GM_Jacob |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Good evening, Ladies and Gentlemen.
I’m a GM starting a SOLO play by post game.
Here’s why I’m trying a solo game: I’ve GM’ed and played a few play by post games now, and I think that it has great strengths and weaknesses. It is very conducive to storytelling, it is easy to start since you don’t need to have rules memorized, and the time commitment is more spread out. However, it is easy to lose players, or even GMs to random disappearances. Also, if one player is much slower to post than the others, combat can be very slow. Finally, character and plot development in general can be painfully slow. I think a nice solo game would alleviate some of those issues. Now, on to recruitment.
This isn’t like a normal recruitment thread where I post up the adventure premise and rules and accept submissions. Here’s the plan:
1. You write up a character. The cooler the better.
2. The adventures will be crafted according to your friends, foes, and goals.
3. That’s actually about it. Everything else will be worked out from there.
So, this is your chance to get your character some personal action. I really, really, don’t have any idea for an adventure on purpose so that I can tailor your adventures to your goals. My job is to make this fun for you. You can give your character whatever goals he wants within the boundaries.
When submitting characters, here is what I am looking for:
1. Class/profession
This is what you character does. His/her job, trade, livelihood, etc.
2. Rough outline/description
This is who your character is. His/her nature, soul, persona, etc. Here are a few criteria: No evil, no sociopaths, no perverts, no loners.
3. Rights and wrongs
These are the polarizing issues that you character cares about. What does he/she fight for? Against? Where does he/she draw the line on killing, lying, stealing, etc?
4. Backstory
We will be playing in Golarion. But, don't feel limited to just "regular" places. If you want to play underground, do it. If you want to play in the distant past, that could work, too. Keep in mind the rights, wrongs, friends, foes, and goals as you work on your character’s story. Try to give a decent rationale for most of them.
5. Friends and foes (and woes)
Two of each. Friends can be family, mentors, informants, patrons, etc. and foes can be family, rivals, authorities, traitors, etc.
BONUS! A woe – a problem afflicting the player serious to merit conflict with a foe – will make for a vastly more enjoyable roleplaying experience.
6. Goals
What does you character want to do? 3 Short goals, 1-2 medium, 1 long goal. Short goals are things that could potentially be completed in a standard session or two, medium goals would be more of an adventure scale, and long goals are crazy, over-the-top campaign scale goals.
7. Quirks and mannerisms
Easy. A one-sentence descriptor of temperament, a mannerism, and a role-playable (fluff) weakness.
8. Crunch
The character sheet. Level 1, 4d6k1 stats arranged as you wish, max HP first level, any core, base, or alternate class.
9. Starting equipment
You equipment will be extremely minimal to start. We’re talking a dirt cheap weapon and maybe some armor. No special gear or fancy weapons. Of course, items necessary to your class are available to you, although it could be interesting for a wizard to start without a spellbook… The idea is that your characters are talented, but un-established. The stats are high, the gear is low. That way, it’s exciting when you get your first good sword (or whatever).
Here’s an example character, that’s obviously lacking, but you get the idea:
1. Ranger (forest guide for travelers)
2. Roscoe is a hard-working man with a sharp mind. He likes to help folks with his physical talents and his intellectual ones. He is at home in the woods, and enjoys teaching his skills to others so that they might come to appreciate it, too. He is always collecting information about almost every subject, and is more than willing to spout off any number of helpful facts about a given subject.
3. Roscoe values learning and teaching. He has a respect for nature as a tool, not to be misused or ignored. He is passionate for justice and fairness. People should get what they deserve, good or bad. However, everyone should have the freedom to live his life in the way he sees fit as long as it does not harm others. Therefore, Roscoe hates corruption and slavery.
4. Roscoe was born somewhere, and he did some stuff with his brother. Later he got into a scuffle with the local bully, but he was assisted by Jethro, the smelly kid. When he first began his job as a toll collector, he ran afoul of the Rude Crew when he refused to let them pass with slaves in tow. In the ensuing fight, the Rude Crew got away, capturing Jethro. Unfortunately, now Roscoe has a price on his head in slaver circles.
He heard through the grapevine that a band of slavers was passing through bearing the Rude Crew symbol, so he’s going to see if he can gather any information on Jethro.
5. Brother – family
Jethro – ally
Bully – rival
Rude Crew – feuder – bounty on head
6. Short goals:
Get a better bow than the cheap shortbow I have now
Take down some Rude Crew
Find out which way Roscoe was taken
Medium goals:
Save Jethro
Close slave route through Andoran
Long goals:
Abolish slavery
7. Charismatic, always snacking, diabetic (gets really weak if he doesn’t eat often)
8. You know – a character sheet.
9. Dumpy shortbow (-1 damage), fur armor, 25gp, 3 trail rations, snacks
I will be interacting with folks who post solid character concepts to help further define or clarify their characters.
So, basically, this is your chance to play that character you really want to develop, or that doesn’t fit with a party, or that has some sort of terrible weakness. Since there will only be one player, I can really focus on you and your goals and development. I expect you to post once a day at the very, very least. If we both post regularly, this game can really move.
As a final remark, don’t be intimidated by the requirements, even if you are brand spanking new to roleplaying. Post with a good start, and I’ll help you grow. I really want this game to be about you, the player, so if there’s something I can do to help you enjoy this more, tell me. In fact, I'm probably a little partial to new players, so this is great chance to test the waters. If you decide you don't like it, I'm sure any of the other players that submitted would jump right in instead. I’ll be online for a few hours this evening if you have any question, and then I’ll be around every day.
I will accept submissions until Wednesday night at 11PM EST or until I receive 10 submissions. And remember: when in doubt, make it awesome.

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Hey Jacob, dotting for interest. It's going to take me a few days to write something up as I have some extensive characters. The character will be from my Vraie family, probably someone you currently aren't familiar with like Caelus (Tierce's Twin Brother) or Samara (Mother). Might even write up Talon

Russelletty McMullin |

This is where He will go!
I have tried so many times, and finally!
This is his home, his stead, his abode, where he belongs, this, I am sure!
GM Jacob, we have talked before, and this character, WILL fit, I will work through the fluff, crunch is done.
Here. Is. My. Basic. Submission.
Ok, Russel is a Tiny Cavalier Halfing.
Read through existing backround to get a basic idea of why, but that will change a little.
PS. I will post like 10 times a day, at the least.
EMOTIONS = Excitement
you may or may noy recall, but, I am the one you sent an appology message to, Tanis, wasn't sure if you recognized me...

GM_Jacob |

Alright, Russel, I've looked at your info, and here's what I see.
1. I'd like a little more detail. Where did Russel's adventures take place?
2. Can you tie your contacts and goals in to your backstory?
3. If would definitely help your chances if you tighten up your grammar. I'm not trying to be anal, but that's really a big deal in a text-based game like this.
In fact, this is a good time to announce You have to be able to write at least decently to be considered for this game.
Keep it up, Russel! You have a good start.

