Greyhawk Rules - Savage Tide

Game Master William Simpson

This campaign will follow the Savage Tides Adventure Path, as outlined in the last 12 issues of Dungeon Magazine. However, there will be ample opportunity to explore other ruins and locations including Freeport, City of Adventure.

I am trying my hand at PbP, since I do not always have time for a regular gaming (in person) session. I have already recruited 4 players. Three are from my regular gaming group, and one is a friend who lives out of state.

As the title says, this will be primarily following the Savage Tides Adventure Path, as outlined in the last 12 issues of Dungeon Magazine. However, there will be ample opportunity to explore other ruins and locations. One of these places will be Freeport, City of Adventure. We will be using the Pathfinder Rules, although I will accept some D&D 3.5. We will also be using the SLOW Advancement system, so as to prolong the campaign.

More information is available on my Obsidian Portal Website:

Go to Obsidian Portal

As I stated, I am seeking two players. Right now, the party has 2 fighters (Ranger and Fighter), and two healers (Druid and Cleric). So these two class types are closed. What the party needs is a rogue and a magic user. Preferably someone with diplomacy and charisma skills. I want to keep the party at 6 persons maximum.

Please send me a message or reply to this thread if you would like to be considered. I would like to start August 1st, with a small dungeon just to get everyone acclimated. Any questions, please ask.

OK, I'm interested. I'll make up a rogue for you, but what would you need to know to consider me?


I'd be happy to take up the party face/ arcane user. I would think sorcerer would fit me well. Are there some specifics you would be looking for in such a character?

I'm interested, and will happily play a wizard/sorcerer/witch of some sort to be the arcane caster type...though I've a few questions.

I went to your Obsidian Portal site, which led to another bulleton board. I looked around there a bit, and all in all, I couldn't find any sort of character creation rules. Did I miss them or are they not up yet?

Another question, on the discussion board I came across a section of house rules. Most of what I saw wasn't houserules per se, but discusions on how the rules in the book work...are the interpritations in that section what we should expect for this campaign? Cuz I'm a little leary of joining a game with some of those as president. A creature with lower than 9 int can't initiate a flank? Does this include PCs?

I'm not trying to sound hostile, or tell you "you're playing wrong", though I am curious now as to what I may be getting myself into.


I too would like some guideline to character creation. I am at work currently and the obsidian portal is blocked on my network.

Just FYI to the DM: I am able to most multiple times per day as I have computer access nearly 24/7.

Another quick question: Is this Dnd or a Pathfinder conversion?

Black Tom wrote:
OK, I'm interested. I'll make up a rogue for you, but what would you need to know to consider me?

How long have you played D&D?

Are you familiar with the Pathfinder System?
Have you ever played Play By Post?

Darksmokepuncher wrote:
I'd be happy to take up the party face/ arcane user. I would think sorcerer would fit me well. Are there some specifics you would be looking for in such a character?

Someone who is good at diplomacy/gather information. If you have ranks in Local history as well. Plus, should be able to buff and use combat spells to players advantage.

Darksmokepuncher wrote:

I too would like some guideline to character creation. I am at work currently and the obsidian portal is blocked on my network.

Just FYI to the DM: I am able to most multiple times per day as I have computer access nearly 24/7.

Another quick question: Is this Dnd or a Pathfinder conversion?

It is Pathfinder, but if you want to play a 3.5 character (modified for Pathfinder), run it by me. For example, I still like the 3.5 warlock.

Fraust wrote:

I'm interested, and will happily play a wizard/sorcerer/witch of some sort to be the arcane caster type...though I've a few questions.

I went to your Obsidian Portal site, which led to another bulleton board. I looked around there a bit, and all in all, I couldn't find any sort of character creation rules. Did I miss them or are they not up yet?

Another question, on the discussion board I came across a section of house rules. Most of what I saw wasn't houserules per se, but discusions on how the rules in the book work...are the interpritations in that section what we should expect for this campaign? Cuz I'm a little leary of joining a game with some of those as president. A creature with lower than 9 int can't initiate a flank? Does this include PCs?

I'm not trying to sound hostile, or tell you "you're playing wrong", though I am curious now as to what I may be getting myself into.

I used the other bulletin board because it allows for better PbP. I have 2 campaigns listed. A Pen and Paper campaign I concluded around late April, early May. That is the one with the house rules. I think we decided that only animals (below 3?) Intelligence could not flank. But don't worry about things in that campaign.

The other campaign is the one we will be doing: Savage Tides.

FYI: Most of the information on the campaign can be found on the Obsidian Portal website, especially the Wiki. Does that answer your questions?

William Simpson wrote:
Black Tom wrote:
OK, I'm interested. I'll make up a rogue for you, but what would you need to know to consider me?

How long have you played D&D?

