GM Sappy's Rise of the Runelords - Little Heroes

Game Master Sapiens

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Grand Lodge

Female Changeling Druid 1 (Swarm Monger) | HP 9/9 | AC 15 Touch 10 FF 15 CMD 12 | F+3 R +0 W +5| Init +0 | Perc +9| Dark Vision| Use of Licorice Swarm Remaining 3/3
the claw:
[dice=claw attack]d20+2;d4+2[/dice]

"Do you guys think we got everything we want? Let's pull Gresgurt out and bring him to Sherriff Hemlock, maybe?"

Back from holidays! Business should resume shortly.

"Pffft. Silly, uh, shortshanks? You did know many more words if you did burn the books! Like Gresgurt! He knows more than... six? Six!"
Hearing Andi's comment, however, the goblin is far less enthusiastic than he is in defending his biblioclastic habits.
"Uh, why bring Gresgurt to Sheriff? Maybe set free, out of town? Maybe with a sambv-... zandw-... bread and meat? Because he is good friend?"

Grand Lodge

Female Changeling Druid 1 (Swarm Monger) | HP 9/9 | AC 15 Touch 10 FF 15 CMD 12 | F+3 R +0 W +5| Init +0 | Perc +9| Dark Vision| Use of Licorice Swarm Remaining 3/3
the claw:
[dice=claw attack]d20+2;d4+2[/dice]

Andi looks at the others. "What do you think? Let him go or turn him in? I don't think he is going to hurt anybody all by himself. I vote let him go."

F Gnome Incanter 2 HP 14/14 | AC 15/13/13 +4 giants | F 3 R 3 W 3 +2 illusions/fire | Init +4 | Perc +2 | Blast 1d20+6 1d6+3 DC 16
Spell Points 5/6 Corrupting Touch 6/6 Movement Burst 6/6 SLA 5/5

"But he said he wanted to eat the tiny longshanks. That must mean one of us, or maybe someone in Aeren's family!" Empheria realizes, and tries to size up the little creature. "Maybe we should at least tell Aeren's parents, 'cause the goblin was in their house. What do you think, Aeren? It's your room, after all."

Back from holidays! Business should resume shortly.

"Gresgurt was just so so hungry to even eat little longshanks! Not personal! Just empty tummy!"

Male Drow Magus (Kensai, Sphere Magus) 2, AC 18, T 18, FF 13 | F +2/R+3/W+3 | HP 11/11 | CMB +1, CMD 16/11F | Init +3 | Perception +1 | Condition: None

For a long moment, Vorin just stands there in indecision. On the one hand, his sense of compassion makes him want to help the creature. On the other, he might lose his newfound hero status if they get caught.

In the end, he says, "I think we should let him go. But we gotta be sneaky, we'll be in big trouble if anybody finds out." To the goblin, he adds, "But you gotta promise not to hurt anybody!"

I'm not feeling well, so if I continue to be slow posting, sorry!

Grand Lodge

Female Changeling Druid 1 (Swarm Monger) | HP 9/9 | AC 15 Touch 10 FF 15 CMD 12 | F+3 R +0 W +5| Init +0 | Perc +9| Dark Vision| Use of Licorice Swarm Remaining 3/3
the claw:
[dice=claw attack]d20+2;d4+2[/dice]

"Talsin, what about you?"

Male Samsaran Oracle 0.1 | HP 4/4 | AC 14 Touch 12 FF 12 CMD 12 | F+0 R +2 W +3| Init +2 | Perc +5| Low-Light Vision

Talsin looks at Andi and Vorin aghast, and begins shaking his head. "Let him go? We should take him to an adult. They attacked us! He might come back and try and eat us again!"

Grand Lodge

Female Changeling Druid 1 (Swarm Monger) | HP 9/9 | AC 15 Touch 10 FF 15 CMD 12 | F+3 R +0 W +5| Init +0 | Perc +9| Dark Vision| Use of Licorice Swarm Remaining 3/3
the claw:
[dice=claw attack]d20+2;d4+2[/dice]

"That is two against two. How do we break a tie? Licorice, what do you think?"

