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The invitation delivered last night was remarkably simple, especially given the importance of the occasion:
“Start where it all began. Meet us at the Pig’s Paunch one hour before dawn.”
The Pig’s Paunch is a run-down building with a faded sign of a large pig standing on its hind legs, arms folded above a corpulent belly. Inside, the air is thick with the scents of human sweat, stale tobacco, and leftover food. In the center of the room, surrounded by inebriates sleeping off their revelries, a familiar elven man stands high upon top of a large round table. “Welcome! Welcome, my students! Please, have a seat!” With that, Kreighton Shaine, the Pathfinder Society’s Master of Scrolls, nimbly drops down to sit cross-legged on the table before looking about the tavern with a sense of reverent wonder. “Can you believe it? It all started here years ago—well, over four hundred of them at least. Under this very roof the Pathfinder Society was born.”
“But today! Today you will begin your Confirmation! Master Farabellus, Master Zey, and I all agree you each have shown your worth and dedication to the Society, so there’s no better time
to see if you can handle becoming full field operatives. Allow me to introduce you to Janira Gavix,” he says as he motions for an excitable halfling woman to approach. She wears a large backpack and carries all manner of tools, pouches, and scroll cases around her waist. Shaine continues, saying, “Janira here will be going with you on your Confirmation. She was one of my brightest pupils and will no doubt be an invaluable resource on your journey, for she discovered the caves you are about to explore during her own Confirmation.” Janira speaks up in an enthusiastic and cheerful voice, “Greetings, aspiring Pathfinders! Six months ago, while I was mapping cave entrances in the foothills of the Kortos Mounts, I witnessed a lone gillman entering a concealed cave. I thought little of it at the time, but I saw another one enter the cave again a month later as my Confirmation stretched on. A few days later, after I completed my assigned task, I entered the cave system, but was unable to find the gillmen.”
Master Shaine hops to his feet. “Initiates, for your Confirmation, you will travel to these caves to explore and document its many passages. Additionally, and most importantly, you are to learn what the gillmen are up to in there. Oh, and you need to come back alive as well.” With these parting words, the Master of Scrolls jumps off the table and strolls out of the building while
humming to himself.
Mounts, the points on the island.
constantly vie for territory up and around the Mounts,
with harpies being the most common at higher altitudes
and centaurs controlling the lower slopes and foothills.
an amphibious humanoid race believed to be the last
descendants of the ancient Azlanti people.
and destroyed the human empires of Thassilon and
Azlant. It is said that gillmen’s ancestors survived the
cataclysmic event because they received the blessing of an
aquatic entity that allowed them to breath underwater.
were responsible for the gillmen’s transformation. Any
alliance between them appears to have fallen apart over
the millennia, however, and the gillmen are now an
independent people.

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Zenjaya strides into the Pig's Paunch, crosses her arms in impatience and looks around. Her dark brown skin catches the light of the fireplace and shines red -- surely just a trick of the light. Her hair is a thick mass of orangey-red curls that bounce and sway even as she stands still. There's something glossy and black that peeks through her hair now and then, but you can't tell what it is. Her eyes are ringed in bright red -- an eerie sight to most, and her lips are pursed in distaste. She wears a simple bright yellow cotton dress, with leaves on her shoulders like pauldrons and high slits up her legs. She goes barefoot, and has a lot of anklets around her ankles and bracelets around her wrists. White paint runs along her upper arms in a wavy design. She carries a longsword and a few vials on a belt around her wide hips, and has a brightly painted buckler strapped to one arm.
At the sight of the Master of Scrolls the woman strides over, yanks out a chair, and sits down. Elbows on her knees she leans forward. "Come on, let's get this started already! I'm not getting any younger."
She taps her foot as she waits for the others to arrive and the briefing to begin.
When it does she sighs in relief and grins. Her eyes flare brighter. She listens to the briefing in rapt attention. ...Which soon turns into impatience. She begins to tap her foot again.
Knowledge Geography (untrained: Max DC 10): 1d20 ⇒ 1
"Got it! Great! Let's go!" she exclaims the moment it's over.

