Gravewalker Campaign (Inactive)

Game Master Slaughtersea

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Male Gravebound Alchemist 3 [HP: 20/20 | AC:15 T:12 FF:13 | F:+4 R:+5 W:+0 | Ini:+2 Per:+5] Mutagen Active: [AC:19 T:14 FF:15 | F:+4 R:+7 W:-1 | Ini:+4 Per:+4]

Sorry for jumping into action and taking control like that, this will be my last post to set the stage, play it as you see fit. :D It seems Kobayashi and me are the ones "covering up" their condition with clothing the most. Also remember Ewen is at the low spectrum of "medium sized", compared to Victor or Bernd he's tiny!

Whispering to Victor:
"Please stay here and stay calm a bit, I'll find out how hostile they are. If they try anything, I think you know what to do..."

He pulls his scarf into his face and his hood over his head to make sure he looks as normal as possible before moving towards the entrance of the house.
Speaking loudly, hoping that everyone hears him, he moves outside, arms raised:
"Alright, coming out, don't be alarmed!"

Ewen steps outside, "Easy, easy. There's no need for anyone to get hurt. Here, dropping my weapons as a token of goodwill!"

Ewen puts his crossbow on the ground and unbelts his bandolier with the daggers, putting it next to the crossbow, then takes another step forward with raised hands.
"I'm something you might refer to as a fiend, but as you can see I don't wish to hurt you. I had an unfortunate run in with this poor farmer that just talked to you. There was no intentional harm done! He's still walking, talking and breathing. I'd really prefer to keep it that way for everyone involved, so please do not do anything irrational.
I'll be honest with you, I'm not alone here. There might be weapons aimed at you right now, but that is for our protection, I hope you understand.
My name is Ewen.
Please, state your business here. Who are you, what are you doing here and on whose orders?
Answer that, and in return I'm willing to answer some of the questions you surely have.
I'm no ones leader so my acquaintances will decide on their own whether they are going to introduce themselves. As long as I'm standing here unharmed they will not hurt you. I cannot guarantee for your safety if you run me through.
So what will it be?"

Ewen is prepared to throw a bomb at any point in his speech, but he is behind his words and not telling lies

Male Fiendish Enforcer 2 [ HP: 28/28 | AC: 20 T: 11 FF: 19 CMD: 17 | F: +5 R: +4 W: +5 | Init: +1 Per: +7 | 1st: 3/3 | B: 5/5, M: 1/1 | DM: 4/4 ]

Victor nods to Ewen, watching carefully as the other Gravebound man walks out. He holds still within the building, but when Ewen mentions that there are others here who will spring to his defense, he growls softly, the sound not like that of a mindless zombie or animal, but of a human that means business. The noise is just loud enough for the three riders to hear, proof that the Alchemist speaks the truth.

Make a move, lads. C'mon, I'm dyin' ag'in o' boredom! the Oracle thinks to himself as he stays hidden inside the house.

HP: 39/39 - AC: 16|12|14 - For:+5 | Rex:+4 | Wil:+10 - Per:+12 Init:+2

Despite his better judgment, Rumha finds himself kind of liking this curious farmer.

HP 28 / AC 19, T 13, FF 16 / Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +1 / Init +3 / Perception +7

Bernd will move to where he can see out the front door (while remaining as far back as possible), keeping an arrow knocked but pointing it towards the ground.

Great roleplay guys!

The rider captain stares you down before speaking.

"My name is Avthenel Boer, Knight-Captain of the Wall. On our general's orders to cleanse both fiend and foul beast from this land and return all living men and women to safety. I've answered your questions fiend, now answer mine. Who are you, what are you, and why does my Templar tell me you're supposed to be dead? I have little patience and plenty of steel... do not test me."

The two other riders do not move.

HP 28 / AC 19, T 13, FF 16 / Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +1 / Init +3 / Perception +7

A rasping chuckle comes out of the darkened doorway. "Threats will get you nowhere meat sack."