Grand Lodge

Male Cat Familiar | HP 7/7 | AC 15 Touch 14 FF 13 CMD 6 | F+1 R +4 W +3| Init +2 | Perc +5| Low-Light Vision

"Hissss! Meowrrfff!"

Licorice makes his thoughts very clear, at this nasty creature who ate all of HIS treats.

Male Drow Magus (Kensai, Sphere Magus) 2, AC 18, T 18, FF 13 | F +2/R+3/W+3 | HP 11/11 | CMB +1, CMD 16/11F | Init +3 | Perception +1 | Condition: None

Vorin shakes his head to Andi, and says, "Aeren gets a vote, too. It's his room."

Sorry, still not feeling great.

Back from holidays! Business should resume shortly.

"I- No, I don't want to free it! It wanted to eat me!"

Despite Gresgurt complaining about his predicament, you drag the pest downstairs, causing Aeren's father to almost fall from his chair in shock. After explaining the situation, the unfortunate goblin is carried to Sheriff Hemlock, who congratulates you again for your valor. The Baretts are profoundly grateful as well, and promise that you are always welcome at their home.

There's still a couple of hours before lunchtime, if you want to meet Foxglove now. Otherwise, the cathedral square is already populated by loiterers of all ages enjoying the fresh breeze.

Grand Lodge

Female Changeling Druid 1 (Swarm Monger) | HP 9/9 | AC 15 Touch 10 FF 15 CMD 12 | F+3 R +0 W +5| Init +0 | Perc +9| Dark Vision| Use of Licorice Swarm Remaining 3/3
the claw:
[dice=claw attack]d20+2;d4+2[/dice]

Is the graveyard right here in cathedral square (behind the cathedral presumably)?

Back from holidays! Business should resume shortly.

Yes, right behind the cathedral.

Grand Lodge

Female Changeling Druid 1 (Swarm Monger) | HP 9/9 | AC 15 Touch 10 FF 15 CMD 12 | F+3 R +0 W +5| Init +0 | Perc +9| Dark Vision| Use of Licorice Swarm Remaining 3/3
the claw:
[dice=claw attack]d20+2;d4+2[/dice]

Standing in cathedral square, Andi turns to the others. "I think we should look in the graveyard... though that sounds scary, I wonder if we can find a clue. Gresgurt said the whole attack was to distract the adults from the graveyard!"

Male Samsaran Oracle 0.1 | HP 4/4 | AC 14 Touch 12 FF 12 CMD 12 | F+0 R +2 W +3| Init +2 | Perc +5| Low-Light Vision

Talsin begins to nod as Andi suggests this. "That does sound important. It's not dark, it can't be too scary, and this way we don't waste an adults time."

F Gnome Incanter 2 HP 14/14 | AC 15/13/13 +4 giants | F 3 R 3 W 3 +2 illusions/fire | Init +4 | Perc +2 | Blast 1d20+6 1d6+3 DC 16
Spell Points 5/6 Corrupting Touch 6/6 Movement Burst 6/6 SLA 5/5

"I'm coming too!" Empheria promises.

What happened to the goblin? Is he still around to ask questions of if necessary?

Male Drow Magus (Kensai, Sphere Magus) 2, AC 18, T 18, FF 13 | F +2/R+3/W+3 | HP 11/11 | CMB +1, CMD 16/11F | Init +3 | Perception +1 | Condition: None

Vorin nods quickly in agreement, "Let's go!"

As long as it's not in the woods, can't be too scary. Can it?

Back from holidays! Business should resume shortly.

GM Rolls:

4d20 ⇒ (17, 1, 17, 3) = 38

There are few graves in the cemetery, as Sandpoint was founded recently: mostly it's the victims of Chopper who rest here. As you hang around, looking for clues, Andi is the first to spot that there are cracks in the stone door leading to the cathedral crypt.

Knowledge(local) DC 15:
The crypt is where the previous cleric, Ezakien Tobyn, is buried along with his daughter Nualia.

Hemlock has Gresgurt, he'll likely interrogate him and then throw him out of town.