Marek ibn Sabbah |

Now, what's to prevent several individuals who are willing to comply to these guidelines from acting as a "party" in the same campaign?
I actually find the more challenging (please read annoying) thing about PbP is that there is no "vested interest" in the sense that the characters are usually put forth as not knowing each other... so they spend most of their time competing (one-up-manship) instead of cooperating.
If we weave 4-5 backgrounds together, and acknowledge a "given" that they are friends the intra-group dynamic should be OK. So long as we adhere to the minimum 1 post a day guideline, pace should be set as well.
That blasphemous nonsense having been put forth, I present...
Marek ibn Sabbah, as a concept.
His father, the Margrave Tarek of the Cerulean Marches was assassinated when Marek was only seven years old. The sadness weighed heavily on his mother Isabelle. Some say it made her visions stronger, some say it led her to not trust them, her most precious birth-right and gift as Oracle.
But, for years she and Marek's older brother Robert managed the affairs of the Cerulean Marches. But, Robert came into his own... made his own polital moves and friends. His mother lost favor.
This is what Marek remembers, along with the last vision she shared with him. It came as a prophecy or a riddle...
"Holy Diver
You've been down too long in the midnight sea
Oh what's becoming of me
Ride the tiger
You can see his stripes but you know he's clean
Oh don't you see what I mean
Gotta get away
Holy Diver
Shiny diamonds
Like the eyes of a cat in the black and blue
Something is coming for you
Race for the morning
You can hide in the sun 'till you see the light
Oh we will pray it's all right
Gotta get away-get away
Between the velvet lies
There's a truth that's hard as steel
The vision never dies
Life's a never ending wheel
Holy Diver
You're the star of the masquerade
No need to look so afraid
Jump on the tiger
You can feel his heart but you know he's mean
Some light can never be seen"
Marek did not understand. And Isabelle could not decipher it, save in one manner. "Run, Marek... Run as fast as you can, as far as you can. For me, Marek. I love you, my son... Now, run!"
And, grabbing whatever was at hand... Marek ran, as he heard marching feet coming down the hall. Not yet a man, he ran from everything he knew. He believed in his mother's vision.
And he had nightmares, cold and wet sleeping out of doors. The feeling of being watched. Of someone or something getting closer. Stalking him. And one day, as he washed his face at a stream, he saw his own reflection... and something was on his forehead, a mark.
No one else could see it.
Then there was that night on the docks years after leaving home, when they came for him. No one in particular, just bad men. Cruel men that had chosen them as their quarry. There was nowhere to run, so he hunkered down in the back of the dark alley... praying they'd not find him.
But, they did... and they tortured him by walking slowly into the darkness. And a strange thing happened. His fear slowly turned to anger and rage... But, it was not "his" nature.
The rage swelled and he felt that very familiar and unsettling feeling of being watched, followed... stalked. But, it was not "them". Yet, as they approached he screamed with his soul into the moonlit sky that barely lit the alley.
And, from above him came the most glorious thing he could imagine. For that is exactly where it came from after years of forming, his very imagination.
It had feline eyes, and a near ursine body... all black, with silvery teeth and claws with that same mark he'd seem upon his own brow on its forehead. That unmistakable sigil. Snarling as it circled for position and silent in it's strike, it was seconds until all the men were laid low.
And them the beast turned to come for him.
He remembered his mother's words then, as he slipped into oblivion.
"Shiny diamonds. Like the eyes of a cat in the black and blue. Something is coming for you..." He had never thought it was coming to save him.

GM_Jacob |

Marek, I actually considered doing the whole party bit, and I've tried a similar setup, which is working pretty well. I am all about having the characters share relationships beforehand, except when I'm doing an exploration style campaign. Anyway, nice writeup. Where are the Cerulean Marches in Golarion, exactly?

Marek ibn Sabbah |

Cerulean March are east of... J/K.
Totally, made up. Background was for a Skull and Shackles campaign recruitment. Created something that sounded like it bordered water, naval force, trade, etc... But, still on the edge of the realm/badlands.
I shamelessly use the Dio "Holy Diver" reference, because I'd always tried to imagine something similar when I heard the song... I know I'm dating myself.
Glad you liked the concept. It's rife with friends, mother (missing, thought to be dead)... enemies, brother (and cronies). Wanting to find him mother, secure her well-being, return home and claim their rightful place thereby protecting and benefiting the people of the Cerulean Marches (their right and duty) regardless of current political situation.
Because it was a Skull and Shackles game, I envisioned him becoming/befirending a pirate captain/force. And, harrying the forces of his brother. Later having negotiated agreements with surrounding and remote "powers" returning home peacefully, but backed by military superiority.
If his charisma/intelligence are higher than his brother's (he's being used as a figurehead by a shadow cabinet)... Maybe the natives/locals will rise in his favor and the return of their beloved queen, as well.
ibn Sabbah (arabic) means Son of the Dawn.

E-Terah Deepheavy |

E-Terah Deepheavy F Dwarf Oracle (stone) 1
CG Med humanoid (dwarf)
Init: +0 Senses: Darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +1 Defense: AC: 13, touch 10, flat-footed 13 (+2 armor, +1 shield) (+4 dodge vs. Giants) (+2 deflection with Shield of Faith) hp: 9 (1d8+1) (assuming you use favored class bonus here) Fort: +0 (+2 vs. poison, spells, spell-like abilities) Ref: +0 (+2 vs. spells, spell-like abilities) Will: +3 (+2 vs. spells, spell-like abilities) Offense: Speed: 20 ft. Melee: Dwarven maulaxe +0 (1d6/x3) Ranged: Sling +0 (1d4) Ranged: Dwarven maulaxe +0 (1d6/x3) Special Attacks: shard explosion 1/day, touch of acid 5/day Spell-like Abilities (CL 1st, Concentration +3) 1/day: Pick which orison; but first pick which feat Oracle Spells Known (CL 1st, Concentration +3) 1st (4/day): Cure Light Wounds, Doom (DC 13), Shield of Faith Orisons (at will): Create Water, Detect Magic, Guidance, Mending, Read Magic, Stabilize
Statistics: Str: 10; Dex: 11; Con: 11; Int: 15; Wis: 12; Cha: 15 BAB: +0; CMB: +0; CMD: 10 (14 vs. bull-rush or trip)
Traits: Ease of Faith, Magical Talent (Mending)
Feats: Extra Revelation OR Extra Orisons
Skills: Diplomacy +6 (1 rank, +2 Cha, +3 class, +1 trait) Knowledge (religion) +5 (1 rank, +2 Int, +3 class) Sense Motive +4 (1 rank, +1 Wis, +3 class) Spellcraft +5 (1 rank, +2 Int, +3 class)
Languages: Common, Dwarven, Terran,Goblin,Undercommon
Special Abilities: oracles curse (tongues)

Shanosuke |

Got something in mind, I'm going to roll for stats.
4d6 ⇒ (6, 3, 3, 4) = 16
4d6 ⇒ (1, 6, 1, 2) = 10
4d6 ⇒ (6, 1, 4, 2) = 13
4d6 ⇒ (2, 1, 6, 4) = 13
4d6 ⇒ (6, 6, 6, 4) = 22
4d6 ⇒ (1, 5, 6, 4) = 16
Lessee 13,9, 12, 12, 18, and 15
I can work with that.
What I have is a Renegade knight from Magnimar who is seeking fortune to carve out his own place in the world and take back his lost honor. I'll write up more in a bit.

wolfman1911 |

@wolfman - Just so you know, I won't pick a tiefling. I don't much care for them.
I'm not surprised. Maybe it's for the best, it sure would have been hard to play a Tiefling as a Chaotic Good Liberation Inquisitor of Desna, especially when I was drawing inspiration from Denzel Washington's character on Man on Fire. . .
A half elf will be able to pull off the requisite angst just as well without being so over the top.