Male Undead (human) Ranger 3 [ HP: 29/29 | AC:18 T:12 FF:16 | F: +5 R: +6 W:+2 ]

I knew it...

Varus puts away the mirror and gets out his bow quietly, readying an arrow, still staying out of sight for now but ready to move at a moments notice. His joints crack from waiting in one position so long.

HP: 39/39 - AC: 16|12|14 - For:+5 | Rex:+4 | Wil:+10 - Per:+12 Init:+2

Runha sighs and rolls his dead white eyes. Why does armor and a title make some men so bone-headed?

Rumha ushers the farmer gently away from the window and watches the warriors below, saying quietly, "Stay out of sight and don't interfere and I'll keep you safe. This is your land and they are the interlopers." He prepares to cast a spell or two when the time is right.

Male Fiendish Enforcer 2 [ HP: 28/28 | AC: 20 T: 11 FF: 19 CMD: 17 | F: +5 R: +4 W: +5 | Init: +1 Per: +7 | 1st: 3/3 | B: 5/5, M: 1/1 | DM: 4/4 ]

Victor somehow manages to grin even wider, while cracking his knuckles.

Male Gravebound Alchemist 3 [HP: 20/20 | AC:15 T:12 FF:13 | F:+4 R:+5 W:+0 | Ini:+2 Per:+5] Mutagen Active: [AC:19 T:14 FF:15 | F:+4 R:+7 W:-1 | Ini:+4 Per:+4]

Ewen lowers his arms and lets out a small chuckle.

"I told you my name is Ewen, and as to what I am, I'm an alchemist from Middenford. I may very well be supposed to be dead, yet here I am. Actually I'm still trying to figure out that part on my own. I've been nice to you and even dropped my weapons, but you're just being bossy now, eh? In Middenford we used to call people like you bonehead, which is funny you see, because...

Ewen reaches up and pulls down his hood and scarf, revealing his skeletal features.

He raises his voice.
"With what right do you think you can cleanse these lands? Oh and don't threaten me with steel, please. Before this talk continues I'd like to show you two things..."

Ewen spreads his arms... and bursts into flames.
Using my fiery aura, but making sure that no one gets hit by it, just a little display.

"Care to give me a hug?"

The flames vanish as quickly as they appeared.
"What? No hug? Awww..."

Turning his head slightly to the house:
"Victor, why don't you come out and join me. I think the good knight-captain needs a little persuasion to understand who's in charge here. Oh and everyone else, if you prefer to add a little to this, be my guest."

Ewen lowers his arms and stares down the Knight-Captain.
Let's see who blinks first. ;)

Male Fiendish Enforcer 2 [ HP: 28/28 | AC: 20 T: 11 FF: 19 CMD: 17 | F: +5 R: +4 W: +5 | Init: +1 Per: +7 | 1st: 3/3 | B: 5/5, M: 1/1 | DM: 4/4 ]

Victor stomps out of the house, standing at his full height. His red eyes glow from the openings in his helm, and he walks to stand next to Ewen flexing his sharp, bony fingers. After reaching the Alchemist's side, the hulking Gravebound man smirks beneath his headgear, leaning backwards, exposing his wounded throat to the air. "G'day mates. Care fir a bi' o' a scuffle? I's been soooooo lon' since I las' 'ad meself a good fight!" he states, his eyes flashing dangerously.

Intimidate: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (19) + 11 = 30

Male Undead (human) Ranger 3 [ HP: 29/29 | AC:18 T:12 FF:16 | F: +5 R: +6 W:+2 ]

Varus sneaks out one of the windows of the side of the house, attempting to sneak around while Victor and Ewen distracted them, at a safe attack range if they tried to flee. Using rotted stumps and blackened fence posts as cover.
Stealth: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16

Male Gravebound Alchemist 3 [HP: 20/20 | AC:15 T:12 FF:13 | F:+4 R:+5 W:+0 | Ini:+2 Per:+5] Mutagen Active: [AC:19 T:14 FF:15 | F:+4 R:+7 W:-1 | Ini:+4 Per:+4]

While waiting for the Knight-Captain to make a move, Ewen is keeping eyes and ears out for anyone trying to hide in the area, no matter if it's friend or foe.

