GM Xzaral's PFS First Steps part 2 (Inactive)

Game Master Xzaral

The second part of the First Steps series

This is a recruitment thread for Pathfinder Society's First Steps series Part 2 - To Delve the Dungeon Deep. Thus far I have two PCs who finished part 1 and would like to continue (a paladin and an alchemist). Thus I am recruiting 4 more individuals for Part 2.

Rules are Pathfinder Society, level 1. If you have any questions, let me know and I'll do my best to help you out. The first four with completed characters I will be accepting. Thank you in advance.

Are you looking for characters that are built to PFS specifications, or is there something more that needs to be done. I think I remember something about registration or some such thing. I would be happy to jump in on something like this if you need a player. I've played the first part in a home game but we never went past that.

That's correct, Pathfinder society guidelines, which can be found Here.

If you've already played in part 1, that's fine as well, as long as it's a Pathfinder society character. If you need any help with anything, just let me know.

Ah, yes, let me rephrase my question with new information from the guide you posted. Do you want our characters registered on the paizo website with a registration number and everything, or do you just want them to follow the rules for character creation in this guide you posted?

Ah, as I do plan to report the adventure, then yes a number will be required.

Shadow Lodge


I'd very much like to try- i've played 6 months of irregular pathfinder society but never a play-by-post campaign.

Just out of curiosity- do play-by-post campaigns offer society-sanctioned XP?

I can offer a halfelf/oracle or a halfelf/summoner.

Thanks very much,



Hi GM Xzaral,

Below are my brand-new PFS character's background and statistics (I hope it's all okay, as I created it with Herolab, but of course feel free to amend and/or make remarks :-).

Amadeo Noskero looks like his alias.

I hope to make it into this game, as that would be my first PFS participation !

Amadeo Noskero's story:

Amadeo was born in Lastwall, and all his youth he was educated with stories of good deeds and duty.

His mother was a paladin and his father a cleric of Iomedae.
Both his parents loved him dearly, though they hadn't much time for family life.

His older brother, Stavro, was a skilled fighter, which he greatly admired.

One day, his mother disappeared while on an expedition beyond the Wardstones which guard the ruined realm of Sarkoris, now subsumed into the abyssal pit of the Worlwound.

His father wanted to go in search of her spouse, but Lastwall's military command forbade it, because they feared a major assault was coming from the demonic forces and they needed all the able-bodied men they could get to defend the city walls.

So his father stayed in the city and prepared for battle.

But Amadeo's older brother couldn't resolve himself to abandon all hope, so he set off alone in a desperate expedition to rescue their mother.
Amadeo wanted to come with him, but Stavro sneaked alone under the cover of the night to prevent it.

Then the demonic assault came, and Amadeo did his part. The demons were repelled, but many were killed, and his own father was grievously wounded.

His father summoned his son to his deathbed to bid him goodbye.

"I wish you wouldn't die" said Amadeo.

"I give my life to the greater good" answered his father. And then he died.

That night, while Amadeo was awake mourning the remains of his father, an eldritch vortex opened and he saw coming out from it an evil apparition in the likeness of his mother.

She taunted him, saying she had flayed Stavro out of his skin when he came to rescue her, before eating him alive, and that she was now a good whore servicing the mighty demon lords of the Abyss.

"Iomedae, save my mother !" pleaded Amadeo.

The goddess didn't respond to his pleas, but Lastwall's soldiers, summoned by his cries, ran to the scene and were able to destroy his mother.

Amadeo didn't sleep for a full week after all that horror.

Finally, he was able to fall asleep only after a singular train of thought had bore itself deeply into his foggy mind.

There's no greater good.

Only the good you do to yourself, and to those whom you are loyal to.

These have been the core tenets of his personal philosophy of life until now.

After he left Lastwall, Amadeo wandered across Avistan, coming soon across Scarzni, who, although they were not always savory individuals, were able to provide him with a sense of family, of belonging, of taking care of their own.
He learned their language, theirs customs - and finally their criminal trade.