Are you familiar with the Pathfinder System?
Have you ever played Play By Post?

I've played D&D since 1980 and Pathfinder as long as it's been out. I'm currently running four PBP games.

Just an update. I would prefer players with some experience, especially at PbP. Though that is not a necessity. I would also prefer that you have not played the Savage Tide Adventure Path. I think it would be more fun that way.

Just a little background on myself. I have been playing D&D (mostly as a DM) since August, 1979. I have moved from D&D to 1st, then 2nd, then 3.0, then 3.5, and stopped with Pathfinder. I did not do D&D 4.0. For personal reasons, I just did not want to go there.

My biggest accomplishment was to publish an article on Dragotha, the Undead Dragon in Dragon Magazine. I still have the check stub. I made, I think, $80.


I've been playing for several years (not sure how many exactly). I have lots of PbP experience. In fact, its my favorite way to play because you can roleplay more richly.

As far as character concept goes, I was thinking maybe Bard/Rogue/Arcane Trickster? I would focus on party buffs and skill usage while supporting the melee party members by flanking and debilitating foes.

What are the build rules? Roll Stats? Point Buy? Traits? Starting Level?
I'll have a build up shortly after knowing the rules for the game 8)

p.s. I have not played Savage Tides.

I'll look through the OP site a little better.
Been playing D&D sense about 92/93, though we started with my brother in law running us through first edition stuff. Played second, third, three.five, and several offshoots of three and three.five (arcana evolved, d20 modern). I'm in one PbP game and just started dming my own. In person I play a lot of evil and semi disruptive characters (with DMs who are good friends and are familiar with my quarks) but online I go for more team work oriented characters. I own the mags and have read through them when I got them, but never ran Savage Tides, and honestly can't remember much about it other than some references to the big bad scary guy at the end.

Going to put up my shadow bloodline sorcerer tonight, after tweeking her a bit.

Okay, looks like I got one more than needed, but that's good. Since you all seem to have experience with PbP, it can only add to my game. Plus, Savage Tide can be tough.

So if each of you will go to the Obsidian Portal website, and join, you can then send me your user name so I can invite you to join my campaign.

I hope that you all will be patient with me, as this is my first fully PbP game. I think it could be a lot of fun.

FYI: You may notice a rogue already on the list of characters. One of my players wanted to change to a cleric from a rogue. I can now have him discard that character once we get started.

Sorry, I misunderstood. If you're not running on these boards, I'm going to have to bow out. I'm in too many games already to have time to check more than one website on a daily basis. Thank you for considering me and I wish you all a good game.

Black Tom wrote:
Sorry, I misunderstood. If you're not running on these boards, I'm going to have to bow out. I'm in too many games already to have time to check more than one website on a daily basis. Thank you for considering me and I wish you all a good game.

Sorry for the misunderstanding. Thanks for looking though.


I'm in the same boat as Black Tom, sorry.

Fraust wrote:

I'll look through the OP site a little better.

Been playing D&D sense about 92/93, though we started with my brother in law running us through first edition stuff. Played second, third, three.five, and several offshoots of three and three.five (arcana evolved, d20 modern). I'm in one PbP game and just started dming my own. In person I play a lot of evil and semi disruptive characters (with DMs who are good friends and are familiar with my quarks) but online I go for more team work oriented characters. I own the mags and have read through them when I got them, but never ran Savage Tides, and honestly can't remember much about it other than some references to the big bad scary guy at the end.

Going to put up my shadow bloodline sorcerer tonight, after tweeking her a bit.

Email me and I will send you an invite.

I still need one more player, to play a rogue, or someone with a few rogue levels. The game WILL NOT be on this message board.

Fraust wrote:

I'll look through the OP site a little better.

Been playing D&D sense about 92/93, though we started with my brother in law running us through first edition stuff. Played second, third, three.five, and several offshoots of three and three.five (arcana evolved, d20 modern). I'm in one PbP game and just started dming my own. In person I play a lot of evil and semi disruptive characters (with DMs who are good friends and are familiar with my quarks) but online I go for more team work oriented characters. I own the mags and have read through them when I got them, but never ran Savage Tides, and honestly can't remember much about it other than some references to the big bad scary guy at the end.

Going to put up my shadow bloodline sorcerer tonight, after tweeking her a bit.

You can email me at

I would like to play a 3.5 version of the Factotum eventually classing into the Chameleon Prestige class, they have the same abilities as the rogue and are also skill monkeys, If you would be ok with this I believe that I already have an obsidian portal account though I have not used it in years.

I have played DnD since late 90s and have been playing Pathfinder since it came out, I have never played 4.0 because I have never had any friends that have wanted me to try it. I have played many PbP and have even tried my hand at DMing a few.

