GM Whiteroses Curse of the Crimson Throne: On A Knife's Edge (Inactive)

Game Master Vanulf Wulfson


The Harrowing


Loot list

Harrow point uses:
  • Constitution Rerolls: PC can spend a Harrow Point to reroll a Fortitude saving throw, stabilization check, or other Constitution-based check. She must abide by the new result (although if she has additional Harrow Points remaining, she can use them to attempt additional rerolls).
  • Damage Reduction: PC can spend a Harrow Point to gain DR 3/—. This damage reduction persists for the duration of the encounter in which she spent the Harrow Point. A PC can’t spend multiple Harrow Points to increase this damage reduction.
  • Fast Hit Point Recovery: A PC can spend a Harrow Point after resting for 1 minute to recover from her recent ordeals. She regains a number of hit points equal to her character level and 1 point of ability damage each time she does so (this does not remove ability drain). She can spend a Harrow Point in this manner once after each encounter.
  • Number of times plague has been contracted:
    Aloysia = 0
    Gamon = 2
    Jolon = 1
    Nicolai = 2

    651 to 700 of 2,949 << first < prev | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | next > last >>

    "Please call me Vencarlo. If you were one of my students then I'd have you address me by title, but comrades of Cressida's are friends of mine." Vencarlo smiles but shakes his head, "Unfortunately I do know, the King of Spiders, like most of his ilk, enjoys money. He is not a cheap buy either from what I've heard, though he may be cheaper if you can entertain him. Have any of you heard of the game Knivesies? It is the game of choice among pirates, brigans, thieves, and scallywags in Riddleport and has recently come to Korvosa. The rules vary by location so I can't help you more than that as I have not been to Eel's End myself. Just remember Devargo is extremely dangerous, perhaps even more so to your group if word has gotten around that Lamm is dead and you are the ones who brought that about."

    Cressida reaches under her desk and draws out a large sack of gold 1000gp. "This is for bribe money," she says, "I'm certain Devargo will appreciate this in exchange for any proof he has...hopefully...maybe."

    [Oracle (Spirit Guide) 7/Holy Vindicator 1, AC 16, T16, FF10 / HP 76/76, F+7 R+3 W+5 / CMB +8, CMD 18/ Init +0, Perc. +6]

    Jolon strokes his chin.

    "Aloysia, you've an ear to the ground when it comes to rogues and their ways. Do you know how to play Knivesies?"

    I figure if we go that route, Aloysia'd be the best candidate to play with her DEX.

    Female Half-Elf Rogue (Unchained Knife Master) - 5, Assassin - 3
    CONDITION: NONE, Harrow Points: 4/4, AC 21 (16/16), Fort +4, Ref +13, Will +4, Init +9, Perc +13, HP[/b] 50/50

    Know (Local) to see if Aloysia knows about Knivesies: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11

    Aloysia goes to take the sack, "So kind of you to offer, I'll happily hang on to that!"

    Turning to the group she says, "I believe a little scouting might be a good idea, no? See what kind of information we can get from the locals?"

    [Oracle (Spirit Guide) 7/Holy Vindicator 1, AC 16, T16, FF10 / HP 76/76, F+7 R+3 W+5 / CMB +8, CMD 18/ Init +0, Perc. +6]

    Jolon traces the spiral on his chest idly.

    Vencarlo perks up, "If you plan on heading that direction now I'm going to my home in Old Korvosa. If you would not mind my tagging along perhaps we could get to know each other better?" He takes in everyone with his stare, looking hopeful.

    Init +1; Senses low-light vision; Perception +9; Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +5; AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10; hp 22/22; Immune sleep; Arcane reservoir (10/11)

    Cecil glances at everyone and shrugs. "Fine by me." he replies.

    -Posted with Wayfinder

    M Human Slayer 8 (HP 88/88| AC:23 | T:14 | FF:21 | CMB: 12| CMD: 25 | Fort:+10 | Ref:+9 | Will:+4 | Init:+2 | Perc:+11 | Speed 20) 4 harrow points

    Gamon nods, You're welcome to join us.

