TheMan BehindTheCurtain |

Captain Alizandru Kovack walked onto the Magnimari dock and took a look at his beloved ship. His father had sailed her, as had his before him, and so on. They'd be making another run down to Eleder, same as they had since the colony was established ages back. As he contemplated his ship, a gnome in somewhat flamboyant pink garb dodged around the corner, bumped into a tall woman carrying a load of books, and ran aboard the ship just behind a large barrel of salt cod. Kovack shook his head, and started walking down the dock toward the woman who had dropped her books. He helped her pick them up and was struck speechless by her striking green eyes. She thanked him and walked aboard the ship as he stared after her, her hips sinuously moving back and forth.
Getting a grip on himself, he walked up the gangplank behind her and signaled his first mate to wrap up loading the supplies so they could cast off with the evening tide. He headed for the passenger cabins to handle the new arrivals, thinking:
Looks like another interesting journey for the Jenivere.

![]() |

Captain Alizandru Kovack thanked Gozreh that he hadn't had too many crazy passengers on this voyage. True, there was the Gnome, but he was mostly harmless. His stories were entertaining the first few times. After the third repetition, though, they began to get monotonous, and Kovack found himself spending much of his time avoiding the common areas of the ship. Taking on the prisoner Jask at Corentyn wasn't the most pleasant of tasks, but it wasn't the first time he'd had to do a favor for the government of Sargava. He made sure to keep Jask isolated and that only he and Devers saw him and brought him food.
As they pulled into Ilizmagorti harbor and came to the dock, Kovack found himself enjoying shouting the usual orders to bring the ship up against the wooden pilings so that they could begin the task of loading and unloading. He was hoping the Gnome would be disembarking here, but he thought he might settle for taking on a few new passengers to relieve the tedium.
Once the ship was docked and he saw that Devers had the cargo transfer in hand, he headed off to the transfer agency to let them know that the Jenivere was in port and that they would be taking on passengers. Then, he headed back to his ship. As he got closer, he saw a fight taking place near to where the Jenivere was docked. A nearly-naked Dwarf seemed to be throwing fists in all directions as a handful of thugs slashed at him with blade and mace. Immediately, Kovack turned around and headed for a nearby alehouse. He didn't want to get involved, given the likelihood that it was a Red Mantis dispute.
One hour and two pints later, Kovack headed back to the Jenivere. As he arrived, he saw a tall, somber-looking redhead striding up the gangplank. Even from behind, he could see her training in the set of her shoulders.
Well, he thought to himself. This will probably be interesting. Captain Kovack muttered a quick prayer to Gozreh that it wouldn't be too interesting, and walked up the gangplank to talk with his first mate.
And whenever you're ready, Varrick, come on board and describe what you do.

Varrick |

Varrick had been up for hours packing. He certainly shouldn't have stopped to examine the flora native to the island as it hadn't turned out to be an especially pleasant place to live. Its excellence in the alchemical arts was evident, never had he seen poison so expertly crafted and applied. That said, the place was uncouth and rowdy, not a very dignified place to set up a research facility. Moreover his background materials were mostly concerned with the Mwangi and it was too close (conceptually if not geographically) to pass up.
He had heard the Jenivere would arrive soon and wanted to see for himself. He presented himself to the transfer agent. "Good day sir, I have been trying to find my way toward the Mwangi for a couple weeks now and I heard the Jenivere was to dock, if not today than soon, any news?"

z'Graggen the Free |

Beneath the Hall of the Khundrugar z'Graggen lies - in a chamber carved deep in the black basalt of the Calphiak Massif. The Tomb of Kunngaddin. Arrayed along the cold chamber are the graven sarcophagi of his family. The mountain peaks rise high above. The roots of the mountain reach deep below.
Eternal repose.
Everlasting peace.
Yet something is wrong.
A gentle rising and falling.
Un unsettling feeling at the pit of the stomach.
And the beating of his heart. With each heartbeat there is more. The salt on his tongue. The twisting of his muscles. The pressure on his bones and joints. The burning skin - the raging thirst. The smell of his body. Muffled voices.
And the constant, sickening rising and falling.

