GM Mason |
For almost a millennium, the continent of Khorvaire was united in a single massive kingdom, known as Galifar. It is from this founding that the Khorvaire calendar is founded. Ruled over by a royal human family for 900 years, their reach spanned to almost every corner of Khorvaire. Given a kingdom so large, it became necessary to have the king to grant his adult children rulership over their distinct areas, with the king ruling over them in turn. When one king passed, the eldest would assume the throne while his siblings continued to rule until the new monarch's children came of age.
Or that was the way it was supposed to happen.
In 894, King Jorat passed away, but his eldest was challenged for the crown of Galifar. The aftermath of that single conflict led all of the siblings to turn on each other and for the next one hundred years, the continent of Khorvaire was racked by war the likes of which none had seen (save maybe the dragons). As the war went on, groups turned on each other and, eventually, what started as five siblings fighting for the crown turned into a dozen countries either defending their independence or attempting to take over their neighbors. While the war raged, the various dragonmarked houses remained largely neutral in the war, selling their various services to the nations that would pay the most. Leading this war-profiteering was House Cannith and their invention of a sentient, replicated foot soldier that could be trained to fight and replenish the ranks in months where normal soldiers might take years. These were the warforged and while their race may only be less than four decades old, their impact effected everyone in Khorvaire somehow.
Then, as abruptly as the fighting started a century ago, it was forced to stop. On the 20th of Olarune in 994 YK, the nation of Cyre, located in central Khorvaire, was destroyed. Obliterated. Down to the last square inch of territory that Cyre held on that day. This would be known as the Day of Mourning and ever since, the grey, blasted wasteland that remains of this once great nation would be known as The Mournland. At the time, and even still years later, no one knew what could cause such widespread devastation. Some blamed a failed experiment of House Cannith, since their family home and many of their laboratories were located in Cyre. Others blamed the most fearsome of enemies of Cyre at the time, being Thrane and Karrnath. Others simply said it was the will of the gods. For whatever reason, the result was clear. In 996, an official peace treaty, known as the Treaty of Thronehold, was signed by all of the nations involved, except Cyre as it was destroyed and the monstrous nation of Droaam, out of sheer racism of the more 'civilized' nations.
And thus, The Last War came to an end with no clear victor and no unified Khorviare.
Hello all.
I am an avid fan of Eberron and have been tossing around the idea of GMing a PBP Pathfinder game for some time. This will be my first time GMing through PBP, though I have been GMing for over fifteen years. I ask my players to be somewhat patient with me. I plan to do some one on one RPing through spoilers at the start of the campaign to allow the players to “get into” their character’s head and promote ownership. I will then run a couple of Eberron short mods before heading into a custom campaign based on the characters and their backstories. A good incorporation of Eberron setting in your backstory is a major plus! I would really like players who prefer a good mix of RPing and combat. Looking for a party of 4, maybe 5.
Character Creation Guidelines:
-20pt buy
-1 extra feat
-2 traits, no drawbacks.
-150 starting gold
-Classes: All except Gunslinger, Ninja, Samurai and Summoner.
-Races: Core and Eberron (see the wiki). Ask me about other races. Warforged can either go with the listed abilities (option one) or chose: +2 dex +2 con -2 wis (option two), +2 str +2 con -2 wis (option three)
-Alignment: Preference goes to good and neutrals. LE can be considered, but needs a good reason.
-Level 1, lvl gain will go at my pace.
-Hp max on lvl 1. On gain, half +1.
No 3rd party content.
Please submit a crunch and a developed backstory. Adding a physical description and motivations would be nice.
RP is encouraged, creativity can get you a long way!
I'm looking at a 1 post minimum a day, 2 if you want to pace it up.
No deadline yet for the end of recruitment, but I will give a forty eight hour deadline once I feel like I have some good submissions.
