GM R0B0GEISHA's Carrion Crown

Game Master R0B0GEISHA

Current Scene Music: Sergei Prokofiev – Dance of the Knights [Romeo and Juliet]

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When she is seated, Adivion offers Esta a warm smile. "Miss Vyrelian, the Justices might recall your restorative magic from yesterday. Do you possess any other talents?"

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The hangover I awoke with was more likely attributable to alcohol than my brush with mortality.

As death stole closer I had been assaulted with glimpses from my life - the cliché of one's life flashing before one's eyes proving all too true in my case. While these flashes were too quick to integrate, and I had been too busy to try, I was sure that they awaited me in my dreams.
Any initial unreality of my brief taste of oblivion had worn off, the reality of how close I had come to Pharasa's Judgement now all too clear.

My chosen treatment had been alcohol, and while the Vjarik had numbed my memories of Brother Swarm, so to had it left me remembering less of the night than I would prefer. I was left with a vague memory of treating my stings, ordering Mr Edison around, and retreating to my room to scribble in my Journal.

Mr Boots grumbled as I shifted enough in bed to ring for a servant and pull a pillow over my head. Willem, my valet, was far too loud for so early in the morning, but brought me tea, toast and bacon. While I ate I scribbled a number of notes for my staff, rose, and dressed.

First a note for my driver, Drey. He was to wait outside the courtroom. When the dear ladies Garrow, Starle, and Flicht exited he was to give them a note and offer to conduct them back to my lodgings.

Second a note for the sisters. Here I explained my horror at what we had found, my fear that having been stirred up he may attack them, and an offer to take refuge with me until either an expedition had been sent to clear poor damned Herstag, or I had the capacity to do so myself.

Third a note for my valet Willem. A list of books I was interested in, and instructions to ask at various bookshops as to their availability and price. Most were innocuous enough, but the list also contained the Libris De Malificat - the infamous Book of Harms. If I were to prepare for war, I would do so with arguably the best treatise on the infliction of injury ever written.

Fourth a note for Willem to deliver to Kendra. Here I laid out - though carefully, lest it should fall into hostile hands - the events we had so recently endured. Additionally I asked if she could find information on the isle to which we must travel.

Finally a note I intended to deliver in person. A note to Adivion - for after the circus of a courtroom we must endure today. The note pointed out that it was unlikely that the vigilante crowd gathered to see an execution would be content were we to succeed and see Adam proved innocent. In such a case contingencies would be needed ready to ensure he could vanish to safety.

My memory of legal stratagems discussed last night impaired I put my trust in Adivion and consulted my sparse notes and maps of the Isle de Karb.

Female CG Half-Elf Hedge Witch 5 | HP: 23/29, 4 Dex dmg. | AB: +2 | AC: 12 (16), T: 12, FF: 10 | F: +2, R: +5, W: +6 (+7 vs. enchant.) | Init: +8 | Perc: +10 (+12 w/ Oolong) | Oolong Init: +2| Oolong Perc: +8

Esta walks up to the stand and gives Adivion a shaky smile, wringing her hands in her lap as she considers his question. "Well, I know lots about medicine an' ailments an' things that can go wrong in th' body." She wipes her hands on her skirt. "Um, regular medicine, I mean. Herbs an' poultices an' tonics. Non-magical things like that. I've read a bunch of medical books, an' I've traveled a lot, so I learn from th' people I meet on th' road. I'm a real fast learner." She sits a little straighter in her chair.

"What about anatomy?" Adivion asks.

Female CG Half-Elf Hedge Witch 5 | HP: 23/29, 4 Dex dmg. | AB: +2 | AC: 12 (16), T: 12, FF: 10 | F: +2, R: +5, W: +6 (+7 vs. enchant.) | Init: +8 | Perc: +10 (+12 w/ Oolong) | Oolong Init: +2| Oolong Perc: +8

"Yeah, o' course," Esta replies with a firm nod. "Y'gotta know 'bout that first before y'can even start thinkin' 'bout healin' folks."

"Ms. Vyrelian," Adivion says. "Is there a medical reason for why my client is incapable of crying?"

Female CG Half-Elf Hedge Witch 5 | HP: 23/29, 4 Dex dmg. | AB: +2 | AC: 12 (16), T: 12, FF: 10 | F: +2, R: +5, W: +6 (+7 vs. enchant.) | Init: +8 | Perc: +10 (+12 w/ Oolong) | Oolong Init: +2| Oolong Perc: +8

Esta's eyes slide to Adam in his cage, and her stomach knots in worry. She looks back at Karras and Aduard, takes a deep breath, and turns to address Adivion. "I b'lieve so, yes. There's a condition called 'keratoconjunctivitis sicca,' which just means that th' eyes have no moisture in 'em."

