Healing the Land - Answers

Game Master Tyki11

For unknown reasons, a number of adventurers and heroes have been longing for valley, a place they never been to, or ever heard of. Many have resisted this call, but a handful have chosen to seek out the place and find answers.

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I have a dillema, me and my friend were interested in running a game, but he's so swamped that the pbp game is really slow paced, which is kinda meh considering I'm itching to play. The real problem is that the homebrew rules are high powered in the wrong hands, but work well for us as we optimize, but try not to munchkin.

Question is, anyone willing to play along DMPC style with these houserules.

Gestalt level 1 game game(3.5)
Stats: 16, 16, 14, 14, 12, 12 (might be lowered)
Feats: Bonus feat per level (adds a lot of utility unless munchkined into doom)
Custom races allowable at 15RP.
We're comfortable with these things because we've known each other for a long time, and try to watch out not to overpower things but add utility and variety to characters (new feats every book, no new slots).

Classes: Nerfed Living Monolith trying to make it on par with Paladin as a base.

I don't have a specific story in mind yet, it really depends who'd want to join, max 2-3 other players, and we could talk out some ideas. I don't know how to play on this forum, and can use Rpol instead, but I can try to learn this place instead. Got skype and Gmail for fast IM'ing.

About me: 24 year old gamer dude, grew up with famicon and everything up to Gamecube, started dnd 3.5 at early age and been loving the system, for post part, since, so Pathfinder was the logical next step. I'd like to think I'm reasonable and open minded. If anything, just ask.

Would definitely be interested in a gestalt game. I've had a gestalt bard/rogue in mind for a little while, played as a skill monkey/party face, geared toward support with spells. Likely built for ranged combat, because bows go well with bards.

I'm interested in joining as I'm currently in between games at the moment. I do have a Gulch Gunner/Weapon's Master waiting in the wings I wanted to try out.

I've had experience using Rpol for games, but here's fine too, no Skype though. Any particular themes you want to run?

Never played gesalt though I have UA.
No idea what a living Monlith is. prefer to play a fun character over Meta/Munchkin we usually stick to Core when playing 3.5.

Would keep to the few books i have on hand (Core, Exp. Psyonics, Comp. Scondrel, Comp Mage, Frostburn, maybe one or 2 other's been awhile since I used them.) *Edit. Also have OA, Exalted Deeds and Vile Darkness.

(also 24, started with 3.5 about 6-7 years ago been playing ever since)

Captain Moonscar wrote:

Never played gesalt though I have UA.

No idea what a living Monlith is. prefer to play a fun character over Meta/Munchkin we usually stick to Core when playing 3.5.

Would keep to the few books i have on hand (Core, Exp. Psyonics, Comp. Scondrel, Comp Mage, Frostburn, maybe one or 2 other's been awhile since I used them.) *Edit. Also have OA, Exalted Deeds and Vile Darkness.

(also 24, started with 3.5 about 6-7 years ago been playing ever since)

Gestalt means you level two classes at the same time, taking best of each but not stacking duplicates. So a Rogue/ninja wouldn't get double sneak attack damage, but would get extra talents.

Living Monolith is a earth and defence themed PrC, granting some immunities, and with out edit, no direct combat buffs anymore (it had Rightous Might 3/day before, now a cosmetic dust form).

Now, the feat change means that we'll get bloody 15 feats, which can be a lot in the hands of a skileld min-maxer, but I'm hoping players would pick mostly utility feats that add depth to the characters. The teleporting dervish(or whatever the name is) is a great feat for a fighter/sorcerer who's a magic swordsman type, but somehow stacking 20d6 +100 would be unwelcome.

Them, hmm. I have to admit I'm really giddy after watching Rise of the Guardians a hundred times. I also liked the idea of settling, kinda like kingmaker perhaps?

A group clears out a part of a valley of undeath and makes a base of operation to restore this region back to health? I like the spirits and undeads theme, such as the Kami.