Dreaming Warforged |
![Beauty Patrol](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/beauty_patrol_FINALCMYK.jpg)
Galifar is so vast and there is so many possibilities. Any thoughts on where things will be starting? How about the themes you wish to explore? Will it be more about exploration? Politics? Fighting for the greater good?
Knowing more about where you want to bring things would help me a lot picturing a character.
P.s.: your intro appears twice. There might be time to edit it out.
Doomguide |
![Flesh Golem](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO1126-FleshGolem_500.jpeg)
cool. I would like to try a Daelkyr halfblood vivisectionist alchemist. He is not a young man and has been recovering from things he was exposed to during the war(when he got his first symbiot, during a battle against a xoriat incursion). He has been trying to find out more about the changes that have happened to him, the changes to his mind and body. As a soldier of Karnnath he had access to many bodies to study to learn about anatomy, and even after the war no one asked questions when he gathered strange reagents to perform his experiments. He has at this point run out of things he can learn from his own experiments alone and the money he had "acquired" during his stint in the military is nearly gone.
It is time to go forth in to the world and see what secrets others have garnered while he was in seclusion. He may no longer be young, but his body is in many ways better than it was, and better still when he continues his personal experiments.
A pale, middle-aged figure he has a squint and a slight hunch from too much time pouring over books and alembics. Any trained eye, however can see that he holds a knife with a sure and steady hand.
If you would like something a bit less Frankenstinian, a shifter from the reaches could go the same class route, but he is trying to understand and control his animalistic urges.
Thanks for consideration. Give me a suggestion either way and I can get you a full character.
GM Mason |
Galifar is so vast and there is so many possibilities. Any thoughts on where things will be starting? How about the themes you wish to explore? Will it be more about exploration? Politics? Fighting for the greater good?
Knowing more about where you want to bring things would help me a lot picturing a character.
P.s.: your intro appears twice. There might be time to edit it out.
Thank you for your interest Dreaming Warforged. We will be starting in Sharn. The direction we eventually head will be up to the players. I plan to start with one or maybe two small Eberron modules. Aspects of Eberron that I really like include:
-Blood of Vol and the Emerald Claw seeking powerful artifacts-The Lord of the Blades moving toward a Warforged state/The Awakening/Mournlands
-The King of Karrnath
-The Silver Flame: Power struggle between the Speaker and the Cardinal
-Dragonmarked Houses: politics/Dragonmarks
-Daelkyr breaking the seal to Xoriat
The players will be thrust into a swept along plot to get started, but will be free to move in any direction based on their backstories. I have an overall world plot that will be intertwined throughout the story.
Thank you for noticing the double post. I was able to correct it. Please keep the questions coming.
GM Mason |
If you would like something a bit less Frankenstinian
Heck no. I LOVE where you are going. Here is the link to the conversion: Link
If you have a question or would like to tweak some things with the race, please let me know. I am very flexible. I just ask that players try not to "break" their character with every possible optimization where they overshadow the rest of the party. Good solid builds are great though. I can customize the encounters depending on the party.
Doomguide |
![Flesh Golem](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO1126-FleshGolem_500.jpeg)
Doomguide wrote:If you would like something a bit less Frankenstinian
Heck no. I LOVE where you are going. Here is the link to the conversion: Link
If you have a question or would like to tweak some things with the race, please let me know. I am very flexible. I just ask that players try not to "break" their character with every possible optimization where they overshadow the rest of the party. Good solid builds are great though. I can customize the encounters depending on the party.
Cool, I will look at building him tonight. One odd thing I am noticing is the lack of feats for halfbreeds. The other races seem to get several. Any chance of something that will reduce damage taken by using symbionts? Or a version of Impure Prince that doesn't require ranger levels? I see the character as very LN and logic will lead him to opposing the forces of xoriat eventually. The plane is where I keep my stuff after all. :)
GM Mason |
Any chance of something that will reduce damage taken by using symbionts? Or a version of Impure Prince that doesn't require ranger levels?
When you start putting your character together, tell me what you are thinking.