"Most of th' time you find it in th' elderly and women goin' through menopause, but it's been seen in folks that've had some sorta damage done t' their eyes, too." She looks back at Adam with a kind expression and continues. "We know that, fer whatever reason, Adam's made up of more'n one corpse, which was then given life. Because of that, it's most likely that he just physically can't make tears. I think that th' parts of his eyes that're supposed to make tears're too scarred or damaged t' do so, or maybe they're just not there at all."

"Folk expect t' see tears when someone's cryin', an' when they're not there, it could make 'em feel like somethin's not right. But I'd wager there're lotsa little things like that that're off about 'im, through no fault of his own," she finishes.

Adivion nods. "No further questions, your Honors."

Barrister Kaple stands up and approaches the witness stand. He smiles warmly to Esta. "Keratoconjunctivitis sicca," he repeats. "Ms. Vyrelian, is that diagnosis your professional opinion?"

Female CG Half-Elf Hedge Witch 5 | HP: 23/29, 4 Dex dmg. | AB: +2 | AC: 12 (16), T: 12, FF: 10 | F: +2, R: +5, W: +6 (+7 vs. enchant.) | Init: +8 | Perc: +10 (+12 w/ Oolong) | Oolong Init: +2| Oolong Perc: +8

"Well," Esta says slowly. "I can't say for absolutely certain, since I haven't been able t' examine 'im."

"Ms. Vyrelian, do you possess a formal education in medicine?" Kaple asks.

N Male Human Alchemist (Grenadier) 5 | HP: 27/38 | AC:16 (12Tch, 14Ff) | CMB: +3, CMD: 17 | F:+6, R:+6, W:+3 | Init: +2 | Perc: +8, SM: +1 | Speed 30 ft | Spells (1) 4/5 (2) 2/3 | Bombs 6/8 | Ammo 5/6 | hero points: 3 | Active conditions:

The Doctor shifts in his chair, face reddening. It was an old gambit, as old as the profession iteslf. Discredit the witness, not the evidence.

"I have a formal education," Karras says, voice barely a growl. "And as a properly educated citizen of Ustalev, let me assure you that Ms. Vyrelian's knowledge and practical experience is as good as any trained medic, healer, or doctor's. We're lucky to have her among us."

Crossing his arms with a huff, and decorum be damned, Karras stares at the barrister, a deep frown playing across his face. "To draw a metaphor, she's as gifted a healer as you are at misdirection and obfuscation, barrister."

skills & init:
Init +1 Per +2 Know(All)+11 Know(Rel) +15
HP 18/26 FS 0/1 SS 0/1 HeP 4/5
AC 11(15) Touch 11 Flat Footed 10(14) CMD 12 Fort +1 Reflex +2(+1) Will +5 +2 vs fear/death

Aduard froze over his notes, nostrils flaring. While he grasped for an opportunity the Doctor struck. 'Good riposte, doctor. No point in both of us getting thrown out. I'll have to make my apologies to Miss Vyrelian later.'

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Female CG Half-Elf Hedge Witch 5 | HP: 23/29, 4 Dex dmg. | AB: +2 | AC: 12 (16), T: 12, FF: 10 | F: +2, R: +5, W: +6 (+7 vs. enchant.) | Init: +8 | Perc: +10 (+12 w/ Oolong) | Oolong Init: +2| Oolong Perc: +8

Caught off guard, any words Esta had planned to speak catch in her throat at the tone and implication of this sudden line of questioning, though she chides herself for being so surprised. It was no different from anyone else she’d met on her travels questioning the abilities of the dishevelled, seemingly uneducated girl who appeared from the forest. This wasn’t the first time she’d have to prove herself, and she was sure it wouldn’t be the last.

She’d never been required to prove it in court, however, with a man’s life hanging in the balance. That was new.

Trying to form a response, she blinks at Kaple for a moment until she's pulled from her thoughts and her focus is redirected towards the sound of a clearly irritated Doctor Karras in the audience.

She bites the inside of her lip to hide a smile as Karras berates the barrister, a swell of gratitude coursing through her as she looks down at her lap.

Feeling some of the weight melt from her shoulders, she sits straight in her seat and manages to meet Kaple's eye, her confidence bolstered by the doctor's praise. "No, I can't say I was ever lucky enough t' get a formal education," she says, gripping her skirt. "But that doesn't mean I don't know anythin'. Over th' years I've read a lotta books, includin' De Motu Cordis, Tabulae Pictae, an' all seven volumes of the Humani Corporis, which're all Old Taldan medical books that're required readin' for anyone goin' into medicine."

"And," she continues, feeling rather fired up. "I’ve also got years of hands-on experience, from when I was travellin’ and seekin’ out folks who needed help."

She sits back in her seat, her pulse racing. "So no, I'm not 'formally trained,' but I do know what I'm talkin' about."

Justice Aldar scowls and points his gavel towards Karras. "One more outburst and I will find you in contempt, Doctor." Prosecutor Heiger waits for the judge to finish fuming before holding up his hands.