    [Oracle (Spirit Guide) 7/Holy Vindicator 1, AC 16, T16, FF10 / HP 76/76, F+7 R+3 W+5 / CMB +8, CMD 18/ Init +0, Perc. +6]

    "Certainly," Jolon adds. "I haven't been back to Old Korvosa in a while."

    Is Old Korvosa where the destitute Shoanti underclass can be found, or would that be a different slum?

    Yep, Old Korvosa, specifically around Garrison Hill.

    "Excellent! Now Cressida, my dear, I must ask your leave as we are off." Vencarlo bows before the Field Marshal and leads the way out of the door. He maintains a sedate pace through the Citadel and certainly seems in no rush once you reach the street proper. "I assume many of you are from Korvosa, yes? How would you describe our great city? What wonders and horrors has she brought upon you?"

    Female Half-Elf Rogue (Unchained Knife Master) - 5, Assassin - 3
    CONDITION: NONE, Harrow Points: 4/4, AC 21 (16/16), Fort +4, Ref +13, Will +4, Init +9, Perc +13, HP[/b] 50/50

    Aloysia narrows her gaze after he looks at them and tries to scrutinize the man's intensions, her untrusting nature always looking for a trap even when there is none...

    Sense Motive: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17

    She follows the rest of the group after Vencarlo, but spends more time keeping her eyes peeled for problems than participating in the chat.

    Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12

    [Oracle (Spirit Guide) 7/Holy Vindicator 1, AC 16, T16, FF10 / HP 76/76, F+7 R+3 W+5 / CMB +8, CMD 18/ Init +0, Perc. +6]

    Jolon follows Vencarlo and listens as he asks about them.

    "I've lived in Korvosa all my life, even though my parents are not of it. My mother, Eyotah Iron-Spine, she and I lived by Garrison Hill with the other Shoanti here in the city. She was Skoan-Quah, though she never told me why she came to live in Korvosa rather than with her tribe. I never knew my father, but my mother's told me he was a full-blooded orc, with a quixotic dream to be a knight. He even had a signet ring made, hoping to earn a noble title through adventuring."

    He smiles a bit as he recalls happier times, but then his brow furrows.

    "Life wasn't easy, but we were happy. Gaedren Lamm took all that away. He stabbed my mother to death in an alleyway one night, presumably just to steal my father's ring from her. I didn't find out until the following dawn, when the Guard came to Garrison Hill asking me to identify her. They may have felt pity for me, but they weren't able to bring Lamm to justice."

    He rubs the back of his neck.

    "I became a ward of Pharasma's church after that, and have lived at the Grand Cathedral since. I find the Lady's ways align very well with the Shoanti spiritualism my mother taught me. I can hear her voice and the voices of my ancestors, whispering to me, consoling me when I've been in dark places emotionally. Korvosa's never been kind to me and mine. But I refuse to let that make me bitter. I saw too many Shoanti go down that path, becoming criminals and forgetting who they are. I'll protect this city and its people with my life. I've seen too much death and suffering in the short time I've been alive. I refuse to let others suffer the same faith, Shoanti or no."

    While Vencarlo does seem genuinely interested in your backgrounds and stories it seems he is after something more. You can tell by the way he examines yourself and your companions that he is...judging perhaps? As you've known all your life this man, like every other, has an ulterior motive somewhere.

    Vencarlo only gives a sad smile, "Yes, it is sad that the Shoanti do not remember. Thousand-Bones has been doing his best to remove the stigma that even being Shoanti in this city carries, but he needs help. I am also glad that the High Priestess accepted you into her fold. Many think Pharasmans cold and uncaring, but d'Bear cares for this city and her inhabitants with a fervor that would do anyone proud. I haven't seen her in some time, perhaps I should go and pay my respects in the Grey District soon, if only to see her smile again."

    Female Half-Elf Rogue (Unchained Knife Master) - 5, Assassin - 3
    CONDITION: NONE, Harrow Points: 4/4, AC 21 (16/16), Fort +4, Ref +13, Will +4, Init +9, Perc +13, HP[/b] 50/50

    As Aloysia keeps her head on a swivel she says, "I was one of Lamm's child-slaves. There isn't much else to my story, and the city matters not in those kinds of situations."