What would you suggest on the feat?
We can work together on converting the impure prince prestige class to fit your idea. I just ask that you are flexible if we get going and something is out of balance. I am more interested in you having the character you are envisioning. Again, I just want him to be balanced with the other characters.
With this campaign being an Eberron conversion, I will definitely work with anyone who has a good idea and wants to tweak things.
GM Mason |
So, with no 3PP, then I guess psionics are right out?
What is your character idea? Is there some Eberron concept you really like? Would you only use psionic material that is on OGC pathfinder sites?
I am not very familiar with psionics, but would be willing to learn if you have a neat Eberron concept and would work with me not to be overpowered.
I am familiar with the Kalashtar
fbdaury |
I was thinking of a Changeling character and because of their natural affinity towards psionics (due to their doppelganger ancestry) and their natural bent towards trickery that some sort of mind-warping character class might be interesting, possibly mixed with some rogue levels as the character advances.
gossamar4 |
![Gadak Simiryin](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/gadak_final.jpg)
I'm going to start with me.
I have experience with several versions of D&d from 2nd to 4e. I've never played much IN the eberron setting and am not all that familiar with it, but enjoy playing anytime, anywhere. I've been dong pathfinder society pbp lately. I typically get 3+ posts a day, as long as the story/combat is moving along. I really enjoy filling a support role. I like helping lift other characters into greatness, instead of "Look at how awesome I am" types, but I am fine with filling any role the party needs, if another chosen player is dead set on playing support.
Are you using pathfinder rules and just playing them IN the eberron world, or are there any distinct differences to note, beyond the aforementioned warforged race? The 4e eberron rules had dragonmark feats, would this be an example of something that is incorporated? (i.e. would character creation and advancement have these feats or variation available?)
Character plans:
Bard - Focusing on all things buffing. Could serve as a face if needed. Not much damage wise during combat, but definitely helping the party get the dps and tactics. Lots of knowledge skills. The concept starts with a young character who is fascinated with the stories, tales of heoics, and amazing tings he's heard from other adventurers. Doesn't see himself as a future legendary adventurer, but excited to be witness the deeds of those types of characters firsthand, and help out in ny way he can. Eventually being the person that recounts the epic adventures of those he travels with.
Fighter/Oracle - This would start as a melee fighter, then somewhere between 2nd-4th level, have some "event" happen to him that alters him dramatically with a divine vision. This would provide explanation for his oracle's curse and divine casting. I see him going "oracle of battle" (old habits die hard). I envision him buffing, debuffing, and using reach and trip after the buffs are out to let the other melee character's get more aoo's and/or help with making sure the sneak attack dice are always used by those characters that are able to us them.
Both hold the core support concept, charisma based characters, healing.
These are ideas and if they don't fit or need t be tweaked, I'm willing to change them for the greater good of the party.
Thank you for your consideration
GM Mason |
We will be using Pathfinder rules in the Eberron campaign setting. The exception will be the Eberron to Pathfinder conversions on this WIKI: Link
You do not have to be extremely familiar with the world, but a decent knowledge would help, especially for creation of your backstory. You can find the world here: Link
Deities can be found here: Link
GM Mason |
I was thinking of a Changeling character and because of their natural affinity towards psionics (due to their doppelganger ancestry) and their natural bent towards trickery that some sort of mind-warping character class might be interesting, possibly mixed with some rogue levels as the character advances.
It sounds like a cool concept. Would you use the psionic stuff here?
fbdaury |
fbdaury wrote:I was thinking of a Changeling character and because of their natural affinity towards psionics (due to their doppelganger ancestry) and their natural bent towards trickery that some sort of mind-warping character class might be interesting, possibly mixed with some rogue levels as the character advances.It sounds like a cool concept. Would you use the psionic stuff here?
Well yes, but that's why I was asking- the Dreamscarred Press Psionics rules are still 3PP aren't they?