I would love to throw out a rogue...I have played pathfinder and d&d for a while now I am in a few pbp campaigns and dm a few. I also already am on Obsidian Portal. I have yet to play the Savage Tide.

With all that being said,
Fenrus Fallenbridge Halfling Rogue
Fenrus was raised on the rough streets of Sasserine. Being small in stature he was always picked on and bullied. One day a noble happened upon Fenrus stealing some bread while Fenrus managed to slip away the noble followed the young man. Once Fenrus stopped the noble asked if Fenrus would come and work in his house as his eyes and ears. Fenrus perfected the art of being unseen as well as gathering information. With the noble's resources Fenrus was able to bribe people and was always aware of what would happen before it actually did.

Erefine wrote:

I would love to throw out a rogue...I have played pathfinder and d&d for a while now I am in a few pbp campaigns and dm a few. I also already am on Obsidian Portal. I have yet to play the Savage Tide.

With all that being said,
Fenrus Fallenbridge Halfling Rogue
Fenrus was raised on the rough streets of Sasserine. Being small in stature he was always picked on and bullied. One day a noble happened upon Fenrus stealing some bread while Fenrus managed to slip away the noble followed the young man. Once Fenrus stopped the noble asked if Fenrus would come and work in his house as his eyes and ears. Fenrus perfected the art of being unseen as well as gathering information. With the noble's resources Fenrus was able to bribe people and was always aware of what would happen before it actually did.

Great concept. I sent you an invitation.

Dementia Walker wrote:

I would like to play a 3.5 version of the Factotum eventually classing into the Chameleon Prestige class, they have the same abilities as the rogue and are also skill monkeys, If you would be ok with this I believe that I already have an obsidian portal account though I have not used it in years.

I have played DnD since late 90s and have been playing Pathfinder since it came out, I have never played 4.0 because I have never had any friends that have wanted me to try it. I have played many PbP and have even tried my hand at DMing a few.

I'm going to have to say no. I have already accepted someone who will play a straight rogue. But just so you will know, I would have said no to my regular players. Sorry.

Still looking one player to play a Mage/Sorcerer/Warlock type.

Hrrm. I'll bite. I have played D&D (mostly 3.5) for a couple of years (off and on depending on group since 2006 or so), and have a fair amount of familiarity with Pathfinder, mainly through PbP on Myth-Weavers. I had to withdraw from my games due a while back due to my schedule, but things have settled a bit and I'm trying to get back into PbP. Also, I have not played Savage Tide.

I'm a big fan of arcane-types to boot, and should be able to sketch something out tonight or tomorrow. Right now, I'm headed out for a few hours, but I'll be looking over the Savage Tides PG once I get back, if you're interested in having me.

Below is an application that I used for a game on Myth-Weavers a while ago, if you're interested in getting a feel for characters I create.

Vexarian Insolitus


Vexarian stands at 5'10", but is a rather gaunt figure, weighing only 160 pounds. He wears his hair short and uses a small bit of sorcery to keep it perfectly placed. His hair is jet black with some grey streaks running horizontally through it. Vexarian has intense, emerald-colored eyes and a goatee that is as carefully (and magically) groomed as his hair. His skin is pale and he has delicate, long-fingered hands. There is something that seems... off about Vexarian, but most people find it rather difficult to put a finger on.

Vexarian wears a well-made, but not overly ostentatious, set of clothes. His shirt and pants are dark grey, and he wears a pair of finely-crafted black leather boots. His pack is of similarly fine make, and emblazoned with the Insolitus family crest (which he has, as of yet, been unable to remove).


Vexarian is always brimming with self-confidence, which can easily be interpreted as arrogance by others. He tends to become irritated when others fail to share his confidence, but otherwise does fairly well at maintaining a calm demeanor.

Vexarian tends to be courteous to others, and leans towards formality in both his speech and his actions--no doubt the result of a good upbringing and proper education. He is not a violent person, but will respond to threats with the same.


Vexarian was born to Karenia and Sinceritax Insolitus in the city of Magnimar. House Insolitus is one of the noble families of Magnimar. The family is a distant offshoot of House Thrune, which split off from the main house in 4611 AR.

The exact reason for Insolitus’ branching from the main part of House Thrune has been forgotten by most, but what is certain is that the Insolitus Thrune, the founder of the house, took a moderately large fortune with him to the young city of Magnimar and set himself up as a merchant within the new city. Since then, the Insolitus fortune has grown slowly but surely, aided by good luck and substantial use of the family’s…. special powers.

Like most members of House Thrune, Insolitus had been gifted sorcerous abilities via a pact with a powerful devil. The Insolitus penchant for enchantment is one of the reasons for the House’s economic successes. For the most part, this gift has bred true within the clan, but, for reasons unknown, there have been occasional family members who manifest power of a different sort.

