Iheartmaths's page

9 posts (86 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.


So I’m thinking of a midwife who works to protect the children of the slums from aelfir influence. She’s somewhat ambivalent about drow exploiting children (part of the culture) but is infuriated at what she perceives as the corruption of the youth by high elves.

Misanthropic towards other adults but infinitely patient with children. Often has a handful of urchins trailing after her.

Hey gang!

Hey gang. Loving the campaign. I was talking to Hewy about getting together for a live session one day. Its still a while away but I'm on holidays from June 29 to July 21. It would be great to get together then if you're free.

Got all that, thanks Hewy. Will stick with the +1 skill point as favoured class bonus for now. Didn't have any points in diplomacy or sense motive but will keep that house rule in mind.

Have you guys in Warrnambool rejoined the 21st century yet?

Yep, what Corey said makes a lot of sense. I like the idea of leveling at plot points.

Can you briefly describe the layout of the room? Stairs, furniture, exits?

I think I'm done. Have I missed anything?

Red six, standing by...