Richard Mithril |
Bardic Kn (local): 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19
"Garmen Ulreth's place is the best to cash in the Silverdisks, so we might want to visit it, but he has a certain reputation and probably thinks we can do something for him, or wants us in his debt somehow."
Maruf the Cobbler |
"Nyyyehhhhh!" the Cobbler whines, "But he's giving us free gambling money! Let's go use it up!"
Alpha Prime |
Local: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22
"It is illogical to trust such an organic. He will most certainly try to betray us or use us for his own personal agenda. We need to be very cautious."
Richard Mithril |
"I think we could use the service of someone capable of cashing in the silverdisks we found. Perhaps acquire some cold iron weapons and a couple scrolls or potions?"
Is there another place to get gold for the silverdisks? If not, then I think we should visit the gambling hall to see about doing that.
GM Tektite |
Leaving the Foundry, the party heads across the village to Silverdisk Hall. Entering, it doesn't take long before the party is approached by a man with a full beard, sparkling eyes, and an air of self-importance. "Ah, greetings! I am Garmen Ulreth! I am so glad you accepted my invitation." Motioning to a passing servant, he says. "Can we get you a drink?" Patting each of you on the back, he says. "If you'll pardon me, I have some urgent business to attend to. Please, enjoy yourselves and good luck!"
You can play in some gambling games if you'd like. The vouchers can be used to play and the silverdisks can be cashed in, 10 gp/ea.
Looking around, you see many playing at Twentybones and Roulette, as well as card games.
Richard Mithril |
Counting up the items found on their recent expedition, Richard is surprised by the small fortune. "Even split equally by four, this is more wealth then I have seen in one place before." He murmurs to the others, not wanting to advertise it in a place like the Silverdisk. "Should we wait to hear what Garmen has to say before cashing in?"
Cashing in the silverdisks and adding them to the agate gem and loose gold, then splitting 4 ways, leaves us with 164gp 2sp 5cp each. I didn't include the holy symbol of Zyphus (should we sell that too?).
Regarding the games, how would Richard's Archaeologist's Luck play into those rolls? Are they d20's? Does activating his luck count as cheating? And is it even possible to notice him using it?
Maruf the Cobbler |
Maruf blows all 100 gp worth of his vouchers playing twentybones!
GM Tektite |
Roulette payout seems off. With a 100-1 payout it looks like if someone put a coin on every number (25 gold) they'd still win 75gp automatically dice it has to fall on one of those numbers, right? Or can you only put down gold on 1 number at a time?
Make it 25 to 1. I arbitrarily picked the numbers and payout for roulette. Blame it on Rah for pointing out the weakness before taking advantage of it... ;)
Kharax Fireshield |
"I ain't too fond of this place; know more than a few custamers who have had to pawn their things to pay off debts to places like this. But the money would come in handy for more 'venturing supplies. Let's cash out before we meet up with the boss 'gain."
Kharax Fireshield |
Kharax reluctantly tries for the Roulette wheel, deciding to play 100 1gp bets on lucky number 8.
GM, if you would please do the 100d25 rolls for me please!
Alpha Prime |
Oh, well then it would be illogical not to use them then.
Alpha will spend his at twentybones.
100d20 ⇒ (7, 12, 13, 10, 7, 7, 12, 18, 2, 20, 20, 7, 12, 2, 7, 5, 11, 1, 9, 17, 1, 17, 17, 1, 11, 1, 11, 16, 12, 8, 10, 13, 17, 12, 10, 9, 9, 14, 8, 19, 8, 9, 15, 16, 6, 6, 20, 9, 9, 2, 10, 5, 8, 4, 3, 3, 14, 2, 3, 8, 11, 11, 5, 9, 12, 14, 13, 18, 6, 18, 6, 11, 9, 15, 1, 16, 14, 13, 11, 17, 2, 11, 7, 11, 16, 2, 20, 19, 10, 13, 6, 8, 15, 10, 5, 7, 20, 7, 20, 11) = 1025
GM Tektite |
Maruf spends his voucher on twenty bones.
House Roll: 1d20 ⇒ 18
Dumping his cup of one hundred dice, the cobbler manages to win ten gold pieces. So, 20 gp total to cash in.
Kharax decides to play the odds and spends some time at the roulette wheel, fixated on the number eight.
Kharax has a modicum of luck and wins handily eight different times!
So a payout of 208 gp.
Alpha and Richard?
Maruf the Cobbler |
"Stupid game!" the tiefling says, nearly flipping the table as he takes his small winnings and walks away to wait for the rest of his companions. "SNORT! Let's get back to the caves, we've got real work to do."
