Frunobulax |
Frunobulax is a Half-Orc Inquisitor of Gorum. I'll be honest, I'm still working on a background for him. Basically: an orphaned half-orc found by priests of Gorum outside the borders of Lastwall. Raised in Vigil, by the priest, Hanhar, who found him. Gorum is raised to despise his orc heritage. He has fully embraced the faith he was raised in, but was unable to serve as a cleric as the other priests in the temple were not as tolerant of Frunobulax as Hanhar was.
Fruno then chose the life of an inquisitor - as a way to demonstrate his devotion to Gorum as forcefully as possible. Fruno decides to join the Pathfinder Society so that he can eventually return to Lastwall able to show that he's been a faithful follower of Gorum.
Still working on the details, but that's him. He takes himself too seriously, but his past adventuring companions turn that into comedy. So, feel free to give him a hard time.
Matsu Anfial |
Matsu Anfial is a true samurai. His word is his law, his honor in his deeds. He has pledged himself to serve on of Taldors many dukes. The duke, a former pathfinder, has given him the task to show his worthiness by completing a few quests for the taldorian lodge.
There is no other way but obay his master.
Matsu Anfial is proud, stands always erect, and is always ready to draw his sword. He knows that he hasn´t done any great deeds yet, but that is of no consequence, his path is set and the deeds will follow!
Haru Touches-the-Sun |
Didn't realize the discussion thread had been up!
Haru is an explorer trying to find his place in the world. His nature a mix of his mother's discipline and his father's wild abandon, he doesn't feel at home amongst either of his parent's people and has joined the Pathfinder Society of learn more of the world.
Statswise Haru is a 1st level Brawler from the ACG Playtest. It'll be interesting to see how this class plays.
Also, Matsu, since it seems I chose the same portrait as you, I'll go ahead and change it today so it's not confusing.
Sparkle Weave |
Wheeee. Gnome gnome gnomeWheeee. Gnome gnome gnomeWheeee. Gnome gnome gnomeWheeee. Gnome gnome gnomeWheeee. Gnome gnome gnomeWheeee. Gnome gnome gnomeWheeee. Gnome gnome gnomeWheeee. Gnome gnome gnomeWheeee. Gnome gnome gnomeWheeee. Gnome gnome gnomeWheeee. Gnome gnome gnomeWheeee. Gnome gnome gnomeWheeee. Gnome gnome gnomeWheeee. Gnome gnome gnomeWheeee. Gnome gnome gnomeWheeee. Gnome gnome gnomeWheeee. Gnome gnome gnomeWheeee. Gnome gnome gnomeWheeee. Gnome gnome gnome
Sparkle Weave |
As a quick note, I have the First Worlder archetype. Means I have a ~ 1/2 powered Eidolon, and use the Nature's Ally list instead of the Summon Monster list, and don't get the extended duration on my summons but in exchange I can summon creatures while my Eidolon is out.
Sparkle Weave |
One related question is, how long does it take me to summon?
Strictly as written it's a standard action, because that's the rule for SLAs, but JJ has written that it is the intention be for it to take 1 round.
Sparkle Weave |
I noticed we have a couple of players new to pbps so I thought I'd share a really useful post on pbp stuff. Every GM is a little different but there's a lot of really good advice there.
GM Hills |
I will say this: I hope to see everyone post once a day, once every 48 hours at worst, though weekends are forgiven and any time that you are going to be slow, please just let me know. If you have specific combat actions you want to take via GMNPC, please let me know, if you do not, and you are holding up the combat, you will be put on delay until you do post. If I do not hear from someone for a week (warning me counts as hearing from you) then I will give you 48 hours to respond to a message and after that point, I will have to drop you from the game. We are on a time crunch, while not a very tight one, it does require everyone to be active, but with extra players, if you aren't, I won't be able to carry you. I love this format!
That being said, I originally said that this game would begin today, and we started a little early. I will give everyone until Wednesday night to post, but if I don't hear from the other players by then, I will assume they aren't coming.
Also, as a point of note: My wife is technically in labor right now and as such, we could be having a baby any time now. I will likely be able to post just fine, but if I slow down for a few days, that is why.
I will be using google docs for combat maps when I feel they are necessary, which is most of the time, in my mind, for tactics reasons. It will be listed under my name as: MURDERS!
Any questions or concerns?
GM Hills |
Ok, baby is born. Mommy and baby are asleep and we are going to be in the hospital one more day. Thankfully...wifi. It appears we lost not 1, but 2 players. I sent messages to a couple of people and never heard back from them, so I am just going to run this with 5 (we have an Eidolon and I'm pretty sure it was written for 4 anyway). That said, I have a map for the carnival ready to post. Just let me know where you want to go and I'll go from there.
GM Hills |
Ok, baby has been suffering from colic, which showed up approximately last Tuesday (3 hours or screaming in my face on that day to start my time off) that being said, I'm getting used to this horrific pattern and I think, provided a few minutes each day to use both hands at the computer, I will be back on track for this. I apologize for the delays and hope you can all forgive them, but I am going to get you through this in the time frame we have, I'm determined! Once the plot itself gets going, it's supposed to be much more fluid.
Haru Touches-the-Sun |
Back from my work trip from last week now (which I apparently didn't post about in all my games). I may yet have spotty posting through the end of this month, but will have access to my computer now and not be in a different state without it.
Definitely understandable on the baby end of things. Take all the time you need!
Clair Vavassour |
I'll leave for Scotland tomorrow, and I'll be gone till July 26 - 28. I won't have internet access while gone.
Good luck with investigating the murder! Maybe I can continue to aid you when back! ;)
Clair Vavassour |
Hi everyone!
Scotland was absolutely amazing, but we ended up back home a week earlier than originally planned.
I see I came back just in time for combat! Looking forward to it ;)
Clair Vavassour |
I sent the GM a PM on Friday,asking him if he's alright, but have had no reply yet. He's also disappeared from a game I ran.
His last few posts have been with another alias on Thursday, and another alias on Wednesday. It seems he hasn't posted for some time in most of his games.
Ysabeau hasn't been around since July 19 either, on neither of her characters.
I want to suggest to the others players that we wait some more days, after which we could try to get another GM who could help us finish this game. Sparkle and Davreena, you seem to be the only other players left. Do you agree with this plan? The new GM would be allowed to run 1 pregen to bring the party back to 4 and make the table legal again.
Sparkle Weave |
Considering the repeated abandonings from our GM I think that's about that.
Go ahead and either post your PFS info (or PM me if you'd prefer) and I'll get us chronicle sheets/report by Wednesday at the latest.
No Day Job
GM Hills |
I'm sorry folks. We went on a vacation where we were expecting to have reliable internet and I tried to make several posts, only to have them eaten because the internet would go out. Trying to make big posts as a GM wasn't happening and I failed. I have completely let you all down and I'm extremely sorry for that. I got back from vacation to a horrible few days at work and this is the first time I have been back to the boards in 5 days, which NEVER happens for me. I understand you guys wanting to call it. I'm very sorry if that stays as such, if you do wish me to finish this, I gladly will, but I completely understand a lack of faith in me doing so. I clearly bit off more than I could chew the last few months, but it does appear to be getting better after next week. It is your call and I understand it either way.