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10

Blind as a fish I hope I won't accidentally blow up any friendly if worst comes to worst. -.-

HP: 39/39 - AC: 16|12|14 - For:+5 | Rex:+4 | Wil:+10 - Per:+12 Init:+2

Rumha leans casually on the window sill and waves a necrotic hand at the knights, "Hullo. I'm Rumha Varju. Dead or alive, I'm still a Priest. I, and these others, died fighting to defend Belisaire from the abomination that descended on that fair town. And we still fight to defend those citizens - dead or alive. What we require from you is civility and some answers."

Diplomacy 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10

Oh, yeah, I am the envoy of peace with that roll! I should have just ended that sentence a little differently - "What we require from you is civility and some answers, b!tch."

Male Gravebound aka Undead (Human) Ninja (Scout) 3 Hp:30/30 AC:18 Touch:14 FF:14 Fort:+3 Ref:+7 Will:+1 Init:+4 Perc+6

Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8

Oh gods, this isn't going to end well.

"We've got all kinds here," Koba says, emerging from the doorway's shadows as well, bow undrawn. "In life, I was a citizen of Shinzo making my living in Belisaire as a chef. That all changed once the Daemons arrived. They killed each one of us and probably caused the blight that is upon this land today. We are not monsters, sir knight, only victims trying to piece together our existence. Literally.

Upon his last word, Kobayashi pulls down the collar of his hood, revealing the stitches holding his desiccated head to his body.

"I had to sew my own head back on with fishing line. The experience wasn't pleasant. Now please understand: we don't want trouble, but we're strong enough to protect what we value most. Our freedom as individuals comes first. We are not ghouls nor vampires that devour flesh, nor are we zombies or skeletons that follow the demands of a necromancer. We are innately harmless undead with strong feelings of self-preservation, and skills of battle derived from those we had in life. Do not wish us harm, and we shall wish none towards you. It's as simple as that, sir knight."

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20

Male Undead (human) Ranger 3 [ HP: 29/29 | AC:18 T:12 FF:16 | F: +5 R: +6 W:+2 ]

im at max bow range 100-110ft

Well, Victor, that was a worthy intimidate check...

The two knights behind Avthenel shake, one whispering quickly to the Captain before he shoves him back forcefully.

Even the Captain looks taken aback.

"I meant no disrespect friends, but you must understand... nothing living stays here... when you say you still defend the citizens of Belisaire... does that mean they too are... dead... undead?"

"And I seek no quarrel lest you feel it necessary... we had no idea some civilians had... survived."

He is clearly shaken and unsteady. Also, the numbers are obviously stacked against him.

"How about we take this up to the Wall and get things... sorted out?"

HP: 39/39 - AC: 16|12|14 - For:+5 | Rex:+4 | Wil:+10 - Per:+12 Init:+2

Rumha, suspicious of the sudden change of heart, sniffs for the slightest sign of dishonesty. "We defend all of Belisaire and these lands - the many dead who shall never rise, the few risen dead who seek to live peacefully, and the living who once made this their home and would again.

Would you be willing to deal with us in good faith and honor as if we were yet living? Can you assure us that we will not be attacked, harmed, or betrayed. In other words - will you and your superiors respect a peaceful parlay by the rules of chivalry you would extend to living men?"

Sense Motive 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28 Boom! Clutch roll.

Rumha Varju wrote:
Sense Motive 1d20+8 Boom! Clutch roll.

You sense that the captain is honest about discussing openly. Also, he is frightened to his boots and you sense he'd much rather have a chat than cross swords with a squadron of undead.