Vexarian was one such person. Bright and driven, he displayed quite a talent for sorcery at a young age. He was trained by the house Master of Sorcery (a rather grandiose title for a somewhat minor position, to be sure), Grathalian Insolitus. Vexarian was an eager student, although he displayed none of the talent for enchantment which most of the family had.

While the majority of the family was dedicated to the service of Asmodeus, Vexarian was never particularly religious. His lack of devotion was seen as a problem by his great-uncle (and the current family patriarch), Malpharius. Malpharius started keeping an eye on Vexarian, worried that he might reveal the family’s diabolism to others—an action Malpharius worried would cut into family profits, at the very least.

Vexarian paid little attention to Malpharius, enthralled as he was in his studies of sorcery and geology, and his occasional explorations of several cave systems near Magnimar. As time went on, however, Malpharius became increasingly worried about Vexarian’s activities and began limiting where Vexarian could go and which books in the family library Vexarian had access to.

Vexarian’s control of sorcery continued to grow, and it slowly became clear that, somehow, his powers came from a non-devilish source. Taking this as an insult to the family’s devilish patron, Malpharius ordered the house guards to seize both of Vexarian’s parents, and sent others after Vexarian, intent on purging the odd “taint” from the family bloodline.

Fortunately, Vexarian had been planning to flee to an area outside of the family’s influence anyways, and had stockpiled a few items which he felt would be useful outside of Magnimar. Upon being warned by Grathalian, who was rather fond of him, Vexarian scrambled out the window, taking his pre-packed gear with him and heading out of the city to the nearest sizeable settlement where he might escape his family's influence--Sandpoint.

Edit: Fixed "Bold" coding for Vexarian's name.
Edit 2: (Don't you love remembering things after you post?) I just signed up for Obsidian Portal as "Kalizkan," if you want to message me on there.

I still need 2 more players. A fighter type and a rogue type. Must be able to post every couple of days (at least). The more you post, the more XP you get.

William Simpson wrote:
I still need 2 more players. A fighter type and a rogue type. Must be able to post every couple of days (at least). The more you post, the more XP you get.

I have a ranger I have always wanted to play. He will probably have to multiclass at some point to fit my vision of him, but he can do damage, and disable traps from day one. In short I can do some fighter type stuff, and rogue stuff. I am willing to redo my multiclassing order to fit in now if it helps me get a spot.

How do you handle multiclassing?
What is your point buy method?
How open to you to nongood characters?
What books are allowed<---This is important because he is pretty much already created. I just have to redo the background story to match savage tide.
What level would I be coming in at if I get picked up.

Mr. Swagger wrote:
William Simpson wrote:
I still need 2 more players. A fighter type and a rogue type. Must be able to post every couple of days (at least). The more you post, the more XP you get.

I have a ranger I have always wanted to play. He will probably have to multiclass at some point to fit my vision of him, but he can do damage, and disable traps from day one. In short I can do some fighter type stuff, and rogue stuff. I am willing to redo my multiclassing order to fit in now if it helps me get a spot.

How do you handle multiclassing? I use Pathfinder rules. Do you have something specific in mind?
What is your point buy method? 15, or 16 if you use the hero point you get at first level.
How open to you to nongood characters? no evil. prefer no CN
What books are allowed<---This is important because he is pretty much already created. I just have to redo the background story to match savage tide. Pathfinder rules found online, so run anything by me first.
What level would I be coming in at if I get picked up. 2nd (they are just starting out)

We actually game on the site on this link:

William Simpson wrote:

How do you handle multiclassing? I use Pathfinder rules. Do you have something specific in mind?

I was asking because some GM's assume you were already training for a class while other would make you find someone of that class to train you.

One last question. Did you ever decide how you would handle combat? I noticed on the portal you were trying to decide between different methods.

Mr. Swagger wrote:
William Simpson wrote:

How do you handle multiclassing? I use Pathfinder rules. Do you have something specific in mind?

I was asking because some GM's assume you were already training for a class while other would make you find someone of that class to train you.

One last question. Did you ever decide how you would handle combat? I noticed on the portal you were trying to decide between different methods.

No, you don't really need someone to train you. I would want you to work it into your character background. You could have grown up poor, and thus had sticky fingers, but never became a thief until much later. The only exception might be if you were one class, and decided to become a wizard later. Since the training for that could take years, I would work it into your background an increase in starting age. You started to train as a wizard, fell away from your studies, and took it up later.

As for combat, I am still working out some of the kinks. Combat can go as fast as people post. Or one combat can take a few days. At this level, I usually speed things along by taking a normal course of action for the character. And I have a combat tracker to keep track of actions, spells, hit points, initiative, etc.

If you are interested,go to the website and ask to join. I can then send you an invite.

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