Jurin Kreed and his mother. The boy should not be punished for his father's many sins.
To gather info, taking 20 on Diplomacy for 28
And yes, he looks in on Kimi, and Mikra as well. Hopefully Hollin and his sister are well elsewhere.

Though he also worries about Savram Vade....
but it is then he gets news that might indeed be related.

A wan boy, perhaps 12 years of age enters town....bite marks cover most of his body. He collapses near the gates to the High Market, his only words are Vade. The Heroes are summoned...

Lucanor comes in, wondering if the reported boy might be Savram somehow returned...

HP: 49/49; AC: 23, T: 14, FF: 19; CMD: 22; Fort: 4, Ref: 8, Will: 8; Init +4; Perception +10
Oracle of Wood 8

Beforethe young boyGilmork is in town as well, by chance, appearing quite happy with his life for once. He came back once he heard that Silas and Hecktor had also returned from Almas and he wanted to see what Lucanor had made of the place being the new religious leader at this moment in time.

Together with Jaxom, he came back from their stay in the Darkmoon Vale. Gilmork sharing his stories about elene and Celestia with Jaxom. He turns to Jaxom at the end of his stories and says.
"I've even not thanked you properly for introducing me to Syntira Jaxom and speaking on my behalf to her for my stay in the Vale itself. You have given me a new place to live sort to speak. If there is anything I can do to return the favour, if it is within my power to do so, you need only ask."

Back to the events at hand.
When the boy was found at the gates and the group summoned, Gilmork kneels next to the boy and lays a hand on him.
CLW: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8
Does the boy look familiar? Aka, Vade's son?

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