"I give you my word that no harm shall come to you. I shall ride with you carrying white banner in hand, and we shall be able to reach the Wall without any problems."

Male Gravebound Alchemist 3 [HP: 20/20 | AC:15 T:12 FF:13 | F:+4 R:+5 W:+0 | Ini:+2 Per:+5] Mutagen Active: [AC:19 T:14 FF:15 | F:+4 R:+7 W:-1 | Ini:+4 Per:+4]

Ewen casually steps back and picks up the weapons he put on the ground. After fastening the bandolier across his chest and attaching the crossbow to his belt, he pulls scarf and hood back up and returns to standing beside Victor.
He crosses his arms in front of him and waits how the events unfold, content that everything worked out so far, yet almost feeling a bit sorry for Victor that he again could not hit something.

Male Fiendish Enforcer 2 [ HP: 28/28 | AC: 20 T: 11 FF: 19 CMD: 17 | F: +5 R: +4 W: +5 | Init: +1 Per: +7 | 1st: 3/3 | B: 5/5, M: 1/1 | DM: 4/4 ]

Victor clucks his tongue as he crosses his arms and slouches a little. "Ain't nobody down fir some fun. I'm'a go stir crazy i' I don' git a chance t' fight somebody soon..." he grumbles, but stops trying to actively menace the knights.

HP: 39/39 - AC: 16|12|14 - For:+5 | Rex:+4 | Wil:+10 - Per:+12 Init:+2

Rumha taps a long finger on the window sill, silently debating. "If our good Captain here is being disingenuous, I don't smell it on him. Hmm... Alright, I will give peace it's opportunity." Rumha leaves the window, nods politely to the farmer and leaves.

Not sure if we all want to go on the shindig or not. When the Captain has numbers on his side and a superior officer - all bets are off. Still, I'm willing to go as an envoy or part of a group of envoys to see what we can do. If they wipe me out... peace is off the table. :D

Male Gravebound Alchemist 3 [HP: 20/20 | AC:15 T:12 FF:13 | F:+4 R:+5 W:+0 | Ini:+2 Per:+5] Mutagen Active: [AC:19 T:14 FF:15 | F:+4 R:+7 W:-1 | Ini:+4 Per:+4]

Just to announce an intention: Before we actually walk anywhere, I'll try to gather all of us to quickly discuss a base "strategy" on who should do what, how much information we are willing to give out etc. Out of earshot of the patrol. I have a good way of telling them we'll need a moment if need be. I just wonder whether we should sidetrack this into the discussions forum without considering it metagaming, or if we should play it out. Ewen is sharing some of Rumhas suspicions, and I'd also like to tell everyone what went through my mind as I "sprang into action".

HP 28 / AC 19, T 13, FF 16 / Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +1 / Init +3 / Perception +7

Bad idea, they will have us outnumbered and outgunned at their wall. We've already given away that we exist. They've already walled us in, they have no reason, and probably no desire to integrate us into their society. Even if this guy is telling the truth, he's just one man in a sea of superstitious, fearful, ignorant humans.

Bernd replaces his bow, draws his sword and strides from the house. "We will send an envoy with you, and we will take hostages from your knights to ensure your good behavior. While we might have frightened you into submission, it wasn't five seconds ago that you were threatening to kill us for no reason." Bernd pauses, "When our envoy returns unharmed, so will your knights."

Anyone can argue against this, but Bernd is stating it as fact because it seems so reasonable to him.

Male Fiendish Enforcer 2 [ HP: 28/28 | AC: 20 T: 11 FF: 19 CMD: 17 | F: +5 R: +4 W: +5 | Init: +1 Per: +7 | 1st: 3/3 | B: 5/5, M: 1/1 | DM: 4/4 ]

Victor nods at Bernd's statement. "Sounds fine t' me," he states in a disinterested voice.