GM Mason |
GM Mason wrote:Well yes, but that's why I was asking- the Dreamscarred Press Psionics rules are still 3PP aren't they?fbdaury wrote:I was thinking of a Changeling character and because of their natural affinity towards psionics (due to their doppelganger ancestry) and their natural bent towards trickery that some sort of mind-warping character class might be interesting, possibly mixed with some rogue levels as the character advances.It sounds like a cool concept. Would you use the psionic stuff here?
Yes they are, but if it is all out there for me to read and learn then I am OK with it. You may have to be patient and help me with the rules if you are chosen. I like your concept and I am flexible if the player is motivated and is into the Eberron setting. I have just never seen them in play. I am more concerned with the backstory and roleplaying.
Bill Lumberg |
Would you allow a tiefling? I have a kensai magus that might fit the campaign. Although, I would need to brush up on the world of Eberron in order to tailor his backstory. At the moment, I am thinking of having him be one of a set of twins born to refugees of the Last War.
He was a sickly child an his parents doubted he would live at all. When a scholar among the refugees offered to take him from them they were only too happy to oblige in order to rid themselves of their burden. The scholar trained him to be a magus. He grew to maturity too late to serve in the war.
My other idea is for a corrupt human cleric of a good deity.
GM Mason |
Would you allow a tiefling?
My other idea is for a corrupt human cleric of a good deity.
I would be Ok with a tiefling character. Just use the OGC version: Tiefling
The human cleric sounds good too.
Here is what Baker said about tieflings in Eberron:
In canon Eberron, tieflings can trace their roots back to Ohr Kaluun, a Sarlonan nation that made pacts with fiends; Ohr Kaluun is also the source of the skulks. During the Sundering, Ohr Kaluun was vilified and destroyed. Those tieflings that survived escaped to Droaam and the Demon Wastes, and this is where their descendants live today. The tieflings of the Demon Wastes are scattered among the Carrion Tribes and have no distinct culture of their own. The tieflings of Droaam have their own kingdom, the Venomous Demesne; this is where to go if you want tiefling pride and intrigue. However, neither the Demon Wastes or the western edge of Droaam have any real traffic with the Five Nations. In Sharn, there are in all likelihood more medusas than tieflings. And there are certainly more harpies and ogres. Tieflings simply aren’t prevalent enough for people to be aware of their origins or to have a strong opinion. When someone sees a tiefling in Sharn, their first response won’t be “Flame preserve us! Her ancestors made pacts with fiends!” Instead, it’s more likely to be “Whoa! That’s the sexiest minotaur I’ve ever seen!”
With that said, if I decided I wanted to do something with tieflings, I think that the Venomous Demesne could be a fascinating place to explore. Here’s a place where the warlock tradition is the foundation of their culture, a place where fiendish bargains are a fundamental part of life. I see a lot of room for interesting intrigue. And if I was to play a tiefling from the Demesne (warlock or no), I would certainly establish what pacts the character or their family had made, what intrigues they are tied to, and what has driven them out into the wider world. While by contrast the Demon Wastes are the source for the isolated tiefling with no cultural or family connections.
How do the Lords of Dust feel about tieflings? “Whoa! That’s the sexiest minotaur I’ve ever seen!” The ancestors of the tieflings didn’t make pacts with the Overlords. There’s no innate connection that makes the Lords of Dust treat tieflings any differently than orcs, hobgoblins, humans, or what have you.
Again, I want players to play what they will be passionate about. The backstory is what I am most interested in.
GM Mason |
Here is Tierney, a kensai magus. I am still working on his background and will have it completed soon. His crunch also needs a bit of work, but that will not take long.
Any comments are appreciated.
Very good build! I like what you have on the Eberron background so far. Did your "father" fight in the Last War? What country was he loyal to? I can help you with a city where he passed if you give me the country. We will probably start the campaign in Sharn, which is like Coruscant from Star Wars or close to Sharn in Breland.