Grand Lodge

Female Changeling Druid 1 (Swarm Monger) | HP 9/9 | AC 15 Touch 10 FF 15 CMD 12 | F+3 R +0 W +5| Init +0 | Perc +9| Dark Vision| Use of Licorice Swarm Remaining 3/3
the claw:
[dice=claw attack]d20+2;d4+2[/dice]

"Look at this door! Cracks in the stone! Did they try to smash their way through it?"

Andi tugs on the door to see if it will open.

No K. Local for me

Male Drow Magus (Kensai, Sphere Magus) 2, AC 18, T 18, FF 13 | F +2/R+3/W+3 | HP 11/11 | CMB +1, CMD 16/11F | Init +3 | Perception +1 | Condition: None

Knowledge (Local): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21

Vorin steps up to the crypt beside Andi, and says, "I think this one belongs to Mr. Tobyn - he used to be the town cleric - and his daughter. Why would they mess with his grave?"

Back from holidays! Business should resume shortly.

The door budges a little. It could probably be opened with some effort.

F Gnome Incanter 2 HP 14/14 | AC 15/13/13 +4 giants | F 3 R 3 W 3 +2 illusions/fire | Init +4 | Perc +2 | Blast 1d20+6 1d6+3 DC 16
Spell Points 5/6 Corrupting Touch 6/6 Movement Burst 6/6 SLA 5/5

"Maybe we can all open this together. Put your hands on the door and I'll try to pull you," she offers.

If Andi pulls the door again, Empheria tugs on her arm as hard as she can.

Aid Strength: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (15) - 1 = 14

Grand Lodge

Female Changeling Druid 1 (Swarm Monger) | HP 9/9 | AC 15 Touch 10 FF 15 CMD 12 | F+3 R +0 W +5| Init +0 | Perc +9| Dark Vision| Use of Licorice Swarm Remaining 3/3
the claw:
[dice=claw attack]d20+2;d4+2[/dice]

Andi would like to take a 20 on a strength check to open a door, gives a 26 with aid, otherwise I will roll...

Andi pulls on the door again, harder! Empheria lends a hand.

str w aid: 1d20 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 + 2 = 21

Back from holidays! Business should resume shortly.

GM Rolls:

Andi: 1d20 ⇒ 13
Empheria: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13
Talsin: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11
Vorin: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21
Foes: 2d20 + 2 ⇒ (6, 12) + 2 = 20

As the girls pull, the sandstone breaks in three parts, debris crumbling to the ground. It's unlikely that you broke it by yourselves, it must have been weakened. The question, however, is pushed out of your mind as two skeletons, standing upright and clutching ruined swords, stumble out of the crypt at the sound of rattling bones. You had heard of undead in fireside tales, but to see them in real life is another thing altogether. Your knees tremble at the sight of their empty sockets, which seem to glow with an unholy light.

You win initiative! This is a small encounter so it's theater of the mind: Andi and Empheria are in melee range, the others are behind them.

Grand Lodge

Female Changeling Druid 1 (Swarm Monger) | HP 9/9 | AC 15 Touch 10 FF 15 CMD 12 | F+3 R +0 W +5| Init +0 | Perc +9| Dark Vision| Use of Licorice Swarm Remaining 3/3
the claw:
[dice=claw attack]d20+2;d4+2[/dice]

"V... V.... Vorin, what is this!! Licorice, go!"

Licorice swarms all over them doing:

1d6 ⇒ 4 to one and 1d6 ⇒ 3 to the other. Bites and claws count as bludgeon and piercing.

F Gnome Incanter 2 HP 14/14 | AC 15/13/13 +4 giants | F 3 R 3 W 3 +2 illusions/fire | Init +4 | Perc +2 | Blast 1d20+6 1d6+3 DC 16
Spell Points 5/6 Corrupting Touch 6/6 Movement Burst 6/6 SLA 5/5

"Are those really skeletons?" Empheria wonders aloud.

At any rate, she was sure enough they weren't friendly to send a blast of fire aimed at them.