Shanosuke |

Okay it took me awhile to get all this together but I REALLY got into it. neat character but I leave judgement to you. Let me know if there are any issues.
Germon Falleyas was born to a noble family in the country of Magnimar. Germon was a bright and charismatic young man and spent most of his life training in war and leadership. His brother Eden Falleyas was only a year older than he and they were the best of friends inspite of their difference in vocation. Germon was destined to be a general and Edan was destined to be a great wizard. However the two boys often dreamed of facing the enemies of their nation together.
Things changed one day when Germon met a drow female working as a healer within the darker parts of the city. It was an oddity for a drow to be “compassionate” towards others, even to the point of extending healing to those in need. Germon was only eight and was exploring the unique reaches of the Magnimar capital when he stumbled into the darker parts of the city. There he was mortally wounded by a rabid dog and had stumbled upon the drow Healers hut. Suspanna was an outcast of drow society. She and her daughter had renounced the drow gods and were exiled as a result. Her daughter, Xayla was a skill ranger who would often collect the ingredients and supplies her mother required. The two lived down in these dark reaches hiding from the government as well as their own kind.
The two had saved Germon and cured him of all his ails. Germon stayed with them for a bit. He had never heard of or had seen drow before and was interested in hearing more about these people. As Germon grew he visited them frequently. They had informed him of all details of the society. They even taught him the language as well as their secret sign language. Germon grew quite fond of the two as he got older and drew inspiration. The only thing that bothered Germon was that drow of this kind, had no place where they were easily accepted. Both their home and other lands often saw them as dark, evil, and untrustworthy creatures to be shunned, feared, and in many cases, killed.
Years went by and Germon had grown into a strong and valiant young warrior. His brother had become a talented wizard. The two had finally been aside to aid one another as they patrolled the lands of Magnimar. Germon continued to meet with the two drow and share his aspirations for the future. Germon had become quite the idealist and constantly pushed for change whenever he saw oppression. Even in its slightest amounts. Germon wanted a world where people’s suffering wasn’t the cause of social stigma or governmental control. This was what he had hoped to achieve and to a degree, his ideals were starting to get across to some folks.
One day things changed. A noble caravan was destroyed by a drow raiding party. The nobles first born was among those counted dead. The noble was a rival to house Falleyas name Sir Raphael Yarward. House Yarward was a strong noble family of great knights and generals. Yarward had three sons, his eldest, the late Ganzel Yarward was a lieutenant in the army, his second was Brandal Yarward captain of the royal guard, and the third was a respectable watchman named Christian Yarward. Raphael was outraged at the death of his eldest son that he purposed a crusade to fight the drow. It took a bit of pushing and in the end the ruling party was hesitant. Raphael did the only thing he could. Put out a bounty on drow. It took some effort but another two drow raids later, the motion got approved.
That is when one of the patients of Suspanna turned on her. The man was poor and desperate and he told Sir Raphael about the clinic run by drow. Raphael took a contingent down and stormed the clinic. Suspanna held off the knights while her daughter escaped. Suspanna was captured and brought before Raphael. However, the peasant whole told him about the clinic also said there were two drow. Raphael had accused Suspanna and her daughters as being spies. Telling the other drow raiders when important caravans were to set out from town and what their guard was like. Of course the court didn’t listen to the drow. The attacks were growing frequent and there was no other feasible reason for a drow to be on the surface. The court ruled her guilty and sentenced her to death.
Germon caught wind of the trials too late to be of much use. He had only told his brother about the drow and no one else. Germon grieved for the loss of his friends. It was not long after that when one night, Xayla showed up at Germon’s window. She had come seeking a place to hide and plan her escape from the city. Germon agreed. Xayla stayed with Germon for a couple of weeks and only Edan, Germon’s brother, was made aware of her.
Things went south again. One of the house servants discovered the drow female in the house and freaked out. Out of instinct, Xayla lashed out and killed the servant. Xayla still struggled with her nature and was appalled by what she had done. She fled the house into the streets but the commotion she caused brought the city guard down on her. However, at this time, Germon and his brother were on their way back when they saw the guard attacking Xayla. Germon instinctively drew his sword and leaped to her aid. In the frey, Germon forgot his place and cut down a member of the city watch. Suddenly Germon realized the severity of the situation. The watchman was the youngest son of the Yarward family, Christian. Now things were worse than imaginable. There was no choice but to flee the city.
Germon had to flee and without proper provisions. In spite of what transpired, Germon’s brother would not leave his side. The two men grabbed Xayla, and ran. They ran and ran until they lost their pursuers. Germon knew house Yarward and the spiteful head of the family. He knew the hunt would never end for revenge. The only way to solve the issue would be to make himself untouchable. It was time for Germon to start a new. It would be a long hard journey but Germon was determined to see it through and see a place where he and his brother could make things right.
Now for the specifics:
Germon is a cavalier of the order of the shield. It is his firm belief to protect all regardless of their stance in society. His last known job was acting as a lieutenant in the army but now he is a renegade and other than his skills, he has no assured method of supporting himself. Time to find a new job.
Germon is a kind hearted and inspiring boy who just wants a place where people can be at peace. He aims to create this and preserve it once it is built. Germon has great people skills and cares for others a lot . He is intelligent and inspiring. He is very open minded and often skeptical of hearsay. This may be considered a strong suit but he suffers from naivety. This is one thing he did not learn growing up. He always likes to assume the best out of people and never wants to assume the worst. The whole reaction to the drow raids came as a shock to him. He is now a bit more aware that people need to be trusted less. This lack of understanding is Germon’s biggest weakness. Will he overcome it? We’ll have to see.
Germon is a goody-two shoes. His main enemy at this point is oppression of any form. Those who take advantage of others or judge others wrongly based on race, status, selflessness, or simply because they can are wrong. Germon won’t kill a foe who has surrendered. Germon is usually quite honest and often only tells lies to protect others. His view on stealing can go so far as not even taking gear off of a corpse. Honest work for honest pay. Treasure hunting is different though. Usually if Germon takes something from someone else, it would either be for the sake of survival for himself or others, to return to its rightful owner, or if he finds something of sentimental value, he would return it to the next of kin.
Germon has a few people who looked up to him back home. Most noteably would be his combat instructor. He is a man that Germon could talk to about anything, save for the drow in the city. That man also had a critical view on the kingdom as well. However, after what Germon did, murdering a noble, and fleeing the city with a fugitive, it is not likely Germon has any friends at all. If anything, Germon has made enemies of the entire land of Magnimar. Germon is likely to be labeled as a traitor and deserter. Not to mentioned the vengeful Sir Raphael Yarward. This man was reviled to be ruthless and a bit obsessive and not only did Germon kill one of his sons, but he was with a drow. In Raphael’s mind, every drow must die for the death of his eldest. So if Germon wasn’t hunted for being a deserter and a murderer, he would be hunted out of shear spite for what transpired. Germon’s family weren’t the loving kind, they cared more for their face in society and would likely disown Germon and his brother, even join in the hunt to clear their names.
Right now, Germon’s only friends are his brother Edan Falleyas, and the drow castout orphan Xayla. At this point, all three were in the same boat and now they needed to rely on each other to survive.
Three short ones:
1. Germon must find a safe place to reside
2. Finding work, anything, but some form of income for the time being
3. When ready, Germon will want to find an adventure to bring him fame and fortune to start on.
Medium Goals:
1. To earn fame and to regain his lost nobility
2. To rally like minded individuals seeking to make a better place for all
Long term goal: To raise a flag and begin a new nation fir him and those who seek peace of mind at home. He kind of wants to be king of his own land. A benevolent chap.
Germon has a habit of being a naïve dreamer. He talks big and foolishly sometimes. Only difference is that he has people believing he can pull it off. However, his major weakness is how little he got out from a life of being pampered and blind to the true hardships of life. He’s prone to do stupid things not completely understanding the term “Consequences” Hopefully he’ll learn before it gets him killed. That’s what Xayla’s there for. To keep our boy in line and from doing stupid things.
Male Human Cavalier 1
CG Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +2; Senses Perception -1
AC 18, touch 12, flat-footed 16 (+6 armor, +2 Dex)
hp 11 (1d10+1)
Fort +3, Ref +2, Will -1
Spd 20 ft.
Melee Gauntlet (from Armor) +5 (1d3+4/20/x2) and
Sword, Bastard +6 (1d10+4/19-20/x2) and
Unarmed Strike +5 (1d3+4/20/x2)
Special Attacks Shield's Challenge +1/+1 (1/day)
Str 18, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 9, Cha 15
Base Atk +1; CMB +5; CMD 17
Feats Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Sword, Bastard, Precise Strike, Weapon Focus: Sword, Bastard
Traits Armor Expert, Natural-Born Leader
Skills Acrobatics -2, Diplomacy +6, Escape Artist -2, Fly -2, Handle Animal +6, Heal +3, Linguistics +2, Perform (Oratory) +3, Stealth -2, Swim +0 Modifiers +4 Ride while riding your bonded mount., Shield's Skills
Languages Common, Drow Sign Language, Undercommon
SQ Animal Companion Link (Ex), Tactician (Precise Strike) 3r (1/day) (Ex)
Combat Gear Chainmail, Sword, Bastard;
+4 Ride while riding your bonded mount. (Ex) Cancel your armor check penalty of -4 while riding your mount.
Animal Companion Link (Ex) You have a link with your Animal Companion.
Armor Expert -1 Armor check penalty.
Natural-Born Leader Your cohorts, followers, and summoned creatures gain +1 vs. Mind-affecting effects, +1 Leadership score if you have the Leadership feat.
Precise Strike +1d6 precision damage for melee attacks if you and an ally with this feat flank the same target.
Shield's Challenge +1/+1 (1/day) (Ex) +1 to damage target, -2 AC vs. others when used, +1 to hit your target if the target attacked someone other than you.
Shield's Skills +1 (Ex) +1 to Heal checks for others.
Tactician (Precise Strike) 3r (1/day) (Ex) Grant the use of your Tactical feats to your allies within 30'.
Germon ran off in a hurry, He didn’t have much on him when he fled either. He wore standard issue Chainmail and did have a sword. When he killed the guard he had dropped his shield. Retrieving only his favored bastard sword, Germon fled on his steed.
In all, He and his brother have NO MONEY, they each have a horse, Edan’s is a simple light horse. Germon only has a waterskin, a bastard sword, and chainmail. NO survival gear of any kind. The only well equipped member of the party would be Xayla and she doesn’t have much to share.

