I have just been looking through some of my old stuff and thought it would be cool to run this module.
Looking for five characters, 4th level, 20 point buy, all Paizo stuff. Standard starting cash but you need to be down to your last copper at the start of the adventure.
The big question is what unfortunate occurrence led your character to be stranded in the city of Bloodcove. You can be a bit more liberal with the derring-do cuz your level 4.
Any questions feel free to ask...

joriandrake |
the char would have to be lowered from 6 to 4 levels, but as you only use paizo stuff I guess removing the 2 swashbuckler levels would do it, Robert's backstory wouldn't have to be changed much, he basically shows up after the ship he served on sunk nearby
I would like to ask though if we will level up somewhat in game later, to know what to await and how to configure the skills/feats

E-Terah Deepheavy |

Oh! Dotting for interest! My characters' younger sister ran off to be an adventurer and somehow got shipwrecked on the dreaded Smugglers Shiv. After my character finds out after consulting a fortune teller with scrying to see for herself that her sister is in dire straits,the frantic she-dwarf rushes off to get passage on a ship to the Shiv with her father's (begrudging) blessings as he's still sore over the fact that her sister 'borrowed' one of his prized trophies from his days as an adventurer, a battered dragon pistol.
Now she finds herself stuck in Bloodcove...
.desperate to get to Smugglers Shiv to save her sister and bring her home.Oh,and her bodyguard,a dwarven cavalier with a horse who was supposed to retrieve her sister before she got too far.

Fabian Benavente |

Thanks for hosting a game. Please consider adding Mem'basi to your party.
Mem’basi is a true son of the Zenj, slightly shorter than normal human standing at 5’5”. The man’s torso looks to be sculpted from ebony; his frame is bulging with knotted muscle. Short wiry hair and deep brown eyes frame a mouth of strong, white teeth.
The druid is wearing a finely made suit of hide armor that always seems to be oiled and pliable. A small round shield is on his back while his left hand palms a hardwood cudgel of fair size. His body is adorned with various feathers and animal tokens; a large lizard claw with a pearl in its grasp hangs from his neck on a leather thong. Never straying too far from his side is a magnificent specimen of a leopard.
Mem’basi was being groomed to take his place in a long line of warriors for his tribe, same as his father and his father’s father. Warriors of the tribe enjoyed special privileges among which were choice of food and choice of spoils. Idealized war sat well with the young man so he trained as his ancestors did and waited for his chance to prove himself a bloodied warrior. His time came when his war party raided a scholarly expedition deep into his jungle home. The guards were no match for the tribe’s warriors and soon the entire expedition was slaughtered. Mem’basi had followed along and killed ‘the enemy’; two young students pleaded for mercy to no avail, their screams would haunt the young warrior for many moons To Mem’basi, killing the enemy had felt a lot like murder.
As time passed, the spoils of war came with too heavy a price for Mem’basi to enjoy. The tribe was being led by a blood-thirsty barbarian who had no qualms about using brute force to obtain material benefit. Not ready to overturn the tribe’s leadership and thinking his family would not understand, Mem’basi gathered his few belongings and struck out on his own. The life in the jungle is not easy for those not prepared and Mem’basi fell prey to a hostile band of charau-ka. Although his cudgel had smashed in a couple of skulls, he was no match for the savage ape-men who overpowered him with sheer numbers. The warrior was sure he was going to pay for his crimes when he was led away, his hands and feet tied and dangling from a long pole.
But they never made it to the charau-ka camp for the war-party was decimated by a large tiger. Out of the dark jungle came the beast who pounced on the ape-men. The beast ripped heads with mighty paw swipes and crunched bodies in its maw and the ape-men dropped their prisoner and fled. Mem’basi watched helplessly as the crimson-stained brute silently approached him. But the tiger never reached him for it turned into an old man right before Mem’basi’s eyes. The young warrior awed and owing his life remained with the old man for many years. He was taught about being just and letting nature deal with people as it deals with animals.
Many years passed and Mem’basi was again on his own in the jungle, this time he was much better prepared. Now the young druid traveled the land trying to plant his own seed in the jungle. His fascination with the expeditions that interned themselves into the jungle had not ceased. So often, he followed making sure they did not meet unfortunate ends but always staying under the cover of the jungle itself. It was this way that he came upon an expedition that was killing animals for no good reason. Mem’basi, a hunter himself, understood about taking lives so that wasn’t what bothered him; these people would kill animals and leave them to rot in the jungle. Birds were plucked of feathers and left, lizards were sheared off their hides, and the mighty rhino was brought down just for its horn. Mem’basi hunted them from the shadows, sabotaging the operation as much as he could but a war party that brought down a rhino was well prepared indeed. He trailed them all the way back to the mangrove town (Bloodcove) where he hoped to stop them before they got on their ships with their prizes. Mem’basi didn’t much care for the animal parts, those animals were already dead, but they also took many live animals with them. In the end, he could not prevent their parting. A final confrontation left the druid mortally wounded and with the bitter taste of defeat in his mouth. This was a few weeks ago.
Today the druid slinks in the shadows of the mangrove town in the hopes of seeing the poachers again. Feeling somewhat trapped in the town, he bids his time and does his best to ignore the jungle calling him back home.
Mem’basi is as unpredictable as the jungle itself. Sometimes, he will race to save the lives of innocents while other times, he passes by and let’s nature ‘thin the herd’. The druid seems to act on his own personal values which are difficult for outsiders to decipher.
He has a soft spot for those venturing out in the jungle for lofty purposes and will often help them. However, his recent run-in with poachers has hardened him against those who would waste precious resources.
He is fairly naive to the ways of cities and white-men civilization while mature in the ways of the jungle and its denizens. For example, he was amazed to find out that there were some halflings in Bloodcove who were not savage, demon-worshipers.
As for me, I'm a long time roleplayer (long time PBEM player and DM) but new to Play By Post so you'll have to bear with me as I learn your 'formatting tricks'. For example, I have all the stats ready for Mem'basi (in a .doc) but I'm not sure how people post them nice and neat in their profile. So if you think Mem'basi (and I) would be a good fit for the campaign, we'll have to work something out.
Happy gaming!
Carrion Crown PBEM