"No further questions for Ms. Vyrelian."

Next, Adivion calls upon Esta, Karras, and Aduard to the witness stand together.

"I would like to focus on the death of the girl named Karin," he begins. "After Adam was driven from Hergstag, the Palatinate alleges that he not only returned to the village, but continued to murder. You visited Hergstag as recently as last night. Where did you go?"

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skills & init:
Init +1 Per +2 Know(All)+11 Know(Rel) +15
HP 18/26 FS 0/1 SS 0/1 HeP 4/5
AC 11(15) Touch 11 Flat Footed 10(14) CMD 12 Fort +1 Reflex +2(+1) Will +5 +2 vs fear/death

"Where did we go?" Aduard starts, melodramatically "Into Hell itself it seems - the cursed village of Hergstag."

He pulls his journal out, ostensibly consulting his notes.

"Let me start by saying that the Evil that stalked Hergstag stalks it still. Anyone who believes otherwise need only walk the corpse-strewn cornfields, or hear the singing of dead children deprived of their rightful rest."

"It is imperative that an expedition be urgently sent to put to rest the darkness that grows in that soil before it seeds."

"When my companions and I first arrived we sought out the house of the brave ladies who testified previously..." he looks to the sisters and bows "Delightful and hospitable I had hopes raised that the evils done at Hergstag were entirely passed, and the fact we had been delayed until near-sunset would not prove the disaster I had feared."

He sighs "Alas, it was not to be. How the ladies Garrow, Starle, and, of course, Flicht have remained unmolested remains a mystery to me. Perhaps it is their Faith, perhaps that there house is separated from that accursed place by running water. Regardless their presence there was not the positive sign I hoped."

"Perhaps I spent too long enjoying their company, but regardless, when we arrived in Hergstag itself the sun was already on the horizon. Had I known then what I know now I would have fled. Instead I looked on the sunset-dyed corn and took its resemblance to a wind-tossed lake of blood as a mere artistic fancy rather than the omen that it truly was"

"We had determined from the sister's stories a house from which a child - Karen - had been taken directly, and made towards there. If there was too be any hard evidence we reasoned it was more likely to have survived the seasons inside a solid cottage than out in the wild."

Aduard shook his head "We soon heard the singing. I can do it no justice, though the Doctor dutifully documented it. Children... dead children... condemned to wander the cornfields. I hoped this was some mere echo, but pleaded with my companions to consider a return."

"Alas, their bravery eclipsed mine, and they pressed on. Can you imagine it? The corn rustling, the blood-red-sunlight retreating to create pools of darkness? The ethereal singing of the dead children? I can close my eyes and return in a moment, for it is a vision that shall haunt me for a lifetime - and perhaps beyond."

"We saw a humanoid figure through the corn, in a small clearing. All prepared - or so we thought - we crept on, and found... a scarecrow!" Aduard allows the lightened mood to linger for a second "But as we progressed one of our number spotted a bone. Dread filled my mind, and we realised it was no scarecrow but a dead man"

"One of the children's playmates I now believe. The dead hunt, in Hergstag, it seems."

"While we looked on with horror the first of those children took the opportunity to approach. It asked us to play..." he shivers "Not a boy, or even the corpse of one. A scuttling, crawling, swirling amalgam of dried husks and leaves, and where its head should be, a hive of bees."

"I had heard of such creatures in the past. Attic Whisperers. Even one such creature would be call to send a crusader, but a collection?"

"It carried a bow, and we believe it to be the soul of Garrad now cursed to wander the earth in service to his murderer."

"We fled on, and thought to take refuge till morning in the very house we had come to investigate. At this point my companions had the perspicacity to look for clues, though I myself was more concerned with whether we should ever see sweet Leipstadt again. It is to them that this next chapter belongs."

mechanics & ooc:
not sure what rolls to make. Diplomacy +8, Bluff +8, Craft (Written Words) +9, Profession(any) +3. He can't use magic, and he'll prep for it if he can take 10.
Note Aduard is keen for an expedition to be sent to cleanse the place post haste, as such he is tweaking the truth (though not lying) to make it a little more scary - the body was simply mistaken for a scarecrow at first rather than being outfitted as one, there is no evidence the children did anything to the man and their luring him into the trap is conjecture, and he never mentions they killed Garad.
Plus of course, they've asked Steven King to tell a ghost story on the stand ;)
The reason he wants an expedition sent is primarily to make sure the sisters are going to be okay. This is why he has sent them a note promising them sanctuary with him until that point.
I might be persuaded to spend a hero point on it if necessary.
Is there any chance we could switch to using the Artistry skill for writing? No-one really cares how good his calligraphy is, and it seems to fill that spot between Craft and Profession.