    Init +1; Senses low-light vision; Perception +9; Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +5; AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10; hp 22/22; Immune sleep; Arcane reservoir (10/11)

    In an awkward silence, Cecil speaks up.
    "Lived here as long as I can remember. Attended the academy. Graduated with decent scores... Turned out I could make more money writing steamy romance novels instead of actually putting my magical talents to work..."

    He grunts, it almost sounding like a chuckle strangled before it escaped. "Funny how life is, huh. Anyways. Got married, had a daughter. Got divorced. Daughter stays with her mother most of the time."

    -Posted with Wayfinder

    Vencarlo frowns with Aloysia's limited reply and does his best to respond. "I see this is not something you speak of often. I will not dig any further then."

    Cecil's story brings out a chipper side, "I feel bad not being able to speak of your work, for I have never read any myself. Too busy teaching new generations gentlemanly arts, but if the books are as steamy as you say they are perhaps I can give one as a gift to our dear Field Marshal and see what color she turns, eh? I only wish I had a little one of my own, unfortunately my work has prevented me from finding a stable relationship, or at least stable enough to sire one to pass my teachings on to. It is why I have dedicated myself so much to my students, hoping only to continue my knowledge for future generations..."

    Init +1; Senses low-light vision; Perception +9; Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +5; AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10; hp 22/22; Immune sleep; Arcane reservoir (10/11)

    "Ah. Indeed. I think I would not mind passing you a signed copy to gift to her, should you will it." Cecil offers.
    "I've been considering working on a spell that will let me transcribe perfect copies of my books, so I can sell more faster than using the bulky press or hiring scribes."

    -Posted with Wayfinder

    [Oracle (Spirit Guide) 7/Holy Vindicator 1, AC 16, T16, FF10 / HP 76/76, F+7 R+3 W+5 / CMB +8, CMD 18/ Init +0, Perc. +6]
    GM Fez wrote:

    ** spoiler omitted **

    Vencarlo only gives a sad smile, "Yes, it is sad that the Shoanti do not remember. Thousand-Bones has been doing his best to remove the stigma that even being Shoanti in this city carries, but he needs help. I am also glad that the High Priestess accepted you into her fold. Many think Pharasmans cold and uncaring, but d'Bear cares for this city and her inhabitants with a fervor that would do anyone proud. I haven't seen her in some time, perhaps I should go and pay my respects in the Grey District soon, if only to see her smile again."

    Jolon's eyes widen in surprise.

    "You know Thousand-Bones? I've never had the honor of meeting him, but I deeply admire the work he's done for our people!"

    When Vencarlo and Cecil discuss his books, Jolon covers his mouth with his hand and tries to suppress a laugh.

    "I saw one of your books on Bishop D'Bear's desk, you know. Maybe you should offer to sign her copy next time we visit the Grand Cathedral."

    Vencarlo raises a hand to his chin considering Cecil's plan, "That would be extremely useful, though the presses themselves might be a touch sore about it. Such a spell might also be helpful in the line of work you are undertaking for the Field Marshal. You could sneak into an enemy's camp, copy any notes or letters around, and sneak out again leaving none the wiser you were there. Sounds like something Blackjack himself would use."

    Turning back to Jolon he explains a bit more, "I know Thousand-Bones as much as any outside of his clan can know him. He is an enigma at times, but his powers are certainly nothing to be messed with or mocked. I can venture to say I've seen some spirit or other serving him."

    Looking at last at Gamon Vencarlo asks, "And what of your story? Does Korvosa hold mystery? Life? Death? Or is she just a place to call home?"

    M Human Slayer 8 (HP 88/88| AC:23 | T:14 | FF:21 | CMB: 12| CMD: 25 | Fort:+10 | Ref:+9 | Will:+4 | Init:+2 | Perc:+11 | Speed 20) 4 harrow points

    Gamon shrugs, Merely home for me, I'm afraid. My father is a guardsman and I was raised in the city, now I work for a nearby apothecary and had a lot of patients who died as a result of Gaedran Lamm, which is how I was brought into all of this.