GM_Jacob |

@E-Terah and Marek - If you can get your submissions up to meet the requirements, that would be great.
@Shanosuke - That's what I'm talking about! Great story, good details, lots of hooks - this is a quality character. If you're the one, we'll have some more work to do on things like your companions' personality and stuff. You're on the good side of the list.
Current Complete Submissions
Russelletty - Tanis
Caelus - Tierce
Germon - Sanosuke
If anyone else is looking for tips:
I LOVE Golarion. Call me a fanboi, but it's just great. Some of my favorites are the Darklands, Irrisen, Belkzen and Lastwall, the Mana Wastes, and Numeria.
I like big adventures with lots of exploration and secrets and mythology to reveal.
I don't like Tieflings.
I don't like exclusively urban adventures.

Marek ibn Sabbah |

How do we roll, how many times are we allowed to roll? I've never done that here, on this board.
Summoner/Sailor (landing party leader)
2. Rough outline/description
Noble on the run, "exiled". NG, revering Life, Freedom, Beauty in that order.
3. Rights and wrongs
Fights oppression, disdains deceit and disgusted by brutality. Defends children, women and the common folk. Sometimes, the ends justify the means. Willing to be the anti-hero.
4. Backstory
His father, the Margrave Tarek of the Cerulean Marches was assassinated when Marek was only seven years old. The sadness weighed heavily on his mother Isabelle. Some say it made her visions stronger, some say it led her to not trust them, her most precious birth-right and gift as Oracle.
But, for years she and Marek's older brother Robert managed the affairs of the Cerulean Marches. But, Robert came into his own... made his own polital moves and friends. His mother lost favor.
This is what Marek remembers, along with the last vision she shared with him. It came as a prophecy or a riddle...
Marek did not understand. And Isabelle could not decipher it, save in one manner. "Run, Marek... Run as fast as you can, as far as you can. For me, Marek. I love you, my son... Now, run!"
And, grabbing whatever was at hand... Marek ran, as he heard marching feet coming down the hall. Not yet a man, he ran from everything he knew. He believed in his mother's vision.
And he had nightmares, cold and wet sleeping out of doors. The feeling of being watched. Of someone or something getting closer. Stalking him. And one day, as he washed his face at a stream, he saw his own reflection... and something was on his forehead, a mark.
No one else could see it.
Then there was that night on the docks years after leaving home, when they came for him. No one in particular, just bad men. Cruel men that had chosen them as their quarry. There was nowhere to run, so he hunkered down in the back of the dark alley... praying they'd not find him.
But, they did... and they tortured him by walking slowly into the darkness. And a strange thing happened. His fear slowly turned to anger and rage... But, it was not "his" nature.
The rage swelled and he felt that very familiar and unsettling feeling of being watched, followed... stalked. But, it was not "them". Yet, as they approached he screamed with his soul into the moonlit sky that barely lit the alley.
And, from above him came the most glorious thing he could imagine. For that is exactly where it came from after years of forming, his very imagination.
It had feline eyes, and a near ursine body... all black, with silvery teeth and claws with that same mark he'd seem upon his own brow on its forehead. That unmistakable sigil. Snarling as it circled for position and silent in it's strike, it was seconds until all the men were laid low.
And them the beast turned to come for him.
He remembered his mother's words then, as he slipped into oblivion.
"Shiny diamonds. Like the eyes of a cat in the black and blue. Something is coming for you..." He had never thought it was coming to save him.
5. Friends and foes (and woes)
Friends - Isabelle (mother), Tosun (pirate captain, fortune hunter)
Foes - Robert (brother), Vizier Assad (Robert's advisor, manipulator) Two of each. Friends can be family, mentors, informants, patrons, etc. and foes can be family, rivals, authorities, traitors, etc.
Woes - Mother (missing, thought to be dead), brother (and cronies). Wanting to find him mother, secure her well-being, return home and claim their rightful place thereby protecting and benefiting the people of the Cerulean Marches (their right and duty) regardless of current political situation.
Returning home and harrying the forces of his brother. Negotiating agreements with surrounding and remote "powers" returning home peacefully, but backed by military superiority. Maybe the incite natives/locals to rise in his favor and the return of their beloved queen.
6. Goals
Short goals - 1) Personal improvement, increased prowess 2) raise money 3) find benefactors
Medium goals - 1) discover disposition of mother 2) navigate political arena, secure treaties/agreements
Long goal - 1) the prodigal son returns, re-establishing his mother as queen and aiding/freeing his people
7. Quirks and mannerisms
Easy going, prefers parley to force though he will threaten violence. Cares for children, will not allow them to be hurt disgusted by any form of their abuse.
8. Crunch
The character sheet. Level 1, 4d6k1 stats arranged as you wish, max HP first level, any core, base, or alternate class.
9. Starting equipment
Lt. Crossbow, 20 bolts, shortspear, dagger, studded leather, 3 days rations, backpack, waterskin, simple clothing.

Marek ibn Sabbah |

Like this?
1d6 + 1d6 + 1d6 + 1d6 ⇒ (6) + (1) + (2) + (1) = 10
1d6 + 1d6 + 1d6 + 1d6 ⇒ (1) + (1) + (6) + (5) = 13
1d6 + 1d6 + 1d6 + 1d6 ⇒ (5) + (5) + (4) + (2) = 16
1d6 + 1d6 + 1d6 + 1d6 ⇒ (3) + (4) + (5) + (6) = 18
1d6 + 1d6 + 1d6 + 1d6 ⇒ (3) + (4) + (6) + (6) = 19
1d6 + 1d6 + 1d6 + 1d6 ⇒ (1) + (3) + (5) + (6) = 15

Shanosuke |

Thank you. I love epic writing. Honestly I had a hard time trying to keep it brief but I wanted to get the important stuff out there. I hope I get picked. I have run a lot of players in Solo games. So I have some experience with how fun they can be.
Is my submission good or is there anything else you need?