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N Male Human Alchemist (Grenadier) 5 | HP: 27/38 | AC:16 (12Tch, 14Ff) | CMB: +3, CMD: 17 | F:+6, R:+6, W:+3 | Init: +2 | Perc: +8, SM: +1 | Speed 30 ft | Spells (1) 4/5 (2) 2/3 | Bombs 6/8 | Ammo 5/6 | hero points: 3 | Active conditions:

The Doctor doffs his hat once at the stand, his hair unruly and matted, the man's demeanor no less sour than it was at his outburst.

"Master Bookman has a way with words that I - while studied in the art of etiquette, generally prefer to dispense with. Bookman's powerful language aside, his point is important and to be heeded. There is a vile and powerful entity in Hergtag, and we barely escaped with our lives. Many more will be lost if it is not contained."

"We encountered Brother Swarm in the house. It walked through the wall - an important point, for Adam's frame will not allow him the same easy egress into the once-tidy village homes we saw. Swarm toyed with us, as it does with all things it views inferior, and we fought it off, my companions valiant in their fraught defense of our lives."

"There is - those of us with medical skills, like Ms. Vyrelian and myself know this - a condition where in moments of extreme stress the survivors lose some detail of those moments in recollection. It is like that for me, so terrifying was Brother Swarm. I know not how we fought it off, for my mind has blocked from my recollection that most terrifying of fights. But we did. In the end, we drove it back through the wall, Swarm ignoring the dilapidated wood as easily as I now wave my hand through the air."

"We gathered our thoughts and followed Swarm, against our better judgement, and came across a sight most horrific..."

Running a trembling hand through his hair, the Doctor stops, overcome with the memory of what came next...

skills & init:
Init +1 Per +2 Know(All)+11 Know(Rel) +15
HP 18/26 FS 0/1 SS 0/1 HeP 4/5
AC 11(15) Touch 11 Flat Footed 10(14) CMD 12 Fort +1 Reflex +2(+1) Will +5 +2 vs fear/death

Aduard puts a hand on the Doctor's shoulder, though his own face is a pallid mess at the mention of the encounter with Brother Swarm where he came so close to death.

Female CG Half-Elf Hedge Witch 5 | HP: 23/29, 4 Dex dmg. | AB: +2 | AC: 12 (16), T: 12, FF: 10 | F: +2, R: +5, W: +6 (+7 vs. enchant.) | Init: +8 | Perc: +10 (+12 w/ Oolong) | Oolong Init: +2| Oolong Perc: +8

"We found what looked t' be a body hangin' from some poles," Esta interjects quickly as Karras falters. "Well, a skeleton more'n a body, really. An' there were six burned wooden boxes around it." She takes a deep breath, remembering the rest. "When I went t' get a closer look, I saw it was, uh..." She takes a deep, steadying breath. "Well, he was covered in honey and it'd crystallized an' preserved th' body."

She looks over at the others. "An' then Ellsa showed up," she finishes quietly.

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skills & init:
Init +1 Per +2 Know(All)+11 Know(Rel) +15
HP 18/26 FS 0/1 SS 0/1 HeP 4/5
AC 11(15) Touch 11 Flat Footed 10(14) CMD 12 Fort +1 Reflex +2(+1) Will +5 +2 vs fear/death

Aduard raises a hand to forestall objections "I realise the issues around post-mortem interrogation are challenging... but the girl told us point blank what happened. She said, and I quote..." he pulls his notebook out with shaking hand, reading from a scrawled passage "Brother Swarm killed me. He found me down there, in the group of willows near the water. It's where the Beast were living. He and I were friends and I had this book with pictures and things to show him."

Aduard shakes his head "I believe her will was strong enough that with Swarm's concentration disrupted her love of her friend was enough that she gave us her testimony willingly, to see him free. My expert opinion is that the testimony is valid. This was no cryptic clue. No screamed puzzle, or confusing omen. She'd no reason to lie, and many not to."

He looks to the judges "We couldn't interview all the children, but we saw no evidence that the Beast was responsible, and enough evidence it was Brother Swarm that were that monster not already dead his trial would take but an hour."

N Male Human Alchemist (Grenadier) 5 | HP: 27/38 | AC:16 (12Tch, 14Ff) | CMB: +3, CMD: 17 | F:+6, R:+6, W:+3 | Init: +2 | Perc: +8, SM: +1 | Speed 30 ft | Spells (1) 4/5 (2) 2/3 | Bombs 6/8 | Ammo 5/6 | hero points: 3 | Active conditions:

Composing himself, Karras sits straight in the stand, sweeping his eyes across the room. "This is easy enough evidence to corroborate. As we suggested earlier, we implore you - send Pharasma's finest to Hergstaad! Brother Swarm must be sent to oblivion before this happens to others!"