I have to admit I'm not too familiar with Golarion lands, just the vague stuff as we've always played homebrew. I personally allow some 3.5 stuff, especially the Item Bible pdf(collection of all items). Main goal is to have fun, so some rules can be bent.

Er, wait. Is this going to be a 3.5 or a Pathfinder game?

I know what gestalt is. It's just no one I know ever ran one.
Would probably play a Wilder/Something. Would have to refresh myself on my 3.x books.

Twas a good movie.

Sorry. Pathfinder with Gestalt rules from 3.5!

Oh, okay, good. I was worried for a second--3.5 bards aren't as solid, I find, and I'd have probably gone for something else. But no, I'm good.

Personally I love Items and PrC from 3.5, and base classes and everything else from PF.

Agreed, like Pathfinder's base classes a lot better. Especially since most of what I play are the classes that needed a bigger boost.

15RP Fey characters could be interesting to try.

So far there's a Face, a Gunner/weapon master and psychic dude?
As mentioned the DMPC, mine's a Living Monolith/Wizard(air), perfectly fitting for a fey character though is originally aasimar.

Sounds good to me, and don't worry about sticking close to the Golarion setting. From what I can tell, this game will be fairly self-contained.

Never watched the movie (something I regret), but I do get the general gist of it.

I always tend to irk at the thought of "do I take first come, first served, or hand pick players?". Mostly because I feel bad if I later a player isn't what I was looking after, oh the humanity ~

While the movie is great, it's not a requirement at all to see it, just saying it made me wanna play a fey character. What posting times are good for people, personally I'm from EU, and can post daily pretty reliably.

When were you planning on having characters/sheets in for?

Do I honestly seem like a guy with a plan?
Shall we say, people make a sheet in google-docs and then link it here?
Doesn't have to be fully finished of course, class/archetypes + feats for starters would be great before we fully commit.

Do people prefer running with a theme, for example a bunch of fey humanoids trying to clean a region of evil spirits and undeads?

I'm on the East Coast and I can post pretty much daily as well.

As for choosing players, I tend to try and strike a balance. Those who got in first get priority, but quality posts are what make or break entry.

Besides PvP games have a naturally high turnover rate (something I hope we can avoid here) so don't feel bad for having to toss out a lackluster player. There's always others waiting for a chance in.
Was planning for a ratfolk character, actually. Guess I could fiangle a fey subtype onto him or something to fit the theme though. Or do a new race entirely and ask to use that archetype.

I'll try to remember that.
Could a nicer ratfolk work, more like micefolk, think Alice in Wonderland, or Cat in Boots?

Could I roll with something like a kitsune, but fluff it as being some manner of fey creature/a changeling?

Hey, homebrew is homebrew. As long as you allow it, GM, it'll go and I can work with it (hmm, that reminds me that I haven't read Redwall in a while. I should remedy that.)

Would there be any mechanical differences or would it mostly be cosmetic?

I personally am a big fan of fluff and cosmetic alterations, take race/spell/ability Y and make it look like X.

For example, using Vital Strike on my TWF character, visually it represents him striking with both weapons at once.

Just cosmetic. I'd prefer if we came of as good guys, visually, and a fey/magical mice man might look better than a rat for first impressions?
Eastern Bunny from Guardians looks hilarious and cool imho.

A nature fey could easily work with Kitsune. I'd need to double check the change benefits, but mostly you could turn into any bipedal animal that fits better, such as a wolf or cat.

Yeah, a cat would work, especially if I pursue the feats that allow it to turn into a normal cat. Good for stealth and spying on things; better than a fox would be for appearing normal, actually.

When you say we get a bonus feat each level, do you mean we get a feat at every level, or that we get one at each even level and two at odd levels?

Heh, your race can be the origin of the bad luck for crossing a black cat's path. First they scout in cat form, then plunder them!

Also yes, it'll be 1 feat per level with 2 at each odd levels, totalling 15 I believe. I'm crossing my fingers it won't lead to any broken characters per se.

For example, I took Whirlwind chain, which allows my character to run and attack and attack around him, as he's meant to be a quick two weapon wielder.