Male Gravebound aka Undead (Human) Ninja (Scout) 3 Hp:30/30 AC:18 Touch:14 FF:14 Fort:+3 Ref:+7 Will:+1 Init:+4 Perc+6

Kobayashiwalks to Bernd, and murmurs the following:

"I have two issues with this plan. One: it splits us up. That's bad news. Each one of us brings something to the table that the others don't. Two: Which one of us are going to go with them, and how in the nine hells do we decide that? Should we choose the best talker? The best fighter? Randomize it?"

HP 28 / AC 19, T 13, FF 16 / Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +1 / Init +3 / Perception +7

"The best talker." Bernd whispers back, looking at Rumha. "We take three hostages to their one."

Male Gravebound Alchemist 3 [HP: 20/20 | AC:15 T:12 FF:13 | F:+4 R:+5 W:+0 | Ini:+2 Per:+5] Mutagen Active: [AC:19 T:14 FF:15 | F:+4 R:+7 W:-1 | Ini:+4 Per:+4]

Ewen let's out what could be considered a sigh.
"First off, thank you all for playing along when I took the rapid decision to show myself, let me explain why I did. The reasoning behind it is still a prevalent issue. It's control. Maybe those riders would have dragged back the farmer, and who knows what he could have told them in his innocence? Maybe they would have continued their ride and eventually found Nalvallen?
If there is a wall encompassing this entire country, then I'm sure there is a huge number of soldiers as well. So what happens if those people find out there are many like us? I doubt they'll come to talk, and if they invade with an army there is nothing we can do, is there?
To me that only leaves one option: We have to stay in control. That also means we can not simply send an envoy. The captain gave us his word, but what if his superiors decide to launch an attack? I doubt they would care about even 3 losses. If they plan to attack, they must be willing to sacrifice people. For the greater good or whatever goes on in their minds.
If we stay together, not only does that enhance our chances of survival, but also our chances of escaping should things go wrong.
Here's what I say we can't do: We can't let these riders go. We also can't just send an envoy or two and keep hostages without losing control.
I think keeping that in mind, we should go with them, but not put ourselves into a position we can't get out of. We don't enter a structure that could be surrounded. We don't enter the wall or cross it. They want to talk? They have to come to us and we stay on our side. Maybe that's where we can have someone doing the talking, and the rest further back for an easier escape. Also we don't want to reveal too much information. No mentioning how many people may have risen, we ourselves don't know, but we should not even estimate the number. But the people at the wall may be able to give us valuable information about what is going on here. They seem to be quite happy with keeping everyone and everything contained within these lands, hopefully our appearance won't change their minds and they will let us go again. Maybe we can even agree on some sort of cooperation."

He pauses for a moment.
"That being said, it would be good to hear your input on the matters I raised. But there is one more thing.
Since we are working together we should know each other's strengths and weaknesses. And we should also decide on some form of basic tactic for situations that we most likely will end up in. If we talk, who does the talking? Rumha? If we need to scare someone, I think we all already agree on whom to send."
He glances at Victor. "Also, what should we do in combat? Here's why I decided to step out of the building: Even when I dropped all my weapons, I was not unarmed. I have unstable materials on me that I can quickly mix and throw to generate fiery explosions. I also have a few potions prepared to bolster myself in a combat situation. In addition I'm extremely adapt at improvising and throwing random things at people, don't laugh, it is very helpful! That means that if we ever need to appear harmless, it might be a good idea to send me, because I will be far from defenseless. I have also read a lot of books in my short time. I'm quite knowledgeable on nature and all sorts of things arcane and I speak a few different languages."

He takes another short break.

"My biggest weakness on the other hand is that I'm not really good at holding myself in a brawl or melee. I never really trained for fighting. That means that in combat I should stay back a bit. I have daggers to throw and a crossbow. And if we face a lot of opposition, it might be wise to give me a clear area I can throw explosives at, I wouldn't want you to be caught in the blasts. What about you guys?"