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Hello GM Jacob,
I don't know if you are still looking at people and characters but if you are i would be interested in your idea of a Solo campaign. It sounds interesting. I have tried to play in an online campaign before, but the GM evaporated after the first couple of days. We were doing "tower of the last baron"
Anyways here is a character idea. I know an Elven Magus (fighter mage) isn't the most origional of character concepts. I got the Idea for this character while watching a special on Pompeii, and seeing all those plaster casts, of all of those poor people who were burried in the ash. I was also fond of the 90s TV show "highlander" and how these characters would have a unique perception that streatched over time.
Anyways enjoy
1. Class/profession
This is what you character does. His/her job, trade, livelihood, etc.
Mithos, when not serving as a soldier, is an artist. He is a dancer and a sculptor. He dances the dance of steel, and sculpts magic into spells, He also sculpts stone into statues, and crystal into gems.
2. Rough outline/description
This is who your character is. His/her nature, soul, persona, etc. Here are a few criteria: No evil, no sociopaths, no perverts, no loners.
Mithos serves his queen, and his nation. Her serves to protect those of his people who cant protect themselves. When not serving, he finds finds his balance by practicing his sword Katas, studying his arcane spells. He finds his peace by uncovering the beauty that lies in stone. He listens to the music his chisel makes as he is carving his statues.
3. Rights and wrongs These are the polarizing issues that you character cares about. What does he/she fight for? Against? Where does he/she draw the line on killing, lying, stealing, etc?
He fights to protect his homeland of Kyonin from the chaotic and destructive forces that would sweep his homeland away. He does not want to loose it again
4. Backstory
We will be playing in Golarion. But, don't feel limited to just "regular" places. If you want to play underground, do it. If you want to play in the distant past, that could work, too. Keep in mind the rights, wrongs, friends, foes, and goals as you work on your character’s story. Try to give a decent rationale for most of them.
Mithos was born tens of thousands of years ago. He lived in Koynin during the time of Earth fall. He was a Lieutenant in the guard. His squad was guarding an elf gate while civilians were evacuating. A Medusae tried to get through the elf gate. In the ensuing battle, the medusae used her gazel to turn Mithos into stone. Then Earth fall struck. The medusae was killed, and Mithos, or his petrified self and the elf gate were buried in volcanic ash, which later turned into Basalt, or volcanic stone. Mithos’s stone form survived some ten thousand years. The elves returned to Koynin. And eventually an elven archeological team excavated the elf gate. They also found Mithos. A wizard recognized that he was a petrified elf, and he was turned back to the flesh. He has taken a vacation from his post as a guard and joined the pathfinders; He wants to see the world as it is now.
5. Friends and foes (and woes) Two of each. Friends can be family, mentors, informants, patrons, etc. and foes can be family, rivals, authorities, traitors, etc. BONUS! A woe – a problem afflicting the player serious to merit conflict with a foe – will make for a vastly more enjoyable roleplaying experience.
Mithos comes from a large elvish family. He is one of three children.
Father Gilthalion Celebris a poet and muscisian (bard)
Mother Anara Celebris a Dueling instructor ( Fighter)
Sister Lirasel Celebris Oracle
Brother: Celendir Celebirs a sorcerer
First love: Calaril
Mentor: Finoliel (Magus)
His mother Anara, brother Celendir, and mentor Finoliel perished during Earthfall, While, his father Gilthalion and sister Lirasel were able to retreat from Kyonin to Sovyrian, they have long since passed away.
Since his revival, he was the subject of great interest to the archeologists who were thrilled to have an eye witness to elven life before earthfall.
At the moment his closest friend is a Anaril, a forlorn elf who was working on the Archeological expedition that dug him up. Just as he has lost everyone he loved by “outliving” them, Anaril outlived her human family.
At the moment, the closest thing he has to a “foe” is Gelemthir, the elven Archeologist wizard who “rescued” Mithos by transmuting his petrified form from stone to flesh. Mithos is worried if he may have to pay off this dept by doing something dishonorable. Mithos feels that Gelemthir is treating like a “bug” under the glass.
Possible foe: Maybe the Medusae that turned him into stone, somehow survived.
Maybe his brother the sorcere or sister the oracle became a litch.....
Mitho’s reveries “meditation” while sleeping, often drift from the past to the present to the past again. Sometimes he has trouble telling the past from the present. Back before Earthfall, he was perhaps a 10 level magus. Over the 10,000 years his skills have atrophied. Now he is a 1 level Magus. He has forgotten almost everything he has learned. He feels that there are holes in his memory, ( there are) and he knows he should know much more then he currently does.
Perhaps as he adventures and “accumulates” exp” He will remember all of the sword Katas, spells, and sculpting skills he forgot during his long suspended animation while petrified.
6. Goals
What does you character want to do? 3 Short goals, 1-2 medium, 1 long goal. Short goals are things that could potentially be completed in a standard session or two, medium goals would be more of an adventure scale, and long goals are crazy, over-the-top campaign scale goals.
Short term goals: 1) regain a sword and a spell book, 2) figure out what has happened to him 3) get back in the “swing” of things, ie practicing his sword katas, practicing his magic spells, and to begin sculpting again.
Medium goals 1) Join the Pathfinder Society 2) See how the world has changed since he last walked the world.
Long term goal: After having lost everything, in his heart, he wants to find a place he feels at home, a place where he feels he belongs, and he wants to find love.
7. Quirks and mannerisms Easy. A one-sentence descriptor of temperament, a mannerism, and a role-playable (fluff) weakness.
Mithos is someone who is “displaced” in time. His speech is full of Thees thous and thines…..He is sometimes baffled by “modern” life.
8. Crunch The character sheet. Level 1, 4d6k1 stats arranged as you wish, max HP first level, any core, base, or alternate class.
Class: Magus
Str 14
Dex 16
Con 12
Int 16
Wis 12
Cha 11
Saves: FT: 3 RF: 3 WL: 3
Skills: Craft: Sculpting +7, Knowledge Arcana: +7, Knowledge: Dungeoneering +7, Knowledge: the planes +7, Spellcraft +7
Languages: Common, Elvish, Azlanti, Thassilonian, Jiskan, Ancinet Osirion,
(Mithos speaks these ancient languages, not because he is a scholar of ancient languages, but because those were the languages spoken when he was alive before earthfall)
Traits: Focused mind +2 trait bonus to Concentraition checks
Kyonin Gatekeeper (Kyonin): You helped maintain the elf gates and are familiar with the operation of teleportation magic. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Spellcraft checks to identify teleportation magic and a +1 trait bonus to caster level checks when casting teleportation spells. You know the proper commands to operate a particular elf gate (most likely an often used elf gate, but at the GM’s discretion it may be a less popular or out-of-the-way elf gate).
Pathfinder Companion: Elves of Golarion. Page 15
Feats: Combat Casting
0) Mage hand, Detect magic, Read Magic
1) Color spray, Infernal Healing (or shocking grasp)
Invernal Healing
School conjuration (healing) [evil]; Level cleric 1, magus 1, sorcerer/wizard 1, summoner 1, witch 1
casting Time 1 round components V, S, M (1 drop of devil blood or 1 dose of
unholy water) Range touch Target creature touched Duration 1 minute Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance yes
(harmless) You anoint a wounded creature with devil’s blood or unholy water, giving it fast healing 1. This ability cannot repair damage caused by silver weapons, good-aligned weapons, or spells or effects with the good descriptor. The target detects as an evil creature for the duration of the spell and can sense the evil of the magic, though this has no long-term effect on the target’s alignment.
Page 295 Inner Sea World guide. I would prefer to if this spell is lallowed to have it perhaps “Fey” instead of “infernal” healing. I just picked it because it is the only healing spells for an arcane caster
9. Starting equipment You equipment will be extremely minimal to start. We’re talking a dirt cheap weapon and maybe some armor. No special gear or fancy weapons. Of course, items necessary to your class are available to you, although it could be interesting for a wizard to start without a spellbook… The idea is that your characters are talented, but un-established. The stats are high, the gear is low. That way, it’s exciting when you get your first good sword (or whatever).
Perhaps this might be the gear found on Mithos just after he was turned from stone to flesh
Gear: Bastard Sword ( broken?) Composite Long Bow (Broken)
Short Sword, 2 Daggers, Chain Shirt, Spell Component Pouch
Backpack, Bedroll, Candle x2, chalk 1 piece, torch, explorer’s outfit, fishhook x2, Fling and steel, Hammer, Mug clay, Piton x4, belt pouch, Rations trail 7 days, rope 50’, sewing needle, soap bar, thread 50”, string 50”, Whistle signal,
Possilby missing
Spellbook 0) Cantrips all, 1) Color Spray, Infernal healing (or shocking grasp), Burning hands, Grease, True Strike
(there are possibly many more spells in Mitho’s spell book that he no longer remembers how to decypher. Perhaps as he gains levels he will “remember” how to decypher more spells.)
Anyways this is just an idea for a N elven Magus character. I am sure you are going to get lots of interesting character ideas. I hope you enjoy this character idea. Please let me know what you do and don't like, and where you think I can improve things.