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Knowledge (Geography) - untrained): 1d20 ⇒ 6
As Master Shaine strolls out of the tavern, a young woman, who had been seated quietly and listening to the Master along the wall of the tavern, reverently closes a worn tome, and smiles genuinely as she stands up. She is dressed in flowing tan clothing, with a red cloak, the hood of which falls backwards, revealing a brown skinned woman with wavy black hair. A wooden carving of an angelic ankh decorates her belt.
She bows slightly, her golden eyes quickly taking in each member of the group. "Hello, my future operatives," she says, grinning briefly. "Nadhi al-Safiya, pleased to make your acquaintance."
As she turns to face Janira, scale armor, mostly concealed by her clothing, clinks, and torchlight glints off of the pommel of a scimitar that her cloak had obscured. Bowing more deeply, she continues, "Greetings, timanah, may the Dawnflower bless you. I share my new comrade's urgency to be gone, but will restrain it, if you so desire. In the meantime, can you tell us anything of our destination? I have never heard of these ... Kortos Mounts."

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Janira makes a minor bow to Nadhi, The Kortos Mounts occupy much of the inner, lesser inhabited and still wild portions of the Isle of Kortos, and are among the most jagged and highest-known peaks in the world. The highest peak, Arazlant Mox, is more than five miles high. The mountains are typically forested at lower altitudes but barren and icy at their peaks. Some of the peaks are volcanic.

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"So underground, I'll still be higher up than we are now?" Nadhi grins wolfishly. "I believe you, but . . . It warrants disbelief! Let's get going!"
A little embarrassed by her outburst, Nadhi's cheeks turn a redder shade of brown. "Mmmah ... My thanks, timinah," she stammers, before sitting down quickly and opening her book to a dog-eared page.

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Janira pulls out a large leather-bound journal and opens it on the table. “Before we set out, we should all get to know each other and review our plan. After all, the most important factors that determine whether an expedition will be a success are cooperation and preparation! You’ve heard about me through our Master of Scrolls. Please, tell us about yourselves.

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I've PMd the missing party members. Will re-recruit as necessary.

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An aged wizard dressed in robes traditional to his profession enters the establishment.
I apologize for arriving late. Golthwur, of course, would never do so.
"Behold, mortals!" bellows the old man. "It is, I, Golthwur Strath, Master of Magic, Scion of Sorcery, and Author of the Arcane!"
He approaches an empty stool, then gestures. Casting prestidigitation. Suddenly, the wooden stool glistens and shines as if it had been freshly varnished and waxed. Sitting upon it, the old man surveys those assembled and asks aloud, "What danger is so great, what mystery so unfathomable, what task so difficult to accomplish as to require that I, Golthwur Strath, Steward of Sigils and Wrangler of Runes, must be drawn from my studies, descend from my tower, and report here to this... hovel... on behalf of the Society?"
I've read the prior posts and have played this scenario previously, so don't feel you have to respond to the blustery old wizard. I'm just giving you a taste of his self-importance. ; )
I can tone down his arrogance (at least somewhat) if it gets to be too much. Otherwise, feel free to treat the old blowhard as you see fit.

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Janira makes a quick scribble in the margin of her notes. Golthwur. Opinionated.. and late. Have a seat, sir. We are just going over the mission particulars.
For those just now arriving, please read up on the mission briefing above. we'll hand-wave the retelling.

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"Late?!" Golthwur repeats with apparent shock. "Why, my dear, I am Golthwur Strath, Keeper of the Chronological and Taskmaster of the Temporal! I am never late--nor am I early--I arrive precisely when I mean to!"

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Reingard arrives late, clearly sweating tired. The inquisitor looks like anything but a lawfully religious man: the ulfen carries tribal painting and symbols, and his rugged expression is more of that of a druid, hunter or ranger. He uses a collar with fangs, clearly from megafauna animals that are quite rare anywhere else.
I apologize, but it seems I am late as well. - says the very large man, in a polite tone that doesn't seem natural to him - It seems the local stable has issues with my dear Petunia, so it took me a while to convince them to let her stay there for our meeting here.
He approached the others, pulling his long black hair back in a ponytail.
I am called Reingard Voult, Sacred Huntsmaster of Gozreh, and I'm here for the Confirmation. - finally introduced himself.
Sorry guys! Didn't notice we had started already.

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Janira exhales up raising the hair on her brow. Back to the notebook. Reingard. Rugged.. and late. Have a seat. Tell us about yourselves, Pathfinders.