After some years of the wandering life, Amadeo learned of the Pathfinder Society, and its fabled headquarters in Absalom.

Although he was doing good for himself at that time, he felt he needed to aspire to some greater ideal.

The bizarre and self-centered nature of the Pathfinder Society members, as well as their dreams of wealth and immortality through fame and recounting of daring tales of adventure, appealed to him, and he boarded a ship in the harbor of Korvosa, en route for the great City at the Center of the World.

He's just arrived and he is anxious to tread the path of high adventure - as long as his Scarzni fellows guard his back a little bit.

Personality hints:

Amadeo likes to live the good life, and is a little bit obsessed with amassing wealth.

Besides that, he appears as a charming and laid-back tolerant criminal. He is however fiercely loyal to members of his Pathfinder faction.

Owing to the peculiarities of his education, Amadeo is still a very religious man, and of late a worshiper of Calistria.

He has a strange sacred/casual relationship to his goddess, which could be summarized as: "I scratch your back and you scratch mine."

Amadeo Noskero's statistics:

Male Human (Taldan) Rogue 1
LN Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +4; Senses Perception +3
AC 17, touch 14, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +4 Dex)
hp 11 (1d8+3)
Fort +0, Ref +6, Will -1
Spd 30 ft.
Melee Dagger +4 (1d4+1/19-20/x2) and
Rapier +4 (1d6+1/18-20/x2) and
Unarmed Strike +4 (1d3+1/20/x2)
Ranged Shortbow +4 (1d6/20/x3)
Special Attacks Sneak Attack +1d6
Str 13, Dex 18, Con 10, Int 13, Wis 9, Cha 14
Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 15
Feats Rogue Weapon Proficiencies, Toughness +3, Weapon Finesse
Traits Armor Expert, Charming
Skills Acrobatics +8, Climb +5, Diplomacy +6, Disable Device +9, Escape Artist +8, Perception +3, Sense Motive +3, Sleight of Hand +8, Stealth +8, Use Magic Device +6
Languages Common, Varisian
SQ Trapfinding +1
Combat Gear Arrows (20), Dagger, Rapier, Shortbow, Studded Leather;
Other Gear Backpack (5 @ 10 lbs), Caltrops (2), Flint and steel, Pouch, belt (2 @ 1.86 lbs), Rope, silk (50 ft.), Thieves' tools, Torch, Waterskin
Wealth 26 gp
Armor Expert -1 Armor check penalty.
Charming +1 Bluff/Diplomacy/save DC for a language-dependent spell vs. targets who could be sexually attracted to you.
Sneak Attack +1d6 damage if you flank your target or your target is flat-footed.
Trapfinding +1 to find or disable traps.

Any objection to a gunslinger? If none, I will tinker with this one a bit, register, and do the crunch.

Arkwright wrote:


I'd very much like to try- i've played 6 months of irregular pathfinder society but never a play-by-post campaign.

Just out of curiosity- do play-by-post campaigns offer society-sanctioned XP?

I can offer a halfelf/oracle or a halfelf/summoner.

Thanks very much,


Play-by-post does count for Pathfinder Society, indeed. You will receive a chronicle sheet and award just like a home game.

Amadeo Noskero wrote:

Hi GM Xzaral,

Below are my brand-new PFS character's background and statistics (I hope it's all okay, as I created it with Herolab, but of course feel free to amend and/or make remarks :-).

Amadeo Noskero looks like his alias.

I hope to make it into this game, as that would be my first PFS participation !

** spoiler omitted **...

Looks good, Amadeo. I still need two things, your Pathfinder Society number with character slot, and an email address to I can email you the chronicle sheet when the adventure is completed. I'd prefer you send them in a PM, makes it easier for me to find them. Otherwise, I'd say you're in.

