Darathys Kressen |
Damn crit...It only happens when you don't need it. I'm sorry guys, I didn't imagine that would happen...
Darathys Kressen |
I wanted him alive, but I couldn't say the same about Darathys...Maybe I should have been a bit more metagame-y and redirect my attack once I realized that I've been rolling a crit, but it just didn't felt right to me.
Twigs |
To answer Wednesday's question, per Lini's writeup she hails from the Land of the Linnorm Kings, but mysteriously speaks Goblin and not Skald with her bonus language. Odd.
Many apologies for slipping so far behind! I was out of town and spending time with my family and significant other, I haven't had the time to bridge the massive chronological gap and wanted to post something with some substance.
Darathys Kressen |
I've resized our tokens on the map and also added a black contour to make them more clearly recognisable.
GM Fuzzfoot |
So, I am actually not well versed in mounts, so I did a little digging, but probably not enough yet.
As I read the ride skill, I don't think it would be necessary to make a DC 5 check to stay in saddle just because Droogami made an attack, as this was an expected course of action. I think that check is for if the mount is startled and suddenly rears up (like being surprised by a snake, etc). So I am of the opinion, here, that Lini stays in the saddle. But, if there is an established way this goes, I am not looking to change things either...
I don't know if there is something special needed to make Droogami a "war-trained" mount, so I am not sure whether Lini gets to make a DC 10 check to allow her her own attack or not. I would think, having seen many Lini/Droogami players in the past, that this would be appropriate. But again, if there is some established skill or feat that Droogami should have to be "war-trained", then we should stick with that. Of course, then that would mean you need a DC 20 ride check to even get her to attack (as a mount), and that just doesn't sound right to me.
Anyway, for now, I am just going to say that Droogami attacked and Lini is just holding on (and not falling), but I would like to know what other's experiences here have been for the future. Thanks!
Kayanor |
Mounted combat is on my short list of new characters. I should know this better, but most of my experience is with PCs who have such high skill modifiers, that rolling is unnecessary.
After looking, I think GM is right. Nothing prompted the ride check to stay in the saddle, nor to make the attack. What does the pre-gen list for tricks known?
Twigs |
I'm not really certain, as it isn't explicitly covered by the Handle Animal rules in that it isn't a trick per-se, but part of the pre-packaged sets of tricks. With the attack anything trick, an argument could be made that Droogami is "combat trained", but I dont know of any rulings on that front. I'd be curious to know as well. I've only played with animal companions being automatons in the hands of a player character. There's a surprising amount of depth to the rules that I had never learned about until PFS, which is delightful.
As for ride checks, I had intended the DC 5 to be the "Guide with knees" function. I probably could have been clearer on that. The above ruling seems good to me, and Lini's actions aren't too important to her at this level. Droogami is pulling most, if not all of the weight.
GM Fuzzfoot |
I think I only need Darathys' info.
Titus - you can use your re-roll for day job if you like.
Chris Marsh |
Definitely in for 2 and 3. Kayanor will be buying a MW mighty bow. That's quick to set up. Ready to go
-Posted with Wayfinder
GM Fuzzfoot |
Twigs - the number you gave me for the chronicle is coming up as non-Core. Do you have a different PFS # for a core character?
Also, Darathys - still need your info...
Darathys Kressen |
Yes, I joined later and forgot to give my info.
Player Name: Giuseppe Capriati
PFS Number: # 161366-2
Day Job: None
Darathys Kressen |
Holy hell, that encounter certainly turned around fast. Really nice work, Darathys!
"Oh, ehm, thank you Mrs. Hag..." :D
GM Fuzzfoot |
Let me know if anything needs to be adjusted.
Thessaly |
Upgrading to a mwk breastplate and purchasing a mwk glaive here, using the rebuild-before-2 to sell old armor back at full. And yeah, still trotting along with our donkey carting the chest, I imagine. :P
GM Fuzzfoot |
Good thinking about the rebuild rules - if anyone else has any changes or tweaks, just let me know so I can update my notes. Also, if anyone wants to sub out a character, feel free to do so. Twigs - are you continuing with Lini, or do you have your own to include now? Either way is fine with me...
Also, you do lose any in-scenario loot (CLW potions, etc) you had gained (unless you buy it back) but everyone is fully healed again, so that's something. :)
Twigs |
What are the rules RE: purchases with pregens? I'm fairly sure I have to run her as written, i.e. I can't apply a chronicle to her, but I haven't been playing PFS for too long, and shorter still with pregens.
I would like to continue though! I am settling in at my new job so should be able to prepare something tommorow evening (~24 hrs from now). If I can't check in I'll continue as Lini, treasure or no, as I wouldn't want to hold things up.
GM Fuzzfoot |
I think we have some time.
Regarding pre-gens, if you continue with Lini, it is basically as if you didn't have the first scenario - you start with the exact same setup. You can prepare different spells (since you have many nights rest on your voyage), and you can sell pregen equipment for 1/2 price to buy different stuff, which isn't a great deal, but is available if you like.