HP 28 / AC 19, T 13, FF 16 / Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +1 / Init +3 / Perception +7

I dunno how you could have said all that stuff with the knights standing right there, without them hearing it. But assuming we're somehow conversing without leaving the Knights alone, yet where they can't hear us...

"We'll, I'm good at fighting in melee, and decent with a bow. That's about it. If we wanna stay in control, we should kill them all now, and continue on with our scouting mission. Not the farmer, just the knights. Once news gets over the wall that these lands are full of the walking dead, the cat will be out of the bag."

Male Gravebound Alchemist 3 [HP: 20/20 | AC:15 T:12 FF:13 | F:+4 R:+5 W:+0 | Ini:+2 Per:+5] Mutagen Active: [AC:19 T:14 FF:15 | F:+4 R:+7 W:-1 | Ini:+4 Per:+4]

Did you not read my ooc post before? I will not say any of that while it can be overheard. I also won't wait it out if no one even reacts to it and just goes on... I quote myself: I have a good way of telling them we'll need a moment if need be.
Also our GM is away, see the post in the discussion thread. The problems of PbP...
What do you want me to do? Make a post where I drag everyone out of hearing range? Taking away control of someone's character to me is very bad style. I try to include everyone and keep things open. In my opinion we need a lot more discussion between ourselves so we know where we agree and disagree. At the current pace this will go nowhere though. Just my 2 cents.

HP 28 / AC 19, T 13, FF 16 / Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +1 / Init +3 / Perception +7

Ah yeah, I guess. But since it was only said in OOC, I guess I thought we never actually stepped away. Despite the sense motive check, Bernd doesn't trust them one bit. He wouldn't walk much further than twenty feet away from them. Lets just assume we all stepped over to the side just before Kobayashi responded to me.

Male Gravebound Alchemist 3 [HP: 20/20 | AC:15 T:12 FF:13 | F:+4 R:+5 W:+0 | Ini:+2 Per:+5] Mutagen Active: [AC:19 T:14 FF:15 | F:+4 R:+7 W:-1 | Ini:+4 Per:+4]

It would be bad if they even overheard what Kobayashi said so I assumed we discuss in hushed voices 15m or so away, especially since you already stated what our course of action will be. So whenever someone of us disagrees to that loudly, we show that we are not consistent as a group. Think real life... you are dealing with a group of people that start to openly discuss something that one person already stated in front of you, what would you think of those? I'd think: What is it with those clowns? ;) Ewen is fine with diverting from his ideas, but we should show consistency at least to outsiders and keep the bickering between us. :D If there was any, Ewen would even start chasing squirrels around, he's CN after all and only shows responsibility now and then. :P

HP: 39/39 - AC: 16|12|14 - For:+5 | Rex:+4 | Wil:+10 - Per:+12 Init:+2

I don't think it would be too much to tell these guys we need to confer privately to figure out who our delegate(s) should be.

"If any sort of lasting peace is to be had, the farmer and all those like him have to be protected. Any of the living that want to stand beside us will be an asset. The more people we have on our 'side' the stronger we are - if it comes down to a war. It will also, hopefully, make the soldiers less inclined to wholesale butchery. Working on their resolve and reasons to fight.

If we decide to send a single envoy - I'll do it. I expect they'll try to destroy me, but at least the rest of you will know what you are dealing with then... I've got no illusions how this may end but we have to see what these men are willing to do." He looks to Ewen. "I won't be telling them how many of us there are. If I say anything, it will be to underplay the number of us. I'd rather see them ride in overconfident with a light force that can be easily overwhelmed."

He considers things for a moment, "We need to get word to town about what has happened here, what we are doing, and that this farmer and maybe more besides must be treated with care. We can't have word of any of the dead preying on 'survivors' or we'll be ass-deep in paladins."

He points a decaying finger at Victor, "Don't get any ideas."

I'll assume this conversation was made out of earshot, perhaps insides the farmhouse?