EvilMinion |
hey Jacob, I have an idea for a (very non-optimized) character I'd wanted to play for some time... (basically an old man polearm fighter)... but the character backstory more or less requires a specialized piece of starting equipment... which kinda goes against your rule 9.
What sort of leeway do we have there? (premise being a LG character walking around and openly using a detectably CE weapon (a ritual/sacrificial/unholy symbol of sorts) and all the grief that falls off of that, as the only weapon he will use.

duckinadungeon |

Dolgan Mulakar
*You might want to jump right to the backstory first, everything else about him makes more sense if you read that first.*
Dolgan Mulakar is a Deep Walker Ranger. He is a hunter gatherer out of necessity. He works with his family to gather food and basic resources.
Dolgan is a thoughtful and intelligent Dwarf who longs for a better existence. He lives an animalistic existence, but has an unquenchable thirst for developing new skills and knowledge through exploration. His upbringing has seriously stunted his capacity for social interaction, but he has a kind heart under his rough exterior.
If he were raised in a more advanced society he would likely be a scientist or pioneer. His lofty ambitions make him quietly resentful of his peers and family who are content to stagnate or even deteriorate.
His idealistic nature and self-reliance make him an outsider, but his family is all he knows and he bears with them as best he can. He would eagerly seek companionship with others who shared his sensibilities and help those who are in need.
As all members of his race, Dolgan has a deep and undying hatred for Orcs and goblins. He cares deeply about his family and friends, and holds loyalty above all else.
He has never had to kill if it wasn't necessary for survival. However, his existence surrounds him with peril and threatened starvation. Creatures, be they food or foe, die at his hands every day.
Lying and stealing are below Dolgan, but given the choice between life and death, he would do anything he could to survive.
Funny enough, I thought up this backstory before I read these lines: "If you want to play underground, do it. If you want to play in the distant past, that could work, too."
Dolgan has grown up in a family that stayed behind during the Dwarven Quest For Sky out of extreme stubbornness. The Quest has been ongoing for 100 years, and the society that remains in the abandoned cities and forges of deep Nar-Voth is becoming ever more base and vile.
Anarchy reigns as the righteous, intelligent, and industrious members of society have left. Entire cities were dismantled and abandoned as the Quest for Sky progressed, those that remained fell into rapid decline.
First there was looting and raiding by bands of evil Dwarves with ambitions of consolidating wealth and power. This drove many more to flee and follow the Quest and aid in the effort, though reluctant to leave their homes.
Then food became scarce as agriculture and industry screeched to a halt. Those that raided and kept slaves tipped the scales of power and controlled much of the food supply.
Game became more dangerous as animals and creatures of the depths has less competition for resources and space. Hideous and monstrous beings not seen before came out from the shadows and added to the terrors of the deep.
Dolgan's family and extended family hunt anything they can possibly stomach, gather edible mushrooms and molds, and avoid packs of raiders and slavers. Their existence is brutal, savage, and despite a great camaraderie, is often very lonely.
Dolgan's family rely heavily on him as many of the group, about 30 in all, are aging, have sustained injuries, or fighting illness. Dolgan is coming into his own as a fighter and a survivalist.
Dolgan's pleas to his family to join the Quest for Sky are met with bitter contempt and a steadfast clinging to their homeland and traditions.
1. His younger brother and stalwart companion Mekla Mulakar has been by his side since Dolgan was 20. Mekla is much more charismatic and droll that Dolgan, but does not share Dolgan's contemplative and passionate nature.
2. Cherlest Dragoor is a wise and wealthy merchant that has a monopoly on remaining production and trade because he holds the most advanced knowledge of crafting and the inner workings of the forges. He does not fear the raiders or slavers, for they depend on him for many things.
Many Dwarves with his skill and knowledge left to aid the skyward campaign, but Cherlest is old and disabled and could not leave. While not evil himself, many that are use his technology and weaponry for evil. To ease his mind he quietly contributes vast sums of gold and resources to any resistance efforts and feeding the hungry.
Dragoor has known Dolgan's family for many generations and often asks for his help in delivering aid and protection to those in need. Dolgan keeps this relationship quiet as his family fears the attention such acts could gain.
1. Orcs. Must kill Orcs.
2. Reithen Threft is a local raider and slaver that leads a stronghold of bandits and cut-throats. Reithen poses an inherent danger to Dolgan's family, but Reithen knows nothing of Dolgan and his semi-nomadic clan.
Though he does not realize it, Dolgan's secret altruistic actions spurred by Dragoor threaten the anonymity of his family.
3 Short Term Goals
1. Help those in need with the help of Cherlest Dragoor.
2. Survive the deadly reality of an abandoned deep Nar-Voth and protect his family.
3. Sabotage the efforts of brutal local slavers.
Medium Goals
1. Convince his family to abandon their homeland and join the Quest for Sky.
2. Free slaves and lead them upward away from backstabbing and self-serving tyrants.
Long Term Goals
Abandon the Darklands, join his fellow Dwarves, and fight back the Orcs. Ultimately leading them to the surface following the prophecy of Torag.
He is gruff, determined, and always lending a hand to others.
He has a weakness for wandering off the beaten path following a hunch or mystery. When his curiosity gets the best of him he often gets into trouble and a bit lost.
Dolgan Mulakar
Dwarven Ranger (Deep Walker archetype)
STR 17
DEX 16
WIS 10
CON 14
INT 14
BAB: +1
CMB: +4
CMD: 16
13 HP
AC 15
Saves: FT:+4 RF:+5 WL:+0
Stealth +7
Survival +5
Knowledge Nature +6
Perception: +5
Climb: +7
Swim: +7
Languages: Common, Ancient Dwarven, Orc, Underterran
Traits: Dwarven racial traits
Favored enemy: Humanoid (Dwarf)
Feats: Power Attack
Leather Armor
Steel survival knife (non-combat)

GM_Jacob |

@Duck - I like this concept, but some more details are in order. I'd like to see you add some "events" in your backstory to tie your relations to. Also, I'm a little confused as to the ecology of your area. How does your family have contact with Dragoor? does he also live in the same abandoned city? What about the slavers and the orcs? Where do they come from?
I want you to know, I really, really like the "abandoned city" feel. It's a neat juxtaposition of the crowded-ness of a city with the abandonment of the wilderness. A little fleshing out could definitely earn you the spot.

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GM Jacob,
Thank you. I picked the infernal healing spell because it is the only available healing spell for an arcane caster (not that I am complaining). I just thought it would be a good idea for a character to have some access to healing in a solo campaign.
I was thinking the broken bastard sword and broken composite long bow, could have well broken off of his "statue" form over time.
If there are any other suggestions for things I could add or areas i could tighten, please let me know.