Breland was heavily involved in the Last War as was Cyre, which is where the War was taking place when the mourning happened. Your refugee camp could have been in New Cyre
I would also like to do some one on one RPing before we start. We could RP how you get to Sharn if you chose to continue and are selected.
![]() |
Here is my (gossamar4) PFS Bard 1.
This wouldn't be the exact same character, I have a few changes to make. Replace Absalom with Sharn, and add a goal of being inducted into the Circle of Song. Depending on your plans, I could incorporate this into the backstory, or leave it as an idea for you to add as a storyline in our campaign.
Fronar grew up in the slums of Absalom. While being a poor child in a big cities results in the inevitability of bending or fracturing a few laws, this often results in the training and practice of various "life" skills. Fronar was no exception to this, but never found himself in any serious trouble. Fronar has an uncanny gift for developing "friends", holds an unmistakable charm, and ability to influence others. These gifts are never more apparent than when encouraging his aquaintances.
. What really drives Fronar can be traced back to seeing many different adventurers visiting Absalom. He was enthralled by the amazing stories and experiences they would talk about. He often was able to make a little money recreating the various tales as a street performer. He doesn't view himself as capable of performing the amazing feats he's heard stories about, but desires to be there when others do. Hoping to use his abilities to inspire the greatness of other heroes, thus including himself in the beloved stories he grew up on.
Doomguide |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
![Flesh Golem](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO1126-FleshGolem_500.jpeg)
Ok here is my idea for the Daelkyr Half Blood Vivisectionist
Daelkyr Half-Blood Alchemist (Vivisectionist) 1
LN Medium Aberation
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +1
AC 15, touch 12, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +2 Dex)
hp 15/10 (1d8+7)
Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +1; +2 vs. fear
Defensive Abilities: Unbalanced Mind, Breed Leech
Speed 30 ft.
Melee: dagger +0 (1d4+2/19-20) and
dagger +0 (1d4+2/19-20)
Special Attacks: sneak attack +1d6
Alchemist (Vivisectionist) Spells Prepared: (CL 1st; concentration +4):
1st—cure light wounds , shield
Str 14, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 16, Wis 12, Cha 8
Base Atk +0; CMB +2; CMD 14
Feats: Brew Potion, Craft Symbiont, Double Slice, Ego Mastery, Throw Anything, Two-Weapon Fighting
Traits: Scholar of Ruins(Knowledge Dungeoneering), Unafraid
Skills: Craft (alchemy) +7 (+8 to create alchemical items), Disable Device +5, Disguise +1, Intimidate -1, Knowledge (arcana) +7, Knowledge Dungeoneering) +8, Knowledge (nature) +7, Spellcraft +7, Use Magic Device +3; Racial Modifiers +2 Disguise
Languages: Common, Daelkyr, Draconic, Goblin
SQ: Alchemy, Mutagen, Symbiosis
Combat Gear: Potion of cure light wounds , Acid (3); Other Gear: studded leather, dagger x4, alchemy crafting kit, pathfinder's kit, thieves' tools, travelling spellbook, 2 gp
Special Abilities
Alchemy +1 (Su:) +1 to Craft (Alchemy) to create alchemical items, can Id potions by touch.
Breed Leech: Host Benefits: Bolster Body (Su): While attached, the host creature gains 5 temporary hit points each night when he rests. Like normal temporary hit points, these go away after been used and cannot be re-healed, but the host gets them back anyway the following morning. The breed leech also provides a +1 untyped bonus to Fortitude saves.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
Mutagen (DC 13) (Su) Mutagen adds +4 to a physical & -2 to a mental attribute, and +2 nat. armor for 10 min.
Sneak Attack +1d6 Attacks deal extra dam if flank foe or if foe is flat-footed.