TheMan BehindTheCurtain |

The transfer agent went to check the registry of ships that had arrived or left in the last day, then came back, smiling.
"Seems like you're in luck. The Jenivere docked earlier today, and she'll be in port until tomorrow evening. Her itinerary says bound for Eleder, Sargava, and the Mwangi Expanse. Sounds like a good match for you. Docking platform 94 is where you'll find her." With that, the transfer agent turned to the next person in line and began to help that person with finding a ship out of Ilizmagorti.

Varrick |

Varrick looks over a diagram of the dock and heads toward the Jeneviere. As he nears the ship he shouts from the dock, "Hello there, I am looking to speak with the captain. Oo, maybe not. Can't be sure. Let me rephrase, I am looking to speak with whomever is in charge of passengers."
He mutters to himself under his breath, "Good job, you have been here for less than a minute and have already begun offending people. Big foot meet bigger mouth."

TheMan BehindTheCurtain |

A large, burly man turns toward you, cutting his conversation with another man short. The man he was speaking with, apparently used to this, just turns and continues supervising the transport of several large barrels down to the hold.
"I'm Alizandru Kovack, captain of the Jenivere. If you're looking to book passage with us, I'm the one you're wanting to talk to. Where you headed?"

Varrick |

Varrick tipped his hat, "Hello Mr., I mean captain Kovack."
Seeing that he had interrupted a conversation, "Sorry for interrupting sir, I have been waiting for a ship heading toward the Mwangi Expanse and I heard that yours was. I am a competent healer and hard worker if the need be. I don't know if that is what you are looking for, or if I should just pay my way...in any case, I would like to come aboard."

TheMan BehindTheCurtain |

Kovack shakes his head, then reaches out and shakes your hand. "No worries about the interruption. Passengers are always a pleasure to take on board. Welcome aboard the good ship Jenivere. If you'll come below, we'll get you set up in a cabin and we'll discuss compensation for your passage.
Kovack leads you below to a reasonably sized cabin, gives you a few ground-rules for conduct, including a prohibition against visiting the area consisting of crew cabins and the brig and a request not to go down into the hold without being accompanied by a crew-member. Other than that, you can go where you like. Cook tends to serve dinner around 7PM.
Consider your cost of passage to be paid, so don't remove anything from your gear.

TheMan BehindTheCurtain |

The next evening, the Jenivere leaves Ilizmagorti. Among those who joined the ship's passenger complement are Sasha Nevah, a red-headed Human woman, Varrick, a Half-Orc who seems to smell of sulfur frequently, and, unknown to the crew, a Dwarf named z'Graggen. Two days out from Ilizmagorti, the ship is becalmed, and tensions among the crew are high. Feeling the pressure, but reluctant to acquiesce to it, Captain Kovack agrees that a tribute to Gozreh might help with their situation. He instructs Alton Devers, his first mate, to retrieve one of the barrels of fish that they'd picked up in Ilizmagorti that they might throw it to the sea in tribute to request better weather.
z'Graggen: You're jolted awake by the barrel you are in being suddenly tipped over and then rolled across what sounds like a wooden floor. Then the barrel is tipped up, and there's a gut-wrenching sensation as the barrel is hauled upward. Your barrel lands with a heavy slam on what also sounds like a wooden floor, and is again tipped over. You hear a man begin to intone a prayer, asking for strong winds to carry them forward.

z'Graggen the Free |

Consciousness comes to z'Graggen in a wave of discomfort and pain. Reeling from the bumps and rolls and hearing the babbling outside he realizes that some evil may be in store for him - He readies his muscles to push out of the barrel. He frantically punches the barrel's lid and tries to launch himself out - letting out a gagged yell - which sounds more like a shovel-full of gravel.

TheMan BehindTheCurtain |

zGraggen: As you spill out onto the deck in a rain of fish, you are blinded by sunlight. When your vision finally clears, you see the point of a rapier about six inches from your nose, and a Human in tan pants, a long, dark blue jacket, and a large blue tricorne hat standing behind it. All around you are other people, mostly Human. A little apart from the majority of them are a red-haired Human woman, a bookish sort of woman who gives the impression of rather being elsewhere a Gnome in fancy dress who appears fascinated, and a Half-Orc in a wide-brimmed hat and a long, stained coat. Most of the people around you are shocked at your appearance.
Varrick: Since the captain asked everybody to be present for the ceremony requesting more favorable conditions from Gozreh, you are on deck. Unconsciously, the three passengers are separate from the crew, who all stand behind Captain Kovack. Halfway through the ceremony, the barrel bursts open and a Dwarf tumbles out yelling, surrounded by and covered in fish. A soiled loincloth does an inadequate job of covering his genitals, and he has a battered tankard clutched in one hand. Most everybody seems shocked, although Captain Kovack reacts quickly by pulling out a rapier and pointing it at the Dwarf's face.
In a steely tone, Kovack demands of the Dwarf: "What are you doing on my ship, and what were you doing in that barrel?