duckinadungeon |

@Duck - I like this concept, but some more details are in order. I'd like to see you add some "events" in your backstory to tie your relations to. Also, I'm a little confused as to the ecology of your area. How does your family have contact with Dragoor? does he also live in the same abandoned city? What about the slavers and the orcs? Where do they come from?
I want you to know, I really, really like the "abandoned city" feel. It's a neat juxtaposition of the crowded-ness of a city with the abandonment of the wilderness. A little fleshing out could definitely earn you the spot.
The Mulakar Family has an agricultural background. Not quite middle-class, but a large proud family that works closely with their environment to support itself and society. Their home city Hammerhall is a the center of a vast complex caverns and tunnels, natural and constructed. Their existence prior to the Quest for Sky was peaceful and productive, many of them hunted game in the caves, bred fish, and cultivated mushrooms. Their specialty was mushroom wine which they had large hidden cellars with endless kegs to bring to market.
As their society took flight and turmoil unfolded, the family refused to abandon the habitat they knew and loved so well. Dolgan's father, head of the extended family, in particular refuses to abandon their homeland. Already living on the fringe of society and experts when it came to living off the land, it was an easy transition to their new lifestyle at first.
They slink around away from the upheaval of Hammerhall, harvesting and hunting what they can. Being best able to defend himself and navigate the city safely, Dolgan is often sent to market by his family. His younger brother Mekla joins him as the face of the pair, as his personality is better suited for negotiations and confrontations.
The industrial tycoon Cherlest Dragoor has had close ties to the family for ages, as he has long been the best customer for their stocks of Mushroom wines. He often commissioned development of new brews and took a keen interest in the operations.
Dragoor oversees operation of the forges and the more advanced crafting of weapons, tools, and artillery. He produces them well enough to save face, but holds back his full knowledge of the forges and material. He fears what would happen if he were to truly empower the warlords of Hammerhall. The forgers and crafters are the only industrial workers in Hammerhall that are treated fairly and safely, because they are under Dragoor's protection. The destruction and waste created with the weapons produced by his forges lay heavy on his conscience.
Dolgan is treated like a son whenever he comes to visit Cherlest's estate in Hammerhall. They both share a naive idealism, a secret wish to abandon Hammerhall, and deep guilt for not doing more for the oppressed. Cherlest trusts Dolgan and he coaxes him to use his wealth and inside knowledge to sabotage the warlords and empower his fellow Dwarves to rise up.
I think the particulars of his family history beyond that are unnecessary. My intention of the initial plot would be that he tries an act of sabotage and the BBEG kills his family except his brother who is with him.
He is no longer tied down to his family and is free to go seek the other Dwarves in the Quest for Sky, but the guilt haunts him and he wants revenge and to free Hammerhall of at least SOME tyranny before he leaves. His party could end up being people he rescues or rallies to his cause plus his brother.
So my feeling about the immediate ecology is that there are cavern systems that equate to wilderness, an abandoned city that is dangerous and in decay with small pockets of activity, and scattered resources and industry.
Most remaining Dwarves spend their time serving under local mini-tyrants and competing with each other for food and shelter. Each clan may specialize on a particular craft or have a hold on a minor resource, but nothing of scale. There is minor trade in the (mostly)abandoned city, let's call the abandoned city Hammerhall. The market is small, unsafe, and prices are unstable. Vendors stand a good chance of having their goods stolen, taken by force, or destroyed in a skirmish.
Hammerhall was once the center of Iron mining, but the demands of the Quest for Sky has nearly exhausted most its great iron ore. As the ore became less abundant and the Quest's frontline's grew further and further away the flame of Hammerhall flickered out.
The mine is still operational, but production is dangerous, slow, and yields little fruit. A profit can only be made by way of slave labor. The mine is operated by Hammerhall's sinister slave-lord Reithen Threft.
He produces weapons and armor for lower warlords, saving the best for his own men. He keeps them in line with an elite force of brutes he has trained as enforcers. He rewards them handsomely by letting them keep most of what they raid and pillage from smaller groups.
Threft's mines are manned by his political prisoners and lower races. When his slaves die of exhaustion and hunger, his necromancers raise as many of the fallen as they can, especially if they still have all their limbs.
Accordion to the Golarion history I have read, the Orcs are what stand between the surface and the Dwarves.
Pathfinder Wikia:
According to their own myths, the dwarves were forged by Torag in ancient times.[4] They lived and worked in their forges and cities in Nar-Voth, fighting against the orcs and goblinoid races and among themselves for eons.[5] Late in the Age of Darkness (ca. -5133 AR) they united under King Taargick and began to push towards the surface, in what would later come to be known as the Quest for Sky. They inadvertently herded their ancient enemies, the orcs, ahead of them, and finally emerged onto the surface around -4987 AR.[6] Once they established themselves, they built the vast and magnificent Sky Citadels. Though they have waned since, due to wars with orcs and terrors from the Darklands, most of the citadels still stand.[7]
I don't think there would be many Orcs until my character makes it to the front lines of Quest for Sky. I imagine that the layers from the surface down would be like this in descending order.
Surface- Total mystery to Dwarves. They would surface at one of the sites of the present day Sky Citadels when they do.
Crust- Orcs tribes
Front line- Orcs and Dwarves battling slow grueling underground pseudo-trench warfare. Dwarves advance very slowly and often lose ground.
Dwarven war machine- Every Dwarf willing and able that isn't fighting on the front lines supports the war effort by manufacturing and developing weapons and siege weapons. All industry and society is in an uprooted and makeshift semi-portable form to advance with the line. In many places rather than finding an existing path, the dwarves dig large shafts skyward, sometimes surfacing in Orc strongholds. The earth removed this way is transported behind the Dwarves or into deep pockets and chasms in the nearby subterranean landscape.
Warpath- behind the Dwarven war machine is a path of destruction and death. Whatever stood in these caverns before has been completely transformed by the Quest for Sky in every imaginable way. Pits of bodies, pits of moved earth, and an alien ecology of cave dwelling creatures.
Nar-Voth- the initial setting where the abandoned Dwarven cities lie rotting.

Aldel Dresh |

This is Wolfman1911, submitting my character. Also, just to mention, as he is chasing someone known all around Lake Encarthan, and especially since he's in the company of a traveling singer, don't feel like he has to stay in Lastwall. The group is as likely as not to go anywhere within walking distance of their current location.
Inquisitor/Bounty hunter: Jafero hunts down the enemies of Desna, if he can collect a bounty for it, so much the better. If not, he pays himself out of the pocketbook of his beaten foe.
Untire takes his word very seriously. For a long while, he believed that his word was the only thing he had, so it might as well be of value. He will do whatever he can to not break a promise, and he tries his best to not promise anything he can't deliver. His sense of duty to Desna and to Lastwall keeps him going in the face of adversity. His devotion to the church isn't surprising, they took him in and raised him. Jafero figures that without the temple of Desna, he would be living either on the streets, or in the dungeons. His devotion to Lastwall requires more explanation. Seeing the prison of the Whispering Tyrant gave Jafero a sense of purpose. It made him realize that maybe things happened as they had for a reason. He had a job to do, a dangerous one that made it perhaps a good thing that few would miss him if he fell. He thinks that the isolation that he felt growing up due to his Half-elven nature has given him a sense of self reliance and distance from others that will help him in his task. That attitude comes with problems of its own, though. He knows that Desna teaches that he should be cheerful and uplifting, even in the worst of times, but his feelings of resentment toward others sometimes get in the way of that. It doesn't help that he tends to hunt the worst of the worst among society. On top of that, to a certain extent he tries to limit his contact with elves, to a certain degree buying into the hype of their 'superiority'.
First and foremost, Jafero believes in punishing evil, usually with lethal force. His favorite targets are the servants of Lamashtu, Rovagug and Urgathoa. Aside from that he cares a lot about freedom and persecution. He would have a difficult time leaving someone in bondage if he had the chance to free them. His views on lies are something of 'the ends justify the means,' though he is uncertain how he feels about lying to comfort someone, he thinks that it is about the worst thing someone could do if the truth comes out, but at the same time, he has a hard time dealing with the anguish of others. He does not steal, but wouldn't hesitate to loot the body of someone that he killed. He views himself as judge, jury and executioner in that regard, so if he feels they are worthy of death, he feels that their possessions are forefeit as well.
Warning, wall of text ahead.
Jafero Untire is an orphan, of sorts. He has no doubt that both his parents are alive and well, and yet he has lived his entire life in the care of one of the few permanent temples of Desna, in Vigil. Growing up, he learned to serve by becoming a messenger, and announcer of the news. He has always felt scornful eyes upon his elven ears, and he has developed a low level resentment in general because of it. That was probably a big part of the reason that he turned away from the life of a Bard. The other factor was the time that Brother Jeffrey took him as close to Gallowspire as they dared, and told him the story of the Tar-Baphon, the Whispering Tyrant. From then on, he would sometimes return to that spot, always at night, and wonder what the Song of the Spheres had in store for him.
While working as a messenger, Jafero literally stumbled upon the realization that the temple in Vigil had taken in a follower of the Whispering Way, and that there were designs for either the congregation or the whole city. The specifics of the plot were never really understood, but the commonly believed theory involved a massive blood sacrifice, one that would likely wipe out Vigil, possibly with the intention of petitioning one of the dark gods to free Tar-Baphon. It was believed that the sacrifice was meant for either Asmodeus, the infernal dealmaker, or Urgathoa, who might be seen as sympathetic to the cause already. Jafero doesn't believe he is worthy of the praise he recieved for exposing the conspiracy, mainly because he doesn't believe it had any chance of success anyway. Regardless of all of that, he liked the thrill of revealing evil and seeing that they get their just rewards, so he decided that he should become an Inquisitor. With no one else to teach him the role, the members of the temple worked to train him. Brother Jeffrey taught him to use a battle axe, and then gave him the one he'd used in his adventuring days. Matron Jian taught Jafero to read body language and sift truth from lies. Every member of the congregation had something to teach him, and he was willing to learn.
Jafero was ready to depart Vigil on his first extended trip when it happened. Rogduk, the favored of Lamashtu, wanted for crimes all around Lake Encarthan, came in the night to the temple of Desna. Jafero was preparing to depart when he smelled smoke. Upon opening the door to find the temple all but engulfed in flames. He regrets that he was only able to save Matron Jian before the building burned. She had been raped and beaten, but was conscious enough to tell Jafero who had done it. He managed to get her to a healer, and then swore to her and to his Goddess that he would return with the head of Rogduk, and would rebuild the temple with it as a decoration. From there, he would have charged straight into the Hold of Belkzen with nothing but a flame licked battleaxe and a backpack half full of supplies if not for Erana and Riler. He doesn't remember how, but the pair of them convinced Jafero to travel with them. A particularly ill chosen phrase was 'On your own, that hate will burn you up.' It is likely that he joined them because they followed the Dreamer, as he did, the fact that he'd found himself taken with the elven bard when he'd seen her sing in a tavern surely didn't hurt either. Since then, the trio have traveled from place to place, keeping an ear out for the activities of Rogduk, and hunting down lesser fiends as they find them. He worries terribly about Jian, the closest thing to a mother he had, but he fears that it would be a betrayal to return to her without his oath fulfilled.
With the loss of his church, he has lost most of his friends and mentors. His newfound traveling companions fill that role, however. Erana Silvie the beautiful elven bard, and Riler Goodfate the dwarven ranger, both travelers with Desna. He has only been in their company for a short time, and yet he feels that they were put in his path by Desna herself, he feels that he knows them like anyone he ever has before, and unlike most people, he trusts them to remain at his side come what may. There is also Matron Jian, who more than anyone else raised Jafero, though he holds himself responsible for what happened to her, and can't face her until he has avenged her. As far as foes go, there is Rogduk the Orc Barbarian. Not only is he a servant of Lamashtu, he is also the reason that Jafero took to the road in the first place. After he raped Matron Jian and burned down the temple, killing everyone else inside. Jafero has promised Jian that he will return with Rogduk's head on a pike, and that he will decorate the rebuilt temple with it. He doesn't know it, but he has made an enemy of the Whispering Way. There is a group among that order, mostly the associates of the necromancer Jafero exposed, who are plotting against him.
Short term goals include keeping on the trail of Rogduk, working on his personality issues and better equipping himself (he especially wants a starknife to use as an identifier). For the mid term, his goals are to kill Rogduk, and to return to Vigil and rebuild the temple like he promised. His long term goal is to establish Desna as supreme.
He has trouble seeing anything but black and white. Every since the fire, he gets coughing fits of varying intensity, but he hasn't actually done anything to treat the condition. Also, he often catches himself letting his eyes linger on Erana a little longer than might be considered proper.
Jafero Untire
Half-Elf Inquisitor
STR 16
DEX 13
CON 15
WIS 16
BAB: +0
CMB: +3
CMD: 14
10 HP
AC 16
Saves: FT:+4 RF:+1 WL:+5
Intimidate +6
Perception +9
Survival +7
Sense Motive +7
Knowledge: Religion +3
Languages: Common, Elven
Traits: Half Elf racial traits, with Ancestral Arms (Greataxe) replacing Adaptability
Feats: Intimidating Prowess
Martial Weapon Proficiency: Greataxe
The scorched but intact Battleaxe he retrieved from the ruins of the temple, this was the axe he was given by Brother Jeffrey.
A set of scale mail, the best armor he could afford with the money he had left.
A backpack with a lamp, several pints of oil, a fire starting set, a bedroll and three waterskins.

