Hewy's Council of Thieves Campaign (Inactive)

Game Master littlehewy

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Guess what? 'Net's back on :) Sorry for the delay folks. Armageddon is bad for the continuity of PbP games... But hopefully we can get back into the fairly pacey rhythm we had going previously.

Male Teifling Ranger/2

Mine is still down :( (that's a massive sad face)
However I still have good old reliable 3G on the iPad and phone. Yays, plus I do most of what I do at work. Hehehe.

Let's get it rolling!

Male Teifling Ranger/2

Helloooooooo................is any one out there?

Male Human Singer Lvl 5

Hey Corza, Im all good now.

Male Teifling Ranger/2

20 days since last post? I'm guessing this online campaign is dead? anyone keen for a minimum 1 post a day challenge to resuscitate it? Who's keen?

I'm keen. I think benni's the one you need to convince :) Attris is camping till late in the week, so if you wanna strt a revival, aim for the weekend. I've sent messages a few times, to no avail.

Male Human Singer Lvl 5

i think we should just continue without them. If you dont post in the next few days your out.

Male Teifling Ranger/2

So we are under way guys. Awesome! lets keep it up. I think you are better posting too often than not enough, even if its just a passive comment ie 'bark is making sure he keeps up with the pack.' It means nothing really but give s a little descriptor but more importantly it lets everyone know you are still here and active and that you just have comments etc at the given moment. thoughts? diplomacy: 1d20 - 3 ⇒ (11) - 3 = 8 hehehehe

Hey blokes, prob not gonna get a chance to post today, watch out for an update Monday night.

So just let me know if you want to do or say something in the past, particularly if I've just posted a huge wall of text like I did there. Assume you can retroactively do stuff - if you can't I'll let you know :)

Male Teifling Ranger/2

How do you want us to level up? Post here all changes we are requesting and then you look and approve/change?

Yep. Here's an example from another game I'm in.

Seif-al-Din ibn-Subhi wrote:

Level 2:

+1 Level of Oracle
+10 hp
+1 BAB
+1 Will
Skills: +1 Diplomacy, +1 Intimidate, +1 Knowledge(History), +1 Knowledge(Planes), +1 Knowledge(Religion), +1 Perception, +1 Spellcraft, +1 UMD

Spells Known: +1 Orison (Enhanced Diplomacy); Mystery spell (1st): Endure Elements

Spell Slots: +1 1st level

Also, houserule for Rob:

If you check out Versatile Performance, you'll note that you get to replace other skill bonuses with your Performance bonuses. If you end up replacing a skill bonus that you've spent ranks on with Versatile Performance, you will be able to reallocate those now defunct skill ranks.

Make sense?

Male Teifling Ranger/2

Level 2:

+1 level urban ranger

+10 HP +1 con
+1 BAB
+1 REF
Skills +6 +1 instead of hp
+1 perception, +1 stealth, +1 Disable Device, +1 climb, +1 knowledge local, +1 acrobatics +1 survival

trap finding add 1/2 lvl to perception skill checks to find traps and 1/2 lvl to disable device(traded out for wild empathy @ lvl 1, endurance comes at lvl 3, as discussed)

Combat style: archery
Feat: Rapid Shot
fire an extra shot all attacks -2 att rating

let me know if I've missed anything?

M Halfling Bard 2

Level 2

+1 Bard

+8 HP
+1 BAB
+1 REF
+1 WIL

Skills +8
+1 Bluff, +1 Disguise, +1 Knowledge (Dungeoneering), +1 Perception, +1 Oratory, +1 Sleight of Hand, +1 Spellcraft, +1 Stealth

Spells Known +1 0 level, +1 1st level
Light (0)
Cure Light Wounds (1)

Spell slots
1st level +1 per day

Versatile performance (Oratory - Diplomacy and Sense motive checks use Perform bonus)
Well versed (+4 to save vs sonic, language and bardic effects)

Looks god Benni. Did you remember your favoured class thing, which is 1 hp or skill rank, or you can take the the alternate halfling favoured class bonus for bard here.

Bark, looks good.

Got all that, thanks Hewy. Will stick with the +1 skill point as favoured class bonus for now. Didn't have any points in diplomacy or sense motive but will keep that house rule in mind.

Male Teifling Ranger/2

done GM!

Male Human Singer Lvl 5

Will do mine tonight GM.
Corza stop stirring me up like that. I dont wanna fight your character god dammit ;)
Its all good

Male Teifling Ranger/2

stop being a mr he said something nasty about me pants hahaha. it was a broad comment, the whole lets work as a team. it was meant to be a packed to make us agree to put the bullshit aside and focus on the enemy. there was no we are conflicting etc just keep the ego and testosterone low. Half-orcs hey?

ps: im not gonna fight your char. you'd be proving the point i am trying to get across by trying to fight bark. FOOL ;) (that was for attris ;))

Looks like you're provoking each other to me... Not that I mind.

Male Half Orc Fighter (Unarmed Fighter) Lvl 2

Dungeons and Dragons wrestle-mania comin up ;)


Male Teifling Ranger/2

Leave my spelling and grammar alone. I type often and quick. It's all about input. :) I'm pretty fly for a teifling guy.

Oh and damn autocorrect is a b+~&+.

Male Half Orc Fighter (Unarmed Fighter) Lvl 2

Level 2: Unarmed Fighter

+1 Level of Unarmed Fighter
+10 hp
+1 BAB
Skills: +2 Perception, +1 Acrobatics
Favored Class: 1hp

Bonus Feat
Improved Grapple
You do not provoke an attack of opportunity when performing a grapple combat maneuver. In addition, you receive a +2 bonus on checks made to grapple a foe. You also receive a +2 bonus to your Combat Maneuver Defense whenever an opponent tries to grapple you.