Fire Blast: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 1 = 17
Damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7
Reflex DC 13 or burn for 1d6/round

Male Drow Magus (Kensai, Sphere Magus) 2, AC 18, T 18, FF 13 | F +2/R+3/W+3 | HP 11/11 | CMB +1, CMD 16/11F | Init +3 | Perception +1 | Condition: None

Vorin's eyes pop open wide, and for a moment Vorin stands there, fumbling for a weapon. Everyone of his instincts is saying to run, but he can't.

He ends up with his dagger in hand - though probably more by accident - and he immediately turns on his reckless bravery act, shouting as he throws the dagger at the one nearest Emmy, "Leave my friends alone, bonebreath!"

Ranged attack into melee: 1d20 + 2 - 4 ⇒ (1) + 2 - 4 = -1

Oh, this one has to be a mishap. :-)

Male Samsaran Oracle 0.1 | HP 4/4 | AC 14 Touch 12 FF 12 CMD 12 | F+0 R +2 W +3| Init +2 | Perc +5| Low-Light Vision

"Ahhh, Hommang!" Talsin shouts as he reaches out with his magic for one of the skeleton's swords, hoping that even the dead might feel heat.

Burning Disarm on one of the skeletons. Reflex save DC 13 to drop, or take 1d4 ⇒ 3 damage

Aklo to English:
Ahhh, Hommang! = Ahhh, Skeletons

Back from holidays! Business should resume shortly.

As it turns out, skeletons without muscles are quite fragile: an onslaught of cats and a healthy dose of fire bring them down quickly, dissipating the magic holding them together.
Meanwhile Vorin, taking half a step back to get a clear line of fire, trips over a headstone remembering Herbenson Vane, Who Loved The Drink More Than The Drink Loved Him, and goes tail over teakettle in the damp graveyard earth.

Looking inside the crypt, next to the skeleton bones, you find an old, tattered black robe, discarded on the ground. And further inside, Ezakien Tobyn's resting place has been pryed open and robbed of the mortal remains of the priest.

About a minute later, Father Abstalar Zantus, the head cleric of the cathedral, hurries over to you, looking furious. "Hoy! What are you doing there? Don't you go disturbing the dead!"

Grand Lodge

Female Changeling Druid 1 (Swarm Monger) | HP 9/9 | AC 15 Touch 10 FF 15 CMD 12 | F+3 R +0 W +5| Init +0 | Perc +9| Dark Vision| Use of Licorice Swarm Remaining 3/3
the claw:
[dice=claw attack]d20+2;d4+2[/dice]

"There's no dead to disturb, Father! We did open the door, but only because it was damaged and we heard the goblins were here during the raid. Look! Someone came in here and stole a body! This place is empty!"

F Gnome Incanter 2 HP 14/14 | AC 15/13/13 +4 giants | F 3 R 3 W 3 +2 illusions/fire | Init +4 | Perc +2 | Blast 1d20+6 1d6+3 DC 16
Spell Points 5/6 Corrupting Touch 6/6 Movement Burst 6/6 SLA 5/5

Empheria is taken off guard by the accusation and confesses immediately. "I'm sorry! But we only disturbed it because it attacked us first. I was afraid it was going to kill us."

Male Drow Magus (Kensai, Sphere Magus) 2, AC 18, T 18, FF 13 | F +2/R+3/W+3 | HP 11/11 | CMB +1, CMD 16/11F | Init +3 | Perception +1 | Condition: None

Vorin's eyes widen at the approaching cleric, and he points quickly to the other two, "What they said."

Back from holidays! Business should resume shortly.

"Oh, the dead attacked you, sure, and maybe you'd have me believe-" Father Zantus' stride is interrupted as he notices the worn weapons and rusted chainmail among the remains. His eyes flash white as he mutters a simple spell (anyone with Spellcraft or Knowledge(arcana) can recognize it as Detect Magic) and his forehead corrugates into a frown. Without a word, the priest storms inside the crypt. "Father Tobyn's remains are gone! Who could... And how? And especially why? How did you stumble upon this... this mess?"

