Aduard Bookman |

knowledge: Arcana (spoiler): 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (4) + 11 = 15
knowledge: ??? to know if a Manticore can be reasoned with - given it is a witness: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (4) + 11 = 15
"Well reasoned, Doctor!" Aduard begins "I don't doubt the mortal is the more..."
At that point the shadow passes overhead and the wizard's lecturing tone cuts off.

Radag Irefist |

The moment the shadow passes over the party, Radag's bow is gripped in his hands and an arrow is knocked. Radag calls outs, Take cover! Force it to ground. Radag lets a rapid volley of arrows loose, as he stays out in the open to try and antagonize the magical animal to let the others take to cover without fear of being run down.
Quickdraw, woot!
Rapid Shot: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20
Dmg: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6
Rapid Shot: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12
Dmg: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12

Esta Vyrelian |

"Oolong!" Esta calls out shakily, pointing to the spot next to her. Heart racing, she watches as the manticore circles overhead and out of her reach. When her fox finally bounds to her side, she gives him a quick scratch behind the ear before slowly raising her hands in preparation for the inevitable fight.
Readying the Misfortune hex for when it comes into range.


Radag HP: 39/39 - AC: 21/12/17 Status:
Esta HP: 25/25 - AC: 16/12/10 Status: mage armor
Karras HP: 31/31 - AC: 16/12/14 Status:
Aduard HP: 21/21 - AC: 15/11/14 mage armor
Manticore - HP: 51/57 - AC: 17/11/15 Status: 8 spikes remaining
Manticore Spike: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17
Manticore Spike: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18
Manticore Spike: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20
Manticore Spike: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28
Confirm Critical: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10
Damage: 1d6 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6
Damage: 1d6 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9
Damage: 1d6 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7
Damage: 1d6 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7
The manticore stops its glide and hovers, maintaining its height with steady beats of its leathery wings. With its stomach exposed to the party, it is immediately obvious that the monster is heavily pregnant.
One of Radag's arrows punches a hole through the beast's wing, drawing out an angry roar. Curling her long tail beneath her, the manticore whips it in an arc towards the party, showering them in a hail of spines. Only Radag is lucky enough not to be caught by its attack.
Manticore stops moving with hover feat. Esta, Karras, and Aduard take 9, 7, and 7 damage respectively. Aduard and Karras may now act.

Aduard Bookman |

It is still at 60ft up and 60 ft away?. Move to behind Radag, and take cover. Magic weapon on Radag's bow/arrows.
Aduard curses the creature, and steps over to Radag, using the well-armoured half-elf as cover. "Make it count. We're not reasoning with it now!"
This pronouncement is followed by a nigh-incomprehensible word in a language even the dead have forgotten. A second later he touches the quiver on Radag's back, and the arrows glow a sickly green. The wizard narrows his eyes in concentration, and the green glow snaps to blue.
"Get those off your back and into the creature as quickly as possible." he advises, stooping into Radag's shadow.

Arruk Karras |

Karras raises his pepperbox, waiting for the manticore to hover even as its spines bury into the doctor's leg. Grunting, he keeps the gun trained on the monster's pregnant belly, and pulls the trigger as soon as the creature hovers.
A sharp crack resounds through the trees, and the Doctor has a brief moment of panic that his plan just might work - kill the baby, and bring the enraged mother to him.
Brushing the panic aside, the doctor pulls a packet of gunpowder from his belt pouch...
pepperbox vs. TAC: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17 minus the range penalty. Range on the pepperbox is 20'.
damage: 1d8 ⇒ 5


Radag HP: 39/39 - AC: 21/12/17 Status:
Esta HP: 18/25 - AC: 16/12/10 Status: mage armor
Karras HP: 24/31 - AC: 16/12/14 Status:
Aduard HP: 14/21 - AC: 15/11/14 mage armor
Manticore - HP: 51/57 - AC: 17/11/15 Status: 8 spikes remaining
Arruk takes aim with his pepperbox, but the shot is well outside the guns range and the bullet doesn't reach the manticore.
The manticore is technically 84' away from Karras, so that's a -10 penalty on range increments. Esta and Aduard are up!

Radag Irefist |

Radag steals a look around him as he moves to fire at the manticore again. Cover in the trees and bushes, Radag chuckles, Not behind me. I'll draw it down.
Rapid Shot:
Attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20
dmg, magic: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7
Attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25
dmg, magic: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12
Crit confirm?: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21
add crit dmg, magic: 2d8 + 10 ⇒ (1, 6) + 10 = 17

Esta Vyrelian |

Esta stares up at the beast, momentarily torn between rushing forward to hex it and retreating to safety. Trusting Radag to draw it closer, however, she hurries back to join the others.
Still holding the hex, and moving back to Aduard and Karras. Since there's no map I'm not sure what distance that is.