Bloodcove is in Golarion in the Mwangi Expanse.
Polyglot, Common. Remember you will be unemployed.
I don't really mind where the character is from. You just need a really good backstory.
Just a quick sidebar. I am a handson GM. I post when appropriate and during combat I try to keep it as dynamic as I can barring time difference stuff.

E-Terah Deepheavy |

LOL. Yea,a horse wouldn't fit on a Riverboat.guess it would have to swim. These characters I am referring to are in a Serpent Skull AP,the bodyguard cavalier played by another person as my characters' sister's bodyguard,not mine. I can easily switch out Gnome for Polyglot anyway for languages.She's an oracle of stone. Thinking of multiclassing with either fighter or bard...
How many traits and feats again? I had some in mind to optimize my character's utility battle and rp wise.

E-Terah Deepheavy |

E-Terah Deepheavy
Female dwarf oracle of stone
Description: With a dark complexion of sun-baked soil,honey eyes,and full lips set in a perpetual pout, E-Terah could be considered rather runty compared to other dwarven females.Although she is still quite young,barely out of her teens and hardly considered an adult by dwarven standards yet she is slender and muscular from decades of farmwork upon her family's farmstead on the surface. At 44,she is dismissed by older dwarves as a child. Although her....volumptus figure attracts unwanted and bewildering attention from non-dwarven males that flusters her whenever its obvious as she is frustratingly oblivious and dense when it comes to romance towards her. Or lust.
Her powers as an oracle came abruptly and spectacularly,her copper hair falling out and regrowing as hot pink that would suit a gnome,which has her mistaken for one much to her chagrin.She styles it uniquely into a Mohawk with a pigtail braid trailing to her mid-back capped with a stone crafted into the likeness of a mole.
Her throat constricted painfully,her voice dropping to a husky murmur as she discovered she could only speak and understand Terran that she slips into in times of stress,leading her to adopt to pantomine and exaggerated facial expressions to communicate with others.
She has also developed an at-will ability to produce corrosive acid from her hands,leading her to wear gloves and to control it after accidentally melting a thief's face when she grabbed him in anger.And another Revelation that allows her to shoot a burst of stone shards from her body once a day,which she had used to scare off a small gang of goblins that ambushed her.
(Worn)Explorer's outfit,belt pouch,masterworks backpack,an iron tankard crafted into the likeness of a mole given to her by her father on the day she became an oracle,a treasured gift.
(Carried)Dwarven maulaxe,sling,sling bullets(30),whetstone,blanket,traveler's outfit,waterskin,Flint & steel,lamp oil(2pints),buckler,small steel mirror,blanket,leather armor,soap,and 5 tindertwiggs.
Money: 85 gold and 16 silver remaining.
Spells known: Read Magic,Detect Magic,Mending,Guidance,Create Water and Stabilize(at-will) Cure Light Wounds,Shield of Faith,Doom (once per day)
Traits:Magical Talent (use orison as spell-like ability) ,Ease of Faith (+1 on Diplomacy checks)
Feats:Extra Revelation(additional Revelation), Extra Orisions(+2 orisions)
Skills:Spellcraft,Sense Motive,Know(religion),Diplomacy, 1 rank each
Trying to solve family issues,mainly her cantankerous father,Torgill,who is is 263yrs old and has calmed considerably since the birth of his latest set of children,E-Terah and her younger sister Gatherine,the latter having recently run off to be adventurer onto a boat bound for Sargava some 2000 miles across the Inner Sea---with one of his prized dragon pistols. Trying to keep him from tearing out his beard in frustration,and to keep herself from being sick with worry,she has traveled far from her home in the Varsian hinterlands to see if she can find a seer or fortune teller to ease her mind and find out what happened to her sister--and the dwarven cavalier she sent after her to bring her back home safely,whom she hasn't heard word from in nearly five months.
Now she's found herself without a coin to pinch in the town of Bloodcove. And she still hasn't figured out a way to Smugglers Shiv and rescuing her sister and her babysi---um,bodyguard. As.if being stuck in the middle of pirate infested seas wasn't bad enough!