Grand Lodge

Female Changeling Druid 1 (Swarm Monger) | HP 9/9 | AC 15 Touch 10 FF 15 CMD 12 | F+3 R +0 W +5| Init +0 | Perc +9| Dark Vision| Use of Licorice Swarm Remaining 3/3
the claw:
[dice=claw attack]d20+2;d4+2[/dice]

Andi rolls her eyes as if to say... duh!

"Well of course the goblin that we captured under Aeren's closet told us that they were messing around in the graveyard during the raid!"

Male Drow Magus (Kensai, Sphere Magus) 2, AC 18, T 18, FF 13 | F +2/R+3/W+3 | HP 11/11 | CMB +1, CMD 16/11F | Init +3 | Perception +1 | Condition: None

Nodding, Vorin says, "He said the attack was so some 'longshank' - that's what they call humans and elves and stuff - could come here to the graveyard without anybody seeing."

Back from holidays! Business should resume shortly.

"This is ominous. If the attack was a cover to steal Father Tobyn's bones, and two skeletons were raised..."
The priest kneels, picking up the tattered robe, and grimaces in disgust. "I think it would be for the best if you forgot this. I'll speak with the Sheriff and we'll see what to do. And thank you for disposing of these sorry creatures, I'll see that they are laid to rest."

It comes to your mind that the Sheriff's office has a window very close to a tall, easy to climb oak, perfect for eavesdropping.

F Gnome Incanter 2 HP 14/14 | AC 15/13/13 +4 giants | F 3 R 3 W 3 +2 illusions/fire | Init +4 | Perc +2 | Blast 1d20+6 1d6+3 DC 16
Spell Points 5/6 Corrupting Touch 6/6 Movement Burst 6/6 SLA 5/5

Empheria looks at the others. "I'm not sure I want to forget about it, though. The grown-ups made a mistake before when they didn't find Gresgurt, and it might happen again. What do you think?"

Grand Lodge

Female Changeling Druid 1 (Swarm Monger) | HP 9/9 | AC 15 Touch 10 FF 15 CMD 12 | F+3 R +0 W +5| Init +0 | Perc +9| Dark Vision| Use of Licorice Swarm Remaining 3/3
the claw:
[dice=claw attack]d20+2;d4+2[/dice]

"I think we are the only ones doing anything right around here. Let's go over to the Sheriff's office and listen in. I think there is a nice tree for climbing right there. If anyone asks, we are just playing!

climb: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20

Male Drow Magus (Kensai, Sphere Magus) 2, AC 18, T 18, FF 13 | F +2/R+3/W+3 | HP 11/11 | CMB +1, CMD 16/11F | Init +3 | Perception +1 | Condition: None

Vorin nods quickly in agreement, and says, "Let's go!"

When they get to the office, Vorin is among the first of the group to start climbing up the tree.

Climbing with derring-do: 1d20 + 2 + 1d6 ⇒ (2) + 2 + (3) = 7

Grand Lodge

Female Changeling Druid 1 (Swarm Monger) | HP 9/9 | AC 15 Touch 10 FF 15 CMD 12 | F+3 R +0 W +5| Init +0 | Perc +9| Dark Vision| Use of Licorice Swarm Remaining 3/3
the claw:
[dice=claw attack]d20+2;d4+2[/dice]

Poor Vorin... I've never seen so many low rolls.

Back from holidays! Business should resume shortly.

After being betrayed by a crumbling piece of bark, Vorin manages to rise up, and you quickly move near the Mayor's window. From your position you manage to eavesdrop on some scraps of conversation.
"...romancer. I'd never heard of humans controlling the goblins, but the little bastards are perfect distractions. What worries me..." says Father Zantus' voice. The rustling of leaves in a sudden breeze cover his last worries, and the beginning of Mayor Deverin's reply. "...the Unpleasantness as well? Smells of conspiracy. And if so, why not dig up Caspar's bones, or Stoot's? I don't think one could resurrect the Sandpoint Fire, Chopper sounds more likely."
"We're not dealing with logic here. The one way..." again Father Zantus' words are lost in the wind. "... of Lamashtu. Although the cunning shown is uncommon for a worshipper of the Mother of Demons. But if I'm right, we can't expect logic, only madness."
"I'll keep that in mind, Abstalar. Although I believe it was a prank-" "Pranksters don't raise the undead." "Alright, an act of spite and defiance, rather than some mysterious plot by a dark goddess. In any case I've set up patrols near the closest goblin lairs. Meanwhile, I'd have you check for anything that can be done with Tobyn's bones, just in case."
With few pleasantries, Zantus rises from his chair and walks away, closing the door behind him.