Radag HP: 39/39 - AC: 21/12/17 Status:
Esta HP: 25/25 - AC: 16/12/10 Status: mage armor
Karras HP: 31/31 - AC: 16/12/14 Status:
Aduard HP: 21/21 - AC: 15/11/14 mage armor
Manticore - HP: 15/57 - AC: 17/11/15 Status: 4 spikes remaining
Manticore Spine: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28
Manticore Spine: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 27
Manticore Spine: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 27
Manticore Spine: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19
Confirm: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17
Damage: 1d6 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11
Damage: 1d6 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9
Damage: 1d6 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8
Damage: 1d6 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11
Radag peppers the manticore with arrows, a well-aimed shot hitting the beast in the stomach. The manticore releases a panicked roar and twists its body around to retreat, but not before releasing another volley of spines.
The vegetation the party uses as cover provide little protection from the monstrous spines, and the manticore's final attack leaves the group with a number of bloody wounds.
The monster beats its wings hard and flies back in the direction it came from.
Radag, Esta, Karras, and Aduard take 11, 9, 8, and 11 damage respectively. The manticore is now 110 ft. away and fleeing, so combat is over if desired.

Aduard Bookman |

Aduard curses as a spine penetrates his leg. Glowing darts flick from his hand into the departing Manticore, but even as they fly he hobbles to the nearest tree - though barely worth of the name - and falls prone underneath it, the thick mud coating his glorious coat.
magic missile, focussed spell, CL 8: 4d4 + 4 ⇒ (1, 4, 2, 3) + 4 = 14

Esta Vyrelian |

Esta cries out as the manticore's spine pierces her shoulder, the pain quickly spreading down through her arm. Fighting panic she stumbles backwards, clutching the spine with her hand as she forces herself to asses the situation around her now that the manticore has retreated.
Grimacing, she clenches her teeth, takes a breath, and yanks the spike from her shoulder, gasping in pain as it's freed. As she does so, she sees Aduard collapse and rushes over to him, kneeling next to him and laying a hand on his shoulder. "Hey now, I gotcha," she says soothingly, her own pain fading a bit as she pulls at her magic. After pulling the spike from his leg, she places her hands over the wound, murmuring quietly. She moves her fingers in a pattern and calls forth her healing.
Healing Hex: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
As the wound closes, she pushes herself up from the ground and hurries to the others with concern. "Is everythin' okay?" she asks, looking both of them over.

Radag Irefist |

I'm fine, this is nothing. Radag says sweeping the manticores spines away from his armor. Manticore is headed back to its nest. Likely anyway. If Bookman is dead, it would be a clear vengence to bring to the beast. Though we aren't here for magical beasts or its kind and it would bring us no closer to clearing the Beast's name.
Seeing Bookman conscious again, Radag readies to push on to wherever the group deduces as the next direction to go.

Aduard Bookman |

Aduard stands up - covered in mud - and bowed to Esta. "My thanks, Ms Vyrelian. [b]"We know where the nest is. We could kill the damnable thing." The wizard grits his teeth "Though Irefist is right about not being our purpose. I suggest we conclude our business quickly before the monster returns"

Esta Vyrelian |

Esta nods, eager to leave the island as soon as possible. "We should get goin'. We don' have a whole lotta time."


A series of glowing bolts fly from Aduard's hand to the retreating manticore, shredding its wings and scouring its back. It releases a trumpeting shriek and crashes into the water of the distant bog; the impact sends small waves to rock the shore of the island.
Aduard slays the manticore! Where to now? Back to Morast? Or Lepidstadt?

Aduard Bookman |

Aduard blinked at the shriek and consequent splash as the missiles finally catch up with the fleeing manticore.
"Well. Problem solved. I suggest we take this evidence, and the monster's head, and go back through the village. We're going to irritate these people when we tell them they're blaming the wrong beast. Wouldn't hurt to be heroes first. I suggest we nominate Radag to take the credit - we'll cement his reputation as an expert on monsters with the villagers."
"Now. As Ms Vyrelian said. Let's start moving."

Arruk Karras |

"Yes," the Doctor says, clapping Aduard on the back. Glad I don't have to argue for hunting this menace down after we submit the evidence to the court...
"Let's educate some peasants. Perhaps the manticore has a wound consistent of that of a great crocodile?"
The Doctor pulls at his beard, thinking. "Didn't they say they witnessed the Beast? How could a flying manticore be confused with a golem? Do you think they really saw anything?"