El Nid wrote:
Any objection to a gunslinger? If none, I will tinker with this one a bit, register, and do the crunch.

I have no problems with a Gunslinger, they are Pathfinder Society legal. Just make sure you read all the rules regarding firearms and Pathfinder Society and check the resources allowed for them. They recently made changes in how they work in the society, which I'm not entirely familiar with at present (but will be when we start).


GM Xzaral, I PMed you the requested informations.



Here is Amadeo Noskero's story, strictly the same as before, but with (hopefully) fewer typos and grammar blunders.

Amadeo Noskero's story:

Amadeo was born in Lastwall, and all his youth he was educated with stories of good deeds and duty.

His mother was a paladin and his father a cleric of Iomedae. 
Both his parents loved him dearly, though they hadn't much time for family life.
His older brother, Stavro, was a skilled fighter whom he greatly admired.

One day, Amadeo's mother disappeared while on an expedition beyond the Wardstones which guard the ruined realm of Sarkoris, now subsumed into the abyssal pit of the Worlwound.

His father wanted to go in search of his wife, but Lastwall's military command forbade it, because they feared a major assault was coming from the demonic forces and they needed all the able-bodied men they could get to defend the city's walls.

So his father stayed in the city and prepared for battle.

But Amadeo's older brother couldn't resolve himself to abandon all hope, so he set off alone in a desperate expedition to rescue their mother. 
Amadeo wanted to come with him, but Stavro sneaked alone under the cover of night to prevent it.

Then the demonic assault came, and Amadeo did his part. The demons were repelled, but many defenders were killed, and his own father was grievously wounded.

His father summoned his son to his deathbed to bid him goodbye.
"I wish you wouldn't die" said Amadeo.
"I give my life to the greater good" answered his father.
And then he died.

That night, while Amadeo was awake and mourning the remains of his father, an eldritch vortex opened and he saw coming out of it an evil apparition in the likeness of his mother.

She taunted him, saying she had flayed Stavro out of his skin when he came to rescue her, before eating him alive, and that she was now a good whore servicing the mighty demon lords of the Abyss.

"Iomedae, save my mother !" pleaded Amadeo.

The goddess didn't respond to his pleas, but Lastwall's soldiers, summoned by his cries, ran to the scene and were able to destroy his mother.

Amadeo couldn't sleep for a full week after all that horror.

Finally, he was able to fall asleep only after a singular train of thought had bore itself deeply into his foggy mind.

There's no greater good.
Only the good you do to yourself, and to those whom you are loyal to.

These have been the core tenets of his personal philosophy of life until now.

After he left Lastwall, Amadeo wandered across Avistan, coming soon across the Scarzni, who, although they were not always savory individuals, were able to provide him with a sense of family, of belonging and of taking care of their own. 
He learned their language, their customs - and finally their criminal trade.

After some years of the wandering life, Amadeo learned of the Pathfinder Society, and its fabled headquarters in Absalom.
Although he was doing good for himself at that time, he felt he needed to aspire to some greater ideal.

The bizarre and self-centered nature of the Pathfinder Society members, as well as their dreams of wealth and immortality through fame and recounting of daring tales of adventure, appealed to him, and he boarded a ship in the harbor of Korvosa, en route for the grand City at the Center of the World.

He's just arrived and he is anxious to tread the path of high adventure - as long as his Scarzni fellows guard his back a little bit.

Personality hints:

Amadeo likes to live the good life, and is a little bit obsessed with amassing wealth.

Besides that, he appears as a charming, tolerant and laid-back criminal. He is however fiercely loyal to members of his Pathfinder faction.

Owing to the peculiarities of his education, Amadeo is still a very religious man, and of late a worshiper of Calistria.

He has a strange sacred/casual relationship to his goddess, which could best be summarized as:
"I scratch your back and you scratch mine."

Ok I found this thread so disregard my other post in the other thread.
I think I'm PFS ready except for a number. Let me get on that but in the meantime if you want to check me for errors that would be great.