Adivion frowns as the trio finish their recollection, the rest of the court sitting in anxious silence. "Let us return to the matter of the girl Karin's house," he asks. "In his testimony, Doctor Karras mentioned that Adam could not have entered the homes due to his large size. That she was found in her bed is not contested, but her bed was next to a window. Could he not have simply scaled the walls and reached inside to commit the crime?"

Female CG Half-Elf Hedge Witch 5 | HP: 23/29, 4 Dex dmg. | AB: +2 | AC: 12 (16), T: 12, FF: 10 | F: +2, R: +5, W: +6 (+7 vs. enchant.) | Init: +8 | Perc: +10 (+12 w/ Oolong) | Oolong Init: +2| Oolong Perc: +8

"No," Esta says quickly. "Th' window was locked from th' inside, an' he couldn't've gotten through without at least shatterin' th' glass. But everythin'—th' glass, th' wood frame, everythin'— was in one piece, with no sign of any tamperin'."

N Male Human Alchemist (Grenadier) 5 | HP: 27/38 | AC:16 (12Tch, 14Ff) | CMB: +3, CMD: 17 | F:+6, R:+6, W:+3 | Init: +2 | Perc: +8, SM: +1 | Speed 30 ft | Spells (1) 4/5 (2) 2/3 | Bombs 6/8 | Ammo 5/6 | hero points: 3 | Active conditions:

"It is unlikely that he could have scaled the walls without leaving some sign." the Doctor says, warily eyeing the judges. "Look at him. There's a prodigious amount of mass there."

"So the window was latched from the inside and unbroken. The wall on the outside of the house showed no signs of entry. It's almost as though Karin were murdered by some manner of apparition..." Adivion lets the comment linger before turning to the judges. "No further questions, your honors."


With the second day of the trial concluded, Adivion waits for you in the lobby of the public entrance. The hint of a smile curls his otherwise stoic features. "I think that we made a strong case, but the matter of the Karb Isle Sanctuary still remains to be investigated. The Palatinate's witness is a man named Karl, the only survivor from the fire. I had Hector do some digging." The lawyer offers you a piece of folded parchment in one black-gloved hand. "This is his address. Luckily, he lives in the city, near the river. Pay him a visit and see what he has to say. When you're finished, there should be time enough to visit the site of the Sanctuary and be back before dark."

Male LG Human (Chelaxian) Paladin 5, Ranger 1 | HP: 57/57 | AC: 22 (13 Tch, 19 Fl) | CMB: +9, CMD: 22 | F: +11, R: +9, W: +7 | Init: +3 | Perc: +7, SM: +6 | Speed 30ft. (20ft. in Breastplate) | SA: Lay on Hands 4/4 /day; Smite Evil 2/2 /day | Spells: 1st - 2/2 | Active conditions:

Standing outside the courtroom, Edison shoots a glance through the open doors into the chamber.

Always figured city justice was a bit of a show. Still, didn't know the circus is in town. He sucks on his front teeth for a moment, generating an almost hissing whistle.

Let's get moving, then. Sooner we're on the road, the better. If that other idiot barrister's already tryin' to wiggle that hard, hopefully we can set this to rest.

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Adivion nods grimly. "The sooner you return, the better I will be able to prepare for tomorrow. Go now and leave no stone unturned. Adam's fate depends on it."

The barrister turns to Aduard. "I received your note, Mister Bookman. Rest assured that I have the means to see after my own safety. Your concern is appreciated, however unnecessary."

Outside, Aduard is approached by two of his servants. "Master Bookman," Willem intones, offering a short bow and a folded note.

Note 1:

I've done a little digging on the island in my spare time. It's not far from town and used to be home to the Sanctuary, some sort of retreat for the insane and infirm. The founder, Dr. Brada, seemed to have a noble reputation, but knowing this damned country like we do, the truth was likely much darker.

There's little information on it outside of rumors, but four months ago it burned down. Only one survivor, the doctor's assistant although he's blinded now. The bodies of the doctor and the patients were never recovered. That's all I could turn up in the time that I had, hope it helps.

- Dashil

The valet clears his throat. "I inquired after the books you requested, Master Bookman. What could be bought, I've placed in your rooms. What could not is available at the university's library. I'm afraid some are not allowed to leave the premises."

With Willem done, Drey tips his hat. "The ladies h'accepted your invitation, m'lord." The aged driver swallows nervously. "Beggin' your pardon, m'lord, but you 'ent plannin' on actually visitin' with'm, are you? They seem most keen to make your acquaintance again, most keen."

N Male Human Alchemist (Grenadier) 5 | HP: 27/38 | AC:16 (12Tch, 14Ff) | CMB: +3, CMD: 17 | F:+6, R:+6, W:+3 | Init: +2 | Perc: +8, SM: +1 | Speed 30 ft | Spells (1) 4/5 (2) 2/3 | Bombs 6/8 | Ammo 5/6 | hero points: 3 | Active conditions:

The Doctor nods, tipping his hat to Adivon. "Will do. We'll talk with the blind man first, then head to the Isle. Hopefully, there's no monstrosities still inhabiting the ruins."