    [Oracle (Spirit Guide) 7/Holy Vindicator 1, AC 16, T16, FF10 / HP 76/76, F+7 R+3 W+5 / CMB +8, CMD 18/ Init +0, Perc. +6]

    "You've always been a man of few words, Gamon," Jolon comments.

    M Human Slayer 8 (HP 88/88| AC:23 | T:14 | FF:21 | CMB: 12| CMD: 25 | Fort:+10 | Ref:+9 | Will:+4 | Init:+2 | Perc:+11 | Speed 20) 4 harrow points

    Smiling, Gamon shakes his head, I'm just shy, so I figure I'll let you all handle the talking when possible.

    "Suit yourself friend. Perhaps it is fortuitous, for this is where we must part. Here is the bridge of the Narrows closest to Eel's End." He gestures at the bridge, then nods his head further along the Narrows, "I must travel the other direction to head to my house. I wish you the best of luck. Please, be careful, Cressida relies on you more than you know."

    He gives a small bow, says, "Eel's End is on the first pier to the east. You'll find it easily enough for the sound and light. Now farewell." With a quick spin on his heel he continues on to his home.

    [Oracle (Spirit Guide) 7/Holy Vindicator 1, AC 16, T16, FF10 / HP 76/76, F+7 R+3 W+5 / CMB +8, CMD 18/ Init +0, Perc. +6]

    "I'm surprised you'd let a half-orc do the talking, knowing the reputation our kind have," Jolon replies with a snort.

    As they finish, he extends his hand once more to Orsini to shake it before they leave.

    "Thank you, Master Orsini. I hope we meet again."

    The sound of carousing booms from the elegantly painted barges moored to this long pier. Large signs painted in several languages are nailed to pilings and hang from ropes slung between barges. The closest barge to the east bears a sign that says, “The Twin Tigers—Take the Tiger by the Tail and Try Your Luck!” Opposite that, to the west, a boat’s sign says, “Welcome to the Goldenhawk—No Safer Stay in Old Korvosa!” Further to the southeast is “Dragon’s Breath Corridor—Dream the Dragon’s Dreams at Affordable Prices!”, while opposite that is the “House of Clouds—The Caress of Our Lovelies Will Take You Straight to Heaven!” Only the largest vessel, an old warship to the south, bears no signage at all. Short rope bridges or gangplanks provide access to the decks of these ships from the pier and from the decks of other ships.

    [Oracle (Spirit Guide) 7/Holy Vindicator 1, AC 16, T16, FF10 / HP 76/76, F+7 R+3 W+5 / CMB +8, CMD 18/ Init +0, Perc. +6]

    Jolon's brow furrows as they enter Eel's End.

    "I take it that vessel there is where Devargo makes his home. Aloysia, you've got experience with the kinds of folk here. Any ideas as to how we might gain an audience? I doubt it'll be as simple as All The World's Meats was."

    Crapbaskets. I forgot to map this place up last night. I'll do that tonight.

    Init +1; Senses low-light vision; Perception +9; Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +5; AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10; hp 22/22; Immune sleep; Arcane reservoir (10/11)

    "Well I seem to be somewhat reputed. I should be able to lever that to get in." Cecil reluctantly offers.

    I hope they don't find out I've been here before. he worries. It was just research but I think many will see it poorly.

    -Posted with Wayfinder

    Female Half-Elf Rogue (Unchained Knife Master) - 5, Assassin - 3
    CONDITION: NONE, Harrow Points: 4/4, AC 21 (16/16), Fort +4, Ref +13, Will +4, Init +9, Perc +13, HP[/b] 50/50

    Hey GM, I don't remember if it was ever posted, does Aloysia know about Knivsies?