Aduard Bookman |

"I suspect two monsters. This is, after all, a ready supply of 'man-flesh', abandoned by its defenders." The wizard turns to the witch "Ms Vyrelian. You're an expert on such matters. Does that seem correct?"

Esta Vyrelian |

"Um, yeah, it does," Esta replies slowly, chewing her lip and twisting a lock of hair in her fingers as she reviews their findings in her head. She was still not used to anyone looking to her for guidance. "Lookin' back on those dug up graves, th' tools we found, th' darkvision mixture, an' th'... th' face, I think there's somethin' or someone out there tryin' t' impersonate th' Beast, or at least somethin' that might look like 'im. 'Cause a flesh golem like th' Beast wouldn't need t' drink a darkvision potion. He's got darkvision naturally."
She looks at Karras. "Whatever's doin' this though, it's not th' manticore. Th' nest is too new for it t' have killed those people. I think one of th' swampers mentioned it when they were droppin' us off, too." She pauses for a moment before continuing, a tone of distaste clear in her voice. "We should take th'... face back to Morast. Maybe someone'll recognize it."

Radag Irefist |

Radag scratches his head at the clues they've gathered so far. If the magical beast didn't do it, have we learned anything out here yet? Aside from there being a face wearing monster out here too I mean. What wears faces? Is it wearing someone's face back there in town now? His jaw slacks a little as he wonders if they've overlooked or missed something.
If the boat is here, then wouldn't the passenger still be here? The campsite. The graves. Hmm...

Aduard Bookman |

"Well reasoned Radag! This boat has been here for some time though. And if they needed a boat to get on the island, they should have needed one to get off." Aduard paused "The obvious answer is that Ms Vyrelian is correct, and the boat owner was disguising themselves as the Beast. The boat belonged to the fellow driven off by the villagers. The culprit is likely long drowned, now." Aduard rubbed his hands "Yes. A simple answer is often the best. I only wish there was some way to confirm it."
"Well. We should return. I feel we've enough information for our client, and enough doubt to raise questions in the villager's testimony."

Arruk Karras |

"Or the culprit is the fellow we found in the manticore's nest. Or the culprit is still on this island. Though I concur that is less likely."
The Doctor frowns. "Still, unless there is a long scar on the manticore, and even then it seems unlikely that any witness would forget the wings, I'm afraid we've not gotten much from this trip. It is all circumstantial at best. We should shake the villagers' metaphorical tree, regardless. One of their memory's may be jogged by the face or description of the boat."
Frowning deeper, the Karras continues. "We should probably take the dwarf's remaining half as well. Someone might know him, or know of him."

Aduard Bookman |

"Reasonable." Aduard admitted. "If magic was used to take such a form, I suppose there is no reason it couldn't have been a dwarf. If nothing else we could look for his relatives. He looked well off - potentially well off enough to pay off... ask the Pharasmin church to intercede with Pharasma to give him a second chance at life."


The return to Morast is slow, the swampers taking their time navigate the twisted bog in the failing light.
Upon arrival, Elder Lazne inspects the detached face and headless dwarf with a grim studiousness. "That's ol' Nan Klebem," he remarks, gesturing to the face. "He's a poacher 'round these parts. Use t' come t' Morast 'bout once a month to sell skins n' meat. Haven't seen'm in near a year. Seems now we know why."
The man glances to the dwarf's body. "Not sure 'bout that one. Be hard to figure who he is without his head, I reckon."

Aduard Bookman |

"I'm sure the Pharasmins have a way." Aduard says reassuringly "We must make haste, but I would be prepared to make a donation to your local graveyard if you could take him with you to the city. His kin must miss him dreadfully."
Have we briefed them, or just turned up with dead people? We did want to bring the manticore head if possible. Hopefully buy us some good will.


My assumption is that you briefed them on what you found.
"Aye," Lazne agrees. "We'll bring him to Lepidstadt tomorrow, when we go to the trial. See he's given to the right people. Speakin' of that, shouldn't y'all be headed back? Ain't no more than half an hour of sunlight left, and ridin' through the swamp ain't a good idea."

Radag Irefist |

He's right. We've hardly any time left. Can we use this information to buy more time to investigate the other crimes being brought forth against Adam? Radag inquires of the others, though look toward Aduard directly out of habit.

Aduard Bookman |

"Unless we can stretch this to multiple days of questioning, I doubt it." Aduard replied quietly, out of hearing of the villagers. "If anything we've sped the trial up. If you've an idea, I'm all ears, but let us talk while we travel."