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"Surely, you have already heard of me..." Golthwur responds.
He allows several moments to pass in an effort to allow his audience to draw upon their memories, but in doing so he merely seems to make the lull in conversation all the more awkward.
Finally, sensing that no response will be immediately forthcoming, the wizard remarks, "I, Golthwur Strath, am an Explorerer of Evocations, a Creator of Conjurations! Mine is the study of matters magical and arcane. Were the Society not more--shall we say--liberal in its permissions to allow for the study of objects of interest within its care, or those soon to be, I would--in all likelihood--never have tethered my time to this indiscriminate organization."
Several white hairs are set acquiver within Golthwur's beard as he exhales a lamentful sigh. "However, that is not the case and, thus, here I am--from time to time called in to address, what I can only imagine, must be challenges and obstacles that require one skilled, such as I, to overcome. Both genius and problem solver am I, for it is true that there is no task that cannot be best accomplished through the employment of magic."
"Let others soil their hands in martial concerns,if that is all of which they are capable." he continues, glancing disapprovingly at the weapons carried by the other members of the party. "Knowledge and that achieved through education is my forte."

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Zanjaya sighs impatiently, taps her foot and rolls her eyes. "We've got it, old man. You think you're smart."
Looking at Janira, she says, "I'm Zenjaya. Unlike him" she nods her head at Golthwur, "I'm not afraid to get my hands dirty. Can we go now?"

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Golthwur and Reingard, please also refer to the Discussion thread for special instructions.

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Reingard grunts, feeling like he was repeating himself. In truth, he was simply grumpy most of the time, almost savage - if it wasn't for the religious studies, he probably wouldn't even be able to read.
Well, like I said... I'm Reingard. Reingard Voult. I bring with me the faith in Gozreh and my gracious animal companion, Petunia the Allosaurus. She is still a toddler, you see - she won't do anyone any harm, unless told so.
He crossed his arms.
Anyway... We did a mission in Galt, and in its success the Venture-Captain sent us for our Confirmations. And here I am for mine.

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Nadhi stands again, bowing slightly. "Greetings, Masters Strath and Voult, and a pleasure to learn your name, Mistress Zenjaya. I am Nadhi al-Safiya, a servant of the Dawnflower. I have some training with both a scimitar and with healing, and the Dawnflower sees fit to grant me the barest fraction of her divine power. If we have trouble when our bihuran is napping and cannot solve them with a snap of his fingers, I will do my best to offer assistance."
Turning to Golthwur, she continues rapidly, "Not that you're lazy, of course! I just meant that you might want to take a rest here and there because you're a little elderl ..." Stopping mid-sentence, Nadhi stammers a bit, and continues even more rapidly, "er ... wise and venerable!"
Exhaling into a sigh, she continues with a more even cadence, "I mean to say, I look forward to getting to work with each of you, though this is my first mission with the Pathfinder Society. May the Everlight guide our paths in our Confirmation."

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Janira stands and packs her notebook. She puts her hands on her hips and surveys the room. A fine set of adventurers, if I do say so myself.
Now, before we head out, if there aren’t any more questions, we should take a moment to go through your gear and make sure nothing important gets left out. We can meet all manner of adversary out in the wild: some creatures are disperse like SWARMS and require splash weapons to be dealt with, some creatures are more susceptible to fire, but they all draw blood. Mind your defense and healing. Protect yourself at all times. Janira levels a serious gaze at the group. If her tone doesn’t instill some peril in you, it should.
I'll give till tomorrow for our 5th to join use before seeking a replacement.

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Are we permitted to make purchases before heading out?
Scroll of endure elements
Scroll of obscuring mist
Scroll of ray of enfeeblement
Scroll of hypnotism
Scroll of grease
Scroll of sleep
Scroll of ghost sound
Scroll of summon monster I
For 200 gp

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A burly man of Taldan descent runs in, out of breath. His weapons show his profession as a man at arms, but obviously not long in the tooth.
Terribly sorry i am late...my transport here was delayed. I am Patros....ready as ever to serve the Society.
sorry i am late...didn't see the pm until this morning...stupid updates...hate the new setup....if you replaced me that's cool...if you would still have me i'm ready to roll...just getting a wand of clw with my pp i gained from my first mission

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Zenjaya grumbles as she taps her foot impatiently. "Yes, I can handle a swarm. Can't everyone?"
She looks around at the others, her curly mass of hair rippling like a flame, then shrugs. As the young fighter rushes in she eyes him curiously, momentarily rendered patient by a distraction. She's still long enough to notice something glossy and black peeking out from her hair, but a moment later her curls shift and it's gone.
"That's the last of us, right? Let's get moving. This place is smothering!"

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plenty good, Patros. Welcome. Please refer to discussion for a few instructions. Once reignar and nadhi log purchases or pass, well continue. Today is a full day for me at work so probably post closer to 9pm PDT

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Sorry, some trouble posting with the maintenance. Nadhi will purchase 2x Alchemist's Fires, for which I have "spent" 40 gold on the character details.