Knowledge(Religion) DC 13:
Lamashtu, the Mother of Demons, is the demon goddess of the insane and monstruous creatures of Golarion: gnolls, goblins, minotaurs, bugbears are among her servants, as are some insane humanoids devoted to chaos and corruption.

Male Drow Magus (Kensai, Sphere Magus) 2, AC 18, T 18, FF 13 | F +2/R+3/W+3 | HP 11/11 | CMB +1, CMD 16/11F | Init +3 | Perception +1 | Condition: None

Looking embarrassed at another fall, Vorin finally scrambles up and then waits. His eyes widen as he listens, however.

After it's over, he asks, "Demons have mothers?" Then, he adds, "This sounds scary. But I don't think the mayor was listening."

Grand Lodge

Female Changeling Druid 1 (Swarm Monger) | HP 9/9 | AC 15 Touch 10 FF 15 CMD 12 | F+3 R +0 W +5| Init +0 | Perc +9| Dark Vision| Use of Licorice Swarm Remaining 3/3
the claw:
[dice=claw attack]d20+2;d4+2[/dice]

"Right on, Vorin. Father Zantus seem really worried about something that didn't make much sense to me, but the Mayor just ignored him! I wonder if we could do anything to prove to the Mayor that he should be worried?"

F Gnome Incanter 2 HP 14/14 | AC 15/13/13 +4 giants | F 3 R 3 W 3 +2 illusions/fire | Init +4 | Perc +2 | Blast 1d20+6 1d6+3 DC 16
Spell Points 5/6 Corrupting Touch 6/6 Movement Burst 6/6 SLA 5/5

"The Mother of Demons is stealing dead bodies, and Mayor Deverin thinks it's a prank?" Empheria says with widened eyes. "What can we do? I'm sure Father Zantus knows a lot about demons and undead, but he doesn't want us to get involved. Or we could ask Gresgurt for more information, but then we would have to convince Sheriff Hemlock to let us in."

Grand Lodge

Female Changeling Druid 1 (Swarm Monger) | HP 9/9 | AC 15 Touch 10 FF 15 CMD 12 | F+3 R +0 W +5| Init +0 | Perc +9| Dark Vision| Use of Licorice Swarm Remaining 3/3
the claw:
[dice=claw attack]d20+2;d4+2[/dice]

"Well... for starters, let's go visit that Foxhand guy. Foxglove? I don't remember. He was going to give us a reward for helping him, and we can talk more about what we should do on the way."

Male Drow Magus (Kensai, Sphere Magus) 2, AC 18, T 18, FF 13 | F +2/R+3/W+3 | HP 11/11 | CMB +1, CMD 16/11F | Init +3 | Perception +1 | Condition: None

Vorin nods quickly to that, and says, "Yeah, and maybe he'll listen to us and know what to do!"

Grand Lodge

Female Changeling Druid 1 (Swarm Monger) | HP 9/9 | AC 15 Touch 10 FF 15 CMD 12 | F+3 R +0 W +5| Init +0 | Perc +9| Dark Vision| Use of Licorice Swarm Remaining 3/3
the claw:
[dice=claw attack]d20+2;d4+2[/dice]

"Licorice! You get down from the tree right now, you naughty kitty! Get down or no treats tonight!"

Grand Lodge

Male Cat Familiar | HP 7/7 | AC 15 Touch 14 FF 13 CMD 6 | F+1 R +4 W +3| Init +2 | Perc +5| Low-Light Vision

What treats? You gave them all to the f*%$ing goblin.

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