    That was another thing I meant to put in the spoiler to you before, but I'll drop it here:
    The ever-popular knivesies is the game of choice among the steeliest pirates, brigands, thieves, and scallywags in Riddleport. Its increasing popularity in Korvosa is in large part due to Devargo’s enjoyment of the game.
    Knivesies is simple to play. Two contestants stand on top of opposite ends of a long wooden table. Their right hands are bound to their sides with boiled leather straps, belt pouches are fitted to their waists, and a dagger is stuck in the tabletop between them. The game begins after a count of 10, during which time observers can place bets by tossing gold pieces onto the table and standing at the end of the table where their chosen fighter stands.
    There are two ways to win knivesies. You can force the other contestant to fall off the table, or you can end the game with more gold than your opponent claimed. Since each opponent has only one free hand, the first round is typically a mad lunge for the dagger, forcing the slower opponent to make grabs for gold. There aren’t any more rules beyond this; most knivesies games devolve into tabletop brawls, with the first person to drop or touch the ground losing.
    The game ends once a contestant is unconscious, dead, or knocked off the table; as soon as no coins remain on the table; or as soon as any coin is knocked off the table. When the game ends, an unconscious, dead, or de-tabled contestant is automatically the loser. Otherwise, the winner is determined by which person has the most coins in his pouch. At the end of the game, all money is emptied from the pouches back onto the table. Half the total is paid to the winner, while the remainder is split evenly among all of those who stood at the winner’s end of the table.

    Female Half-Elf Rogue (Unchained Knife Master) - 5, Assassin - 3
    CONDITION: NONE, Harrow Points: 4/4, AC 21 (16/16), Fort +4, Ref +13, Will +4, Init +9, Perc +13, HP[/b] 50/50

    Perfect, thank you!

    "I do have an idea..."

    Aloysia pulls out one of her daggers, saunters up to the front of the Twin Tigers. She turns back to the rest, "Gentlemen, this might get ugly," she smiles slyly and opens the door still playing with her dagger.

    [Oracle (Spirit Guide) 7/Holy Vindicator 1, AC 16, T16, FF10 / HP 76/76, F+7 R+3 W+5 / CMB +8, CMD 18/ Init +0, Perc. +6]

    Jolon's eyes widen.

    "One moment, Aloysia!"

    He stops her as he establishes his life link with her.

    "In case things DO get ugly," he explains.

    Two hut-like structures sit atop this barge, raucous laughter and periodic roars of victory sound from within.

    Inside of each of the structures on the main deck, tables are packed with gamblers. Dice clatter, cards are dealt, wheels spin, and coins aplenty dance and jangle to the fickle whim of fate—knivesies is a particular favorite.

    A dark skinned Vudrani man greets you as you enter, "Welcome new friends to the Twin Tigers! My name is Anpugit, and I am one of the proprietors of this fine establishment. How can I interest you in dancing with lady luck this day?"

    Female Half-Elf Rogue (Unchained Knife Master) - 5, Assassin - 3
    CONDITION: NONE, Harrow Points: 4/4, AC 21 (16/16), Fort +4, Ref +13, Will +4, Init +9, Perc +13, HP[/b] 50/50

    Aloysia whispers to her companions, "I'll get the distractions going with the game, you guys see what you can do about getting what we need." She slips the bribe bag to Jolon.

    Aloysia smiles at the man who spoke to them while juggling her knife, "Isn't it obvious?" She begins scanning the room for a place to play.

    [Oracle (Spirit Guide) 7/Holy Vindicator 1, AC 16, T16, FF10 / HP 76/76, F+7 R+3 W+5 / CMB +8, CMD 18/ Init +0, Perc. +6]

    Jolon frowns as he's given the money, and he looks uneasily at the others.

    "One of you want to hold this? I've never felt comfortable handling money."

    Init +1; Senses low-light vision; Perception +9; Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +5; AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10; hp 22/22; Immune sleep; Arcane reservoir (10/11)

    Cecil holds out his hand and shrugs. "Sure I guess."

    [Oracle (Spirit Guide) 7/Holy Vindicator 1, AC 16, T16, FF10 / HP 76/76, F+7 R+3 W+5 / CMB +8, CMD 18/ Init +0, Perc. +6]

    Jolon hands him the money.