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Posting back to normal! Reignar feel free to drop in any purchases during this next discussion scene.
As the party progresses deeper into the forest, the trees
towering overhead begin to shield most of what remains
of the day’s sun and the vegetation beneath grows denser.
Janira pauses a moment and pulls out an intricate silver
compass emblazoned with the Pathfinder Society logo: the
Glyph of the Open Road. “I received this wayfinder when
I successfully completed my Confirmation. Should we be
successful on our journey, you will get your own as well.”
She flips open the device and holds it in front of her; the
initials J. L. are engraved into the inside of the device’s
lid. After studying the compass inside for a moment,
she remarks, “We’re on the right path. We need to keep
heading northwest past those large rocks up ahead.”
Most of the trees in this section of the forest have
trunks that are too big for any creatures to share their
space. Sporadic patches of light undergrowth provide
areas for creatures to hide while restricting movement for
those passing through. A large rock outcropping to the
east rises nearly 20 feet above the forest floor, and a small
sinkhole to the northwest drops off sharply, descending
to the ground 10 feet below.

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Traveling through the wood, Golthwur groans as he repeatedly brushes away insects. He pauses for a moment and waves his hand in a series of arcance gestures, muttering to himself. Casting [I]prestidigitation.
When he is finished, he is holding a crudely fabricated flyswatter. He then cries out as a horsefly bites him on the back of the neck. "Remind me why we are out here again?" he pleads to no one in particular.

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"Cause you walk too slow," Zenjaya quips. "If you weren't so slow we'd be there by now."
She trudges on impatiently.

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"To be fair, I'm hardly speeding us up!" Nadhi chimes in from the back of the line. She is walking at a measured pace, carrying a heavy looking pack and a light shield on her back. Her armor clinks with each step she takes. She is wearing a big smile on her face and seems to be enjoying the walk despite the somewhat heavy load.

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"I assume if speed were an issue, that our hostess would undoubtedly have acquired a scroll of teleportation and we'd be there by now. No need to push oneself to the point of perspiration when magic is far faster, my dear." Golthwur says, exhaling loudly.
His occasional stops to cast prestidigitation keep his clothing free of sweat stains, but he cannot seem to hide the huffs between his breathes--though not for lack of trying.

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Sometimes the Journey teaches you a lot about the destination, Golthwur. And Zenjaya, patience is a virtue worth exercising. Janira recounts some of the interesting facets of her own Confirmation as they make their way into a clearing. They are suddenly set upon by giant bugs!
Zenjaya,Initiative: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18
Nadhi Al-Safiya,Initiative: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20
Reingard,Initiative: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15
Patros,Initiative: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8
Golthwur,Initiative: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19
Flea,Initiative: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18
Map is up in my GM status bar and the adventure header. Please refer to the slide with your images to place yourself in a marching order for later in the scenario. Feel free to recapture/crop your image as you like. Patros and Golthwur, please update your Character Details in my GM status bar so I have the right stats to roll for you and to ultimately prepare your chronicles.
Bold are up. Janira will not be featured on the map itself but will intercede if necessary. It is YOUR Confirmation, after all.

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"Oh, bugs!" Golthwur cries. He looks for some protection behind some nearby trees, then fires a magic missile at the lone bug on his right. MM, Damage (F): 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

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Splat! A bolt of force cracks the bug's carapace and it slumps in a pile of its own goo.

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Nadhi's face hardens as she becomes aware of the party's assailants. Seeing Golthwur dispatch one of the enemies, she exclaims, "Well done, Master Strath!"
Raising her wood carved Angelic Ankh to the sky, Nadhi briefly closing her eyes, and calls out what sounds like a brief invocation, "أصلي ، يا شفاء الضوء ، منح نعمة علينا!"
Returning her attention to this world, Nadhi settles into a combat stance as she draws her scimitar.
Nadhi casts bless on the group (standard action). Each ally gains a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls and on saving throws against fear effects. She then draws her scimitar (move action). Note to GM: Nadhi's AC and FF are both currently 15, as she does not currently have her shield donned.

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Nadhi's face hardens as she becomes aware of the party's assailants. Seeing Golthwur dispatch one of the enemies, she exclaims, "Well done, Master Strath!"
"As if one would expect anything less from one trained in the arts of magic?" Golthwur bellows in response. If the arrogant wizard feels any appreciation or gratitude for Nadhi's words of encouragment, he fails to show it.