z'Graggen the Free |

Doing his best to look like he's ingoring the rapier..the dwarf gestures to the ladies on board with his hand - all the while issuing his own steely glare right back at the ship's captain..
"I thought it a fine day for a cruise. So I said to meself...hey..why don't I just hop in a friggin' fish barrel today? Maybe I'll end up suntannin' me fine loins with those nice ladies on the deck o' that handsome ship there!"

Varrick |

Varrick smiles, it wouldn't have been his first choice of retorts but he likes the dwarf's swagger. Turning to the captain, "Not to be a prude, but is there any way we can have this discussion when he is wearing pants. I am betting this will all make more sense then and I for one would feel more comfortable."

TheMan BehindTheCurtain |

Captain Kovack manages to hold his stern expression for 5 entire seconds, and then he begins to chuckle. Then he bursts out laughing, and the rapier wavers. He leans back, and calls over his shoulder:
"Rambar. Get the Dwarf something to wear. He and I will be having a chat so we can figure out exactly what he was doing in a barrel of smelt and how he got here. And perhaps how he got that nasty mark there," he says with a flick of the rapier toward the brand. "Devers, shove this barrel overboard. Let the fish dine on it, if they can. I fear it wouldn't be well for us to poison the crew with essence of Dwarf-fish." A light breeze ruffles the sails at this comment, bringing with it a slight scent of flowers and salt. "Crew, to the rigging. It seems our good sea mistress has seen fit to let us sail on. Master Dwarf, if you could wait here, you and I shall talk once we are underway."
Captain Kovack heads to the upper deck, and a rather rotund man hands a rough tunic and pair of pants to the Dwarf, and the passengers are suddenly left to themselves while the crew busies themselves with the task of getting underway.

z'Graggen the Free |

"Aye aye. And thank you, Cap'n Whats-yer-Name. Me name's z'Graggen - just so you know. Be talkin' to ye."
The Dwarf takes the proferred clothing graciously, winks at the redhead and then sets about to find some water , apparently unaware that his loincloth has blown overboard with the fresh breeze.
"Blast it but I'm thirsty. Ye got some water for me, mate?"

TheMan BehindTheCurtain |

The redhead, unaccountably cheered by this display, chuckles and then laughs her way below decks. The rotund man grumbles, then heads below as well. He returns a few minutes later with a cup full of fresh water. The crew, meanwhile, are busily setting the ship to take advantage of the breeze while it lasted.

z'Graggen the Free |

z'Graggen looks up and down at the Half-Orc suspicously. Pauses for an uncomfortably long time before accepting the proffered hand with grumble. His handshake is firm and sincere - but it borders on sadistically firm - as if daring the big man to battle for the hardest handshake.
"It ain't a delightful tale. 'Tis a tale of woe and sufferin'. Not delightful at all. hmmmf. It'll take a while to tell it. But before I do...ye need to tell me where in flea-bitten hell we're sailin' to! Hey, an' ye got any food or ale for a thirsty dwarf?"

TheMan BehindTheCurtain |

After several days of voyaging, the Jenivere made it to the region known as the Shackles. She had several ports of call schedules there, and so she made for Ollo. After almost a week in port, during which negotiations were being conducted for transport of a large amount of supplies to Eleder, as well as a pick-up to be delivered on the return leg of the trip. After Ollo, the Jenivere made for Quent. Several days later, she arrived.
Sorry this is taking so long, people. I'll try to pick up the pace so we can get to the fun part. z'Graggen, assume that you've told Varrick your story and made a deal with the captain to do some temporary work as a crewman to pay your passage to Eleder. Aerys, at your discretion, you may describe your coming aboard ship.