Ready to go!

skills & init:
Init +1 Per +2 Know(All)+11 Know(Rel) +15
HP 18/26 FS 0/1 SS 0/1 HeP 4/5
AC 11(15) Touch 11 Flat Footed 10(14) CMD 12 Fort +1 Reflex +2(+1) Will +5 +2 vs fear/death

Aduard hands the note around as he turns to Drey and Willem.
"Thank you gentlemen. And yes, with luck I shall see them tonight! Though I fear the hour will be late, and I shall be forced to choose twixt sleep and study." He sighs "Let me be clear though, my intentions are entirely honourable. Once time permits I shall return to that cursed town, cleanse it, and escort those fearless ladies back to their charming abode."

"Very well, Mr Wyatt. When Miss Vyrelian is ready let us depart. Miss Vyrelian?"

Female CG Half-Elf Hedge Witch 5 | HP: 23/29, 4 Dex dmg. | AB: +2 | AC: 12 (16), T: 12, FF: 10 | F: +2, R: +5, W: +6 (+7 vs. enchant.) | Init: +8 | Perc: +10 (+12 w/ Oolong) | Oolong Init: +2| Oolong Perc: +8

Esta shifts the strap of her knapsack on her shoulder and nods at Aduard. "Aye, I'm ready t' go."

Karl lives in a small cottage along the banks of the Lepidstadt River. With the address provided by Adivion, it is not difficult to find. Before the party can knock on the door, a man's voice calls out from inside. "Alright, who is it then? I wasn't expecting no visitors."

Male LG Human (Chelaxian) Paladin 5, Ranger 1 | HP: 57/57 | AC: 22 (13 Tch, 19 Fl) | CMB: +9, CMD: 22 | F: +11, R: +9, W: +7 | Init: +3 | Perc: +7, SM: +6 | Speed 30ft. (20ft. in Breastplate) | SA: Lay on Hands 4/4 /day; Smite Evil 2/2 /day | Spells: 1st - 2/2 | Active conditions:

Stopping short of the door, Edison stands at an easy attention, his gaze flicking either way up the street before taking in the domicile in front of the group.

Name's Edison Wyatt. Me'n these folk're lookin' into what happened at Karb Isle the night it burned down, and we're hopin' Karl can tell us in his own words, if he's willin' to oblige.

The door swings open to reveal a ruddy-skinned man just verging on old age. Despite the bandages wrapped around his eyes, the man smiles widely and steps aside to invite the party inside. "Come in, come in. I'm always happy to help Palintate investigators."

The interior of Karl's cottage is warm, clean, and small enough to be called cozy. "Please have a seat," Karl says, gesturing to a table with four chairs. "Will any of you take tea?" he asks, moving slowly into his kitchen. "I just put a pot on."

Male LG Human (Chelaxian) Paladin 5, Ranger 1 | HP: 57/57 | AC: 22 (13 Tch, 19 Fl) | CMB: +9, CMD: 22 | F: +11, R: +9, W: +7 | Init: +3 | Perc: +7, SM: +6 | Speed 30ft. (20ft. in Breastplate) | SA: Lay on Hands 4/4 /day; Smite Evil 2/2 /day | Spells: 1st - 2/2 | Active conditions:

Edison rocks back in surprise at the warmth of the welcome, but nods and moves to comply.

'Preciate it, mister. Unfortunately we can't stay overlong, we're to visit Karb Isle and return by nightfall. That being said, thank you for your warmth and hospitality

skills & init:
Init +1 Per +2 Know(All)+11 Know(Rel) +15
HP 18/26 FS 0/1 SS 0/1 HeP 4/5
AC 11(15) Touch 11 Flat Footed 10(14) CMD 12 Fort +1 Reflex +2(+1) Will +5 +2 vs fear/death

"Time and tides wait for no man." Aduard pronounced "Somewhat literally, in this case. May I take it you are 'Karl'?"

N Male Human Alchemist (Grenadier) 5 | HP: 27/38 | AC:16 (12Tch, 14Ff) | CMB: +3, CMD: 17 | F:+6, R:+6, W:+3 | Init: +2 | Perc: +8, SM: +1 | Speed 30 ft | Spells (1) 4/5 (2) 2/3 | Bombs 6/8 | Ammo 5/6 | hero points: 3 | Active conditions:

"I'd love some," Karras says, stepping into the house. "Smells divine, truly. Vudrian, by the aroma. Where did you pick up your habit, Master Karl?"