Symbiosis (Ex): Daelkyr Half-bloods have the ability to use their own bodies as the base aberration when using the Craft Symbiont feat. They must pay for the necessary construction cost and suffer the normal host penalties for the time it takes to grow a new symbiont. If a Daelkyr Half-blood is ever completely without any symbionts, he suffers 1 point of Constitution drain (not damage) for every 24 hours he goes without having an attached symbiont. No saving throw or restorative effects can negate or heal his drain. Once he has reattached a symbiont or has starting growing a new one, as per the Craft Symbiont feat, he heals any Constitution drain suffered in this way at the rate 1 point per 24 hours. See the Symbionts creation rules for more details.
Throw Anything: Proficient with improvised ranged weapons. +1 to hit with thrown splash weapons.
Unafraid: You receive a +2 bonus on all saving throws made against fear affects.
Unbalanced Mind (Ex): Anytime someone attempts to read the thoughts of a Daelkyr Half-blood, they must make a Will save, DC: 10 + 1/2 character level + Chr mod, or be dazed for 1 round.
GM Mason |
i might make a submission for this, i was thinking of something along the lines of a goblin ninja from the shaarat'khesh (“silent blades”) tribe of Darguun.
whether or not i submit one depends on if i have time to draw it up
Goblin and ninja are not on my list of allowed races and classes. I do like the direction you are going with the Eberron background. I just wanted to let you know you would have to wow me to be considered. With that said, goblins can make a good addition to a game if they are not too silly.
GM Mason |
Dreaming Warforged-?
Doomguide-Daelkyr halfblood vivisectionist alchemist-Jarot Tennet
fbdaury-Changeling Psion/Rogue
gossamar4-Bard or Fighter/Oracle-Fronnar Gossamar
Bill Lumberg-Tiefling Magus-Tierney Quade
Tenro-Goblin Ninja
If I missed anyone, I will add them later.
*I would really like to have a warforged character if anyone is interested. As stated above, I am very flexible with the ability arrangement due to the diversity of forges. There are three options above and I would also be fine with a +2 to any one stat (like the human bonus) as a fourth option.
Tierney Quade |
Very good build! I like what you have on the Eberron background so far. Did your "father" fight in the Last War? What country was he loyal to? I can help you with a city where he passed if you give me the country. We will probably start the campaign in Sharn, which is like Coruscant from Star Wars or close to Sharn in Breland.Breland was heavily involved in the Last War as was Cyre, which is where the War was taking place when the mourning happened. Your refugee camp could have been in New Cyre
I would also like to do some one on one RPing before we start. We could RP how you get to Sharn if you chose to continue and are selected.
New Cyre seems like a good choice for the refugee camp. Since the Last War took lasted for over 100 years, I think it likely that Tierney's father fought in it. This gives me an idea for his health and the reason he was no longer fighting. I imagine a form of the Cloudkill spell being used as an analogy to poison gas on the trenches in WW1. For whatever reason, Lorenxo never regained his Con loss. I will look into Breland as a country that he fought for.
Sharn seems like a fitting place for Tierney to be at the beginning of the game. I probably won't be able to do much on the boards today or tomorrow but will check in on Saturday.
GM Mason |
Tierney: I like where you are going. Saturday is fine. I definitely won't end recruitment before Sunday night (maybe even later).
SamuraiRuy: I like the idea! Adding in the effects of the cataclysm on your warforged sorcerer gives great options for later role playing. One thing to think about is which forge you were created in.
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The combination of a several month-long stint of reading "golden age" mystery novels (Agatha Christie, John Dickson Carr, etc.) and recently seeing the trailer for a new MOBA-esque game featuring a rather dapper-looking robot is making me seriously consider putting in an app for a Warforged Inquisitive (using Investigator class from ACG Playtest)...
GM Mason |
The combination of a several month-long stint of reading "golden age" mystery novels (Agatha Christie, John Dickson Carr, etc.) and recently seeing the trailer for a new MOBA-esque game featuring a rather dapper-looking robot is making me seriously consider putting in an app for a Warforged Inquisitive (using Investigator class from ACG Playtest)...