    Anpugit smiles back wide, revealing several missing teeth. He also scans the tables, and points one out near the back, "There you are miss." He raises his voice to be heard above the din, "Who wants to face a new challenger? Pretty slip of a thing willing to be rough and tumble with you dirty lot."

    One grotesque man rolls onto the table and stands on it, "I've got the lass right 'ere!" His pockmarked face breaks out in a gap-toothed grin as the others around him start standing on different sides of the table.

    DC 12 Perception:
    Two men are watching the entirety of the gambling hall. One has similar features to Anpugit, from his skin tone, to his nose, and around his eyes. He's watching the game tables like a hawk, taking some interest in your group, but ultimately determining you harmless. The other man is the rough and ready type, wearing glistening studded leather armor and with a well crafted sap on his belt. He's observing the people, and looks ready to jump in at a moment's notice to break people apart or throw them out.

    Female Half-Elf Rogue (Unchained Knife Master) - 5, Assassin - 3
    CONDITION: NONE, Harrow Points: 4/4, AC 21 (16/16), Fort +4, Ref +13, Will +4, Init +9, Perc +13, HP[/b] 50/50

    Aloysia walks over the table continuing to juggle her mundane dagger, but keeping the magical dagger hidden in her spring-loaded wrist sheath...

    Sleight of Hand to conceal the dagger: 1d20 + 9 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 9 + 1 = 15

    She scans the room once...

    Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15

    Before saying, "Shall we my fine, handsome gentleman?"

    [Oracle (Spirit Guide) 7/Holy Vindicator 1, AC 16, T16, FF10 / HP 76/76, F+7 R+3 W+5 / CMB +8, CMD 18/ Init +0, Perc. +6]

    Perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 1 = 14

    Jolon nudges Gamon.

    "Those two may be trouble," he says in a low voice, jerking his head towards the two men watching the tables.

    M Human Slayer 8 (HP 88/88| AC:23 | T:14 | FF:21 | CMB: 12| CMD: 25 | Fort:+10 | Ref:+9 | Will:+4 | Init:+2 | Perc:+11 | Speed 20) 4 harrow points

    Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17
    Gamon nods slightly, I had the same thought, be on your guard.

    Init +1; Senses low-light vision; Perception +9; Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +5; AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10; hp 22/22; Immune sleep; Arcane reservoir (10/11)

    Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19

    Cecil purses his lips, thinking.

    Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18

    Sense Motive DC 15:
    You realize the man watching the people of this establishment has noticed her hidden dagger by the way he's cocked his eyebrow, but he doesn't seem to care.

    Anpugit himself steps forward tying Aloysia and her opponent's right arm to their sides while leaving a pouch within easy reach of their left hands. He looks askance at Aloysia, "Would you prefer we use your knife miss? I can't promise you'll get it back if your opponent is quicker on the table."

    Meanwhile her opponent is making rude motions with his body, "I'll let you win love, if'n you come with me over the Goldenhawk! It'll save me five gold later!"

    DC 13 Kn. (local):
    The man is referring to the floating inn of Eel's End, and later the brothel that is the House of Clouds with his five gold quip.

    Init +1; Senses low-light vision; Perception +9; Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +5; AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10; hp 22/22; Immune sleep; Arcane reservoir (10/11)

    Cecil moves to the Aloysia's side of the table and pulls 8 gold out of his pocket. He tosses it on the table. "There. 8 gold." he says, standing at her end of the table. "Don't lose it, please?"

    Female Half-Elf Rogue (Unchained Knife Master) - 5, Assassin - 3
    CONDITION: NONE, Harrow Points: 4/4, AC 21 (16/16), Fort +4, Ref +13, Will +4, Init +9, Perc +13, HP[/b] 50/50

    Know (Local): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14

    "Five whole gold?! Well, my good sir, you certainly must be a shrewd investor. Only the grandest of people would understand the value of such a hefty sum!" She doesn't ansure Anpugit's question with words, she just stabs the dagger into the table.