Aerys Trajyon |

Aerys Trajyon climbed the wooden ramp leading onto the Jenivere’s deck with a certain trepidation, as if he were unused to boarding a vessel in so open and flagrant a manner. He paused as he stepped from the ramp, turning to take in his latest home for possibly the last time. He hesitated, as if for a second he might walk back down the ramp. No, it was time to leave Quent, free himself from The Shackles now, while he could.
Aerys slid his backpack from his shoulders, setting it on the deck next to him. He hooked one boot through the straps however – his years in Quent had taught him caution over all else.
A white, sinuous form pulled itself from the backpack to clamor up his worn leather breeches and shirt, and up to his shoulder with a scrabble of tiny claws. Aerys scratched the ferret behind one ear and frowned. “No, Nyx. It does NOT smell funny here,” he whispered solemnly. “That’s fresh air. You’ll get used to it.”
Aerys would then greet the captain, requesting passage to the Mwangi Expanse

TheMan BehindTheCurtain |

Aerys: A tall, broad-shouldered man comes over to you. "I'm Captain Kovack. Welcome aboard the Jenivere. Where are you bound, and what is that thing on your shoulder?"
Upon hearing that you're headed for the Mwangi Expanse, and that Nyx is a white ferret, Captain Kovack claps you on the shoulder. "Well, then you're on the right ship. We're headed in that direction. Have to say, I think it's the first time we've had one of those on board," he says with a gesture toward Nyx. "Come on below, lets get you set up with a cabin."
Don't worry about how well you think you write. Just write what you need to. We all have our own styles of doing things.
The next evening, the Jenivere leaves Quent, and moves on to Port Peril. She stays in port there for three days, during which a Half-Elf woman joins the passengers. The first thing that happens upon her setting foot on the ship is one of the crew-members propositioning her, offering to warm her bunk at night. She responds by decking him, then throwing him overboard. Nobody has messed with Aerys Mavato since then, and the captain has given the crew orders to stay out of her way. She seems content to stay in her cabin during the journey, however. And with that, the Jenivere leaves Port Peril and makes way for Bloodcove.
She makes port several days later, and begins offloading cargo and taking on new cargo, and new passengers. One who chooses to come aboard is a scruffy-looking Tian Human, who seems as if he wandered aboard for something to do. Keeping himself separate from the others without being rude, he gives an impression of having seen many things and having lost his purpose.
Alexi, Darius, if you'd like to board at Bloodcove, then you're up. Same deal. Describe what happens when you come aboard ship.

Alexi Blackbough |

Driven by vague memories and a burning need to finish what had been left undone, Alexi watched the ship, pondering how best to gain entrance. Alexi knew nothing of ships, but had gleaned from overheard conversations that that this one was headed to Sargava.
As Alexi pondered, a small flying lizard swooped down, nabbing and quickly swallowing a small multilegged insect.
"Nimrod!" ground out Alexi in a raspy voice, "How many times must I tell you?"
"No. Centipedes."
The swoop lizard cocked its head at Alexi as if confused, then obligingly spit out the centipede onto Alexi's already badly stained robes. The centipede quickly wriggled its way back into some hidden crevice in the robes.
THAT little display likely didn't win me any admirers, thought Alexi. I need to climb onto that ship before something else goes wrong.
The centipede crawled out the top of the filth-encrusted robes and chittered in the half-elf's ear. Finally finding a witch's memory that seemed somewhat helpful, Alexi croaked out the words of the previous speaker.
"Captain. This one requires transportation. Suitable compensation will be provided for adequate service."

Darius Pope |

It does not take long for word to reach the Witchlight that a ship has entered the harbor. Darius Pope leaves the inn and begins to make his way down Warehouse Row. He has to step aside time and again to make way for deckhands and dockworkers as they carry goods to and from Free Trade Square.
To say that he had enjoyed his stay in Bloodcove would not be a lie, but it would not be the truth either. Though he detests the corruption of the small city, he was happy to count his passing through as yet another learning experiance.
As he makes his way to the Jenivere, he is constantly shifting his pack, or shield. . .this pouch, that strap. The actions, done dozens upon dozens of times, no longer register. The weapons and equipment Darius carries, long ago, became a part of him and now he takes no more notice of them as he would a brushing a stray hair from his eyes.
One item, though small, is new. A thin piece of vine wrapped around the man's wrist draws his attention and, with it, a smile. His face stills bears that smile as he walks onto the deck of the Jenivere.
"Iomedae's blessing upon you all!" Darius' voice is loud, even for the deck of a working ship. He quickly scans the deck, a smile and a nod for any that meets his eye.