Sounds good. Investigator is fine. I like the idea!
SamuraiRuy |
This is the crunch and I'll work on the background, I added an abberant dragonmark that appeared after the Cyre incident, if there is a problem I can change the feat :)
Menmark, N Protean Sorcerer
Init: +4
-------------------- Defense --------------------
HP: 8
AC: 14
(Base 10/Racial+2/Dex+2)
CMD: 11
Fort: +2
Reflex: +2
Will: +2
-------------------- Offense --------------------
BAB: +0
CMB: -1
Ranged Crossbow +2 (1d8 19-20/x2)
-------------------- Statistics --------------------
Str 8(-1), Dex 14(+2), Con 14(+2), Int 13(+1), Wis 10(+0), Cha 17(+3)
Speed: 30ft
Languages: Common
-------------------- Feats --------------------
Bonuts Feat: Eschew Materials.
Combat Casting.
Least Aberrant Dragonmark (Shield 1/day)
-------------------- Traits --------------------
Focused Mind: You gain a +2 trait bonus on concentration checks.
Exile: You gain a +2 trait bonus on Initiative checks.
-------------------- Skills --------------------
Appraise +1
Bluff +3
Craft (blacksmith) +5
Fly +2
Intimidate +3
Knowledge (arcana) +5
Knowledge (planes) +1
Spellcraft +5
Use Magic Device +3
Perception +0
-------------------- Gear --------------------
Gold: 55g
Warforged Repair Kit 50g
Crossbow light 35g
Bolts (20) 2g
Sorcerer's kit 8g
-------------------- Spells --------------------
Cantrips (Known 4) DC: 13
Detect Magic, Light, Prestidigitation, Acid Splash(+4).
Level 1 - 4 (Known: 2) DC: 14
Color Spray, Grease(+4).
-------------------- Special Abilities --------------------
Bloodline: Protean
The DC to dispel transmutation or conjuration (creation) spells that you cast is increased by +4.
Protoplasm (Sp): At 1st level, you can create a ball of entropic protoplasm and hurl it at targets within 30 feet. This protoplasm acts as a tanglefoot bag that also inflicts 1 point of acid damage per round to a creature entangled by it. The protoplasm dissolves within 1d3 rounds.
Times per day: 6.
Humanoid (Living Construct Subtype)
Do not need to eat, breathe or sleep, but do need to rest for 8 hours to regain spells or similar abilities.
Can be targeted by spells and effects that affect objects objects made from metal, stone and wood.
+2 vs disease, death effects, energy drain, exhaustion, fatigue, mind-affecting, nausea, poison, stunning and sicken effects.
+2 racial bonus to checks to remove negative levels and stabilization checks.
Warforged have a single slam attack: Medium (1d4) or Small (1d3). This follows the normal rules for natural attacks.
Samurai-Jack |
![Aram Zey](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9235-Aram.jpg)
i have never played a suli before and it did seems to fit a bard also.
backstory is indeed simple kid was left to his own device very early on and joined a traveling circus.
Seeing a little bit of the world left him wanting to learn more and he became an Archaeologist
I'll try to find an other core race that thematically fits but that is going to be hard.
I'll with Dual Talent Human then with a dragon mark (possibly; house orien or house Deneith ) for the extra feat
Tenro |
hmm, not sure if i will put in a submission. lots of good ones already and my concept requires extra effort to prove itself.
that said, if i dont submit, and you have a drop, PM me and ill come up with something in that event.
im not even sure my concept is suitable for 1st level, as i was imagining a bit of a more experienced assassin.
GM Mason |
hmm, not sure if i will put in a submission. lots of good ones already and my concept requires extra effort to prove itself.
that said, if i dont submit, and you have a drop, PM me and ill come up with something in that event.
im not even sure my concept is suitable for 1st level, as i was imagining a bit of a more experienced assassin.
A lot of the submissions are close to the same (roguish/partial caster), so feel free to think outside the box and submit something ;)