    Anpugit swallows wordlessly then begins the countdown. "10...9" The man on the opposite side of the table leers and prepares to lunge for the dagger. "8...7...6...5...4" The crowd around the table begins getting restless as more coin makes its way to the scratched and beaten surface under Aloysia's feet. Goldfall: 3d6 + 20 + 8 ⇒ (5, 5, 2) + 20 + 8 = 40 "3...2..." The coins slow their rolling and jangling. "1...Begin!"

    Aloysia: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11
    Bandit: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7

    Order 1st Round

    Female Half-Elf Rogue (Unchained Knife Master) - 5, Assassin - 3
    CONDITION: NONE, Harrow Points: 4/4, AC 21 (16/16), Fort +4, Ref +13, Will +4, Init +9, Perc +13, HP[/b] 50/50

    Aloysia triggers her spring-loaded wrist sheath and goes for the throat with her dagger

    Attack: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20
    Damage if that hits: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
    I'm pretty sure I can't argue the surprise effect of a hidden dagger, but just in case you'll allow it, here's the sneak attack damage
    Sneak Attack + 2 Bleed: 2d8 ⇒ (2, 4) = 6

    He's still technically flat footed, so you're all good.

    The man's eyes widen as a dagger magically appears in Aloysia's hand. His eyes bulge a bit more when she scores a hit on him, injuring his tied arm and lazily flicking the blood off her blade. Already injured he steps back, forgetting that he's on a table and crashing to the ground when his heels meet open air.

    Wild cheers go up around the table, but the loudest come from a man standing just inside the entrance. Clapping loudly the large, lightly muscled man bears a fierce smile, all teeth and amusement clear in his eyes. As more people turn to look at him everyone in the establishment goes quiet until he is the only one making a sound.

    "That is what I like to see," he purrs with much bass. Several spiders crawl along his arms and over his black leather armor, and one crawls down his face from inside his hair. He pays none of them any mind as he continues, "When someone insults you, do what you can to make sure they never insult you again. We might need to make some new rules for knivesies games here to not carry additional blades on your person, but that was quite a sight."

    Anpugit rushes over to him, hands in his sleeves and bows from the waist, "Spider King, had I known you were coming my brother and I would have done more to clean this place up, and allowed for seating right next to the knivesies tables."

    Devargo, self-proclaimed Spider King, shakes his head, "This was on a whim. I only just arrived back in Eel's End myself and thought to peek in and see what was happening. It was only luck that I managed to see such fine blade work myself. Now I will retire back to my throne room to judge recruitment for some more enforcers." He turns to leave, grin slowly dropping to a smirk as others heading to the Goldenhawk scramble out of his way.

    Female Half-Elf Rogue (Unchained Knife Master) - 5, Assassin - 3
    CONDITION: NONE, Harrow Points: 4/4, AC 21 (16/16), Fort +4, Ref +13, Will +4, Init +9, Perc +13, HP[/b] 50/50

    Aloysia cleans off the blade and resheaths it, doing the same with her dagger that was stuck in the table. She turns to the man speaking, smiles slyly, and says in agreement about the insult, "I am a dignified lady after all. And what's all this about new rules?! I think I played exactly as I should have, no? 'Knivesies' sounds plural to me, I used both of my knives!" She chuckles and begins picking up her winnings.

    To her group, "It seems we've found who we're looking for."

    FYI, I forgot to mention earlier that I have to go to Hawaii for work (yay!) for 8 days leaving this morning. I'll try to post as I can, but feel free to bot me as necessary so I don't hold up the group!

    [Oracle (Spirit Guide) 7/Holy Vindicator 1, AC 16, T16, FF10 / HP 76/76, F+7 R+3 W+5 / CMB +8, CMD 18/ Init +0, Perc. +6]

    Jolon regards the show gravely, not quite sure how to conduct himself in a place like this. He hadn't been among people like this since his he'd been living with his mother. But it seems to have had the desired effect.

    As Aloysia returns, he makes a weak, tusky smile.

    "And you've definitely made an impression."

    Init +1; Senses low-light vision; Perception +9; Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +5; AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10; hp 22/22; Immune sleep; Arcane reservoir (10/11)

    "So... How much did we make?" Cecil asks, keeping an eye on the direction the spider king went.

    -Posted with Wayfinder

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