The knights permit you to discuss, but they don't seem ready to give one of their own as "hostages".

"We'll give you time to discuss, but we're not fool enough to leave a man alone."

HP: 39/39 - AC: 16|12|14 - For:+5 | Rex:+4 | Wil:+10 - Per:+12 Init:+2

"And we should be? I'll offer your man or men the same guarantee you offered me. I give you my word that they will not be harmed. You can't expect trust from us if you don't display any yourself."

HP 28 / AC 19, T 13, FF 16 / Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +1 / Init +3 / Perception +7

Indeed. Below is in the house, or away from the knights.

"I don't see what an envoy gains us, but since Rumha already offered I thought I'd make it somewhat more reasonable with the hostage thing. If they don't even want to do that, then they die here. Like Ewen said, knowledge is power. The only reason Sir Tin-Can backed down is that he's outnumbered. If we let him go, he'll just come back with a lot more soldiers, and get his revenge for being shamed. Same if we send an envoy. They'll just kill or imprison whoever it is as a lab rat. No, we are already at war. Whether everyone's realized it or not."

Male Fiendish Enforcer 2 [ HP: 28/28 | AC: 20 T: 11 FF: 19 CMD: 17 | F: +5 R: +4 W: +5 | Init: +1 Per: +7 | 1st: 3/3 | B: 5/5, M: 1/1 | DM: 4/4 ]

Victor's ears seem to perk up at the word 'war.' His smile returns full-force. "An' 'at's fine wit' me, mates. So wha' d'ya think? Bu', wa'n't yer master plan t' scope out th' Wall all secret like?" he asks derisively to no one in particular. "It don' matta t' me. I'm all fir goin' back out 'ere and killin' th' lot o' 'em, but th' rest o' ya keep givin' me 'at look when I say i'..."

Male Undead (human) Ranger 3 [ HP: 29/29 | AC:18 T:12 FF:16 | F: +5 R: +6 W:+2 ]

When he sees that the situation is diffused for the moment Varus rises from his position behind the men. Walking towards them with his bow loaded but pointed at the ground. He gives them a distrusting look.

When in conference together and the chance for him to speak comes he speaks, [smaller]"This isn't a good idea if you ask me. But if you decide to do it then I will go with you. Sending 1 of us is suicide likely. Only if we're a group do we have a chance if they try to kill us for good. Though why not interrogate these soldiers and find out what they know? If they don't return, well they already know that fiends walk the lands right?
I'm not the best speaker for sure. But I can give out the hurt with my bow AND my sword. I'm probably the best tracker we have as well. I was a ranger in my past life."

The knight calls out from the front of the farmhouse.

"Are you still discussing in there? I don't see why we cannot all ride to the Wall... you outnumber us two to one may I remind you, and we only wish to talk..."

Male Gravebound aka Undead (Human) Ninja (Scout) 3 Hp:30/30 AC:18 Touch:14 FF:14 Fort:+3 Ref:+7 Will:+1 Init:+4 Perc+6

Kobayashi puts his weapons back in their respective places on his person.

"Honestly, I have no qualms with going with them for now and then bolting at the first sign of trouble. Then again, I can make myself invisible and get away with almost anything."

HP 28 / AC 19, T 13, FF 16 / Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +1 / Init +3 / Perception +7

"This is bullsh*t. I'm not going anywhere with those monkeys. You guys can, but someone's gotta be left to rescue you when they inevitably decide that promises to undead monsters don't count."

HP: 39/39 - AC: 16|12|14 - For:+5 | Rex:+4 | Wil:+10 - Per:+12 Init:+2
Herald of Omens wrote:

The knight calls out from the front of the farmhouse.

"Are you still discussing in there? I don't see why we cannot all ride to the Wall... you outnumber us two to one may I remind you, and we only wish to talk..."

Rumha calls back, "We outnumber you two to one, now. How many soldiers are there on that wall hunting fiends, eh? Don't forget - you rode in here looking to kill us not the other way around. And you are unwilling to exchange men for men... not a real show of your good faith."