I'll make a google doc to track all the cosmetic/fluff changes. I also don't suggest taking up crafting feats, we'll either be to busy to use them, or houserule it so everyone can craft as per Master Craftsman feat.

I remembered something, if you want to go for the Micefolk Weaponmaster type, we could look at changing out a racial trait for the Master Tinker, which gives you proficiency in any one weapon you personally craft, superbly handy with a few ranks in Craft(weaponsmith) and some exotic weapons.

Yeah, the idea of being the source of black cat bad luck would be pretty cool.

15 feats? As in we're gonna round out at around level 10 by the end, or in that we're starting at 10?

@ Ramza

While interesting, it looks like the Ratfolk race already has the similar 'Tinker' trait (Skill bonuses to Craft(Alchemy), Perception, and UMD) for flavor. Also, the Gunslinger class already gives me proficiency with all firearms.

Although, the 'Curiosity' racial trait looks interesting and would go with their inquisitive nature.

Oh and going along with the previous feat question, will the Fighter archetypes still get their bonus combat feats on the even levels? With the current feat progression, at level 20, normal characters would have 30 feats total while Fighters with their own bonus feats, would get 40(!) feats.

Despite the fact that the Gunslinger class is always starved for feats, I'd understand if you just remove that Fighter class feature for balance reasons.

Lemme go for a do over. Gestalt Pathfinder campaign about a group of strange creatures trying to clean a region of undead, evil spirits, and other evil creatures. Fey, nature, magical beast or monstrous humanoids vibe would be fitting best, but a human and any of the standard races work just fine. While we're technically in Golarion, I am not known enough with the setting to make it a canon region, hence it'll be improvised, and the PC's will be helping out a powerful Kami(bestiary 3 I believe) to restore the land he's bound to.

Characters start at level 10, leveling two classes at once using 3.5 Gestalt rules, they will also gain a bonus feat each level in addition to any feats normally gain with gestalt characters.
The stats are 16, 16, 14, 14, 12, 12.

Races: Can be customized or made from scratch as long as they are no higher than 16RP.

Fluff & Cosmetics: Rule of cool, if it's not gamebreaking or cheesy, we're at least talk it out. (Kitsune being more like a nature/fey Catfolk)

Crafting: Crafting feats are removed. Everyone uses their HD as caster level for crafting. Martial classes use the appropriate Craft skill, taking the standard +5 DC for every requirement missing. Casters use Spellcraft checks instead and can take +5 DC for requirements missing. (Have a friend cast a spell from a scroll/his class/wand to bypass these).

Leadership: Can be used strictly for monstrous/animal cohort pets and mounts. Qualifies as druid companion class feature for feats and prestiges. (Druid/ranger can in turn have two pets) these companions can only take levels in barbarian, fighter or ranger, and do not gain bonus feats per level as PC's do.

That is a very good point. I don't suggest taking Fighter because let's face it, we're gonna be powerful either way, the class adds currently little fluff and mostly feats(which will be too many now) and flat bonuses to atk and damage. I think we should remove fighter from the class list unless there's a really fun archetype combination you want, and while it sucks, I don't think we should stack fighter feats with houserule feats.

You can add Curiosity trait if you want, you'll be on par with an Aasimar when it comes to RP, which is below 16 and just fine.

We start at level 10, and level with the story and events, that way we don't have to meet a specific "quota" of random monster events. Roleplay over Rollplay says I.

I do not suggest a summoner or another pet heavy class, besides druid and ranger as such, to shorten the amount of rolling and actions per turn for faster combat.

Any other questions?

Getting started on making my character now. I assume we get average gold for a 10th level character, and that the stats are after the +1 at 4 and 8? And how do we handle our HP?

If you can make a preview sheet that'd be awesome, like, just class combo, race, bab and saves and feats, the quicker stuff. HP I'm tempted to say max all. What do you guys think? Add 4th and 8th stats as normal.