Esta Vyrelian |

"Uh uh," Esta says with a shake of her head. She bounces on her feet and twists the tattered corner of her cloak in her hands with nervous energy, her eyes darting around them. "The trial's gonna start t'morrow, an' they'll use what we found on th' island. An' then after that's done we need t' move on t' th' next town an' see what we can find there, an' then bring it back for th' next day of th' trial. An' so on."
She's worn a new hole in her cloak, but doesn't seem to notice. "They're prob'ly gonna want us at th' trial t' answer questions, too," she mutters to no one in particular. "I really hope they don't ask me."

Arruk Karras |

"You'll do fine, Ms. Vyrelian," the Doctor says. mounting his horse. "Talk about what you know, don't make suppositions, and speak plainly and clearly."
And if you're wanted back home, Karras thinks, Pray that no one in the courthouse knows.

Aduard Bookman |

"We're not being asked to clear the client. We're being asked to present the truth. Remember that." Aduard sighed "The doctor's advice is excellent - I take it he's been a witness before?"
"Now - let's ride like the wind. I need a sleep tonight or I'll be no good to anyone."

Arruk Karras |

"When you're in our line of work, Master Bookman, you tend to find yourself in courtrooms from time to time."
"Certainly a drawback of the job."


The return journey to Lepidstadt is uneventful; if riding hard along the edge of a haunted swamp in the dark could be considered as such. Indeed, by the time the party reaches the city, the moon's bright face hangs high in the night sky, bright and gibbous.
The town "square" remains dominated by the silhouette of the Punishing Man, the towering wicker construction built to house, and incinerate, the Beast. Despite the late hour, the open air space is crowded with tents and raucous folk, many of whom traveled from across the county in anticipation for the execution of Vieland's most infamous boogeyman.
The party-like atmosphere dampens as the party makes their way through and toward the courthouse. Clearly, word of their association with the Beast's defense has spread, as icy stares and whispered curses from the crowd marks their passage.
Once inside, a surprise awaits them inside the defense's chambers, their expected meeting place with Gustav Kaple. Instead of the stuttering barrister, they instead find a tall, handsome man with pale complexion and eyes the color of blue ice. A slightly receding hairline accentuates the widow's peak of his raven black hair and a smile ghosts across his lips as the party enters the room. He sets down the book he was reading and stands, revealing a set of finely tailored, if somewhat conservative aristocratic clothing, colored primarily in blacks and greys.
"Good evening," he begins, his voice smooth and rich. "My name is Adivion Adrissant, and I'm the Beast's new representation. I was hoping you might arrive before I retired for the evening. We have much to discuss."

Aduard Bookman |

"Advocate Adrissant - a pleasure." Aduard says, bowing. "Aduard Bookman, at your service."
knowledge nobility or local - does Aduard know the name?: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (17) + 11 = 28
perception - what was the book: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15
knowledge to know what the book was about: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (19) + 11 = 30
More to come based on that, I think.


By twenty, he was considered the equal of his teachers, yet spurned a life in structured academia as unchallenging and instead chose to travel the world in search of greater knowledge.
You're not sure about much else about him, as he leads a nomadic and somewhat secretive life.
The book he was reading is called The Emptiness Of by Krait, Perry, and Vhaags. It is a collection of nihilistic poems.
Adivion offers Radag a placating smile before responding. "The pleasure is mine, Mr. Bookman. I apologize for the ambush, but the timing of the trial necessitates action. Gustav Kaple seems a fine man, but he is an unfortunate choice for an advocate. That stutter would not help the Beast's case, nor would his lack of preparation."
"As for why I'm here, after I spoke to my goddaughter at the university, she explained that some friends of hers were helping in Adam's defense. Any friends of the Lorrimor's are friends of mine. I have some training as a barrister and thought I could be of some help. So I made myself available to Mr. Kaple, but after some discussion, it seemed more suitable that he step down."
He gestures for the party to sit. "I'm sure you have many questions."

Radag Irefist |

Radag's suspicious glare softens as Adivion tells his story, revealing his associations. I would have thought you'd have more pressing questions, like what we found out there where supposedly Adam was driven off and attacked. My question is, will what we found buy us anymore time than anything? Radag motions to his pack where the evidence is gathered.