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Zenjaya draws her longsword, then begins to dance in place, stomping her feet and gyrating wildly. As she dances her longsword and her allies weapons burst into flame!
She waves her sword at the bugs while she dances. "Come on, then!"
Zenjaya begins a blazing blades performance. If an ally within 30 feet of her successfully attacks with a manufactured or natural weapon it deals 1d4 additional points of fire damage. These flames do not harm the weapon or its wielder.

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Welcome back everybody! Hope we stay stable.
Nadhi and Zenjaya ensorcell the group after Golthwur blasted a flea to bits. The fleas make an incredible leap at you.
flea leap, charge on Patros: 1d20 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 + 2 = 7
flea leap, charge on Reingard: 1d20 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 + 2 = 5
Both attacks miss as they fly through the and land awkwardly.
Bold may act

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Nadhi steps towards the melee, stopping behind Patros. Reaching out her left hand, which glows softly with a warm light, she touches his shoulder. "May the Everlight guide your hand," she intones.
Nadhi activates her Touch of Good special ability as a standard action. Patros gains a sacred bonus on of +1 on attack rolls, skill checks, ability checks, and saving throws for 1 round (in addition to the +1 morale bonus from bless).

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Looks like prior post got eaten by website
Golthwur moves closer to his allies and his staff magically flies toward the nearest bug.
Ranged (Hand of Apprentice)(quarterstaff) into melee: 1d20 + 5 - 4 ⇒ (3) + 5 - 4 = 4 Damage (staff)(B): 1d6 - 1 ⇒ (1) - 1 = 0
"Allow me to distract the creature--toy with it, really--before seeing to its demise." the wizard bellows, attempting to cover the fact that his use of magic was rather ineffective.

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If Patros hits he also deals an extra 1d4 fire damage from my blazing blades performance (as does everyone with a natural or manufactured weapon).
Zenjaya scoffs at Holthwur before stomping her feet and dancing forward. She swings her flaming longsword at the tick near the feeble wizard.
Attack: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11
Slashing Damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
Fire Damage: 1d4 ⇒ 1
Maintaining blazing blades performance, moving, attacking.

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Hey folks, not sure if it will matter right this second, but don't forget we have bless up currently for a +1 morale bonus to attack rolls

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I did miss that. My attack roll should be a 12. Thanks.

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Well done folks. Out of town at the moment. I’ll update ASAP.

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Hoorah! That was quite the display of teamwork and support. You will be most formidable, me thinks. The dense forest opens to a wide clearing at the base of a sheer cliff. Thick vines cover the surface of the cliff stretching 30 feet overhead. “Here! The cave entrance is behind those vines,” Janira says with a broad smile as she walks to the cliff’s face. She pulls back several layers of vegetation to reveal a narrow crack in the cliff’s surface. “This is where I saw the gillmen enter.” As she motions toward the aperture, the surrounding woods come alive with the sound of small animals fleeing some unseen
danger and a large creature crashing through the undergrowth.
The halfling worriedly remarks, “Quick, take cover before whatever it is spots us!” As if she’d summoned the creature with her words, a massive horned monstrosity emerges from the trees. Standing eight feet tall on a pair of cloven hooves and wielding a tremendous axe, the bull-headed creature roars with unbridled anger when it spots the group. Wisely assessing that a minotaur is beyond her charges’ capabilities, Janira screams, “A minotaur! There’s little chance we can stand against it. Take this bag,” she continues, pulling off her backpack, “and head deeper into the caves. Finish your mission. I’ll lead it away from the caves, lose it in the forest, and join you as soon as I can. Now go! GO!” She heaves her backpack into the cave, casts a spell, and darts off toward the minotaur before turning to lure it away.

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Zenjaya grins at the sight of the minotaur. At Janira's words she frowns. "What?! Flee?" She growls in frustration. With another look at the minotaur she curls up her lip is distaste, stomps her foot, and hurries into the cave, grumbling to herself in annoyance the whole way.

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"Minotaur?!" Golthwur repeats abruptly. Recalling what he knows of the beast...
Knowledge (nature): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (15) + 9 = 24
Golthwur would like to know any special attacks (and if roll is high enough, lowest save).
... the wizard shouts some advice to the halfling on how he believes best not to get killed (and perhaps even suggests a spell or two that may affect the beast) before seeking to get himself far from danger--which he assumes means heading into the caves.

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The minotaur has a Powerful Charge attack with his natural goring horns. You may ask one more question with that roll.