Weren Wu Jen |

6,000 gp.
You have to scroll down a bit. The table is under "Placing Treasure":

Edward Sobel |

Have a thought for a character but want to see what is going to happen in the runelord game the character is in now. (been no activity for several days now and want to wait and see if it picks up again.)
Also (this may mean I don't get accepted) but starting Wed. Aug 15th I will be away on vacation till Labor day weekend (approx 2 weeks) and when I go on vacation I usually disconnect from the modern world --- no internet, no cell phones, etc. (I will be in the caribbean).
basic concept:
is a human barbarian that is from Sandpoint but accidentially killed someone and was forced to leave town. boaarded a ship to Magnimar and again got into the "fight club" scene. Due to incurred debts to the wrong people, once again forced to leave town. So Stowed away on a ship sailing South - The Jenevere. Diembarked (forcebly)at Port Peril.
Soon, trying to make money found herself once again on board ship to Bloodcove. now pennyless and in a strange port, what new adventure awaits.

Edward Sobel |

It was a generic character with a backstory to fit several AP's just cut the story off at the right point.
same character works for, Runelords, Jade regent, Serpents skull, Skull & Shackles.
Just trying to find a way to tie it to another one but not sure which one (possibly something that starts in Magnimar).

Birch33 |

Ahead of me posting my stats etc. here is my back story for consideration.
Other people would pigeon-hole Corvus as some sort of paladin, but she sees herself more as long on theory and short on practice. Plus her devotion to the religion of Sarenrae means that she's not the typical lawful good knight in shining armour.
She wants desparately to be devout and she knows all the rules and regulations but she has never had an ephipany that she expects all true followers of Sarenrae to have experienced.
She reads the book of the faith daily and pursues the values of the faith but wonders from time to time if she's actually missing out on something.
In terms of being righteous and doing her goddess' work, her lack of strength means she has developed her dexterity and swordplay to compensate.
As young women go, Corvus is tall and thin. With her tendency to dress in armour or a white cassock (decorated with red and gold thread depicting images of the sun) and with her pale skin, and her golden rather than blonde hair and deep blue eyes; she looks almost like an avenging angel at times - something she's keen to play up.
She may not be strong, but she is agile and uses this to compensate when others underestimate her abilities. She's also charming and has an uncanny nack of knowing when someone's lying in front of her. She has worshipped Sarenrae since she was small and lived by the mantra, "Let the healing light of the sun burn out of the darkness within you."
Corvus comes from a long line of Sarenrae priests. Some were clerics and took the fight to evil and others were more sedentary. Corvus realised from a young age that she didn't want to be yet another Albus Sarenrae cleric and instead developed her agility to shine as a swordsman and ultimately be accepted as a crusader for Sarenrae.
Sarenrae is the goddess of the sun, redemption, honesty and healing.
Known to her faithful as the Dawnflower, the Healing Flame, and the Everlight, Sarenrae teaches temperance and patience in all things. Compassion and peace are her greatest virtues, and if enemies of the faith can be redeemed, they should be.
Yet there are those who have no interest in redemption, who glory in slaughter and death. From the remorseless evil of the undead and fiends to the cruelties born in the hearts of mortals, Sarenrae's doctrines preach swift justice delivered by the scimitar's edge. To this end, she expects her faithful to be skilled at swordplay, both as a form of martial art promoting centering of mind and body, and so that when they do enter battle, their foes do not suffer any longer than necessary.
Swordplay, particularly with the scimitar, is to be held as a form of art by her followers.
Secrets/Plot Hooks:
I see Corvus' faith as a constant challenge. She wants to believe but is doing it by the numbers rather than through conviction.
She won't react well to others' challenging her faith - she is passionate about succeeding - despite her shaky faith.
And finally, the reason Corvus is here and now, is that she was sent as a missionary to the Mwangi expanse. The other fact that Corvus does not like to be reminded of is that she's not great in the saddle. Sometimes Corvus wondered if this was a sign from Sarenrae - but either way her horse, Myst unsaddled her in the middle of nowhere, leaving her in the clothes on her back - and fortunately a weapon - but precious little else. She spent many days foraging until she happened onto a dirst track, which led to a road and finally to the city of Bloodcove. Not wishing to ask if anyone's seen her horse, she is wondering how to get out of this city with as much dignity as possible.