EvilMinion |
Alphonse Delacroix
Ok, I present to you Alphonse Delacroix. A man who has come late to the adventuring life, gaining his first class level at the ripe old age of 65 (with all appropriate penalties).
Now of course, he has become a 1st level polearm fighter wielding an evil glaive, guilt, and old man attitude.
He is basically a paladin without actually being one. Unfortunately, guilt and grief have forced his line of thought to add an exception to all the good will and an 'Unless' to his general thoughts. Although not put in the position just yet, he is fully setting himself up to kill with impunity those he blames for the death of his granddaughter.
When the war first started, between the armies of the Queen and the monstrous forces that came down from the mountains, the folks of the village of Pine Bluff mostly ignored it. It was not happening to them, or near them, so it wasn't their concern. They were just humble villagers, what did war have to do with them? Until, that is, the day when the war came to Pine Bluff.
Routed by monstrous forces, the remnants of one of the bloodier battles fell back to an otherwise unremarkable village. With nowhere else to run, the enemy hot on their heels, and the villagers suddenly exposed if they left, the soldiers decided to make a stand there. Those villagers who were able, were armed and tasked to assist in the defense. The non-combatants were boxed away as safely as was possible, and a few of the older, but still capable villagers were tasked with guarding them.
One of these was Alphonse.
Although old, Alphonse was irked that he was relegated to protection duty instead of defense of the village itself. He did not like being treated like an old person, his great grandfather was a holy warrior of Shelyn! So when the battle lines started to break down and small pockets of the enemy started to make their way into the village, he left his post to help combat them. When he returned, he found his fellow guard laying dead, and screams coming from the building where the women and children he had been tasked to protect, were holed up.
A pair of gnolls had made it that far into town, and he found them inside. He killed the first from behind with his axe, and broke the weapon over the skull of the other before it could respond. But he was too late to save their victim. His granddaughter, lay dead, a long wicked-looking polearm, impaling her pregnant belly, the life already gone from her eyes.
The remnants of the Queen's army miraculously won that day, as their foe eventually withdrew. And to the people of Pine Bluff, it became a lightning rod of local pride and history that that battle was fought there and they were involved, and they had won.
Except for one, that is. Alphonse went on a massive spiral of guilt, over the death of his granddaughter and his unborn great grandchild and his part in it. He locked himself in his home for weeks, refusing visitors.
Until one day his family went to check on him, and he was no longer there at all. In the center of the village they found a life-sized wood carving of a young pregnant woman. But of Alphonse there was no sign, having stolen away in the night.
And thus comes Alphonse to the adventuring life, holding tightly to the same wicked black polearm that had killed his granddaughter, and with only his personal demons and an old crotchety mule named Pierre for company.
Foes/Woes - His greatest foes will be himself, the guilt that leads him on a quest for vengeance perhaps somewhat misplaced, and the weapon with which he chooses to enact that vengeance: the glaive.
Any follower of Baphomet (and likely those of Lamashtu) will have a chance to recognize the glaive he carries as a holy relic of their religion on sight, and most likely make an effort to retrieve it. Since he will not relinquish it willingly, such efforts will almost always involve violence. The weapon itself would radiate an evil aura, and those cognizant of such things might wonder at it as well. Which might rub some of them wrong when he insists of keeping it. And the weapon itself might start to work against him as well (perhaps its evil growing in response to his fight against it).
(He will not part with the glaive for any reason whatsoever, despite the emotional and physical burden it represents, and intends to use it to wipe every last gnoll off the face of the planet, or die trying (the later being the far more likely scenario) He's basically become borderline suicidal, he's just leaning towards suicide by gnoll as his means of achieving it.
Mid Term? None really. Alphonse is mostly driven by guilt right now, and I'm sure he fully expects to be dead sooner rather then later, but go down swinging. He's not really planning a future.
Long Term - Not a goal of his, mind you, but from my point of view, it would be nice if he could redeem himself or possibly even the weapon at some point, come to grips with his part in events and the guilt that followed, then go back home to live the rest of his days peacefully as his usual villager self. Possibly even become a paladin himself at some point, depending on how things play out.
(Coincidentally, the glaive happens to be the favored weapon of both the CE Baphomet and the NG Shelyn (the god of his familial paladin ancestor) whether this could be incorporated into things, I'm not sure... but could be some interesting machinations in the background).
LG old male human fighter (polearm fighter archtype) 1
Stats: Str 15, Dex 8, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 15, Chr 15 (includes -3 to Str/Dex/Con and +2 to Int/Wis/Chr for Old age)
Traits: Sacred Touch, Armor Expert
Feats: Endurance, Weapon Focus (glaive), Power Attack
Skills: Craft (woodworking) +5, Handle Animal +6, Knowledge (nature) +2, Perform (oratory) +3, Profession (woodcutter) +6
piecemeal chainmail armor - mismatched and misstyled pieces scavanged from enemies defeated at the afore mentioned battle.
a cantankerous mule (named Pierre)
various mundane equipments (including some wood carving tools and a wood chopping axe)
the Glaive - In a perfect world, this would be a unholy glaive created using the Create Reliquary Arms and Shields feat that doesn't work for him (ie: the unholy doesn't go off) but he'd still get the negative level. But that's way too big a thing for level 1 (not to mention the negative level would kill him at 1 HD).
In reality it just needs to be an item that evil followers of Baphomet used for sacrificial/religious purposes (and would recognize) and that has gained an evil (possibly faint) aura as a result. Given it’s the only weapon he will be using, having it at least be masterwork would be helpful, but not really required... he would never be upgrading this weapon intentionally.
Just trying to create something that the Evil types in the know will try to get back, and he will refuse to hand over but otherwise offers him no actual benefit and in fact is possibly a severe negative. Its his 'cross' to bare, if you will.
c'est tous.