Okay, the bare bones are whipped up. I ran down the entire chain of archery feats, which I don't feel makes the character broken so much as just functional--lots of feat investment to get an archer on solid footing. Then, there's a couple bard-only feats to help with support, and the ability to turn into an actual cat at will.

One actual gameplay modification I'd like to propose though, is replacing the Kitsune's bite attack with a Catfolk's claws. I'd be willing to waive the racial +2 to Acrobatics as well as if you feel it just nudges the race a little past 'fair'. I know it's veering a little into just being a catfolk, but I like the level of trickery that's involved in a Kitsune, and think it'll fit well into a clever Fey-type character who's very high on using their wits and trickery to their advantage.

Sample sheet:
Race: Modified Kitsune called Cat Baineann (Irish Gaelic for She-Cat. Not sure if it'll conflict too hard, but I'm leaning toward a more Celtic basis for fey.). Functions as a Kitsune in gameplay terms but with all instances of "fox" changed to "cat".

Class combo: Bard/Rogue

Stats: Str 12 (12 -2 Racial + 1 at 4 +1 at 8), Dex 18 (16 +2 racial), Con 14, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 18 (16+2 racial)

BAB +7/+2, +5F +11R +8W

Martial Weapon Proficiency (Longbow)
Weapon Focus (Longbow)
Weapon Specialization (Longbow)
Point-Blank Shot
Precise Shot
Focused Shot
Rapid Shot
Clustered Shots
Snap Shot
Combat Reflex
Point-Blank Master
Lingering Performance
Discordant Voice
"Cat" Shape (Fox Shape)

Rogue Talent feats:
Weapon Finesse via Finesse Rogue
Weapon Focus (Claws) via Weapon Training

What do you guys think about Weapon Focus and Specialization feats as requirements? Personally I tend to waive them because they add almost no fluff. Maybe I just find a +1 bonus for a feat to be a bit dull.

Go ahead pick the catfolk claws if you want, and the Gaelic vibe isn't a problem, we don't have to come from the same place after all.

The archery feats are fine too, even with this many feats, it's hard to cheese a character, by broken I mean those min-maxed characters that deal 20d6 each turn. Yours mostly can fire from anywhere, melee or range, shoot fast, shot multiple targets at same time and such.

Im thinking Paladin/Sorcerer (draconic gold)
And building a dragon born like race.

Captain Moonscar wrote:

Im thinking Paladin/Sorcerer (draconic gold)

And building a dragon born like race.

Pala/sorc sounds like a good combo, lots of stuff with just a high Charisma. 20 base in a stat should be highest without any items if people are going to max out something.

Do you want the Dragon type as well, it comes with darkvision, low light, immunity to magical sleep and paralysis effects, but costs 10RP, leaving you with 6RP left.

pally 10 sorc 5 dragon deciple 5

Dragon type
arcane focus 1 rp
pyromaniac 3 rp
Static feat (blind fight) 2 rp

Captain Moonscar wrote:

pally 10 sorc 5 dragon deciple 5

Dragon type
arcane focus 1 rp
pyromaniac 3 rp
Static feat (blind fight) 2 rp

Something tells me you had this done and ready. Can you post a short summary of base stats such as Bab, saves and feats?

Do you guys prefer to play here, or on Rpol? If we're to play here, I need to check up on how it works, this is my first time trying a game trough the forums.

Not making an account elsewhere and keeping everything in one easy-to-check place would be preferable, personally. In terms of how it works, the "How to format your text" button when you post explains the post formatting rather well.

First time looking at the build rules just picking things that make sense.
How do you handle favored class options with built races?

Stats adj. 22 14 14 12 10 20
bab +10
Saves before gear
+14 + 9 + 12
Hd 5d10 5d12
Feats so far in no particular order
Power attack
Blind fight
Dazing spell
expanded arcana

arcane armor training
arcane armor mastry

The formatting isn't a problem. I'm just thinking where IC goes, and where OOC goes and such. I'm bit spoiled with rpol because it gives each game it's own subforum, and we can make all sorts of threads, aliases and rolls.

