Inga' |
Hello GM Nowruz, and thank you for having me!
Hello to my fellow players and their PCs.
Eric Collins-France, here, playing a little bow-toting Paladin of Erastil.
I am in Euro-time (like our GM!).
Good gaming to all...
Nyloth Moonborn |
Thanks for running a game during the PbP convention, it was looking pretty quiet there for games.
I am DST-4 but I check the threads very often (the campaign page is one of my default, always-open pages).
Nyloth Moonborn |
Since my character is blind, and the rules for being blind are a bit scattered and sometimes not well known, I'm going to put them here for reference to make the GM's life a little easier.
For starters creatures I can't see (everyone) is functionally invisible to me, which works as the following, "A creature can generally notice the presence of an active invisible creature within 30 feet with a DC 20 Perception check".
Pinpointing the square a creature is the base DC (20) +20, for a total of 40. However, this DC is lowered by 20 if the creature is "in combat" or if it "speaks", and is also reduced by the creature moving, -5 for half speed or less, -10 for full speed, and -20 for charging. If the target is not moving, the DC is raised by 20. If the target uses stealth, this gets added to the DC. If a creature attacks me, I'm considered flat-footed and they get an additional +2 to hit.
On to my special abilities, while in combat, I can enter blinded blade style as a swift action. This gives me scent with a 10ft range and whenever I'm adjacent to a target, I know which square it is in and it receives no concealment bonus against me. In addition, thanks to improved blind fight, if I know what square a creature is in, I'm not flat-footed vs its attacks, nor does it receive the +2 to hit.
The advantage of this is that it renders me immune to many abilities that rely on sight, such as color spray, mirror image, many illusion spells, and other similar things.
Inga' |
Sorry, but I am dropping out of the game.
Not interested in doing a tier 1-2 game with a level 5 in the group.
So, one free space.
Have fun all!
Nyloth Moonborn |
I'd prefer to play in the same range as the rest of the party majority levels, as of right now it still looks most of us are low level, so I'm fine with the single level 5 PC.
Meux Feux |
Ok, before we get going...this is really my first ever attempt at messing with metamagic.
"Clerics and druids must take more time to spontaneously cast a metamagic version of a cure, inflict, or summon spell. Spontaneously casting a metamagic version of a spell with a casting time of 1 standard action is a full-round action, and spells with longer casting times take an extra full-round action to cast."
So I can apply my metanmagic feat on my Burning Hands without a higher casting time because it is not a spontaneously cast cure, inflict or summons spell?
Inga' |
That should be correct, Meux Feux.
It is a prepared spell for you, so you apply your Metamagic when you pray and choose your spells.
It takes the slot of whatever levels the Metamagic adds (reduced by whatever you have - I imagine you have traits that reduce this to 0).
Meux Feux |
thanks for the feedback
Inga' |
I would imagine Nyloth & Jinath are the front liners?
We need a marching for 1 person per row, and 2 people per row? (5 & 10 ft. wide corridors)
Nyloth Moonborn |
I am a frontliner, can't post much until later today
Inga' |
Profession Herbalist: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6
Here is my roll for myDay Job: collecting herbs and moss and such in the caverns we'll be exploring.
1 gold piece, guess Inga did not find much!
GM Nowruz |
Ok - I will just give you a chance to glimpse some of the additional story elements by including them in the adventure without the faction missions.
For your information. I often have to post remotely and thus have my dice with me and a print out of the adventure to be able to make rolls without the coding in the forum. So do not be surprised if I just announce what happens.
Also excuse that I will not be able to format bold, ooc etc. correctly in these remote posts via my phone.
GM Nowruz |
Ha ha! ;-)
I am assuming that you will enter the maze soon after further RP.
Here are the rules for 'Solving the Maze':
Finding the center of the Tangle requires a specific number of successful skill checks using the possible skills listed below:
- Survival Check: Follow the Minotaur’s Trail. Those who captured Nuar made no effort to conceal their trail, but the stone floors and stark interior of the Tangle retain minimal evidence of their passage. The trail of dropped Minotaur hairs, disarmed traps, and dribbled Minotaur blood leads you without having to focus on the Tangle’s twisted structure.
- Perception check (more difficult than survival): Princely Perfumes. Nuar enjoys the finer things in life, and his unique cologne cuts through even the stink of the morlock and cavern lifestyle. Perceptive characters may be able to pick up on the smell and use it to find the Tangle’s center. Characters and creatures with the scent ability gain a +5 bonus on this check.
- kn(dungeoneering) (more difficult than survival): Solve the Maze. Clever PCs may rely on their wits over their senses and try to find their own passage through the twisting corridors. Taking the maze headon taxes the mind, but the insanity it causes also unveils fresh insight. PCs may willingly suffer 1d4 points of Wisdom damage, and in exchange receive a +5 bonus to the Knowledge (dungeoneering) check.
- Knowledge (arcane) (more difficult than survival): Understand the Maze. The Tangle is designed as an enormous magical sigil, and those versed in the arcane arts can try to navigate it as such. A PC may willingly suffer 1d4 points of temporary Wisdom damage, and in exchange receive a +5 bonus to the Knowledge (arcane) check.
Every check represents 1 hour of travel while searching for clues.
For each check, one PC is chosen to be the “Leader.”
Only the Leader can make the relevant skill check to guide her companions for that one-hour block. A different character may assume the Leader role for each check, but the Leader must be chosen before the skill check is made. A successful check leads the group deeper into the Tangle and closer to Nuar, while a failed roll indicates no real progress.
Cooperation can improve the odds. Any PC who is not the Leader can attempt
the aid another action to provide the Leader with a +2 circumstance bonus to
her current check. Each PC can only provide one bonus to each individual Leader roll.
friendly sauce |
Karfreitag. Good Friday. ;-)
I wanted to write "... day after tomorrow is Friday." Sorry for the confusion.
No apology necessary:-), we have that in the states, I just always forget it.
Lucious can help with the perception, and assist any survival checks untrained. Unfortunate skills are a rare commodity for me, especially at lvl 1 Haha.
Hadega Scrimsworth |
Does Nyloth's blinded blade style scent count for the +5? If so, we could simply let Nyloth take the lead and aid perception.
friendly sauce |
I believe so, the bonus is untyped so it looks like Nyloth has a +9 bonus (+5 for scent and +4 for blinded blade style). Besides it seems appropriate that the blind monk leads us through the maze by smelling the pungent Minotaur cologne haha. If he could take 10 for 32 and the rest of us aid him I’m sure we can get through. Even if he can’t take 10 we’ll be I’d think.
GM Nowruz |
Does Nyloth's blinded blade style scent count for the +5? If so, we could simply let Nyloth take the lead and aid perception.
To be honest I am not so familiar with this style but if you can use it indefinitely i would allow it. The sent ability is usually 30 ft and Nyloth has only 10 ft scent but I would grant a +2 bonus on perception rolls.
Would that be ok? Am open for suggestions.
GM Nowruz |
That sounds totally fair, so a total +6(+4 for the feat and +2 for scent)?
That would be more than scent. Hmmm ... ok.
Let us just say blinded blade style gives +5 in total equal to the scent ability.
By the way Nyloth: Can you please break down your perception modifier please.
Nyloth Moonborn |
My perception is 4 from wisdom and 4 from class skill with a rank for 8. I get another plus 4 for any check that doesnt rely on sight from the first style feat.
I have scent 10ft all the time as a side effect of blinded blade style.
Reducing the bonus for my range seems totally reasonable.
Inga' |
I imagine the Survival skill is for trained only (since it deals with tracks) so that probably makes it useless for us.
Inga has no useful skills here...