Grand Lodge

This is my concept. This is a PFS character. Any questions or other needed items please ask. Hope I am picked.

Grand Lodge

Gunslinger done - should be all ready but feel free to check for errors and/or let me know if you need anything else.

Shadow Lodge

Not sure if you're saying i'm allowed to join, but i'll assume you did :)

I have to offer a half-elf summoner.

Nataniel's Story:
The white-haired bastard of a madwoman, Nathaniel was bullied and beaten by the villagers and starved by his glassy-eyed mother, and became a thin and withdrawn youth. His only solace was his father, a travelling mage, who had known his mother before she had been struck down. Many had seen his father call up fireballs and black lightning, and the fear kept him safe for a week, but rarely more. Only Nathaniel had seen his father break bread with a misshapen blue creature summoned with a hand on a pentacle. Unlike his body, his intelligence was honed to a finely-hewn point, and so one day, after an exceptionally hard beating, he drew the runes of the pentacle from memory and summoned up a blue monster that was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. As time went on, Nathaniel would grow close with the blue creature with which he would share an intimacy previously unexperienced, and eventually make it part of himself, two beings with a single mind and a single purpose: to spite the bullies by doing good in the world, the most good possible.

Nataniel's Character Sheet:

Male Half-Elf (Shadow Lodge) Summoner (Synthesist) 1
Init -2; Senses Low-Light Vision
AC 10, touch 8, flat-footed 12 (+2 armor, -2 Dex)
hp 8
Fort +0, Ref -2, Will 4
Spd 30 ft.
Melee Earthbreaker (2d6-2/x3)
Str 6, Dex 6, Con 9, Int 18, Wis 15, Cha 19
Base Atk +0; CMB -2; CMD 8
Feats Earthbreaker Proficiency, Power Attack
Traits Magical Lineage, Eyes and Ears of the City
Skills Craft +8, Handle Animal +8, K. Arcana +8, Perception +9, Spelcraft +8
Languages Common, Elven, Infernal, Terran, Celestial, Sylvan
Combat Gear Leather;
Other Gear
Wealth 600 gp
0: Detect Magic
0: Guidance
0: Open/Close
0: Read Magic
1: Enlarge Person
1: Lesser Rejuvenate Eidolon
Fused Eidolon
Fused Link
Summon Monster I x7

Init 1; Senses Darkvision 60ft
AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 14 (+4 nat armor, 1 Dex)
hp 10, temp hp 6
Fort 1, Ref 1, Will 4
Spd 30 ft.
Melee Earthbreaker (+5/2d6+6/x3)
Claws x2 (-2/1d4/x2)
1: Improved Natural Armor
2: Ability Advance (Str)

Looks like you got 5 applicants and 4 slots. I didn't make my character in time it seems. Good luck all.

Wuse Guy, the only thing I'm seeing wrong at present is that the trait Foul Belch is from Goblins of Golarion, which I don't see on the resouce list, thus not legal for play. If someone can prove otherwise, I'm fine with that, just doesn't look like it is.

Also if you would, please create a Pathfinder Society alias (one of the green ones, it helps when registering your character). If you need help doing so, let me know. I did receive your email and pathfinder society number.

Rogar, aside from a few basic stats, I don't see much beyond that. I'm afraid I need a completed sheet to review.

Talor Blackstone, everything looks good. I still need your Pathfinder Society number and email address for the chronicle sheet, if you can PM them to me. You're in.

Arkwright, I am unable to determine how you did your character.

You have two stats at 6 on a half-elf. I can't figure out how you did that.

You have two feats to start (earthbreaker proficiency and power attack). Not sure how on that one either.

I'll need some type of explanation, as I can't figure these two out specifically before I can accept.

Just for a general follow-up, thus far we have 5:


Shadow Lodge

Hey- Able to explain, it's a society character.
Aging Effects- character is middle-aged, causing -1 for physical stats and +1 for mental stats.