You can pick a race that closest resembles yours or pick a favored bonus that simply makes sense. A winter Fey could grab bonuses from Sylphs or Kitsune for example.

Each game has a Gameplay thread and a Discussion thread. They're connected, so once the game gets runnig there's tabs at the top of the page that will show the gameplay and discussion threads, as well as a list of the characters for easy sheet checking, and it'll tell you if there's new posts in any of them.

All right, we'll give it a go then.
Before I forget, since it was something I worked up with my buddy, I'd like to make sure you guys are okay with this PrC nerfed into a more paladin-ish level of alternate class; Spirit of the LandI'm a bit biased because of the time spent on trying to tone it down, so if you see something gamebreaking, I'd appriciate the input.

Most of his at wills are perception or not much use in combat, expect perhaps Meld into Stone, but that's preferncial (best use is to ready meld against a charge?). Dust form is inspired by Pitch Black from Rise of the Guardians.

If you click the "other viewers" in top right, you can open a chat in-doc to talk with viewers and writers. Fyi

Nope, nothing in there that really jumps out to me.

Also, on the earlier issue of Weapon Focus/Specialization (missed the post), it's not something I'm fond of so I'd definitely be in favour of dropping them.

Starting gold for 10th level is 62,000. Should I proceed under the assumption we have this much and get to character building? I'm itching to get a full sheet out. I'm also considering swapping the racial Strength penalty for a Wisdom one, to play more into the Fey being a little off and foolish. Again, leading into more Celtic traditions.

Yeah, we'll follow WBl. For now. Weapon Focus, Weapon Specializatio, Point Blank, Dodge (can't think of any other +1 feats) are now optional because flat +1 bonuses are boring and should be handled by magic items and such, not flavour worth feats!

Item cosmetics are up to you guys within reason as usual. And I understand that reason might vary between us as people, so worst case we talk it out.

I'm personally gonna be grabbing an ioun stone, implanted with the rules found in Rise of the Runelords for fluff reasons, if you want to implant some of those, go for it.

I keep thinking of things as we talk, darn. I assume it's a given that we're to be good-neutral alignement, and not destructive for each other, so no CN shenanigans, and any LG has to accept that he may try to influence people, but not force them into things just because he's lawful.

I don't think we want/need any Pvp between us, but leave the option up for some if both agree and it fits the situation.

Go for change, as long as we're under 16 rp, you can tailor it to your taste.

Kitsunes are 10 RP races, so the following adjustments have been made to the base to create the Cat Baineann:
Agile has been replaced by Natural Charisma. As enthralling and charismatic people, they command attention, gaining a +2 bonus to the Performance type of their choice.
Minor Natural Attack has been replaced by Better Natural Attack, swapping a bite for two claws. +2 RP for the adjustment.
Cat's Grace: As quick and nimble creatures, Cat Baineann gain a +1 Dodge Bonus to AC. That's a +4 RP, which puts it at an even 16.

Aside from that, don't think I have any other questions, so I'll get onto whipping up that sheet.

I set up the ooc and IC, but I have no clue how to add you guys to the campaign. While I set up a 16rp limit, we have in no way to max it out if we don't need to, it's just to allow a bit more varied non-human character such as Captain's dragonkin.

All I really did was add the dodge, which I think fits since cats are a lot more reflexive.

Once we post in the Gameplay thread, we'll be added to the campaign. Best to wait until everyone's sheets are done and we're alias'd up before any of that, though.

All right.
I didnt mean that in context with your changes, just thinking out loud :D

From Captain:

What ive got so far.

Looks good so far!
Big time envious of your AC and Saves. I keep forgetting how defensive paladins can be!

Nidoran here. Character whipped up. I still have 1670 to spend on various non-magical items, but everything of immediate importance is done.

Glad to see your saves aren't sky high. For a moment I thought I totally forked over my character somehow. Balladweaver seems awesome, love the name too, though it says MW in it, but shouldn't it be at least +1(overriding mw) for the Icy Burst?

- Ramza

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