One advantage to pre-gens, though, is if you die, you can basically just ignore it. You do have to assign the death to a character, but you can always just create a new one to kill off. Kinda cheesy, but I think it is not too uncommon.
Now, if you really wanted to, you could use the new slot you just created to assign your chronicle to (-8), basically copy Lini/Droogami as a clone into that character, and then now you are not playing with a pre-gen, but just a character that is identical to the pre-gen. Then you can apply your chronicle and cash and prestige to it and in all ways you are now not a pregen. This includes just spending your starting 150gp however you like rather than first taking the pregen equipment and selling it back. In fact, you could even play the rest of this series out with it, and then use the level 1 re-write rules to completely re-make the character before playing as level 2. The only drawback I see here is that you can't change your online character slot's name after 10 posts, so you will want to pick a name you are happy to continue to use post 1st level.
I have never done this before, but it seems like a reasonable approach to give you immediate playability and some time to decide the longer vision for your slot.
Just a thought, anyway...
Thessaly |
I'm going back through to check how many CLW charges got used off my wand in part 1, but other than that I have finalized all rebuild changes and my sheet is now current.
eta: looks like 6. *makes a note*
Darathys Kressen |
Alright guys, I'm working on rebuilding Darathys right now and will be ready to start soon thereafter. I'm sorry for the slight delay, but we don't have PFS in Italy and I'm still trying to understand how it works :D
GM: I've noticed that Darathys' sheet does not include his PFS # and faction.
PFS Number: # 161366-2
Faction: Dark Archive
Titus Tiberius |
@Darathys : if you have the chance to come to Paris, we have PFS here :)
You can also start your own PFS if you have enough friend to do it.
You can ask the VC France or Swizterland to began as an Venture-Agent !
Darathys Kressen |
@Darathys : if you have the chance to come to Paris, we have PFS here :)
You can also start your own PFS if you have enough friend to do it.
You can ask the VC France or Swizterland to began as an Venture-Agent !
It would be great, but I fear I won't be coming in Paris in the next few years or so...although as a scholar of Descartes' philosophy, you can never know where I could find myself the next year :D
Darathys Kressen |
GM, I would like to use the rebuild rules to:
Sell my greatsword for its full price (50 gp).
And buy a masterwork greatsword for 300 gp.
GM Fuzzfoot |
All of these updates are good - no problems!
Titus Tiberius |
@Kayanor Come to Paris, you will improve your French ! And still be able to play PFS :)
My experience with language is that the best way to study it, it's with fun. I was terrible at english in college but I began to play L5R CCG, do a lot of tournaments, all over Europe where English was the base language. I've also watch a lot of UK/US TV Series and now I'm not that bad :)
So search for French Film/Series in original version or books from famous french writers and you will learn faster and better !
Kayanor |
I have family who recently emigrated to France, and I do want to visit them.
In college I spent a fair amount of time competing in fencing tournaments in Canada. My french was pretty solid then. I practiced by reading books in French that I had read in English, and watching French film. Now that I have family there, I think it's time to start practicing again!
(It also helps that I teach an introductory Latin class at the Academy in addition to science. Keeps me fresh on the basics.)
Darathys Kressen |
Player: Giuseppe Capriati
Character: Darahys Kressen
PFS Number: # 161366-2
Faction: Dark Archives
Starting XP: 1
Starting Prestige: 2
Starting Fame: 2
Starting Gold: 203.85
Day Job: None
Spend: upgrade greatsword to masterwork greatsword (300 gp)
GM Fuzzfoot |
I am still learning new things every day!
Titus - you were assuming this is a trained animal. Actually, it is not; these are wild dogs, so tricks will not work with them. I don't think you can even Push an animal that isn't basically trained, but I haven't yet found confirmation of this.
Even if the animal has training. I am also not too sure you could use a command like this on someone else's trained animal.
While your characters cannot know this, these dogs also have rabies (advanced, according to the scenario, as 7 of the pack of 10 have already died from it). I would think that would have some bearing to any attempt to actually use wild empathy, but couldn't find anything on that as well. Knowing a bit about the effects of rabies, I would think any attempt at calming the creature would be useless - but I couldn't find any rules to support that.
Anyone more familiar with animal rules here? Am I on the right track?
Titus Tiberius |
The rules are blurry here (one of the many gray area of Pathfinder)
You can push an wild/untrained animal but you must have at least 1 rank in handle animal to do it.
The DC is then 25 and you need a complex action to do it (rather than a move action)
Wild Empathy is more like diplomacy, you need 1 minute interaction with the animal to use it (which is pretty useless most of the time as an hungry/angry animal will not wait 1 minute to attack you :P)
If you succeed you can then ask the animal to perform some action, let you pass or anything a friendly animal will do.
I'm ok with your decision :)