Esta Vyrelian |

Since introducing himself, Esta had kept back, quietly studying this new man before them. His association with Kendra managed to assuage her suspicions a bit, and she did have questions she'd like to ask, but Radag's mention of their findings snaps her out of her thoughts and sends her in another direction.
My question is, will what we found buy us anymore time than anything? Radag motions to his pack where the evidence is gathered.
"It should!" she blurts out. "We found a lotta stuff that makes it seem like there's somethin' or someone out there who's either impersonatin' Adam or looks like 'im. There were graves that'd been dug up, an' a potion of darkvision, which Adam wouldn't need 'cause he has that already! An'—" Realizing her sudden outburst, she clamps her mouth shut, ears reddening. She looks around, avoiding everyone's eyes, and squares her shoulders.

Aduard Bookman |

Aduard blanches a little. "You might want to fortify yourself, before you look in Irefist's pack. Miss Vyrelian has it correct, though. We have reason to believe someone was stealing corpses, out in that accursed place. There was something there that looked like the Beast. There is no evidence it was your client. Indeed, there is evidence the Beast dragged down in that place is dead."
Aduard find himself approving of the new man, despite himself. Isolated in his house he'd hardly kept track of the world outside, but the name of Adivion Adrisant had made it through even his bookshelf-covered walls.
He flexes his back, takes a seat next to Adivion, and stretches a hand in greeting. "Good to meet another friend of Petros's. Normally I would have questions a-plenty, but frankly I've spent most of the day in the saddle, skipped dinner, killed a manticore, and fallen into a swamp serving as a corpse-ground. With your permission I'd rather summarise what I found, possibly suggest some strategies for you to consider, and then bathe and to bed. Ms Vyrelian, Irefist and the doctor uncovered the actual evidence - apparently I could have looked up a certain barmaid of my previous acquaintance and enjoyed a night in."
"Kaple was arranging a secretary. If they've been retained I'd like to send them to ensure my staff are setting a bath, a whisky and a hearth-fire - in that order." He sighs "I do apologise for the rudeness. I promise I am no normally so brusque."

Arruk Karras |

"Hurm, well, a friend of the Lorrimors' is a friend of ours," the Doctor says, taking a seat next to Aduard. The truth was, the man's clothes, his countenance... it screamed inauthenticity, and Karras, having grown up in a house of means, knew the type. They set the Doctor on edge.
We'll have to check Miss Lorrimor later for her opinion of this Adivon, Karras thinks, doffing his hat and placing it on an end table nearby.


I hope you all have had a happy holidays!
Adivion holds up a pale palm in a conciliatory gesture. "I believe that etiquette is important only when time permits. I understand that this has been a trying day for you. Please allow your servants to begin any task you see fit. I have seen to all of the logistical concerns."
He smiles grimly. "Now let's see what is in the bag."
When all the evidence is laid on the table, Adivion takes a moment to observe everything, committing it to memory. "This is an extraordinary amount to find for a crime committed almost a year ago," he murmurs. "If you're right, and somebody is framing Adam, they've been sloppy about it. They might be relying on the ignorance of your typical Ustalavian."
He lingers on the skin mask. "This is macabre. Any idea what it might be?"

Radag Irefist |

What's it look like? Radag says slipping a telling chuckle. Its the part of a person that most people are familiar with until you become a faceless man. Radag says with morbid humor undertones. Do you recognize it?

Aduard Bookman |

"I suspect not so much framing as redirecting. I believe someone was digging up bodies - someone capable of making a creature from those bodies. They did something to convince gullible villagers the beast was there, which backfired, and then simply made smaller constructs to convince the villagers that the dead had risen." Aduard frowns "The only thing that does not fit that theory is why the boat was still there. We found the decapitated body of a dwarf in the nest of a Manticore that had moved in. Whoever it was was wealthy. I suspect they may have been the one responsible for this. Deprived of their construct when "The Beast" was dragged down by wildlife they were unprepared to contest with a manticore. The Good Gods know the damned thing nearly killed me - if I had not had Irefist and Vyrelian beside me the monster would have won."
Awkwardly Aduard nods in thanks to his companions.

Arruk Karras |

"Sometimes the simplest explanation is the best." Karras says, pulling thoughtfully at his beard. "I suspect that Bookman's got the long and short of it - the dwarf, and/or another long since eaten - met its demise on the island, and was the necromancer."
"But as to the connection to our Beast, there need not be one at all. It could all be an unhappy coincidence - as far as our Beast is concerned. The necromancer was on the island with its Beast at the same time that our Beast was being hunted, and the two separate incidents have been conflated. As a man of science, I favor this simple - and rational - explanation."
"However, there is another more complicated possibility as well, though it doesn't pass the question posed by the Bookman's query. The necromancer is responsible for our Beast, as well as the one that the blood caiman slew."