First feat is a result of the 'Ancestral Arms' Half-Elf trait/choice. One can substitute the 'skill focus' feat for Ancestral Arms which allows you proficiency in one simple/martial/exotic weapon.


I just put my character's stat blocks in his profile.

Nothing changed there, except I pointed out his 1st level Favored Class option (Favored Class Rogue option = 1/6 Rogue Talent), and his remaining wealth (25 gp, 9 sp, 9 cp).

Is it as easy as just picking a faction. Testing here to see if the name changed color.

Apparently not...hmmm help would be cool. Working on figuring it out now.

Shadow Lodge

Got it. I'm so smart, he he.

edit: also traded that trait for the shadow lodge one, Fortified.

Arkwright wrote:

Hey- Able to explain, it's a society character.

Aging Effects- character is middle-aged, causing -1 for physical stats and +1 for mental stats.

First feat is a result of the 'Ancestral Arms' Half-Elf trait/choice. One can substitute the 'skill focus' feat for Ancestral Arms which allows you proficiency in one simple/martial/exotic weapon.

Just so you know, aging effects don't work in Pathfinder society. It's in chapter two of the guide that the GM linked to earlier in the thread.

Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play wrote:

Characters can be of any age, but do not alter their ability scores as a result of this roleplaying choice.

So those stats won't be legal for play.

Ancestral Arms is fine, just wasn't sure how you got it.

Another thing I noticed is you have 600gp. If this is a new character, you get 150gp for starting funds.

Lantern Lodge

Well, here is Oterisk's bard. I was almost done before, so I figured I should finish. He doesn't have a written history, but I've got a few things in mind that I might be able to put down this afternoon.

Shadow Lodge

"Characters can
be of any age, but do not alter their ability scores as a result
of this roleplaying choice."

Damnation. Apologies, I didn't notice that sentence. Sadly I'm still not perfect at this :P

I'll alter the character forthwith.

It is a new character, but because i've played We Be Goblins I got to apply a cert to the character, gaining 500gp and 1xp.

Shadow Lodge

Nathanial Version 2:
Male Half-Elf (Shadow Lodge) Summoner (Synthesist) 1
Init -2; Senses Low-Light Vision
AC 10, touch 8, flat-footed 12 (+2 armor, -2 Dex)
hp 9
Fort +0, Ref -2, Will 4
Spd 30 ft.
Melee Earthbreaker (2d6-2/x3)
Str 7, Dex 7, Con 10, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 19
Base Atk +0; CMB -2; CMD 8
Feats Earthbreaker Proficiency, Power Attack
Traits Magical Lineage, Eyes and Ears of the City
Skills Craft +8, K. Arcana +8, Perception +9, Spelcraft +8
Languages Common, Elven, Infernal, Terran, Celestial
Combat Gear Leather;
Other Gear
Wealth 600 gp
0: Detect Magic
0: Guidance
0: Open/Close
0: Read Magic
1: Enlarge Person
1: Lesser Rejuvenate Eidolon
Fused Eidolon
Fused Link
Summon Monster I x7

Init 1; Senses Darkvision 60ft
AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 14 (+4 nat armor, 1 Dex)
hp 10, temp hp 6
Fort 1, Ref 1, Will 4
Spd 30 ft.
Melee Earthbreaker (+5/2d6+6/x3)
Claws x2 (-2/1d4/x2)
1: Improved Natural Armor
2: Ability Advance (Str)

So If there is still room I'd like to try an oracle but pathfinder society is pretty new to me.

The six I'll be taking are below. If I don't hear from them in 48 hours, I will begin to look for replacements. Everyone else, thank you for your interest, and good luck in all your games.

Daniel Von Dorn
Jericho Daskin
Amadeo Noskero
Wuse Guy
Talor Blackstone
Astarton Columnbridge

Those selected please move on to the discussion thread.

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