GM Neirikr's "The Dragon's Demand" (Inactive)

Game Master Neirikr

"Come not between the dragon and his wrath."



Belhaim is a small town located on a tributary of the Verduran Fork, deep in the Verduran Forest of north-central Taldor. The settlement was founded a thousand years ago by the famous dragonslayer Tula Belhaim, who fought valiantly during the calamity now immortalised in tales of chivalry as the Dragon Plague. After the end of the draconic terror, little of note seems to have happened in the area. Since the relatively recent flooding of its once profitable limestone quarry, Belhaim has become a sleepy rural community just off the beaten path, a place where everyone knows everyone and strangers are the talk of the town. The town is in large part self-sufficient. Its main commodities are pottery and fish, but the town doesn't receive enough trade to garner much renown from these industries. Most of the town's inhabitants work for family businesses or provide services.

Currently, both Belhaim and the surrounding Verduran Fork region are ruled over by the Baroness Origena Devy, a widow who serves as regent until his son Arnholde comes of age. Aside from her expected noble duties, Lady Origena mainly serves as a mediator in the frequent clashes between local churches. The town is known to be deeply divided along religious lines: minor squabbles are common among neighbours who have differing beliefs. The ever pragmatic Abadarans continue to search for alternative locations to quarry valuable limestone, whereas local Shelynites seek to preserve the region's rustic beauty. Most common folk adhere to the ancient ways of the Green Faith, trying their best to stay out of politics. However, those with an eye for such matters would note that the future baron is yet unwed and without apparent heirs, leaving the future of the region uncertain...

1. The Collapsed Tower
Quest: Investigate the cause of the Witch Tower's collapse.
Reward: 500 gp from the baroness.

2. Finding Hunclay
Quest: Find out whether or not the wizard Balthus Hunclay had anything to do with the Witch Tower's collapse.
Reward: The rare privilege of Lady Origena's favour.

3. Making Friends or Enemies
Quest: Make at least one of the families of Belhaim helpful or hostile toward the party.
Reward: Discount on any relevant services (if made helpful), as well as bonuses to further attempts at parlaying with one of the factions.

4. Hero or Villain
Quest: Make everyone in one of Belhaim's factions either friendly or better, or unfriendly or worse, toward the PCs.
Reward: See above.

5. Best Friend or Worst Nightmare
Quest: Make everyone in Belhaim either friendly or better, or unfriendly or worse.
Reward: Bragging rights, I guess? Being widely well-liked or feared does have its perks, though.

6. Belhaim Historian
Quest: Learn a great deal of Belhaim's history.
Reward: Knowledge is its own reward, but who knows when all that trivia might come in handy...

7. Finding the Kells
Quest: Learn what became of the Kells.
Reward: Who knows? The good-will of the followers of the Green Faith, certainly.

8. Missing Child
Quest: Discover the fate of Bophre Malak.
Reward: 200 gp from Isadorer Malak at Malak Farm, and Malak Farm becomes helpful.

9. Wolf Hunting
Quest: Kill the wolves that have been raiding Abrassus Ranch.
Reward: 800 gp from Old Abrassus at Abrassus Ranch, Abrassus Ranch becomes helpful.

10. The Blood Vow Kobolds
Quest: Drive off or defeat the kobolds of the Blood Vow tribe.
Reward: 1,200 gp from the baroness.

11. Helping Nighttail
Quest: Help Nighttail take control of the Blood Vow tribe.
Reward: Nighttail's promise to leave Belhaim alone.

12. Exploring the Estate
Quest: Fully explore Hunclay's estate and ensure that it is safe for the baroness's clerks.
Reward: 5,000 gp from the baroness.

13. Rescuing Maffei
Quest: Rescue the shae prisoner.
Reward: Maffei's aid.

14. Restoring Maffei
Quest: Restore Maffei's negative levels.
Reward: A more capable helper.

15. Exploring Hunclay's Cave
Quest: Find the location of Hunclay's hidden cave and explore it.
Reward: Eldritch secrets.

16. The Monastery Mystery
Quest: Learn what happened to the monks who once dwelled in the monastery.

17. Exploring the Crypt of Tula
Quest: Explore Tula's crypt.
Reward: The powerful dragonslaying weapons that lie within.

18. Sanctifying the Crypt of Tula
Quest: Put the restless spirit of Tula's husband Arturic to rest.
Reward: Permission from Tula's spirit to take from her crypt.

19. Learning a Name
Quest: Learn the dragon Aeteperax's original name.
Reward: The ability to disrupt Aeteperax's tactics.

20. Defeating the Four Lieutenants
Quest: Ensure via combat or diplomacy that Azmur, Goladryth, Thaena, and Pentosh no longer support the dragon Aeteperax.
Reward: A surge of confidence which grants immunity to Aeteperax's frightful presence.

22. Closing the Dark Window
Quest: Close or destroy the Dark Window.
Reward: The severance of Aeteperax's hold on his summoned grioths, including those defending his lair.

23. Rescuing Rima
Quest: Save Rima from Aeteperax.

24. Dragonslayers!
Quest: Slay the dragon Aeteperax!