TheMan BehindTheCurtain |

Alexi: The first man to hear you isn't the captain, merely one of the crew. He looks you up and down, then turns and heads up the ramp to the ship. When he reaches the top, he turns to a tall man and says a few words to him. The man gestures back, and the crewman turns and points at you. He also makes a familiar gesture toward his nose. After the exchange, the crewman turns and begins helping to unload a net full of cargo, and the tall man walks down the ramp toward you. He stops several steps away.
"You looking for passage? Smithers there told me you were looking for a ship. How about you come aboard? The Jenivere is a good ship. My family have been doing the route from Magnimar to Sargava for a long time now, and the old girl has never failed us. Come aboard, and we'll get you set up with a cabin." He quickly walks away, looking back to check that you're following. After showing you to a cabin, he mentions when dinner will be and also mentions that dinner can be sent to your cabin if need be. He makes his escape as quickly as is polite.
Darius: As you call out, the crew stops working to see where the shouting is coming from. A moment later, a tall man scrambles out of the passage below decks, and sees that everybody is just standing around. "What are you all gawping at? Get back to work, or you'll be pulling oars instead of sailing on my ship." Everybody scrambles back to work quickly, although you can see one man shoot the tall man a glare from behind his back.
The tall man walks over to you. "Looking for a ship out of Bloodcove? The Jenivere will take you anywhere you need to go, provided where you're going is on the Magnimar-Eleder route." He chuckles at this, then straightens up. His eyes are at about the level of your lips. "Come with me. We'll get you squared away below, and you can put down all that hardware. Best hope we don't get caught in a storm with you dressed like that. You'll sink like a rock." He chuckles again, then leads you below to a small cabin.

TheMan BehindTheCurtain |

Several days after leaving Bloodcove, the Jenivere makes port at Senghor. They stop off there for a couple of days, during which the ship's cook makes a trip ashore to visit his family. His absence is marked by signs of relief among the crew, and more of them choose to join in the ships dinners for the nights that the cook is gone. As soon as he returns, though, ship's routine once again settles into place, and the Jenivere leaves Senghor. Each night, a couple of members of the crew join the near-dozen passengers in dining in the galley for dinner. None of them look happy to be there, but they put a brave face on when cook comes out with the evening's soup.
One night, about a week after leaving Senghor, the ship is making it's way into Desperation Bay. It is only a few days out from Eleder, and is decidedly within Sargavan waters now. The captain has opted to join the passengers this evening for dinner, explaining that he always does so for the last few nights of a voyage. All the passengers are present but one. Ieana, the captain explains, is feeling rather sick this evening, and so has stayed in bed in her cabin. All the other passengers are present, including yourselves. None of the ships crew are present, as they are guiding the Jenivere through a rising storm. Nothing too drastic, but enough that the captain has asked them to keep things steady up top.
When the cook comes out with dinner, it is a thick, rich soup heavily laced with herbs and spices. It is far better than anything the cook has served previously. The captain just takes it in stride, although he doesn't eat more than a bite or two of the soup. He drinks more wine than he eats, and partway through the meal he gets up, saying that he's going to go check on his crew. As you finish your meal, the waves start getting much rougher, pitching and rolling the deck beneath your feet.
If everybody could describe briefly what you do between finishing the meal and going to sleep, it would be most lovely.

Darius Pope |

Darius has spent most of the evening telling a tale of his encounter with the Kuta lion-riders in the Rechiend's Plains. When the story is through he, as has become his custom, blesses those still eating, and heads to his room.
After making his nightly prayers and oiling his sword and armor, Darius climbs into bed, and is quickly asleep.

Aerys Trajyon |

Aerys eats enough of the soup to be polite, but its heavy seasoning puts him off. He's seen enough cooks disquise the taste of food long past its prime in such a way. He listens raptly to the tales of the other travelers, hoping to hear some reference to the Mwangi Expanse and its jungles.
On most nights, Aerys spends the majority of the evening on deck, but the rising weather tonight puts an early end to that. He returns to his cabin until the creaking and swaying of the ship lulls him into a fitful sleep with Nyx curled up on his chest.