Jean-Phillipe Poulain |

Digger here, showing off Jean-Phillipe, river guide for hire. Fluff on the way.
It wasn't enough for him. He wanted to see "the real thing." He wanted "real adventure." And nothing seemed more appropriate or exotic than the Mwangi Expanse. At the age of 20, he started his Mwangi Safari.
He crawled back 10 years later a vastly different man. His parents death did not even seem to phase him after his long absence. To this day he has stayed in the Expanse, guiding the occasional Inner Sea tourist for a bit, but otherwise camping near the river and hunting and fishing for nourishment.
"Something happened in there," people say. They're not quite right. It was no one thing, no single trauma that put Jean Phillipe on his current path. It was the 10 years in there, of which he speaks little, as a whole. These days his ambitions are few and his outlook grim. Has he totally "gone native" or is there something else at work?
He is laconic to a fault, speaking only when he feels absolutely necessary. He tends to prefer the company of Mwangi to northern brethren. He believes in no god, only the law of nature. "Be smart, be quick, be brutal, and be smart again," is his motto, not that he'd ever tell anyone that.
Another thing the dark cynic would never tell anyone: he secretly wants to find something to believe in; some cause, some ideal, some SOMETHING to give his life shape.

Fabian Benavente |

@Fabian: Jean-Phillipe and Mem’basi could probably have a history together.
Yes, it sounds like Mem'basi could have run into an expedition or two being led by Jean-Phillipe as long as he was on the right side of 'nature', which sounds like he is.
If this is something that the GM would like to explore, we could further this 'shared history'.
GM, any thoughts either way?
Carrion Crown PBEM

Noro Kas |

I am still interested in this game the inital character in is the profile but will need to be bumped to level 4 and need to verify the point buy.
the backstory in the profile continues from Sandpoint, but she accidentially killed someone and was forced to leave town. boarded a ship to Magnimar named the Orca, and again got into the "fight club" scene. Due to incurred debts to the wrong people, she, once again, was forced to leave town. So she stowed away on a ship sailing south - The Jenevere. She was discovered and diembarked (forcebly) at Port Peril.
Soon, trying to make money found herself once again on board ship to Bloodcove. now pennyless and in a strange port, what new adventure awaits.

Weren Wu Jen |

By "Arcane Caster", are you meaning a Full caster, such as Sorcerer, Witch or Wizard?
Because my character, Yoshiyaru, is an arcane caster (Magus), only he's a 2/3 caster focused on combat.

Weren Wu Jen |

Ababuo (Female Elf (Kallijae) Sorceror (Fey bloodline))
Corvus (Female Paladin) (posted by Birch33, no link)
Crissor Salem (Male Gnoll Paladin (Divine Hunter))
E-Terah Deepheavy (Female Dwarf Oracle of Stone)
Jean-Phillipe Poulain (Male Human Galt Warden Ranger)
Mem'basi (Male Human (Zenj) Druid)
Noro Kas (Female Human Barbarian (Brutal Pugilist, Drunken Brute))
Robert "Steel" Cofrez (Male Human Rogue (Pirate, Bandit)/Barbarian (Sea Reaver)) (The "Pirate")
Yoshiyaru (Male Half-elf Magus)
(Also, Uktabi is going to submit a Tengu Witch)
So no, you didn't miss anyone that I can tell! :)