GM Tektite |
Within Torch, there is a general store where you can purchase mundane goods, as well as the Torch guildhouse where you can purchase weapons and armor. These places as well as the Temple of Brigh also have unique items you can buy.
warhammer, and a filter mask.
Richard Mithril |
Despite Alpha's logical conclusion, Richard feels differently about the situation.
No one gives away gold. Especially not in Torch.
Leaving the Silverdisk Hall as the others gamble, he visits the General Store to purchase a couple flasks of alchemist fire, a handful of cold iron crossbow bolts, and a cold iron sickle. He stops briefly at the Guildhouse, ogles the mithril chain shirt there, then heads to the Temple, hoping they have a few potions or scrolls of healing.
Any cure light wounds potions or scrolls in town?
Once his shopping is done, he returns to the Tavern, ready for another expedition.
I'll assume we can get another water breathing spell?
GM Tektite |
While the others gamble, Richard makes a few purchases and heads to the temple. Joram informs Richard that he will be able to recast the water breathing the following day, but informs him that, as far as he knows, there are no healing potions or scrolls in town. "If you give me a couple hours, I could scribe a scroll with a single casting, otherwise, if you could wait until tomorrow, I could scribe one with five castings of the spell."
Kharax Fireshield |
Kharax looks for the others after making his winnings, hoping to put the funds to good use. "Hey guys, know where Richard is?"
Richard Mithril |
Since it seems the expedition needs to wait a day for Joram to cast water breathing again, Richard agrees to pay for the scroll with 5 spells. He will then seek out his companions, making his way first to Khonnir's Tavern, then back to the Silverdisk Hall if they are not back yet.
GM Tektite |
Resting for a night in the Foundry, the next morning your arise to meet with Joram, purchasing the scroll fora small donation of 125 gp and having the water breathing spell cast upon you.
Slogging through the acrid water, you return to the caves. The northern metal doors in the gremlin caves look impossible to enter, but the southern one in the skulk area has an open hatch that leads into a small circular tunnel big enough to crawl through.
Richard Mithril |
Richard stays close to Alpha, keeping an eye out for trouble ahead.
"This place is very... strange. Let's take it slow this time."
Looking back to Kharax and the Cobbler, he says, "Tight quarters here. Give us a little space before following. Maybe ten feet so we can withdraw if needed."
Take 20 on perception if possible. If not, go ahead and roll active checks for Richard as needed.
Did anyone else buy anything? Also, how do we want to handle treasure? Was splitting it up evenly ok with everyone or should we set aside some gold for things like healing scrolls?
Maruf the Cobbler |
Maruf only bought a cold iron dagger. The rest can go back in the party funds to buy a wand if needed.
Kharax Fireshield |
Only wanted to purchase a healer's kit and a whip, but since I did fairly well gambling, I can purchase that with 51 gp and leave the remaining 157gp for the party fund :)
Kharax nods at Richard's suggestion, readying his newly brandished whip.
GM Tektite |
Climbing through the hole, you exit into a narrow, dark chamber. The walls, floor and ceiling of this slightly curved hallway are made of smooth dark gray metal. Panels of lighter material run along the ceiling eight feet above. To the north and south the tunnel is blocked by walls of metal junk and rubble, while open doorways yawn to the east and west.
The door to the east appears to open.
GM Tektite |
Maruf the Cobbler |
"It could malfunction at any minute, SNORT!, just like the other one! We should destroy it before it has the chance to attack us!"
Kharax Fireshield |
"I dunno, may be useful to take a look at it first to figger something out 'bout it." He ponders this for a few seconds. "With some cover, of course."
Maruf the Cobbler |
"Get going then!" Maruf huffs. "But if you're not done with it in five minutes I'm sticking a bomb up its ass and we're moving on!"
Richard Mithril |
"Why hasn't it attacked?" Richard asks, mostly to himself. "Let me test it."
Stowing his crossbow and readying his rapier, Richard steps forward into the hallway, getting ready to defend himself.
I forgot to mention I took androffan as a language, but I'm not sure I can do that yet. Should I change it?
Also, I didn't have my complete shopping list before. Here it is:
scroll of cure light wounds x5 125gp
cold iron sickle 12gp
cold iron bolts 2gp
buckler 5gp
alchemist fire x2 40gp
scroll case 1gp
scrivener's kit 2gp
silk rope with grappling hook 11gp
Can I buy masterwork thieve's tools?
Kharax Fireshield |
Kharax waits for Richard to examine the robot, happily opening it up to see what is salvageable (if not the whole thing).
GM Tektite |
Richard moves past the robot with no reaction, but...when he begins searching the area, the creature animates, moving toward Richard!
M: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21
R: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13
K: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10
C: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10
Everyone, but Kharax is up!