Torolf |
The soup is adequate, though I had expected more exotic fare from civilization, thought Alexi. I wonder how long we must camp on this nauseous vessel before arriving?
A roving eye took the opportunity to survey passengers and crew and noticed one, a dwarf who clutched a battered tankard, smelling faintly of fish, moving slowly and stiffly. A closer inspection showed a mass of wounds and scars barely hidden by an old tunic, and a curious brand on his upper arm.
Painful memories burst into Alexi's thoughts as a human female with a similar brand strode into her mind's eye. Alexi banished the memories instantly. The woman had nothing to do with this.
"Hold!" rasped out Alexi, "This one requires healing. Be still, son of stone, and have courage."
The flying lizard perched calmly on Alexi's shoulder as a sun-darkened arm stretched out to touch the dwarf's head. A centipede popped it's head out from under the sleeve, antenna twitching, as if to watch.

Aerys Trajyon |

Tried to edit my previous post, but it got eaten somehow.
Aerys would try to engage other passengers in conversation after dinner, doing some info gathering. Partially out of innate curiosity of his fellow travelers, partially in an attempt to find out more about their common destination, and why he might feel so drawn there.
1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6 Ha! show me the NPC that can resist a 6! O_o

Varrick |

Varrick eats his soup silently savoring it and mentally cataloging its likely contents. He watches Torolf heal the dwarf with silent bemusement.
"So what are everyone's plans? I myself am planning on beginning a small menagerie, mostly plants and small animals for study. Maybe setting up shop and selling a potion or two."

z'Graggen the Free |

z'Graggen spends his time resting and recuperating as he can, but for Dwarf accustomed to toil, R&R is more than just a time to sit on his rear doing nothing. Besides, its easier to combat the distraction of seasickness by keeping busy and staying on deck. He makes himself as useful as he can to the crew of the ship, remembering the lessons of his old mentor Prester Farnahm and his experiences with a rebel community in the jungle. Fresh air and honest work do a man good
When Alexi offers to heal him he recognizes the gesture for what it is - oblivous to the spellcaster's freakish appearance and behaviour. He gladly accepts any healing given.
"Thankee mate. Don't like the soup? Allow me." Holding out his tankard he waves it in the air, chanting a song to good health. Then he fills the cup with soup from his bowl and pours it back.
"Pour yer soup in here" he says "and any water you got. It's magic from a holy man - and a friend o' mine. You try. It's good for ye. "
In this way he purifies as much food and drink as he can for himself, Alexi and any other willing passengers nearby.
Not sure about the dwarf's health condition in terms of HP loss or gain/
"So what are everyone's plans? I myself am planning on beginning a small menagerie, mostly plants and small animals for study. Maybe setting up shop and selling a potion or two."
"Plans? My plan is I ain't got no plans! Seein' what happens. I got the world at me feet. Cheers!"

Aerys Trajyon |

Aerys gives z'Graggen a friendly nod and takes him up on his offer. "Thank you, friend. So much seasoning makes me wonder what mistakes the cook might be concealing."
He turns to the half-orc. "I envy you your clarity of purpose, friend Varrick. My own goals are rather more vague. I seek answers, or at least better questions than any I possess. I suppose exploration is my plan. At that, our paths might coincide as you search for your plants and animals."

Alexi Blackbough |

The dwarf's reaction had been unusual. Alexi had seen no evidence of courage, but rather something stranger and rarer still, a complete lack of fear. When z'Graggen offered to purfiy the food and drink of all present, Alexi accepted.
Something wondrous had happened here this night, something new. A small bond of trust had been established with the strange son of stone, and that alone might make the entire journey and all its attendant discomfort hardship worthwhile.
Alexi silently retired to meditate on this, and even lizard and vermin were completely still.

TheMan BehindTheCurtain |

As a side note, z'Graggen, a first-level Purify Food and Drink such as your tankard casts can purify up to 7.5 gallons of liquid, or as much food as you can cram into 1-cubic-foot, or some combination thereof. Thought you might like to know for future reference. As far as visible effects of the healing, it cures some of the most recent wounds and restores you to full hit points, assuming you had lost any from your back-story combat prior to entering the barrel or from dehydration/starvation while in the barrel.
Lets see a round of Fort saves, folks. In this instance, I'm not rolling for you.