Doffing his hat as he steps through the doorway, the Doctor uses it to shield his face as he takes in Karl's surroundings, looking for anything of importance in the man's tidy home.

perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20

Female CG Half-Elf Hedge Witch 5 | HP: 23/29, 4 Dex dmg. | AB: +2 | AC: 12 (16), T: 12, FF: 10 | F: +2, R: +5, W: +6 (+7 vs. enchant.) | Init: +8 | Perc: +10 (+12 w/ Oolong) | Oolong Init: +2| Oolong Perc: +8

"I'll take some too, please," Esta says as she enters the house behind the others. She stands out of the way, off to the side of the entrance, head bowed slightly as she keeps an eye on, presumably, Karl.

"Yes, I'm Karl," he replies, retreating into a different room. When he returns, he carries a tray with five steaming cups and a jar of tea leaves. Water has been spilled on the tray, but Karl doesn't comment on it.

"So you're returning to Karb Isle. What do you hope to find? And how can I be of help?"

"Yes, I'm Karl," he replies, retreating into a different room. When he returns, he carries a tray with five steaming cups and a jar of tea leaves. Water has been spilled on the tray, but Karl doesn't comment on it.

"So you're returning to Karb Isle. What do you hope to find? And how can I be of help?"

Male LG Human (Chelaxian) Paladin 5, Ranger 1 | HP: 57/57 | AC: 22 (13 Tch, 19 Fl) | CMB: +9, CMD: 22 | F: +11, R: +9, W: +7 | Init: +3 | Perc: +7, SM: +6 | Speed 30ft. (20ft. in Breastplate) | SA: Lay on Hands 4/4 /day; Smite Evil 2/2 /day | Spells: 1st - 2/2 | Active conditions:

Well sir, not to be too forward, but this's on the topic o'what you have to say in regards to Adam -eh, the Beast of Lepistadt.

Edison sucks air through his teeth at the end of the phrase, before taking a DEEP swallow of the offered libations.

Deadeye, that's the stuff. Vudrani, you said, Doctor Karras? I'll have to look into that. Mm, but aye! He shakes his head to clear it of the strong taste and spice. The uh, defendant has been accused of causing a kerfuffle at the Karb Isle sanctuary some time passed, a night to which you were witness. We were just hoping to know what you saw, and if that jives with what we know of Adam.

Somehow I managed to post twice. Oops!

Karl bobs his head up and down. "Aye, you have a fine nose for tea, Doctor. And I'm no master, just a humble man trying to get by. I was never a tea drinker when I was young, my mother called it "hot leaf juice." Karl chuckles and sips. "I believe I picked up the habit from my old employer, Doctor Brada. Now I can't go an after noon without the stuff."

He sips again and leans back. "I've a recollection of that kerfuffle, sir. On account of it's where I lost my sight." He gestures to the bandages wound about his eyes. "Let's see now. It was about four months ago, at the Sanctuary on Karb Isle, as you know. It was a noble idea, a dream of Doctor Brada's. A place where those with physical and psychological maladies," Karl pronounces these words with practiced care, "could be safe and get treatment. I was making the rounds, checking on all the patients to make sure they were abed. None of them were dangerous except to themselves, perhaps, so we took the precaution of locking them inside their rooms at night. That's when I heard the doctor cry out."

Karl takes another sip before continuing. "I ran to his office and found him on the floor. A lantern must have been knocked over, there were fire everywhere. That's when I saw the Beast. It trying to unlatch the window in Doctor Brada's office, but it must have been stuck because after a moment, it threw itself through the window and shambled away."

"I tried to save the doctor, but the fire was too hot. I tried to leave, but one of his chemicals must have ignited because all I remember is a flash and the heat. A fisher found me the next morning, clear of the wreckage. I'm lucky all I lost was my sight. The doctor and patients didn't make it."

Male LG Human (Chelaxian) Paladin 5, Ranger 1 | HP: 57/57 | AC: 22 (13 Tch, 19 Fl) | CMB: +9, CMD: 22 | F: +11, R: +9, W: +7 | Init: +3 | Perc: +7, SM: +6 | Speed 30ft. (20ft. in Breastplate) | SA: Lay on Hands 4/4 /day; Smite Evil 2/2 /day | Spells: 1st - 2/2 | Active conditions:

Edison's face steels, and he replaces his tea on the table, turning the saucer over on top as a makeshift cover. He readjusts into a full seated-attention.

I'm sorry that happened to you, Karl. And I'm sorry that happened to Doctor Brada and his sanctuary. I'm certain we've got a couple other questions to ask.

The Beast -we know him as Adam- escaped through a window in the good Doctor's office? I know there must've been so much goin' on in that room, but do you remember the size of the window, and how big Adam looked? And also, was this a second story window? Facing which direction?