He lowers his tone and makes his final comments quick. He looks to Bernd initially, "I don't agree with your assessment of the situation, yet. There is a chance that we can at least sew some doubt in the rightness of their crusade and possibly prevent a war. If we kill their men now, we've squandered the last chance. Because once those men go missing, they will send in a larger party. Maybe all the yahoos on the wall are a bunch of fanatics. But maybe there are some folks that won't throw their full weight against us once they see there are people not some stupid stereotyped undead abominations roaming this land. I could very well be wrong, but I'd rather take the risk. You all can make your own choice in the matter. Follow discreetly, come along, or whatever you feel is best. I'm going to give this a shot and see what I can learn. Good luck to us all."

With that, the Priest heads out of the house and over towards the living men. "So, are you going to leave one of your men as a guarantee of safety for myself or should I assume your sense of chivalry stops at your words?"

HP 28 / AC 19, T 13, FF 16 / Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +1 / Init +3 / Perception +7

"I will follow discreetly. Hopefully I can save you if things go wrong." Bernd says simply to Rumha before he walks away.

HP: 39/39 - AC: 16|12|14 - For:+5 | Rex:+4 | Wil:+10 - Per:+12 Init:+2

Tiny retcon

Rumha gives Bernd a grim smile, "I'll be counting on that. Thanks. But if the odds are hopeless, leave me. This is my dumbass idea and I'd rather pay the price alone if I'm wrong."

Male Fiendish Enforcer 2 [ HP: 28/28 | AC: 20 T: 11 FF: 19 CMD: 17 | F: +5 R: +4 W: +5 | Init: +1 Per: +7 | 1st: 3/3 | B: 5/5, M: 1/1 | DM: 4/4 ]

"I don' do discreet," Victor grunts, "bu' I'll be wit' 'im." The Gravebound oracle nods towards Bernd.

Male Gravebound Alchemist 3 [HP: 20/20 | AC:15 T:12 FF:13 | F:+4 R:+5 W:+0 | Ini:+2 Per:+5] Mutagen Active: [AC:19 T:14 FF:15 | F:+4 R:+7 W:-1 | Ini:+4 Per:+4]

Sorry guys, I'm in the process of quitting my job. It's causing some waves and costs me quite a bit of time and energy atm.

Ewen sighs loudly.
"You know... this is all just a complete mess. I'll just go with those knights. If they want to kill me so be it. I'll not give them an easy time although I wonder if it might be for the best. Didn't we die already? It would be nice if I could just wake up from this weird dream. Now for example."

He looks around expectantly.
"Now? ... Death and Damnation I need answers! Someone must know something about what has happened and how we can remedy this situation!"

With that Ewen stomps out of the farmhouse to accompany Rumha.

Male Gravebound aka Undead (Human) Ninja (Scout) 3 Hp:30/30 AC:18 Touch:14 FF:14 Fort:+3 Ref:+7 Will:+1 Init:+4 Perc+6

"Well, here we go."

Kobayashi follows Ewen and Rumha in their group, all weapons sheathed.

Male Undead (human) Ranger 3 [ HP: 29/29 | AC:18 T:12 FF:16 | F: +5 R: +6 W:+2 ]

"So be it. "

Varus follows them aswell.

Male Fiendish Enforcer 2 [ HP: 28/28 | AC: 20 T: 11 FF: 19 CMD: 17 | F: +5 R: +4 W: +5 | Init: +1 Per: +7 | 1st: 3/3 | B: 5/5, M: 1/1 | DM: 4/4 ]

Victor stands next to Bernd, nodding to the other Gravebound man. "Rea'y when ya are, mate."

HP 28 / AC 19, T 13, FF 16 / Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +1 / Init +3 / Perception +7

"Lets give 'em a little head start. Best to at least pretend we're not following for the human's sake."

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