Harsh Training
At 2nd level, an unarmed fighter gains a +1 bonus on saving throws against effects that cause the exhausted, fatigued, or staggered conditions or temporary penalties to ability scores. This bonus increases by +1 for every four levels after 2nd (to a maximum of +5 at 18th level). This ability replaces bravery.

Hows this GM?

+2 hp for Con too?

Male Half Orc Fighter (Unarmed Fighter) Lvl 2

sweet fixed. Working on an illustration of Attris for school too. Can't wait til it's finished.

Awesome :)

I'm going to be fairly sketchy this weekend thanks to heaps of gigs at the folky. I should get a post or two in, so still keep an eye out, but feel free to continue your inter-character discussions/petty squabbling.

Still waiting on Berrin's level up... Attris, could you give him a hand if he needs it?

Male Human Barbarian 2

Level 2 Barbarian
HP:+15 (d12 hit dice +2 con bonus +1 Favoured Class)
+1 BAB
Skills points:5 (4+1 for having Skilled)
+1 Acrobatics,CLimb,Intimidate,Stealth,Perception
Rage Power
Swift Foot: +5 movement bonus while raging.

Bonus feat
Uncanny Dodge: Cannot be caught flat footed.

Male Teifling Ranger/2

15 HP wow front man for sure :)

Male Human Barbarian 2

with my AC at barbarian level i need all the Hit points I can get lol

You sure do.

Male Half Orc Fighter (Unarmed Fighter) Lvl 2

Posting tonight GM?

Savage Attris wrote:
Posting tonight GM?

Yep, sure am. It may be rather late, unless I can get out of pool comp...

Also, in addition to the NPC list I have begun on the Campaign Info tab, I will be adding a list of houserules. Don't worry, they're pretty much all player friendly rules. Keep an eye out, I think some of you will be excited by what you see :)

In particular, Bark and Berrin will want to reselect some feats, and Benni you will want to take note of the Bard section. Everyone should be happy with the change to the ways some feats work (eg Attris re: Two Weapon Fighting), and how others have become rules rather than feats you must buy (Power Attack, Deadly Aim etc, Benni re: Weapon Finesse).

GM Hewy wrote:
Bark Maldork wrote:

With Bennie words spoken so boldly and from the heart bark raises his glass and stands.

"this halfling is proof that a man is not measured by his brawn but by his heart and intent." bark looks around "can I have a toast for the great fellow?" bark looks past the man next to him and to Fiosa expecting her to help fuel the fire he then glances his eyes expectingly to the amber eyed man next to him giving him a suggested nod. "BENNI..... May you keep our hearts strong when our bodies may be weak rarrr"

Unfortunately for Bark, as he stands up to speak it becomes apparent that an entire quail wing is lodged in the scales that surround his mouth. As he begins to speak it flaps around for a moment, then falls to the table.

Conversation stops as everyone turns to regard the malformed head of the tiefling. His eyes glow diabolically with his enthusiasm, and his entire visage seems to remind the crowd of the infernal cloud that hangs over Westcrown. There is no response to Bark's suggestion for a toast, and conversation doesn't resume until he sits down.

The mood in the room has chilled noticeably.

So apparently when you totally dump Charisma, bad things can happen.

Take note Berrin.

Male Teifling Ranger/2

I love the way you use my words and twist them against me ie food caught in my scales. Well played GM. well played ;)

Lol a minor detail :) Your dice roll did all the hard work for me.

Male Half Orc Fighter (Unarmed Fighter) Lvl 2

Love it!
Can't recall seeing anyone roll a 0.
Although Attris is not looking fwd to surprise rounds or perception checks. :p

No, I can't recall seeing it before either :)

Male Teifling Ranger/2

Now come on I guys. I rolled a 3. I just have a neg 3 to charisma. :) it could have been worse. Imagine what hewy would have done if I rolled a 1 and went negative?

Bark loses control of his bodily functions as he stands and soils his pants with an almighty noise.

Something like that I'd imagine. Haha.

He's probably been a little too chatty for how I made him anyways but it's a tough gig having 3 rough tough not so conversing guys.

Male Human Barbarian 2

Hence why we have a bard to do that for us Bark ;)

Male Teifling Ranger/2

I'm hearing you Berrin! :)

Male Human Barbarian 2

Also hewy by looking at the house rules and stating that Power Attack is no longer a feat does that mean i get to choose a new feat ? :)

Yep. Same with Bark I believe.

Male Teifling Ranger/2

Yup yup. Will get to mine when I have the books handy. :)

Attris, Berrin and Benni, any chance you guys can get your backgrounds up this week? It just makes it easier for me to plan background specific stuff for your characters, which I'm keen to dive into soon. Be as detailed as you want, and feel free to update/add to it at any point in the future - just let me know when you change/add anything.

I think given the infrequency of Berrin's posts, that we may just have to decide things without him. Waiting for a week for a response is probably going to slow us down too much.

Berrin, if you're out there somewhere, I may have to play your character for you when you're going a while between posts. Just so you know, if I post something that you've said or done, it's gonna stick - the best way to avoid this would be by checking and posting regularly so I don't have a chance to misplay Berrin or get him into trouble :)

Please feel free to refer often to the NPC List on the Campaign Info tab, particularly if you're not sure who somebody is, or you've forgotten their name.

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