N Male Human Alchemist (Grenadier) 5 | HP: 27/38 | AC:16 (12Tch, 14Ff) | CMB: +3, CMD: 17 | F:+6, R:+6, W:+3 | Init: +2 | Perc: +8, SM: +1 | Speed 30 ft | Spells (1) 4/5 (2) 2/3 | Bombs 6/8 | Ammo 5/6 | hero points: 3 | Active conditions:

Karras nods in sympathy to Edison's words, forgetting for a moment that Karl is blind. "Aye, it is a tragedy, master Karl. You did what you could to save everyone, though. There's some solace in that." Taking a sip of tea, the Doctor remains quiet and waits for the description of Adam. Even if it was our Beast, Karras thinks, It is much circumstance, with no hard proof. Karl didn't see the murder, or how the fire started. Questions upon questions, layers upon layer.

Karl scratches the gray stubble on his neck idly. "Thank you for your kind words, but I don't deserve them. I didn't save anybody that day."

"The Sanctuary was only one floor, so all the windows were on. The Doctor's office had a set of windows that opened to the outside. Casement, I think he called them. He liked the view of the river. You could open one and I'd be able to climb out. If both were open, I'd venture you could slip two of me through."

"As for the Beast, I didn't get the best look at it, but I'll always remember what I saw. It was huge, probably seven or eight feet tall. Half-man and half-beast, I remember fur and scales and pale flesh. It shambled to the window when I came in and eventually threw itself through them. That was the last I saw of it."

"And nearly everything else," he adds, chuckling.

Sense Motive DC 15:
Karl doesn't seem like a man prone to misdirection. His description of the beast is vague enough to apply, but hardly specific. You believe that he believes he saw the Beast.

Male LG Human (Chelaxian) Paladin 5, Ranger 1 | HP: 57/57 | AC: 22 (13 Tch, 19 Fl) | CMB: +9, CMD: 22 | F: +11, R: +9, W: +7 | Init: +3 | Perc: +7, SM: +6 | Speed 30ft. (20ft. in Breastplate) | SA: Lay on Hands 4/4 /day; Smite Evil 2/2 /day | Spells: 1st - 2/2 | Active conditions:

Edison looks to the rest of the group before returning his gaze to Karl.

Scales and fur? You sure?

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9

skills & init:
Init +1 Per +2 Know(All)+11 Know(Rel) +15
HP 18/26 FS 0/1 SS 0/1 HeP 4/5
AC 11(15) Touch 11 Flat Footed 10(14) CMD 12 Fort +1 Reflex +2(+1) Will +5 +2 vs fear/death

Aduard waits for Karl to answer Edison, then changes tack "The blindness is permanent, then. I hesitate to offer what may well be a forlorn hope, goodman Karl, but might I ask if we may examine your eyes? All of us have some skill at healing, albeit in different specialties. There is a chance - a small one, I must warn you - that one of us may have a clue as to a mechanism whereby some partial recovery may be possible."

Aduard hedges yet again "As I say, the hope is a slim one, but it should not take much time to determine if there is any hope at all."

sense motive: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16

Karl nods. "Scales and fur, aye. As for my eyes, well I'm afraid I don't possess them anymore." He chuckles grimly. "After I was found, I was brought to the university for surgery. The doctor thought they were too far gone to rescue and took them out." He sighs. "My apologies to the lady for the gruesome details."

N Male Human Alchemist (Grenadier) 5 | HP: 27/38 | AC:16 (12Tch, 14Ff) | CMB: +3, CMD: 17 | F:+6, R:+6, W:+3 | Init: +2 | Perc: +8, SM: +1 | Speed 30 ft | Spells (1) 4/5 (2) 2/3 | Bombs 6/8 | Ammo 5/6 | hero points: 3 | Active conditions:

The Doctor sips on his tea, taking a more leisurely look around now that the blind man is as advertised, blind, and no servants or other caretakers seem to be in residence. While the others talk, Karras busies himself with sorting through the encyclopedia of knowledge he has accumulated over the years, either through experience and study, jotting notes in his formula book as he sits. Large, scales, fur, strong. Pale. What could you be, creature?

knowledge: 1d20 ⇒ 3

Sighing, Karras closes his book. The description was too general. More details were needed.

"Did the beast make any sounds? Grunts, screams, speak? Did it wear any clothes?"

Karl grunts. "Not that I recall, no. Sounds, I mean. It was wearing rags, tatters."

Male LG Human (Chelaxian) Paladin 5, Ranger 1 | HP: 57/57 | AC: 22 (13 Tch, 19 Fl) | CMB: +9, CMD: 22 | F: +11, R: +9, W: +7 | Init: +3 | Perc: +7, SM: +6 | Speed 30ft. (20ft. in Breastplate) | SA: Lay on Hands 4/4 /day; Smite Evil 2/2 /day | Spells: 1st - 2/2 | Active conditions:

Edison's eyes dip into the middle distance as he keeps up with the conversation.

Scales and fur on a pale, hulking beast? I'm sure that's a fever dream any other place, but this's Ustalav, where nightmares roam.

He wracks his brain on the matter.

Knowledge (Religion): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8

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